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Artículos (581)
(Kci汉化)Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment ——————————————————————————————————————————— 前言: 你招到酒吧里所有可招募NPC了吗?厌倦了为一个微不足道的工具人跑遍每一个酒吧?难道你不希望你可以付钱给NPC去寻找新兵然后把他们带到你的基地供你招募吗?有了这个Mod,这些都可以实现了! 该Mod引入了一个新的派系,叫做冒险家公会(duh),它将直接把新兵带到你的基...
(Kci汉化)Cannibals Expanded CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Cannibals Expanded ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Crossbow Expansion CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Crossbow Expansion ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Hives Expanded CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Hives Expanded ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Improved Smithing CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: Improved Smithing - New Weapon Variety - Version 2 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: 这个mod让你可以锻造Kenshi的各种武器制造商的武器。(译者注:不知道有没理解错,就是你可以锻造“交错者”、“骨人工匠”、“科坦碎片之主(开顿废品大师)”等武器,而不是只能锻造“自制”武器) 这个mod还改变了制造商对武器的奖励,并将其添加到武器的描述...
(Kci汉化)Legendary Weapons CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: Legendary Weapons ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: 这个mod增加了9个独特的,高质量的后期武器,以及9个附带有趣且独特的个性和互动的NPC,1个可招募NPC,6个独特遗迹位置,与精心设计的内部结构,还有成吨的对话让这些新增内容完美融入原版Kenshi世界。 没有一种武器的威力太变态,每件武器的质量都与铭刃(明东/Meitou)武器大致相同,但在某些方面有一些额外的优点(...
(Kci汉化)More Belt Items v2.0 CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: More Belt Items v2.0 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: 这个mod添加了以下内容: - 17个可研究和制作的腰带槽装备,对你的属性附带增益或削弱。 - 散布在世界各大城市酒吧的要带上任,出售低等级的腰带。 资料: 我上传了一个谷歌表格,包含Mod新增装备的详细数据。这表格还需要完善,不过框架已经完成。 旧版Mod: 本Mod是V2版本, V1版本还能用,但我...
(Kci汉化)New Weapons Dissemination Mod CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: New Weapons Dissemination Mod 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: - 添加了大量新武器,并发放到全世界。...
(Kci汉化)OMO'S ARMOUR for the World CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 原Mod: OMO'S ARMOUR for the World ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 精翻版本,放心使用。尽量做到信、达,由于水平不够暂时不追求雅了。 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 前言: 这个Mod向世界各地的NPC们分发了许多不同种类的防具及配件。 大多数新增物品由...
(Kci汉化)Shrieking Bandits Expanded CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Shrieking Bandits Expanded ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 —————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Swish Mods East Coast Expansion CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion ,已获原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。若能接受,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。 ——————————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)TIHYD_Out on a Limb CN
Creada por TerrorBlade
需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: TIHYD_Out on a Limb 原Mod作者: ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: - 改变所有的骨人,使之具有机械臂。 - 新增许多新的机械臂类型 - 新增某些Boss独特的机械臂套装 - 自定义纹理(“损坏的机械臂”看起来像真的损坏了) - 有趣的开局剧本 - 新装备:骨人专...
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Primordial Hive X Biosteel Silk Armors
Creada por Shiroho A simple patch that will make your primordial hivers 100% ready to embrace the biosteel silk armors ! Should always be up to date since i own both of these mods. Last updated on 23/01/2022 htt...
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Primordial Hive X More Combat Animation
Creada por Shiroho A simple patch that will make your primordial hivers 100% ready to embrace MCA mod's moves (More Combat Animations) ! Another patch mod made by someone else already exists but i decided to make one by myself in case i add or...
(汉化)土匪扩张Bandits Expansion
Creada por 他是金刚腿
- 本MOD为汉化补丁 - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** - 原Mod地址: - 该Mod已获得原作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! ----------------------------------------------------...
10x Output - Input - and Storage Stacks.
Creada por HeroinAction
Modifies all storage and production buildings the player can build, so they can store the 10-fold amount of items: - applies to all storage containers: e.g. the amount of storable electrical components is increased from 25 to 250; (Also modified are builda...
18+ Female Body
Creada por Stumple
Warning this mod is strictly 18+ only. If you are not age 18 or older, please do not use this mod!!! This mod added: . 18+ stuff... visible female top body part... Enjoy!!! ...
256 Recruitment Limit
Creada por Aurelia
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS 256 A mod to increase recruitment and squad limit. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 50 Increases maximum number of squads from 10 to 20 Instructions: Simply subscribe ...
3v1 协同作战同时攻击Cooperative operation
Creada por SD
3v1 协同作战同时攻击Cooperative operation 更新日期20190126 对全局设置做出了以下调整: 1,max num attack slots 1>3 调整同时攻击角色的人数改成3人.3vs1或者1vs3 我们经常看到出现一大群人围攻一人,但是只有一个人在与之战斗, 其他人在战斗中等待. 所以同时攻击角色的人数改成3人,而不是1人。更真实,也更困难. Updated 20190126 The following adjustments have been made to the gl...
5v1 协同作战同时攻击Cooperative operation
Creada por SD
5v1 协同作战同时攻击Cooperative operation 更新日期20190126 对全局设置做出了以下调整: 1,max num attack slots 1>5 调整同时攻击角色的人数改成5人.5vs1或者1vs5 我们经常看到出现一大群人围攻一人,但是只有一个人在与之战斗, 其他人在战斗中等待. 所以同时攻击角色的人数改成5人,而不是1人。更真实,也更困难. Updated 20190126 The following adjustments have been made to the gl...
AGO'S Clothing & Armor (WIP)
Creada por AGO
There is currently no English for this MOD. English patch is here ↓ このMODは各種防具を追加します。 This mod adds various armor and clothing. ブーツ 12種類 プレートジャケットのバリエーション 14種類  ズボン7 種類 (クリッピングを緩和さ...
AGO'S Clothing & Armor (WIP)CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod AGO'S Clothing & Armor (WIP) 原作者 AGO AGO的护甲和衣服 汉化补丁 为kenshi带来近30件新的装备,包括铠甲,衣服,高跟鞋。 遗憾的是这些装备并没有发放给NPC,不过玩家可以到护甲商店购买这些衣服或者图纸 下面是原mod介绍 这个MOD追加了各种防具。 10种靴子(高跟靴) 板夹克的10种类型(包括颜色变化) 三种裤子 虽然在很多地方都有卖,但是去蒙格勒最容易买到。 补充事项。 这个MOD是在建模和纹理练习的过程中制作出来的,所以不到的部分也包含在过多的范围...
AI Cores from CPUs and ECs
Creada por Mitchel-256
Ever found yourself with plenty of money, lots of research left to do, and Ancient Labs with not nearly enough AI Cores? Now, you can turn those useless CPU Units and not-so-useless Electrical Components into the very useful AI Cores! -Adds AI Core Craftin...
ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles for Kenshi
Creada por ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, this is the second on the series of female hairstyles convertions. Full credit for the meshes and textures to their creators, converted and up...
Add more animals - Bigger and Louder
The additional animals are: - Butcher Spider (Scarier security spiders mod) - Demon Prince (It's golilos's mutant) - Crop Eater Thing (Small Beak Thing. But not hostlie) - Fog Garru (They smaller than garru, but they are more than garru pack) - Greivewrait...
Add more animals - Bigger and Louder CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod Add more animals - Bigger and Louder 原作者 Monster Encyclophedia Add more animals - Bigger and Louder CN 添加更多的动物-更大更响亮 汉化补丁 添加了十五种新的动物,以及对应的新阵营 下面为原mod介绍 添加新动物种类 1-屠夫蜘蛛(恐怖的安全蜘蛛) 2-恶魔王子(是猩猩的变种) 3-吃庄稼的东西(小型野兽,但是没有敌意) 4-雾加鲁(他们比加鲁小,但他们比加鲁兽更多) 5-幽灵之魂(哀伤幽灵mod...
Advanced CN fix
Creada por Rayforward
This is a chinese fix mod 这是什么? 这是一个针对官方中文有如机翻般的系统、物品名称、物品介绍文本进行巨大量修复的汉化mod 你做了什么? 我通过学习游戏的运行及汉化机制,在最大程度上保留官中译名的基础上自行修正了汉化文件中的main、gamedata等文件中巨量的描述不明、机翻、一词多译名等问题,希望大家喜欢 这东西怎么用? 这个汉化完全是配合官方中文使用的,请不要配合其他的汉化mod一同使用,支持不开新档起效 PS:所有NPC的名字、建筑名称、家具名称、地图上显示的地名在生成(...
Advanced Camping
Creada por Atlas
Advanced Camping Mod Mod Contents The mod contains the following new & reworked additions. Camping+ Blueprint -This Blueprint unlocks everything in one go. It's Sold at most (probably all) Travel Vendors. 1 New Material Type...
Advanced Camping 露营增强!汉化版!
Creada por ザクリア
============================ 高级露营,全汉化,介绍自己去原版看翻译,也是我翻译的 ============================...
Advanced Limb Overhaul 最好的假肢Mod,全新版本汉化! Chinese Traslation
Creada por ザクリア
最经典的Kenshi假肢mod更新版来啦!原作者花了半年以上的时间准备了这个Mod,并暂时将其与原mod分离了出来,作为一个单独的全新mod,真的很棒! 2023/9/16更新:补全旧汉化,同时所有汉化全部手工校对了一遍,完全符合语言习惯 如:(新汉化) 虽然这款义肢并不以速度见长,但是其质量和重量能保证你即使是被打残废了一条腿也能够支撑你奔跑,所以买下它后你再也不用但心被时食人族扒皮生吃了! 这款义肢的足部经过修改,能够更好的适配蜂巢族人的生理特征。 ===========================...
Advanced Limbs Overhaul
Creada por Atlas
Advanced Limbs Overhaul This mod was created because people complained about the changes made to the original Jewys Overhaul. This mod will likely NOT be compatible with the original mod as it IS effectively the same mod Mod Content Imgur Link to full pict...
Advanced training dummies高级训练假人汉化
Creada por SD
Advanced training dummies高级训练假人汉化 汉化版更新日期2019年2月17日 原作者更新日期2018年12月21日 修正翻译 这个原始的英文mod地址 修改至50级,70级太正义了! -增加训练假人(至50级,正常速度) 暗杀 隐身 盔甲史密斯 武器史密斯 十字弓 开锁 攻击 防守 强度 灵巧的 韧性 炮塔 武术 道奇 友...
Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment
Creada por Haend
Have you recruited all the folks in the bar? Getting tired of checking every bars just for a measly recruit? Don't you wish you can just pay an NPC somewhere to find the recruits and bring them to your base? Well now you can! Adventurers Guild introduces a...
Age of Ashtron (Ashland expansion)
Creada por Zheyron
A subtle whisper escapes through the ashes, the world may face another extinction... relentless evil, it cannot be stopped anymore. Drifter! come to our aid... He, who wishes to extinguish us! ------------------------- Note: This is for your end game conte...
Age of Ashtron CN(灰烬之地扩展汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原mod作为前置,汉化放在原mod下面加载。这个mod都是新加的内容,兼容性应该挺不错的。 如有错漏,请及时通知我修改。 注意: 1.该mod有部分内容在虚空mod里引用了,会冲突; 2.我的汉化mod没有以下问题,因为都是抄的官中 该mod也修正了原版没有小偷左手和稳固右手的bug,与其他也修正了这个bug的mod(汉化)一起用的话,可能会有两种数值一样但汉化不同的手臂; 3.新加的NPC都很强,而且主动攻击,前期别去灰烬之地...
Aid Kits : 5X More Charges
Creada por ( * )
First Aid Kits have 5X more charges. Tired of micro managing your 256 characters, checking every fight if they still have First Aid Kits? Worry no more, with this mod, every First Aid Kit and Skeleton Repair Kit contains 5X more charges, so they'll deplete...
Akari sou
Creada por tasaba
add 3items ・Akari sou (head armour) ・Akari sou (Belt Slot) ・Akari Sword (weapon) These will be sold at Shinobi Thieves and fish & DragStore craft is leather armor 3つのアイテムを追加します ・あかり草 (頭防具) ・あかり草 (ベルトスロット) ・あかりソード (武器) これらはシノビ盗賊団とシャークの魚とドラッグの店で販売されます 植物なので武...
Alchemist clothing
Creada por tasaba
Add 2 new clothes Sale is a clothes shop Production is leather armor workbench The status is similar to Dustcoat / Drifters Leather Pants. Because the name was decided by the atmosphere, there is no relation or deep meaning with the ability ver2 Mesh corre...
Alive? - The Parasite
This mod is about adding horror to to your game, Currently it adds the ALIVE? start with a new custom subrace, Blood Spider Victim, Blood spider robotic legs, and blood spider brain parasite hat. Blood spider victims are currently unlocked as a human sub r...
Alive? - The Parasite CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod Alive? - The Parasite 原作者 four_feet_magic_monkey 活着?-寄生虫 中文补丁(需要订阅原mod) 这个模型是关于增加游戏的恐怖,(mod生物过于恐怖猎奇,虽然在kenshi里面表现力不行,但是仍然不适合所有人使用) 扩展添加了血蜘蛛的设定,并增加了一些恐怖的装备,以及他们的创造者寄生血蜘蛛(一种血蜘蛛融合人类的恐怖生物,分为两种,以蜘蛛为主体的恐怖蜘蛛和以人类为主题的寄生蜘蛛) 玩家可以选择这些恐怖蜘蛛种族,也可以购买这些恐怖装备伪装自己。 同时因为这...
All Kinds of Animals CN(动物扩展汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 注意:需要原mod作为前置,汉化放在原mod下面加载。 根据建议,Winged Beak Ogre翻为喙嘴翼魔。 原mod链接: 原mod简介: kenshi很棒,但动物方面实在有些单调。这个mod希望通过添加6种新的动物完善kenshi的生态圈,并给笼中野兽一个能伸直它的长腿的机会。 笼中野兽在大沙漠里游荡,这些大...
All NPC's have Names
Creada por Abear
This gives names to all NPC's whereever possible. Highly recommend running it with the below mod that adds more names:
Ally the Cannibal Hunters
Creada por Fitzkrieg
IMPORT REQUIRED! This mod that allows you, the player, to make a formal alliance with the Cannibal Hunters. Just talk to Exile, the beefy quartermaster Hive-Soldier located at the Cannibal Hunter's HQ, The Bastion, located in Sinkuun. Exile, being a quarte...
Alternative Plate Jacket Model
Creada por Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. This may seem like a simple enough mod to make, but it ...
Ancient Adventurer Map
Creada por Howls@TheMoon
An aging Adventurer decided to retire when he reached the HUB he left the map that he had drawn over his lifetime of journeys. This mod adds a single map that unlocks 123 locations on the map. 1 is purchasable at the hub bar only....
Ancient Armour Pack
Creada por Gizzy
PLEASE READ The male and female body armours are seperate and marked with (M) or (F) to signify male or female, reason being is that the textures wouldn't want to switch when I was testing it out and had to make a seperate armour piece for each gender. Als...
Ancient Chinese Weapons(中国古武器)
Creada por nArrAtor
Introduction Based on some of the weapons used for war in ancient times like "Three Kingdoms", "Tang Dynasty", etc. Weapons` style come from wiki, baidu & bing searching engine. I`ll try my best to make the mod fit the style of the game. Extremely similar ...
Angel Wings CN 天使翅膀背包汉化
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 背包在枢纽城酒馆,有个有翅膀的老头那,买了图纸就可以自己造了,也可以直接找他买,都很贵!...
Angel Wings! (Backpack slot) + Other Models
Creada por Zheyron
Ever dreamed of running through these barren lands as a winged man or woman? Ever dreamed of being an angel who cleanse the wicked? It's not a dream anymore, even your skeleton can make it true. In this mod I bring you Angel Wings, with different models! N...
Animal Backpacks
Creada por Hatsune Neko Gaming
Have you always wondered where those backpacks for your critters are? Well look no further as you now have one. This mod adds backpacks for nearly all critters. It does not add the animals themselves, you will need others mods for that. This just makes sur...
Animal Backpacks 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 简介:动物背包 这个是我玩到的动物背包mod里是最棒的动物背包mod了,会给动物加2倍移动速度,这样动物就不会掉队了,而且包也很大,特别是长颈鹿的包,特别好用,居家旅行杀人越货必备良品,农场主和背包商人都有卖 -------转自甜...
Animal Traders
Creada por Hatsune Neko Gaming
Have you always wanted a pet? Well we at Nekos Wild World Pet Emporium have you covered. You wanted a nice little puppy? sure, we got you covered. Or how about a cute death dealing robotic menace Well we even have you covered there. So come on down to Neko...
Animal Traders 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:宠物商人~他们什么动物都卖!什么动物都卖!什么动物都卖! 前面那个图标一样的宠物背包mod和这个是配套的,包特别好~! 宠物商人和游牧人队伍一样满世界走,路上很容易遇到,就是卖的都不太一样,我买了三只长颈鹿来背包,长颈鹿的包超级大~比牛好用多了--------来自甜秋的MOD归档...
Animals can go in houses
Creada por Nick Name
Make it so animals can get in ALL buildings...
Animals hunger disabled
Creada por Erei
Disable the need to eat for all the animals, except for raptors (I don't want to interfere with their crops eating behavior). Doesn't work on modded animals, only vanilla....
Animals, Animals, All Kinds of Animals
Creada por CamelSpyd3r
Kenshi is great, but sometimes the bonedogs and garrus get a little monotonous. This mod aims to change that by adding in 6 new animals and giving the cage beast a chance to stretch its legs outside of the game files. Cage Beasts roam The Great Desert, the...
Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting
Creada por Blubb
06.07.2019: I made my custom race support mod (only jrpg_race for now) public. Feel free to test it, hope it works for everyone (make sure to test with a new game first!): 22.02.2019: No upd...
Arkhiel's Ranged Weapons
Creada por Arkhiel
V5 Added a selector BP (free) to people selling crossbows. Enables a campfire to craft (free also) the selectors for shuriken, chakram or kunai. They are also available if you had one of default start (or if they were using the default research existing). ...
Arkhiel's Ranged Weapons 汉化版
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 忍者武器的制作在篝火和武器制作台,弹药在弓制作台,弹药在弓制作台,弹药在弓制作台,有说明! 原版mod有bug研究完没办法在弓制作台制作,汉化mod已经修复(做汉化还要帮忙修bug,心累),而且把发射器的大小改成弹药一样的大小(没错,苦无和手里剑现在可以副手装备了!)弹药数量都调高了10倍,再也...
Armor; Nomad Cape
Creada por Acord
uppdate: 2019-07-30 Nomad Cape exist as an chest piece now, Nomad faction will now be using it as well. ____________________ this is the Nomad Cape, my first armor for the kenshi workshop. there are some cliping issues, it was very hard to paint weight the...
Armor; Nomad CapeCN汉化
也算是霸榜挺久的mod了把 增加了几件小斗篷,游牧人派系的人会穿,有蓝图 具体看原 需要原mod前置 需要原mod前置 需要原mod前置 需要原mod前置 如果有那种武器盔甲包的mod可以找我 单独的就不要了感觉挺容易让mod太乱...
Armour - Fox mask
Creada por LunaticFox
This Armour is in this mod. If you subscribe to this modset, you don't need to subscribe to the mod of the Armour alone. *Caution * We do not accept requests for weapons or equipment. (espec...
Armour - Fox mask (side)
Creada por LunaticFox
This Armour is in this mod. If you subscribe to this modset, you don't need to subscribe to the mod of the Armour alone. *Caution * We do not accept requests for weapons or equipment. (espec...
Army (Game Start)
Creada por J
An Army Of 36-51 Strong Soldiers I Recommend BEEFY Computer And Not Naming Or Changing Every Single One...
Ashigaru Armour
Creada por Miliika
This mod adds a new chest armour to vendors and NPC equipment lists. It's a medium-heavy chest piece for UC soldiers and mercenaries, more in line with a peasant soldier/conscript look. The armour is added to UC territory and some neutral vendor lists as w...
Attack Slots x3
Creada por Hatsune Neko Gaming
Enables Attack Slots x3 A simple mod that changes the base attack slots. Vanilla game has it set to 1, so only one on one combat is possible. This version is set to three. so three NPCs or players can attack the same target. Load order should be at the bot...
Auto-Hauler Wells [ aka Wells with Larger Water storage ]
Creada por Muggins
If your like me and your tired of Transporting / Hauling water from wells to water Tanks Then I got good news for you, Farm boy Русский перевод описания by comrade GRIZLIMEN ДОБРЫЙ First of all I would like to thank @SnugSnug for all the help/tips/bug-fix...
Auto-Hauler Wells 自动运输井!中文版! Chinese Translation
Creada por ザクリア
自动运输井!一步到水箱! Original mod creator: ===================== 主页更多个人汉化作品~ =====================...
Automated farming
Creada por Bookhead
Adds cactus, bread, cotton, greenfruit, hemp, riceweed, and wheatstraw factories that use technologies from both automated mining tech and hydroponics to automatically draw water, grow, and harvest your crop. Research even further to have AI assisted deep ...
Automated farming Chinese 自动化农业 中文汉化
Creada por 夏洛克姓夏
你必须先订阅 源MOD描述 添加仙人掌,面包,棉花,绿色水果,大麻,大米和麦秆工厂,使用自动化采矿技术和水培技术自动提取水,种植和收获作物。进一步研究AI帮助深度采矿收集水,无论它放在何处。 现在有了发电厂!绿色水果,水稻和大麻。在电气部分研究它们,然后建立电力。...
Axe of The Key
Creada por ikahurula
Add Axe of The Key The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Catun, Mongrel and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The weapon of this mod is in
Azuchi Armor
Creada por ONJOY
Deleted -AzuchiTown -AzuchiShop -Weapon -TatooShirts I'm sorry if someone used it. Colorful skeletons exist internally, but no new jobs are possible. Blue maps are now sold at each armor shop. The production base for making armor can be studied at Lv3. ---...
Azuchi Building
Creada por ONJOY
v0.98~ Experimental only. Add Azuchi Old Temple Thank you for many comments. I'm not good at English, so I'm using a software for translation to comments. I'm so sorry that I sometimes don't understand conversation or it takes time. Thank you for your unde...
