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Vật phẩm (294)
Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶 更贴合背景的角色名字,几乎涵盖所有原版角色 (全部取材于官方背景设定书) 本MOD优先级要求非常高,请务必放在第一位 例如: 索尔葛林·负怨者——→至高王索尔葛林·负怨者 阿里斯·安纳尔——→影王阿里斯·安纳尔 马雷基斯——→巫王马雷基斯 提克塔托——→『诸天之主』提克塔托 库·迦——→『伤疤之主』库·迦 欧西约坦——→『无影猎手』欧西约坦 哥罗克——→『大白蜥』哥罗克 妖婆赫莉本——→『血腥女王』妖婆赫莉...
Lore Names: Renamed Factions & New Evolving Names
Tạo bởi NordenBear CURRENT FEATURES: Several custom scripts, made by the CoLabs Team, that also prevents longer end-turns. Deeper lore-friendly star...
Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names
Tạo bởi NordenBear Hello there! Welcome to our complete rename mod! A mod aimed at making the immersion even better for you as a player! Doing so by giving all unique and/or legendary lords and heroes a proper rename. All set to fit the lore o...
Immortal Empires Expanded 中文汉化
Tạo bởi Tutur
This is a translation mod !! →和重返旧世界MOD不兼容,两者只能开其一 ←!! !! →必须开启MIXER ←!! 常见问题 关于有AI MOD的情况下,AI表现怪异:原作者C...
Tạo bởi CheNg
介绍 为了减少MOD槽位占用制作的汉化合集,包含了我汉化的所有MOD。 必须物品为汉化对应的原MOD,根据自己需要选择订阅,无需全部订阅。 点击条目最后的跳转可以直接打开原MOD的创意工坊界面,方便阅览。 更新日志看这里 因创意工坊描述文本达到上限,新汉化的MOD目录请至讨论中查看 ======================================================================= 兵种 蜥蜴人 High Rock Fables - Tik’wiatto’s Tam...
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶
本合集已停止更新,请移步至 此处 订阅二代后,本mod就不需要再订阅了 《汉化目录》 通用MOD Guv's Expanded Faction Frontend Mod 将游戏内隐藏的派系效果完整显示出来 More Character Names 大众脸更多样化的名字 Emissaries of Diplomacy 外交大使, 五回合后收到外交任务 Drink It III 物品主动技能变成被动技能 Tra...
中文汉化合集 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
Mixu's CN 汉化 合集(2-16 木精灵暗影舞者搞好了 推本杜鲁奇的小说,我写的。。)
Tạo bởi 鱼大仙
11-19 艾格林姆能玩了还差点零碎的这几天搞好 我在起点平台写了本《苟在战锤当暗精》 欢迎观看 _(:з」∠)_ 已签约 11-11 汉化了几个绿皮的技能词条 9-22 斯蒂尔比约恩在Strovengaard娶了很多配偶,因为许多诺斯卡的女性都渴望与带有黑暗诸神印记的战士同床共眠。在这些无数的妻子中,斯蒂比约恩繁衍了13个不同年龄的后代,其中包括Hrefna和Fraygerd,她们都是技艺精湛和致命的剑女(sword-maiden)。 作者:爱问1515
More Character Names (For all 24 races)
Tạo bởi Beans
About More Character Names (about 7,600 total new names) Tired of seeing heroes and lords with the same name? This mod adds a huge amount of lore friendly names into the name pool for ALL FACTIONS for both the player and the AI. Some factions have received...
Unique Faction UI
Tạo bởi Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
[LIG] Reskin - Ulrika
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description Ulrika reskin each for Kislev and Empire, If you play campaign as empire you will get Empire version and Kislev version when playing Kislev Empire Design inspired by GW official artwork Compatiblity Compatible unless change Ulrika's appearance ...
Beautiful Female Vampires
Tạo bởi Ashen
The mod adds reskins of the three vampire hero versions and the Lahmia bloodline lord, as well as new 2D porthole and unit cards to reflect the new looks. Includes: Cleaned face of all 3 vampire heroes and the Lahmia lord with eye and hair variation. Added...
Probably outdated (5.x Dwarf) Guns, Smoke & Spectacle
Tạo bởi BrutusCz
!!WORKS ONLY ON ULTRA VFX SETTING (on low/mid/high you get no effects)!! Don't forget to enable "Smoke Transparency Fix" mod that I listed in dependencies. "Guns, Smoke & Spectacle" Overhaul aims to bring gunpowder units to another level, initially inspire...
Smoke Transparency Fix
Tạo bởi BrutusCz
I can't believe in the end I found the cause, it was simply post processing that is different to default one. What I did I replaced all with default one. I believe the issue is fixed. You wouldn't belive how long I was looking for a silution. Side-effect i...
Faction Unit Cards III
Tạo bởi drew_west
Faction Unit Cards Collection All major and minor factions now have unit cards that match their faction's colors/regalia. NOW UPDATED FOR TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER 3 FAQ & Compatibility: 1. Is this mod compatible with ? This mod will conflict with other mods th...
[DEER24/震旦] 美化合集 (Cathay Reskin Collection)
Tạo bởi 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
龙与凡躯同行 震旦美化合集 Independent version in the link 如果你不想使用与龙同行 请使用独立版本美化: Intro      震旦帝国一直是中国玩家梦寐以求的派系,对我而言也一样,我很高兴看到CA和GW共设计出了如此富有魅力的奇幻东方国度,本美化包提供了一种不同于原版设计的震旦单位样式,以为大家提供更多的视觉体验选择      本mod收录了所有...
伊莎贝拉美化 (Isabella Reskin)
Tạo bởi 混沌破龍斩
为伊莎贝拉替换了新模型 These Mods has taken a lot of effort from me and is still constantly being updated. If you like my Mod and are willing to treat me to a cup of coffee, I would be very happy❤️ 这些Mod的制作花费了我很多心血,并且仍在不断更新。如果你喜欢我的Mod,愿意请我喝一杯快乐水的话,我会非常开心的❤️ ko-fi: ht...
[FINAL UPDATE] Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Tạo bởi iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Post 5.2 patch Patch is completed to work on game version 5.2, it may or may not work post 5.2 however I will not continue working this mod as I am taking a break from modding. Should there be an issue you experienced while playing only with this mod + req...
Tạo bởi Luke_Grand Master
娱乐向MOD 仅替换兵牌 使用时建议在画面设置中将”顾问头像”改为”2D”...
Spooky's Dark Elves Compilation - Expanded Variants
Tạo bởi Spooky
My whole collection of Dark Elf Variant mods in one. Subscribe to this if you want to reduce your load order, and also to automatically download updates whenever I release a new dark elf variant.
领主&英雄兵牌头像4K高清化2 - Lord&Hero portraits 4K HD Remake 2
Tạo bởi flameyjf
High-definition remake mods portraits of lords and heroes, suitable for 4K game resolution 2024.5.5 update HD to: Mixu's Legendary Lords Legendary Characters - Parte's Party High Elves Variants (All in one) Cultist of Slaanesh - Reborn Cultist of Pleasure ...
领主&英雄兵牌头像4K高清化 - Lord&Hero portraits 4K HD Remake
Tạo bởi flameyjf
High-definition remake vanilla game's portraits of lords and heroes, suitable for 4K game resolution 高清化原版游戏的领主和英雄的头像兵牌,适用于4K游戏分辨率 Suggest using with ↓: 建议搭配↓一起使用: 全单位兵牌4K高清化 - All Unit Cards 4K HD Remake 11.16 update Submod: 领主&英雄兵牌头像4K高清化2 - Lord&Hero po...
全单位兵牌4K高清化 - All Unit Cards 4K HD Remake
Tạo bởi flameyjf
High-definition remake vanilla game's All Unit Cards, suitable for 4K game resolution Suggest using with ↓: 建议搭配↓一起使用: 领主&英雄兵牌头像4K高清化 - Lord&Hero portraits 4K HD Remake 6.10 update: 更新了资料片的兵牌 说明: 原版游戏的兵牌是针对1080p制作的,如果分辨率是3840x2160,游戏内使用UI放大后, 会使得游戏内兵牌很糊 本以...
Tạo bởi Everchosen
"Ultimate Portraits" My collection of Unit Cards & 2d Portholes & Menu Cards for Legendary Lords. It features different style but superior to vanilla quality. Portraits and Unit Cards from this collection are more detailed and look more real and believable...
(UNSUPPORTED) Amber's Megapack X Hooveric Reskin Patch (Submod)
Tạo bởi Amber
This mod is not currently being updated or supported and likely will not work with current versions of either mods. I may update or rework this patch in the future but for now it is unsupported. Use at your own risk. Amber's Megapack X Hooveric Hello again...
Hooveric Reskin (HV Reskin)
Tạo bởi hooveric
Planned Features ○ Quivers for ranged units ○ Bretonnia peasant units ○ new variations for Dark Elf ROR units ○ more helmet variations for Empire ○ Tomb Guards ○ differentiating the look of convoy lords (Cathay, Chaos Dwarfs) About Hooveric Reskin (HV Resk...
Amber's Armored Megapack (Reskin comp) (V1.6)
Tạo bởi Amber
Amber's Armored Megapack - Currently updated as of 6/24/2024 Hello once again all! This pack is a compilation of all my current *Reskin* mods and will eventually include all future reskins I make as well. This was made as per a request, and should hopefull...
[LIG] Reskin - Valkia
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin for Valkia Contains mild nudity, anyone uncomfortable about it may avoid using it Compatiblity Compatible unless changing Valkia's appearance If you use something like overhaul that change her appearance, this mod should loaded af...
[LIG] Reskin - Sorceress
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description Sorceress reskin, it means to attain lore identification in cost of faction identification Compatiblity Compatible unless change sorceress's appearance Unlike LL reskin, it's not compatible with Lord&Hero resize mod Issue & extra ** Currently t...
[LIG] Reskin - Prophetess
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification There are 2 face variant each Compatiblity Compatible unless changing prophetess's appearance Not compatible with lord & hero resize mod If you use something like ...
[LIG] Reskin - Morathi
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin for Morathi, ported from WH2 features fair skin and shorter hair Level of nudity is not much different from vanilla, So hopefully it won't be problem Compatiblity Compatible unless changing Morathi's appearance If you use somethin...
[LIG] Reskin - Hellebron
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description Crone wanted to be young, now she's young. Khaine bless you Also you need to use it with Hellebron's Death Night to make it fully functional Compatiblity with Mixu's mod It is compatible and strongly recommended to use with sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY...
[LIG] Reskin - Handmaiden
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description Handmaiden reskin, changed armor & added one head variant Coverage of faction colors increased significantly Compatiblity Compatible unless change handmaiden's appearance Save file compatible Should be compatible with great Handmaiden Variants ...
[LIG] Reskin - Frost maiden
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description Frost maiden reskin, it means to attain lore identification Plus I don't really agree with covering nice skate animation with longskirt Compatiblity Variant selector compatible Compatible unless change frost maiden's appearance Unlike LL reskin...
[LIG] Reskin - Damsel
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description This is WH3 port of Damsel reskin This mod means to focus on lore identification in cost of faction identification In warhammer lore, Damsels are taken to fay before puberty and return after years, and stay young and beautiful with their magic....
[LIG] Reskin - Alarielle
Tạo bởi Less Is Good
Description Simple reskin of Alarielle make her looks less older, while put a quite effort to give similar impression & face sculpt. Thus I didn't changed unit card & 2D portrait Unlike one which I posted on WH2, It does not contain nudity though transpare...
