Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

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Items (767)
本模组包含本人学习制作模组以来的各项车棚类成果,质量良莠不齐,应群友要求发布。如有任何意见或建议,可在评论区留下,作者会在未来的模组制作中改进。本系列模组除遇到严重使用问题外,不再做任何改动和改进。未来将会推出本模组的重置版,并添加更多细节和种类(不保证工期) 感谢各位大佬对本模组的指导与支持...
Станционное здание о. п. Приокская
Created by Ilush1k
Станционное здание остановочного пункта Приокская, доступное в 3-х цветах....
✈ - Alternative International Airport - ✈
Created by Remi Gio
- UPDATED! - Hey guys! Let me present next in the series : ALTERNATIVE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (AIA)! It is quite heavily modified, larger version of the vanilla airport adding yet more variety and realism to the game ;) Feel free to SUBSCRIBE, also please R...
Created by Oldkestas
ПАЗ-652 — советский автобус малого класса, производившийся Павловским автобусным заводом в 1958—1968 годах....
Created by Seamon
This modification adds all of the course ships on the Lake Aegeri. Included are the DS Morgarten, the MS Morgarten 2, the MS Morgarten 3, the MS Ägeri, the MS Victory and the MS Ägerisee. In addition, earlier and later versions of these ships from other la...
Created by 彬伐
This module has added and supplemented some factory and mine specific gondola for China Railway. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C16AK 2001- Type of goods: iron ore, stone Life: 30 years Capacity: 64t (in ga...
【BETA】[jt_1]Track for Girder Bridges
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Track for girder bridges....
Created by HXD1D0246
【China Railway Tunnel Series】Wushi Intercity Tanshan Tunnel
My English is very bad,so it have no English translation....
Created by RFT
【CRST】客运站房扩展包: —————————————————— 本模组模型由 彬伐 制作并授权,CRST模块化适配:RFT。 本模组包括:宁武站、豆罗站。两个站房均为客运站房,适配CRST客运站台,不提供货运站台路径连接。 两个站房均提供一个版本:宁武站原站名版、豆罗站自定义站名版。后续扩展包也将均提供一个版本。 本模组可搭配CRST 7m连接站台,也可不需要7m连接站台,不会对人行路径造成影响。 订阅此模组之前请确认已经订阅并开启了CRST基础包。 望大家多多支持!感兴趣的朋友可以私聊我加入CRST系...
Created by RFT
【CRST】中国铁路站房扩展包---忻口站、阳明堡站. 本模组包括:忻口站、阳明堡站(CRST站房模块)。 忻口站是位于山西省忻州市忻府区高城乡的四等客运站,邮政编码034012,建于1935年。离大同站245公里,离太原站110公里,隶属太原铁路局太原铁路分局管辖。 阳明堡站,原名羊头城站,位于中国山西省忻州市,是中国铁路太原局集团有限公司管辖的四等站,建于1937年。 *本次优化了模型引用错误所导致的明显错误问题。 两个站房均为CRST系列货运站房,适配CRST货运站台,不提供客运站台路径连接。 本模组...
【CRST】中国铁路站房-哈尔滨站 1.2
Created by RFT
【CRST】中国铁路站房-哈尔滨站 扩展包 哈尔滨站(Harbin Railway Station),位于中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区 ,是中国铁路哈尔滨局集团有限公司管辖的特等站,是京哈铁路、滨洲铁路、滨绥铁路、京哈高速铁路、哈齐高速铁路、哈牡高速铁路、哈佳快速铁路上的车站 。 哈尔滨站始建于1899年10月,是原中俄共同修筑的东清铁路(中东铁路前身)的中心枢纽站,先后经历了四次站房改造。2017年4月,哈尔滨站进行主站房拆除改造工程。2017年8月31日,哈尔滨站北站房和北广场投入使用 。2018年12月...
Created by RFT
CRST 中国铁路车站模块化站房——滨洲铁路沿线车站。 本模组包括:满洲里站,海拉尔站,牙克石站,扎兰屯站,齐齐哈尔站。 其中 海拉尔站与齐齐哈尔站 适配天桥路径,其他三站为单层站房,不适配天桥,需要刁民从一站台上天桥。 —————————— 滨洲铁路,是原中俄共同修筑的东清铁路(中东铁路)的西部干线,故亦称之为西部线,建于1898—1901年。滨洲铁路是电气化复线铁路,全长934.8公里,其中黑龙江段长375公里,内蒙古段长560公里,隶属中国铁路哈尔滨局集团有限公司管辖。线路自哈尔滨站起,向西偏北行进,...
【CRST】中国铁路站房-长春站 1.2
Created by RFT
中国铁路 长春站 ———————————— 本模组为模块化站房,已经适配 CRST 系列相关车站模组,如果使用到其他模组会造成刁民闪现。 其中,长春站分为南站房 和 北站房 两个版本,并且都包含原站名和自定义站名版本,支持CRST高架候车室。 *优化更新了自定义站名显示效果 *增加车站容量 *优化lod效果 ———————————— 支持的朋友记得点个赞! ——RFT运输公司...
Created by RFT
本模组由原作者 彬伐 授权,RFT二创。 模组包括:岱岳站,朔州站。 ———————————— 本模组为模块化站房,已经适配 CRST 系列相关车站模组,如果使用到其他模组会造成刁民闪现。 其中,岱岳站分为客运站房以及货运站房两个版本,货运站房为自定义站名版,已经适配CRST货运站台; 朔州站为原站名和自定义站名版,并且支持CRST站台天桥。 *优化更新了自定义站名显示效果 *增加车站容量 ———————————— 支持的朋友记得点个赞! ——RFT运输公司...
中国城市/街道/人名/简繁体汉化 Chinese city and street names
Created by LINX
城市经过筛选保留了熟悉度较高的,部分城市或街道名字是虚构的,来自音乐,文学,电影作品. The cities have been screened to retain high familiarity.Some city or street names are fictitious and come from music, literature, and film works....
中国广告牌 Chinese Billboard
Created by LINX
have fun. ps: The question is anyone know how to loading more "" ? (The game loads two files by default) Thank you so much...
Created by 上局沪段
Created by 布里啾啾
Created by 上局沪段
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
Created by 上局沪段
Created by 上局沪段
中国铁路CR400-BF动车组 天蓝涂装版
Created by Fengye
English description: China Railway cr400-bf EMU blue painted version Modified from mod based on Johnny 005611. Please use the subscription with the original version 中文说明: 中国铁路CR400-BF动车组 蓝色涂装版 基于Johnny005611的MOD修改而来。 订阅请配合原版使用...
Created by 上局沪段
Created by DF110071
HXD2型“和谐”电力机车 是中国铁路的电力机车车型之一,由法国阿尔斯通交通运输股份有限公司和中国北车集团大同电力机车有限责任公司联合研制,是在阿尔斯通“Prima”机车技术平台上,以法国国铁BB 27000型电力机车为原型车,开发研制的干线货运用八轴大功率交流传动电力机车,最大功率为9600千瓦,最高运行速度为120公里/小时 车子模型由@SS9G0121一手打造,精细度方面无可挑剔,贴图及后期则由本人处理,为您带来在虚拟世界中最真实的火车,包含了三层lod以及巨量的模型细节表现 由于插件包过于巨大 请慎...
Created by blue0china
Created by mzk7
韶山9G型电力机车(原版升级) 2002年,中国铁道部向株洲电力机车厂下达了《SS9型电力机车改进设计任务书》,要求株洲电力机车厂在早期生产的韶山9型电力机车的基础上,针对首批机车存在的问题进行改进,按照“模块化、标准化、系列化”的原则,对机车的设备布置、通风系统、车体钢结构等进行重大设计改进。改进型机车是在原韶山9型电力机车的主要技术参数和牵引制动特性不变的基础上,开发一种新型的机车设备布置设计平台,主要特点包括:采用独立通风系统、中央贯通走廊、屏柜化设备布置方式、标准化司机室、卧式主变压器、以及流线型车...
Created by 【PLUS】DRUNK
九广通(英语:Kowloon Canton Railway Through Train,缩写:ktt)为九广铁路公司旗下双层客运列车,随着两铁合并而租予香港铁路有限公司,提供来往红磡站与广州东站之间的城际客运服务(广九直通车,又名港穗直通车)服务。正常由两台Re 460型电力机车(又名Lok 2000)推拉带动,一般以9节客车及1-2台机车为编组,其中有一等座位车厢7辆及特等座位车厢2辆。...
Created by 【PLUS】DRUNK
全新材质的KTT已经上线啦 感谢 @Littleluck的鼎力相助让原本单调的ktt焕发新生。本次更新于之前的在材质与细节上有了显著更新,另外亚运涂装也迎来了他的最终完成状态,另外我也保留下了老版本的KTT以做纪念。最后说一句 新年快乐!ovo...
八幡鳥居 hachiman_torii
Created by 3DM_CODEX
Hachiman torii, the traditional Japanese gate, is extracted from the campaign 13, and the collision is off. just 4 fun!...
【北方新能源】BFC6109GBEV5城市公交车|city bus
Created by RFT
本模组包括 北方华德尼奥普兰 BFC6109GBEV5 新能源城市公交车。 模组按照:长春公交集团广泛使用的 北方BFC6109GBEV5型公交车制作。 长春的北方纯电动于2018年采购,一台车价值100万(因此游戏内定价也是100w),车辆铭牌上的制造日期是2018年11月。一共400台,2019年2月陆续从北京运到长春,当时先给G2路、G4路更换了这批车型,车辆为短后悬设计,乘车体验很不错。 由于没有真实数据,所以模型细节上要差很多,会有一些不同之处。希望在之后可以把模型细节把控的更好。 ———————...
和谐内5黄继光号 HXN50001
Created by RFT
HXN5 diesel locomotive is one of the main line freight diesel locomotives in China. This locomotive uses AC drive, developed by General Electric (GE), and manufactured by CSR Qishuyan Locomotive and rolling stock works by means of technology transfer....
国鉄205系 ~Japanese National Railways 205series~
Created by YOMITI1225
If you modify any part of this mod or add any elements to it, please contact us in the comments and ask for permission before distributing it. If you do not distribute your mods and play them only for personal use, you do not need to contact us. Uploading ...
Created by Tora
Added new version Japan2025 Japanese 1、このマップには沖縄など一部の離島を除いた日本全域が含まれています。 2、ほとんどのまちと工場はリアルの場所を参照して設定しています。例えば、機械工場(トヨタ自動車)は名古屋の近くにある豊田市のところに置きました。 3、原油に関しては、日本はどうしても輸入に依存しているので、中東とアメリカからの輸入を再現するために、油田を伊豆半島沖と志摩半島沖のそれぞれ二箇所の海域に置きました。 4、デフォルトの時間は1850年から始まります。マッ...
日本の鉄道信号 ~Japanese Train Signals~
Created by masubo
日本の鉄道信号 ~Japanese Train Signals~ 日本の鉄道信号を追加します。 追加信号機は色灯式3灯信号機 左右設置型が長腕短腕の二パターンで計4種類です。 (追記) 更新によりY現時バージョンを追加。計6種類となります。 このゲームの信号機は全て2位式の為、Y現示バージョンではRとYのみが点灯します。 制限速度を追加するレールなどでそれっぽく表現してみてください。 この信号機は1925年より出現します。 二次配布は禁止です。 更新メモ 2021/7/10:ゲーム中に信号選が択時しづらいバ...
长江中游城市群 Middle Reach of Yangtze River, China
Created by haoyuhugeo
须知:本地图的尺寸为“巨巨”,必须先设置好实验地图尺寸模式(自大狂模式)。 设置方式为:打开文件路径:Steam/userdata/你的ID/1066780/local/settings.lua 第15行"experimentalMapSizes = false"改为"experimentalMapSizes = true" This map requires to set "experimentalMapSizes = true" in "Steam/userdata/(Your ID)/1066780/...
駅!駅!駅!Japanese style Elevated Train Station
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: ======Since there's a modular elevated station which seems to be much more better than this one I've decided to stop the development of this mod. Still I've made a roof pack including roofs for both my JR station and the new modular elevated station ...
駅!駅!駅!Japanese style Train Station
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Now you have a new station to choose. Let's try to make your own Japanese style TPF! Including Japanese style platforms and roofs for both stations on ground and the elevated stations! -Till now this mod involves: ---2 kinds of JR platform without ch...
Guangzhou Metro l3 Train (B1)
Created by EricH
Guangzhou Metro l3 Train (B1)...
(轻量版)长江中游城市群 Middle Reach of Yangtze River, China (Lite)
Created by haoyuhugeo
须知:本地图的尺寸为“巨巨”,必须先设置好实验地图尺寸模式(自大狂模式)。 设置方式为:打开文件路径:Steam/userdata/你的ID/1066780/local/settings.lua 第15行"experimentalMapSizes = false"改为"experimentalMapSizes = true" This map requires to set "experimentalMapSizes = true" in "Steam/userdata/(Your ID)/1066780/...
(Nuclear) Power Plant Assets
Created by Fant Azero
With this mod, TF2 receives a few collision-free assets for building power plants. This is still the original TF1 version, so its BETA. The cooling tower steam still looks like a big snowball because of the new TF2 comic style steam... The modules are with...
(UEP2_09c)_Yutong-E6_Electric_bus ( BUS + ASSET )
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _09c_<Yutong-E6_Electric_bus_series> - ( BUS + ASSET ) V1.1 - yearFrom = 2017, Maximum speed: 91km/h, Capacity: 18 units (1:4) ---------------------------- Introduction: 1. This MOD contains 4 Yutong-...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _10A_<jiefang_J6P_Vehicle_Transporter_Series> - ( Truck + Asset ) V1.1 ---------------------------- This MOD is the first part of the UEP2-10 series (vehicle transporter Series) contain: 8 kinds of ve...
(update_1)_[uep2]_04c_<Tram_&_bus_Museum_4_in_1_(Depot_Station)> - V1.1 -
Created by hugedragonyk
------------MOD update-----------2021-07-06----------- 1.Fixed a setting error where the tram track at the road junction was missing. The MOD has been updated automatically. ------------MOD update-----------2021-07-05----------- 1. Optimized some functions...
(Upgrade)_[uep2]_06a_<Check_rails_series> - 1.1 -
Created by hugedragonyk
---------------------------- Upgrade V1.1- 2021-08-13 --------------------------- 1. Add ordinary railway track and two type of poles. 2. Fixed the issue of check-rail sleeper spacing. 3. Refine part of the model details and optimize the model LODs. ------...
(Upgrade1.1)_[uep2]_32_<Shopping_Mall_(3-in-1 )>_[Industry + depot + station]
Created by hugedragonyk
------2021.07.08---upgrade-------- 1. Adjusted the terrain problem caused by the underground garage. 2. Optimize the texture to make the water surface more natural. 3. For the upgraded version of TPF2, some MOD functions have been optimized ---------------...
Created by hugedragonyk
-----MOD upgrade-2021.09.14------- 1. Add two new oil depots, the industrial chain is crude oil-oil, oil-fuel, adjust product demand and output through the MOD menu. 2. MOD's road station cargo storage space increased to 2491 units. 3. MOD's railway statio...
103系シリーズ - Japanese Commuting Train 'Series103' -
Created by masubo
日本の高度経済成長期の通勤で大きな活躍をした103系シリーズです。(低運転台) 1963年から有効になります。 収録車両 ・先頭車(パンタ付き電動車、付随車) ・中間車(パンタ付き電動車、電動車、付随車) カラーリング及び仕様 ・スカイブルー色(ロゴなし、JRロゴ、3連ワイパ車両) ・ウグイス色(ロゴなし、JRロゴ、JRロゴ+帯) ・オレンジバーミリオン色(ロゴなし、JRロゴ) ・カナリア色(ロゴなし、JRロゴ) ・エメルラルドグリーン色(ロゴなし、JRロゴ) ・播但線色(JRロゴ) 付属の編成はすべてロゴ...
40 ton truck - Trailer variants
Created by dview
This mod adds the 40 ton truck with 3 different trailers as first featured in my Schwarz Bau UG truck pack; A container chassis that loads 2 20ft containers; An open trailer; And a 9.2m tipper trailer. The vehicles are fully based on items available from t...