BDC Relics: end game robotic limbs and belt item
Creada por Dragoneer
this mod adds improved versions of KLR robot limbs, and a item for your belt slot, from some 'unknown' company labeled BDC. NOTE! the models for the arms and legs were NOT made by me! they were made for me by Hugo the Dwarf! the limbs have had quite a lot ...
Backpack Crafting 可制造背包汉化版
Creada por SD
汉化版更新日期2019年1月5日 原作者更新日期2018年10月26日 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 这个模块允许你研究,并开始制作背包。 请报告任何问题 Backpack Crafting This mod allows you to research, and begin crafting backpacks....
Backpack Distribution
Creada por BLKCandy
Give backpacks to various caravans, mercenaries, nomads, adventurers, wanderers and travellers. This mod is meant to be an accompanying mod for my 'Let the Cats out of the Bag'mod on because...
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 (Quivers added!)
Creada por Elwo Update 2.0 is LIVE! After making my own faction/armor mod I decided to get back to Backpacks Expanded and deliver some of my promises regarding it. So the main focus of this update are quivers! I've also refied some stats an...
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 (Quivers added!) 背包拓展2.0(增加箭袋) 中文版!
Creada por ザクリア
重新制作了一遍,之前导出时出错了中文显示不全 加了很多背包(还蛮好用的,还好看) Original Mod
Bandit Disharmony (OUTDATED)
Creada por Moogie
**This mod has not been updated in several months, and as such may no longer be fully compatible with the latest patch of the game. Until and unless I get back into Kenshi someday, I will not be providing any further support or updates. I hereby grant anyo...
Bandits Expansion
Creada por TreadLightly77
¡OUTDATED/NO LONGER BEING DEVELOPED OR SUPPORTED! This mod is no longer being updated or supported... for a more updated version of this mod's assets and a more immersive experience with said assets, check out my mod:Universal Wasteland Expansion^Which is ...
Banners (Wearable on back)
Creada por Stumple
This should be add in the game!!! This mod add: . 7 new banners that can be wear on the back and additional stats (This is varies by the banner types) . 1 Default banner and 1 banner is for the United Cities, 5 additional banners have been added to the mod...
Beg for Food
Creada por Lawh
Sometimes you just can't make it. Then it's time to beg. Maybe some kind soul will help you. Adds an option to beg for food from many of the inhabitants of the world of Kenshi. Also adds a NPC beggar to a few cities. Let me know when it gets old lol ______...
Belt lanterns? [Поясные фонари?]
Creada por Red Hound
In this "Mod" you can purchase belt lantern. Two variants: usual and electricity. For those who afraid darkness. Maybe it will glitch! It sells in traveler shops. Shoulder lantern doesn't look so good as belt lantern, so i recommend you to use the second o...
Better Crop Fences
Creada por Wunkay
FOR BEST RESULTS, IMPORT YOUR SAVE. NEW: Holy Farms should no longer have floating fences. If you find an NPC farm that has floating or strangely placed fences, let me know! Will require save import for changes to take affect on prior saves. Patch for Gene...
Better Holy Sword Start
This mod boosts the damage and value of the nodachi in the "The Holy Sword" start. This means that to slightly balance it I changed the bounty you have from 10k to 15k. The weapon is a fair bit stronger though meaning you should be less likely to start wit...
Better Homemade Weapons
Creada por Natorius
Gives weapons forged by the player faction a 10% boost to cut and blunt damage, to put them in line with endgame weaponry such as Edgewalkers/Cross. Pairs well with mods that add Edge 3/Meitou crafting. I'm putting this in a separate mod because while most...
Better Mercenary Contracts
Creada por FurryFailure
You ever want mercs or cannibal hunters to stick around for longer? did you wanna build an outpost and have mercs or cannibal hunters protect it forever? well now you can! In this mod I aimed to allow the player to hire mercs or cannibal hunters for more d...
Better Squads and Weapons
Creada por CloudsInTheSky
This mod aims to improve the quality of armor on NPCs and the functionality of weapons. Most NPCs (not all) have standard or higher gear and weapons now because it's a bit silly to see everyone with cheap clothes and copper weapons everywhere. I didn’t do ...
Better Trade System
Creada por Lan
change goods price and amount of cats and goods for shops 修改商品价格和商店钱数货物数 "price change only" version here: 仅修改价格和商品比例的版本: ch...
Biome Food Expansion
Creada por Hade
This mod aims to expand food options on biomes like: Arid, Green and Swamp. Import not needed Compatible with other food mods I'm still adding new foods and polishing stuff like research, icons, biome distributing. If you have any ideas for foods that woul...
Bloodrum Production
Creada por RustledJimm
Now you can produce Bloodrum yourself to sell! It requires Hasish and Cactus Rum and has it's own still which is researchable after Hashish Production and Rum Distilling have been unlocked. Bloodrum barrels added. Bloodrum Distills are illegal in UC territ...
Bloodrum Production 血色朗姆酒酿造
Creada por ザクリア
原mod链接 Original mod page: 现在你可以自己生产血色朗姆酒来卖了! 它需要大麻和仙人掌朗姆酒,并且有自己的蒸馏器,在大麻的生产和朗姆酒蒸馏被解锁后可以进行研究。 加入了血色朗姆酒桶。 血色朗姆酒蒸馏物在联合帝国地区是非法的,比如大麻加工厂。 这是我的第一个mod,所以请给我反馈,并通知我的任何错误! 想找个地方讨论kenshi?欢迎加入Kenshi社区Di...
Bloody Murder - heart removal & kill move -
Creada por Nanogiraffe
Adds a heart to every* NPC (excluding Skeletons). This can be removed from their inventory to kill them. How/why that is done, you will just have to imagine. Additonally the heart can be made into a stew at the cookstove if that is your type of thing.. Thi...
Body Bio-Fuel Cage+ Butcher's Limb Table
Creada por Howls@TheMoon
Low on POWER?? Lot's of bodies lying around?? Here ya go! This mod add a prisoner/corpse cage that will disolve the occupant and convert them into a bio-fuel. Also it adds to Generators a (Bio-generator) to produce power. You can find the blueprint in teh ...
Body Bio-fuel Cage 汉化版
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 人抓到之后往带笼子的机器里面丢,会切除四肢,四肢放切板上切成肉片,油可以拿来发电,shift右键切肉桌小人会自己找四肢丢进去切,非常方便!...
Bolts : 5X more charges
Creada por ( * )
All Bolt ammo packs have 5X more charges. Tired of micro managing your 255 crossbow users, checking every fight if they still have ammo? Worry no more, with this mod, every bolt pack contains 5X more ammo, so they'll deplete 5X slower. To balance this, the...
Bouncing Boobs
Creada por ComplexRobot
Make the boobs bounce for maximum immersion. 😉...
Build all the Buildings
Creada por Badgerhands
This mod adds in new, faction themed building blueprints to various vendors around the world. A few, select shops sell them all, and some are designed to be rarer than others. Currently available - ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE (Currently all recipes and constructi...
Buildings - Torii
Creada por LunaticFox
Add Torii A and B When you tilt the angle, the support will float, so please adjust it in debug mode....
Creada por KOZ
このMODは建物を追加します (現在は倉庫一つだけですが、今後追加していきたいと思ってます) This MOD adds a building (We only have one warehouse at the moment, but we will add more in the future.) ------------------------------------------------ 追加建築物は以下になります Additional buildings are as follows A.Sto...
Creada por KOZ
This MOD adds equipment and character sets that can be labeled. このMODはラベルを付ける事が可能な設備と文字セットを追加します。 The main additional equipment by this MOD is as follows このMODによる主な追加設備は以下になります ・ラベルを付与できるストレージ各種(スタック可能)  Various types of storage that can be labeled (Stacka...
Cannibals Expanded
Creada por Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands on the cannibal faction with new armors weapons and enemies! This will make the cannibals a more formidable force with several new powerful units like. The Mancatchers Tenderizers...
Chainmail Boots
Creada por Seelad
Adds a new pair of boots to the game. It can be crafted at the chainmail armor bench. Blueprints can be found all over, but are more likely in footware shops....
Chaos Huge
Creada por love-tea
This mod adds huge and elder creatures roaming. But, the main is the Huge Skeleton you can see in pictures. *Caution* This skeleton has a weapon type with ATTACK_BULL. That type is not used in vanilla, but there is a possibility used by mods, especially ad...
Cheat Training Dummies
Creada por ( * )
Create dummies to train all your skills Very Fast. Just do a quick research, and you're good to go. Note : I created this mod to complement my other mod "Max Stats", which lets you raise your stats past 100.
CheatTrainings 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:增加训练假人 你可曾想过宅在家里不出门,修炼大成后出山成就自己的大虾梦? 你可曾想过修炼大成后出门大喊我要一打五? 你可曾想过找靶子太麻烦,想轻松练习技巧? 这个mod将成为你最好的伴侣~ 在这里每个假人都可以让你的技能训练超过100~成就你的巅峰大虾梦~ 小提醒:配上此mod效...
Creada por Stilldoll
This MOD adds animal chickens. ● Additional characters (notation by category) Chickens ● Additional items Chicken eggs Fried Egg Bacon and eggs Bacon and egg sandwich Chicken Wings Deep-fried Chicken Wings ● Additional cooking recipes Fried Egg Bacon and e...
Chickens CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod Chickens 原作者 Stilldoll 鸡mod汉化补丁 ●增加动物 鸡(包括五六种不同的颜色) ●增加物品 鸡蛋 炒鸡蛋 培根和鸡蛋 培根鸡蛋三明治 鸡翅 炸鸡翅 ●增加食谱 炒鸡蛋 培根和鸡蛋 培根鸡蛋三明治 炸鸡翅 ●增加背包 小鸡背包 鸡盔甲 ●增加建筑 兽甲铁匠 动物背包制作台 储存:煎蛋 储存:鸡蛋 储存:培根和鸡蛋 储存:培根鸡蛋三明治 ●增加研究 动物盔甲和背包 鸡的描述 ●鸡(白色、棕色、黑色)*均为雄性 它在UC农场商店、神圣农场(神圣国家)、定居的游牧村庄(多雷格地区和...
City Builder ++ [DEPRECATED]
Creada por Voraga
** DUE to an Engine Limitation -- Powered items will not work even with built in power, so until I can find a solution I have removed them. Farms, Stone mines, and maunual processors (stone, iron, grain) are all working at this time. ** This mod was design...
Clean and Speed
Creada por alexliyu
清除天气效果, 清除无用的多余草木.特别适合低端机器使用我的虚空入侵MOD, 注意请把这个MOD放到任何MOD之下, 包括我的虚空入侵MOD,这个MOD和其他优化MOD不一样之处在于,他减小了天气的渲染效果以及地面的杂物与植被, 但是并不影响添加的实际效果.比如酸雨等. 这个MOD主要做三件事情: 1. 清除不必要的地面随机杂物,差不多50% 2. 清除一些地面植被和覆盖物, 大约40%-60% 3. 减少或者削弱天气的渲染效果, 但是请注意, 这并不会影响到天气带来的实际效果. 如果您仍旧觉得优化力度的不...
Cloth of Different World
Creada por flyal31
It is an armor that exists in the different world except the world of 「Kenshi」. The Armor performance is relatively high, so if you want to change, please change with FCS. You can purchase armor in Shek town,Way station. It can be made from skill level 4 i...
Cloth of Different World CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod Cloth of Different World 原作者 flyal31 异世界服装mod汉化补丁(需要订阅原mod) 大致内容 添加了异世界的服装,包括两个异世界开局 (应该是动漫fate/stay night 里面的部分服装) 你可以在沙克镇,中继站买到这些异世界盔甲。 它可以在布料和皮革的生产工作台上制作(需要四级科技研究) 发型通常与人类种族相对应。 王者之剑(ex咖喱棒)应该可以在枢纽附近的某个家伙身上抢到(猎人者阵营某个走运的家伙,得到了这把亚瑟王神剑) mod添加一下服装 身体盔甲 ...
Combat Boots
Creada por ONJOY
Add 3 kinds (light, medium, heavy) boots. Leather Combatr Boots (Leather Armor Crafting) Plated Leather Boots (Plate Armour Crafting) Iron Greaves (Plate Armour Crafting) The boots and the blue prints will be sold in the major city. Importing is unnecessar...
Community Part Map
Creada por Arkhiel
WARNING : Incompatibility with Yet another kenshi nude mod, or any mod editing the part maps This mod is a ressource for modders, and I hope it will help people to get into 3d modeling. I need your feedback so we might adjust the used zones. So, what is a ...
Compressed Textures Project
Creada por FG
This mod replace textures with "compressed ones". Textures compressed to DXT5 and resize down: for landscape from 2048 to 1024 for some other stuff from 4096 to 2048 Those changes will help to reduce loading time, will reduce stuttering and save some VRAM,...
Consumable Liquids
Creada por FurryFailure
Have you ever been bothered by the fact you can't drink the liquids you obtained? have you ever wanted to just have a drink instead of eating? Well today I bring you this relatively simple mod to quench those thirsts! I modified the properties of the Grog,...
Copper Ore Drills
Creada por Erei
Did it never bothered you that you could unlock iron drills, but apparently you had to keep mining copper with a pickaxe forever ? Not anymore ! Add the copper drill (1-2-3) to the game. Unlock through the same research than iron drills. They are similar t...
Copper Ore Drills 铜矿钻头 汉化版
Creada por SD
Copper Ore Drills 铜矿钻头 汉化版更新日期2019年1月4日 原作者更新日期2017年9月19日 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 你能解开铁钻,但显然你必须永远用镐来开采铜矿,这难道没有让你烦恼吗?不再了! 在游戏中加入铜钻(1-2-3)。通过同样的研究解锁比铁钻。 它们类似于铁钻(电力、资源、外观…...
Copper drill CN (铜矿钻头汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原版mod作为前置,汉化mod放在原版下方加载。适配了原Mod19年的更新。 如有错漏,请通知我修改。 原版链接: 原版简介: 有一个问题是否困扰着你,那就是你可以自动挖掘铁矿,却必须永远手动开采铜矿? 现在不是了 ! 该mod将自动铜钻开采机(1-2-3)添加到游戏中。 通过与铁矿机相同的研究解锁。 它们类...
Cow Pasture 畜牧产肉和皮革
Creada por Loidsnaming
1.增加两个牧场,一个产肉,一个产皮革。使用方法类似农田,不过原料补给换成了小麦而不是水。 2.牛成熟后,小人会用斗牛士的姿态收获皮革和生肉。 使用方法:在“farming”或“里研究畜牧,然后即可建造. 目前牛的外观不是太好看. 2019/3/21更新:改进牛的外观,一点点. 2019/3/22更新:适当上调产率,并且产出效率不受肥沃度影响 2019/3/24更新:将皮革产出改为动物皮 ---------------------------------------------------------- 1...
Cracked Sabre
Creada por ikahurula
Add a large Sabre that appears to be partially missing. Make it familiar to the world. Rarely owned by desert NPCs. Blueprints are sold by Mongrel and Shark, etc. It is also sold at Black Scratch book store. Recommend import! This is newly added to "New We...
Craftable "ancient" nutri-ration
Creada por Bookhead
This "Ancient" nultri-ration is a dense hemp bar made from the seeds that, unfortunately, does not get you high, but is full of rich fats and proteins. Just be sure you don't smoke it!...
Craftable Evil spirit weapon
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD allows you to create Oni Erosion and Tsukumo weapons. However, the performance is lower than the original. It's pretty hard, but when critical happens, you get a Tsukumo weapon. You will be able to make it at level 6 Research. And you need to have...
Craftable Shackles 可制造脚铐 汉化版
Creada por SD
Craftable Shackles 可制造脚铐 汉化版 汉化版更新日期2019年1月4日 原作者更新日期2017年6月14日 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 制造囚犯的镣铐。 更新-添加蜂箱兼容的锁链 注意事项。有几个好的插件,使一种形式的奴隶制,其中人民是你的奴隶。 这没有任何功能,...
Cross Polearm
Creada por ikahurula
Add something like a polearm version of Paladin's Cross.Make it familiar to the world. The Paladins will occasionally have it.There is also a blueprint. Valtena has Meitou. recommend importing....
Crossbow Expansion
Creada por Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus An expansion to the available crossbows that adds 6 new ranged weapons with new original models made by me. It is intended to be as lore friendly and balanced as possible. Crossbows have been adde...
Crossbows are now FUN
Creada por sabreking
Main Changes: Ammo. >All ammo now comes in packs of 100, weights,Prices, production times, and inventory sizes have been changed to reflect than Crossbows: >Toothpick (CANF Paradigm:Fast reload, Short range, Light bolts low penetration) >Springbat : (CANF ...
Crow's World Dig for Grubs
Creada por AngusCrow
With this mod you can now dig for grubs to eat. Not very filling but it can keep you alive. You will find it under camping. This mod is also a part of the "Crow's World" mod which includes most of my mods within it and a few other things that I have not up...
Crow's World Gone Fishing 乌鸦 去世界钓鱼汉化版
Creada por SD
Crow's World Gone Fishing 乌鸦 去世界钓鱼 汉化版更新日期2019年1月5日 原作者更新日期2018年5月26日 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 这个mod让你净鱼,鱼苗和干鱼。你需要研究钓鱼。这是一项耗资2本书的研究,您可以在Farming下找到它。一旦研究...
Creada por Willow
Adds a crucifix upon which you may proudly display whomever you so choose, until their eventual end... Building Category > Interior (However, may still be placed outside) The building will not spawn a player town so feel free to display the corpses of your...
Cult of The Archivist - A Minor Faction Mod
Creada por Teirdalin Hello Kenshi people, so I have another mod here. #99 The Cult of The Archivist. It brings a new armour and weapon set from the random phone game Infinity Blade III as well as upgrading the vanilla cult and adds two new start...
Cute stuff CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod Милые шомоточки "Cute stuff" (RUS) 原作者 Mauser_NATO mod 可爱的东西汉化补丁 为kenshi世界添加了几十套现代服装,并发放到npc手中。(比如封面的衣服) 简单举几个例子 歹徒使用的暴徒套装 警卫使用的防暴套装 科技猎人使用的防护套装 并且所有这些套装都拥有额外的配件,玩家可以根据喜好自由组合穿搭。 现在kenshi的服装水平将提升到现代水平...
Cyberpunk Armoury
Creada por Red Cloud
So this mod has evolved a bit since I started. Basically, this mod is a collection of armour and weapons that I have made and added into the game. Some are cyberpunk, some are more lore-friendly, and some are just things I made for fun. I won't change the ...
Cyberpunk Armoury CN
Creada por Red Cloud
A translation of my Cyberpunk Armoury Mod. I originally used google translate to translate into Chinese, which cause a lot of errors. This was kindly fixed by Exjhon, as much of it was wrong. Please direct all thanks to him. You will need the original mod ...
Dangerous Hazards
Creada por Shidan
Do you think the natural hazards in the game are too pitiful? Tired of being able to walk through lasers and bathe in acid like it's just a normal day? Well, this is the mod for you. This mod significantly increases the effects of weather and hazards, even...
Dark Hive
Creada por Johnson
Dark Hive is a secret race hidden in the veil. They completely lost their production capacity for unknown reasons a long time ago, and the Hive collapsed. But the Queen and some other hivers survived. The Queen, who lost most of her production capacity and...
Dark Hive - Glow Eyes addon
Creada por Johnson
Dark Hive's eyes glow in the dark. ...
Dark Hive CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod Dark Hive 原作者 Johnson 黑暗蜂巢mod汉化补丁 这个添加了新的阵营 黑暗蜂巢族。 这群黑蜂巢族有着独特的黑色铠甲 新的武器以及铭刃 玩家可以从一个新的开局直接使用黑暗蜂巢族,也可以在某个地方遭遇他们(需要导入) -黑暗蜂巢猎人被发现是一个非常罕见的招募NPC的可能性。 -如果你想积极招募他们,就去每个区域的酒吧转转。 增加了新的武器碎片波利尔姆和碎片斧,新的盔甲黑暗武士套装。 -蓝图可以从传说中漫游在铁之径上一个偏远岛屿的角落里买到。 一些城市的商店里出售黑暗武器和盔甲。 增加...
Dark Hive MC patch
Creada por Johnson
Dark Hive - Military craft compatibility patch...
Dark Hive MCA patch
Creada por Johnson
Dark Hive - More Combat Animation compatibility patch ...
Dark UI
Creada por Eldryn
Dark UI changes majority of the UI to a darker and cleaner look. Optimal resolution: 1920x1080, borderless window. Alternative download links Nexus mirror. Known issues Problem: Parts of the UI appear stretched or illegible. Solution: Try a different resol...
Deep Drill Mining
Creada por RustledJimm This mod adds in Deep drills. These dig deep under the ground to mine and do not require a nearby surface resource to work! There are drills for Ore, Copper and Stone Hybrid (makes building materials). They are half as effec...
Defensive Gates 10x HP & 2x gate repair speed.
Creada por Arndell
Gives all default defensive gates 10x more HP repair at 2x the speed. This allows your gates to survive attacks from fogmen or cannibals for 1-2 minutes before they fall without being maintained. With a team of high level engineers behind it, the 2x repair...
Deus Vult Crusader armour&start(s) V4
Creada por Miseriae Cordis
Edit: I have pretty much moved away from Kenshi modding a loong while ago. If anyone wants to take this stuff and do their own thing with it, they're free to do that, just remember to keep the original credits. This applies to anything I might've posted he...
Dialogue Expanded CN (对话扩展汉化)/Dialogue Expansion Project
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原mod作为前置,使用时将汉化放在原mod下方。 本mod几乎和任何mod兼容(包括dialogue+之类的)。 因为汉化了几万字的文本量,前后花了40多个小时,所以难免有错漏,如果发现有错漏,请务必留言告诉我,而不要一删了之。对查漏补缺的工作贡献较大的,我将邀请他/她加入贡献者当中。 接下来打算汉化类似的dialogue+,但不知道要到什么时候去了,养养肝先。 mod简介: 这绝对不是一个简单的增加对话的mod,实际上,通过设...
Dialogue Expansion Project
Creada por RustledJimm
Dialogue Expansion Project is an expansive mod aiming to add new, lore friendly, dialogue to every corner of the Kenshi world, bringing the world and it's people alive. I am planning to add unique dialogue to every faction a...
