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May 1, 2019 @ 10:44pm
Oct 26, 2019 @ 5:54am
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Legend of the Grievewraith
“ Holy Nation legend tells of the souls of the lost Shek becoming consumed by malice, hate and envy for the living. Their naturally 'aggressive' nature, as the Okranites claim, make them the most easily corruptable by the 'demoness'. The Grievewraith consists of a rotting corpse with the spikes, or limbs, of a flesh insect protruding from it's back, supposedly this is it's mid-transformation into a beast.

Now, legend aside, we've had numerous sightings of these wraithes both by Holy Nation residents and adventurers, mainly around the ruins of the central plains. So far we've learned that they are nocturnal and they prefer to take victims in the rubble of cities which have been heavily touched by death. All of it's victims have disappeared without trace, we can only assume fully consumed by the wraith. A likely explanation for their existence would be a parasitic form of flesh insect, one which roots itself into the boney matter of a Shek body, and continues to grow and control the body even after it's victim has perished and begun decomposition.

- Idad "

Based upon the legend and a broken model I found in the game files.

You thought blood spiders were scary? Wraiths make them look like cute puppies in comparison... Both faster and waaaaay stronger... Even high level characters are likely to be eaten en masse. They're mostly nocturnal and sometimes spawn nests. Okran help you if you blindly walk into a nest...

If you see a wraith, best thing to do is run unless you got a hardened platoon armed with desert sabres. Though if you do manage to kill one, you can sell their horns for a large profit, even more so in the holy nation.

They mostly spawn in the holy nation territory... Mercifully they're rare so you wont see many if any at all.

Don't go near the ruins in Skinner's Roam unless you have a deathwish.

Other Legends:
Mist Ghouls

Tame Beastie
Popular Discussions View All (2)
May 22, 2024 @ 2:17pm
Where can I find (another) Elder Grievewraith?
Oct 29, 2022 @ 4:12pm
Малый перевод удачи вам :) ;)
maks052 Dec 17, 2024 @ 7:09am 
Hello. Your mod is great! I used it in my maksimum kenshi mod set, I hope you won't mind. I will definitely indicate your mod in the list of used mods. Thank you in advance.
Xeonzs Aug 4, 2024 @ 2:40pm 
First time I've encountered one since I subbed to the mod last year (I don't really visit holy nation territory all that much, if i do I am just passing through Okran's gulf from fog lands, armour king or border zone.
However today I went to skinners roam from border zone and ran into a nest straight after I climbed over the cliffs near the ruins.

For anyone's information, the normal ones hit for 220~ raw damage (so no armor mitigation), the elders for 450 and they have a pretty decent chance to splash, even my 86 melee defense main character couldn't win as last man standing.
Truly need a proper gang (I only had 2 escorts traveling along with my main character).

Definitely a great additional end-game challenge, since if you can prep a good squad very end-game, you might be able to make it worthwhile due to the loot dropped.
I usually grow pretty attached to my characters so I don't like having even a single one die.
Dutch Boy Jul 16, 2024 @ 7:09am 
Excellent mod. I just wish you had removed the test start.
JayRobs Jun 9, 2024 @ 2:17am 
I'm guessing this mod is not needed when using UWE? Looks to already be added to that mod.
Acline May 28, 2024 @ 9:51pm 
You need to work on your grammar and spelling skills. Reading your comments was very unpleasant.
MizKai Apr 10, 2024 @ 7:26am 
I can smell cheese in the comments section.. So EWW, rotten cheese stinky so gross *vomits*...
Why would u wanted to use xbow? It is not eyegore where all of ur problem, he is ur last resort (xbow is not all rounder solution). Why? Cuz xbow, u can just hit the Spider and run if it is getting closer... It is called range kiting. Range cheesing... *Vomits*

And now they're triggered when the spider has low hitbox, cuz i know how it feels. Pretty sucks right, when u pause the game to run backwards and reload so u can hit, but it misses... *KEKW*
MizKai Apr 10, 2024 @ 7:13am 
Those who complains about hitbox. Need to git gud.. cuz this is good for sharpening ur tactics skills, without cheesing....

First. Let a high block, heavy armor char aproach the grieve, the attention of the spider was focused on that tank (always enable taunt but not blocks so the spider won't ignore u.) atleast 3 tanks in a triangle position. If u have 4 tanks, then square position. that the spider will take time to choose which one to attack plus u r aware who's being targetted. And enable blocks if necessary to lose its attention (only for low hp or low def)... Now all u gotta do is flank the creature with ur dmg dealer like desert sab, fallen S, and best are polearms for bonus animal dmg...
mrsotrue Mar 19, 2024 @ 7:30pm 
bad torso hitboxes, arrows/turret projectiles tend to just pass through without doing damage
LordVividColours Jan 8, 2024 @ 11:38pm 
Not much of a legend when one wonders through Stack and wipes the Sentinals. Still pretty cool tho
FÆROÜS Aug 31, 2023 @ 6:37pm 
the hitboxes are kinda fucked, all of my crossbowmen aim directly above the grievewraiths, so ranged is impossible to use against them.