6K electric locomotive
Created by lisasuki
Copyright notice: the model map is authorized by baibei manufacturing studio to lisasuki for use in mod imported into transport feeder 2 game, and released to steam Creative Workshop free of charge. Players are not allowed to use some software to intercept...
750mm & 1000mm tracks
Created by eis_os
750mm and 1000mm track package with commonapi interface...
A380 Pack by MJ1989C
Created by MJ1989C
An Airbus A380-800 Pack featuring multiple liveries. Features: CODED!! - Fully animated passenger doors and interiors. CODED!! - Fully animated cargo doors and holds. Watch cargo be unloaded and loaded, a first for TpF Aircraft! CODED!! - Fully Animated Ca...
Abutment script support
Created by Enzojz
A script mod to give abutment support, use with other supported bridge mods. The "Tracks × Retaining Walls" supports this mod. Usage (player): 1. Load this mod with the game, if the bridge support this mod, in case that the new bridge is connected a terrai...
Achievements w/ Mods
Created by Saber Kitsune
Earn achievements while using mods. Standalone version as the other listing currently uploaded is bundled with a factory mod. ...
ADL Enviro 400 MMC
Created by ICS
ADL Enviro 400 MMC The Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC is a low-floor double-decker bus produced by the British bus manufacturer Alexander Dennis since 2014, replacing the Alexander Dennis Enviro400. The Enviro400 MMC is produced at Alexander Dennis' Falkir...
Advanced Camera Views
Created by VacuumTube
The Advanced Camera Views is now also available for Transport Fever 2! You may ask, why do we need this for TPF2, when there is now the movable first-person camera? However, the movement is still limited, looking around is quick, but the translatory moveme...
Advanced Person Magnet
Created by VacuumTube
Attraction Point/Magnet for Persons with several adjustable settings: Model Capacity Street type (including Mods) Street length Position movement The special thing about this mod is the selection of ALL streets in the game. Thus, everyone can adjust the st...
Advanced Russian Railway Catenary Constructor
Created by Full_House_82
READ DESCRIPTION BEFORE USE . This mod adds a huge amount of assets that allow you to detail your railroad tracks with a realistic contact network. In addition, the pack includes new railway tracks of the post-Soviet standard, which include the rail joint....
Advanced Town Builder
Created by VacuumTube
Town generator with seperate values for the capacities of Residential, Commercial, Industrial. Find under street construction. Although you might built very large towns with this, at a ceratain point it might be more sensible to built more little towns. Al...
Airport Service Road
Created by MagicMenma This mod provides several modern airport service roads. They can carry the traffic of service vehicles. By using this mod, you can create transport routes on the airport apron. How to use Video Tutorial on YouTube 1. In orde...
All available from 1850
Created by YoshiDE
Modifies content availability such that everything* becomes and stays available foreversince 1850 (the minimal start year). * everything means everything. As horses slow down traffic, they are excluded from 'everything'.If you're interested in disabling ot...
Ammendorf waggons pack
Created by AleX_BY
Created by TGR Studio Full-body metal sleeping car which was produced in DDR specifically for USSR considered to be the most popular coach through the history of soviet coach construction: from the 60's to the 90's more than...
Angier Track Type-1
Created by angier023
J-Slab High-speed Rail track...
Angier Track Type-2
Created by angier023
General track mod, including ordinary speed 160km/h track and high-speed track 360km/h track. ※ This is the track mod to match my other mods. ※ Available: 1960 ※ High polygon count be aware of the computer performance Author note: ※ Hello, I am back! Sorry...
Animals asset
Created by Alexandra
This mod adds original animals models as assets...
Antonov An-225 Mriya
Created by LexyGone
I proudly present the Antonov An-225 Mriya (Ukrainian: Антонов Ан-225 Мрія, lit. 'dream' or 'inspiration'; NATO reporting name: Cossack) is a strategic airlift cargo aircraft that was designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in the Ukrainian SSR within the So...
Created by Remi Gio
Hey there City Builders! CELEBRATING 1 YEAR since I've released my first ever mod I want to present you with ART DECO Skyscrapers Collection! Not 7... not 12... but 20 ploppable SKYSCRAPERS (assets/LANDMARKS) that will change your SKYLINE and will fit perf...
Created by Remi Gio
Happy St. Nikolas! Holiday season this year has officially started and to celebrate it I want to present you with some beautiful towers from the Big Apple and also a second installment in the series: Art Deco Skyscrapers Collection - NEW YORK CITY! 14 NYC ...
asset bus
Created by AV
buses assets. ассеты автобусов. ------------------- other transport assets: - cars - - автомобили - - trucks - - грузовики -
asset bus with colors
Created by AV
------------------------------------- this is full rework of original "asset bus" mod. added 7 colors. added buttons for random buses. removed "rainer route" logos. i did not find an easy and good way to make many colors and i can not write scripts. so i d...
asset car
Created by AV
cars assets. ассеты автомобилей. ------------------- other transport assets: - buses - - автобусы - - trucks - - грузовики -
asset car with colors
Created by AV
------------------------------------- this is full rework of original "asset car" mod. added 7 colors. added buttons for random cars. i did not find an easy and good way to make many colors and i can not write scripts. so i did it by hard and bad way manua...
Asset Expansion
Created by Norden
Asset Package...
asset truck
Created by AV
trucks assets. ассеты грузовиков. ------------------- other transport assets: - cars - - автомобили - - buses - - автобусы -
assets for construction site
Created by AV
just a little assets for construction site...
assets for park
Created by AV
some assets for park...
Auto Parallel Tracks
Created by Enzojz
This mod helps you build parallel tracks quickly. Usage: 1. With mod loaded, there is a "Parallel Tracks" option on the track construction menu. 2. Toggle to state to "On" to enable the function 3. Set the "Spacing" and "Number of tracks" to desired value ...
Created by Enzojz
This mod automatizes the placing of signals. Usage: 1. With mod loaded, there is an "AutoSig" option in the signal construction menu (show after placing the cursor over the track). 2. Toggle to state to "On" to enable the function 3. Set the "Signal Distan...
Badgerrhax Building Blocks
Created by fuzzy
A detailer's dream If only there was more customization on assets - always a need for a shape not quite like some others... always just too big, or too small... If only I could have this shape with this material, it would be perfect... Mods like joefried's...
Baltimore Penn Station
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
Another static station between other projects.. some might know it from Train Fever. Baltimore Penn Station A nice american station with recognizable concourse. Thanks to donoteat for the original model (
Basic Modular Underground Station
Created by okeating
A Basic Modular Underground Station I created this primarily to have a station that is very similar to the vanilla station to work with my the AI Builder (another of my mods). This is very much a "no frills" mod, it is just the vanilla station with undergr...
Berkhof AT18
Created by berkhofsolaris
Proudly presenting the Berkhof AT18. This pack contains multiple liveries of the AT18: 3x Arnhem (The Netherlands), 1x Kaunas (Lithuania) and 5x Solingen (Germany). Most liveries have the option to change the linecolor instead of the bus color, only the Ka...
Better Iron Bridge
Created by Niko
Overrides the iron bridge from the game with a version that prevents breaks in the truss from happening in the middle of a span. Be aware that this only applies to newly constructed bridges. Previously constructed bridges are not updated, but you can rebui...
Better acceleration and more realistic brake
Created by 幽泽wize
Acceleration performance is improved by 30-50%, Instead of suddenly dropping from 30 or 40 to zero, the train will slow down gradually. More emUs will also be provided....
Berlin elevated rail viaduct pack with houses, tracks, stations and much more
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
Some really cool authentic stuff you get with Berliner Hochbahnviadukte Mega Pack Easy to fill big blocks and provide some city flavour... will be expanded with more stations and stuff. lg IT COMES WITH UPDATE 1.339 +1x universal depot, 1x tunnel portal an...
Better Terrain Brushes
Created by Laurent
This mod greatly improves terrain brushes Transport Fever 2 has some nice terrain tool features but they are quite weak in their standard version, to the point that we usualy need to raise size and strength of the brush to the max each time we want to flat...
Better RCI Colors 2.1
Created by Laurent
This mod replaces original RCI colors with more distinctive ones. I don't know for you, but in the vanilla game, I often struggle to see if industries and commercial areas are covered by my depots correctly. Of course I use the cargo layer but due to the o...
Bichlbach-Berwang Bahnhof (Tirol)
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. La estación de Bichlbach-Berwang en el Tiroler Außerfernbahn es la estación conjunta de los municipios de Bichlbach y Berwang. Se encuentra en el municipio de la antigua aldea. En 2014 sufrió un incendio que dañó seriamente el edificio. Dispon...
Big asset decor USSR
Декоративный мод, который включает в себя 55 ассетов различных типов, различных металлические конструкции, бетонных блоков и плит, контейнеров, разных стоек и заготовок. В разделе soviet вы сможете найти 4 категории и использовать данные ассеты. Приятной и...
Bigger Brushes
Created by AbbyTheFoxx
Increases max paint and asset brush size by 4x, in game and in editor. Larger sizes *will* lag, which is probably why the size is so limited in the first place. I left terrain brushes alone because any bigger than the editor max size was basically unusable...
Billboards Asset Pack 1(CHINA)
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: China style billboards. =What's in? -13 new billboard assets. =Known issues? -Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important savegames. This can make it safer though I've already tested them and nothing ever happen...
Billboards Track Asset Addon(CHINA)
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: China style billboards. It'll be better if u use with this: =What's in? -new billboard track assets for railway bridges. =Known issues? -Just try and confirm you can use this safely th...
Blades and levers for switches 1.0
Created by pyromanuel
Animated switch blades and switch levers. This is a special waypoint that is used to animate switch blades and switch levers. Put the Waypoint marker at the straight track after the frog. The blades assumes the correct position when the track is reserved f...
Boeing 747 Cargo pack
Created by LexyGone
Titel Boeing 747 Cargo pack description I proudly present you the Boeing 747 Cargo, in 6 different variants. The Boeing 747 was the first gigantic commercial passenger aircraft, the first model appeared in 1970. The 747 was the largest passenger airliner, ...
Boeing 747 Passenger pack
Created by LexyGone
I proudly present you the Boeing 747, in 6 different variants. The Boeing 747 was the first gigantic commercial passenger aircraft, the first model appeared in 1970. The 747 was the largest passenger airliner, Until the arrival of A380 in 2007. A number of...
Bohai Map / The Peninsulas
Created by w43322
A map based on China's Bohai region, featuring the Shandong and Liaodong peninsulas. This is a region with diverse landscapes as well as rich industrial and colonial history, This map is featured in our "Peninsulas" Series. Watch the videos: https://www.yo...
Box Girder Bridge
Created by Mad Hatter
Box Girder bridge from TPF1 + Additional textures...
Branded Trains - Russia, megapack #2
Created by Lord Raccoon
This mod adds to the game 12 branded trains from the colored era of Russian Railways (1990-2000ss). Each of the trains is presented in several variants of cars: TVZ reserved seats and coupes, Ammendorfs, etc. For full gameplay with free versions we suggest...
Branded Ammendorf Wagons - Russia
Created by Lord Raccoon
This mod adds 10 Ammendorf sleeping cars to the game in the colors of the Russian branded trains of the 1990-2000s, from the colourful era of the Russian Railways. Most of these trains remained for us only in photographs. Part was completely canceled, the ...
Bridge Invisible
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Invisible Bridge. -Make it easier when u plop something near (under or beside or anywhere u want) your bridge. -Together with my Fences&Walls mod or any mod as "street" u can get an effect as pic 3. --Fences&Walls mod:
Bridge Railway Box-Beam
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Highspeed railway bridges. =What's in? -Box-Beam, speed limit 600kph. -Box-Beam without side railings, speed limit 600kph. =Known issues? -Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important savegames. This can make it ...
Bridge Railway T-Beam
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Railway bridges. =What's in? -T-Beam seems covered with rust, speed limit 200kph. -T-Beam seems brand new, speed limit 250kph. =Known issues? -Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important savegames. This can make...
Bridge Type-1 Modern Concrete Viaduct
Created by angier023
Modern Concrete Viaduct ※ Speed Limit: 360km/h ※ Year Since: 1964 ※ Also Available for the Road Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ I will transfer all my Tpf1 Mods to Tpf2. Future Plan For those who has the interest toward...
Bridge Type-2 Iron bridge
Created by angier023
3 variants of Iron bridge inspired by the old rail mountain line in Taiwan. ※ Speed Limit: 360km/h ※ Year Since: 1935 Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ I will transfer all my Tpf1 Mods to Tpf2. Future Plan For those who h...
Bridges Collection N.01: Tower Bridge (London)
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
Happy Groundhog Day! The Tower Bridge is a bascule and suspension bridge in London, built between 1886 and 1894, which crosses the River Thames near the Tower of London and has become one of the symbols of the city. For this reason, Tower Bridge is sometim...
Bridges without Pillars
Created by .Night<~
Adds standard bridges without pillars. Works for all default rail- and street bridges....
British Girder Bridges & Viaducts
Created by JK
Adds many additional rail & road bridges, with many variations of appearance. Up to 140mph/225kph (depending on track). Some have no support pillars, which are intended to be added manually as Track Assets. Some are designed to be built in multiple segment...
Build Factories + Earn Achievements by LINX
Created by LINX
You can build factories anywhere and earn achievements with mods....
Brushes for Field Boundaries
Created by JK
Lines in various layouts as Brushes for creating tree lines and field boundaries. May also be used for painting and terrain manipulation. Tips for making hedgerows and tree lines as UK style field boundaries: - Brush sizes: 100 - 220 - Start with small or ...
Build with Collision
Created by VacuumTube
As you have probably experienced very often, building streets, tracks, stations and other objects can be very annoying if there are many collision warnings in a densely built-up area. For assets/constructions, this can be bypassed using "skipCollision=true...
Created by okeating
Bulldozer++ It is useful for quickly bulk-bulldozing a number of items. I created this out of the frustration of plopping down an intersection slightly misplaced and then "click click click" to get rid of it. The Bulldozer++ gives you an on screen circle t...
Burghausen Station (Germany)
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. La estación de Burghausen basada en un modelo de Vollmer. Burghausen es la ciudad más grande​ en el distrito de Altötting de Baviera, Alemania. Está ubicada en la orilla del Salzach, rio fronterizo con Austria. Su castillo, encima de una colin...
Bus & Tram terminal
Created by Elli der Wurm
Bus & Tram terminal without through road. Configurable with different parameters: - righ-hand or left-hand form - terminallenght 20m or 40m - 1 or 2 terminals; individual type for every terminal (bus, tram or electric tram) - selectable street and shelter ...
Bus/Trambahnhof 6 Stops
Created by Robak
Grosse Bus/Tramhaltestelle mit 6 Stops auf 2 Etagen...
Created by Robak
Bus/Tramschlaufen mit Durchgangsstrassen...
Business Area pack
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. Este pack contiene 22 edificios que podrías encontrar en cualquier zona de negocios de cualquier ciudad. Oficinas, Bancos, Edificios corporativos, Parking. Los edificios son decorativos, pero los puedes convertir en centros de trabajo, comerci...
Created by majuen
Busbahnhof mit 10 Bussteigen / Bus Station with 10 Terminals Ihr könnt den Busbahnhof mit 2 weitere Anschlüsse upgraden z.B. für ein Bahnhof. You can upgrade this Station with 2 more Streetconnections for example: Trainstation. Have fun with this Mod !!!😁...
C&I provider丨免税店和总工会(刁民接受器)
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Y:1950/Asset --EN: Providing a Duty-Free Store and a Trade Union building(using game's original models), attracting visitors. --CN: 提供免税店和总工会两种建筑,吸引刁民的参观、购物、咨询、工作。 Suggest using with my Human Creator:
Cable car
Created by marc345
This mod provides a cable car for Transport Fever 2. Pay attention to video/instructions! I'm happy to get feedback in the comments (positive+negative)! The pack contains: - Circular cable car and aerial tramway - Stations (end and middle station) with dif...
Cafe/Restaurant Brollies
Created by Adie Gibbs
Cafe/Restaurant Brollies. Brollies by Ingo-1111 from Tropical Hotel Asset. Repainted and uploaded with prior permission. Barrier Assets created by JamesT85Gaming, with help with con file and other files. Thanks James These can be scaled to your liking. Aga...
Campaign Inventors & Adventurers
Created by Mats
A new campaign for Transport Fever 2, including eight missions! The theme: the Second Industrial Revolution, a phase of rapid standardization and industrialization from the late 19th century into the early 20th century. The age of science, new inventions, ...