DialoguePlus CN(对话+汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原mod作为前置,将汉化放在原mod后加载。 如有错漏,请及时通知我修改。 和dialogue expended(对话扩展mod)兼容。 和dialogue expended(对话扩展mod)兼容。 和dialogue expended(对话扩展mod)兼容。 注意:原mod在圣国方面有一定常识性错误,为了保证汉化质量我是原样翻译的。所以如果对相关对话不满请去原mod下反馈。 原mod链接:https://steamcommun...
Creada por Sae
Notice of current status of mod development Development of this mod is currently on hold, and I've given permission to RustledJimm to incorporate whatever parts of DialoguePlus he likes into Dialogue Expansion Project, so check his mod out here! Hi, welcom...
Dog backpack
Creada por bspawn
A small backpack for dogs (Bonedog and Boneyard Wolf). For sale at any travel supplies vendor. This backpack has a larger total capacity (number of items) than most backpacks, but a smaller inventory area. So it is more suitable for carrying small stackabl...
Dog backpack 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 简介:狗背包 虽然前前后后就两句话的内容,但本人作为强迫症的一员看到一堆中文里有英文表示很难受就汉化了......
Domestic Goats
Creada por Stilldoll
This MOD adds a Domestic Goats. The added NPC Billy Goat Nanny Goat Domestic Goat Farm goat Added Faction Billy Goat Nanny Goat Additional Cooking Cheese Items added Goat milk Cheese Additional buildings Storage: Goat Milk Storage: Cheese Description of go...
Dread Bindings
Creada por MoreDread
additional variations of the martial artist bindings, male and female versions, craftable and purchaseable from the shinobi thieves guild vendors. NOW COLORABLE, PLEASE READ! i added even more variations and removed the standalone dark variants. instead ev...
Drifter's Leather Hot Pants
Creada por tasaba
I use google translation There may be strange sentences It seems that there was someone interested in the pants in the image of the weapon mod I released I understand the feeling because I also like I made an effort, but depending on the motion there are p...
Each Person's Life
Creada por Stilldoll
This MOD allows Dismiss characters to join NPC squad at their own will. You can dismiss the player character and make it "NPC gatekeeper, store guards, mercenaries, merchant soldiers etc". how to use 1, Dismiss the player character. 2, Dismissed characters...
Engineering Research Made Easy
Creada por Squid
THIS MOD MAY MAKE THE GAME TOO EASY ====================================== Engineering Research (like blue prints but red) may spawn in ancient labs. ====================================== Enjoy :) ...
Enhanced Shopping Economy
Creada por Matvey Traveller
Mod to rebalance economy to make in-town shopkeeping more viable and more interesting. Everyone wants to run a comfy inn, right? Now you can do it without every single peasant in town going broke from buying a single rice bowl and not regenerating money, b...
Equipment - Hi-Kers Backpck
Creada por Acord
If you like the work i do, and want to help me continue my work, you can follow my group or donate. or ________________...
Escort Mission
Creada por Stilldoll
I will add a Escort Mission to deliver the merchants and the wanderers traveling in various places to the town. NPC that can provide a Escort Mission Traders Guild Caravan Hiver Merchant caravan Slaver caravan Merchant Nomads Mercenary wanderers Drifter so...
Escort Mission CN
Creada por Stilldoll
这是一个中文翻译MOD。 我将添加一个护送任务,以便将商人和在不同地方旅行的流浪者送到镇上。 可以提供护送任务的NPC 交易员协会大篷车 蜂巢商人大篷车 奴隶大篷车 商人游牧民族 雇佣兵流浪者 漂流者独奏 漂流者独奏(骨骼) 赏金猎人 游荡的刺客 ※你必须离开城镇才能承担警卫职责。 如何护送任务 1,与在各地旅行的人物交谈并接管警卫职责。 2,我们将守卫,直到物体到达城镇。 3,当护送对象到达城镇时,将支付费用。 与护送主体所属力量的关系将稍微改善。 *当护送对象进入城镇时,任务成功判断完成。 如果您在判决...
Everyone(Except Traders)Gets a Name - a Patch
NEED base mod or this does nothing.This is a little patch I made for myself. base mod by Abear:Everyone Gets a Name It reverts some characters' "named" parameter changed by the above mod to ...
Execute Enemy
Creada por Shidan
Simple mod adding an item to every vanilla character in the game to kill them when downed. Unlike most other similar mods however, my item does not go into your inventory clogging anything up, simply vanishes into thin air. Note: Right clicking this item i...
Expanded Cooking
Creada por Nox
This is a growing mod which adds traditional cooking recipes, slop made from foul meat, and wearable travel rations. New recipes : Shiromimaki - Sushi rolls made with thinfish Kushiyaki - Meat on skewers on grilled veggies Donburi - Meat over rice Nopales ...
Expanded Craftable Weapons 可制造铭刃汉化版
Creada por SD
Expanded Craftable Weapons 可制造铭刃 扩充制作武器汉化版 汉化版更新日期2019年1月5日 原作者更新日期2018年8月3日 感谢 Xaveras 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 这个模块增加了研究和制造Edgewalkers级武器(类型1,2,3)和Mit...
Expanded Lighting
Creada por Wunkay
This mod adds several new light sources suitable for early base building. I will be adding to this mod periodically with new lights and other furniture. Research and build categories may change in the future. Items located in the LIGHTS build category. New...
Expansion of Food Culture
Creada por Missile
MOD name: New Food Import: No required 日本語パッチはこちら I thought people in the Kenshi world should be more interested in eating. This mod adds new dishes, ingredients and storage. Regional food culture (Research) Five recipe books and outdoor cooking studies ha...
Extended Campsite
Creada por saftsuze
Adds storage, prisoner pole and a watchtower to the camping building menu. Useful for the constant roamer who doesn't want to settle in a base. Now you can add simple storage and basic structures to your campsite without creating an outpost detected by loc...
External Muscle Suit
Creada por seina
External Muscle Suit MOD I made a martial arts cyber suit. Cybernetic martial arts, demonstrate power without relying on artificial hands. There are also for men. This MOD adds 5 armor and 1 bag. Ex Martial Artist Suit Ex Hachigane Ex Legers Ex Black Jacke...
FFVII: Aerith Gainsborough!!
Creada por mopsisgone
'Don't fight here! You'll ruin the flowers!' Aerith Gainsborough After a long grace period I am proud to state once more that the Mopkinster LIVES! 256 MEGABYTES of EPIC! A beautiful project funded by a beautiful person, and she wants us to share her with ...
FFVII: Aerith Gainsborough!! CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod FFVII: Aerith Gainsborough!! 原作者 mopsisgone 最终幻想爱丽丝 人物mod汉化补丁(需要导入) 这次不仅仅是一个爱丽丝种族,而是包含一整套可制作的爱丽丝服装,也就意味着你的任何角色都可以cos爱丽丝。当然,没有兴趣自己cosplay的玩家也可以去圣国农场转转,找到本体爱丽丝进行招募。 爱丽丝拥有专属武器,攻击范围极远,强度很高。(注意使用) mopsisgone应该是一位以做mod为主的大佬,有能力的也可以去支持一下这位大佬 https://www.patr...
Faces Plus -Final State-
Creada por Seelenschwarz
Faces Plus Features: +New combinations of existing facetextures and eyecolors. +New combinations of existing facetextures and new eyecolors. +Scars textures. +Aged with wrinkles textures. +Warpaint textures +unlocks south hive +unlocks all skeleton subrace...
Faction Armor Colors - Better Colormaps
Creada por spacefiddle
How is this different than other color mods? Most of them dye armor using the existing colormaps in the game - a splotch on the chest, a spot on the head. I have redone (or created new) colormaps for most of the armor in the game - so now the entire armor ...
Faction Shields
Creada por Acord
If you like the work is do, i have a patreon if you like to support the continue cuase for my work. together we make the kenshi univurse a better place. _____________________________________________ this is my third in...
Factions Quest
Creada por Stilldoll
This mod adds Quest to the faction. Added several quests, "Destruction of specific factions, invitation to other factions, invitation to shops". Added NPC Client * They are staying at the bar in each area. Residents added Tech hunter shop Trader Ninjas sho...
Factions Quest任务mod汉化版精修1.0版
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 感谢群友送鹤归帮忙完善精修,mod基本上可以说是完全翻新了一遍。 有问题欢迎加群696654735,里面都是汉化和做mod的大佬(就我是萌新,瑟瑟发抖) 1900+的对话内容翻译,累死我了,没有那么多润色,机翻见谅,有什么很大的翻译问题的欢迎留言,我慢慢改 增加了好几个任务,具体看原版说明 招人...
Fantastic Beasts
Creada por Badgerhands
With this mod you can have every type of animal in the game, in your squad and under your control. This mod adds essentially all available animal races to the roaming Nomad animal traders, increases the spawn rate of these roaming squads and also adds diff...
Farm correction
Creada por tib
It makes the fence easy to see. There is no need to import. I'm not good at English. I may not be able to answer the question. //////////////////////// 畑の柵を見やすくします。 インポートは不要です。 ...
Farming Crops Enhanced
Creada por TreadLightly77
¡OUTDATED/NO LONGER BEING DEVELOPED OR SUPPORTED! This mod is no longer being updated or supported... for a more updated version of this mod's assets and a more immersive experience with said assets, check out my mod:Universal Wasteland Expansion^Which is ...
Farming Expansion: Cornstick
Creada por Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. NOTE: The price for cornstick on the cob in the images ...
Farmsteads: Holy Nation MERGED
Creada por robin's_egg
MOD UPDATED 2/22/19, PLEASE IMPORT YOUR SAVES! Farmsteads is an ongoing project of rural expansion mods, that is, mods which add rural settlements to the world of Kenshi; a city has to eat to exist, after all. Weclome to the Holy Nation. Under the guidance...
Fast Healing Beds
Creada por ( * )
Beds heal you 5X faster. Tired of waiting, each time your squad is wounded? This mod will quicken the bed healing process. Modified values : "ouput rate". - Bed : from 8 to 40. - Camp bed : from 4 to 20. - Skeleton repair bed : from 8 to 40. If you want to...
Faster Farming x1.75
Creada por Trash Panda
! WARNING ! This mod can make the farming heavily unbalanced and I do not recommend it for those who do not like an easy game. Mod Info For people who want to focus on farming but cannot stand how long it takes for crops to grow. Simply increases the rates...
Faw Beautiful Face
Creada por Vivienn
This is mod to make beautiful face. Add race Jipanglander. Add eyescolor brown red blue. Add brow brown white. Add many morph slider Bat women only. Please do not excessive expectations. --------------------------------- ちょっとだけ美人にするMODです。 ジパングランダーという種族を追加し...
Feed Them To The Dogs
Creada por Abear
Bonedogs eat the living....
Fixing Clipping Issues
Creada por timor1234
Fixing Clipping Issues What this mod does: The mod attempts to remove/reduce clipping in game in two ways: 1)By introducing slimmed down meshes for pants, skirts and some headgear that the game uses when you put a cloak on in combination with them. The mod...
Flashier Fight
Creada por BLKCandy
Make flashier fight by making AI use more varied moves and attack faster. - Enabled all weapon moves for all weapon types, including martial art moves for armed combat. - Changed a lot of attack animation min and max trigger range. They should use more var...
Food For Everyone!
Creada por Squidstick
Added Food To Every Single Citizen In Kenshi, Nobles and The Rich have a noticably higher quality of food than every other citizen, with variations in poor and middle class! High Class (Illegal Traders, Emperor Tengu, etc.) - Hashish (if they'd use it), go...
Food Storage Fix!
Creada por SimonTheSkink
Have a mod that needs a food item in the recipe in order to make it but your team won't go to the food storage as a resource and withdraw from it? Not anymore! This mod will allow your players to use the Food Storage container both to add and withdrawal re...
Food Storage Mod
Creada por GamerFromGondor
Allows the Ability to put Bread, Raw Meat and Foul Raw Meat in Food Stores. Simple As That...
Forgotten Buildings
Creada por Mechanica
The largest collection of buildings and furniture from older versions of Kenshi and non-player towns. Over 400 new buildings and furniture pieces to construct, plus another 300 copies of buildings, walls and furniture using alternative textures. Forgotten ...
Forgotten Buildings CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod Forgotten Buildings 原作者 Mechanica 遗忘的建筑 汉化补丁(需要导入才能直接看到效果,不过不导入也不影响游戏) 因为这个mod内容太多了,会导致原版部分建筑翻译错误。请随后订阅原版中文修正mod,原版中文修正一定要放在所有mod最下面
Fox's Weapons Mod Set
Creada por LunaticFox
I made a new summary mod! Best regards. Equipment Mods Set -Vanguard Mercenaries- ※Caution※ ・Hello! I am Japanese. I don't understand English, so I'll use machine translation to understand ...
Fox's Weapons Mod Set.CN
添加了许多武器装备,有各种各样的获得方式 具体看原mod介绍 注意!!! 本mod可能因为作者用的词汇太偏门导致译者脑抽成为机翻 强迫症请不要用俺不想挨骂 需要原mod前置 需要放在原mod下面 部分fox翻译为狐狸部分翻译为福克斯为个人想法...
Fragment Circle
Creada por ikahurula
Add something like a polearm version of Fragment Axe. Make it familiar to the world. Some skeletons will have it. There is also a skeleton that has Meitou. recommend importing. This is newly added to "New Weapons Dissemination Mod" There is also Recommend ...
Frame Axe
Creada por ikahurula
Add axe made of blade and framework. Make it familiar to the world. Bandits and others occasionally possess this axe. Meitou is Somewhere Old Empire Supply Outpost . Blueprint may be sold well by the character of the Holy Nation. Recommend import!...
Free the Hair
Creada por minusthedrifter
A simple mod that "frees" the hair from hats and helmets that otherwise gives you a visible buzz cut. This does introduce some clipping, depending on what hair style your character has, but ignoring that it goes a long way towards making sure each characte...
Fun merchant life(Shopping AI MOD)
Creada por Missile
Requires a import. (Use machine translation) -This mod does not add new characters, squads, items, dialogs. So strange English will not be added to the game. There are various shopping mods in this game. But I was not happy with them and created this mod. ...
Functioning market stalls
Creada por timor1234
Functioning market stalls Version 3 I have made custom collisions for every market stall and now it is possible to decorate them without using the editor. You can not place items on every shelf, but there are many places on every stall that allow item plac...
Geisha face,
Creada por Ycraes
User Friendly Upload file of my Geisha texture from my Nexus mod page, Someone was kind enough to put it together for me and so I thank them for that (Tiress on the Nexus) just use it if you want a geisha in your kenshi, will update texture as I find time....
General Modifications
Creada por Seelenschwarz
Items New: Farmers Notebook: Buyable, Lootable Skeleton Repair Kits: Simple Skeleton Repair kits , Machine Creature Repair Kit Low Value First Aid Kit: Simple First Aid Kit Black Rag Loincloth Black Armoured Rag Skirt, Black Armoured Rags Black Hiver Leath...
General Modifications (Genmod) Chinese 本土中文化
Creada por 夏洛克姓夏
本MOD对General Modifications进行了初步中文本地化, 你需要订阅General Modifications 版本2:对应主版本7月16日 下午11:06 Version 194: 基本汉化所有内容 注:各种颜色的衣服我懒得汉化了...每个衣服都五颜六色,得一个个去汉化...反正看图都明白, 2019年7月22日更新, 添加MOD前缀,更清晰识别MOD物品....
Godsend EXP 5x
Creada por Mitchell Godsend
Check me out on YouTube! ___*DESCRIPTION*___________________________ Global Experience Rate Is Quintupled ___________________________________________ ___*FAQ*___________________________________ Q. D...
Goodlooking Unique Companions
Creada por 🍔
This mod replace unique companions face --THIS MOD REQUIRES-- 1. ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles for Kenshi 2. Yundao HDT Hairstyles for Kenshi 3. Radiant Better Faces & Eyes 4. JRPG Vanilla =change companions face= Shryke Digna Headshot Izumi Lumi Miu Pia Ruka ...
Great Axe
Creada por ikahurula
Add Great Axe The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Shek Kingdom, World's End and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The weapon of this mod is in
Great Mace
Creada por ikahurula
Add Great Mace The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Holy Nation, World's End and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The weapon of this mod is in
Great Sword
Creada por ikahurula
Add Great Sword To avoid overwriting, the name in the game is "Great Zweihaender". The image shows how to grip the pole arm, but it is Heavy Weapon. The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Mongrel, World's End and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The we...
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
Legend of the Grievewraith “ Holy Nation legend tells of the souls of the lost Shek becoming consumed by malice, hate and envy for the living. Their naturally 'aggressive' nature, as the Okranites claim, make them the most easily corruptable by the 'demone...
Grievewraiths 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍: 增加一个物种 一下资料来自原版介绍并稍作修改: 如果你看到一个这样的生物,最好的办法就是跑,除非你有一个装有沙漠军刀的强大队伍。如果你确实设法杀死了一个这样的蜘蛛生物,你可以卖掉它们的掉落物以获取巨大利润,在圣国更是如此。 它们主要在神圣帝国产卵,但也可以在周边地区看到.......
Guan Dao
Creada por ikahurula
Add Guan Dao The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Catun, Mongrel and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The weapon of this mod is in
Creada por Winsenkiller
*Since I've lost the interest for Kenshi for now I won't update this mod anymore. Maybe I will continue it again in the future but if anyone is willing to do this he/she has the permission to do it.* Thank you Lhamabomb for keeping this mod alive, if I pla...
Guardpost 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:加了一块垫子,可以安排你的小人在门口站岗,自己会回去拿吃的,很方便 注意!!! 注意!!! 注意!!! 本mod历史久远可能会有bug 有问题请加群:696654735...
Guards for the Hub
Creada por nidaren
Gate Guards for Hub Township Mod adds Guards to the Gates in the Hub location. They belong to the Trade Ninjas faction - the same one that provides protection for the local Bar in the unmodded version. As of version 3, guards belong to the Holy Nation Outl...
Gun manufacture
Creada por boXsheep
这个mod用来通过研究制造枪械。现在有10种枪,每种枪械性能各不相同。 不需要蓝图,科技等级5级以后可以解锁。但需花费古代科技书。 mod现在是原生中文。欢迎转载,但请注明出处。 模型文件是网友的免费分享,做了相应的修改以适应游戏的需要,禁止作为一切商用! 枪械显示效果取决于游戏设置的贴图分辨率。 枪支可以卖给NPC,如果把枪和匹配的子弹一起放在商品柜台里面,NPC会一起购买(我用了一个很棒的购物MOD:NPC enjoys more shopping)。并且NPC在攻击或者自卫的情况下会主动使用枪。(前提...
Gun manufacture+
Creada por Bahlm9000
English Language Patch : Click here " Time has changed, my lord" Foreword This is a extension of Gun manufacture mod. First, thanks to the authorization and good idea from player boxsheep ,hope you can also support him and his mod, Click here . Firearms mo...
Gun manufacture_en
Creada por boXsheep
This mod is used to make firearms through research.There are now 10 kinds of guns, each with different performances. No blueprints are required, and you can unlock them after level 5 of technology. But it takes an ancient science book. Welcome to reprint, ...
Gusoku Armor Set
Creada por Dilbert
For all that want to make the armor less bulky, check out this addon below: Made an armour variant that follows up as close as possible with the game's overall aesthetic/style, the purpose f...
HK Droid Races (Star Wars: KotOR)
Creada por Nowell
"Droids tend to blend into the background, like a bench or a card table. Mockery: Droid, fetch this. Droid, translate that. Droid, clean out the trash compactor. Part of the love of my function comes when the ‘furnishings’ pull out tibanna-powered rifles a...
Healing Pod
Creada por Red Cloud
Good News Everybody! Here is yet again another healing mod! What makes this different is that it adds late game advanced healing tech, in the form of a Bacta Tank (think Star Wars). Using this tank will heal your fleshy characters incredibly fast, around 1...
Healing_Pod CN (治疗仓汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原版作为前置,汉化mod放在原版下方加载。 如有错漏,请通知我修正。 原版链接: 原版简介: 好消息各位! 这是另一个治疗mod! 它比较特别的地方是是它以巴克塔箱(想想星球大战)的形式增加了后期游戏高级治疗技术。 使用这个治疗仓可以非常快速地治愈你的肉身角色,大约10,000%。 虽然这可能看起来很bug...
Hesh's Hive Cooking
Creada por Sembo
No-Hive, come over and sit with me. Smell that No-Hive? it is delicious cooked fish No-Hive. Why do you make that face No-Hive? Your faces are so strange but you must be enjoying the scent. Would you like to try some of my food No-Hive? Made from the fresh...
Higher and Stronger Random Bounties
Creada por Val von Ra
Adds in a few wandering squads of high and stronger bounty groups. Groups range from 1-10 men. Adds a new bounty faction...
Hives Expanded
Creada por Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands the 3 major hive factions in the game with unique armors, weapons, races and characters! brought down to more acceptable levels, Reimport is recommended to make sure changes take ...
Hunting Sabre
Creada por ikahurula
Add a Sabre similar to Kukri specializing in hunting various prey. Make it familiar to the world. Various people will occasionally have it. Meitou is possessed by Dust King . Sell the blue print occasionally. Recommend import! ...
Hydroponic Cactus
Creada por yukidaruma
Reserarch Level : 5 Requirements : Hydroponics :Cactus Farming Research Cost : Ancient Science Book 4 Building Cost : Electrical Components 2 :Iron Plates 4 :Cactus 10...
Hydroponics Plus
Creada por Lord Lurk
Simple mod that makes Hydroponics of Cotton and Cactus researchable and buildable. Hydroponics Cactus: Research: - Tech Level 5 - 2 Ancient Science Books Construction: - 10 Cactus - 4 Iron Plates - 2 Electrical Components Power Requirements: - 10 Output fr...
I am willing to be a slave owner CN
Creada por 冠绝一世夜猫T
mod介绍 1.通过改变小队AI,可以让你的小队巡逻基地,保护友军,医疗和捕获奴隶。 2.通过对话控制奴隶,让奴隶不加入小队也能实现多种AI活动。 3.奴隶也可以捕获属于自己的奴隶,从而建立数量庞大的奴隶队伍。 4.制造戒指并招募奴隶。 mod使用步骤 1.建造奴隶戒指制造台,制造奴隶戒指。 2.搜刮笼子里的俘虏,给他奴隶戒指,然后医疗他,进行对话。选择购买一个奴隶,0元将他买成奴隶。 3.对话让他服从,下达指令即可。 4.可在食物烹饪台,制造奴隶食物给他们充饥 组织化管理奴隶 1.建造政策台,制造政策:奴...