Classically Beautiful Fay Enchantress Reskin
Tạo bởi Alshua
A detailed reskin mod for the Fay Enchantress, improving her dress and facial features. Designed to enhance her realism and beauty, while remaining loyal to her excellent base design. The name "Classically Beautiful" is intended as wordplay; this reskin is...
Khalida the Queen
Tạo bởi zeta0080
If you like this mod, please give an endorsement, let more people see it! 如果您喜欢这个mod,希望能给个五星好评,让更多人找到它! Description: Zeta0080's Khalida reskin. Now our queen has darker skin (more like egyptian queen) and beautiful portrait. Author: Hi, I'm zeta0080, a mod...
Skarbrand Retexture
Tạo bởi Melinda Safitri Skarbrand retex is a 4K mod with similar color scheme like Diablo 3. the reason i made this mod is because i'm not satisfied enough with default skarbrand color...
Legendary Characters - 103 Dalmatians
Tạo bởi Stratovarius
101 Dalmatia... 103 Legendary Characters Yes, that top line number is correct! We have broken the 100 character barrier with a truly massive 21 character drop, finally ensuring that Legendary Characters covers every single faction. This also sees us releas...
Legendary Characters - 传奇人物包【中文汉化】 建议开局游戏前,在菜单界面打开 MCT 设置,自行调整模组传奇领主是否领导相关派系 战役地图人物显示英文名称 这是因为mod的任务脚本给部分人物强行设定了英文名,必须在脚本中对其汉化,但mod的更新常常带有脚本改动,哪怕只增删了一两行代码,汉化也要及时更新,不然就容易导致稳定性和兼容性问题。 目前工作繁忙,无暇跟进,所以已删除了脚本汉化。 介绍 传奇人物包,添加了很多位传奇人物 猎颅者 - 恐虐传奇英雄 塞...
Legendary Characters Assets
Tạo bởi Stratovarius
Contains all the required visual assets for the Legendary Characters mod. If this isn't in use, LC will break. See LC for credits, images, etc....
混沌矮人传奇领主包;烈焰与荒芜之塔(Chaos Dwarf Legendary Characters )
为混沌矮人派系新增了传奇角色 (右侧必要mod中,中文玩家无需订阅英文文本包) 『残暴者』戈尔茨(领主) 狡诈残忍的戈尔茨是一位技艺高超的混沌矮人术师,同时也是秘会内最具话语权的恶徒之一 替换密会侍从派系传奇领主 『不破者』莱卡斯(领主) 【不破者】莱卡斯以坚毅勇猛著称,即便在一众身经百战的同僚之中他也颇为出彩 混沌矮人派系可通过招募池招募 『熔铁』斯莱格(英雄) 斯莱格是最强悍的炼狱守卫之一,同时也是一名辗转在秘会成员们之间,备受青睐的护卫 混沌矮人派系可通过完成等级人物获取 更新 『火诞者』伊格纳茨(领...
Legendary Lore 中文汉化(5.15修复)
Tạo bởi Tutur
4.0新增故事更新进度 奥斯坦基娅嬷嬷部分:全部更新完成 玉龙元伯部分:剩余2条 Legendary Lore 汉化 传奇故事 汉化 描述概览与更新模式 本MOD目前为翻译模型翻译,而后导入目前之前完工的翻译 已润色部分:35% 第一次翻译完成率:98% 将会以两周为周期上传文本 所有文本在上传前,会经过一次润色 + 校对 这个mod理论上不该出现任何空的文本框/空的事件框,如果遇到,多半是导入文本覆盖的时候出现了问题,请在评论区报告,以便让我们进行修正 感谢之前为这个mod贡献过的所有翻译者,没有他们就没...
Legendary Lore
Tạo bởi IfThenOrElse This mod generates flavour text when certain conditions are met (see below). It has NO impact on gameplay. Travel to significant locations for your lege...
Tạo bởi biubiu~biubiu^
2024年5月17日更新 为申珠增加了国是系统,但是需要订阅子mod,因为会和元伯冲突,导致元伯无法获取石头,使用元伯时不要使用子mod Updated on May 17, 2024 Added matters of state to Shenzhu, but requires subscribing to sub mods as it may conflict with Yuanbo, causing Yuanbo to be unable to obtain stones. Do not use su...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Tạo bởi sm0kin
WH2's Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.2.0 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the p...
Kratch Doomclaw, Supreme Warlord of Crookback Peak
Tạo bởi Stratovarius Supreme Warlord Kratch Doomclaw "My clanrats, my victory. Where is Lord Gnawdwell’s trophy-prize? I shall squeak you where – still in the hands of the dwarf-things, who you have not yet defeated." - Kratch Doomcl...
Dwarf Legendary Characters 3.0Ver Make Dwarf Great Again
Tạo bởi 小铭
ENGLISH TRANSLATION Traduction française New Updated 18 Legendary Characters Josef Bugman——Karak Norn START Bazrak Bolgan——K...
[GLF] Ancillaries Remake金花物品重制
Tạo bởi 金花
这个MOD不包含语言文本,任何玩家都可以直接使用,也可以随意取消订阅,不影响存档 This MOD does not contain language text and does not require language patches. Any player can use it directly, You can also unsubscribe at will without affecting the archive MOD介绍: 这个MOD计划重新调整所有物品的效果(不包含坐骑、旗帜、随从) 增强...
Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack
Tạo bởi Mixu
This is a required asset pack for Mixu's Legendary Lords mod. You should subscribe to it if you use it, otherwise you'll get missing character models n other fun stuff....
Mixu's Legendary Lords
Tạo bởi Mixu
About the Mod Some of you may remember this and this from Total War Warhammer II. Well, this mod is simply a combination of those two mods, with some new faces added. This mod adds Legendary Lords, Legendary Heroes and some new units. This mod does not tou...
High Resolution UI Improvements
Tạo bởi prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Resizes or adjusts the following UI screens: unit recruitment screen (for 1440p+) diplomacy screen lord/hero recruitment screens o...
Tạo bởi SigmaEMP
传奇英雄-龙之巫女 与领主mod冲突...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Tạo bởi Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Building Slots Extended
Tạo bởi Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker and won't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! Are you tired of huge cities of High Elves or the Empire having just a cou...
Building Progression Icons III
Tạo bởi Spartan VI
Building icons visually change as they upgrade! This mod creates a visual progression for buildings. Almost all building chains now have icons that change as buildings are upgraded. Mod Features: Building icons visually change as they're upgraded. Note: No...
Landmarks of Legend
Tạo bởi The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Landmarks of Eternity
Tạo bởi Chasslo
If you want to see the news udpate for the mod or help with a little donation, you can do it here on patreon I'd also like to hear your opinion about a few things regarding landmark, if you want to do it you can complete a survey here Welcome to Landmark o...
Immortal Landmarks
Tạo bởi Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
Landmarks of Eternity-Immortal Empire Expanded edition
Tạo bởi Chasslo
If you liked the mod, please consider giving it a thumbs up, it helps a lot This mod only contains the landmarks created especially for IEE and even if it was designed to run with the base mod of Landmarks of Eternity, you don't actually need it to use thi...
巴托尼亚侠盗伯兰特汉化 Bertrand and the Survivors of Bergerac (Sub-mod for Mixer) Chinese translation
Tạo bởi 埃塞沃夫
基本全覆盖汉化,以后有时间也会持续优化。原mod增加了一个游牧巴托派系,一个修士类英雄,一系列绿林侠盗兵种,可以定居(来招募骑士) 背景简介 作者:帝皇毒刃不屈要塞号 出处:bilibili 据说,现在被称为“强盗”的伯特兰,最初是巴托尼亚心脏地带森林深处的贝尔格兰特(Bergerac)封地内的一个贫农。原本这里一切安好,直到老贝尔格兰特男爵去寻找圣杯一去...
Bertrand and the Survivors of Bergerac (Sub-mod for Mixer)
Tạo bởi maffers
This mod adds a new faction, The Survivors of Bergerac, lead by Bertrand the Brigand, as a playable faction for Immortal Empires, as well as some supporting units and mechanics for all Bretonnian factions. This version requires Mixu's Faction Unlocker (Mix...
Lustria Jurassic 中文汉化合集
Tạo bởi Tutur
This is a translation mod 当前包含的汉化内容 汉化完成率:100% Lustria Rises - Lizardmen Overhaul(露丝契亚崛起:蜥蜴人大修) Lost Ca...
Lost Calm: Nakai Submod
Tạo bởi Calm&NormalTime
Features Adds direct recruitment of the units from my dino mod to Nakai's horde buildings. Adds more levels to some of his buildings to spread the dinos out a bit. New units should get same global recruitment reduction bonus from buildings and tech that ot...
Lost Calm: Jurassic Normal (updated for Patch 5.2)
Tạo bởi Calm&NormalTime
HOW DO GET MORE THAN ONE EXPEDITION? You can't. That would be a pain to balance so no Features Adds new dinosaur units for Lizardmen, as well as a new campaign mechanic for acquiring them. Nakai cannot use expeditions sadly due to him having no regions Use...
Godslayer Overhaul by Mortrau
Tạo bởi Mortrau
INTRO Hi everyone! This is the Godslayer aka Daniel overhaul. I was disappointed when he was introduced, because he looks like some kind of filler for future work. I didn’t want to wait, so decided to make Godslayer interesting to play. My main goal was to...
Your New Empire (Overhaul) - 你的新帝国(帝国机制大修)【中文汉化】 开发更新: 你的新帝国正在根据CA在《腐烂王座》中为帝国加入的超棒内容重制,届时会以更大更好的版本重新发布! 介绍 帝国各个方面的大修,彻底改革了外交、机制、抉择事件等等,让帝国更像帝国。难能可贵的是兼容性很不错,与SFO、Sigmar's Heirs等模组都兼容。 外交 玩家和AI启用军盟与防盟外交选项 外交基于效忠度:例如,缔结军盟需要8+效忠度 地缘政治:派系之间的关系变化和新协议。例如,战役开始时瑞...
Your New Empire (Reikland)
Tạo bởi Pear
Development Update: Your New Empire is being reworked in light of CA's awesome new Empire stuff for ToD and will be re-released bigger and better than before! -------------------- As you may have seen, The Empire is getting a massive (and impressive) overh...
【5.2】绿皮大修||Greenskin Overhaul
Tạo bởi Owl.Milano
!!!第一次开启要新裆,不兼容对绿皮的大修类的mod(尤其SFO)兼容战帮升级和造装备mod !!!评论区所在地区不能回复,所以提的东西没办法直接回 --------------------最新改动(底下有详细内容,这里算是索引)------------------------- ♦再次,热烈庆祝绿皮新DLC,呱 ♦适配原版两个新兵种 -------------------------------------战役改动----------------------------------- 派系效果: ♦♦♦取...
Mixu's Mousillon and Old World Rites Compatibility Submod
FIRST AND FOREMOST The people who made all these beautiful mechanics and factions are not me. I just stitched the mechanics to the new factions. If you want to give credit where credit's due for these great things, let them know; the relevant mods are list...
Mixu's Mousillon 中文汉化
Tạo bởi Tutur
本MOD的汉化已经收录在: 『 MIXU 中文汉化合集 』 Mixu's Mousillon 中文汉化 Mousillon 汉化 穆席隆汉化 描述概览 主模组依然处于测试版 『漆黑骑士』马洛巴德 马洛巴德初始位置处于穆席隆城外,他需要击败红公爵以夺取穆席隆 马洛巴德能够通过完成任务,招募麾下4位传奇英雄 马...
Rotblood Tribe
Tạo bởi Stratovarius Clan Fester update! Today, the Pactsworn are complete, for today Skarrik Spinemanglr and Clan Fester spill forth from the Skittergate and take Ubersreik! From there they shall swarm in devastating hordes ever clo...