Canton Style Bus Stop
Created by EricH
Classic bus stops in Canton (Guangzhou).Created by EricH....
Car Park assets
Created by JamesT85Gaming
A few assets that should help with creating more realistic looking car parks around your map. Contained in this mod: Single bay Triple bay Triple bay (With foot path) A basic road A lamp post (Urban-games one) Parking charges sign (With and without posts) ...
Car Parks
Created by Mad Hatter
This mod has 7 different car parks, Parking can be found in streets in madhatter category - hat with a P on it. 1. Back street parking - One way street with curb side parking 2. One way street with parking backing on to the road 3. Two way street with park...
Cargo Asset Set
Created by MaikC
Cargo Asset Set Version 1.61 This mod adds to the game various assets such as containers, building and construction elements, and the Krone semi-trailer in various variants. Content Container 20/40/45/53 feet Std. height 8.6 ft Container 20/40 feet High Cu...
capacity passenger using all seats
Created by AV
more realistic capacity of passenger transport, using all seats, no more half-empty transport. изменена вместимость всего пассажирского транспорта. если точнее, увеличена, кроме одной повозки. вместимость соответствует фактическому количеству посадочных ме...
Cargo terminals capacity multiplier
Created by xmnovotny
Features capacity (per platform) for waiting cargo at stations/stops will be multiplied by configurable coefficient each transport mode has own multiplying coefficient configurable by CommonApi2 GUI alternative configuration by changing values in then file...
CB ! TpF1 buildings pack !
Created by AV
this mod required to working any "CB" mod which using buildings from Transport Fever 1. ------------ необходим для работы любого мода "CB", который использует здания из Transport Fever 1. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------...
Catenary mod USSR
Asset Catenary Работоспособность этого мода требует оригинального контента!! Мод добавляет декоративную контактную сеть. ...
CB asset TpF2 Era_A
Created by AV
assets of buildings TpF2 Era_A. ассеты зданий TpF2 Era_A. ---------------------------------------- other buildings assets: - CB asset TpF2 Era_B - assets of buildings from Transport Fever 2 Era_B.
CB asset TpF2 Era_C
Created by AV
assets of buildings TpF2 Era_C. ассеты зданий TpF2 Era_C. ---------------------------------------- other buildings assets: - CB asset TpF2 Era_A - assets of buildings from Transport Fever 2 Era_A.
CB asset TpF2 Era_B
Created by AV
assets of buildings TpF2 2 Era_B. ассеты зданий TpF2 Era_B. -------------------------------------------- other buildings assets: - CB asset TpF1 Era_C - assets of residential buildings from Transport Fever 1 Era_C.
CB asset TpF1 Era_C
Created by AV
assets of residential buildings from Transport Fever 1. ATTENTION! pack of buildings required: --------------- ассеты жилых зданий из Transport Fever 1. ВНИМАНИЕ! для работы мода нужно подкл...
CEGB L12 400kV Transmission Tower
Created by cw_315
PLEASE NOTE, REQUIRES THE POWERLINES MOD FROM TRANSPORTFEVER.NET, WHICH CAN BE FOUND HERE. The CEGB L12 400kV tower introduced around 1980, to replace the 1960s L6 towers. Constructed from high tensile steel, allowing for a narrower frame. They are capable...
Created by AleX_BY
Created by TGR Studio 060 DA is a Romanian diesel-electric locomotive. It was produced by Electroputere and exported to Poland, Germany, China and Bulgaria. It used for passenger and cargo locos. From 1986 the 060 DA locos g...
Created by KTYGC
China DF4B diesel locomotive series
Created by 幽泽wize
System vehicle redevelopment seriesVI Derived from the in-game DF4,There are 7-gauge CR150NJ emu Melon Lord dressing Armed Police dressing B Make to D dressing Jin-wen railway dressing DF4B diesel locomotive sound effects. Attention! *For the sake of your ...
China Railway 4C Catenary Inspection Coach (WX25T_999313)
Created by aoxiang
Attention! This work is only published on the Steam Workshop, and you may not use it for other commercial purposes. Any means and tools to extract, export, and port the models from this work to any other game are strictly prohibited. ——texts translated by ...
China Railway Arched Slope (Trial Version)
Created by KTYGC
A group of Chinese railway arched slopes, there are five forms. In-game parameters: The speed limit is based on the railway speed limit used; Available since 1970; Railway only; Later can be equipped with asset swings that can be adsorbed to the track Due ...
China Railway Catenary/Split phase Warning Signs
Created by aoxiang
Catenary/Split phase warning signs...
China Railway Catenary Gantry Pack
Created by Henrylzy
Read This First This mod is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Any modification, reproduction or distribution to this mod, whether in part or in whole, without explicit permission from...
China Railway CR400-AF TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CR400-AF TPF2 Max Speed : 350km/h...
China Railway CR400-BF TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CR400-BF TPF2 Max Speed : 350km/h...
China Railway CR400AF-J Comprehensive Inspection Trains
Created by aoxiang
介绍 CR400AF-J-0002 is the world's leading high-speed test vehicle with a speed of 400 km/h, based on the CR400AF electric multiple unit and using the head shape of the standard CR400AF. The train is an 8-car formation (4M+4T), and the maximum test speed is ...
China Railway CR400WP TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CR400WP TPF2 Max Speed : 350km/h...
China Railway CRH EMU platform alignment signs
Created by aoxiang
重要内容! 本模组目前仅有3款停车位置标识!由于站内地标数量繁多,会使菜单过于复杂,暂未想好如何处理,可能会持续更新!!! 介绍 本模组提供了3种类型地标摆件,请在建筑栏找到"蓝色CRH"图标以发现本模组!
China Railway CRH380D TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CRH380D Max Speed : 350km/h Interior is WIP Will be released soon...
China Railway CRH6A TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CRH6A Max Speed : 200 ...
China Railway DF11 Diesel Locomotive
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content Dongfeng 11 diesel loco...
China Railway DF4B(SIFANG)&4E Diesel Locomotive
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content Dongfeng 4E diesel loco...
China Railway DF4C Diesel Locomotive(17 IN 1)
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content Dongfeng 4C diesel loco...
China Railway DF4D Diesel Locomotive 0 Series(Freight Type Included)
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
China Railway CRH3X TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway CRH3X Has two version: CRH3X max speed : 350km/h CRH3X 250 Max Speed : 250km/h...
China Railway DF4D Diesel Locomotive Fictitious Livery Collection Package
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content China Railway DF4D Dies...
China Railway HXD1B/HXD1C Electric Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
This mod shows the China railway locomotive HXD1B&C in the game, and makes different modifications. introduction: In 2004, the State Council of China released an ambitious new railway plan, which included the construction of more electrified railways and t...
China railway HXD3 ytpe electric locomotive
Created by huochaiR
HXD3 electric locomotive, known as SSJ3, DJ3 and shenlong 1 in the early days, is one of the electric locomotives of China railway, jointly developed by China CNR group dalian locomotive & rolling stock co., ltd. and Toshiba corporation of Japan. This type...
China Railway HXD3C/HXD3CA Electric Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵 This mod shows the China railway locomotive HXD3C&3CA in the game, and makes different modifications. mod content: Mods include 2 Type ,6 Locomotives。 HXD3C introduction: The medium- and long-term railway ...
China Railway HXN5K TPF2
Created by Johnny005611
China Railway HXN5K TPF2 Diesel Locomotive Max Speed : 160km/h...
China Railway Janney coupler/Fully automatic coupler Converter
Created by aoxiang
Introduction This mod is a Converter Coupler which has been widely adopted in China Railway,this Converter Coupler is commonly used in Highspeed Railway rescue, it can be applied to EMU which used China Railway No.10 Coupler, Shibata Coupler, Scharfenberg ...
China Railway Sifang-Bombardier Type 25T Coach
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 2004年4月18日零时,第五次大面积提速调图开始实施。这次提速调图,几大干线的部分地段线路基础达到时速200公里的要求,平均旅行速度达到时速65.7公里,并增加开行了大量夕发朝至的列车。订阅《中国铁路四方庞巴迪25T型客车》,做好迎接铁路大提速的准备!
China Railway Passenger Line Mod
This MOD is China Railway Class I Ballasted Passenger Dedicated Track/Bridge Package Without the author's permission, it is strictly prohibited to reproduce or carry the MOD !!!!! Let the author found that someone has dumped the dog behavior, the author wi...
China Railway SS3 Electric locomotive(4000 series included)
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
China Railway SS3B&3C Electric locomotive
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
China Railway SS6 Electric locomotive
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content
China railway SS7D type electric locomotive
Created by huochaiR
Shaoshan 7 d type electric locomotive (SS7D) is one of China's railway electric locomotive model, in order to adapt to the needs of China railway speed, especially designed for the longhai railway, zhengzhou to xi 'an railway passenger transportation in el...
China Railway SS8 Electric Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
As a key scientific and technological research project, it was originally designed as an electric locomotive for Guangzhou Shenzhen quasi high speed railway, and later became a main locomotive for traction of speed increasing passenger trains on China's tr...
China Railway Type 19K Soft Sleeper Coach
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 19K型客车是25K型客车系列中的一种高级软卧车(车种代码RW)。RW19K通常有8个包厢,除车厢两头为4人包厢,其余为双人包厢,双人包厢内有两个卧铺,带独立卫生间、沙发座椅、衣柜、影音设备等设施,且装备设施相对讲究,定员20人。
China Railway Type 25G Coach Mod DC600V
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 这批25G型是按照《25G型样板车技术规范》制造,和早期车的主要区别在使用了机车直供电技术,铁道部自2003年提出取代空调发电车集中供电转为机车供电的DC600V直流电分散逆变技术。 电力机车在运行时同时向客车车厢输出DC600V直流电,各车厢使用逆变技术,逆变为AC380V、AC220V、AC110V...
China Railway type 25G passenger coach 1992(GMSR company skin)
Created by mzk7
China Railway 25G passenger coach (1992 version) is the first generation of Air-Conditioned Railway Passenger coach produced and operated on a large scale in China. It has been produced since 1992. During this period, 25G passenger coach has been improved ...
China Railway type 25G passenger coach 1992
Created by Crystal小哨兵
China Railway 25G passenger coach (1992 version) is the first generation of Air-Conditioned Railway Passenger coach produced and operated on a large scale in China. It has been produced since 1992. During this period, 25G passenger coach has been improved ...
China Railway type 25G passenger coach 1992(Hejiu company skin)
Created by Crystal小哨兵
China Railway 25G passenger coach (1992 version) is the first generation of Air-Conditioned Railway Passenger coach produced and operated on a large scale in China. It has been produced since 1992. During this period, 25G passenger coach has been improved ...
China Railway type 25G passenger coach 2004(Jinwen Railway)
Created by Crystal小哨兵
In 2004, China Railway used some mature technologies on 25K Passenger cars to upgrade 25g passenger cars, which are equipped with more advanced braking systems, sliding doors. Jinwen railway company, invested and founded by Nan Huaijin, purchased a number ...
China Railway type 25G passenger coach 2008
Created by Crystal小哨兵
China Railway 25g passenger cars (2008 version) in 2008, China Railway used more advanced technology to upgrade 25g passenger cars. These passenger cars no longer use generator cars to maintain power, but use locomotives to supply power. These cars are equ...
China Railway type 25K passenger coach
Created by Crystal小哨兵
China Railway type 25K passenger coach,1997——2003...
China Railway Type 25K Coach
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 25K型客车是各客车厂根据铁道部发出的“铁路客车招标标书”和铁道部“25K型客车统型方案”要求而设计制造的快速空调客车,在25Z型客车的基础上优化而成。“K”是“快速型”的汉语拼音首字母。 25K型客车...
China Railway type 25T passenger coach 2004
Created by Crystal小哨兵
China Railway 25T Passenger car (localized version) is a quasi high-speed Air-Conditioned Railway Passenger car in service in China. It has been produced since 2004. During this period, 25T Passenger car has been improved for many times. In 2004, the local...
China Railway Type 25Z Coach (Shanghai Group Co)
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 25Z型客车是中国铁路的第一代准高速客车,虽然未有普及全国,但其研制和提速试验数据为后来大量生产的25K型客车(后为25T型客车所替代),以及由1997年起的中国铁路大提速累积了大量经验。上海铁路局选用了高度为4433毫米的车体断面,以便与相同高度的25G型客车连挂。 https://s2.loli.n...
China Railway TYPE DF4/A&DF4B Diesel Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
This mod shows the Chinese railway locomotive DF4A&4B in the game, and makes different modifications. introduction: Dongfeng 4 diesel locomotive (DF4) is the first model of the second-generation electric drive diesel locomotive in China Railway, and it is ...
China Railway TYPE DF4D Diesel Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
Dongfeng 4D diesel locomotive (DF4D) is one of the diesel locomotive models used in China's railways. It was developed and produced by Dalian Locomotive Factory in 1996. Dongfeng 4D diesel locomotive is a six axle main line passenger diesel locomotive. Tak...
China Railway TYPE DF4C Diesel Locomotive
Created by Crystal小哨兵
This mod shows the China railway locomotive DF4C in the game, and makes different modifications. introduction: Dongfeng 4C diesel locomotive (DF4C) is one of the mainline freight diesel locomotive models used by Chinese railways. It was successfully develo...
China Railway Type Double-Deck 25K Coach
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 随着开行列车数量的不断增加、列车速度的不断提高,曾经编挂双层客车车厢增大载客量的列车逐渐改为单层甚至停运,双层车底也在存车场静静地等待被拆解的命运。如今很难再一睹双层客车的风采……订阅《中国铁路双层25K型客车》体验准高速双层25K车厢曾经的高光时刻。
China Railway Type S25DT Coach(JinLun ver.)
Created by aoxiang
致谢 感谢@布里啾啾 授权制作本涂装 用前必看,重要内容! 在使用本模组之前,请确保您已正确加载中国铁路双层25K型客车,中国铁路25K型客车,中国铁路25G型客车2004版,中国铁路机车车辆音效包。如遇到模型错误或缺失,请尝试取消并重新订阅模组,并提高加载优先级,亦或在评论区反馈。 如遇贴图略有不清晰的情况,可尝试添加虚拟内存,并选择模型质量为“非常高”。 介绍 中国铁路S25DT客车,曾作为“中国铁路180km/h级别准高速内燃动车组”--NZJ1与NZJ2型推挽式柴油集中动力动车组的拖车使用。为确保运...
China Railway Type21 Wagon
Created by 上局沪段
Type 21 passenger car is the first generation of main type passenger car designed and produced by China Railway. It started production in 1953 and stopped production in 1961. A total of 3110 vehicles were produced. -----------------------------------------...
china TYPE 22 passenger coach (early type & late type)
Created by Crystal小哨兵
The 22 type passenger cars of China Railway are 22 type passenger cars that have been put into production on a large scale since the 1960s. In the early model, 202 type bogies and iron gangways were used, and oil fired boilers were used for heating. The ma...
China Train 8G electric locomotive
Created by liaupt
The 8G electric locomotive is a type of electric locomotive imported from the Soviet Union in the form of barter trade by the Ministry of Railways of China in 1980s according to the long-term trade agreement between China and the Soviet Union, with a total...
China Type 25 Railway passenger car
Created by Crystal小哨兵
China Type 25 Railway passenger car 中国铁路25型客车....
ChinaRailway 22 Series Coach Pack
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: This pack includes several liveries for chinese 22 hard seats(as 2nd class seats) coach, allows you to reappear those classic train of chinese railway's golden old days. --CH: 本包包含曾用于22型客车的多款涂装,再现经典列车风采。 -About YZ22 These hard seats("YZ" which means ...
ChinaRailway 22 Series Coach(with conditioner) Pack
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: This pack includes several liveries for chinese 22 hard seats(as 2nd class seats) coach(with conditioner), allows you to reappear those classic train of chinese railway's golden old days. --CH: 本包包含曾用于加装空调的22型客车的多款涂装,再现经典列车风采。 -About YZ22 These hard ...
ChinaRailway 22B Series Coach Pack
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: This pack includes several liveries for chinese 22B hard seats(as 2nd class seats) coach, allows you to reappear those classic train of chinese railway's golden old days. --CH: 本包包含曾用于22B型客车的多款涂装,再现经典列车风采。 -About YZ22B These hard seats("YZ" which mea...
