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Zombie Apocalypse
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May 16, 2018 @ 9:33pm
Oct 27, 2021 @ 11:29pm
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Zombie Apocalypse

Reuploading of any of my mods to Nexus is forbidden. I wil take the necessary steps to have it removed from Nexus if it is reuploaded.

The world is infested with zombies. This can/will lag your game especially if you set the squad cap and size too high. I also notice the area around Bast is unplayable but I run 40 mods and I don't know if this mod is causing it due to sheer squad numbers.

Zombies come in a few flavors and they all love to collect shiny things:

The regulars, They're weak (Like, fogmen weak) And unarmed. They attack in great numbers and their race has 3 added to their global attack slots.

The brutes: See the regulars, except high martial arts and weather immune with lots of health. They are uncommon except in acid biomes and mega hordes.

Human infected: They equip what they can find and generally follow hordes.

Intelligent Infected: The leaders, they craft their own katana's and can use ranged weapons. Beware, I set them too powerful, one took out the town of Shark. They accompany mega hordes. Don't forget to loot them for organs and blood, cure research materials are valuable to the remaining scientists of the land.

Hulks: Extremely powerful with a lot of health but about as slow as something in Kenshi can be. Best to use crossbows against this. These guys can be found in unpopulated areas.

Runners: Now I don't like Runners either, but something like this was needed. They're very weak with low health but are very fast. They aren't very common either. You could expect a few in large groups

Stalkers: A much faster version of Brutes, long-range scouts for the Infected. They are not seen very often or in great numbers but can accompany small groups of Infected to offer support.

Also expect assaults on your towns as they grow to reasonable sizes. You might find it challenging to build anything substantial. I'm sure you can find the source of the zombies in a remote location and stop their assaults once and for all.

Finally you can now craft and cook zombie body parts into useful items with the right research and time. It makes all that killing worth your time

Other Sub Mods:
Zombie Hunting Job

Animations for the Horde
victor1957 Jan 7 @ 11:09pm
or maybe it would be better to add an "anti-zombie" vaccine that, when recruited, returns the human form
victor1957 Jan 5 @ 7:21am 
this is what this world doesn't have, zombie factions.
people have cities, and zombies have cemeteries and crypts

queen Zombina)

no problems with food - any bedridden. and no problems with recruits. kiss of death Zombina and a person turns into a zombie
if limbs were cut off, then the chiropractor will immediately sew on his own) or better yet, 4 arms at once

drank blood and regenerated

eternally living dead)
WatchWolf Nov 26, 2024 @ 8:33am 
I was looking all over for the 2 non patient zero bosses and could not find them. I went into FCS and found that they are homeless spawns from some reason. I am not exactly sure why you would do this for boss enemies. I recommend giving them the animal nest aggressive AI package and adding them to a town resident list. I used Armory Ruin for Brutal Bill and the Workshop Complex for Bulk Bogen. It seems extremely strange to have them on the homeless spawn list especially Bulk Bogen at only a 20% relative. even with Brutal Bill at 100% relative I had not seen him even after days of searching. It is possible he simply died to my Deadland fortress factory base, but I don't know. I am just not sure its a good idea to have world state critical bosses tied to the homeless spawn table.
WatchWolf Oct 24, 2024 @ 12:54am 
Had to break this into 2 parts due to length rest should be below this comment chronologically.

For those of you having automation issues with the mod there is a fix but it takes a spot of work. So the issue stems from the stack size being larger than the store size for the furniture(crafting benches). You can go into your steam>steamapps>workshop then there will be folders that are just numbers, find the one that represents Kenshi. Find the folder that represents this mod. Again its just numbers. Copy the folder into your steam>steamapps>common>kenshi>mods folder and rename it "Zombie Land", no quotes, yes with a space, and its case sensitive. This will allow FCS to open it for editing. Then go into Buildings Furniture and pic the offending crafting table. Then double click the functionality to open it. Under consumes you will see two numbers separated by a space. change the first one to the max stack size of the item it consumes.
WatchWolf Oct 24, 2024 @ 12:53am 
So if we were editing Bone Grinder double click Bonemeal under functionality change the first number in consumes from 5 to 100. just do this for every thing that isn't automating for you. Maybe the mod maker will update it at some point to fix this. Once you save you can either replace the content of the folder old folder(in workshop) with the new(in common) or unsub from the mod on the steam workshop and support the mod yourself. Both will work and neither will require an import. If you replace the workshop folder you will need to redo this any time there is an update to the mod.
Shumd@n Aug 16, 2024 @ 4:07pm 
У меня вопрос по моду где найти боссов всех чтоб остановить орды зомби?Плюс я не понимаю почему скелеты спасают зомби!?По логике вещей зомби это тупые существа им без разницы на кого нападать?Да хотя бы сделали чтоб не спасали этих зомби этих скелеты,и это помне полный кринж!!!
austinhunter406 Aug 11, 2024 @ 10:56pm 
this crashes my game
isalcaruz Jun 16, 2024 @ 2:41pm 
It is quite tedious to make each recipe one by one, I was literally falling asleep just by clicking every time a piece of raw meat came out, the way I managed to automate it was to have my inventory open and the inventory of a chest, every time towards a piece of meat is added to the character's inventory (then it stops cooking despite having ingredients and the station is empty), I click on the meat in my inventory to transfer it to the chest manually (it starts cooking automatically and it boils to stop when you finish cooking the next piece of meat and put it in your inventory), repeat, it is quite tedious to have to sit on that character because if you get distracted by another one there you have him standing all day without cooking the recipes because why He already has a piece of zombie flesh stuck in his gut.

Does anyone know how to fix that? Or if I didn't see any special container for zombie resets?
isalcaruz Jun 16, 2024 @ 2:41pm 
Does anyone else have problems trying to make the recipes? I mean, if it lets you make them, but it is impossible to automate the cooking, plus if you have a recipe it puts in the inventory it no longer wants to cook the next one until you put it in a container for the one you made so that it can start making the next one and from what I saw there are no containers for those recipes so that it can put them automatically, and the food containers do not recognize the recipes as food so it does not deposit them on any shelf kitchen
Mr Yummy Bear Jun 11, 2024 @ 10:27pm 
When i downloaded, the models for the zombies were not loading in. therefore the zombies were invisible