Mixu's Mousillon
Tạo bởi Mixu
This mod adds two Mousillon themed factions available to play with in Custom Battle and playable in Immortal Empires if you use Mixer. Features Mallobaude, the Black Knight - Mallobaude starts near Mousillon where he will need to kick the Red Duke out of M...
Rotblood Tribe - 腐血部落【中文汉化】 介绍 添加了末世鼠疫玩家非常熟悉的腐血部落派系,兵种建模十分还原,完成度非常高。 - 崇拜纳垢的诺斯卡部落 - 传奇领主伯德瓦尔·开膛者、鲍勃斯奎·霍尔克奇 - 新通用领主&英雄 - 包含精英部队在内的31支新兵种 - 9座新地标 - 战役机制:折跃门、瘟疫巨釜、溃烂氏族盟军、怪兽狩猎 感谢Dead Baron、OrangeJulivs、20kr、Khamar、Not so Skelly Bones、Str...
Old World Rites and SCM's Marienburg Compatibility Submod
FIRST AND FOREMOST The people who made all these beautiful mechanics and factions are not me. I just stitched the mechanics to the new factions. If you want to give credit where credit's due for these great things, let them know; the relevant mods are list...
SCM's LCCP and Old World Rites Compatibility Submod
FIRST AND FOREMOST The people who made all these beautiful mechanics, factions, and maps are not me. I just stitched the mechanics to the new factions on the map. If you want to give credit where credit's due for these great things, let them know; the rele...
SCM Revamped 帝国中文汉化合集
Tạo bởi Tutur
当前包含的汉化内容 帝国分离主义者 玛丽恩堡 感谢To infinity and beyond 在文本中提供的协助(原汉化文本在 中文汉化合集 ) SCM Empire Secessionists 中文汉化 帝国分离主义者汉化 添加了如下领主/英雄/部队 领主:莱因哈特·冯·马肯森 英雄:汉斯·弗兰肯温特 ...
SCM's LCCP 中文汉化
Tạo bởi Tutur
This is a translation mod. For SCM's Original Mod, Please check the link below 『 SCM's LCCP, 17 new factions for the IEE 』
Old LCCP, Subscribe to new one
Tạo bởi Rhox
Unsubscribe this mod and subscribe to the new mod uploaded with Team Account
SCM Marienburg (5.2.2)
Tạo bởi Team SCM
This mod will crash without Mixer's Unlocker enabled Download Immortal Empires Expanded! to play with 2 new factions in Ind and Khuresh, new legendary lords, and new mechanics! TLDR: This mod adds FIVE! fleshed-out l...
OvN Lost Factions: Citadel of Dusk
Tạo bởi Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races and factions to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in th...
OvN Lost Factions: Albion
Tạo bởi Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
OvN Lost Factions: Fimir
Tạo bởi Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
OvN Lost Factions: Dread King Legions
Tạo bởi Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting factions & races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the ...
OvN Lost Factions: Grudgebringers
Tạo bởi Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting factions & races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the ...
OvN Lost Factions: Araby
Tạo bởi Team OvN This mod is part of the OvN Lost Factions mod series which adds new and interesting races to the game and requires Mixu's Unlocker to work. These races are available to play in the Immortal Em...
Agemouk's TOMB KINGS: Extended
Tạo bởi Xoudad
"In that dread desert, beneath the moon´s pale gaze, dead men walk. They haunt the shifting dunes of the breathless, windless night, brandish weapons of bronze in mocking challenge and bitter resentment of the life they no longer possess. And sometimes, in...
Tomb Kings: Extended & Arkhan The Black: Expanded Submod
Tạo bởi Stephen Version 1.4.1 This submod makes adjustments to the technology tree, meaning it's now possible to research all technologies from both mods. Still in early development so please do let me know w...
Arkhan the Black: Expanded
Tạo bởi Stephen
Version: 1.2 This is the vanilla version of Arkhan the Black: Expanded for Total War: Warhammer III. This mod adds new technologies, skills and abilities to Lords & Heroes. Arkhan also has his...
The Dukes of Bretonnia 中文汉化
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶
Fake Update! Fake Update! Fake Update! The Dukes of Bretonnia 汉化 巴托尼亚的众公爵 描述概览 为6个既存巴托尼亚公国增加了传奇领袖 每一个巴托尼亚公国的新合邦科技 需要订阅Mixer 与mixu的传奇领主包兼容 新增公国与领主一览 阿奎坦公国:阿尔芒·德·阿奎坦 布理奥涅公国:提奥多里克·德·布里奥涅 奎那利斯公国:唐克雷德·德·奎那利斯 吉索...
The Dukes of Bretonnia [BETA]
Tạo bởi Ubermorgen
This was based on my WH2 mod The Dukes of Bretonnia, but includes tons of changes to all characters, their skill trees and visuals. Each of the new Lords now has their own faction. Huge thanks to Wolfremio who ported the mod to WH3 and reworked all visuals...
Tạo bởi Leohong
Chaos Mutations 中文汉化
Tạo bởi Tutur 亚登汉化组正在招募新人,如果你对翻译有兴趣,欢迎加入QQ群:812311844 Chaos Mutations 汉化 描述概览 为混沌以及类混沌派系英雄添加以下机制 特定的技能可以触发扭曲畸变,为你的人物解锁能力与特性,也可拒绝,但触怒毁灭之力通常没有什么好下场 为野兽人,混沌/勇士,诺斯卡添加50多种扭曲...
SCM Empire Secessionists (5.2)
Tạo bởi Team SCM
Revamped version of HKrul's Empire Secessionists: Secede! A massive thanks to Rhox, Phyrex Fin and Matthew39 from the SCM crew for making sure SCM revives the original mod. SCM Empire Secessionists TLDR: This mod ad...
Chaos Mutations
Tạo bởi Stratovarius Do you worship the Dark Gods and feel like they gift you nothing in return aside from a gnawing lust for power? Fear not! For now they have begun to issue gifts as well! You can become an even spikier person, or gr...
Nanu's Pirates of Sartosa Overhaul - 萨图沙大修【中文汉化】 介绍 锤2经典模组,萨图沙现在是一个以活人军团为主的派系,这才是符合背景! - 五位传奇领主&四位传奇英雄 - 一种通用领主&五种全新类型英雄 - 28个新兵种、10支精英兵种 - 建筑链、科技扩展 - 完成任务赢取独特物品 感谢Nanu制作了这么出色的mod 更多汉化: 中文汉化合集 ...
Nanu's Pirates of Sartosa Overhaul
Tạo bởi Nanu
Updated for Patch 5.2 This mod is an overhaul Pirates of Sartosa faction. Norcans, Dwarfs, Men, and Beasts of the Sea, all will sail under the Sartosan Colors and plunder in the name of Aranessa Saltspite! This mod includes 24 new units, 4 new building cha...
Gnoblar Hordes - 孬不拉部落【中文汉化】 介绍 孬不拉种族派系模组,新传奇人物,新领主&英雄,新兵种,新装备,以及废料升级机制 - 传奇领主『蒙面者』孬比波、『开膛手』布拉格、领主大王·贝泽尔 - 一种新领主,四种新英雄 - 十数支新兵种及精英部队 - 独特&通用新装备 感谢Lost2Insanity、Mixu、Calm&NormalTime制作了这么出色的mod 更多汉化: 中文汉化合集 ...
The Motherland - 祖国母亲【中文汉化】 介绍 使基斯里夫更加符合背景传说,作者后续还会增加一些新英雄和兵种 - 重命名了部分单位(如奥斯坦基娅嬷嬷更名为芭芭·奥斯坦基娅) - 原始设定的巫婆系魔法 - 为熊增加了其他颜色变体 - 部分单位外观重制 - 冰女皇可以同时使用冰雪和暴风魔法 - 为卡捷琳、侍女、女巫都增添了新的雪豹与雪橇坐骑 - 城镇、地标建筑图标与文本变更 感谢Xoudad、GunKing、Khazmo、Calm&NormalTime...
Gnoblar Hordes - The Unwashed Masses
Tạo bởi Mixu About the Mod We created this mod to add standalone playable Gnoblar Hordes to the campaign that where separate and unique from the Ogre Kingdoms. What you will find within has been created by referencing both official and u...
The Motherland - Updated
Tạo bởi Xoudad
"Long ago, many Gospodar clans lived upon the Endless Steppe. Like today, it was a vast province and was lashed with the terrible energies of Chaos. The Gospodars were beset by all manner of foul foes, and the Daemon Gods offered surcease from these attack...
Champions Of Undeath: Conquest Of The Blood Dragons - Please Read Change notes - Updated for 5.2
Tạo bởi COU Team Projects
“Let your blade be your only truth, let death be your only answer, and let your quest be for naught but to become more than what you already are." Based memes here, before I can go into our mod, I first need to give my personal thanks to the people and the...
Champions Of Undeath 中文汉化(4.2更新中)
Tạo bởi Tutur
This is a translation mod. For Original Mod, Please check the link below 『 Champions Of Undeath - Conquest Of The Blood Dragons 』
Legions of Nagash 中文汉化
Tạo bởi Tutur
This is a translation mod 内含汉化 Legions of Nagash(纳迦什军团) Legions of Nagash: Mortarch Traits Submod(死亡统帅特...
Legions of Nagash - DISCONTINUED
Tạo bởi Urgat
IMPORTANT: The mod will be moved to Rhox's profile in roughly 3 days. You'll have to resub. Sorry for the inconvenience. The last mortarch will be added at this time., SUPREME BONE DADDIO AND MAD HATTER, HATH COME BACK...
McShooterz's High Elves Enhancement 中文汉化
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶
MOD概述 虽然没说是Overhaul,但改动之处非常多,也算是一个高等精灵的大修MOD,喜欢高精的玩家肯定会爱上这个MOD 特色介绍 增添67种新建筑,将原版的各种只有3级的建筑拓展至5级(如原版的兵营和基础建筑等),而且增加可招募迷雾行者、影行者战团的建筑链 13个新兵种【剑士、游侠(重型武器)、游侠(猎人)、战争狮鹫、环形山脉战争狮鹫、白塔守卫 (荷斯剑圣)、黑龙、弓箭手 (火焰箭矢)、弓箭手 (魔法箭矢)、弓箭手 (倒刺箭矢)、弓箭手 (寒冰箭矢)、弓箭手 (剧毒箭矢)、弓箭手 (爆炸箭矢)】 为所...
McShooterz's High Elves Enhancement
Tạo bởi McShooterz
Introduction This is first and foremost my personal mod, which I play. The intent of the mod is to make playing the High Elves for long campaigns more interesting by adding new content and re-balancing as needed. Changes What does the mod specifically do? ...
Tạo bởi Sparkle Eldar
需要与本体与Mixu Unlocker 搭配使用 抱歉久等更新,现在铁皮部落将以派系的身份降临。 还是孩子的时候,格拉科的父亲就因为他吃的太大声用铁棒揍了他,从此之后格拉科却对钢铁有了病态的狂热。 本mod 加入了白矮人309期的传奇食人魔暴君:格拉科·铁皮。 本mod在凡世帝国中替换了原来的赛铁弯刀部落,将其替换成了铁皮的势力。除了传奇领主格拉科之外,铁皮部落拥有10种食人魔升级后的新单位。 铁皮部落拥有三种机制:1.兵种升级,2.交换俘虏(升级单位属性),及3.(招募混沌矮人盟友)。对铁皮的设计思路是将...
The Return of the Ironskin Tribe
Tạo bởi Sparkle Eldar
Sorry for the long wait, now the Ironskin Tribe has returned from the Mourn Mountains. As a child, he got beaten by his father for eating too loud, since then he became an iron-lover. Ghark Ironskin is an Ogre Tyrant introduced in White Dwarf 309. In this ...