ChinaRailway 22B Series Coach Pack (for special uses)
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: This pack includes several liveries for chinese special 22B coach, which were all transformed into those which are designed for maintenance or inspection workers. --CH: 本包包含22B型客车的多款路用涂装,用于各局段工电救援。 -About YZ22B These hard seats("YZ" which means "hard...
ChinaRailway 22B Series Coach(with conditioner) Pack
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: This pack includes several liveries for chinese 22B hard seats(as 2nd class seats) coach(with conditioner), allows you to reappear those classic train of chinese railway's golden old days. --CH: 本包包含曾用于加装空调的22B型客车的多款涂装,再现经典列车风采。 -About YZ22B These ha...
China_Railway_C70_general-purpose_open_wagon_series__川島 緑輝 ラブリー
This mod is the C70 Universal Convertible series mod 2024.March 5 update tarp version Effective demonstration November 21st C70MOD version of the big upda...
ChinaRailway Lifeline Express
Created by liaupt
The health express is the only mobile eye train hospital in China that specializes in charity medical activities. It specializes in the rehabilitation of cataract patients in poor areas of China, and improves the level of local eye hospitals. Every year, t...
China's Conventional Speed Railway Signaling Equipment
Created by 布里啾啾
About this content Enter station…exit station…proceed…《Chinese Conventional ​​Railway Signalling Equipment》will bring most types of signals and signal equipment of the current Chinese normal speed railway ...
Chinese Locomotive Connection fix
Created by youngsheep
Fixed a floating connection issue between chinese locomotives,including JF1,RM,DF4B,DF5,SS9G,HXD3B. After adjustment, DF4B can be connected to passenger wagon correctly. Please note: This module also includes the power fix of HXD3B. It is not necessary to ...
Chinese Passenger Wagon connection Fix
Created by youngsheep
Fixed a floating connection issue between wagons on the chinese passenger wagon,including type YZ22,type 25 and type 25C. After adjustment, those wagons can be perfectly connected with in game chinese locomotive except the DF4B,which needs further adjustme...
Chinese Railway Type 25G Coach Mod 2004
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content ...
Chinese Railway 60kg/m Standard Track
Created by aoxiang
Attention! This work is only released on the TPF2 Workshop, and you may not use it for other commercial purposes. Extraction, export, and transplantation of models from this work to any other game are strictly prohibited. Introduction The rails of China ra...
China Railway guardrail
Created by lisasuki
China Railway Guardrail Note: This mod code references Snowball's Fences code, you need to subscribe to Fences to use it normally...
Chinese Railway Type 25K Coach Guang Mei Shan Railway Livery
Created by 布里啾啾
If the problem of losing sound effects, please cancel the subscription and loading after the subscription of "China Railway, locomotive and Vehicle Sound effects", and improve the priority of the sound package MOD About this content ...
Chinese Railway Type 25K Coach Standard Livery
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 由于本厂采购不到原厂25K型客车油漆,只能将厂修中的25K型客车统一刷成护眼色(才不是上面要求的呢!) ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 细节展示
Chinese towns and street names (New release in September 2023)
Created by ☸緣覺☸
Chinese town and street names (New release in September 2023) Contains the names of more than 600 towns and more than 1,800 streets in China. (Notice: 1.The town and street name files for this MOD come from
Christmas Market Huts, Kiosk and Equipment
Created by trunky
Wunderbare Weihnachts Werkstatt 2020 - 1st December -> every day a new mod for free download With this mod you get several different huts as assets for free building of a christmas market. Multiple options are included lik...
Chunan, China 浙江淳安
Created by haoyuhugeo
Chunan, China 浙江淳安 淳安县,隶属于浙江省杭州市,位于浙江省西部、杭州市西南部丘陵山区,白际山脉和千里岗山脉之间,新安江和千岛湖交汇之处,四面多山,中为丘陵,略呈盆地状。淳安县总面积4418平方千米,是浙江省陆域面积最大的县。淳安县是徽派文化和江南文化的融合地,宋代理学家朱熹在淳安讲学时留下了“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来”的名句。千岛湖位于淳安县境内,是国家5A级景区,千岛湖湖区面积573平方千米,因湖中1078个芊芊翠岛而得名。千岛湖是为建新安江水电站拦蓄新安江上游而成的人工湖,其湖水...
CH_70Series_Tanker__川島 緑輝 ラブリー
In case of sound loss problems, please unsubscribe the China Railway Rolling Stock Sound Pack and re-subscribe to load it, and raise the priority of the sound pack mod. Without the author's permission, it is strictly prohibited to reprint or carry MOD !!!!...
Created by Remi Gio
Hello guys and dolls! Let me present something different this time: CITY BANK TOWER - a 14 storey building to beautify your city center and at the same time add 40 OFFICE JOBS (industrial) for your Zombies! There are 4 versions to choose from so you can ha...
Clacton Station
Created by Mad Hatter
This mod contains Clacton Station - Placeable version Buildings as modules Station building - orientated at 45 degrees Station building - orientated like the vanilla buildings Platform modules A greater anglia platform An empty platform Assets - Sunshine I...
Closer Render Distance
Created by VacuumTube
Modifies the Geometry Quality Options for a lower Minimum Render Distance. With this, close objects no longer fade out. The default value is 1m (Vanilla: 4m). The distance can be changed in the Mod Settings (see this guide). WARNING: The smaller the value ...
CommonAPI2 - Modular rail station adapter
Created by eis_os
Patched modular station construction supporting track types via CommonAPI2, common_interface....
CommonAPI2- Dummy Mod - 2022
Created by eis_os
CommonAPI2 provides functions for mod interoperability. Functions for track, road, bridge searching and ui handling Dummy mod, please unsubscribe this mod from Steam and replace with local version!!! Download and more information here: https://www.transpor...
Compact Elevated Station Lite 1.51
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
You might recognized: I really do like elevated rail! You too? Good... :) There is a complete rework going on with elevated stations and their appearance and options. Check out the post-alpha version of the Simple Adjustable Compact Elevated Station LITE b...
Compact Tunnel Entry
Created by Enzojz
With this mod you get ability to build very compact tunnel entries, both for tracks and streets. You can use it to build kinds of junctions. The modular design enbales ability to build different layouts. The entries can be found under: 1. Road -> Street ->...
Construction equipment - Landscaping
Created by dview
This mod adds various construction / landscaping equipment vehicles. They become available from 1971 and include a tandem roller compactor, a scraper and a wheel loader. The vehicles are offered in communal orange, traffic yellow, Schwarz Bau livery and mo...
Conveyor Belt
Created by Elli der Wurm
Conveyor belt as a new transport system. Can transport cargo. Two different types available: - Conveyor belt for bulk cargo (available from 1892) - Conveyor belt for palettes (can transport every cargo type; available from 1961) There is a suitable bridge ...
Copy It!
Created by okeating
By popular request here is a tool that allows you to copy / paste segments and constructions. Features: - Select multiple constructions and segments at the same time to create a template - (Optionally) name the template and it is saved to clipboard - Selec...
CR Humen Station
Created by TravelWhale
Ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to introduce you a new Chinese Highspeed Railway station, the Humen Station! --------------------------------------Introduction------------------------------------ Located in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, Humen station is ...
CR Type 25G Coach Mod 2003 Plug Door
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 铁道部在2002年公布了《25G型客车统型方案》的要求设计制造,因此这批25G大多数使用密闭式塞拉门和内翻式设计,订阅《中国铁路25G型客车塞拉门版》体验新技术给您带来的无限风采。 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁...
CR Type 25G Coach Mod Jinwen Railway
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 在全国铁路系统内,金温铁路作为新中国成立后的第一条中外合资建设的股份制地方铁路,是一个相对特殊的存在。在不少人的记忆里,“金温蓝”曾是全路范围内少有的一抹亮色。订阅《金温铁路25G型客车》体验金温25G如诗如画般的动人风采。
CR Type 25G Coach Mod 2004 Standard Livery
Created by 布里啾啾
如遇音效丢失问题请将《中国铁路客车音效包》取消订阅后重新订阅加载,并提高音效包mod的优先级 关于此内容 2014年末,为推进铁路车辆的标准化和简统化,中国铁路总公司下属各铁路局开始逐步进行普速列车车厢刷绿:2015年后新造的25G和25T型客车全部按照新涂装标准进行涂装,已下线的客车安排在段修或者厂修期间涂刷标准化涂装。订阅《中国铁路25G型客车2004版标准化涂装》做好迎接新时代的准备。 https://...
CR-like style Train station Plus丨仿国铁车站插件
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Add some ChineseRailway staion's elements and make your own great train staion! --CN: 为您的车站增添一些国铁元素!增加无柱雨棚、国铁风电显等多项内容。 PS: Hello friends I'm glad to see u here. I'm new here and this is my new mod. There might be still some defects so it will be my h...
CR400-AFX emU
Created by 幽泽wize
System vehicle redevelopment series2 Derived from fuxing in the game, there are 8 intercity electric emUS and 5 intercity dual source EMUS, KCIC dressing, Red_Dragon dressing, Blue_War_God dressing Vehicle manual: Speed:350km/h Unit_Power:625KW Appear:2016...
CRH380A - Chinese HighSpeed EMU Series
Created by TravelWhale
Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to introduce you a beautiful Chinese Highspeed EMU, the CRH380A series!! Developed from CRH2A (Export model of Shinkansen E2 Series), the CRH380A has a higher max speed (380km/h), and a newly designed head shape. It's a wide...
Created by 彬伐
CRRC Tangshan and CRRC Changchun hope to compete with CRRC Sifang at the speed of 250km / h class, so this product was born. My place of residence is far from the Sichuan-Chongqing region, and it is difficult to observe it by myself. Relevant information t...
CRH3X Fixed/Enhanced patch
Created by youngsheep
This patch modifies / enhances the following items on the basis of the original module: 1. Correct the driver's position and change it to driving status; 2. The model of passenger seating in the wagon is added. 3. The reverse driving function is added, and...
Cross Continental America
Created by Spearin
Megalomaniac Size 1:2 - Experimental Map Sizes Required! Subscribe to the NO industries or roads version of the map here. Who will be the first to build a trans-continental railway? Or complete the Interstate highway network? Can you link all corners of th...
Cuba Blanco
Created by RGBY
The second edition of my cuba map. Slightly increased size without towns and industry....
Cuba Extreme
Created by RGBY
A megalomaniac map of the Caribbean island paradise of Cuba....
Curved Train Station with bridge entry
Created by majuen
This mod insert a new curved station with an entry from the bridge and a second street connection on the left and right to Transport Fever 2! ...
Custom Station - TGV Station (Savegame)
Created by como17
ATTENTION ! This mod is a savegame, not a all-in-one placeable station. This is the savegame from the fourth custom station by TrotGaming This station is a TGV one with a bus hub and a local train station. It is surrounded by some buildings. This station i...
Dam Entrance Modules (Vienna) 1.12
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
Hey, I'm not a modeler yet, and not even a good scripter, but this one is great... I guess. :) A working underpass and station entrance! Dam Entrance Module(s) - Vienna Fever Viaduct This experimental mod adds entrance modules (-7.8m under platfrom level) ...
DC-10 pack
Created by LexyGone
I proudly present you the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 / MD-11. TheMcDonnell Douglas DC-10 is an American wide-body airliner manufactured by McDonnell Douglas. The DC-10 was intended to succeed the DC-8 for long range flights. It first flew on August 29, 1970; ...
Depot + Asset Badischer Bahnhof Basel
Created by Hessie James
Depot und Track Asset des Badischen Bahnhofs in Basel. Voll Funktionstüchtiges Depot . Beachtet bitte, das die Züge nur in die Richtung ausfahren können auf der die Symbole sind. Die Züge können auch durch das Depot hindurchfahren. Achtung bei der Liniener...
DeBorg's Windmills
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds various windmills as an asset to the game. Included are a large wooden post windmill, a beautiful smaller windmill with a house underneath, and a windmill as seen in the northern regions. The windmills can each be selected in three variants wi...
Custom Station - Metro Station (Savegame)
Created by como17
ATTENTION ! This mod is a savegame, not a all-in-one placeable station. This is the savegame from the fifth custom station by TrotGaming This new station is a metro station connected to a tram stop and some bus line in the middle of an urban roundabout. th...
Created by wiye
DF1Desc Copyright declaration: original model works, without permission, no reprint and commercial sale!...
Created by wiye
DF3Desc Copyright declaration: original model works, without permission, no reprint and commercial sale!...
Created by mzk7
东风5型内燃机车(原版升级) 1970年代中期,随着中国铁路货物列车牵引定数的增加,原来的东风2型、东方红2型等1000马力等级调车柴油机车已经难以满足编组站的驼峰调车作业,不能应付未来的需要;为此中华人民共和国铁道部工业总局和机务局根据中国铁路运输的实际发展需要,在规划铁路牵引动力现代化的基础上,于1975年提出研制新一代调车用柴油机车。同年,唐山机车车辆厂、大连机车车辆厂、大连热力机车研究所等单位开始在东风4型柴油机车及其使用的16V240ZJ型柴油机的基础上,合作研制东风5型柴油机车。 =======...
Diesel locomotive
Декоративные ассетные локомотивы "Тепловозы" Размещать их на прямых путях! Встроен гибкий подгон друг к другу. Decorative asset locomotives "Diesel locomotives" Place them on straight tracks! Built-in flexible fit to each other....
DF11G diesel locomotive
Created by lisasuki
DF11G diesel locomotive...
DLR B07 Livrée le SUD
Created by Kilam
Voici la livrée fictif du SUD pour le métro de la ville principale. Je tiens à remercier Celmi pour son autorisation et aussi Trot Gaming pour m'avoir permit de faire une livrée pour lui. J'espère que le mod vous plaira !...
DMA Road Stations
Created by Danny
Set with truck, bus and bus/tram stations. Different cargo stations for city and for country. - two bus/tram stations + Greyhound bus station - four truck stations - 10-lane truck station (parking lot) Mod Info Infrastructure objects: Road Stations Safe re...
DLR B07 Train
Created by Celmi
The B07 DLR train is a self-driving EMU from the year 2008. The Docklands Light Railway (DLR) is an automated light metro system serving the redeveloped Docklands area of London, England. - Power output: 420kW per wagon - VMax: 40 mph - 2-car capacity: 24 ...
dprk Locomotives
Created by Albertovna
After the introduction of an improved engine, this locomotive were successfully built. Diesel locomotive of the North Korean(DPRK) railway company Cost: $4,379,756 Running costs: $729,959/year Top speed: 80 km/h Engine Type: Diesel Power: 1,200 kW Tractive...
DoNotEat Building Pack
Created by thegametrent22
This pack DoNotEat Philadephila buildings, Warehouse collection, and Train stations. With 2 functioning stations including North Philly (modular) and Penn Suburban Station (underground station). Overbrook is a WIP and will be updated in the future to be fu...
Dutch tram crossing
Created by majuen
Dutch tram crossing with light signals and sound. - Available from 1970 - 2 versions (only for people and for dirt roads or narrow streets) More versions are in the works! If you think the mod is great, I would be happy if I get a little support! http://i....
Created by hot_bag
Early Light Signals for DRG/DB
Created by trunky
Main Path Signals from early times used at DRG/DB as path signals and waypoints. Players without Steam account can find the download at ModWerkstatt...
Dongfeng 8 diesel locomotive
Created by lisasuki
Copyright notice: the model map is authorized by baibei manufacturing studio to lisasuki for use in mod imported into transport feeder 2 game, and released to steam Creative Workshop free of charge. Players are not allowed to use some software to intercept...
East Asia
Created by Tora
A real megalomaniac size map of East Asia(1:2). Including Japan,South Korea,Brunei,China,North Korea,Philippine,Indonesia,Vietnam,Laos,Cambodia,Thailand,Ruassia and Taiwan....
East Coast Range County
Created by themeatballhero
Welcome to gorgeous East Coast Range County! A temperate, megalomaniac (experimental map size) USA map. With the heightmap from the East Coast Range, but tweaked and customized for the average user. Less cities, with custom names. Smoothed and widened rive...