IKA's Various Weapons
Creada por ikahurula
This is a mod that brings together the various weapons that I made at a whim. It may increase in the future. Please check the sale location of weapons and Blueprint from the following URL. Metal Bat
ILA-M MC Patch
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD makes Skeleton ILA-M compatible with Military craft....
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD makes Skeleton ILA-M compatible with More Combat Animation....
ILA-M Pubbs Patch
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD makes Skeleton ILA-M compatible with Power up battle by skill....
ILA-M armor slots unlocked
Creada por ikahurula
Unlock all armor slots on the ILA-M. Use this if you have Skeleton armor slots unlocked, etc....
Idle Training (Nutrient Bath Added)
Creada por Vampireteddygram Want a laid back place to discuss all things Kenshi? Looking to learn how to make mods for Kenshi? Come join the biggest and best Kenshi discord on the...
Immersive Furniture
Creada por Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds 5 different variants of the ...
Impaler Armor Set
Creada por 3DConductor The second set of armor that I have managed to create for this game, it's a plated medium type, I tried at the best of my ability to translate kenshi's current raider style, a little bit of the drifter's and some metal plating...
Improved Smithing - New Weapon Variety - Version 2
Creada por vampirecosmonaut
This mod expands the variety of weapons available from the various weapon manufacturers in Kenshi. This mod also changes the manufacturer’s bonuses on weapons and adds them to the weapon’s description with a color coded tool...
Increase Purchase Probability
Creada por Missile
MOD name Fun merchant life Patch(probability+) When I was testing the shopping mods myself, I thought it would be more interesting to have a higher probability of buying food and drinks. This patch doesn't require importing, so you can turn it on or off ac...
Interior and Exterior Design (Outdated)
Creada por Shidan
-This mod is outdated and no longer supported. It was one of my first mods ever, and is quite messy and consistently buggy at this point. There are better and more expansive mods that you could use that do everything this mod did and more, such as Forgotte...
Invisible Dark Leather Shirt
Creada por vampirecosmonaut
This mod adds an Invisible Dark Leather Shirt for sale at the Shinobi Tower Vendor. It also adds a blueprint to the Shinobi Tower vendor to allow you to make one. It's name is like this in the game: (-Dark Leather Shirt-) It...
JRPG Race Chest Fix (18+)
Creada por Asie[X]t★
This mod is strictly 18+ only. The mod fixes the wrappings and the underwear of the original model (if you use 18+ female body). To make it work you will needtwo originals mods: IMPORTANT: Put this mod below all other mods. 1. 18+ female body: https://stea...
JRPG Vanilla
Creada por willplus
Extends the character making so that you can create a character that Japanese people like. (This is a renewal mod of JRPGRace) The supported races are Greenlander and Scorchlander. If you start character making in the initial state, you will become a ghost...
Japanese Style Walls
Creada por Fakri
This mod adds japanese style walls and gates. To be able to build them you need to research Japanese Style Walls tech and for better walls research Better Japanese Style Walls. Added: - Japanese Wall (same stats with Makeshift Wall) - Japanese Gate (same s...
StepJoe's Limbs Overhaul
Creada por StepJoe
Mod Details -Adds over 30 new limbs into the game with custom icons, stats and descriptions. -Changes the icons for both vanilla and modded limbs to face a certain direction if its a left or right oriented. -Low tier Robotics Shops have a low chance of sel...
Jewy's Limbs Overhaul CN (Jewy的机械臂扩展 汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原mod作为前置,汉化放在原mod下方加载。 如有错漏,请及时通知我修改。 mod介绍: 1.整体来说是对假肢比较平衡的扩展,数值还算可以。 2.我的汉化mod间没有下面的问题,都抄的官中 由于修正了没有稳固之手(右)和小偷的手臂(左)的bug,所以如果和同样修正了的mod(汉化过的)同时加载,可能会出现两种不同汉化的手臂(我用的官中),但数值还是一样的,可以自己用编辑器删掉其中一个的修正; 3.虚空mod已经包含了这个mod,...
KCA: Kenshi Community Armory
Creada por Harkie
Current Features - for more specific details see the change notes. - v1.21 content added - -Clothes Plus has been added including the 1.1 mesh compatibility patch, a full naming overhaul, a new craftable Cloth "Punishirt" along with a Leather Turtleneck ve...
KLR-M MC Patch
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD makes Skeleton KLR-M compatible with Military craft....
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD makes Skeleton KLR-M compatible with More Combat Animation....
KLR-M Pubbs Patch
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD makes Skeleton KLR-M compatible with Power up battle by skill....
Creada por ikahurula
I'm sorry for the machine translation Weapons and design drawings Kanasaibou, NPCs to sell them and use NPCs, NPCs using Meitou will be added The new NPC with Meitou will be called "Oni", and the buildings and maps related to "Oni" will be added. Since eve...
Creada por ONJOY
This MOD is made for kawaii clothes. Although introducing only this MOD has no problem, please note that the cloth wrapped in the chest and lower body becomes the contemporary style underwear by default. Here is MOD that prevents muscles. Only the texture ...
Creada por ONJOY
Change the default skin of Greenlander and ScorchLander add underwear items. When there is nothing there is a white small underwear figure. I use the slot of the shirt, but there is no defensive power. Please use it as an atmosphere item. Only women can we...
KawaiiClothes - JRPG 18+ Patch
Creada por Crovvv
Summary REQUESTED MOD A patch for JRPG, KawaiiClothes and 18+ Female Body to work together. :) I personally recommend using this with Bouncy Chest for a good Combination. Make sure to use the exact load order below so you don't encounter problems. Loard Or...
Kenshi Genesis CN (旧版)
Creada por 启奥
(汉化已出新版,可混合新版汉化一起使用) 原mod Project Genesis: World Overhaul Alpha 原作者 。。。。几乎包含国外所有五星mod的作者 Kenshi Genesis Kenshi 创世纪 ( 中文补丁 ) 创世纪正式版已经出了,之前的创世纪阿尔法测试版可以删了,还好,这个mod略微修改还可以继续用在正式版上面。 创意工坊里面一度霸占榜首的世界大修mod整合包,以创意工坊相当多的五星mod为素材重建的kenshi世界。(几乎包含了创意工坊全部五星扩展mod,但是没有不...
Kimono and Waraji (Shinigami Clothes)
Creada por Zheyron
I bring you a mod that introduces 2 Kimonos (they are actually a Hakama + Kyudogi) and 4 footwear composed of "Waraji" & "Tabi Sockets". This comes with Research Blueprints for crafting and Sale Vendor where you can buy both footwear and kimono. Location Q...
Creada por ikahurula
Add Kogarasu The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Catun, Heng and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The weapon of this mod is in
Creada por ikahurula
Add Kriegsmesser The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Mongrel, World End and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The weapon of this mod is in
Kuero Ninja Clan - A Minor Faction Mod
Creada por Teirdalin Hello Kenshi people, so I have another mod here. #98 The Kuero Ninja Clan. It brings a new armour and weapon set as the Kuero set from the random phone game Infinity Blade III as well as a new faction and two new starts. The...
Kusari Juban
Creada por OMOCHI
"鎖襦袢" add it to the game. This item occupies a body category. buy in the UC Vender or create in Chain Armour Crafting Bench. This Mod contains only texture and in-game settings. I do not have the skill and knowledge of 3d modeling. Although I think that th...
Kusari Juban 汉化版
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 就一件衣服鎖襦袢,貌似会覆盖原版衣服,只是加了一个模型。...
Legendary Weapons
Creada por Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds 9 unique, high quality end-g...
Legendary of Kenshi - World of Unique
Creada por Johnson
What does this mod do? This mod is for people whose vanilla Kenshi has become too easy. This mod increases Kenshi's difficulty. It reinforces the stats of the factions and makes them use better armor and weapons. Most NPCs if not all, have become much stro...
Legendary of Kenshi - World of Unique CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod名称 Legendary of Kenshi - World of Unique 原mod作者 Johnson 和 old dog 需要原mod作为前置,本mod放在原mod下面 因为翻译内容太多,可能造成部分原版内容被改变,建议下载一个 原版中文覆盖 mod解决此问题。 补充说明,本mod是为了那些觉得原版过于简单的玩家准备的 传奇kenshi 汉化 mod主要内容介绍 大幅提高原版npc的战斗力。(超难mod) 但是在早期,譬如土匪之类的npc战斗力并不会提升太过明显。 随着玩家逐渐接触到一个阵...
Less Buggy Bughouse
Creada por Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description What it Changes New building colliders! Should fix ...
Let's Talk
Creada por BLKCandy
Did you know that Kenshi gets quieter as time goes on? That is because so many dialogues are only ever spoken once! Now everyone can waste time speaking about the same things over and over again like real life! The Dried Gristle Flaps. The singing. And var...
Creada por ikahurula
Add a sword to hunt the Leviathan. It's very heavy. Make it familiar to the world. The person holding this weapon and blueprints lives in Tower in Leviathan Coast. leaving for hunting from noon to night. Recommend import! This is newly added to "New Weapon...
Limb and Decapitation Overhaul
Creada por CamelSpyd3r
This mod features 8 Cannibal Heads in a Duffel Bag, A Bunch of Coconuts, Fishsticks, and Severed Skeletons all in one mod. I've also added in a Shady Limb Salesman who spawns near The Hub, Stenn Desert, The Great Desert, and The Swamp who sells organic rep...
Little Camp Mod
Creada por Headhunter
Now you will sleep with style! *update v.3* Now the tent camp bed protects from acid rain. *update v.2* Now the Camp Bed has the original x4 healing rate and not longer x1 Your own Nomad Tent with integrated Camp Bed! To find in the CAMPING Menu. This vers...
Lively Player Town AI
Creada por love-tea
Do you feel a little sad in your town, because there are no NPCs(Non Player Characters)? NPC's AI is different from PC's and not work like in NPC's town. Therefore, this mod will give your town a little lively, maybe. Also, add some AIs. ****** What you ca...
Lively Player Town AI for Player
Creada por love-tea
"Lively Player Town AI" is for NPC, and this mod is for player characters. This mod will cause some Campaigns from player faction and it'll make "first" squad to behave following a policy. And, add some items (including a research and a building) as a trig...
Lively Player Town AI for Player 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需有原mod作为前置!!! 需有原mod作为前置!!! 需有原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:新增一系列政策?(我也不太明白,详细内容得要各位自己探索)...
Lively Player Town AI 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原版: 本mod排组需放在原版下方,与原版一起启用 介绍:住在玩家小镇的AI,这个mod可以让动物住在你城里,也可以邀请别的城的市民去你城里,还可以修理一些坏掉的机器人让他们去你的城里,有了这个mod玩家的城也会变得有生气吧... 新人渣渣汉化谨慎使用...(大体机翻+修改) 有问题+Q群:696654735 里面...
Loading Screens
Creada por CloudsInTheSky
24 nicely crafted loading screen that have been uploaded separately as a request from the original mod: UI Beautify - If you want to remove the Loading Screen Tips to see the entire backgrou...
Loads of plausible weapons
Creada por Gros Phallus
This will include a lot of weapons that I will had one by one and I may take requests, although I do not like crazy over-exagerated weapons. 1-Two handed long Falchion: It is a falchion with a german longsword hilt style and it is quite large. Righ now it ...
Luna Moonlander
Creada por Howls@TheMoon
A decendant of an immortal race that once resided on a nearby moon has watched the world decay and is know ready to lend her sword to help weary wanderers travelling into the Ashlands. This mod adds Luna as a recruitable character. Her race, Moonlanders wh...
Luxury Weapons(Add Models)
Creada por ikahurula
Add a luxury class models, that will be a flashy look like nobility. In addition to becoming possessed by aristocrats of UC, A new NPC will be added to Heng weapons shop.Please do research with books you can buy from that person. However, it is 200000cat p...
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:添加新的骨人 假如文本翻译有错误请联系我,谢谢!!! Q群:696654735 渣翻,不喜勿喷......
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD adds a new Faction Machinagia. Two MODs are required. Please import. Add cities where skeletons live for weapon remodeling. Add a skeleton that attacks to test the weapons made there. Add "Weapon Test Raid" Add New Manufacturer and Models Add Add ...
Maguro Kiri
Creada por ikahurula
Add a knife to disassemble a huge fish. It is adjusted for battle with the cannibal. Make it familiar to the world. It is possessed by residents of Deadcat and Cannibal Hunter. Blueprint is sold in Fishing Village Bar(Dead cat faction) and World's End. By ...
Make Holy Nation Great Again CN
Creada por Ludiniea
圣国的兄弟们!很高兴告诉你们,我们的铁匠在圣主菲尼克斯的引导下受到奥克兰的启示,已锻造出全新的护甲!现在,你们的头部和四肢都会得到更好的防护!让异端和骨人们颤抖吧,他们再也无处逃避圣国的愤怒! Mod信息 为圣国的高级圣骑士增加新的重型护甲。 改变圣骑士的护甲,现在他们的四肢被更好的防护。 圣国战士也拥有新的护甲,不算好,但仍比旧护甲的防护高。 包括雇佣兵仿制的“非神圣”护甲。 你可以在圣国,浪人、沙克王国、科技猎人、沼泽居民和蒙格勒的铠甲商店内购买到护甲和制作蓝图。 2个新的开局可用于查看新的护甲。 需要...
Market Stalls汉化mod
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用...
Martial Village
Creada por Zheyron
Drifter, you may not have heard of a new village where you can cultivate your martial arts while travelling these dangerous lands. You may take a break, breath some fresh air and enjoy the sight of unending battles and slaugther as the local fauna and crim...
Medical Beds (faster healing new beds)
Creada por cimoyama
Add faster heal new beds(incl. camp beds) and requirement researchs. New beds require Standard First Aid Kits or Advanced First Aid Kits to be build, so its less cheaty. Added Buildings; -Medical Bed (Additional 2 Standard First Aid Kits required) 1600% he...
Metal Fencing
Creada por Mechanica
I've made the fences you can see on the base of the Ancient Citadel buildable separately, and added a matching gate. The fences link together automatically and can be damaged by raiders if there's no way around, just like defensive walls. Unlocked by compl...
Metal Framework for Construction
Creada por RadarTruck
Everything in this world looks real, but the architectural blueprints are so strange. Does the wasteland have holographic projection or nano-robot technology? Obviously it's quite unreasonable. After subscribing to this mod, the architectural blueprint wil...
Military Crossbowmen
Creada por BLKCandy
Despite ranger crossbow being described as a standard support weapon, there is no crossbowman in any of the three nations military, even the mercenaries who supposedly use this very kind of crossbow don't use them! This mod added crossbowmen to the Holy Na...
Military craft (New attacking moves)
Creada por SprendiX
DONATE If you want to add my mod to another race, watch the video above! To use it on custom races C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\ 1. Find the Military Craft Mod and the...
Minor Factions Amplified
Creada por TreadLightly77
¡OUTDATED/NO LONGER BEING DEVELOPED OR SUPPORTED! This mod is no longer being updated or supported... for a more updated version of this mod's assets and a more immersive experience with said assets, check out my mod:Universal Wasteland Expansion^Which is ...
Minor Factions Amplified CN(小派系拓展汉化)
Creada por 昏闇
前言: - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Minor Factions Amplified ,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! 一个小型派系的拓展mod,在三个主要派系(圣国、联合城市和沙克国)为基础上各自增加了2个小的敌对派系。 骨人已经被加强了,并进一步添加了更多的骨人种族可供招募和游玩。 动物贸易商现在也会卖沼泽生物、蜘蛛和陆地蝙蝠。 以及添加了...
Minor Mesh Fixes
Creada por oi__io
UPDATE FEB 15 Change: - Armoured Hood M/F - Bucket Zukin M/F - Haircut15-roughpony2 F UPDATE FEB 9 Change: - Paladin's Heavy Hachigane M - Swamp Ninja Mask M - Turban M/F UPDATE FEB 8 Removed hammer mesh and revert all the changes made to crafting benches ...
Mist Ghouls
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
Legend of the Mist Ghoul “ Sightings of hovering ghoulish creatures from the misty caverns west of the Holy Nation plains. The ghouls possess elongated, black frames with long fingers, glowing eyes and a mouth that stretches to the size of a full grown man...
Mist Ghouls CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod Mist Ghouls 原作者 Daemonic Spoder mod内容 迷雾食尸鬼传说 “在圣国平原以西的雾岛中看到盘旋的食尸鬼。食尸鬼长着细长的黑色框架,长着长长的手指、发光的眼睛和一张大到一个成年男人大小的嘴。 深入雾中的旅行者以不再回来而闻名,除非在该地区避免进一步的探险。 -爱达德” 和我以前的格里菲斯模式一样,这个模式的目的是以一个新的有趣的敌人的形式将其中的一个传奇赋予生命。 雾人够吓人的,但你有没有想过雾中还有什么更可怕的东西?雾食尸鬼把你遮盖住了。他们不吃,不流血,不说话,速度...
Mist Ghouls MC and MCA patch
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
Use either one, doesn't matter if you're missing the other....
Mist Ghouls Playable and Recruitable Prisoners patch
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
Patch to enable the ghouls to be playable with Recruitable Prisoners support. Update: New recruitment dialogue. No longer requires Recruitable Prisoners and is standalone (though i highly recommend)...
Moisture Farming
Creada por Trinimac
Ever want to set up a hydroponics lab inside a town but were dissapointed you couldn't get water from the town well without micromanaging every click? Or perhaps you just want a way to get water in your desert base? Introducing the Moisture Collector! Gath...
Moon Sickle
Creada por ikahurula
Add a crescent shaped sickle. Make it familiar to the world. It is mainly owned by people of Cult Village. Meitou is One of the guardians of Cult Village possesses it. . Blueprint is sold in Mongrel. It is also sold at Black Scratch book store. Recommend i...
More Beds (Broken & Abandoned)
Creada por Sozzky
Adds more beds and a sleeping spot to the game: Comfortable Bed: - Level 3 Research - 12x Healing speed (50% faster healing rate than normal beds) Luxurious Bed: - Level 4 Research - 16x Healing Speed (100% faster healing rate than normal beds) Sleeping Sp...
More Belt Items v2.0
Creada por Baby Shark
This mod adds some the following. -16 Researchable and craftable items that go into your belt slot with penalties and bonuses to stats. for a detailed list of these items look at this spreadsheet.
More Belt Items 腰带 汉化版
Creada por SD
More Belt Items 腰带 汉化版 Belts and stuff 汉化版更新日期2019年1月4日 原作者更新日期2018-08-28 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 我们几个月都在盯着那个皮带槽,所以我决定让我们为皮带槽做一些皮带。 这个mod包括      - 18种不同的皮带,具有各种状态变化和护甲值...
More Bounties
Creada por Headhunter
UPDATE v.6: New & higher bounties! - Cloud Ninjas - Deadcat Fishermans - Flotsam Ninjas - Flotsam Jonin - Grass Pirate - Manhunter Boss - Blood Raider UPDATE v.5: Some higher bounties and optimations. UPDATE v.4: New Bounties on Blood Bandits, higher chanc...
More Combat Animation
Creada por AGO
このMODをマージしないでください。した場合は削除を求める場合があります。 MCAの互換性が失われるためマージしないでください。 マージしたい場合は許可を求めて下さい。 マージした場合はMCAと互換性がない事と、不具合報告を私の所へお送らない事を明記してください。 Do not merge this mod. If you do, we may ask you to delete it. Do not merge this mod as it will result in MCA incompatibili...
More Combat Animation Extended Edition
Creada por AGO
MCAを無断でマージした場合は、削除を求める場合があります。 Unauthorised merging of MCAs may result in a request for removal. Несанкционированное объединение MCA может привести к запросу на удаление. 未经授权的合并MCA可能会导致要求删除它们。 -----------注意 ATTENTION ----------- このMODはサブスクライブしただけでは動作しません ...
More Combat Stance MIABC+
Creada por AGO
このMODは 「戦闘状態時のダッシュ」 「戦闘状態時の小走り」 「戦闘状態時の立ち姿」 「戦闘状態時、足の負傷による立ち姿の変化」 を各武器種ごと追加し、More Idle Animationと「揺れる」要素を追加したものです。 ※最新のMIABCの編集データが消失していたので、以前のものと多少違うかもしれません。悪しからず。 おまけで隠密のナルト走りを天誅参OP風に変えるデータを入れています。 「run upper stealth」と「run lower stelth」のanim nameを「ninjar...
More Idle Animation
Creada por AGO
The following sentences use the translation site. Add idle animation to vanilla's race. 13 Idle animations added in this mod now move more. Replacing some idle animation with new ones. So if you are introducing this MOD before, the appearance of your chara...
More Male Hairstyles for Kenshi
Creada por ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, this is the first one on the Male series of convertions. ***FINALLY FIXED THE BEARD ISSUE*** Full credit for the meshes and textures to their ...
More Mercenary Contract Options
Creada por Nashe
MMCO - More Mercenary Contract Options PLEASE: DO NOT RE-UPLOAD THIS MOD ANYWHERE. I want this mod to be as stable as possible before uploading anywhere else. This mod is vanilla-friendly. It does not require an import. * This mod will clash with other mod...
More Plastic Surgeons
Creada por Shidan
Just a simple mod that adds the Plastic Surgeons to all the other bars, instead of just the Holy Nation ones and a few others. Should now guarantee a plastic surgeon in every town, and waystations. No more chance to not have one. If you think I missed a ba...
More Plate Options
Creada por recatek
Adds two new armor items (with three variants each) to the game: Plate Pants (+ White/Black Plate Pants): - New armor piece to match the Plate Jacket with Medium Armor stats. Plate Boots (+ White/Black Plate Boots): - Retextured version of the Plated Longb...
More Plate Options [Updated]
Creada por blot
I took it upon myself to update Recateks wonderful addition to the game. Check change notes for... changes. Doesn't seem to require import. All cred to the original author. Special thanks oi__io - For allowing me to use his meshes. Check out his amazing wo...
More Respect for Healing
Creada por Lawh
Get increased relations for healing people, unless they're jerks. UPDATES Jan 2025: - Added skeletons. ________________________________________ Thanks for enjoying Kenshi and all the mods! Donation is voluntary Paypal: ...
More Weapons
Creada por Deewad
These are some weapons I made, the icons are broke and you can only purchase them, you can find them at any weaponshop, couldnt figure out how to make weapons with custom textures craftable --Added Halberd --Added Sword --Added Swiss Halberd --Added Norse ...