Cataph's Southern Realms (TEB)
Tạo bởi Cataph
LADIES WITH VOLUMINOUS ASSETS now that I have your attention, read the zogging description and don't be in that majority of people who don't and cause problems to themselves. WHO TEB? TEB stands for Tilea+Estalia+Border Prin...
Dynasty of the Damned 中文汉化
Tạo bởi Tutur Dynasty of the Damned 汉化 兼容Poljanan的碧血族mod 注意:由于该mod替换了吸血鬼伯爵派系,任何其他修改吸血鬼派系的MOD可能会导致不同程度的问题 描述概览 将僵尸叛军替换为新派系:左道王朝 添加独特的兵牌与部队 添加独特英雄:薄暮幽人 添加独特的薄暮系法术 可用事务官建造...
Dynasty of the Damned [BETA]
Tạo bởi Team SCM
Remember this is a BETA This mod functions well but there are a few bugs, we are aware of them, feel free to report things you see in the Modding den Discord SCM channel. Thank you and enjoy Feel l...
Jade-Blooded Vampires 中文汉化合集
Tạo bởi Tutur
注意:原mod经过9.10的更新,必须同时开启 农昌蛊咒 和 月屿遗民 才可进入游戏 当前包含的碧血(Jade-Blooded Vampires)汉化内容 碧血妖鬼阵营 派系:农昌蛊咒(Curse of Nongchang) 派系:月屿遗民(Islanders of the Moon) 震旦/吸血鬼伯爵 兵种:尸起东方(Dead of the Orient) 替换僵尸叛军的MOD在这里左道王朝 中文汉化 总体进度:完成 正在校对
The Funeral Director - Walnut is BACK!
Tạo bởi Poljanan
After a brief absence, the Funeral Director is back from the grave! Introduction "Welcome to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. May we interest you in a coffin?" The Funeral Director is perhaps one of the gloomiest individuals in Cathayan society, whose tasks invol...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Islanders of the Moon
Tạo bởi Poljanan New Faction: Islanders of the Moon Difficulty Suggestion: Hard/Hard In 1690, Cathay would launch a doomed expedition westward into the Southlands, seeking to spread the Celestia...
Dead of the Orient - Immortal Empires
Tạo bởi Poljanan
Introduction The Spirit Dragon is restless. The river of the underworld lashes out otherworldly howls. Transient shapes dance with the fog rolling over from the eastern mountains. As of late, more and more of Cathay's ancestors, thought to be long at peace...
The Jade-Blooded Vampires: Curse of Nongchang
Tạo bởi Poljanan Jade-Blooded Vampires - Eastern Lords of Undeath The Jade-Blooded Vampires are an exotic bloodline of vampires in the far east sired by a long-lost spawn of Neferata thousands of years after she and the rest of the origi...
The Nemesis Crown 中文汉化
Tạo bởi Tutur The Nemesis Crown 汉化 复仇王冠:争夺之战 很久很久以前,矮人符文铁匠「疯子」阿拉里克构想了一种全新大师级符文:岁月符文。这一符文本质类似大师级王权符文,其初衷是将原佩戴者的智慧复刻而出,传递给下一个佩戴者,令其拥有无数前任佩戴者的学识,凭借无尽的智慧进行决断,成为真正主宰自己命运,乃至自...
The Nemesis Crown
Tạo bởi Inu "At some point in his career, Alaric the Mad devised a new Master Rune, the Master Rune of Ages. This Rune would not only retain and distil the wisdom of each of its wearers, passing it on to those w...
The Blightwing Duchy 中文汉化
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶
2个纳垢新派系:枯翼公国 开局位置在巴托地区中部奥卡山(原版大肚王咕噜所在的地方) 该派系有2位派系领袖:【苍蝇公爵】、【吉思鲁斯·蛆族】(类似与吸血鬼伯爵的弗拉德夫妇,仅仅是派系效果和领主加成不同) 两位派系领袖分别有不同的派系效果与领主效果; (后续完成相关任务可同时获得这2位传奇领主) 特点 该派系侧重于加强“腐蝇”与“蝇使”这2个兵种 【苍蝇公爵】:便宜、量大 【吉思鲁斯·蛆族】:加成更多 还能招募部分巴托兵种 新角色&新兵种 传奇领主:【苍蝇公爵】、【吉思鲁斯·蛆族】 英雄:枯翼圣骑士 兵种:瘟疫...
The Blightwing Duchy
Tạo bởi Meh
What it do? This mod adds a new playable Daemons of Nurgle faction to the campaign map featuring two original legendary characters and a couple of unique units together with a supplement of turncoat Bretonnian units also. The Blightwing Duchy may recruit a...
The Great Ogre-haul
Tạo bởi ADP
Devour, for the Ogre Kingdoms! During the period before WH3 launch, the biggest selling point to me wasn’t daemons or defenders of order - it was the prospect of taking over the world as brutish, irreverent Ogres! But I, like many others, felt that the Kin...
The Great Ogre-haul 中文汉化
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶
食人魔王国大修 特色介绍 更好的营地:现在建造营地后会于所在位置生成一位“营地首领”,拥有独特技能树,类似于半游牧,可以不断移动调整位置;营地建筑也进行了一系列的调整:更便宜的建筑价格、新增的军队技能、新增的专属特性 更好的肉食:现在肉食低或者高都有相应的Buff和Debuff,肉食少时移动迅捷但更瘦弱,肉食多时移速缓慢但更加势不可挡。战前使用肉食也拥有了更多样化的加成。 更好的诨名:对大部分诨名都做了细微调整,让所有诨名都更有用! 多功能的喷铅者:拥有3种弹药模式:标准弹药、散射弹药、重型弹药 科技树&技...
Knights of The Round Belly: Remastered (Patch 4 ready)
Tạo bởi Bot easy
# Background In the year IC 2480, endless waves of Greenskins pouring from the Grey Mountains. Bretonnia forces barely hold out against the Greenskins. Not enough manpower to defend against such an invasion on their own, and the Greenskins took over the re...
Knights of The Round Belly: Remastered CN
Tạo bởi Tutur
人见人爱的巴托尼亚正义联盟的回归,灰山英雄七人再度重出江湖 本MOD 包含 1个食人魔领主 6个食人魔事务官 20种不同巴托尼亚老爷的外观( Bretonnia Generic Lord Pack (20 variants) )(WIP) ——————————————————————————————————— 圆腹骑士(巴托尼亚正义联盟) 背景 时间IC2480年,南方王国被从灰山来的无尽的绿皮潮所包围,巴托老农和骑士们疲于应对于如此苦战,长年的征战也让巴托尼亚损兵折将。绿皮们占据了整个韦斯特领。费尔曼德,...
Lazy's Katarin Khan-Queen's Sleigh Compatibility Patch (Deprecated)
Tạo bởi LazyIcarus
Compatibility patch for Katarin reskin: Khan-Queen's Sleigh: Place above both mods in the mod manager. Currently there is th...
Climate Adaptation - Faster Version
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This is a faster adaption version of this Climate Adaptation mod. Please don't use both mods at the same time. This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely re...
Khan-Queen's Sleigh - Updated
Tạo bởi Xoudad
"The heart of Kislev is here. A heart of ice, holding us firm in the face of great threats." This mod aims at giving Katarin her iconic sled as the Ice Queen, in a vanilla approach with Ice and all : Her warhorse has been re...
Lazy's Katarin The Ice Queen Remove Crown
Tạo bởi LazyIcarus
Optional side mod that removes Katarin's crown on the campaign map and in battle. Affects 3D portholes as well, but does not change unit card or 2D portholes. Place above the base reskins in the mod manager (see screenshot) Changelog 2023-05-27 fix to remo...
Arkhan The Black: Expanded: OvN: Dread King Submod (no longer needed)
Tạo bởi Stephen
Allows the Dread King Legions to once again recruit basic skellies from major and minor settlements....
Lazy's Katarin the Ice Queen (5.2)
Tạo bởi LazyIcarus
Reskin for Tzarina Katarin with some hints of Tzeentch corruption. Only works in campaign. Features animated icicle crown on all mounts / foot (submod to remove crown: unit cards and portho...
Post Battle Options Overhaul - Old World Rites Compatibility Pack
Tạo bởi Autumnchain
This patch ensures compatibility with Post Battle Options Overhaul and Old World Rites by making rites unlocked by performing a Post Battle Option that has been removed by Post Battle Options Overhaul instead unlocked by performing a Post Battle Option tha...
Immortal Empires Expanded [Requires Mixer!]
Tạo bởi ChaosRobie
THIS MOD REQUIRES MIXER! This mod expands and fills-out the Immortal Empires map: Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, the Lost Isles of Elithis, the Eastern Steppes, several smaller islands, and that part that looks like Korea which I've named Ihan. AND MORE! Descriptio...
Immortal Empires Expanded and Old World Rites Compatibility Submod
FIRST AND FOREMOST The people who made all these beautiful mechanics and maps are not me. I just stitched the mechanics to the new factions on the map. If you want to give credit where credit's due for these great things, let them know; the relevant mods a...
Old World Rites - WH3 Edition [BETA]
Tạo bởi Ubermorgen
This mod is a continuation of the WH2 mod Old World Rites by Groove Wizard (formerly known as Vandy), bringing faction rites to all of the forgotten factions from WH1 (Empire, Bretonnia, Beastmen, Greenskins, Dwarfs, Warriors of Chaos, Norsca, Vampires and...
Building Slots Extended - Wood Elf Outposts Submod
Tạo bởi Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker andwon't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! NOTE: This is submod, and even though it can be used as a standalone mod, i...
Building Slots Extended - Extra Races Compatibility Submod
Tạo bởi Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker andwon't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! This is compatibility submod for Building Slots Extended with several mods ...
Building Slots Extended - Tier 4 / Tier 5 Minor Settlements Compatibility Submod
Tạo bởi Myxameno
IMPORTANT: This mod was made to be compatible with Mixu's Unlocker andwon't work without it! This mod works with ChaosRobie's Immortal Empires Expanded and The Old World campaigns! This submod WON'T give you Tier 4 or Tier 5 settlements! This is compatibil...
Post Battle Options Overhaul 中文汉化
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶
战后奖励选择大修 Post Battle Options Overhaul 是本体(未订阅 Old World Rites 的朋友仅订阅此mod即可) Post Battle Options Overhaul - Old World Rites Compatibility Pack 是与Old World Rites的兼容补丁(已订阅Old World Rites的朋友则2个都需要订阅) 一般变化: 金钱→金钱+2回合的20%移动距离buff 补员→补员+5回合的4领导力buff 经验→更多的经验+5回合的...
Post Battle Options Overhaul
Tạo bởi Autumnchain
This mod overhauls the post-battle options to be more logical, make the post-battle options between the various factions of roughly equivalent strength (in vanilla, Oxyotl, the Sisters of Twilight and the Tomb Kings get the best options) and reduce the sce...
Resourceful Purpose - Compilation
Tạo bởi RagnaroK
Greetings fellow mod enjoyers! I grant to thee - A compilation mod for your collection. For screenshots and info of the individual mods, check them out via the links below. By subscribing to this version, you no longer need to subscribe to the individual m...
Restore Chokepoint Battle for IEE(Mountain Pass Update)
Tạo bởi AraNg
IEE 캠페인 키값이 달라 몇몇 좌표에서 다리맵이 나오지 않는 현상이 발생하여 해당 키값을 수정한 모드입니다. 원본모드 필요없습니다 IEE campaign key is different from vanilla so some coordinates do not change to bridge map, so campaign key value has been modified. NO ORGINAL MOD REQUIRED 불멸캠용(바닐라)/for IE(vanilla)...