Eastern Europe | Восточная Европа
Created by MrNazar
Megalomaniac map of Eastern Europe with real cities (60), industries (300) and rivers (Dnieper and Volga are navigable). Start year is 1900, hard difficulty and 4 000 000 budget. Cities: * Russia - 28 * Ukraine - 9 * Belarus - 3 * Kazakhstan - 3 * Romania ...
Electric locomotive
Декоративные ассетные локомотивы "Электровозы" Размещать их на прямых путях! Встроен гибкий подгон друг к другу. Decorative asset locomotives "Electric locomotives" Place them on straight tracks! Built-in flexible fit to each other....
Elevated station
Created by Enzojz
This mod is the Tpf2 adapatation of the same mod from Tpf1, only bridges and track selection is improved since. Features: * From 2 to 12 tracks * From 40m to 480m platform lengths * Santiago Calatrava style roof inspired by Reggio Emilia AV Mediopadana Sta...
Enhanced terrain generator (temperate)
Created by henning.schaefer
This mod allows for more control over the parameters of the standard terrain generator for temperate climate. The unmodded generator only allows to set three different parameters (hilliness, water and forest), which will then in turn influence several inte...
Enhanced terrain generator (tropical)
Created by henning.schaefer
This mod allows for more control over the parameters of the standard terrain generator for tropical climate. The unmodded generator only allows to set four different parameters (hilliness, mainland, islands and forest), which will then in turn influence se...
Enhanced train station cargo capacity
Created by xmnovotny
In vanilla game, waiting cargo is stored only on the half of the cargo platform alongside the rail station track module With this mod, there will be place for cargo: On all consecutive platforms next to the rail station track module. On consecutive platfor...
Created by hugedragonyk
This mod will add three ER20 diesel locomotives with unique body painting to your game. ------------------- 1. "Austria" ER-20 001 - (2019 "First train from China to Austria/Chengdu-Vienna".) 2. "Germany-Munich" ER-20 013 - ("Bodo Locomotive") 2. "Hong Kon...
Euskadi, Spain
Created by Diego_Facen
Very big map 1:2 of the Spanish region of Basque Country, in the regional language "Euskadi". It also includes some near areas like Navarra and France. I tried to make it difficult placing few industries, only some cities and a lot of towns and small villa...
Created by Savegame7
Dry Climate USA Map - Large 1:1...
Expanded Production Chains [BETA] 1.3
Created by arminlinzbauer
Adds cargo types and industries available throughout the campaign into free play and adds some completely new production chains. See it in action: ####################### IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, BUG REPOR...
ext.roads - footpaths standalone
Created by AV
footpaths from "extended ROADS" pack can be used as standalone mod. can be used with "with signs" version. пешеходные дорожки из пака "extended ROADS"
extended NL overpass (addon)
Created by AV
this is not standalone mod. this is addon for NL Modular Station by oppiescc . original "NL Modular Station" is required for working. this mod does not replace any objects from original mod and does not change anything in original mod. it just adds new obj...
Fantasia Map Generator
Created by Phil42
Fantasia Map Generator This mods adds a new map generator to all environments (temperate / dry / tropical). The Fantasia Map Generator is built up from the ground with the goal to generate unique, interesting, varied and challenging maps allowing (and requ...
Created by cpu | skully
There they are again! Only this time it's completely different. There are no more grey markings and no guesswork about what the fence will look like at the end. Features Planning with preview Snapping at tracks with distance Lots of fences, walls, hedges T...
Fantasy Map
Created by Raccoon
Frei erstelle, große 1:2 Karte nach Fantasy-RPG-Vorbild...
Fences & Walls
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Fences and walls can be found in "street" and "misc". =What's in? -4 new fences. -2 new walls. -4 new signs. =Known issues? -All fences and walls in this mod can be found in both "MISC" and ”STREET". Plop asset one after another or use street to plop...
Created by Winner
Ferry for transporting cars and passengers. In fact, in the game is a passenger ship, but when loading on the deck there are not only passengers, but also cars. - Length 39.5m - Capacity 88 - Top spead 31 km/h - available from 1950 Model has animated ramp ...
Fictional Modular Station Building based on Gera central station
Created by EISFEUER
This mod contains a modular station with four modules. The modules are available from 1920 under the category 'passenger buildings' in the station module menu. The building is fictional based on the Gera station building. Modules adjust to the high to the ...
Fjords of the Pacific Northwest
Created by SkyRex
17km x 34km, True Scale. Welcome to Douglas Channel, BC, Canada. This is a replica of an Area with many offbranching inlets from the main Fjord, close to the northern mouth of Devastation Channel. Map Size is Megalomaniac and it has lots of trees, you've b...
Flying junction (early release)
Created by Enzojz
This mod helps you construct a compact european style flying junction. The development of the mod started in 2020 May but I got little time to work on it due to busy job occupation, so it's released as early version to avoid you being waiting to long. It's...
France Normandy: Paris-Le Havre
Created by Alkolique
Map from Paris to Le Havre From the suburbs to the open air! Follow the meanders of the Seine, from the city of light to the port of Le Havre. Hand-drawn and prepared map with attention to consistent location of cities and industries. Precise design of riv...
Fire and rescue station 2 Bochum-Mitte
Created by Siri
Fire and rescue station 2 Bochum-Mitte | Pre-release! More information at Diese Mod enthält eine Feuer- und Rettungswache der Feuerwehr Bochum als Asset für den Schönbau. The model is not to scale. The models can be found under the ...
Flags and billboards
Created by lisasuki
Fluttering flags and billboards that turn pages You need to subscribe to the headquarters of the toothpaste factory of fantie group to use it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright d...
Forth Rail Bridge
Created by PlaneSimple
DOWNLOAD THIS MOD FROM THE STEAM WORKSHOP ONLY. REDISTRIBUTION ON OTHER SITES IS NOT PERMITTED. This iconic bridge is a UNESCO World Heritage site - it was built in 1890, and spans 2529m across the Firth of Forth in Scotland. IMPORTANT: this mod requires t...
Freestyle Industries
Created by CashonWheels
Industries with only the cargo stockpiles. You place the assets, set the cargo chains, production amount & amount of employees. This is a factory/mine/farm without assets, the difference is your get much more control over the flow of cargo than using a van...
Freestyle train station
Created by lollus
A freestyle train station. It introduces some new special tracks, which will serve as platforms for cargo or passengers. Instructions Lay platforms alongside normal tracks, then place a platform marker and a track marker where you want the platform and the...
FS Italian Signals on bridge
Created by RaptorArk
ITALIANO Segnali su portale FS. Per realizzare un portale, è necessario costruirlo mediante il tool che troverete nel menu asset. I portali sono modulari e sono divisi in due tipologie. Una volta realizzata la struttura portante, è necessario posizionare l...
Further Render Distance
Created by VacuumTube
Modifies the Geometry Quality Options for a higher Maximum Render Distance. With this, you can see very far, but this also influences performance. The default values are: Low: 5000m (Vanilla: 5000) Medium: 7000m (Vanilla: 6000) High: 20000m (Vanilla: 7500)...
Fuxing Hao CR400AF-BZ
Created by TravelWhale
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am glad to introduce a new member to both the Chinese Railway and Steam Workshop... the Fu Xing Hao CR400AF-BZ!!! ------------------------------------------ Introduction ------- ----------------------------------------------------- ...
Fuxinghao CR400BF-C-5144 Intelligent Highspeed EMU
Created by 杨牛逼
CR400BF-C-5144 Intelligent EMU Statement: This train model and textures are created by myself, with support from PaPaAmericano for import and TraveWhale for vehicle scripts. Special thanks to them. Unauthorized resale, private distribution, or modification...
Fxd3 electric locomotive
Created by lisasuki
Copyright notice: the model map is authorized by baibei manufacturing studio to lisasuki for use in mod imported into transport feeder 2 game, and released to steam Creative Workshop free of charge. Players are not allowed to use some software to intercept...
Gallerie Italiane
Created by RagnoFromItaly
Italian Tunnels This pack contains three different models of tunnels, for the single and the double track, which are inspired from real life infrastructure. the single track tunnel is based on the style of the Porrettana Railway tunnels, the duble track tu...
German Stations
Created by lennardo_97
Thanks to my co-authors Korbi112 and Eisfeuer! This mod contains many new modules for the Urban Games station in the design of german stations. It is completly compatible with Station Expansion Version 1.5​ (update installed?) and works also fine with othe...
Giessen and Surroundings
Created by Lonti1990
My first ever map of the surroundings of Gießen in central Germany - a 60x60km area condensed to huge map size (need to turn on experimental map sizes). Credit to Raccoon, who inspired me to make this after I saw their Marburg map and just wanted more to p...
German 50th/60th modular station buildings.
Created by EISFEUER
German 50s/60s modular station buildings. This mod contains station modules for a station in the architectural style of post-war modernism based on the Hildesheim main station. Many stations of this type were built in Germany in the 50th and 60th. All modu...
Created by 上局沪段
Goods Conglomerate
Created by nightstar89
A Factory that makes everything from nothing! The factory will create all goods that can be delivered to cities with no input. This mod is intended for individuals that do not wish to bother with cargo chains. The factory will produce all finished goods fr...
Grander Stations
Created by nary_believe
Effects This mod edits the 1850 and 1920 passenger stations. To be more specific, it... ...makes the station buildings open directly onto the station platform (no "spacer" platform in between). This works nicely with oppiesc's Modular Station Roof mods bec...
Great Britain
Created by Delta 5-1
Great Britain - very large 1:2 map, 72 towns and cities and 114 industries, all hand-placed. Keywords: UK, United Kingdom, England, Wales, Scotland, British...
Greenhouse Asset 02
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds large greenhouses as an asset to the game. These greenhouses, this time made of glass, can be used to design garden centers or farms. The greenhouses can be placed next to each other individually or in groups. There are also some open variants...
Greenhouse Asset
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds large foil tents to the game as an asset. The foil greenhouses should be used to decorate garden centers or farms. The foil tents can be placed next to each other individually or in groups. There are also some open variants. As a construction ...
Created by Speedmaster
There are currently around 350 assets in the fields of pipes, tables, chairs, goods, parasols, silos, containers, etc. It will be updated continuously and more assets will be added....
Guangzhou Metro Line 1 Train
Created by TravelWhale
Description ADtranz-Siemens A1 Train is the first metro train in Guangzhou.It's manufactured by SIEMENS and ADtranz, and mainly serves at Guangzhou Metro Line 1, the first metro line in Guangzhou. * Notes ** This mod belongs to my Simulation Fever series: ...
Guangzhou Metro Line 3 B2 Train
Created by TravelWhale
Description This metro train series is the first metro train with max speed of 120km/h in China.It's manufactured by SIEMENS and CSR, and mainly serves at Guangzhou Metro Line 3, which is known as the busiest metro line in Guangzhou. * Notes ** This is my ...
HAP: Huge Airport Project & Vanilla Airport Upgrading
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN Airport performance improved! Longer runways! Up to 38 stands! You can always find this mod in your mod list easily by simply typing "HAP"! =What's changed or added? -2 huge airports. -Aircraft stand markings. -Approaching lights. -Blast-pads. -Inform...
Hamburg Elbbrücken Station
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
Moin! Hola! Howdy! This months our special gift for the community is Umsteigeknoten Hochbahn- und S-Bahn-Bahnhof Elbbrücken A complete station -more or less according to reality- with -more or less- stuff thats never been there. We decided to bring it out ...
Harbor Fences Addon
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds the barriers/fences from the "Small Ports" mod to the game as a draggable fence. In addition, other barriers and fences have been added that are very suitable for ports, train stations, parks, etc. There are fences with chains, ropes and iron ...
Created by lisasuki
Toothpaste factory headquarters building Replace the headquarters of the game body with the headquarters of the toothpaste factory Capital toothpaste factory headquarters building can meet the needs of commercial industry and population I would like to tha...
Heavy Works Machines
Created by Postman Pat
This mod adds new industrial vehicles to decorate your map. This mod will be updated, so stay tuned for new vehicles! Vehicles are static and don't have any animations, they are just assets for decoration. Available vehicles: - Excavator (Can make performa...
high entrance station module
Created by AV
passenger and cargo station buildings with entrance height: 12 meters 15 meters 18 meters modular overpass available from 1980. overpass can be connected with big passenger station building with any entrance height. overpass can be connected with streets w...
Higher Peaks
Created by Joe
Adds a new terrain generator that has been tweaked to create longer mountain ranges with higher peaks than the standard generators. This mod does not need to be activated in a game; it is installed as a new terrain generator. To use, click 'Free Game', sel...
House series I-700
Created by <DMG>SoLaRiS
I-700 is one of the panel-block standard series of residential buildings developed by the design Institute of MNIITEP. Years of construction from 1980 to 1993. It was built in Moscow. Available for construction since 1980. It serves as a home for 132 peopl...
Height Meter
Created by General Tso
Displays the terrain height under the mouse pointer. The height is displayed in the game's task bar. This mod can be very helpful when doing things like laying track or altering the terrain. ...
House series II-67-Tishinskaya tower
Created by <DMG>SoLaRiS
II-67-Tishinskaya tower - The typical series of the house II-67 Tishinskaya refers to multi-apartment residential buildings, another name of the series P-67. The first house of this series was built in Moscow in Maly Tishinsky lane, hence the name - Tishin...
House series P-30
Created by <DMG>SoLaRiS
P-30 is a series of panel residential buildings made of isolated block sections, developed by the design Institute of MNIITEP. This series was mostly built in Moscow, and is less common in other Russian cities. The P-30 project was developed in the early 1...
Created by <DMG>SoLaRiS
II-18/12 — one of standard series of block houses developed by the MNIITEP design institute. Years of construction with 1968 until the end of the 1970th. One of the most widespread series in Moscow...
Created by <DMG>SoLaRiS
II-68 — a series of panel and block apartment houses. Years of construction: during 1970-2000. The first block series more than to 14 floors....
Created by Oldkestas
Residential house type 1. The house, follows from the name that it is the standard project, was under construction along with creation MDR (Moscow District Railroad), at the beginning of the XX century. Intended most likely for the beginning. stations. Fol...
Created by Oldkestas
Type 2 residential building. A model house built in the early 20 century for the Moscow District Railway. This type was intended for the residence of station workers: locksmith, coupler, gunmen, signalists, station guard and commodity guard. Available from...
Created by Oldkestas
The house of the 3rd type intended for accommodation of the management of the station in office apartments. If you like my modifications and want to support the creation of more beautiful modifications, you can do it here:
Created by Oldkestas
Type 5 residential building. The model house, had rooms for living: on the 1st floor - rooms of the guard, janitor, junior telegraph and signalist. On the 2nd floor - apartment of the senior telegraph player, rooms: gendarmerie, clutch, guard. Available fr...
Created by Oldkestas
House of the 6th type. The standard house, had rooms for accommodation: on the 1st floor - apartments: Head of the station, 1st Assistant to the Head of the station, room: janitor and watchman. On the 2nd floor - the apartment: 2nd Room of the Head of the ...
Created by Oldkestas
Eighth type residential house. (Achtung! Type # 7, absent from the album executive drawings as a class, anticipating questions about the 7th, I write.) In fact, it was intended for the management of the station, provided to very respected people - the head...
Created by Oldkestas
Next lodge. Lived in it, according to the description of the people different, where it was built to find out by photo it is impossible, but at least (the captain is obvious) near one of the stations MDR (Moscow District Railway) . Available from the begin...
Human Creator丨花果山福地(刁民生成器)
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: A Wonder Stone. Cheat in game and give you 1000 people living in a stone. They will take your trains or flights or something else, helping you earning more money:) Please make sure the stone has its connections with your roads. --CN: “那座山正当顶上,有一块仙石。其...
Created by KTYGC
HXD1 1000 series electric locomotive
Created by lisasuki
HXD1 1000 series electric locomotive is a "deeply domestic" locomotive developed by Zhuzhou factory on the basis of HXD1 locomotive according to the requirements of the Ministry of railways. The number starts from 1001. The locomotive adopts the inverter a...
HXN3 plateau diesel locomotive
Created by lisasuki
HXN3 plateau diesel locomotive is to meet the demand of high-power Freight Diesel Locomotive for Western China, especially for Qinghai Tibet railway. CRRC Dalian Locomotive and rolling stock Co., Ltd. signed a contract with China Railway Corporation for HX...