More bread
Creada por Alcors
I made this mod because of a request, instead of using it I recommend that you use my other mod Food Overhaul for a more balanced gameplay. It doesn't make sense that 1 sack of strawflour(4kg) is used to produce only 1 bread, so I changed it to produce 4 b...
More mercenaries
Creada por DrakeTheLesbian
More types of mercenaries I have added in new mercs there max day for hire is 5 and II have added mercs to almost everywhere some will cost a bit more but have special gear for that area also each merc has there own unique dialogue if there are any bugs pl...
NPC Town Assault Mission
Creada por Stilldoll
This mod will spawn "NPC units that attack NPC towns". It is created mainly for the purpose of "attacking enemy towns in cooperation with friendly forces". Details are described in the thread. I use translation and its explanation is very esoteric. I creat...
NPC Town Assault Mission CN
Creada por Stilldoll
这是一个中文翻译MOD。 这个mod将产生“攻击NPC城镇的NPC单位”。 它的创建主要是为了“与友军合作攻击敌人的城镇”。 细节在线程中描述。 我使用翻译,其解释非常深奥。 我创建并上传了一个视频。 这是一个简单的视频来解释这个MOD。 改变此MOD设置的MOD NPC Town Assault Mission (Unchanged Relation) 将所有增援部队改为“盟军”,以防止各派之间的派系。 此外,所有增援部队合并为一个阵营,因此派系之...
NPC Town Guard Mission
Creada por Stilldoll
This MOD adds an event that protects the town of NPC. An event to receive a reward by helping security guards who protect the town From a client such as a gatekeeper or a leader of a base to mediate security guards There is an event that protects the town ...
NPC enjoys more shopping
Creada por love-tea
*Required import* In vanilla setting, NPCs who are shopping buy foods, alcohols and first aid kits. They never buy weapons, armors, books and so on. This mod adds drifting NPC who can buy many items. Their races are random, and sometimes have a hiring dial...
NPCs With Robotic Limbs
Creada por Mad Scientist
Some of the characters you encounter in the world can have robotic limbs....
NWDM Remodeling
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD is Addon of New Weapons Dissemination Mod. Because this is a research to make a new weapon New weapons Dissemination Mod Add a modified version of the weapon. The original weapon re...
NWDM Remodeling CN/汉化
Creada por 新人N哥001
该mod是NWDM的拓展mod,添加了一个名为的4级研究,研究解锁之后便可以学习一系列改装武器的研究,其蓝图很少见…… 武器研究项目前置武器蓝图(目前以汉化拼音排序): 破壳桩(劈刀):桥墩斧,军用农具锻造,陨星锤 大名卷(武士刀):大太刀,薙刀制造,大头刀(兵库锁太刀) 折叠镰刀(长柄刀):新月镰,巨型砍刀,碎背刀,分段圆刃斧,刺股 巴迪什(重型武器):薙刀制造,长柄武器制造 弧刃大太刀(武士刀):大太刀,太刀 齿轮锤(重型武器):桥墩斧,铁甲权杖,分段圆刃斧 撕裂者重斧(重型武器):利维坦撕裂者 十字长...
NWDM Remove Triangle Bandit
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD is a MOD that removes Triangle Bandit from New Weapons Dissemination Mod. Triangle Weapons will not disappear. In order to erase as if nothing happened, it may be necessary to import it. I'm sorry for the mishap. ...
NWDM Retaliation of evil spirits
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD adds a new event to the New Weapons Dissemination Mod. When you kill an NPC in Oni Castle that was added in New Weapons Dissemination Mod(If you insert this mod, you can kill it by pulling out the soul.), Evil spirits wander around the world and a...
NWDM Without Luxury
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD is a MOD that will remove the Luxury Weapons Model from the New weapons Dissemination Mod. Weapons that were Luxury Weapons Model are now Vanilla Weapons Model again....
NWDM evils MC Patch
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD makes NWDM Retaliation of evil spirits compatible with Military craft....
NWDM evils MCA Patch
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD makes NWDM Retaliation of evil spirits compatible with More Combat Animation....
Nata Naginata
Creada por ikahurula
Add Naginata of a special form of heavy blades like Cleaver. The name of a real weapon is Tsukushi Naginata. Make it familiar to the world. Mainly, it will be possessed by Elite of Southern Hive and Samurais, etc. Meitou is possessed by the aide of Queen o...
Neko ears
Creada por Arkhiel
Just adds some ears for cat lovers :). Custom start added to test them, search available once clothing is unlocked. Craftable at clothing workbench....
New Beautiful Textures for Jrpg Race | Jrpg种族新贴图美化
Update 2019/07/09 Add a new texture. Add high lights to pupils. This mod adds two new heads with asian style makeup to the original JRPG race mod. You can find them in the Greenlander jrpg race: jrpgheadmk01 jrpgheadmk02 The original jrpg race mode is need...
New Towns: Root
Creada por Diogenes of Sinope
Muck and Mud Not too deep in the fetid wetland lies the charming hamlet of Root, an eclectic whereabouts that's mostly free of deadly predators. Travelers will enjoy a genuine dining experience at Root's oldest tavern, The Sake Pump, celebrated for its let...
New Weapons Dissemination Mod
Creada por ikahurula
Sorry weird may be English. I will add new weapons and distribute them to the world. I mixed the weapons used in Japan, and I made it with a focus on being lore friendly. New weapons are added to many NPC's belongings. Some people possess Meitou. There are...
New animation for Void
Creada por alexliyu
The new animation pack of Void Strikes that offers new animations including fly, stealth, etc 虚空入侵新的动画包, 提供包括飞行, 潜行等动画在内的新的动画...
Creada por KTN
新米忍者装備を追加します。 ハブのシノビ盗賊団で設計図を買うことが出来ます。 【製造方法】 革作業台:ホットパンツ,下駄 鎧作業台:ハイブネックレス 布作業台:タンクトップ,スリーブ...
Nice Map [Zones + Zone names + Roads]
Creada por Djeeshka
It includes some colour adjustments, zone outlines (in sort of scribbled style), zone names and roads. There are more variations of Nice Map that might fit your taste. Check these out at Hope you like it. Feedback is welcome. Have a nice time playing Kensh...
Nice Map [Zones + Zone names + Roads]+ cn
Creada por 夏侯微明
注意:需要订阅原MOD,排序在原MOD之下. 原MOD地址:Nice Map + 简介:此MOD在游戏自带的大地图注上了区域名和区域范围(黑色表示),还标出了道路(红色表示). 我将其中的区域名全部翻译成了中文(以官方中文为准),并且与原MOD不同的是,我是本着现实中看地图的习惯:将区域名尽量放置在区域中心显示,并且字体间距随着区域的边界范围调整,地区范围越大,地区名的范围就越大. 这样一来比较符合现实中的地图情况,比如看世界地图时,那大大的"俄 罗 斯""字样,我就是以这样的风格进行翻译的....
Nier_autoMata TYPE 2B (尼尔机械人形 TYPE 2B)
Creada por drm9900
The mod allows you to play as a 2B from nier_automata. It makes a new race to cosplay the robot girl with a customize body and few items. There is another one staying in the town called "The Hub" can join your team,so you could not select a mod starting(al...
No Female Muscle Definition
Creada por Shidan
(Image above is at 100 stats) Completely removes the muscle definition that comes with leveling up certain skills for the female gender. Helps prevent the she-hulk appearance that is so notorious in the game. Note: Bulk is not something I can touch with a ...
No Male Muscle Definition
Creada por Shidan
(Image above is at 100 stats) Completely removes the muscle definition that comes with leveling up certain skills for the male gender. Helps prevent the hulk-like appearance that is so notorious in the game. Note: Bulk is not something I can touch with a m...
No research cost + unlock all blueprints
Creada por FatBoyMullet
All blueprints unlocked as research. Research costs no books....
Nomad Pants
Creada por Miliika
This mod adds a new pair of pants to vendors and NPC equipment lists. It's a light pair of pants with cut-outs in the side for ventilation in the desert. The stats are similar to the samurai cloth pants but more tailored for desert with 10% sandstorm prote...
Creada por Loidsnaming
核能计划:让世界充满核。 目前已完成: 1.发电系统 --1.1 研究科技2后,可解锁研究:“核能计划”,研究完成后解锁: 1.核电站:800发电量,消耗钚锭,钚锭消耗速度相当于普通燃料的1/8,耐力持久 2.钚聚合器:用铁矿离心、聚合成钚,并产出钚锭. 3.钚锭储存箱:用于储存钚锭,设定工作后小人会自动将产出的钚锭放到这里 4.钚锭:核电站燃料 注意:核电站需要较大的平整地形来建造。 -------------------------------------------------------- Nucl...
OMO'S ARMOUR for the World
Creada por OMOCHI __________________________________________________________ Notes: 最新Verに合わせた更新や修正の予定はありません。あしからず。 __________________________________________________________ Mod概要 このModは、世界中のNPCに複数の防具とアクセサリーを配布しています。 追加されるほとんどのアイテムは、バニラアセットか...
Old Empire Enforcers
Creada por Hugo the Dwarf
Adds a rough draft of a new Robot (as an ANIMAL not a character like say a greenlander) This Enforcer can be found in the same places Iron Spiders spawn in the wild so you should find them out and about in the world (be wary they are much stronger than Iro...
Old Empire Enforcers 旧帝国执法者
Creada por ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Old Empire Enforcers Original mod page: Old Empire Enforcers的中文翻译版 增加了全新的机器人种族,以及与科技猎人有特殊对话(关于这个种族的) =================...
Creada por ikahurula
I will add Oodachi, a weapon larger than Nodachi. Make it familiar to the world. Mainly to UC. Meitou holding is A man named "Silent Guard" near Emperor Tengu . Recommend import!...
Creada por ikahurula
Add a Kunai for proximity battle. Make it familiar to the world. Reach is quite short, but it pierces the gap between the armor. Add a ninja with Kunai to UC guards. Other ninjas possess Kunai as sub weapons. Blueprints is sold at UC etc etc. Recommend imp...
Creada por ikahurula
Add a spear that is longer than Naginata. Make it familiar to the world. Samurai sometimes have it. The city that sells these weapons and Blueprints is similar to Naginatas. Recommend import! This is newly added to "New Weapons Dissemination Mod" There is ...
Ouroboros Armor and Ouroboros Empire Faction
Creada por Kitya
Adds sci-fi themed armor and weapons, a new faction and a new game start. There's a new waystation in Sonorous Dark set up by the Ouroboros Empire. The armblades are belt slot items and increase martial arts. (Mod requires import!!) Animation patch for the...
Ouroboros Armor and Ouroboros Empire Faction CN/衔尾蛇铠甲与派系 简中汉化
Creada por 盒子咸鱼
-------------- 前言 -------------- 2023-6 原来都过了那么久了。。 看见了启奥发布的适配新版的汉化,这边推荐大伙都去用那个就好了。 我这边可能就咕了,然后下面是启奥的汉化链接 PS:因为评论区回复提示地区不对,所以干脆在描述写了。 2020-8 更新了启奥提供的更新版汉化! 感谢启奥的帮助!! 2020-4 昨天搞了个19年的铠甲,但那个作者...
Outland Coin Purses
Creada por Vahagn323
Adds cats and string of cats to almost every character in the game, from Holy Nation Paladins to Empire Samurai, as well as Bandits, Swampers, Tech Hunters, Deadcats, Sheks, and many more. Also adds food to certain characters inventories, like farmers and ...
Outposts - Not Towns!
Creada por blot
PSA: Mod is shit, do not use. Build mining outposts and farming settlements without having to worry about raids. The buildings in the screenshots will NOT create a town marker on the map which means no raids, tax collection, prayer day etc. If you build to...
Padded Leather Armor
Creada por Polynudj
Padded leather helmet and chest armor. Blueprints can be bought from Holy Nation armor vendors. ...
Paladin's Heavy Cross
Creada por ikahurula
Add something like a Heavy weapon version of Paladin's Cross.Make it familiar to the world. The Paladins will occasionally have it.There is also a blueprint. Seta has Meitou. recommend importing. This is newly added to "New Weapons Dissemination Mod" There...
Patchwork Armour
Creada por OMOCHI
This Mod adds armor and accessary made using vanilla resource. _____________________________________________ Since we are away from Kenshi, there is no update to the latest version. _____________________________________________ These items, because the spe...
Peeler Machine
Creada por Vorioth
This mod adds the ability to research and an alternative place to buy the blueprint for "Peeler Machine"; designed to slowly and carefully remove the outer layers of whatever is put inside. It comes handy when you really hate someone or if you want to easi...
Plant Trees
Creada por Stilldoll
This MOD adds plants. Additional buildings Apple Tree Orange Tree Grape Tree Banana Tree Berry Tree Tree for logging (11 kinds) Wood Processor I-III Biofuel Distillery (Wood) Storage: Apple Storage: Orange Storage: Grape Storage: Banana Storage: Berry Stor...
Plate Mace
Creada por ikahurula
Add Mace made of thick iron plate. Make it familiar to the world. Skin bandit and so on occasionally have. Please be aware that Skin bandit will be a bit stronger. Blueprint may be sold well of the Holy Nation and Catun. Recommend import! This is newly add...
Player Town Settlers - UPDATED for 1.0
Creada por Nanogiraffe
I'm no longer supporting this mod. However Faylein has kindly created a patch to keep it going For Updates see change notes. IMPORT REQUIRED (sorry) Adds settlers of the Drifter faction that...
Players AI
Creada por Stilldoll
This mod gives AI to player squad. Adding a squad AI using import Players AI (import) Players AI Cannibal (import) Players A...
Pocket Change (Harsh)
Creada por Vahagn323
A "harsher" version of my Pocket Change mod, adding cats and string of cats to the inventories of practically every NPC in the game. Characters will be holding scraps of loose change compared to the original mod, making it more compatible with any economic...
Pole Hummer
Creada por ikahurula
Add a hammer type polearm. The blue print is contained in the one of the pole arm. It is mainly possessed by the battle Hive. Recommend import! This is newly added to "New Weapons Dissemination Mod" There is also Recommend import! Meitou is possessed by Th...
Populated Cities
Creada por Eagle
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: For the correct installation of this mod. Subscribe and IMPORT THE GAME instead of loading it and it will already be working. R...
Portrait Enlargement (for Animals)
Creada por Missile
No import required インポート不要 I created this mod because I got sick of animal portraits that only show half or not at all. Mod to enlarge and tweak animal portraits. The mod for humans is here. 人間用MODはこちら。 The only problem Portraits of spiders, blood spiders,...
Power up battle by skill (add battle animations)
Creada por love-tea
This mod adds new combat motions, change the speed of battle motion and characterize weapons by the skill level. If you wanna know in detail, please watch at a movie and "
Prisoner Food
Creada por love-tea
Prisoners are no longer alive without food. However, give them food is a troublesome task This mod resolves this problem. You need Research "Imprisonment" to buid Dip Barrel. Sloppy Strawflour Juice is made of 10 Strawflours and 40 Greenfruits, or Cactuses...
Prisoner Food CN(牢饭汉化)
Creada por 昏闇
前言: - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Prisoner Food ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! 囚犯们没有食物就活不下去了。 然而,给他们食物是一项麻烦的任务 这个模组解决了这个问题。 你需要研究“监禁”来解锁发酵桶。 恶心面糊是由10份面粉和40份绿色水果或仙人掌制成的。 它有5000营养,但非常重(100kg...
Purchaseable AI Cores
Creada por FurryFailure
Are you lazy and don't want to hunt AI Cores? do you dislike the AI Core Crafting mods because they're absurd or too cheatsy? well, screw that jaz, lets just buy em! Added AI Cores to Tech Traders and Construction Traders, increased value to 50,000 cats fo...
Quiver (Backpack slot)
Creada por Zheyron
Hello Drifters! I decided to introduce the quiver to improve a little the archer role in these lands and why not, add a little variety to our play style. The Quiver can be equipped in your backpack slot and allows you to store the necessary amount of arrow...
RE0 从零开始的kenshi生活
Creada por 澄大仙
服装发型加开局mod 新增加蕾姆拉姆的全套衣服丝袜裙子头饰 增加蕾姆拉姆的发型(得自己调颜色,喜欢的话可以调个金姆绿姆也OK) 增加开局蕾姆拉姆带着1W块和全身衣服的开局 (男性也可以装备但是男性穿上衣服会挽起袖子,男性用雷姆拉姆的发型会变成程序员发型。不是BUG,是特性!) 有问题加群696654735 本mod是完成版本,没有特殊情况不会更新,以上~ ...
RE0 从零开始的kenshi生活 for JRPG
Creada por 澄大仙
Race Blood
Creada por Flakk Gun
A simple mod I made that gives each of the races thier own blood color. Update: I took a walk down south to see the Southern Hive. Due to their eunique coloring and the fact that the Construction Set has them as their own race I decided to make their blood...
Racial Diversity (Formerly Multirace Bandits)
Creada por Shidan
A mod to increase the diversity of races across the world of Kenshi. Allowing many factions to spawn with more races than they normally would. Generally any faction can have any of the main races, with the chances based on the distance from their homeland ...
Radiant Better Faces & Eyes
Creada por Shiroho This mod reworks most of base eyes and faces in the game with a realistic take and adds few other custom cool faces. Don't judge too fast by the screenshots, those are randomized characters, too lazy to make an army of hands...
Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors
Creada por Shiroho To sum things up : this mod adds the Biosteel silk, a new crafting material to the game with its related furnitures (bench, loom, container). You will have to find in Kenshi's world where that damn silk is and I won't help y...
Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors CN
Creada por AMN
A chinese patch for Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors. Source mod on the right side. 需要置于原mod下方才能生效 添加了一种新的护甲材料生物钢丝绸, 有着独立的生产制造建筑(织机, 锻造台, 储具). 你可以在kenshi大陆中找到这他吗的丝绸, 但我就不告诉你在哪! 获得这种材料之后你就可以解锁研究并制作一系列的新装备, 肯定不会让你失望. 新的装备仍然使用原有的装备模型, 但是有着全新的材质和平衡不超模且比原版装备更强的属性. ...
Radiant Dog Mod : White Fang
Creada por Shiroho I know … I KNOW ! There are already tons of dog mods. I'm just putting mine make me a room ! So what am i bringing ? A hard custom start with a white dog, already seen, again … i know, but this time *in my humble opinion* wi...
Radiant Dog Mod : White Fang [白牙,与纯白色狗狗展开的冒险] Chinese Translation
Creada por ザクリア
带着狗的人总得有点充满奇迹的故事对吧? 增加新的开局: 白牙 (White Fang) 你越来越离不开它了,那条毛色在全世界独一无二的狗狗。而它的名字叫做白牙,你亲自为他取的。 关于狗是黑色的问题,目前暂时未得到原作者答复,不过我查看mod文件后猜测大概能这么解决: 在创意工坊原mod的文件夹(SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\233860\2538021712) 下面,里面有6种狗模型可以选择。分别是原色+红色图腾,原色狗+蓝色图腾,原色狗+无图腾,以及白色狗...
Radiant Primordial Hive
Creada por Shiroho This mod adds a new Hive strain called "Primordial Hive". I took a very special care to design their new textures and colors, it did cost me some crazy time. This primordial hive and its 4 individuals kinds all have new stat...
Radiant Primordial Hive【Chinese Translation】原始蜂巢族!中文汉化版
Creada por ザクリア
Chinese Translation For Radiant Primordial Hive Radiant Primordial Hive 中文翻译版 ============================================== 2023.10.1【最新】经kele大佬补充更新的部分缺失汉化,这部分均由kele完成,我来用原汉化代为上传 11.7 全汉化完成,尽情享受吧 9.26 目前基本对话翻译率大概有90%,可以使用了,一些日常对话太多太杂之后慢慢更新,各位好好享受~ 9.25 我草...
Radiant Reshade Preset for Kenshi
Creada por Shiroho This mod is a personal custom Reshade preset i made especially for Kenshi. It took hours of testing to get exactly what i wanted (see the further description). Screenshots don't really do it justice, i tried but trust me it'...
Radiant Sentry Bags
Creada por Shiroho There are plenty mods for bags already, but I've never found one that really gathers everything I wanted. So here is my take : This mod adds two new kind of rare bags. They both share the exact same container stats, differen...
Radiant Sentry Bags 侦察员背包 中文汉化
Creada por ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Radiant Sentry Bags Original mod page: Radiant Sentry Bags 的中文翻译版 顶级Mod制作者Shirohô制作的背包扩展 9/14 更新 9/15 更新,漏了描述,我的.. 增加了...
Radiant Unique Recruits Dialogues CN translation (特殊招募人物特殊对话!中文版!)
Creada por ザクリア
为特殊招募的人物附加对话! 原作者还在更新中!非常多有趣的黄色笑话(妈的绝了) 1.6 更新967条对话 12.7 已完成额外4个npc的对话,但是暂时没有上传,等再完成几个对话之后统一上传。 11.13 康招募对话完成(72kb的对话我麻了) 11.8 钟医生对话完成 11.7 更新2个NPC对话(散架琼恩和忍者村里的角色) Original mod page
Radiant Unique Recruits New Stats
Creada por Shiroho This mod alter the unique recruits stats tables in order to make them more special and more unique. Just for your info, vanilla game just tosses each of them in one of the twelve generic stat box. Sometimes 3 or 4 recruits f...
Random Enemies Squads' Numbers
Creada por ( * )
Enemies squads' numbers is much more random now. The overall game balance is still the same. Example : - Vanilla : a Dust Bandit Squad is composed of 9 or 10 members (so 9.5 members on average). - Modded : a Dust Bandit Squad is composed of 1 to 19 members...
Random Furniture
Creada por Mechanica
Armour Display Stand: Added to the Gear Storage research Enough inventory space for a full suit of armour. Bookshelf: Added to the Item Storage research The Bookshelf has enough storage space for all your books. It can also store things like notes and lett...
Ration Pack Crafting
Creada por Psigh
Quick shoutout to the discord server where i learned the basics i needed to create this simple mod: The community is growing every day and everyone is welcome, wether you just enjoy mods or want to learn to mod yoursel...
Ration Packs Expanded
Creada por blot
Adds four kinds of ration packs. Stackable up to four. Research at tier 3 to produce. Commonly found in shops which usually sells ration packs. ...