Nagarythe Remake纳迦瑞斯重置
Tạo bởi 金花
这个MOD增强了纳迦瑞斯派系,增加了新的功能与单位 使得纳迦瑞斯相比其他高等精灵派系更具特色,玩法多样化 English Patch: 纳迦瑞斯适应温带岛屿气候(奥苏安) 修改了祭礼,当执行祭礼后,可以获得一个BUFF,增强全局的伏击成功概率,以及在伏击时获得被动,增强所有单位的远程杀伤 新增随机事件,这些事件能带来一些正面和负面BUFF https://s...
Asrai Unit Pack (Wood Elves)
Tạo bởi Cipher
Description • Adds 6 New Units to the Wood Elves faction. • Officer Models for New Units • Tech Tree Supported • Allied Recruitment
Change Faction Capital
Tạo bởi sudkks
Add a relocation button to the right of the rename settlement button. Click to change the faction capital to the selected settlement, which is also valid for AI factions. You can change the faction capital to any settlement owned by this faction anytime an...
Better Camera Mod
Tạo bởi kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Home Region Movement Bonus +25%
Tạo bởi devon752
What does it do? Increases campaign movement range for armies in their own regions by 25%, works for Player and AI. Compatibility Compatible with most mods (as long as they don't change the same things as this mod) Works with ongoing campaigns but one turn...
Daniel Painter - Paint your Daemon Prince
Tạo bởi Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD 2.0 UPDATE: You should now be able to also paint other upgraded Daemon Princes! Lets you paint your Demon Prince with a Primary and a Secondary colour of your choice. You can switch back to the Default behaviour of items affecting yo...
Quick Building Upgrade
Tạo bởi Cpecific
When you have a lot of settlements, it becomes annoying to constantly hover over desired upgrade building level. As there is rarely a choice between what to upgrade, it does bring a question: why is it not in the base game? My Other Mods Skill Queue Traits...
No Diplomatic Penalty for "Too Many Trade Partners"
Tạo bởi DrDCB
By default, the game allows you only 3 trade agreements (plus an additional 0.2 per owned region) before you start incurring a penalty with the negotiating partner (-3 per additional trade agreement over the limit). This is pretty limiting to Kislev and Ca...
Bastion Redone
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod edited invasion Kurgan's army composition, and now they have more diverse units as the turn number increases. Invasions after 40 turns have a 32%-100% chance (depends on the turn number) of including demons or chaos warriors army. If the red waste...
3 Rows of Building Slots
Tạo bởi sudkks
This mod changes the original 2-row arrangement of building slots to a 3-row arrangement to reduce the width of settlement UI and prevent it from being covered by other UI elements on both sides due to the use of more building slots mod. Applicable to all ...
Tạo bởi 幽银之火
增加短期和长期战役奖励,让破局后玩起来更加舒服。 秩序阵营(震旦,巴托,基斯里夫,帝国,矮人,高精,蜥蜴人,木精)短期胜利加20%军队补员,长期胜利全局招募回合-2. 毁灭阵营(兽人,食人魔,黑暗精灵短期,鼠人)短期胜利每回合部队魔风储量加30,长期胜利全局招募回合-2. 混沌阵营(四神,混勇,诺斯卡,野兽人,恶魔亲王)短期胜利加20%军队补员,长期胜利所有事务官容量加10. 死亡阵营(吸血鬼伯爵,吸血鬼海盗,古墓王)短期胜利每回合部队魔风储量加30,长期胜利事务官初始等级加10. 黑暗精灵长期胜利长期胜利...
Restore 'Show AI intentions' Changing of the ways
Tạo bởi Rhox
Descriptions This brings back 'Show AI intentions' 'Changing of the ways' to Vilitch and Kairos which was deleted in the 4.0 patch. Vilitch can use it from the beginning of the game and Kairos needs to research a technology for it FAQ Q. Why no Changeling?...
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶
简介 几个常用MOD的简单脚本汉化,拯救强迫症 拒绝外交 Decline Diplomacy: 过回合时点亮中间的“拒绝一切外交”按钮即可生效(小手掌图标) 变体选择 Variant Selector: 角色详情界面,点击左侧“更改角色变体”即可选择的更多人物模型(小人样图标) 通常搭配各种变体美化MOD,如:帝国和基斯里夫变体美化、高精变体美化 等等,工坊中搜索带有“Variant”字样的美化即可完美搭配! 保存阵型 Remember Deployment Formations: 在战场中左键框选想要保存...
Display Treasury of AI Factions
Tạo bởi sudkks
Display the current treasury of the AI faction in the diplomatic interface - attribute bar, under its strength rank....
End Times: Incarnate Traits (Level 30 Traits)
Tạo bởi Kriega1
Same mod as End Times: Incarnate Traits but Incarnate Traits are now received at level 30 instead of level 50 for respective Legendary Lords, so that you can get the trait sooner and be more likely to see other Legendary Lords with the traits, as well as b...
Better Chaos Cults
Tạo bởi Acephelos Pending Update This mod is currently being reworked for update 5.2, as such I would not recommend using it right now. What it Do I felt vanilla Chaos Cult mechanics were underwhelming, so I decided to improve them. Originall...
Marco Colombos Charted Sealanes - IEE Sealanes & Trade Networks
Tạo bởi RagnaroK
Greetings fellow mod enjoyers! I grant to thee - A sea lane mod for your collection. I have currently made 5 different versions of sea lane/node mods, at which you should only ever have one of them active when playing. Flat Earth Explorers - TOW Sealanes &...
Just Good Battle UI
Tạo bởi Deo
5.2 compatible - A new battle UI showing abilities summary on those units which have anything that can be activated -- Quick access and overview of all abilities -- Position and size saved between session -- Auto use non-targettable abilities while in mele...
Tạo bởi harrylee95
This translation mod is needed by Chinese language users 简单的几句文本,永久有效,无需更新。 ①All Diplomatic Options - Vassalize, Liberate, Confederate 所有外交选项 - 附庸,解放,同盟(战锤3所有势力可用) ❗已知bug请避雷💣:千万别选”解放“选项,解放出来的派系在外交面板中不显示且无外交,已经被AI合邦过或解放出的派系再次复活出来也会有此bug,在战役中也没有任何AI逻辑行动,如遇到这...
Just Good Babysitter
Tạo bởi Deo
5.2 compatible Have you ever felt yourself more a baby tender than a commander because your units stop doing what they were doing and go smoking every 5 seconds for CA knows what reason? If yes - this mod is for you. It helps your units with one simple thi...
All Diplomatic Options - Vassalize, Liberate, Confederate
Tạo bởi The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Hello all! This is the updated version of the All Diplomatic Options mod by FiftyTifty who will be unable to update the original mod for the foreseeable future but has kindly given me permission to maintain and update this awesome mod for coming u...
Alternate Loading Screens All in One 3 4K
Tạo bởi CastledCard This mod combines all of the loading screens and features from my other mods into one package. For legendary lords without any artwork to be found I used official in-game screenshots, applied a filter and AI upscaled it to m...
A Beefier Cinderbreath
Tạo bởi Yogo Pogo
A new look for Cinderbreath, the legendary mount of Chaos Dwarf's Lord Drazhoath. Lightly inspired by his art appearance, and the general taurus appearance of my Beefier Taurus pack so he fits in with the rest of them. Makes a few notable changes so decide...
More Naval Movement Range
Tạo bởi Decomposed
The Double Time Stance now grants +90% movement range, instead of +50% in vanilla. (Works for player and AI and for all races) Should be compatible with all other mods and saved games. Ported over from WH2:
Show me the Fatigue!
Tạo bởi nopunctuation
In vanilla you cannot see what effects exhaustion is having on your units, and I would guess almost no one actually knowns (I certainly did not). With this mod you can see the stats update on the unit card as your/your opponent’s units gain fatigue. The ic...
Bad Guys Mount中文汉化包
Tạo bởi Huppias
Bad Guys Mount的中文汉化包,由于某些原因,原先那个汉化作者把汉化撤了,所以我自己汉化一个分享。该mod给很多原先没有坐骑的不信领主或英雄添加卫队或坐骑,但是很奇怪mod作者并未给矮人领主添加。 具体添加了什么,请看原mod吧 PS:如因个人原因无法维护更新,欢迎所有人,搬运更新。可以添加到任何个人合集里,备注下作者就好,毕竟可启用的mod数量有限。 2023.04.01-------更新了下汉化,但是最近官方登录器老抽风,一整就变灰了,所以也不知道是否成功。...
Bad Guys Mount
Tạo bởi jenosite
Massive Update now!!! This mod adds various mounts to campaign. < Chaos Warrior > Archaon - Dorghar (three head Chaos Dragon) Vilitch - War Shirine Vilitch - Chaos Dragon Valkia the Bloody - Chaos Dragon Sigvald - War Shirine Sigvald - Exalted Seeker Chari...
[FINAL UPDATE] Greater Kislev
Tạo bởi iDon'tSpeakRussian!
Post 4.2 patch Patch is completed to work on game version 4.2, it may or may not work on 5.0 however I will not continue working this mod as I am taking a break from modding. Should there be an issue you experienced while playing only with this mod + requi...
Greater Kislev
Tạo bởi NoMatterWha
Welcome to Greater Kislev Greater Kislev is a mod that enhances your campaign experience both for you and the AI. Expect new units, brand new effects, traits, balance fixes, fully reworked tech tree with the addition of The ...
aRSE with friends - Vassals and Allies count!
Tạo bởi Thuynder
All credits go to Lorghul, who created this beautiful mod. This edit changes the scripts to allow allies and vassals to count towards the rail network. No more fighting your chaos allies to build a metro station in the Empire, or destroying the Empire so y...
Confederate with Faction Effect 合邦获得派系效果
Tạo bởi < blank >
Update in 5/2/24: I have updated this mod, but I don't have time to check all effects now, so I only remove those faction effects which are clearly achieved by scripts. It's possible to have some dummy effects. This mod will trigger an incident when you co...
『龙战于野』震旦兵种包(Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field)
Tạo bởi 云出无梦
由于战锤3加入的震旦开始尝试战锤全面战争,这个兵种包的发布也算是完成了一个心愿,这也是我继『玉庭剑』青莲MOD之后做的第二个MOD,之后会打算陆续更新更多的单位,传奇领主,传奇事务官争取将来能做成派系包,希望这个MOD能为大家带来有趣的游戏体验。 这里以及右侧的Cathay Units Patch:Dragons Battle in the Field-English patch是英文补丁包,中文玩家不需要订阅-This is the English patch. English-useing player...
Variant Selector Support for Mixu's mods
Tạo bởi Vaxar Kun
This mod provides variant selector submod for Mixu's mods. Includes support for: Mixu's Legendary Lords Gnoblar Hordes - The Unwashed Masses Mixu's Shadowdancer Mixu's Mousillon You do not need to be subscribed to all of them for this to work - the only re...
Dwarf Thunderbarge MKII
Tạo bởi ChaosRobie
This mod adds in a different style of Thunderbarge for the Dwarfs. Description Thunderbarge MKIIs are giant, flying, ranged, single-entity units. They're pretty strong, so they are limited by a unit cap. They are recruited from the tier-5 engineering build...
Variant Selector
Tạo bởi Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD! Lets you choose Character Variants (where applicable). Snek's Extra Variants (the whole bunch of them!) are compatible out of the box, thanks to Snek. Other modded variants will need to be made compatible. This means that you simply...