HXD3B power fix
Created by youngsheep
Changes HXD3B's power to 9600kw,which is in line with the actual situation. Please note: the newly released chinese locomotive connection fix module already includes the power fix of HXD3B, so it is unnecessary to enable this module again....
HXN5 diesel locomotive
Created by lisasuki
HXN5 diesel locomotive is one of the main line freight diesel locomotives in China. This locomotive uses AC drive, developed by General Electric (GE), and manufactured by CSR Qishuyan Locomotive and rolling stock works by means of technology transfer....
IC2000 mit Re 460
Created by Seamon
This modification adds the double-decker IC2000 cars and the universal locomotive Re 460 in the typical SBB colour scheme. It is the most important passenger locomotive with probably the best known SBB passenger coaches in long-distance traffic. Complete I...
Increase the capacity of buses and trams
Created by 幽泽wize
This is a mod to increase the capacity of the public transport system. Including buses and trams. It won't add to the maintenance costs Update 2022/7/26: optimization feedback incompatibility ...
Industrial Buildings Pack
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. Pack con 25 edificios industriales, que puedes usar como decoración o para crear nuevas industrias usándolo con el mod freestyle industries. Puedes añadir humo a las chimeneas ...
Industry Expanded
Created by Col0Korn
Check out the new Industry Expanded Add-On - Mail and Waste! Both mods can either be used together or standalone Introduces 13 new cargo types and many new industries to make for a more comp...
Industry Expanded Add-On - Mail and Waste
Created by Col0Korn
This is an Add-On for Industry Expanded Both mods can be used together or as standalone Introduces Mail and Waste cargo chains (3 new cargo types and 2 new industries) to make for a more com...
Industry workers
Created by SpaceCossaX
This mod adds workplaces to industries. The number of jobs depends on the level of the industry and its production. It is calculated by the production divided by 4. In order for people to start working in your industry, you need to transport them to your p...
Ingo's Farm
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds a detailed farm to the game. The farm consists of individual buildings and various accessories which can be built individually or as a whole. All buildings are again very extensively designed. They are decorated on the inside and can also be c...
Ingo's textures - rocks & fields
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds some rock textures to the game and also wet field textures. In order to "paint" certain rock areas better, I was missing some textures that I added with this mod. There are four textures that serve to make the rocky areas and mountains more re...
Ingo's pasture fences
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds various pasture fences to the game as a drawable fence. Various rural fences are included. In addition to an electric fence with insulators, there are also paddock fences. Also included are a picket fence, a plank fence, a pretty wattle fence ...
Ingo's Vegetation
Created by Ingo-1111
This mod adds various plants to the game as a ground texture to paint on. Some of the textures are intended for tropical maps, but there are also plants and grasses that can be useful for temperate or dry maps. The following plants are included: - Fern - C...
Intelligent Aerial Train collects and distributes RGV vehicles
Created by 幽泽wize
Intelligent Aerial Train collection and distribution system: On June 29, 2021, the world's first Intelligent Aerial Train Collection and distribution system was officially completed in Qingdao,Shandong province. The system was jointly built by Shandong Por...
Invisible Track
Created by 莫如心
--DeepL translate to English Invisibility of tracks with an optional elevated platform. Together with the "invisible bridge" mod ( ) , you can achieve the effect of the air train. There is l...
Invisible Track
Created by Miikka
Provides invisible tracks with speed limits 0km/h and 300km/h...
Invisible Track Under Construction
Created by 莫如心
--DeepL translate to English Invisibility of tracks with an optional elevated platform. Together with the "invisible bridge" mod ( ) , you can achieve the effect of the air train. There is l...
Invisible Vanilla Run/TaxiWay
Created by MagicMenma This mod will clean the texture and the edge lights of vanilla runway / taxiway. The end red lights of runway are also removed for the longer runway. Use this mod with Modern Airport Road. More construction tips provide ther...
Created by neldot
The Real Italy (XXL megalomaniac size) Realistic topography and city locations, semi-realistic industries. Warning: Experimental map size must be enabled in the config file, and a beefy PC is recommended because of the huge number of cities. TAGS: Italy, I...
Japan-style elevated station #1
Created by Pz.kpfw.7
Description This mod adds a Japanese-style elevated station to the game. The station model is JR East Kashima Line Itako station, although it does not look much like it for the convenience of putting it in the game. How to use This station is not a modular...
Japan-style Station building #1
Created by Pz.kpfw.7
Description This is a set of station buildings that look like they could be found in Japan. Currently there are only 4, but we plan to add up to 5-10 more in future updates. How to use The following modules are included in the mod. All are in the original ...
Japan-style Station platform #1
Created by Pz.kpfw.7
Description This mod adds Japanese style platforms and decorations to the game. The station building is not included. The station model was made with Shibamata station as the rough roof structure, and the rest of the model was made to look like it. The con...
Japanese Buildings By Davide Pellegrini
Created by Davide P.
Set of Japanese-style buildings, for your maps To support me and donate:
Japan-style elevated station #2
Created by Pz.kpfw.7
Description This mod adds a Japanese style elevated station to the game. This time, we created a 2 platform, 4 line station. The model is Koga Station on JR East Tohoku Main Line. How to use This station is not a modular building. Please select the platfor...
Japanese National Railways 189series
Created by YOMITI1225
The Shin-Etsu Line Yokokawa-Karuizawa Usui Pass crosses a steep section up to 66.7 ‰, and is equipped with a coordinated operation system with an EF63 electric locomotive based on the 183 series. ____________________________________________________________...
Japanese National Railways EF63 electric locomotive
Created by YOMITI1225
If you modify any part of this mod or add any elements to it, please contact us in the comments and ask for permission before distributing it. If you do not distribute your mods and play them only for personal use, you do not need to contact us. Uploading ...
Japanese Town, Street & People Names
Created by Graf Eisen
A collection of romanised Japanese town, street and people names. Town names include Cities, Towns and Villages across Japan, so you might get some weird names! Street names are taken from the town list with 'Street' or 'Road' appended. Not authentic, but ...
Japanese train - JR East Series E231-500 - made by Gombe
Created by GG
Request for Support I tried to create a high quality product, and I'd be happy if you could support us. Paypal : PayPay ID : gombe_compose About paid production If you have any mod production requests, please contact me via Steam chat....
Japanese public housing Vol.1
Created by Pz.kpfw.7
Description This is a housing complex built by the Japan Housing Corporation. It mainly contains public housing of low to mid-rise buildings. Available since 1955. Contents Plane type #1/#2 - This is the most common type of public housing. Tower type #1 - ...
Japanese train - Shinkansen L0 - made by Gombe
Created by GG
This mod was kindly commissioned by ⭐ 𝑻𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒂𝒎𝒆 Overview The Linear Central Shinkansen is scheduled to open in 2027, and the L0 type train (?) that appeared as a test vehicle for this This is a reproduction of the L0 type train that appeared as a test train ...
JP Asset, High-res building
Created by Popcat
JP Asset, High-res building, by nob50506000 (from Cities Skylines) Introduction : This mod is a Cities Skyline conversion, permitted by the author itself. Without him, I couldn't provide you this mod. Thanks so much nob50506000 ! This mod is an asset pack ...
JP Asset, Modular building
Created by Popcat
JP Asset, Modular building, by nob50506000 (from Cities Skylines) Introduction : This mod is a Cities Skyline conversion, permitted by the author itself. Without him, I couldn't provide you this mod. Thanks so much nob50506000 ! This mod is an asset pack m...
JR 500 HelloKitty涂装
Created by DRUNK
(修复可能运行时没声音) The latest version has been updated. Please move.最新更新请移步 新干线500系电力动车组,是西日本旅客铁道(JR西日本)所使用的新干线车辆。500系由川崎重工业、日立制作所、近畿车辆和日本车辆制造四家公司承造,一共生产了144辆(9列16辆编组)。首列列车于1997年3月22日投入服务,行驶东海道、山阳新...
JP Asset, Okinawa building
Created by Popcat
JP Asset, Okinawa building, by nob50506000 (from Cities Skylines) Introduction : This mod is a Cities Skyline conversion, permitted by the author itself. Without him, I couldn't provide you this mod. Thanks so much nob50506000 ! This mod is an asset pack m...
JR East E231 Max's Fix
Created by MaxCheng95
JR East Japan E231 Series A substantially fixed version of hot_bag's E231 mod where the stats of the train has been dialed down to its realistic value, with fixes including: -Correct differentiation of powered motor cars and non powered trailer; -In-real-l...
KiHa58 pack
Created by AleX_BY
Created by TGR Studio KiHa58 is a Japanese diesel multiple unit. KiHa 58 series was widely used around Japan from 1961 to the late 2000's. In the 1993 28 trains KiHa58 has been transferred to the Sakhalin Railway (Russia), w...
Kindergarten, project VI-52
Created by <DMG>SoLaRiS
The standard series VI-52 is designed for non-residential buildings. The VI-52 series and its modifications were built from 1984 to 1992. Houses in this series usually have 2 floors. Kindergartens of this project were built in Moscow from 1984 to 1992. In ...
Kings Cross modular station platforms Modern
Created by Celmi
A set of kings cross styled station modules. Contains underpass, dynamic overpass system and many more features. based on Oppies fantatstic NL modular station mod. Features: - Correct platform hight - Overpass - Underpass - Adaptable roof - Station assets:...
Korail 300kW Generator car
Created by zheng2088
과거 여객열차에서는 전력이 많이 필요하지 않아 차축 발전기로 생산되는 전기로 차내 선풍기나 조명, 안내방송에서나 사용되었습니다. 그러나 객차가 현대화 되면서 차축발전기로만 전기 공급이 어려워짐에 따라 대형 엔진이 장착된 발전차가 등장하게 됩니다. 해당 모델은 1990년부터 등장한 새마을호 스테인리스 차체 디자인 형태의 발전차입니다. In the past, passenger trains did not require much power, so electric...
Created by Lovely
Korea Railroad Saemaul-Ho
Created by zheng2088
Korea Railroad Saemaul-Ho passenger car The Saemaeul-ho, formerly known as the Saemaul-ho and Saemaul Express, is a class of train operated by Korail, the national railroad of South Korea, since February 8, 1969. Before the introduction of the KTX express ...
Ktt Kinki Sharyo Coach
Created by EricH
Ktt Kinki Sharyo Coach.Created by EricH *update add First class car add sound better model...
Lackawanna's Tunkhannock Viaduct
Created by themeatballhero
History In 1915, the largest viaduct in the world was completed by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad in Nicholson, PA as part of its Nicholson Cut-off project. It crosses the Tunkhannock Creek, which is how it got its name. With a total length ...
Kyushu, Japan
Created by david82428
The map is based on real world contour with some modification. Please leave comments below, and I could make improvement. If you like my work, check out my other maps here: The Himalayas, Nepal:
Large Tram/Bus station
Created by Robak
3 Tramstops and 2 Busstops or 5 Busstops...
LED screen
Created by lisasuki
LED advertising screen that can play various animations Copyright declaration: original model works, without permission, no reprint and commercial sale! ...
Leningradsky Railway Station (Russia)
Created by Lord Raccoon
This mod adds the main building of the Leningradsky Railway Station from Moscow as a station module. It includes two versions of the building: with its name on the roof and without. Features of the mod: Building is added as station module. It allows to set...
Leyland Olympian Northern Counties Palatine
Created by ICS
Leyland Olympian Northern Counties Palatine The Northern Counties Palatine was a step-entrance 2-axle and 3-axle double-decker bus body built by Northern Counties from 1988 to 1999 in Wigan, England. Include - Generic - East Yorkshire Asset Specification M...
Liège-Guillemins Railway Station 1.2
Created by flechsig
Train station for passengers. One Busstop each side. 2-16 Tracks. Now functional. Have fun. Icemaster...
Loop Stop 2
Created by nary_believe
Overview Configurable loop station that can be built in 1850 and upgraded to look current through to the modern era. Deutsch Große Bus- und Tramhaltestelle mit bis zu 4 Wendeschleifen and 2 Haltebuchten (vollständige Übersetzung von Nuttenpreller) Français...
Low Catenary Metro Tracks
Created by MaxCheng95
Low catenary tracks based on QQ Xiaoshui's Shanghai Metro tracks. The catenary is lowered to 4.5m with Chinese and British style catenary for this version with improved curve speed limits and Berlin style tunnel walls. Dependencies (must be loaded before t...
Main Station Erfurt
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
30 year reunified Germany and nearly 3 years completed VDE 8! Erfurt Hauptbahnhof (lookalike) Here comes the ICE junction and local hub Erfurt Main Train Station (opened in 2005/2008). It is almost in the middle of the High-Speed-Line VDE 8.1/8.2 between B...
Main Station Leipzig
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
Christmas comes early this year. The "Best German train station and the third best in Europe!"* (*according to a recent study). A functional version of the Hauptbahnhof Leipzig (pronounced Leibzsch ) with the new repaint by elektronikfreak and the original...
Mal Tool (Includet Tropical, USA)
Created by Speedmaster
Adds Tropical and USA textures to the game....
MAN F2000 Company Brand Set
Created by Jones
NOTE!! Cargo asset set required! Remaster of my MAN F2000 Company Brand Set. Added new trucks, ASG Transport and Kuehle+Nagel. Meshes are mostly old but improved and new textures have been baked. - Top speed: 90 km/h - Power: 298-441 kW - Capacity: 28-42 -...
Map generators plus
Created by oln
Adds a new set of map generators for each default type which allow setting the values higher. Also adds some extra sliders for the temperate and desert generators. Higher than normal values may produce weird results. Note that adding to much hilliness may ...
Marc's Street and Trampack
Created by marc345
This mod adds multiple new streets. - and that's not all! Background information, modding updates and early access: or support me via Thank you! The mod contains various street types, includin...
Created by KingDiamond
Very large 1:1 4K Resolution of Greece's heightmap...
Marker Start/End
Created by WernerK
Marks start/end of a track or street section for further handling by special tools. Select the 'Tools' category from the 'Assets' menu and, with the 'Marker Start/End' icon selected, left-click on a track or street segment pre-indicated by a white stripe. ...
Material Design Colors
Created by Airen
Less saturated color palette allowing more natural and life-like look for lines and vehicles. In the mod settings you can add up to 5 custom colors using RGB values. UPD: We can add our own colors in base game now! Based on Mr_WolfZ More Line & Vehicle Col...
Meitetsu 6000 Series | 名鉄6000系電車
Created by ICS
Meitetsu 6000 Series | 名鉄6000系電車 The Meitetsu 6000 series is a commuter electric multiple unit type operated by Nagoya Railroad (Meitetsu) in Japan since 1976. In the narrow sense of the word, the 6000 series is the type produced from 1976, but in the broa...
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro
Created by RagnoFromItaly
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro This pack contains 9 versions of the MB O530 Citaro of first generation, built by Mercedes from 1998 up to 2006/2009 (when O530 Facelift was built). The Citaro is a very common bus in Europe in all of it's versions. This pack is b...
Mission Devastating Emily
Created by Mats
The story In 1869 a previously unidentified fungus struck the coffee plantations of Ceylon, one of the great coffee origin lands of the 19th Century. In a very few years the blight known by colonial English planters as “Devastating Emily”, and later its sc...
Mission Exposition Universelle
Created by Mats
The story Paris, 1889. The hundredth anniversary of the French Revolution. To commemorate this, the French government is organizing another world’s fair. A time to celebrate one hundred years of progress, and to get France back on the world stage! You have...
Mission Farmers' Republic
Created by Mats
The story The South African Republic, also known as the Transvaal Republic, was founded by descendants of Dutch colonists after gaining independence from England. The republic is largely surrounded by British territory and an invasion is looming. A connect...
Mission Mighty Mississippi
Created by Mats
The story Louisiana, at the mouth of the Mississippi river. Nearly one third of all cotton produced in the United States is handled in New Orleans. The city is hosting a World's Fair to celebrate 100 years of cotton export. Cooperate and compete with exist...
Mission RV Belgica
Created by Mats
The story For three hundred years explorers have been active in pushing aside the realms of the unknown towards the north pole, but the equally interesting south pole has, during all this time, been almost wholly neglected. The first country to complete th...
Mission Gold! Gold! Gold!
Created by Mats
The story Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper front page for July 17, 1897: GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! Sixty-eight rich men on the steamer Portland. Stacks of yellow metal! Some have $5,000. Many have more, and a few bring out $100,000 each. The steamer carr...