Razor Sabre
Creada por ikahurula
Add Sabre which made the blade thin to the limit. Make it familiar to the world. It will be possessed mainly by Bandit in the southeast. Meitou is owned by Gray of Anti-Slavers. . Blueprints is sold at Spring. Catun and mongrel are also sold, but the proba...
Reactive World
Creada por Shidan
This mod is dedicated to filling out the areas left lacking by the dev's world reaction systems. Be it adding effects to locations and factions that got none, or adding more detail to certain vanilla ones. Now includes a world state checking character in W...
Reactive World CN 反应世界最新汉化,补全城镇/建筑中文名称
Creada por ザクリア
反应世界最新汉化 由于反应世界一直在持续更新,原汉化作者弃坑,导致现在反应世界会使大量城镇以及建筑的名字变成英文,十分影响游戏体验。在此引用原汉化作者的翻译成果,并个人对未翻译部分进行汉化文本补全。 23.9.25 补充食人族相关剧情汉化。 11.14 把原汉化mod的文本全部补全到本汉化补丁当中,现在本汉化mod可以独立于原汉化mod使用,仅需要原mod作为依赖即可 10.6: 所有缺失文本补全完毕 旧汉化mod链接我贴一个在这里 (部分文本已经过期)
Realistic Katana Class Weapons
Creada por Clonetup
Makes all types of katanas realistic (Gaurdless Katana, Ninja Blade, Katana, Nodachi, & Wakizashi) Katana: Defence: 0 from -4 Armor Pen: -25% from -30% Ninja Blade: Defence -2 from -4 Blood loss: 1.15x from 1.1x Cut Damage: 0.94x from 0.8x Armour Pen: -25%...
Recovery Shopkeepers
Creada por Stilldoll
This MOD, Shopkeeper and security guards, if injured or stunned, As players leave the town, they get healed for injuries. Also change Thieves Guild and Shopkeeper's AI, They will not participate in battle. A battle of Shopkeeper or Thief Guild occurred som...
Recruit ANYONE v1
Creada por SureI'llHaveIt
Redeem anyone! This mod allows you to recruit literally anyone (except plastic surgeons) by throwing them in a cage and talking to them. That's it. No holding rare items, no endless dialogue trees - just talk to them and they join up. Hey, you got them in ...
Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue (pls read description)
Creada por Nanogiraffe
Hi, welcome to Recruitable Prisoners! Workshop icon render kindly provided by Schris. Find his twitter here! This mod gives you the ability to recruit captured prisoners that you disarm. You can try as many times as you like...
Recruitable Prisoners 最好的招募囚犯mod 【最新汉化】
Creada por ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Recruitable Prisoners Original mod page: Recruitable Prisoners 的中文翻译版 New Update! 2022/9/5 更新缺失的部分对话~ 老牌招募mod重生 你会被想招募的...
Recruitable Prisoners招募对话 汉化
Creada por SD
Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue 招募俘虏-对话 汉化版 汉化版更新日期2019年1月24日 作者更新日期2019年1月4日 添加对话直招2款错误代码机器人 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 俘虏和手无寸铁的囚犯有机会加入你们的阵营。 你可以尝试任...
Reduced Raid Duration (OUTDATED)
Creada por Moogie
**This mod has not been updated in several months, and as such may no longer be fully compatible with the latest patch of the game. Until and unless I get back into Kenshi someday, I will not be providing any further support or updates. I hereby grant anyo...
Resource Abundance
Creada por Nadlug
Just a quick and simple mod that should bring Soil fertility, stone and water values up to equal levels in every biome without cranking them up to absurdly high levels....
Creada por rad
This mod adds Darth Revan's robes from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to Kenshi! This mod adds the following: - Revan's Armor ( Helmet, Robe, Skirt, Sash, Boots, and Cape) - A new start, the Revanchist. Start with a set of Revan's armor. - Recruita...
Revenant Armor - Modular
Creada por Skharr
Hello people here are my first armor. It is a modular armor. What that means, same armor, just different parts. You have 5 sets for your disposal. Everyone has it own advantage and disadvantage. First armor set unlocked at research bench lvl 3. After some ...
Sand Set
Creada por Seelad
Adds 6 unique pieces of armor to the game. Each piece is close to samurai armor in terms of debuffs and defense. Pieces added are: Sand Skull - Skull-shaped heavy helmet. Hooded Sand Skull - Sand skull with a hood over it. S...
Sandbox Adv. Training CN
Creada por Asuka Yabane
本Mod是Sandbox Adv. Training mod (lvl 100)的汉化子mod,需要以原mod为前置: 原mod地址: 本汉化mod已取得原作者授权...
Sandbox Adv. Training mod (lvl 100)
Creada por HeroinAction
-Adds Training dummies (to lvl 100, normal speed) for Assassination Stealth Armor-smith Weapon-smith Lockpicking Attack Defense Strength Dexterity Toughness Turret Martial Arts Dodge Precision Shooting (Friendly Fire) Crossbow Perception Thievery Dummies i...
Creada por ikahurula
Add a capturing enemies weapon for police named Sasumata. It is very long, but its power is not much. It is possessed by Samurai Police. Blue prints are sold in the same way as the Jittes blue prints. Recommend import! This is newly added to "New Weapons D...
Scalemail - The Mod.
Creada por Red Cloud
This mod adds three new shirts to the chainmail crafting table. A long and short sleeved scalemail shirt and a golden scalemail shirt. The stats are similar to the chainmail, but slightly heavier with more protection. You can buy the blueprints for these a...
Scissor Swords
Creada por ikahurula
Add Scissor Swords It does a lot of damage to robots and hard objects, but it does less damage to humans and animals. It does a lot of damage to humans and animals, but a lot less damage to robots. The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Catun, Mongrel an...
Security Plus - Guards & Patrols
Creada por Crovvv
Credit This is simply a compiled version with minor tweaks of Lord Lurk's Patrol Waypoints Plus and Winsenkiller's Guardpost. All I did was compile them together neatly and added a dedicated category with proper research so they work well together. This wo...
Sensible Spider Range
in the base game, blood spiders have a weapon reach of SEVENTY. for comparison, a naginata has 28, and a MUCH BIGGER skin spider has only 35. if that sounds like some ridiculous nonsense to you, good, you are sane. this mod lowers the blood spider weapon r...
Shark Expanded
Creada por Squamousness
NOTICE: Given I've been completely inactive for years this may be obvious, but I am completely done with Kenshi modding. All of my mods are up for grabs to improve or use the assets of if you feel so inclined. I am not an artist or an animator and lack the...
Shiranui Mai
Creada por drm9900
前提:作为初次制作的mod,有部分问题还仍待解决,作者能力有限,暂时没找到相应的办法。 本mod主要是提供了三个部位的三件装备,以达到不知火舞造型的效果,游戏设定了一个用于测试装备效果的开局,使得人物初始就持有三件套。装备可以在忍着小偷的贩卖者那里购买,也可以通过研发科技自行制造装备(研发部分未测试)。由于是外型装备,建议不要再搭配其他防具装备以免影响观看效果,或者你有更好的搭配请随意。 PS: 1.示意图中除了这个Mod以外,还搭配了一些美化Mod(jrpg和18+那一系列),因此你需要自行寻找相应mod...
Shirts For All - Unlock Armor Slots
Creada por CamelSpyd3r
"Hey CamelSpyd3r, whatcha doin'?" "I'm making shirts wearable for all races!" "Uh, CamelSpyd3r, that's been done. It's literally the first thing that a modder learns how to do." "Yeah, but these aren't just unlocking the armor slot for shirts, these are br...
Shop Cats+
Creada por yippeekiay
All Vendors in the world have more Cats (Catun Credits = MONEY!!) I made it due to none currently working that fulfilled my needs. So don't shoot the messenger, I'm trying my best lol ;o) **Cats have been set as follows but see note at bottom of this descr...
Shops have more money
Creada por Dryhand
this mod increases the amount of money a shop has by 15 - 22 times the normal amount. the amount should be between 375000 - 550000 cats, but sometimes goes way beyond that to 700000 or below to 300000, not sure what's causing it but that shoudn't be a prob...
Shops never sleep +
Creada por Dryhand
a mod that makes vendors NEVER close their shops at night time. very handy when shoping at night . also NOT to mention how annoying it is every time you accidentally walk into a shop at night and then have to run away to avoid getting cought....
Shrieking Bandits Expanded
Creada por Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands on the Shrieking Bandit faction with all new original armor, weapons, and enemies! I thought it was dissapointing that such an out of the way faction really did not have much cont...
Silent Outfit
Creada por Crv0z
Kept you waiting huh? This mod presents four armor pieces(based on a known game?) , Obtainable with the shinobi thieves trader, or as starter gear for the wanderer(for the time being). -Silent top -Silent thong -Silent eyepatch -Silent boots -Silent gear -...
Simple Camping Extras
Creada por vampirecosmonaut
This mod adds more structures that you can use to make camping easier. All of these items are built without cost because they are made of scavenged materials and they are meant to be temporary. At least they are temporary fr...
Simple Camping Extras(Chinese Translation)简易露营床!超方便!汉化!
Creada por ザクリア
【介绍为机翻,mod内容为个人精翻】 Origin Author (原作者链接) 所有这些物品都是免费建造的,因为它们是由回收材料制成的,而且它们是临时的。 至少从角色扮演的角度来看,它们是暂时的,结构不会腐烂。 新项目列在“露营附加品”类别中的露营下。 此模组包括对现有家具的这些更改: 营火:营火的最大操作员更改为 1。现在必须有人使用营火来煮肉。 这现在可以提高角色的烹饪技能...
Simple Dresses
Creada por Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description A simple mod made on request that addresses a lacki...
Simple Dresses World Spawns
Creada por Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description A companion patch to my simple dress mod. This simp...
SimpleDresses 素裙
Creada por ザクリア
Simple translations for Simple Dresses 素裙,建议配合原作者的素裙随机生成在NPC身上的mod配合 以下为链接:
Skeleton Frame Cover
Creada por seina
Skeleton Frame Cover MOD I made the frame cover armor. This is a skeleton only armor that can not equip shirt, shoes, or headgear. This MOD adds 2 armor. Skeleton Frame Cover Armor Skeleton Frame Cover Leg Guard how to get: Merchants selling prosthetic han...
Skeleton ILA-M
Creada por ikahurula
Add a Race called "Skeleton ILA-M" It's based on the Industrial Lifter Arm, and pretty good muscle-combat. But not good at anything else. Very high HP, but the automatic regeneration is very low. The moving speed is slow. MKI ALL HP 250 MKII HEAD HP 225 OT...
Skeleton KLR-M
Creada por ikahurula
Add a Race called "Skeleton KLR-M" It's based on the KLR Limb, and pretty High durability tank. But it ’s very slow... Ultra high HP, but the automatic regeneration is very terribly slow. It takes time even if you sleep in the bed to be repaired. MKI HEAD ...
Skeleton Mercenaries 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 重要的是说三遍: 需以原版作为前置!!! 需以原版作为前置!!! 需以原版作为前置!!! 介绍:更多骨人队友,骨人不要吃喝还能打能修,这么好的东西当然要多来点,这个mod在 - 黑色沙漠城市 - 中心 - 世界尽头 - 平底湖泻湖 - 技术猎人路线 - 斯昆 都增加了一些可以招募的骨人队友,有免费的和花钱的...
Skeleton NPC Hires (Out of Date)
Creada por Madd Llama
For a world full of mad, broken, violent, and lonely skeleton robots, there is a huge lack of them in the game. I personally wanted to see more Skeletons myself as they are one of my favorite races in the game. This mod adds a squad of skeletons to the fol...
Skeleton Upgrade Modules Reworked
Creada por emeraldpopcorn
Adds 5 new "modules" for skeletons to be equipped in the belt slot. They can be found at robotics shops and they improve certain skills at the cost of others. The modules included are the Melee Combat Module, Stealth Module, Unarmed Combat Module, Scouting...
Skeleton armor slots unlocked
Creada por ShadowAngel
This mod unlock all armor slots for all skeletons. I did not like how skeletons are hard to maintain at the beginning of the game and when endgame finally arrives they completely lose to Sheks in all fights. I made this mode for my own skeleton only playth...
Creada por Gyropilot
This simple mod allows you to level buildings without development tools or having to carefully drag it. Buildings have a natural and realistic look and play very well. Doesn't take anything off from the vanilla game flow, balance or difficulty. It's intend...
Smithy fix
Creada por blot
Ever wanted to build a smithy inside the most advanced building you can construct? Yeah, me too so I made this quick mod. Reduces the size of the Heavy Armour Smithy & the Weapon Smith I, II & III so it fits inside Outpost s-IV....
NPCs Shop More
Creada por Aphelion
(This mod took forever to make because I had to change every character in the game individually to buy certain types of items and have certain types of money. I usually don't say this but since I basically put in 6 hours of mindless grunt work for this I'd...
Storage for Ration Packs Expanded
Creada por Tactiic
I was annoyed that Ration Packs Expanded didn't have storages for the new ration packs so I added them. uses ration packs from Ration Packs Expanded by Blot all credit for ration packs goes to them, I just made the storages....
Storage quantity x1000 一千倍储存箱
Creada por Newbot-01
修改各种材料储存箱上限 是原有的1000倍 修改食物储存箱堆叠上限 ——— 只修改了各生产材料堆叠上限,未修改水井产水和发电机储存,未修改装备武器的堆叠 —————— 修改目的:让你休息的农名忙碌起来!白吃饭不干活的日子一去不复返了,也让你少造点储存箱 ...
Swish Mods : Alpha Animals
Creada por Swishos
Made this mod after a suggestion from the workshop regarding alpha animals, i'm planning on adding more in the future but wanted feedback first to see what people thought and want. Pretty much adds alphas to most carnivious critters in the game, a new herb...
Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion
Creada por Swishos
The East Coast Expansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After spending endless hours writing like a pirate its finally in a state im happy to release, my idea for this mod mainly stemmed from the fact that the map has port cities already which would say that naval tra...
Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion
Creada por Swishos
Started work on this a few weeks ago as a mod for me and my friends and now have it at a stage where i'm happy to release it to the public and start getting feedback and suggestions on how to improve, so lets get started. This mod adds a large amount of ne...
TECH Trader Caravan vist
Creada por Howls@TheMoon
The Tech Hunters guild has finally decided to start trading! There is a small chance (equal to other caravan visits) that the Tech caravan will visit your player outpost after they clear out an ancient lab or library. They sell ancient ruins loot, such as:...
TIHYD_Out on a Limb
Creada por MECR
Changes all Skeletons to have robotic limbs. AKA Major Skeleton Overhaul Mod: - Lots of new Limb Types - Unique Limb Sets - Custom Textures for Limb Sets ("Damaged" looks damaged) - Intriguing new Game Starts - New Equipment: Skeleton Headgear - New Equipm...
Creada por MECR
Adds 16 new lore-friendly animals all across Kenshi's world: Chimpanzees, Bloodhounds, Fiddler Crabs, Acid Wasps, Carrion Crawlers... I don't want to spoil the excitement of finding the new creatures for you, so the full content list is in the discussions ...
增加了十几种动物 具体看源介绍: 需要原mod前置 我会对mod内翻译不确定的词条加入 →(存疑) 如有更好的建议可私信或评论 如有需要汉化的mod亦可私信或评论但不保证能汉化...
TIHYD_ZOO_TameBeasties Patch
Creada por MECR
This is a patch for my mod ZOO and Petrus.91's mod TameBeasties. Now all the creatures from my mod, except one, which is too large by far, are tameable. Mod Loadorder: TIHYD_Zoo.mod TameBeasties.mod This Patch...
Table with Foods
Creada por ancforest
通常のテーブルでは生活感があまりないので、食べ物や飲み物がのったテーブルを作りました。 内装カテゴリにあり、基礎的な家具と同時に作成可能になります。 丸テーブル2種類、テーブル2種類、棚5種類。 棚にはアイテムも入ります。 This mod add some interior with foods and drinks. Transration mod is here↓
Table with Foods 有食物的桌子 中文版!
Creada por ザクリア
因为通常的桌子没有什么生活感,所以我做了一张放食物和饮料的桌子。 属于内部装饰类别,可以同时制作基础家具。 圆桌2种,桌子2种,架子5种。 架子上也有物品。 Original Mod page:
Creada por ikahurula
It's simple. Add Katana with enhanced curve. The power is low, but weakness to armor is gone. Make it familiar to the world. Mainly some of the samurai will possess them. Meitou is possessed by NPC in Heng's weapons shop . Blueprints is sold at UC etc etc....
Creada por Petrus.91
This mod lets you recruit Beasties after capturing them. Also available on the nexus! Chinese version here: 这是 驯服的野兽 中文翻译版本地址 Supports most if not all the vanilla critters. 1. Find unconscio...
TameBeasties 驯服的野兽汉化版
Creada por SD
TameBeasties 驯服的野兽 汉化版更新日期2019年1月26日 原作者更新日期2018年5月21日 修改动物加入时可编辑. 此版本增加背包宽度到12,可以一排放两个建筑材料. 此版本把动物袋 机器人包和利维坦口袋改成现实不可堆桟,改大了容量. 修改减少动物饥饿度.修改机器人包妨碍战斗变为-1 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address
Tanegashima Gun
Creada por SIKASUNE
Add Matchlock, Ammo, Blueprints, Free integration into yours MODS PATCHES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crossbows are Now Fun Patch for Tanegashima Gun
Tanegashima Gun 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原版mod作为前置!!! 需以原版mod作为前置!!! 需以原版mod作为前置!!! 介绍:种子岛枪 添加了蓝图、弹药、火枪...
Tastes Like Chicken
Creada por EckyThump
Severed limbs are edible. Human and Shek arms provide 80 nutrition, legs 100. Hive arms and legs are both 60 because they're skinny and mostly gristle....
Taxman/Tribute/Prayer Relations+
Creada por Howls@TheMoon
You would think that co-operation with the locals would improve your relationship right? Well now it does! This mod adds a small relations increase to Shek, TradersGuild, UnitedCities and HolyNation visits that involve the player having a base in their ter...
Creada por ikahurula
Add a hand fan made of iron named Tessen. Make it familiar to the world. Ninja will come to have it by chance.Meitou is possessed by moll . Blueprints are sold occasionally everywhere, but they are often sold at the Thief Guild. A small version was also ad...
The Argoril Sword Family
Creada por mopsisgone
'Blood have I lost and also dearest friends, of darkest days I've had my fill, But let me tell just one tale, that never ends; of family Argoril,,,' A Storyteller The seven blades of Family Argoril await..out there in the desolate, silent wastes! Each craf...
The Argoril Sword Family (Chinese Translation) 亚格里尔的传承 汉化
Creada por ザクリア
【介绍为机翻,内容为个人精翻】 【 The description is translated by computer, But the Mod in the game is translated by myself word by word XD】 “我失去了血,也失去了最亲爱的朋友,在我最黑暗的日子里饱受折磨,但让我只讲一个故事,它永远不会结束; 家族Argoril,,,,' 一个讲故事的人Argoril家族的七把刀在荒凉寂静的荒野中等待着......在那里! 每个都由 LEVIATHAN PEARL ...
The Armoured Direwolf
Creada por Peachwolf
When he found her, she was a runt - no different from any other bonedog puppy, except for her snowy white pelt. As she grew up, it became very clear that she was no ordinary bonedog. To the east of Bad Teeth is the White Wolf's Respite. There, you can pick...
The Armoured Direwolf 白狼汉化版
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 一个比较大型的mod,狼在坏牙东北方的湖边上,有一系列乱七八糟的对话,最后狼和狼的主人都会加入你,(翻译的时候发现他们有很多互动而且骚话连篇),除了狼还有一些狼盔甲和狗盔甲,还有狼的专用背包,还有一大堆的浪人武器加入游戏,都是可以自己造出来的。...
The Dawnguard
Creada por Horatio
This mod adds a new start and a new faction : The Dawnguard. The history of the Dawnguard is vague and long since forgotten. What little is known, however, is that the group was formed by the Holy Nation to help against anything that could pose a threat to...
The Dawnguard 黎明守护者 汉化!
Creada por ザクリア
============================================== 具体翻译请自行机翻原帖介绍(因为有图,我不会加) 原mod地址 Original mod page: 新的阵营:黎明守护者 加入了4个全新的特殊NPC 干翻雾人,黎明守护者有责 加入他们,带领全副武装的喙嘴猩猩和骨狗,把雾人脆弱的身躯踩烂 带回雾人王子的头颅 =============...
The Famished King 饥饿土匪之王
Creada por ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of The Famished King Original mod page: The Famished King的中文翻译版 作者的第一个Kenshi mod,加入了一个很有趣的独特NPC 在边境之地的奇怪悬赏,*他值2 000开币* ,以...
The Horde - Faction Size 512 (with a trick)
Creada por MECR
This adds a Game Start that gives you a Horde with 512 members. WARNING! This is primarily a mod for testing, proof of concept and fun. Expect crashes, FPS drop, stuttering and all kind of issues. You will probably need a hig-end gaming PC to even get it t...
The Lightsaber
Creada por User
Kenshiの世界観が妙に馴染む蛍光灯を装備したNewGame「The Lightsaber」を追加します。 Add a new game start , 4 characters with random color lightsabers. Get more Lightsaber
The Outcasts Banners
Creada por harrycheez
NOTICE: I most likely wont be adding new banners to this mod in the near future. General Information. The banners are in their own section, BANNERS The Banners can be placed and built after researching Basic furniture. (Research level 2) The Banners cost n...
The Throne Chinese Translation 宝座!中文版!
Creada por ザクリア
真正的国王和酋长的宝座! 研究1级核心/研究。一本书->研究和成本->4建筑材料。 您可以将宝座放置在内部和外部。玩得高兴 This is The Chinese TRANSLATION Original mod page: A Throne for real Kings and Chiefs! Research lvl 1 Core / Interior Menu. 1 Boo...
The Witcher CN
Creada por 启奥
原mod The Witcher! 原作者 mopsisgone 巫师mod中文补丁 利维亚的杰落命和希里因为一场意外来到了kenshi大陆。他们将带着他们的全新巫师装备来面对这个废土世界. 玩家也可以通过解锁科技在巫师衣服工作台自己制作杰落命和希里的衣服 (ps 杰落命在赫夫特,希里在沼泽鲨鱼村) 原mod作者为kenshi带来了很多优秀mod(譬如龙之纪元盔甲,x战警之类的mod) 现在他的生活似乎因为疫情的原因变得很艰难. 有能力的可以通过原mod下面的赞助链接支持一下 原mod地址 https://...