Hold Position - Hold Ranged Units Stationary (Updated for 5.03)
Tạo bởi Snek
This mod adds a unit ability to all missile units including artillery, infantry, and ranged war machines which imbues the "can't move" attribute and a 100% movement speed reduction to force them to stay in place. The ability can be toggled on and off as mu...
【Deer24 基斯里夫兵种包】厄孙之牙 (Deer24 Kislve Units Patc Ursuns Tooth)
Tạo bởi 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
计划制作基斯里夫的兵种包 为基斯里夫添加很多没有背景依据但符合派系文化特色的部队 持续更新中 兵表更新: 基斯利夫满级城:咆哮之牙 红沙皇冠军 普拉格满级城:普拉格使徒 普拉格惩戒军 厄伦格勒满级城:厄伦格勒近卫军 达兹太阳雨(地狱风暴火箭炮) Intro This is my Kislev Unit Module - Ursuns Tooth. It contains 6 new unique units which include 3 new melee infantry, 1 missile infa...
Performance Maker for Massive Battles [WHIII Edition]
Tạo bởi WhyXelsink
*Mod is compatible with everything* *note* the LOD ranges in this mod are best suitable for GTX and RTX graphics cards. I decided to make a port of my Performance maker mod from Attila to WH3. VALUES in this mod are specially for WHIII, were tested and pol...
Confederation for Warriors of Chaos and Tomb Kings
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod enabled confederation via diplomacy for Warriors of Chaos, Tomb Kings and Vampire Coast. It might needs 1 turn for the option to show up after loading Suggest to use with Wolfy's great mod: Allegiance of the Damned: Chaos Confederation....
Dynamic World
Tạo bởi a70f
This mod enhances the game's world with unique, race-specific assets, making it more immersive and visually diverse. Note: This mod focuses on visual changes and does not affect gameplay mechanics. Features: Replaces campaign map assets with race-specific ...
Weapon Teams on Walls
Tạo bởi Scicotheron
WH2 weapon teams can mount and climb walls. Affected Units: Skaven: --Warpfire Throwers (+RoR) --Warplock Jezzails (+RoR) --Ratling Guns (+RoR) Vampire Coast: --Deck Gunners (+RoR) Vanilla Units that can already climb walls: Dwarfs: --Irondrakes (not a wea...
Fixed Allied Outposts
Tạo bởi Maggot
What It Does: Adds a few missing units to the Allied Recruitment pool T3 Outposts allow you to recruit all of a faction's units, regardless of their buildings Increased Unit Cap for Tomb King, Beastmen and Lizardmen units based on Outpost Tier Fixes Nurgle...
Confederation Includes Treasury
Tạo bởi Acephelos Origin Story: I was trying to create a mod that would make confederation better by also confederating a faction's Background Income, but it currently seems like there's no good way to do that. Instead I present to you this c...
Tạo bởi Everchosen
OVERVIEW: This mod adds new unit experience rank icons. New icons have numerals and visible experience bar which fills up with each rank up. They are color coded to feel similar to vanilla ones. · Completely safe to install, update and uninstall at any mom...
Aekold Helbrass - Reskin
Tạo bởi Driblex™ General This mod is a visual overhaul for the Legendary Hero Aekold Helbrass. I like him as a character, but I'm not a big fan of his design. Because of this I've made this mod which changes his appearence to more classic Tz...
Factional Favoured Regiments
Tạo bởi Alshua
Each faction is granted a "Favoured Regiment": a Regiment of Renown from the base game that they can recruit two copies of, instead of one. Where two copies would not make sense, the Regiment receives a modest, customized buff instead. That is all you real...
Cannon Targeting Fix ALL FACTIONS
Tạo bởi Austino Bandito
I'm not a fan of how ineffective cannons are. As it stands, cannons will shoot at entities that are close to the center of a unit, hugely over-killing like 5 dudes. With this mod, cannons will no longer prefer central entities of a unit when selecting a ta...
Trolls for the Trollking - WH3 Edition
Tạo bởi Elon
Throgg is back in action and still doesn't have a lot of Troll variants at his disposal, so this mod (finally) made it over from WH2 to give him some more choices. This is what the mod does: 1. Introduces 2 custom buildings that allow earlier recruitment o...
Further Battle Harmony
Tạo bởi endofanty
Battle harmony range increased by 50%, from 60 to 90 meters, though additional ui say is 60 meters, ignore it, that is just a string. When enable SFO or Radious, this mod needs to be sorted at the top....
New Exalted Hero of Khorne
Tạo bởi Ghildo
21 heroes in 1. For Warriors of chaos In this mod you find 1 hero with 20 different equipment. you can choose any one at any time via the mounts panel. This hero grows with your army there is: Exalted Hero of Khorne (Marauder) Exalted Hero of Khorne (Marau...
Seductive Influence *all races
Tạo bởi Ulrik H.D
This mod adds the current races to the pool of races that can be seduced and vassalised via the seductive influence mechanic. Daemons of Chaos Nurgle Khorne Tzeentch Ogres Dwarfs Chaos Dwarfs Skaven Greenskins Vampire Counts Vampire Coast Tomb Kings Rogue ...
Reloading Animations
Tạo bởi Marthenil
---Updated for 5.0 TOD Reload: load (something, especially a gun that has been fired) again. Adds reloading animations to the following units (for now): Kislev Streltsi Dwarf Thunderers Empire Handgunners Sylvanian Handgunners Vampire Coast Gunnery Wight F...
Morathi Can Seduce Units
Tạo bởi Sosvo
Morathi and her faction (Culf of pleasure) can now use the pre-battle seduce mechanic from slaanesh. I may add skills and/or technologies to increase the cap and reduce the cost like the other LL using this mechanic. Compatible with everything. Save game c...
中文字体 - 明朝体(中文括号间距调整版)
Tạo bởi Činggis Qaγan
工坊原链接为: 我尝试调整了一下中文括号“()”的间距,至少在我本人1080P分辨率测试下显示效果已正常化。 本来想发某度云链接在原MOD下边的,但是发出来之后被直接系统吞掉了,而且由于某些不可叙述原因导致我的网络时常无法正常连接上STEAM的评论区,我就索性直接重新发布了一份。 以下为原字体MOD作者的介绍:  一个中文字体mod,原为CK3的字体mod @Juijote :...
Restore Horde and Recruitment for Chaos
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod allows the Warriors of Chaos faction to recruit units normally at a higher price. Also restored the horde feature with some balancing of camp building effects. Many buildings have upkeep costs, but can provide campaign bonuses and set up camps to ...
Tạo bởi sgssk
比如说,终极炼金术虽能施加给多个兵牌,但对每个兵牌,每一跳只能伤害其中1个兵模。因此适合用于打击怪步、怪骑、单体单位,不适合打击160模组炮灰 又比如说,不超载凛冬之心每一跳只能对至多25个模组造成每人8点伤害,8×25=200。因此适合用于打击炮灰而不适合打击单体 本mod会将次元震等直接伤害技能的伤害人数一并列出。如有遗漏还望指出 虽然这些情报大多是「老玩家都懂」的东西,但我坚信好记性不如烂笔头。 CA其实也把大部分技能的适用范围写出来了,不过还是常看到有人反应不过来,那也许还是把数字直接写出来更直观。...
Force Confederation for Everyone
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod enabled all factions to confederate other same race factions upon capturing their final settlement like vanilla's Warriors of Chaos. Should be compatible with everything....
Ogre camps near settlements
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod allows Ogres to deploy camps near settlements. The army of the camp and the garrison of the settlement can support each other, Should be compatible with most mod. Works for AI and saved game....
[QoL] Fuse Auto Sort (Rarity + Category)
Tạo bởi Freiya
This is a "quality of life" mod that automatically reapplies the Rarity sort followed by the Category sort after fusing or salvaging items. Without this mod, only the latest sort is "reapplied" by the game meaning that the inventory will only be sorted by ...
Forgosth's Khorne units booster pack
Tạo bởi Forgosth
This mod adds 5 brand new units to the Khorne roster, and a variant of the Khorne soul grinder. The new units are non-canon but made to stick to the Khorne thematics and mechanics. This is my first mod, so despise my tests I hope my inexperience will not b...
Armoured Maneaters
Tạo bởi Fröb
Updated for 5.2 DESCRIPTION This is an updated version of my mod ‘Armoured Ogre Maneaters’, which was originally made for Total War: Warhammer II. The basic ogres look very much what you would expect like – brutal, archaic and also a bit primitive. But how...
Armoured Mournfangs and Rhinox
Tạo bởi Fröb
Updated for 5.2 DESCRIPTION Ogres are known and feared for having the heaviest cavalry in the whole Warhammer universe. Their mournfangs and rhinox have a withers of approximately 3 m, the weight of a few tons each and the force to break through any battle...
GMD Path of Change V 2.0
Tạo bởi dilaguna
Ok Guys here are some my new additions to Grate Changer roster ) Basically all ROR has new\edited skills ! I disliked nomber of ROR that was added in last update ((( List of units Bane Tower - dreadnought Silver Spikes (Bane Tower) - dreadnought Masked One...
Inquisitor's More Ogres!
Tạo bởi The_Inquisitor
Overview Adds 5 new units for all Ogres factions and 1 new skill for Hunter hero. Features Boomguts -- Ogre Shelter Gatebusters -- Bestest Weapon Pile Mountainblaster -- Boulder Fields https...
Johnny's Loreful Nurgle (plagues update)
Tạo bởi Johnny
Hello! When playing as Nurgle, It is evident to me that CA hasn't captured the essence of what fighting a Nurgle army means (besides being slow). In the lore, merely being in the presence of a nurgle army causes soldiers to get sick and die. Nurgle armies ...
Tạo bởi Luke_Grand Master
English version: 震旦天朝与群山王国达成军事战略合作协议后,共同研制的新一代武装直升机(雾) 给震旦加了四种飞行部队: 1、武装直升机: 修改自矮人直升机,可发射火箭炮弹。 2、武装直升机(火焰发射器): 修改自矮人直升机(硫磺枪),可发射火焰炮。 3、重型武装直升机: 修改自矮人轰炸机,可以投放炸弹,加装了机翼和火箭发射器,可以通过技能发射火箭弹药。 4、朱雀烈...
Console Commands (Modding Tool), the mod works 100000% please just use it and enable the script break warning
Tạo bởi prop joe
Adds a bunch of commands that help with mod making and testing. Type the command into a text box that is opened using a new button in the top left (see screenshot). Press the button to the right to execute the typed-in command. List of DB keys and how to f...
Unlock All Skills
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod disabled the mutual exclusion of all skills. AI also will be benefit from this mod and works for saved games....
No Confederation Penalty
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penalty. Should be compatible with everything, but might be override by mods that edit confederation penalties....
Enhanced Cavalry Breakthrough
Tạo bởi endofanty
Modify collision damage formula, double the collision damage in the same condition. Enhanced cavalry breakthrough ability. Another WH3 version → Less Enhanced Cavalry Breakthrough This mod improves the charge effect by adjusting the attacked end. The follo...
[GLF] Unit Expansion金花兵种拓展
Tạo bởi 金花
添加内容: 这个MOD给各个种族新增了许多兵种 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 推荐跟下面这个原版数据大修一起使用 新增兵种加成: 补丁: English Patch: https://steamcomm...
汉化 for The Gnoblar Horde(孬不拉兵种包-中文化补丁)
Tạo bởi Činggis Qaγan
一个孬不拉单位模组包的简易汉化, 增加了一些孬不拉兵种,和一种英雄与一种领主。 请务必将此汉化补丁排序于原模组本体之上。...