Mission San Paolo
Created by Mats
The story After the abolition of slavery in Brazil, millions of Italian immigrants travelled to the new world to work at the coffee plantations. The economic crisis has led to poverty and hunger among local farmers in Italy. Many of them emigrate, looking ...
Mission The Great Air Race
Created by Mats
The story 1919. World peace has been restored. Significant technological developments in aviation occurred during the First World War. Britain aims to establish airmail routes to the far ends of its massive empire. But is it even possible to fly that far? ...
Model department stores. Series 2-07.
Created by Oldkestas
Projects 11 and 12 (angular version), SoyuzHyproTorg. 60-seat department stores. If you like my modifications and want to support the creation of more beautiful modifications, you can do it here:
Model Railway - Freestyle USA
Created by Savegame7
My second savegame of a populated Model Railway by "Unknown Player". No vehicles or lines. Please note I did not create the "layout" (ie the room, table and furniture is the work of "Unknown Player"....
Model Railway by Unknown Player
Created by Unknown Player
The map that I have created for my latest video. In here, the table is empty so you can create your own model railway to your desire. You will find the required mods in the link bellow.
Model railway cellar with showcase
Created by Model Railway Club
Hello lovelies, I'm starting a new project again. Since I have now been contacted several times to ask if I should upload the system blank beforehand, here it is. The display case can be removed so that it can be driven on, so the partition wall for the ha...
Modern Airport Road
Created by MagicMenma This mod provides several modern concrete/asphalt airport roads. They are working as a normal road but not a functional runway/taxiway. By using this mod, you can create a custom airport with rapid-exit taxiways and a longer...
Model Railway Populated
Created by Savegame7
My first populated version of Unknown Players Model Railway Table. No Vehicles. Moderate amount of Mods required. If anyone can find what resources are missing please let me know!...
Modernes Depot
Created by Hessie James
Ein Modernes Depot mit 2 Gleisen. Das Depot gibt es in 2 Varianten: Modernes Depot - Einseitig und Modernes Depot ++ - Zweiseitig. Achtung bei der Linienerstellung, da die Züge auch durch das Depot hindurchfahren können. Züge verlassen das Depot mit max 15...
Glasgow Queens St rail station module and assets
Created by Mad Hatter
This station based on Queens st. Its designed to work with Uk height platforms. Contained in the mod are Queens st Station Module - main building. Terminus platform set. Also the station and everything in it are available as assets. Can be found under the ...
Modular elevated station for passengers
Created by lollus
Modular elevated passenger station with no frills, available from 1960. This mod will add some "elevated" platforms, stations and tracks into the rail construction menu: use those for elevated stations and the normal ones for normal stations. Press and hol...
Modular Station Roof
Created by oppiescc
I'm happy to finally release this modular station roof that automatically adjusts to the size of your platforms. It's design is extremely loosely based on the Amsterdam Central Station, but many cities around the world have similar roofs. Features - Adapti...
Modular Station Roof - Manchester Piccadilly
Created by cw_315
Manchester Piccadilly modular station roof based off the excellent mod by oppiiesc. I plan on making more in the future. Thanks to badgerrhax for screenshots, check out their Youtube channel where they are recreating Manchester. Also thanks to Alkolique fo...
Modular Station Roof (Modern)
Created by oppiescc
As heavily requested by pretty much everyone; a more modern variant of my modular station roofs mod. I'm very happy with how this one turned out; besides feeling very 'open' because of the abundance of glass, it works really well with the in-game modern st...
Monorail DLC
Created by majuen
Monorail DLC with stations, tracks and vehicles. - 6 tracks with a speed Limit of 30,50,70,90,120 and 600 (own sub menu : "Monorail" in tracks menu) - 2 stations with animated doors / optimized for double traction! (own sub menu : "Monorail" in buildings m...
More Line & Vehicle Colors
Created by Mr_WolfZ
Adds many more colors for your lines and vehicles. Please note that the game automatically tries to layout the colors in a square, adding an extra column if required. That means it is not possible to add extra hues or colors easily without distorting the c...
MOTRAS / German Stations for MOdular TRAin Station
Created by lennardo_97
Thanks to my co-authors Korbi112 and Eisfeuer! This mod contains many new modules for the MOTRAS by Eisfeuer (which is has to be installed and activated first) in the design of german stations. The new platforms are available in common heights (38cm, 55cm,...
MOTRAS Project
Created by EISFEUER
MOTRAS - short for Modular Train Station or Moddable Train Station - is a new implementation of an modular station system with the goal to have a framework for stations and modules for my future station projects. The MOTRAS system is completely independent...
Marked Incompatible ]  More Line Colors by LINX
Created by LINX
20 official colors + 80 Pantone colors for your lines and vehicles...
MTR380A - The Vibrant Express
Created by TravelWhale
Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to introduce you a beautiful Chinese Highspeed EMU, the MTR380A!! Developed from CRH2A (Export model of Shinkansen E2 Series), the CRH380A has a higher max speed (380km/h), and a newly designed head shape. It's a widely used...
Mount Yandang, China 雁荡山风景区
Created by haoyuhugeo
1:1还原风景名胜区的真实地貌!适合造景! 须知:本地图的尺寸为“巨巨”,必须先设置好实验地图尺寸模式(自大狂模式)。 设置方式为:打开文件路径:Steam/userdata/你的ID/1066780/local/settings.lua 第15行"experimentalMapSizes = false"改为"experimentalMapSizes = true" This map requires to set "experimentalMapSizes = true" in "Steam/userd...
My favorit piccolo railway
Created by Model Railway Club
This is my favorite model railway layout of a compact layout. The layout comes from a model railway magazine. The special feature is that there are several train accumulators and turning loops in the smallest space. Thus, a varied game operation is possibl...
MZ Schallschutzwand Addon
Created by manuel_zockt
Sound barriers to drag - AddOn, requires the following mods: the sound walls mod by Guapo298 (conversion from Spyos) Fences mod https://www.transportfever...
Created by KTYGC
Natural Town Growth
Created by Mr_WolfZ
Towns grow more naturally. Your actions will influence the growth directly and can cause towns to grow asymmetrically, e.g. if you provide industrial cargo, the town's industry will grow, if you provide commercial cargo the town will gain more shopping fac...
New Century International Airport
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
-EN: Providing brand new airport modules. =What's in? -Air Traffic Control Tower -----also providing 50 jobs. -Terminal Building -----Terminal building with boarding bridge. -Terminal Building Entrance" -----This terminal building with boarding bridge can ...
New York City Pack
Asset pack consisting of 89 Buildings based on Brooklyn. -Known Issues- -Categories do not have images Original mod by: Original Collection:
Night Mode
Created by YoshiDE
Into the dark Experimental Mod! There is no day/night cycle included. Sky box created by Hazel Whorley under CC BY-NC 3.0...
Ninghai, China 浙江宁海
Created by haoyuhugeo
Ninghai, China 浙江宁海 宁海县,隶属于浙江省宁波市,位于中国大陆海岸线中段,浙江省东部、宁波市南部沿海,象山港和三门湾之间,天台山和四明山山脉交汇之处。宁海县海陆总面积1931平方千米,其中陆域面积1843平方千米,海域面积88平方千米。宁海县是《徐霞客游记》开篇地,中国旅游日发祥地,有前童古镇、伍山石窟、浙东大峡谷等景区。 这一张地图属于新计划中的城市系列(中小城市系列)。相比于都市圈及城市群系列,本系列的地图聚焦于城市的中心城区及周边乡镇。本系列地图比例尺为1:3,即游戏中的1km相当于...
NIshi Kyuushuu
Created by tc3wikieditor
日本の九州西部のマップです。 北九州市~鹿児島市より西の範囲が入っています。 佐賀平野に新幹線を引けるでしょうか。 都市数:40 産業数:81 マップサイズ:超巨大 2:1 長崎沖に輸入資源を表現する島があります。 出典:地形データは国土地理院 基盤地図情報をもとに加工した...
NJ2 diesel locomotive
Created by lisasuki
NJ2 diesel locomotive is one of the diesel locomotive models of China Railway. It is designed and manufactured by General Electric Company of the United States. It is specially used for the traction task of passenger and freight trains in Golmud Lhasa sect...
NL Modular Station
Created by oppiescc
I'm proud to release the first version of a set of station modules I've been working on for quite a while. I've had to overcome many technical hurdles to get it all to work, but I'm very happy with the result. This pack is jam-packed with features, so let ...
No catenary mast track & placeable masts
Created by Sparky66
Adds tracks without catenary posts and individually placeable masts. This allows you to fix junctions with misplaced masts on the tracks. 1. Upgrade the problem track to the mast free tracks. Zoom in and hold shift when upgrading tracks to select the small...
No Town Development
Created by VacuumTube
This mod disables the automatic construction of town buildings and streets by the AI The automatic town development is stopped for all cities, so you can do it yourself without the AI getting in your way. In the Mod Settings you can switch the behavior on ...
North American Bridges
Created by themeatballhero
A mod with a wide array of bridge related assets, tracks and bridges. User guide here: Hope you all enjoy! A big thanks to Doug on guiding me through making the code! This would never be pos...
North American Building Textures
Created by themeatballhero
Depedency for North American buildings. Generic textures....
Northeast Corridor Map
Created by WhatF*ckRP
My interpretation of the Northeast Corridor: Boston-New Haven-New York-Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington DC, plus parts of Virginia. You can probably tell that I placed the cities and towns with railroad connectivity in mind. As a result, I took some creat...
Not So Temperate Generator
Created by Pentasis
Not so Temperate Generator (Previously 'Ultima Loca') This generator creates mixed narrower & wider rivers and well-defined mountain ranges with very flat areas inbetween. It is still WIP but functional and safe to use (lots more options and tweaks still t...
Obsidian Islands
Created by AngryMob
Obsidian Islands is a mix of several real world volcanic island heightmaps and extensive editing to create a fictional landscape focused on not only looking nice, but giving players a lot of challenges. Towns are located in their real world locations and a...
Oil tanker project 866
Created by Winner
The river tanker of Project 866, the main ship launched at the Nevsky Shipyard in 1958. The game carries all types of petroleum products in five tanks with a capacity of 30 units each. Has a speed of about 31 km / h. Available since 1958. It itself is pres...
Old Track
Created by FL0R1AN
With these additional tracks you can create your old railway line. You will find suitable bridges here: Rusty Iron Bridge...
On the Beach pack
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. Hoy os traemos un pack con edificios para recrear escenas de playa (Hoteles, tiendas, bares, piscinas, Beach volley, minigolf, restaurantes, etc. Se encuentran en la categoría Beach. He añadido algunos personajes estáticos, para adornar las es...
Open-cut Station & Retaining Wall
Created by Enzojz
This is the opencut station convert and improved from mod for Tpf1 with the same name. Some improvements are done with the features of the game. ** "Shader Enhancement" is required by this mod. Original Features: * From 2 to 12 tracks * From 40m to 480m pl...
Open Flora
Created by Mountain Mama
Makes Trees and Terrain available for all map types. Brush tools work for all trees/terrain and trees are available to use with mixed tree/forester in game tool. Plans for future updates: (feel free to add any suggestions for me in the comments) Will be ad...
Overhauled Ammendorf Sleeping Wagons - Russia
Created by Lord Raccoon
This mod adds 5 overhauled ammendorf cars to the game in the colors of the Russian railways. The cars that have passed the KVR (Overhaul reconditioning) have a number of improvements for safe movement and improved passenger comfort. Features of the pack: 5...
Created by FixXxeR
Parallelism tool with Road and optional Track, including setting for number of lanes and optional bridge. V2 changed the available from date 1850 to 1925. V3 added local to variable declaration to fix crash, thanks to syscrh. V4 added option for 0 roads...
Parking Decals
Created by Mad Hatter
This mod contains some parking decals - more will be added :) - (You may also be interested in this mod - They can be found in the asset menu in the madhatter category - (top hat) So why th...
passenger vessel type 792a
Created by Winner
Passenger ship type 792a were bild since 1952 for using on ferry and city routes. In game available from 1952 Capacity 30 passenger Speed 27 km/h Mod creators are not responsible for the mod and/or game performance. Use this mod on your own risk....
Peninsula Fever 1850
Created by BC-Rail_SimTV
A challenging map based on the original Peninsula map uploaded by Colonel Failure. -Hand placed cities -Hand placed industries -Trees throughout the map -Challenging start on mountainous ter...
Performance tuning
Created by okeating
I have a Core i9 CPU and an RTX 3080 GPU running at 4k, so when the frame rate started dipping into the teens I figured the game could benefit from a little optimisation! I have designed this mod to give a noticable performance boost "out of the box", with...
Person Asset Expanded
Created by Ingo-1111
This mod adds over 60 "repainted" people as assets to the game. The people have animation and can be placed standing, sitting and lying down. The mod does not change Vanilla's own people and can be used in parallel with other person mods. It includes vario...
Pillars of the community
Created by Mad Hatter
This mod contains statues. So every tpf character is represented as a statue. The statue can be in stone / marble / granite / etc. The plynth can also be in stone / marble / granite / etc. You can place the statue with or without a plynth You can place the...
Created by mediziner
This mod contains some equipment for playgrounds and sports fields as an asset for Schönbau. It contains 9 different models which are partly configurable. - Bolz- and tennis court assets - Adjustable combination equipment with climbing frame, climbing wall...
Population Factor
Created by VacuumTube
This Mod changes the number of people in the game by multiplying the capacity of new town buildings with a factor. Usage If you start a new game with the mod or if you create a city with the generator, all buildings get the modified values directly When ad...
Production X2 [DEPRECATED]
Created by Frost
Description Double the production of all industries, 800 at max level. Some raw materials production is set to 1600, for the factories need 2 units of raw materials to produce 1 unit of the product. CAUTION Although no problems were found in my tests, But ...
Created by Oldkestas
A typical store for economy and Promotare, the project 1Х-01-15. There are creation and equipment possibilities (in the reality), now already more than: There is not half of it, and the others are made up up to the unrecognizability. Three kinds of signs, ...
Created by KTYGC
Railroad parts and objects
Created by matusg
This mod contains parts of railroad track - rails, wooden and concrete ties. Support author by donation, it will keep him motivated to create new stuff :) Be nice and contact me before re-use this mod. Thank you...
Railway Crossings China
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: China Railway Crossings. =What's in? -new railway crossings with warning post, sign and other features. -new crossing audio effect for only this mod. =Known issues? -Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important s...
Railway Crossings Japan
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
After Update Version 2.10 you may have to reset some of your crossings provided by this mod coz some models are remade. 【Version 2.10】11/09/2021 update: =增加道口设备组合种类,更好地适应不同宽度的城市道路; =对部分模型进行了重制。...
Railway Station Dresden Neustadt
Created by MaikC
Train station for passengers. Features: - availability from 1900 - variable lenght - variable interior (3 epochs) Authors: MaikC, (Model, Textures) Tom, Guapo298, Koa (Script) If you like our mods give it a thumbs up or even a small donation for the author...
Railway system optimization
Created by 幽泽wize
is mainly used to improve the Some railway data of the game ontology Mod effects: Add 4 speed limits to the railway (45km/h, 85km/h, 160km/h, 400km/h). Change the speed limit of Bridges in the game to (120km/h, 250km/h, 320km/h, 420km/h). - Modified the lo...
Ramp Equalizer
Created by WernerK
Provides a continuous inclination on existing track or street ramps. Because the game aligns ramps very closely with the terrain, unnatural bumps often form. This is not only visually disturbing, but also has the constructive disadvantage that the ramps ar...
Re 460 Repaint Set
Created by Nando
Re 460 Repaint Set This set contains 6 Re 460 locomotives in special paint schemes of the Swiss Federal Railways, known as SBB. The locomotive is based on the Re 460 from Seamon, so the IC2000/Re 460 set must also be installed and activated. UPDATE v 1.2 M...
Re 465 Repaint Set
Created by Nando
Re 465 Repaint Set This set contains 4 Re 465 locomotives in the colours of the Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon-Bahn, known as BLS. The locomotive is based on the Re 460 from Seamon, so the IC2000/Re 460 set must also be installed and activated. UPDATE v 1.3 Mod o...
Real Capacity
Created by Ganliard
Sets capacity of every vehicle, including vehicles from mods, to the number of defined seats. The prices and maintenance costs of vehicles will increase proportionally, but you can reduce them with sliders, separately for bus, tram, train, ship and plane. ...