The Witcher!
Creada por mopsisgone
"What are you doing?? KILLING MONSTERS!" Geralt of Rivia.. Hello fellow Kenshi lovers! The Mopkinster lives to bring you a mod so epic the Mod Gods themselves must envy it! It was supposed to be a small thing but it has grown and now I proudly must present...
Thicc Foliage
Creada por Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other regular mods here. Description This mod alters how Kenshi renders distant foliage and alpha clipped objects allowing them to be seen further...
Thousand Hands Martial Village CN(武僧村汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原mod作为前置,将汉化放在原mod后加载。 如有错漏,请及时通知我修改。 添加的都是新内容,所以兼容性应该比较好。 原mod链接: 原mod简介: 漂泊者,你可能没有听说过一个隐居的村庄,在这里你可以一边游历这片危险的土地,一边提高你的武术。 你可以休息一下,呼吸一些新鲜空气,在当地和武僧一起对抗奴隶主们...
Throes of Obedience
Creada por Minic78
My attempt at spicing up one of the coolest zones in Kenshi. All credit for the idea goes to noppy, whose Spanking Spider mod adds security spiders with arms attached. DISCLAIMER This is extremely rough and likely will be for some time. Expect janky animat...
Tiger Pet - "The Last Tiger"
Creada por Zheyron
Hello everyone! I bring you a new Companion for your adventures that you cannot miss out! The Last Tiger!!! A beautiful big cat (once reaches adulthood) who loves to be pet. In first instance it is a little pup, so take care of it! Where do I find It? *The...
TigerPet CN (宠物老虎汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原版作为前置,汉化mod放在原版下方加载。 如有遗漏和错翻,请及时通知我。 原版链接: 原版介绍: 大家好! 我为你的冒险带了一个新伙伴,你不会错过的!最后的一只老虎!!!一只漂亮的宠物大猫(成年后)。但是首先它只是一只幼崽,所以好好照顾它! 应该在哪里找到它? *枢纽城酒吧将会有一个NPC,如果你按...
Tomoegata Naginata
Creada por ikahurula
Add Tomoegata Naginata The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Catun, Heng and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The weapon of this mod is in
Tool Weapon
Creada por ikahurula
I'm sorry for the machine translation We will add hoe and pickaxe which reinforce it so that it can be used in battle. There is what existing weapons shop and NPC have. Blueprint is sold in Heng, Mongrel, Holy Nation, Catun, Hive etc. NPC with MEITOU is so...
Trader For Hire
Creada por Ysky
You can now hire a Trader to settle in your outpost. The Trader has food and drink and some materials for sale. Trader can be found in major cities and Waystations. *** Due to game limitation, use one of your crafter to ask trader to follow, so trader can ...
Trader For Hire CN (雇佣商人汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:必须要原版mod作为前置,汉化mod放在原版下方。 如有错漏,请通知我修改。 原版链接: 原版简介: 你现在可以雇佣一个商人在你的哨站定居。这个商人有食品、饮料和一些原材料。商人可以在城市和中继站找到。 1.在酒吧里找商人(叫作(商人 名字)的npc)。 2.第二步。谈一谈,雇一个商人。 3.把交易者带回你的哨...
Training Weapons Vendor
Creada por Owen
Adds a new vendor that sells: -Practice bow and bolts -Practice weapons of every type -Practice martial art wraps weapon with 100% fist protection All do 0 damage. Equip them for training on prisoners. Also adds a Weighted Training Robe. When worn you do 0...
Training Weapons Vendor (Chinese Translation) CN 训练武器供应商 汉化
Creada por ザクリア
Origin(原mod下载地址) 添加了一个新的供应商,出售: - 练习弓箭 - 练习各种类型的武器 - 练习武术包裹武器,100% 拳头保护 全部造成 0 伤害。 装备他们接受囚犯训练。 还增加了一件加权训练长袍。 佩戴后,无论您装备什么武器,都会造成 0 伤害,同时仍会在受人尊敬的技能中获得 XP。 它也很重,所以你可以用它训练力量。 这个项目是为那些想要跳过使用不同练习武器...
Transparent UI
Creada por bayrock
Adds transparency to the Dark UI mod, providing a fuller field of view. Pair with Font Redux for best results. You must disable other UI mods (such as Dark UI) to prevent collisions. Consider raising the priority of this mod above other mods in your list....
Triangle Weapons
Creada por ikahurula
We add three types of triangular blade weapons. Faction named Triangle Bandit is also added, and those people use this weapon. Blueprints are sold by Mongrel and Shark. Meitou is Triangle Beak > A person named Triangle First who lives in Dust King Tower af...
NewVanilla LEGACY Food and Farming Tweaks v.1.4.1
Creada por Seven
In this mod I did a variety of tweaking to various aspects of farming. While hemp is intended to be incredibly efficient/versatile/good, it's so good that it overshadows many other crops. Greenfruit for whatever reason have a very (annoyingly) small output...
TrueVanilla Food and Farming Tweaks v.1.3.1食品和农业调整
Creada por ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of TrueVanilla Food and Farming Tweaks Original mod page: TrueVanilla Food and Farming Tweaks 的中文翻译版 调整了农作物和食物的数值,为仙人掌...
UC Nobles start(联合都市贵族开局)
Creada por 一颗土豆
Umbra Backpacks
Creada por Zargachi
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attention everyone: As far as i know the mod still working for the last game version, before complaining about if it's working or not, test it alone with...
Umbra Warehouse Chest
Creada por Zargachi
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attention everyone: As far as i know the mod still working for the last game version, before complaining about ir working or not, test it alone with the ...
Unique Companions #1: Xavage
Creada por Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Unique Companions #1: Xavage (MCA Patch)
Creada por Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Unique Companions #1: Xavage 独特同伴#1 萨维奇
Creada por ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Unique Companions #1: Xavage 这是修改后的版本,之前的应该是导出时出现了问题导致汉化没有生效,下载了之前旧版汉化mod的朋友请更换此版本并将旧版取消订阅删除 Original mod page: Unique...
VOICEROID Hairstyles
Creada por Non
adds 7 types VOICEROID's hairstyle. It is for women of Greenlander and Scorchlander, but it can be used by men. VOICEROID達の髪型を7種類追加します。 GreenlanderとScorchlanderの女性用ですが、男性でも使えます。 ---------------------------------------------------- Caution Redistribution of...
Vagrant Expanded CN (流浪者扩展汉化)
Creada por lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:必须要原版mod作为前置,汉化mod放在原版下方。 如有错漏,请通知我修改。 原版链接: 原版简介: 这个mod扩展了在大沙漠中可以找到的流浪者营地。添加了以下功能: 招收流民:与流民交谈,有机会招募他们。每6个游戏小时刷新一次,因此如果第一次没有成功,你可以稍后再试。 流浪商人:在任何流浪者营地都可以找...
Vagrants Expanded
Creada por Squamousness
NOTICE: Given I've been completely inactive for years this may be obvious, but I am completely done with Kenshi modding. All of my mods are up for grabs to improve or use the assets of if you feel so inclined. I am not an artist or an animator and lack the...
Vampireteddygram's Mod Shop *updated*
Creada por Vampireteddygram Want a laid back place to discuss all things Kenshi? Looking to learn how to make mods for Kenshi? Come join the biggest and best Kenshi discord on the...
Void Attack Anim
Creada por alexliyu
The battle animation pack of The Void Strikes Back, which provides combat animations for all RACES. Note: this is part of the nether invasion MOD. 虚空入侵的战斗动画包, 提供各个种族的战斗动画. 注意:这是虚空入侵MOD的一部分. 如何给新种族添加攻击动作, 请参考
Wandering Medics
Creada por SpaceDog
Adds a new faction of wandering medics called the Menders. The Menders wander from town to town patching up wounded people because there are good people out there and not everyone wants to kill you. Even in Kenshi. The Menders will heal you if you need it ...
Wandering Squads - Trader's Guild
Creada por zartury
Adds wandering traders as part of the Trader's Guild faction, pretty much across the whole world. Two types of traders, the ones situated in reasonable areas of operation and dangerous areas. The ones in the regular areas are pretty much the same like ordi...
Wandering Squads Spawn "Engine"
Creada por zartury
Disclaimer: This may impact adversely the spawned squad mods made by Shidan, Thaboone and Kenshi Reworked. If you are using these mods, it best to turn off the spawn engine, till a solution is achieved. Required to run any of the other wandering squad mods...
Wanted Poster Map Marker
Creada por Howls@TheMoon
This mod adds a version of wanted posters which will also add the location of that specific bounty to your map when used. The bounty maps can be found in UC, HN, Shek and The Hub bars and are free like the other bounty slips. ~added red version of bounty i...
Waste Fiends - Creature mod CN
Creada por 启奥
原模组 Waste Fiends - Creature mod 荒废的恶魔--生物模组 汉化补丁 (明明就是恐龙mod) 原模组 Waste Fiends - Creature mod 原mod作者 LordHapless 原mod作者赞助链接 原模组介绍 该模型添加的内容。 骨魔 恐怖的大块头,在大多数名字里有 "骨 "的地方游荡。 雾魔: 丑陋的小家伙,喜欢吃东西,特别是喜欢啃咬雾人...
Waste Fiends: Creature Mod
Creada por Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Weaklings Give XP
Creada por ( * )
Fighting weak enemies gives XP, contrary to vanilla. In Vanilla, a high level character has a 90% XP malus, when fighting an enemy with 25 levels less than him. With this mod, the same 90% malus only applies, when facing an enemy 50 levels below you. Enjoy...
Weapon & Armour Smith Recruits
Creada por bear_samu
A quick mod I threw together to add weapon & armour smith recruits to the game, to save time spent grinding levels. The mod adds 5 new recruits covering all races Forj - SHEK - Located at ADMAG Pal - GREENLANDER - Located at THE HUB Psy - SCORCHLANDER - Lo...
Weapon Expansion: Bandit
Creada por Peachwolf
This mod seeks to expand the variety of weapons that a couple of bandit groups have access to, and allow characters to begin training with a wider variety of weapons earlier on. Adds one of each weapon type discounting blunt weapons, as the Iron Club alrea...
Weapons look metallic
Creada por besthsq
Gives a metallic shine to ALL melee weapons. I've always hated how my Meitou weapons looked like they were made out of some sort of white PVC tubing. Here's a mod that aims to fix that (and all of the other weapon grades). This mod makes the more "metal" p...
Wear your hats with everything.
Creada por August
Makes almost all hats, masks and goggles equipable with each other by making smaller copies of them, which you can put into belt slot. Also adds them for crafting(You need to research it first, does not need any blueprints) and to vendors lists. To make it...
Wearable Banners - Extra
Creada por Nanogiraffe
Adds 15 new textures that use the model from Stumples Wearable Banners Mod. New banners are: -Craftable at the clothing bench -fit in the belt slot -provide a minor combat bonus (+3) -Import not required This mod does not require an Import. All credit for ...
Wearable Banners - Extra 靠旗mod汉化版
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 为游戏里面添加了一些靠旗,位置装备在腰带栏,加3点攻击和防御,里面有权利的游戏的旗帜,还有战国时代的一些靠旗(好像是浅井和上衫?),汉化内容可能不是那么恰当,谨慎使用!...
Weight Bench - Strength Training
Creada por Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: Well, I finally got tired of training ever...
Weight Bench - Strength Training 汉化
Creada por Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:哑铃mod,让你变得更强壮~...
Weird Range Weapon Expansion(怪异远程武器扩展)
Creada por nArrAtor
Introduction Add eight range weapons to the game. And they can only be found at Black Desert City. Weapon list: -Crystal Staff(Just called staff not actually a staff) -Blow Pipe -Blood Drill -Tuna Launcher -Hand-held Harpoon -Bolt Action Rifle -Chainsaw Th...
WithoutNWDM Cannibal and Shrieking
Creada por ikahurula
This MOD is a mod that gives "New Weapons Dissemination Mod", compatible with "Cannibals Expanded" and "Shrieking Bandits Expanded". Please be careful as it will become bare hand if it is only this. Be sure to insert Cannibals Expanded and Shrieking Bandit...
XT-MKIII & XT-MKIV - Concept Art Skeletons
Creada por CamelSpyd3r
In the back when times, before the fall of the First Empire two new versions of skeletons were designed to be stronger, faster, smarter, and all around better than their previous incarnations. This sadly fell short of the propaganda, leaving the Mark 3 and...
XT-MKIII & XT-MKIV Animation Compatibility Patch
Creada por Ñokk
Compatibility patch for CamelSpyd3r's Ren and Stimpy mod. Should allow all races from Phineas and Ferb mod to use animations from: -More Combat Animation -Military Craft -Animation Overhaul Mod All of these mods aren't necessary and this patch works fine i...
XT-MKIII & XT-MKIV Skeleton Frame Compatibility
Creada por CamelSpyd3r
This is just a simple mod that allows my XT-MKIII and XT MKIV skeletons to wear seina's Skeleton Frame Cover. Make sure it is under both my mod and seina's mod in the load order. Please note, removal of mods can damage a save file. Importing after removal ...
XT-MKIII & XT-MKIV Skeleton Upgrade Module Compatibility
Creada por CamelSpyd3r
This is just a simple mod that allows my XT-MKIII and XT MKIV skeletons to use The Emerald Popcorn's Skeleton Upgrade Modules Reworked. Make sure it is under both my mod and The Emerald Popcorn's mod in the load order....
YoRHa Outfit
Creada por Arkhiel
Adds an outfit inspired of A2 from Nier Automata (part of the outfit). Only uses shirt slot. Can be searched after clothing, and can be crafted at clothing bench. Female only, it will look like a normal white shirt on males :) . I do not own any of Nier Au...
Yundao HDT Hairstyles for Kenshi
Creada por ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, starting with Yundao_HDT Hair. For obvious reasons the whole HDT part is not in the port. Full credit for the meshes and textures to their cre...
Yundao Hair jrpg race patch
Creada por ketz
Compatibility patch for jrpg race...
Zombie Apocalypse
Creada por RoyalFox
Reuploading of any of my mods to Nexus is forbidden. I wil take the necessary steps to have it removed from Nexus if it is reuploaded. The world is infested with zombies. This can/will lag your game especially if you set the squad cap and size too high. I ...
[CN]铁围栏Metal Fencing
Creada por Rayforward
[FIX] Unleash the Hair
Creada por Pautau
This mod allows to turn your hair on (doesn't work if you are bald) when wearing an Armoured Face Plates or a Bandana. Because of clipping, I only did this fix for the both hats. If you have any requests or questions, do not hesitate to contact me. _______...
[Shopping] Let the Cats out of the Bag
Creada por BLKCandy
Let the cats out of the bag! Most people will have basic income to buy stuff. More AI types will go shopping. They will buy food, then first-aid/drinks, then splint/repair kit/bolts/tools/materials/misc items in that order. Most NPCs now have income based ...
[rebuild/重做]Hololive Project / Hololive小剧场
Creada por DNF player
重做整个模组! 原因:看的女人越来越多了。 目前计划名单: 中文名称 英文名称 犬山玉姬 Inuyama_Tamaki_ 时雨羽衣 Shigure_Ui_ 櫻巫女 Sakura_Miko_ 星街彗星 Hoshimati_Suisei_ 白上吹雪 Shirakami_Fubuki_ 夏色祭 Natsuiro_Matsuri_ 紫咲诗音 Murasaki_Shion_ 凑阿库娅 Minato_Aqua_ 百鬼绫目 Nakiri_Ayame_ 大空昴 Ōzora_Subaru_ 兔田佩克拉 Usada_Pekor...
Creada por 夏侯微明
截止19.08.25 16:35 最新版本V3 每次更新内容可以点击右边的"改动说明"查看. 已修复官方中文的乱码问题. 用得好的朋友可以请我喝杯咖啡,哈哈~~支付宝:15738871170,郭帅 个人在官方中文的基础上,参考了 kenshi 简体中文汉化译名完善mod (Simplified Chinese translation fix mod) 1.00.31进行的一些词条的修正. 保留98%的官方内容,包括地名,对话等,只是修正了一些明显是翻译错误或者有歧义的地方,比如胃应该是腹部,阻碍应该是负重等...
Creada por Loidsnaming
囚禁到自己造的笼子里对话即可选择招募,需要50000钱(饥饿强盗则很便宜) 不需要卸除武装 成功率100% 大多数常见npc兵种,包括联合都市皇帝,剥皮老大,小拳头,食人族大法师等都可以招募 如有bug请反馈 simply imprison NPCs into your own-made cages, talk to them, choose the right dialogue.(include some special NPCS like Tengu, Sarvant, Tinfist) Every n...
Creada por vbnshi
让AnimationOverhaul、Military craft、More Combat Animation支持jrpg_race的mod...
jrpg_race recruit in bar
Creada por Robby
いろんな街のバーに雇用できる美形種族が出現するようになります Google Translation Jrpg_race that can be hired to bars in various cities will appear V5 どうにもこうにも上手いこと美形種族が出現しないので大きく調整 このMOD単体で動作するようにしました Since the bug is awful, change the making of MOD from the root I made it work with thi...
kenshi 简体中文汉化译名完善mod (Simplified Chinese translation fix mod) 1.00.32
Creada por AquariusBlack
中文修改mod 基于官方汉化修改的产物 主要修改译名 chinese translation fix mod 基于1.00.32版本 请尽量使用新版本 有问题可以加入qq群112765260 将mod文件夹内locale文件夹复制到游戏主文件夹下可以使启动器汉化 mod文件一般位于steamapps\workshop\content\233860\1791246342 感谢nArrAtor提供的kenshi中文界面主题 alt看不了物品或者缺字不清楚是什么情况...不是所有人都有 可以尝试替换字体 但替换字...
Creada por 启奥
kenshi官方中文覆盖,修复重量显示bug 2024.4.17:汉化已同步到官方68版本,并修复官方存在的一些缺失汉化,如设置界面的那些英文。 同时参考评论建议,将每小时每米等描述改为英里/h,米/s等,节约左下角文本空间。 此版本官方已自带111修复,因此本mod仅作为原版中文覆盖使用,可修复游戏内容被部分模组覆盖导致变为机翻或英文的BUG 1.修复物品重量错误显示的bug,即去掉物品真实重量前的111 2.订阅了太多的mod,导致游戏中大量词汇被替换英文或者错误翻译,本mod可以修正这点,保证官方内容...
maphack 地图全开
Creada por Guardian_pledge
在地图上显示所有的地点,包括遗迹之类的 地图在酒吧老板那里有卖....
mike's pathfinding edits - road preference 0.2
Creada por Dr. Stupid Retard
the vanilla road preference value is 0.3; the road preference value is placed on a 0-1 scale, with 0 meaning roads are completely ignored, and 1 meaning roads are relied on completely. roads are incredibly important for kenshi pathing, so choose wisely fro...
narko race 娜尔可种族
Creada por 蓖麻开发999
娜尔可之子种族。 来自其他星球,外表和人类相似的苍白种族,靠饮血维生,崇拜一位无名的女神。女神会随着星际迁徙而不断地创造新的化身。在这个星球的化身名为娜尔可。即帝国人厌恶的黑影恶魔。。。 包括三个亚种 娜尔可血脉 娜尔可血亲。擅长敏捷,不适合劳作,可以自动回复生命值 娜尔可仆人 有着强大的力量,可以使用重武器,但是缺乏使用十字弩的技巧。 以及禁忌之子——蒙受神恩者 包括: 一个城镇,多个居住点,多个势力 城镇地图 新的盔甲,衣服 新的武器 多个可雇佣角色以及可雇佣的特殊动物 新的女性(和男性)妆容! 地图可...
omo items
Creada por OMOCHI
________________________________________________ Notes: I'm already away from Kenshi and there is no update. ________________________________________________ This Mod adds Japanese style items in the game. You can buy it at a special shop added to Port Nor...
scalemail CN/鳞甲 简中汉化
Creada por 盒子咸鱼
【前言】 首先感谢制作者Red Cloud 给了我授权汉化这个MOD! 另外,还是要提一下: 需要原版mod作为前置! 需要原版mod作为前置! 需要原版mod作为前置! 最重要的说完了,下面来介绍一下这个mod: 游戏中新加入了鳞甲衬衫, 似乎有三种(或者四种,测试的时候没太注意), 新的鳞甲装扮会加入KENSHI大陆。 你在出售装甲蓝图的任何地方买到这些蓝图。 新装扮的具体数值请参考原版MOD的说明。 就是这样。 因为是机翻,有部分地方可能会有错误,如果有你觉得翻译错误或者要改正的地方请评论区回复我。...
shops have more blueprints +
Creada por Dryhand
a mod that allows shops to have most of the blueprints. each store has its own blueprint, armour shops have armour blueprints weapons shops have weapon blueprint and so on. this is a reupload of the "shops have more blueprints(old version)" as i no longer ...
shops have more items +
Creada por Dryhand
This mod allows shops to hold a lot more items. This will increase the amount from 5 to 15 times depending on the shop. Bars, and construction shops are more affected than weapon or armour shops. This is a reupload from my "Shops have more items" mod since...
short Cape&Long Cape(WIP)
Creada por tasaba
Two types of short and long capes Equipped with a belt slot The short type is white, black, green (hemp), 4 kinds of camouflage (female only) Long type is black 1 type (male and female) Sold at the clothing store and Shinobi Thieves with Blueprints Should ...
student clothing
Creada por 曾小威
update: Fixed ankle model loss ------------- Google Translate: 1, The model is divided into male and female, and the specific effect is shown in the figure. Properties are displayed on the picture. 2, female sailor suits are divided into black and white, a...
Милые шомоточки "Cute stuff" (RUS)
Creada por Mauser_NATO
Что тут есть! Набор рюкзаков, одежды и брони. На данный момент: - 23 вид рюкзаков и сумок. - Больше 60 видов брони и одежды . - Переодета вся фракция рабов и работорговцев. - добавлена броня в спавн листы других фракций. - Рюкзаки и броня распиханы по мага...
【Food】うどんVer.3 CN 面条汉化
Creada por 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 大型mod面条: 增加了腰带位置的各种面条挂件 增加了面条发电机和相应的科技研究 增加了各种各样的面条,蟹肉面啊,长颈鹿蛋面啊,臭肉面(拿来发电的)啊各种各样 还有相应的储物空间,桶之类的 具体内容看原mod 有问题欢迎加群696654735...