The Gnoblar Horde
Tạo bởi Stratovarius
Gnoblar Horde! Help, help the Gnoblars are revolting! The Gnoblar Horde is made up of Gnoblars who have eluded or rebelled against Ogre society, taking refuge in the Mountains of Mourn and the Dark Lands. These enormous swarms of Gnoblars pillage and plund...
Dawi Thunder - 矮人雷霆中文汉化
Tạo bởi CheNg
This MOD is a Chinese submod 介绍 由Snek制作 为矮人添加了12个各具特色的新部队 补充说明:因为还是测试版,所以作者没有整理文本,有一些不知缘由的文本我没有汉化。如果游玩的时候发现有问题,可以在评论区反馈 =========================================================== 仅为汉化文本,需要订阅原MOD使用,将该汉化置于原MOD上方。...
Dawi Thunder (5.2.4 -New Unit and Unit Reworks)
Tạo bởi Snek
This mod adds 16 new units to the Dwarf roster. Submods and Compatibility: SFO Radious Translation submods: German Korean Czech Chinese Russian Iron Thunderers A line infantry with a gun-axe (stat line based on Infernal Guar...
Guv's Better Norsca Overhaul 中文汉化
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶
更好的诺斯卡 特色介绍: 诺斯卡的臣道、科技、传奇领主特性、派系与领主效果都做了大幅度改动,可以先点开主菜单诺斯卡选人界面的“派系与领主效果”感受一下震撼 乌弗瑞克添加了大量新的“掠夺者”加成,索隆格添加了大量新的“怪物”部队加成,而且从混沌勇士和混沌恶魔盟友处招募的盟友部队也有了更多加成 毁灭并献祭XX:现在能获得比原版更强力的加成 总体来说,本MOD并没有机制上的改动,可以看作是原版的增强版,在原版的基础上补全了各种新效果和加成,将原版羸弱的诺斯卡扶到了略强的强度 ...
Guv's Better Norsca Overhaul Mod (Updated 5.2 / 2024-08-22)
Tạo bởi Guvenoren
Let the World Burn by Vikings! Now I bet this is unexpected from those who don't follow the Skeleton Crew. I have found myself pequed by the design of Norsca. An offshoot of the offshoot of Chaos. It's some deep methodology to the idea of Norsca that makes...
Rotate Lords and Heroes (v5.2)
Tạo bởi Levie
What does this do? This enables rotation of MOST Lord and Hero models while in the character details window. This is similar to what can already be done with the Daemon Prince. I thought it was weird that we have access to the model view inside of the char...
Alshua's Cultists
Tạo bởi Alshua
Alshua's Cultists brings together all four Cultist Expansion hero types: the Cult Oracle, Pleasure Cultist, Cultist of Brass, and Deathbell Lily Cultist. Extends Cultist recruitment (both the existing male cultists and the four new Cultists) to Warriors of...
精英战帮升级(全派系)/RoR Warband Upgrade(All factions)
Tạo bởi yuudachi
功能介绍 1.为全派系兵种解锁精英兵种战帮升级 2.所有精英兵种默认0级 前置要求 需要先订阅“Warband Upgrade Ultimate”. 兼容性与问题 应该兼容绝大部分mod,我修改了精英开场0级,不确定是否会和大修mod冲突, 如果有冲突请在评论中反馈,我会取消该功能 旧存档可用 警告:高难度下AI也会拥有大量精英单位,混沌魔域的恶魔亲王流浪军团更加致命! 如果发现单位连线错乱、缺失部分单位也请反馈,但请确保问题是在单独开启该mod与前置mod下出现的。 锁评论区可以直接贴吧反馈 网站链接 如...
Are You Yhetee?
Tạo bởi Lost2Insanity
About the Mod This is a unit mod that adds Yhetees from the Ogre Kingdoms army book which are fast monstrous infantry with frostbite attacks designed to chase down armoured cavalry and snare them so they can be taken out of the fight quickly and any bonuse...
Singe's Lord Skills Compilation
Tạo bởi Singemeister
Ahhh, here we are again. So, this is the combination mod for all my lord skills for TWWIII. I've tried to up my game for the new game, so each Lord has four skills. Apart from Daniel. He gets five. As do some of the Vampire Coast Lords. And Helman Ghorst. ...
Mortal Warriors of Nurgle
Tạo bởi Stratovarius
Features! Unleash the power of Grandfather Nurgle, Lord of Pestilence, with 8 new units: Putrid Blightkings. Brutal warrior champions of Nurgle, they are few in number but mighty in strength. Elite infantry. Exalted Plague Ogres. Built to smash, and to dra...
The Norscan (Build-a-Chaos-Lord)
Tạo bởi JGCarter
New Update: Added him to the Changeling faction Frost Fang can be taken What it does: Adds a new armoury based (daemon prince style) legendary lord to the game, recruitable when playing as a Warriors of Chaos, Norscan or mono-god factions. Like the daemon ...
全派系筛选初始特性 All Factions Filter Innate Character
Tạo bởi TravellerL
———————— Intro ———————— This mod replaces the initial characters of lords of most factions with generic/factional unique characters that I personally find useful. It completely removed most of the lord characters that I find useless in case you cannot get ...
Better Alliance
Tạo bởi BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) Features: 1. More Allied Units: Allied unit cap increases from 4 to 20, so is Ogre mercenary. 2. More Favor Points: Doubled favor generation per turn, with max favor increased to 900 (from 100). 3. Borrow Army Longer: Ally army can be borr...
Warband Cross Race
Tạo bởi BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) This is a submod of Warband Upgrade Ultimate (required). It provides two extra functionality: 1. Allows player & AI to upgrade foreign units. 2. Cross-race upgrades, e.g., Norsca marauder to Chaos, Chaos Dwarf laborer to Greenskin units. W...
Slaanbulls & Trojan
Tạo bởi r1kko
Slaanbull champion lord now has custom voice! Slaanesh faction: Trojan recruitable in same buidling as slaanesh grinder, Slaanbulls in same building as Keeper of Secrets+same tech upgrades. Trojan ROR available at turn 1. They are also availible in summoni...
Cult Units of Tzeentch
Tạo bởi Decky
DESCRIPTION The mod adds 6 new Cult Units to the faction Tzeentch. The units are recruited in the new military building "Church". Which goes from Tier 1 to Tier 4. That there is an additional building must be built and there costs etstehen the building pro...
Allegiance of the Damned: Chaos Confederation [EoM]
Tạo bởi Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Emissaries of Diplomacy
Tạo bởi Cat Spiros
This mod helps you discover other Legendary Lords of the same race, with early game quests/missions - without discovering enemies. Upon completion, the player establishes diplomacy with target faction and also gains a slight, but permanent boost in relatio...
Research Overflow & Options System
Tạo bởi JerreyRough
This mod causes research points to overflow after completing research, and gives players some options to fine-tune their game's research rate mechanics. Overview The Research Overflow & Options System mod (ROS) implements three features: Overflow Research:...
Naval Networks - Global Sea Lanes! - Now with 5.2&IEE support!
Tạo bởi Thuynder
This mod allows you to take any army or hero and embark them between significant port cities that you control -- for a cost. As your empire grows, naval sea lanes will allow you to transport entire armies, as well as newly trained heroes, directly to the f...
Geomantic Web Overhaul
Tạo bởi IfThenOrElse
This mod adds significant features to the Geomatnic Web to spice up Lizardmen playthroughs. Note: Need UI modders help for future asipirations! What Does this Mod Do? This mod adds 'Geomantic Boons' to every node on the Geomantic web. When active, these no...
Tạo bởi 小铭
此模组为所有派系添加了加速建筑的功能,可以选择花费1000货币x回合数 立刻完成建造。 要注意的是,大部分纳垢建筑、食人魔营地和游牧建筑不受此影响。ai不会使用该功能。 理论上兼容所有其他模组 ...
Tạo bởi Forlorn
Normally, when you threaten someone as a player, you receive a -15 reliability to your reliability score, which means the player has to wait 15 turns for reliability to be fully restored. This mod changes the penalty to -1. Thus the player can use threaten...
合邦就能用 confiderating you can get 5.2
Tạo bởi sun2003shy
由于ca内部的机制,部分按钮会在合邦后下一回合显示,以防止一些不必要的bug。 是的,战锤2的合邦就能用回来啦,你可以合邦相应的派系就能获得该派系的特殊内容。目前正在一个一个特性移植中,下面是目前的移植列表: 2022.11.1 新增史库里的禁忌工坊(只有伊克特利爪和工程大术士可以获得燃料) 2022.11.1 蛇身小卖部可以合邦使用啦 2022.11.2 伊姆瑞克巨龙狩猎合邦就能用啦 2022.11.4 铁眉的神器藏库合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 戴斯的锻炉合邦就能用啦 2022.11.5 斯洛特的腐...
Matters of the State to the Karl (Requires Shadows of Change DLC)
Tạo bởi Rhox
Description This mod adds Yuan Bo's Matters of State to Karl Franz. Most of the values are just copy and paste from him. If you haven't played Yuan Bo, you spend favor, and you gain the opposite favor after every two turns. The reason? You know divide and ...
Ability Icons Rearrange
Tạo bởi sudkks
This mod lets each row only have a maximum of 10 ability icons, and the excess will be moved to the next row, to prevent multiple icons from squeezing into one row. Not compatible: Just Good UI Mod, Helper UI...
Tạo bởi Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
The Zerg Collection Volume I
Tạo bởi zerg93
A collection that will progressively integrate all of my (eligible) released mods until the release of the next volume. >>*Do NOT use this mod along any of the mods already integrated in this collection: if you have any doubts consult the mod list, please....
The Zerg Collection Volume I 中文汉化
Tạo bởi 泡泡茶壶 注意: 1.只需要订阅第一个必需物品,不要订阅除了第一个之外的任何一个 2.原mod的必需物品栏有个Local Recruitment for Warriors of Chaos,并不强制订阅,这个是允许混沌勇士本地招募的MOD 下面是合集中包含的兵种列表 基斯里夫 3个: 哥萨火枪手、哥萨猎人、哥萨线列步兵、披甲哥萨(手枪&双刃剑) 帝国 8个: 民兵弓箭手、弓箭手常备队、精锐弓箭手、阿尔道夫长弓队 西格...
Champions Of Undeath: Bloodline Agents - Now with some new audio (Lahmian agent)
Tạo bởi COU Team Projects
"Awake O Dead, for there can be no rest for ye beneath the earth. Let the splintered bones burrow from the grave pall. Let cold fingers grip time-worn blades, and unseeing eyes survey the fields of slaughter. For your time has come once more. And the dead ...
Local Recruitment for Warriors of Chaos
Tạo bởi zerg93
*A word of caution for both players and modders alike* This mod is based on an old form of recruitment for WoC that should be deprecated but was simply disabled and hidden instead. There's the concrete possibility that CA could completely remove or break t...
SCM's Skaven Asset Pack
Tạo bởi Stratovarius
This contains all the visual and animation content for: Pestilent Brotherhood Clan Verms Heroes of the Skaven Clans Clan Treecherik Clan Crooktail Clan Vrrtkin Clan Grudge Without it, you will see absolutely nothing. This exists to standardize SCM's Skaven...
Ranged units for ogre kingdoms
Tạo bởi Nothing.
Adds 2 new ranged units to the ogre kingdoms, one with pistols and the other with javelins. Should increase replay ability and depth when playing ogres, personally never understood why pistols were kept so far back in the recruitment tree. Also fixes one o...
Karanak, Hound of Vengeance - Goodbye old friend
Tạo bởi Xoudad
Karanak, known as the Hound of Vengeance, the Endless Hunter and the Talon of the Skull Throne is the three-headed Flesh Hound that prowls and guards Khorne's grand throne room. He never sleeps, for like the Blood God's unreasoning vengeance Karanak is eve...
