731 ratings
Improved Smithing - New Weapon Variety - Version 2
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Apr 14, 2019 @ 8:57pm
Apr 21, 2019 @ 3:57pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Improved Smithing - New Weapon Variety - Version 2

This mod expands the variety of weapons available from the various weapon manufacturers in Kenshi.

This mod also changes the manufacturer’s bonuses on weapons and adds them to the weapon’s description with a color coded tooltip.

The number of weapons available have been greatly increased by adding level new weapon levels.

Also, all weapons are graded numerically. This will allow easier sorting of weapons and comparison.

Here is a image of the new weapon manufacturer’s bonuses and Weapon Levels:

Other Changes:

- This mod allows you to research Edgewalker quality weapons up to Edgewalker 3 and then you can have a critical success that results in Cross (Meitou) weapons.

-The “Homemade” manufacturer is the player faction’s product. The player’s smiths will make “Homemade” branded weapons that will increase in quality directly affected by the smith’s skill.

Homemade weapons get a +10% cut and +10% blunt damage as a manufacturer bonus.

KNOWN ISSUE: The Homemade Manufacturer bonus' tooltip is covered up by the player crafter’s information. It’s still affecting the weapon, though. The bonus information tooltip will appear when you sell a weapon to a vendor and then exit the barter menu. The merchant will remove the crafter information on resell.


This mod doesn’t technically require an import. Everyone that spawns after adding the mod will have new weapons. Existing npcs do need an import to have the new weapons. So, it won’t ruin your game to run without import. For best results, you should import.

When you use the mod for the first time with an existing save, some weapons will be converted to Catun No. 1 due to an engine limitation. This will only happen once and it does not affect new games.

Weapon Mods:
This works with weapons added by mods. This alters the manufacturers which are required to spawn a weapon. As long as the mod maker uses the default manufacturers, this mod will work. If the mod uses custom manufacturers or custom weapon grades, it won’t work.

This mod works with the New Weapons Dissemination Mod.

Use this mod with it to remove the Luxury Manufacturer, NWDM Without Luxury. The Luxury Manufacturer is not affected by this mod. Luxury Weapon research may be incompatible with the smithing research changes here.
vampirecosmonaut  [author] Jan 14 @ 6:15am 
No worries. Thanks for the kind words.
mikemiller Jan 14 @ 12:18am 
nevermind, it happens that tier 3 appears when you once research tier 1

Thanks for all your help, and sorry for being a bother, i rlly wanted your mod to work propperly, is the best for smithing weapons i found!!!
vampirecosmonaut  [author] Jan 13 @ 8:21am 
You could also just try a mod that adds Edgewalker 3 research. As my mod was added an existing game, you might have to use a mod adds the EWG 3 research more aggressively. A new game would probably clear up all these issues, but I understand not wanting to start over.
vampirecosmonaut  [author] Jan 13 @ 6:04am 
EWG 3 is the only level added by the mod. EWG 1-2 are from the base game. I’m assuming it’s not showing up due to a conflict. Do you have any other mods that alter research?
mikemiller Jan 13 @ 2:23am 
I think is easier to tame new animals, but thx anyway for the mod and the help! Btw can i ask you... in the tech tree i see Expert Weapon Grades 1 and 2, this last one unlocking 02 grade weapons (i assume with critic chance to get 01 quality). How do i unlock the EWG 3 to craft 01 grades and have critic to 0?

I have tech tree at 6
vampirecosmonaut  [author] Jan 12 @ 1:02pm 
There’s a guide for using the FCS to load and edit the save files here on Steam. I think the platoon? data in the save files has equipment if I remember correctly.
mikemiller Jan 12 @ 11:24am 
Yeah a new playthrought is always the best course. But i'm gonna try the save editor, you had a good idea!

edit: i'm in my animal archive and i can change my skills, sadly i see nothing to change the equipped weapon :(
vampirecosmonaut  [author] Jan 12 @ 8:03am 
The simplest solution is get new animals after this mod has been installed. They get their proper weapons after that.

I also wonder if you could possibly use a save editor to change the animal’s equipped weapon?
vampirecosmonaut  [author] Jan 12 @ 7:59am 
The weapons that animals receive are random but related to their faction manufacturers. The Catun Bug affects NPCs & player entities when this mod is loaded into an existing save. If the bug happens for one of your people, you can just discard the weapon but not so for an animal. It’s usually recommended to start a new game with overhaul mods and problems like this are usually why.
mikemiller Jan 12 @ 7:35am 
I reinstalled the mod several times until once the damage was normal (only tested with one animal) so i assume ifthe Catun 1 bug is random, there's a chance your animal does not get it . But i didn't test in all animals and i don't think this is the solution.

Any idea?