【停止更新】招募对话 汉化版 RecruitablePrisoners
最新通知:作者学业繁忙,再加上能力有限,故停止更新此汉化,抱歉了各位,我也不知道我现在的汉化还剩多少是能看的,各位自行斟酌订阅。 这个mod本身有一个 sd大大 大佬的汉化,不过很多都是机翻,有的也没有被汉化。差不多一年都没更新了 所以我单独做了一个完全汉化的最新版本。 这个mod是通过对话招募游戏中的大部分人。一些像饥饿强盗这种很就好招募,一些牛逼的npc像虫之主这种就需要达到某种要求。一款增加游戏性的mod,同时也增加游戏代入感。 mod用法:把想招募的人抓进笼子里面,然后和他谈话,有的会骂你,你就需要...
ジョジョ立/JOJO立/JOJO's Idle Poses
Creada por Dididadaba
8.5更新:其他可玩的种族也可以使用姿势毯做出JoJo立。 8.5update:Other playable races can do JoJo Poses on "the posture blanket" now. 第二版更新说明: 1.新增16种JoJo立造型,目前共有24种JoJo立可选。包括波波,迪奥,月下三兄贵及第四部/第五部的人物姿势等。 2.新增种族JOJO2和JOJO3,用于使用新增的16种静止姿势。 3.新增建筑姿势毯,开局即可建,不花任何材料。建筑模式中选择misc即可看到。 Updat...
Creada por nArrAtor
原版模组链接:点我进行折跃 <<汉化文件需要原版文件才能运行>> <<请自行调整模组加载顺序>> 介绍 (模组)基于古代,如"三国"、"唐"等时期的战时武器 武器式样来自维基、百度和必应,我会尽量让模组风格同游戏本身一致,不会纳入特别相似的武器 武器列表: -长柄:戈 -长柄:戟 -长柄:朴刀 -武士刀:环首刀 -武士刀:横刀 -钝器:狼牙锤 -剑/军刀:长刀 -剑/军刀:陌刀 -剑/军刀:雁翎刀 -砍刀:秦长剑 -砍刀:汉杖剑 -钝器:锏(棱锤) 版本信息 请注意这里: 1.如果你之前订阅了该模组,请删除...
Creada por AshBalrog
新mod中式盔甲,新加入了四套衣服与两件武器和几个头盔。盔甲图纸与武器图纸都可以在防具商店买到,武器图纸名 字是(远东兵器手册)解锁武器“画戟”“雁翅刀”,防具图纸叫(远东武具图鉴(其一)。进阶防具图纸(远东武 具图鉴(其二)请在盔甲之王那里买。武器“方天画戟”和“新亭侯”都不可以玩家锻造,但是可以在碎片屋买。 PS:武器“方天画戟”和“新亭侯”都不可以玩家锻造,但是可以在碎片屋买...
Creada por positivebuff
佣兵军事队形&整合队伍&任务口令 By PositiveBuff —————————————————————————————— 内容简介: 1.佣兵(以及科技猎人)将采用更有序的军事队形跟随玩家,即由队长跟随玩家角色,而后各队员组成方阵跟随队长。 2.玩家可让佣兵队伍或个人整合进另一支队伍(注意:整合和被整合两方必须从属于不同势力),从而组成更大的方阵队列。 3.玩家让佣兵队伍按照方阵顺序报数。在两个小时内报数的队伍可以连着报数,从而统计全部人数。 3.玩家可以通过对话更方便地给佣兵发放装备。 4.各大势力...
光溜溜的阿飞(Naked Fei)
Creada por NOVA
光溜溜的阿飞,董事长同款,斯昆20W招募,很多骚话,特殊互动。装了虚空mod的这个就不用装了,那个带了阿飞。(需要导入) Add the Elder Gods in Squin,You need to spend 200, to recruit him (need import) 増えました“飛ぶ” 位置はSquin,費用がかかる200, (インポートが必要です)...
Creada por 邪恶眼球
Ration Pack Crafting汉化版 英文原版在这里 让你可以制作口粮包...
Creada por CaptainSnafu
Just a "more random names for Npcs " pack, but it is a chinese version. 这个mod是从Bonbonbon的随机NPC名字扩展mod改过来的,谢谢原作者的工作。 只是改了txt文件里的名字,其他都没改,因为那个版本,男的太多中国古代人名,文绉绉的,女的太多日本名,个人用起来不太舒服,就在原基础上做了一些改动,也取得了作者同意。 这个不跟其他所有名字扩展mod兼容,因为大家都是改txt的,会相互覆盖 改名规则: 1.将男性的古代中国字号名减...
可爱动物背包(Cute Animal Backpack)V1
Creada por 澄大仙
增加了5种适合小孩子和小女生背的动物背包,研究后再服装台可以制作,旅行用品商店也可以买到。 可以叠加物品而且空间也很大,几乎没有副作用。居家旅行必备用品。 具体功效物品说明都有。 暂时贴图有点问题,偶尔会出现不显示的状况,保存然后加载一下就会正常显示,模型也有点不够圆润疙疙瘩瘩麻麻赖赖的,我回头就去盘模型! 有贴图大佬欢迎指教,这个贴图为什么会这样群里正在专家会诊,希望能早日解决吧! V0.8更新:修复了背包里东西不减少还增加的问题,模型被盘了三天现在已经包浆变得更加圆润了,模型的面数也大量减少,不会那么上...
Creada por 知念
需要导入!!!(在拥有你的小镇之后导入) 给你的小镇增加了两队居民。 他们会在你导入之后出现在你的领地。 (不用复活死亡NPC) 除了能让你的城镇看起来热闹繁华一些,还给居民添加了AI,让他们看起来不再像雇佣兵一样行尸走肉。2支队伍会昼夜交替的巡逻城镇和使用炮台,也意味着你需要建造更多的民居(床)来给他们使用。他们会给你治疗并且在你的小队有人失去意识之后他们会给你抬起来放到床上。注意,如果床位不够会一直扛着你... 如果发现BUG请留言回复。 ________________________________...
Creada por 澄大仙
自己做的第二个mod 增加了三个东西 巨阙千钧琴:真正的用琴大师人手必备的武器(钝器伤害高防武器) 玄女琴:远程武器 次元琴:小叮当的次元口袋,12X12的商人背包(无负面属性) 近战琴武器工作台造,远程琴远程工作台造,研究完基础武器就有了(但是远程武器还是很麻烦的),各大商店也均有销售~欢迎随时选购 PS:模型都是我花钱从模型网站上买的,哪位大佬能给报销一下吗?!(开玩笑的) 后续还会继续出更多mod的 有问题加群696654735(欢迎投喂模型或者报销,hhhh)...
Creada por nArrAtor
这张地图我原本是为自己制作的,所以,不太可能会进行bug修复以及元素修改。 制作材料涉及: 原版剑士地图(Kenshi\data\gui\gfx\; 高度图(Kenshi\data\newland\land\fullmap.tif); 道路图(Kenshi\data\newland\land\overlaymaps\new_overlay.png); 区域地图(Kenshi\data\newland\land\overlaymaps\areasmap.tga); 来自维基的领地示意图...
Creada por 启奥
快速死亡 防止NPC装死,导致城里遍地尸体,却没一个死亡。 这个mod解决了这一点,凡是被击倒的人,如果没有得到友军救援就会逐渐死去。现在玩家城市里不会出现装死的敌人了,清理尸体的效率也会大幅增加 本MOD和导入选项中的死亡率设置采用的原理完全不同,两者效果可以叠加 死亡率是加速恶化速度,高韧性敌人可以抵抗死亡率效果 本MOD则是阻止伤口在未打药时愈合,并不会导致死亡速度更快,但是不打药一定会死 此外这个mod也不会玩家更久的躺在床上,现在得到救治的友军可以更快的恢复健康,缩短了躺在床上的时间。 Rapid...
Creada por nArrAtor
原版模组链接:点我进行折跃 <<汉化文件需要原版文件才能运行>> <<请自行调整模组加载顺序>> 介绍 为游戏增加了八种远程武器. 且只能在黑沙城找到它们. 武器列表: -水晶杖(只是被称作杖实际不是) -吹管 -血钻 -金枪鱼发射器 -手持鱼叉炮 -栓动步枪 -电锯投掷者 -连射弩 请注意这里: 1.你可以自己研究这些武器的基础型. 进阶型去黑沙城的酒吧找沃尔克尔. 酒保会卖基础型武器. 2.不接受增加武器的要求.如果你认为我的模组不平衡,要么退订,要么你自己魔改.反正别来烦我. Mod 名称: Wire...
招募武器/盔甲工匠 汉化 Weapon & Armour Smith Recruits
Creada por ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Weapon & Armour Smith Recruits Original mod page: Weapon & Armour Smith Recruits 的中文翻译版 可招募的新增铁匠NPC 增加了几个特殊的铁匠NPC,每个种族...
提高游戏速度 减少无用的石头和树叶Increase game speed, reduce useless stones and leaves
Creada por SD
提高游戏速度 减少无用的石头和树叶Increase game speed, reduce useless stones and leaves 20190202 修改草密度 20190202 Modify grass density 这个mod减少草密度 减少无用的石头和树叶,提高游戏速度性能 This mod reduces grass density, reduces useless stones and leaves, and improves game speed performance. 更新日期1...
提高游戏速度 减少粒子和天气效果Increase game speed,Reduced Particle Weather Effects
Creada por SD
提高游戏速度 减少粒子和天气效果Increase game speed,Reduced Particle Weather Effects 20190226 这个mod减少粒子和天气效果,提高游戏速度性能 This mod reduces particle and weather effects and improves game speed performance 对游戏内所有粒子和天气视觉效果进行了减少,提高游戏速度性能FPS,但没有对玩家的伤害效果进行任何修改。 All the particles an...
Creada por subai
圣国在KENSHI背景故事里是一个武德充沛的国家,但在实际游戏中却成了三大势力最好欺负的存在。 这个MOD将圣国拔高到三大国最强大的存在。 兄弟,爱与忠诚! —————————————————————— 【增加城市】 :奥克兰之湾,斯塔克的隔壁,由奥克兰意志守护的城市。也是圣国附属势力的大本营。 主要人物:神谕审判者,神谕守护者,审判者死亡后奥克兰之剑会归属蒙格勒。 神谕代表奥克兰在人间执行他的意志,也是圣国最强大的打手。 :水泡山的隔壁,培育圣国骑士的摇篮。 主要人物:灰之骑士,灰之骑士和菲尼克斯死亡后奥...
Nice Map [Zones + Zone names + Roads] CN
Creada por RadarTruck
Many thanks to Djeeshka, the original author of Nice Map ....
Creada por 澄大仙
吃货殿下来到kenshi世界啦! 这个mod新增加了洛天依的发型,服装,武器 新增加了一个洛天依的开局 服装武器都可以通过武器制作台制作得到,只需要简单的研究完武器锻造和衣服制造就好,发型可以直接找整容师捏,不需要开新档。 模型还自带鞋子袖子头饰来着,不过暂时还没完成,后续会陆续加上的。 我微信号:ysy1743069797 (柿子殿下) QQ号:3048807710 (啊竹) 贴吧账号:角落里的甜秋 如果觉得mod不错希望可以给我一点赞助,我会做出更多更好的mod来的!...... 有问题欢迎加群:696...
洛天依 for JRPG
Creada por 澄大仙
玩家专用剥皮机/皮勒机丨Player-specific Peeler Machine
Creada por 雪原
这个mod增加了一个玩家专用剥皮机,【机器作用其实和原版剥皮机一样,只是减少了血腥内容让自己好受点】。 第一个科技等级就能研究,不消耗任何科研资料,不消耗时间科研。 这是玩家专用剥皮机的效果: ·去除了大量血腥特效和大量血腥细节 ·更改了在剥皮机里的姿势,由原来的的囚禁姿势换成了站立姿势 ·将被剥皮的痛苦尖叫设置为只有在上锁的笼子里才会出现(注:若被喙嘴兽生吃的话也不会有尖叫了) ·玩家剥皮机自带-500上锁等级,你也上锁不了,【所以也没有同伴的尖叫了。】 ·【因为自带-500上锁等级,所以非玩家阵营会立刻...
Creada por 渡鹿DuLu
Mod说明: 你是一位神明,数千年前就因信仰消失而陨落的神明。 现在,在这块被众神遗弃的土地上,你再度因为人类的信仰与欲望而复活。 你的身体非常的羸弱,所以这也可能是你最后一次重生了,抓紧时间去建立自己的王国和宗教吧。 Mod内容: A:众神之一 1.所有科技树点满,包括一部分废弃数据 2.所有阵营初始好感度50,这样就可以体验满好感剧情了 3.自带一把强大的武器和一套正常的武士铠甲以及暗黑锁链甲 4.自带1000w开币 5.自带30*30,叠加数5w的背包 6.出身地为水泡山丘 7.建城物资均5w B:智...
全科技已解锁,选scientist_start 开局...
一个简单而且方便的日常改良型MOD优化 主要是通过增添新项目来避免和其他的mod在使用时发生冲突。以及对于一些物理模型进行优化。 MOD的内容: 1.建立了一个室外水培的种植体系,需要5级科技解锁,共两个科技,不需要额外素材,但是需要3+5个小时的游戏内部研究时间。 2.使用储水罐的模型建立了新的灌溉汲水设备,一共有四个等级,前两级为标准版受地下水源和水量影响。一级为手动操作,二级以后为电动汲取,三级开始不需要水资源要求,四级相当于作弊层级,为了不同阶段需求的朋友可以自行选择。 3.优化了水培系统,现在你可...
简单的作弊器(CHEAT MOD:Andy's happy life)
Creada por Enfants👦
English language verison: 往后根据网友提议,一周或两周更新一次。 08/08/2019更新: 添加了【放倒弩】(只可使用弹药【无限】) 在【上帝之触】的基础上修改了伤害,高射速的弩,一两发就能放倒你的目标,很大几率不致死,但致死的可能性依然存在。可以在武器制作台和弓箭制作台制造。 08/01/2019更新: 建议导入原存档。 添加了更多的上帝恩泽物品。 ...
Creada por willplus
Add a race modified to look more Japanese. (Two races, Greenlanders and Scorchlanders) The mod name is "jrpg_race". The main changes are as follows Modification of face mesh Modification of face texture Added parameters for face modeling. Added parameters ...
美顔EX [Beautiful face EX]
Creada por roller
「美形種族追加MOD」をバニラのスキンに適用できるようにしたものです。 追加種族扱いではないので、インポートなどはなしに反映されます。 ※ご注意※ このModは単体では正しく動作しません。 ご導入の際には「美形種族追加MOD」も合わせてDLしてください。 また、すでに人間女性の見た目を変更するModが入っている場合、干渉することがあります。 ※更新履歴※ 2019/03/25 : 「美形種族追加MOD」のスキンも選択可能に。 It is made to be able to apply "jrpg_race...
Creada por AshBalrog
重要 重要 重要:应为模型面数问题所以穿上盔甲不显示的玩家请多加载几次存档,实在是抱歉。 新加入了4套盔甲与2把武器。 护甲 乌木护甲套装(需要六级科技与“乌木合金锻钢技术”才可以研究) 秘银护甲套装(需要六级科技与“秘银合金锻钢技术”才可以研究) PS:这两个护甲需要的特殊科技书请在虫之主那里的两个新加入敌对NPC那里拿。敌人是两个属性80的猛男加一堆蜘 蛛,难度略大请做好准备再去打。 灰白护甲套装(五级科技研究需要Ai核心X2和“古代盔甲图纸”才可以研究) 灰烬回家套装(五级科技研究需要Ai核心X2和“...
背包制作 Backpack Crafting (Simplified Chinese)
Creada por Yozakura Doge
这个mod会解锁一个背包工作台,允许你制作背包。 汉化相关问题请在此回复,功能相关问题请访问英文原版页面。 原版链接: 希望有心者能赞助一下原作者 :D, Paypal 链接: @lawhmods ...
Creada por subai
为蒙格勒添加了两个强力角色:【雾行者】、【雾之血】(目之血数据) 添加了两队强力的【雾都佣兵】和一队在酒吧里的商人【雾都科技商人】 添加了一把雾人专攻太刀【hivekiller】,可以在【雾行者】和【雾都科技商人】那里买到,【哔噗】现在开局自带一把骨人工匠级别的【hivekiller】 增加了一个可招募角色【雾中翼王】(神装翼王) 添加了一个特殊npc【一】,可以三倍价格销赃,可以雇佣(很贵,但是特别强) 加强了原版城主阿尔克,并添加了对话 现在可以在【雾都科技商人】和【雾行者】那里买到蟹甲及其蓝图...
Creada por alexliyu
The Void Strikes Back In the First Empire, a great power called “The Void” was discovered by the human, it is energy and mater, the one and the all, the α and the ω. A golden era was established thanks to the reckless enterprising spirit of the human, but ...
资源作弊(Cheating in the resource)
常用资源自动建造,物品堆叠9999。 此mod影响游戏平衡,请慎重。 【安装说明】 订阅后在游戏开始界面mod处选上即可。 【使用说明】 研究科技“资源作弊”建造相应建筑即可(室内,个人感觉放在室外很奇怪,所以放在了房子里,若有需要放在外面在下面留言告诉我) 目前只是针对打造军队装备这一方向制作,若有其他需求的物品下方留言。 目前支持资源: 布料 电子元件 建筑材料 铁 铁板 盔甲用板 链甲片 燃料 食物立方 水 铜合金 铜矿 高级医疗 钢条 皮革 人工智能核心 工程研究 书 古科学书 ——————————...
通过配方获得更多食物 CN
Creada por 邪恶眼球
Food overhaul的汉化版 英文原版链接在这里 可以让你从配方中获得更多食物...
野外的救助者医生 汉化 Wandering Medics Chinese Translation
Creada por ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Wandering Medics Original mod page: Wandering Medics 的中文翻译版 在野外自动救助伤员的医生组织 增加了在野外看到伤员就会救的医生,不用怕被打的半死不活丢在路上没人管了 最后 请多多支...
Creada por 渡鹿DuLu
MOD简介: 自用MOD,主要是尝试一些新的游戏开局,看看有没有趣味性,喜欢尝试的玩家可以订阅。 MOD介绍: A:一支军队 一支除了武器外装备精良的军队,看起来没有从属的势力,你可以去创造属于你的王国。 B:一支强大的军队 一支装备精良,战斗力尚可的军队,看起来没有从属的势力,遇到其他军队也有一战之力,是可靠的威武之师。 C:一位战士 一位强大的战士,拳脚高手,不用武器也能扫清六合席卷八荒,使用武器更是天下罕有对手,你将以一个战士的视角游玩本开局。 当然,既然有如此强大的一位战士,那开局自然是一无所有的喽...
Creada por positivebuff
雇佣兵细化 By PositiveBuff —————————————————————————————— 这个Mod主要想改进和细化原版比较粗糙的雇佣佣兵的机制(比如原版所有可雇佣小队的价格统一为2000一天,没有区分度)。 —————————————————————————————— 内容简介: 雇佣佣兵和其他小队的价格会根据佣兵的能力以及数量决定。圣国域内的人类雇佣兵比较便宜,而科技猎人小队则要价颇高。 大多数雇主需要提前支付一笔数额较大的保证金以防任务中出现伤亡(尤其是小队成员死亡或者残疾),但也有些...
飞剑和婚纱mod(fly Swords and Wedding Dresses)V1.1
Creada por 澄大仙
这里的练习制作mod两天半的个人mod制作练习生甜秋,这个是自己做的第一个mod,大部分内容都是百度贴吧大佬baiidu_chishi完成,几乎可以说是我的学习向mod 增加新的开局 5个人带8万块钱,每个人都有一把飞剑和一条婚纱 增加新的种族 剑仙种族,和苍翠属性一样只是用飞剑的时候有特殊的动作 增加两种道具 飞剑:一种高速低伤的远程武器,适合前期开荒使用,弹药是飞剑剑气,各大酒馆及远程武器售卖的地方均有销售 婚纱:女生一辈子的梦想大概就是穿上一件婚纱了吧,属性自己造出来的比较强,各大酒馆及衣服铠甲店均有...
饮食文化终极扩张 Expansion of Food Culture
Creada por ザクリア
====================================== 饮食文化终极扩展 Original mod page / 元のMODリンク / 原MOD地址 半天没人汉化我直接上了 12.25 作者新添加的储具汉化已补充 加了很多食物,在游戏中期城镇发展起来之后可以考虑让你的城市变成美食城。 给每个派系增加了特色菜,自己去找 找不到去自己去翻译原版mod的文本介绍(机翻...
Creada por 启奥
1增加了一个新的露营床,骨人可以使用它来修复自己。 2露营床可以直接建造了,不再需要材料 Skeleton camping bed 1 added a new camping bed that Skeleton can use to repair themselves. 2 camping bed can be built directly, no need for materials 这一个纯中文mod,其他语言会有显示bug,请订阅英语补丁使用 This Chinese mod, other langu...
黑暗之魂武器Dark Souls Weapons
添加了28把黑暗之魂3里的武器,大部分发放给了原版的特殊NPC和通缉犯,也有少部分新增的NPC。应该会和其他修改NPC武器、属性的mod冲突,谁排序在下面就会覆盖上面的。 28 weapons in darksouls have been added, most of which have been distributed to special characters and wanted criminals, and a small number of newly added characters 特别感谢...
Creada por 澄大仙
通宵2天肝出来的mod,衣服完全是自己搓出来的,累死我了 mod增加了一种衣服,一种头饰,一种鞋子,还有伞形状的武器 全部都可以在商店买,也可以自己造 伞在武器里面打造 衣服在皮甲和铠甲锻造台制造 只需要研究基础衣服和基础武器制造就可以解锁,简单方便 新增加晓组织配色和一身正气配色~(这两件属性比原版轻微加强) 8月05日更新:增加一套黄色的内衣,内衣在链接工作台制造,内裤在装甲制作台制造,可爱的黄色内衣内裤,可以试试哦 给衣服新做了图标,如果发现没变记得先把date/icon里面的之前的图标删掉(不弄也O...
(汉化)有机肢体Limb and Decapitation Overhaul
Creada por 他是金刚腿
- 本MOD为汉化补丁 - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** - 原Mod地址: - 该Mod已获得原作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! ----------------------------------------------------...