Warband Upgrade Ultimate
Tạo bởi BAGHolder
Warband Upgrade for Every Race (Updated to 5.2) --- Upgrade basic units into elite, and swap among unit variants. --- Unique UI + Expanded panel for every race. --- 100% compatible with any mod, save-game, and co-op. --- Submods for RoR, mod compilation, c...
Tạo bởi ZYF
1 收缩了鹤铳手的队形,增加人数为80人(40组),方便部署和集中火力,当然,同样增加了被一锅端的风险。 2 为铁雹铳手添加了独头弹,填补了中距离的火力空白。 3 新增了一个天廷火铳手单位,配备霰弹和枪榴弹两种弹药,装备护甲,必要时也可以肉搏两下。 4 原版的两种火炮感觉已经很强了,所以没做修改。 更新 1 新增了一个女性火枪手兵种。 2 略微提高了霰弹的冲击力,现在可以用霰弹把敌人击倒。...
Chaos dwarf can recruit black orcs——让黑兽人再次为奴
Tạo bởi Soyorin_love
添加两个建筑 五种普通单位 三种精英单位 分别为: 黑兽人 黑兽人(盾斧) 兽人战猪大只佬 兽人大只佬 兽人弓箭小子 腥红杀手(黑兽人)15级解锁 碎獠暴徒(兽人战猪大只佬)10级解锁 不死亲卫队(黑兽人) 25级解锁 所有单位均可享受科技与技能点对于大地精的加成 如果你喜欢这个mod 可以给我点个赞 add two new building,8 units black orcs black orcs(axe and shield) orc boar boy big'uns orc boy big'uns ...
Tạo bởi 代号gyt-B站
由“带皮皮天子”出资定制并分享,快说谢谢老板 为帝国、震旦、矮人、鼠人各添加线列步兵定位的单位,以及新炮兵与火力支援步兵...
Tạo bởi
!重要的食用说明!:这个MOD属于独立mod 相比于SFO版,只是一个单纯的新兵种包,没有建筑方面的修改,真正完整的内容在SFO版。 前瞻反馈QQ群:1001399546 一·部队名册 普通部队:黑殿铁蹄,僵尸巨炮,纺命女,死亡飞马骑士,噬魂兽骑士,无头骑士,鸦羽鹿骑士,鲜血断头者 传奇部队:死告天使,堕落显贵,掠魂死镰,血龙武姬,邓肯霍夫圣殿骑士 精锐部队:黑檀之女,红血军锋 事务官:复仇霸王·加尔赛力克,织命女
Expanded Roster - Chaos Dwarfs
Tạo bởi Decomposed DESCRIPTION This series of mods aims to complete and expand the rosters of various races by adding loreful units while taking some liberties and artistic licence in the process. We try to choose the best units based on variet...
Naptha Bombs for Infernal Guard (Fireglaives)
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod adds Naptha Bombs as an ammo type for Infernal Guard (Fireglaives). When using Naptha Bombs, they will use different firing animations and missile stats. It seems impossible to limit ammunition just for the Naptha Bombs, so the reload time was set...
-BR- More Beautiful N'kari 诱惑
Tạo bởi Black Rabbit
"A notorious and ancient Keeper of Secrets, N'Kari has broken empires and countless minds in his ceaseless quest for new depraved sensations." —N'kari I've been wanting to redo this Lord for a long time. I hope everyone likes it! Please report any bugs you...
Alshua's Cultists - 混沌狂信徒扩展【中文汉化】 介绍 为混沌四神各增添了一种狂信徒英雄,拥有独特的外形和技能。 作者还为这些英雄添加了几百个女性名字,很有讲究,比如纳垢的都是选的花卉和疾病名称,奸奇的则是各种矿石和鸟类,当然为了听上去好听,翻译文本都直接采用了音译。 Brass Sisters of Khorne: - 恐虐黄铜姐妹 - 可以召唤恐虐怒妖、血肉猎犬与磨魂者 Oracle of Tzeentch: - 奸奇教会传谕使 - 可以召唤奸奇怒妖与...
Tạo bởi 某鶸
省流:坐骑类mod,为混沌矮人增加了火车头坐骑和一些将领卫队 当然主要是为了给予监察和堡主一点小小的关爱 English version→ sfo子模组→ 兼容已有存档,理论上和其他mod无冲突 对原版游戏内容无改动,所有词条均为添...
Trade Any Settlement
Tạo bởi Freiya
This mod makes it possible to trade any settlement with any encountered faction as long as you aren't at war with them. To use it, just click on the new "trade settlements" button displayed on the top-left corner of the screen.
Marked Chaos Characters Expansion
Tạo bởi Masterdelta41
This mod expands on the marked chaos character systems that came from the Champions of Chaos DLC, it adds the following missing characters in the game with three variants for each. It also adds the manticore and chaos dragon mount to all marked characters ...
Chaos Dwarfs
Tạo bởi Ghildo
This mod expand roster for all faction Chaos Dwarfs Hobgoblin Cutthroats (Spear) Chaos Dwarf Thunderers Chaos Dwarf Warriors (Dual Axe) Infernal Guard (Dual Axe) Infernal Ironsworn (Great Weapons) Infernal Ironsworn (Dual Axe)...
Runeforge mechanic for the Dwarfs (Requires Shadows of Change DLC)
Tạo bởi Rhox
Description Dwarfs also get this "Witch's Hut" mechanic. Craft disposable banner-like runes in the dedicated panel, and apply them to your enemy or you like how you would use a banner. You can get more ingredients by fighting certain races or forging an al...
Vlad and the Empire
Tạo bởi Rhox
Main Features The Popularity meter system: Helps and wants you to fight foul factions instead of Empire factions. Force vassalization: From Slaanesh's Seductive influence system. Gives you another way of conquering the Empire Runefang and Imperial troops: ...
Warriors of Slaanesh
Tạo bởi Ghildo
This mod introduces 7 new units, balanced for vanilla. Marauders of Slaanesh (Spear) Marauders of Slaanesh (Great Weapons) Warrior of Slaanesh (Halberds) Warrior of Slaanesh (Great Weapons) Chosen of Slaanesh (Halberds) Chosen of Slaanesh (Great Weapons) A...
Guv and Soul's Better Horde Reemergence Mod (Updated Patch 5.2 / 2024-08-22)
Tạo bởi Guvenoren
Disclaimer: While I might have been the one to bring up the issue, Soul is the genius behind it. He made the script, walked the miles, took the guts, spilled the tears and took time of his life to make this for us. He is the unsung hero. And for that, he d...
Brute Quarrellers (Chaos Dwarf Crossbowmen) 混沌矮人弩手
Tạo bởi Činggis Qaγan
A long range missle unit for Chaos Dwarfs (ttc support) 混沌矮人派系的基础远距离射手单位。 (包含对TTC模组的支持,已标记为核心单位) Eng text fix: SFO submod: Z...
Infernal Guard Steeldrakes for CHD (混沌矮人灰烬手炮兵)
Tạo bởi Činggis Qaγan
Something like dwarf irondrake ones, now added to Chaos Dwarfs faction, include TTC support. 把矮人的手炮兵部队换皮给了混沌矮人,包含TTC模组支持。 Eng text fix: SFO submod:
Centaur Temple Guards for CHD (重甲半牛人神庙守卫)
Tạo bởi Činggis Qaγan
Something like great weapon ones, but more armor, now added to Chaos Dwarfs faction, include TTC support. 把半牛人重武改了大锤,加了点护甲,包含TTC模组支持。 Eng text fix: SFO submod:
Trajann's Beasts of Khorne
Tạo bởi Trajann V
This mod adds 22 new units to Skarbrand, Valkia, the undivided WoC lords, and the Daemon Prince* consisting of various monsters and beasts. The Roster Listing every single new unit would take up way to much time. Just look at the images to get an idea of w...
Trajann's Mounts for Khorne
Tạo bởi Trajann V
Here's something fun. This mod adds 2 new mounts to the Khornate characters (minus the bloodthirster, which he's very upset about) The first mount is named the Khornasaur, and it's exactly what it sounds like. It's a carnosaur, but one that's preaching the...
Chaos Dwarf's Siege Giants 混沌矮人攻城巨人
Tạo bởi Činggis Qaγan
From: A version of the Chaos Dwarfs giant which using the original author's materials. (also has ttc support) 使用原作者的素材,制作一个混沌矮人版本的巨人单位。 (包含了对ttc模组的兼容支持) Eng text fix: https://steamcommunity....
Trajann's Other Gods Compilation
Tạo bởi Trajann V
This is a compilation of all my mods focused on Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch. Because I won't be making nearly as many mods for them as I have for Khorne, it's safe to put all 3 gods into one place. If you subscribe to this compilation, you may unsubscrib...
NNOBBs - Never obsolete AI lords and heroes
Tạo bởi Trubble
This mod will award experience to all AI lords and heroes at regular intervals to ensure that they remain relevant and challenging throughout the campaign. Generic lords and heroes are unable to advance beyond the level of your faction leader. Legendary lo...
Warriors of Tzeentch
Tạo bởi Ghildo
This mod introduces 7 new units, balanced for vanilla. Marauders of Tzeench (Dual Axe) Marauders of Tzeench (Great Weapons) Warrior of Tzeench (Dual Sword) Warrior of Tzeench (Great Weapons) Chosen of Tzeench (Dual Sword) Chosen of Tzeench (Great Weapons) ...
YourMother's Horde for Tzeentch (Updated for Shadows of Change)
Tạo bởi YourMother
Foreword: I love hordes. I love to wander the world, meet new peoples (and kill them), without being tied down by settlements. Which is why I have created this horde mod for all playable Tzeentch factions. What this mod does: This mod applies the horde mec...
YourMother's Horde for Seducers of Slaanesh
Tạo bởi YourMother
Foreword: I love hordes. I love to wander the world, meet new peoples (and kill them), without being tied down by settlements. Which is why I have created this horde mod for the Seducers of Slaanesh. What this mod does: This mod applies the horde mechanics...
Worthy Warcry (For Epic Battle Audio)
Tạo bởi _Zorbaz
UPDATED 28.Feb.24 - Updated for 4.2! Welcome fair travelers, for today we sing of the roar of battle, the thwack of bolts and the thunder of blackpowder. This mod changes a number of things about several audio mods that I loved from WH2. This mod changes n...
Better Economic & Military Management AI
Tạo bởi Hecleas
COMPILATION Here is a link of the compilation of all my AI mods ECONOMY & MILITARY -The AI ​​will recruit a lot more armies, better quality and as much as possible! -The AI ​​will invest its...
More Occupation AI
Tạo bởi Hecleas
COMPILATION Here is a link of the compilation of all my AI mods MORE OCCUPATION This mod smartly changes colony capture decisions. You too are frustrated to see a faction looting, razing, et...
Unshackle AI Recruitment
Tạo bởi Jadawin
No longer actively maintained - but probably still works I do no longer update my mods to support new content. That said, almost all my mods basically never need actual updating after patches. So this mod will very likely still work, just not affect recent...
AI Max difficulty enabled
Tạo bởi Oblivious
Increases AI potential campaign bonuses Requires a new campaign. Only use this mod if you usually like playing on VH/Legendary and want a challenging campaign. Disabling this after starting a campaign the AI will probably keep the potential. Not compatible...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Tạo bởi Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
DeepWar AI
Tạo bởi Forlorn
NEWS: I've looked at tables to make sure everything is up to date and compatible with SFO. Just place this mod above SFO. SFO has some decent AI changes but there aren't unique personalities between AI races, and SFO does not have as good of budgeting. I h...