Realistic Railway Slopes
Created by VacuumTube
For all tracks, a maximum gradient is set (default 40‰, default value of the game is 75‰). With this, it is easier to build realistic track gradients. The value can be changed with the mod settings (in the loading menu). Tracks that define their own slope,...
Realistic Track Speed
Created by WernerK
Cornering speeds as in the original Since the spatial and temporal conditions are strongly compressed in the economic simulation, driving physics also follows this principle: The trains drive too fast in curves. This mod is intended for everyone who wants ...
Realistic Train Brake
Created by VacuumTube
With the June update (Min. Build 28962), there is a new parameter, which can modify the brake deceleration of trains. You can adjust this with the (also new) mod settings in the loading menu. The default value of the game is 2.5 m/s², which sometimes seems...
Renfe/Adif Tracks and Catenary
Created by Kaminari
IMPORTANT: THIS MOD REPLACES THE ORIGINAL GAME BALLAST AND SLEEPERS!This pack replaces the sleepers and the standard ballast of the game. This allows you to add to any game that you have started this pack and automatically all the tracks will be updated wi...
ReS+No.2 Station Building & Overhead Hall
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Railway Station Plus Remake Edition No.+2 New railway Railway station buildings and overhead waiting hall. Still developing. The way to use this waiting hall (as a roof) is the same as the required mod. It's just this mod's code inspired me a lot so ...
ReS+No.3 Railway Station Plus:Remake Edition
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Railway Station Plus Remake Edition No.+3 New low&high platforms (the high platforms need the special track modules involved in this pack), new station building, new roof and others. -Suggest using with all Re:CRS+ mods. =What's in? -4 kinds of new r...
new Streetcar System
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: New Tram Station &New Bridge & New Two/Oneway, new tram pole and new tram track textures. =What's in? -3 new tram tracks can be found in STREET. --tram track speed limit 60 kph; --tram track with fences, speed limit 40 kph; --tram track, one-way, spe...
ReS+No.5 Station Building Addon
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Railway Station Plus Remake Edition No.+5 New railway Railway station buildings. -Suggest using with all Re:CRS+ mods. =What's in? -new station main buildings. =Known issues? --Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your ...
ReS+No.6 Platform & Roof Addon
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Railway Station Plus Remake Edition No.+6 New railway station platform & roof. -Suggest using with all Re:CRS+ mods. =What's in? -new roof. -new low&high platforms, and tracks as a must to high platforms to make sure the citizens can stand at the rig...
Residential building II-08
Created by Oldkestas
Almost the last series under construction with a floor height of 3 meters. The series is the forerunner of the Towers of Wolykh as a house for small and middle authorities. With the beginning of mass construction of the latter, its construction was stopped...
Residential building series 1Lg-600
Created by Oldkestas
Series 1-LG-600 1LG-600 (popularly "House-ship") - Soviet standard project of residential buildings of industrial house building. The construction of houses of the 600th series was carried out by Avtovsky DSK according to the revised institute LenZNIIEP, t...
Resizable Parameter Window
Created by VacuumTube
Makes the parameter window of assets, constructions, etc resizable. If you want it movable, activate in file: res/config/game_script/resizable_parameter_window.lua ...
Created by petrus
Purpose: This mod allows you to resize clickable windows within the game world which in vanilla game could not be resized e.g.: stations cities industries transport lines vehicles sims Plans: Option to choose the new default window size for all windows lis...
retaining wall asset
Created by AV
just a retaining wall support me) or not)
RhB Viaducts (draggable)
Created by Hans
Rhaetian Railway Landwasser viaduct and Schmittentobel viaduct. Can be used for standard gauge, narrow gauge, single track, double track and so on. If you like this, please give it a:
Riesa bus station
Created by majuen
Bus station with a maximum of 8 bus platforms, a maximum of 2 for trams. Hope you like the bus station !!! 😁 ATTENTION !!! You should have the latest Transport Fever 2 build version 29433 or higher !!! It is recommended to use the CommonAPI and switch on t...
Created by fengroth
Extra large map (1:3) with great shipable rivers, coastal areas, realistic valleys and landscape. The map comes with lots of cities in different distances and manually placed industries. Have fun! ...
River Boats Herkules und Virgo with Container
Created by MaikC
With this mod the loading of the two vanilla ships Herkules and Virgo is changed, so that now some goods are transported in containers. In addition, the extra tanker is no longer necessary, the boats now transport all goods. Technical data of the class: - ...
Road Toolbox
Created by Enzojz
16 Jan 2021: Sorry I mistakely removed the old mod entry when updating the mod, so I have to create a new entry and reupload it again. This mod helps you build some road layout which is difficult or impossible to do with the vanilla game. It's possible to ...
RTPC+: Bridges over Rivers
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: The bridge stands majestic astride the river. ——Providing bridges, streets and waypoints about those were shown in pics. What's in? --4 new bridges common in Shanghai. --3 new waypoints to for assembling cable-stayed bridges and their elevators. --2 ...
RTPC+: Bus Stops in Shanghai
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Bus stops at bus stops in shanghai. --Provides those classical bus stops in Shanghai. --CN: 上海公交车停在上海站~ --本模组为您提供那些熟悉的沪上公交站牌。 PS: 喜欢的话可以点赞收藏三连哦~...
RTPC+: Elevated Rd
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN U may have faced with such situation: u want to build new expressways for your city to mitigate congestion, and one of the best ways is to build an elevated road. But there is issue....which cannot be avoided. The problem is space, is the complex urba...
RTPC+: Shanghai SK6105 (Shanghai BashiGroup)
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Sk6105 created a legend of 5-Types of SHANGHAI with its simple and elegant classic style. Capacity: 25 Lifespan: 12 years Top Speed: 69 kph Weight: 11.3 t Year from: 1997 --CN: SK6105以朴实大方的经典造型开创了上海牌的5系列王朝。 最大载客: 25 人 营运寿命: 12 年 运行限速: 69 公里/时 电机功率: 1...
RTPC+: SYK City Bus
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: QQxiaoshui's buses. There's no such buses in reality. =What's in? -11m city bus & highspeed bus. Capacity: 52 & 31 Lifespan: 8 years (1/4x game's time speed), 32 years (1x game's time speed) Power: 194 kw Top Speed: 69 kph & 89 kph Length: 11 m Weigh...
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: YUTONG U10 has begun to run on serveral bus lines in Shanghai since 2018 and widely criticized for its not fit for Shanghai's route situation. =What's in? -YUTONG U10 with simplified Chinese or English smart screen, which can show "turning left!!" or...
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: YUTONG U12 is longer than U10. Some upgrades have been made. =What's in? -YUTONG U12 with simplified Chinese or English smart screen, which can show "turning!!" or "braking!!" when the bus doing so. Besides, its logo glows red when braking, instead o...
RTPC: Road Transportation Pack of China
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN Including highways, country roads and those signs you can see in Mainland China. =What's included? -37 new streets classified in expressway / national highway / street of RTPC. 8 of them are expressway using 3 different fences. 12 of them are national...
Rundtunnel und Gleis ohne Tunnelwand
Created by majuen
Diese Modifikation fügt platzierbare Rundtunnel, Gleise ohne Tunnelwand und diverse Gleis assets hinzu. Gedacht für Schnellfahrstrecken mit runder Tunnelverkleidung ! This modification adds placeable round tunnels, tracks without a tunnel wall and various ...
Rural Bus Stops
Created by EISFEUER
The mod adds three bus stops with fictive rural shelters to the game. - A wooden shelter from 1850 - A half timbered shelter from 1850 - A modern glass shelter from 1950 All models has LODs and dds textures. Created by EISFEUER - License: CC-BY-NC...
Russia/USSR Megalomaniac with Industries
Created by Parttime Toast
Megalomaniac sized map of Russia Due to popular demand here is a version with industries. I tried to place the industies in somewhat accurate locations, however i am no expert so expect some inaccuracies. Features 28 cities from modern day Russia and forme...
SBB Re 460 - 90er Jahre Advertisments Locos
Created by HundertDampf
Since 1994, the Re 460 universal locomotives have served as the SBB's travelling billboard. This mod adds a selection of advertising locomotives from the early days to the game. A total of four versions of each locomotive are included: Standard: Standard v...
Salish Seas
Created by TheOneWhoIs
This is my home and it is one of the most beautiful places on earth (I might be a little bit biased though). A repaint of SoftwareSimian's fantastic Vancouver Island Map. I did this one for myself in May 2020, but I uploaded it now for the sake of it. This...
Created by leinbäcker
Scandinavia and parts of the Baltic States and Russia Denmark - Norway - Sweden - Finland - Latvia - Lithuania - Estonia - Russia Card size: megalomaniac, 1x1 Industries: present Budget: 15,000,000 Starting year: 1900 Have fun. :)...
Scania R480
Created by RaptorArk
- all trucks can change colours - all cargo, flat-bed and reefer trailers have 4 compartments - all trucks have vehicle number on both sides - info about DMA Containers: Mod Info Capacity: 32 units Power: ...
series 1-201 houses.
Created by Oldkestas
Residential buildings of series 1-201, Architectural and design workshop named after academician V.A. Vesnina. Ministry of Oil Industry of the USSR. If you like my modifications and want to support the creation of more beautiful modifications, you can do i...
Series 1-335 house
Created by Oldkestas
1-335 — a series of the panelized 5-storey houses which is most often found across all former USSR. Project of the Leningrad Department of Gorstroyproyekt. If you like my modifications and want to support the creation of more beautiful modifications, you c...
Setouchi and Shikoku
Created by syuvaell
Japan Setouchi Islands Sea and Shikoku focus map Map size 1:2 Huge 四国を中心とした瀬戸内海のマップです 瀬戸内海沿岸には多くの都市が存在します。それぞれを上手く繋いでいきましょう 大都市は幾つかの都市部に分割してあります、様々な資源を送り込みましょう 内陸の資材を沿岸に降ろし海上輸送で沿岸都市を発展させそこから利益を得るのを想定しております 資源の多くは内陸に存在しますが山は険しく道を通すのも難しいでしょう 谷底や山肌を利用して駅を建設する...
Setra S 431 DT Euro V
Created by ICS
The S 431 DT, with its two levels, is not only passenger-friendly, but also exceptionally efficient and variable with up to 87 seats in a full 3-star version with a WC and optional on-board kitchen. This mod include 2 label, first is the Line label and the...
Shader Enhancement
Created by Enzojz
This mod fix and add extra effects on shaders. - Enables shadow free materials - Enables lightmap - Enhanced UV projection solutions ...
Shanghai Metro Line:Bridges and Tracks
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Shanghai Metro is one of the longest urban rail transit systems in the world, its first line, Shanghai Metro Line 1, was officially put into operation on May 28, 1993, making Shanghai the third city in mainland China operating metro lines. Shanghai M...
Shanghai Ferry Pier
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: As many bridges, tunnels, and subways are built, people have much more choices when traveling across the Huangpu River. However, ferryboats with over 100-year's history are still popular choices for pedestrians and cyclists because of their convenien...
Shanghai Metro Line:Stations above ground
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Shanghai Metro is one of the longest urban rail transit systems in the world, its first line, Shanghai Metro Line 1, was officially put into operation on May 28, 1993, making Shanghai the third city in mainland China operating metro lines. Shanghai M...
Shanmei electric locomotive
Created by lisasuki
Shaanmei electric locomotive is a high-power AC drive 12 axis electric locomotive for heavy haul freight transportation of Jingshen railway, which is built by CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. for Shaanxi Railway Logistics Group Co., Ltd. with a single tra...
Shinkansen E2
Created by angier023
The E2 series is a Japanese high-speed Shinkansen train type operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East) on the Tohoku and Hokuriku Shinkansen high-speed lines in Japan since 1997. ※ Top Speed: 275km/h ※ Power: 7200 kw (8 cars set) 9600 kw (10 cars se...
Ship type r51 - 'Moskva'
Created by Winner
А series of two-deck passenger river ships designed for water transport on local lines, as well as for work on city and sightseeing routes ("river tram"). Due to its technical characteristics and unpretentiousness in service ships of the "Moscow" type have...
Signal Type-1
Created by angier023
Modern style Digital Signal and Waypoint Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 Future Plan For those who has the interest toward my future production, Currently I have two goal. First, I intended to make a High-speed train of t...
Skateboarding Assets
Created by Vlajd
Various skateboarding asset, like skatepark obstacles from vienna and classic skateboard decks with/without trucks....
Signal Distance
Created by VacuumTube
Moves all signals with an offset of 8m, so that signals are still visible in the camera view. In tight curves and high gradients, this may lead to nonideal effects. Some signals may become clickable only by the icon. Can be added and removed any time. If s...
Ski resorts
Created by marc345
This mod adds working skiers and ski slopes to the game. Included are six different ski models, three pole models and three different skier speeds. Buses are used to pick up people at the top and take them down. Instructions: 1. Build lift to the top, e.g....
Sloped train station
Created by xmnovotny
With this mod you will be able to build train station with slope. Slope can be set in construction menu when building a new train station. There is also option for how to build station buildings: Slope - buildings will have same slope as platform and track...
Slow Start - Changing train acceleration
Created by GG
This mod is introduced when you feel that the train is accelerating too fast. This reduces the acceleration uniformly for all vehicles, not just one particular vehicle....
Small Boxcar Station
Created by KTYGC
The first author specially made the game module to meet his own needs, and did not consider meeting the requirements of most people. The subsequent script and debugging work is completed by "彬伐". And according to his standard, only Chinese menus are provid...
small fire station
Created by framesfame
+++ mein Erstlingswerk +++ Eine kleine Feuerwache mit moderner Garage. Es handelt sich um ein reines Asset für den Schönbau....
small gondola from 1950
Created by EMP
A small gondola with similarities to the gondolas of the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. In the game, it is 25 km/h fast/slow, much faster than the prototypes with more like 10 km/h. There are also mods to reduce the speed. By the way, the speed of gondol...
Ingo's Small Ports
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds small functional ports and various port accessories to the game. Matching our hotel jetties, several boat dock for small ships are included. In addition, there is also a kind of marina with several possibilities. The ports are only suitable fo...
Small road pavements, highway lining and shoulders
Created by Sparky66
Note: This mod has essentially been replaced by my better roads mod here Contains a few modifications to make roads look better: 1. Modifies modern small city roads so that they now have rai...
SoundMod for CR400BF-C MOD
Created by TravelWhale
SoundMod for YNB's CR400BF-C-5144 MOD Made By Travelwhale No matter you are redirected from CR400BFC-5144 MOD or a visitor from workshop, JUST CLICK CONTINUE AND SUBSCRIBE THE TRAIN MOD. PLEASE LOAD THIS MOD BEFORE YOU LOAD CR400BF-C-5144 MOD! Enjoy!...
Snow on tropical land丨六月飞雪
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Now snow terrain can be found in terrain/paint tools even when you are using tropical maps. I‘m not sure its something like bug or not but I've found that the paint tool "snow" could not be found if the map I'm playing is "tropical" so now this mod a...
Soviet Bus LAZ-695N
Created by InZZi
The LAZ-695 "Lviv" is a Soviet medium-class city high-floor bus developed at the Lviv Bus Plant. The modification under the letter H received higher windshields and a visor at the top. The front and rear doors were the same. Before 1991 the LAZ-695H buses ...
Soviet Railway Signals
Created by AleX_BY
Created by Transport Games Community This is a pack of Soviet signals and railroad stuff as waypoints. Creator: Антон Миргород Convertation (TF, TpF1, TpF2): Ural_102, Vladimir0678, Old, Alex_BY Mod creators are not responsible for the mod and/or game perf...
Spacky_Spaetsommer_und_Herbst_Trees ASSET
Created by spacky-dani
Spacky_Spaetsommer_und_Autumn_Trees Adds the colored trees of autumn or late summer mod to the game as an asset (additional trees). Without coloring your entire save game. Individually at the moment only with Collision. Attention, the mod is activated when...
Created by spacky-dani
old east german gas station - as an industry or asset only without a collision...
Spacky_Trees conifers
Created by spacky-dani
Here the conifers + 2 birches. This mod is experimental and in development. The trees are available as assets and are mixed with the standard trees in newly created maps as far as the mod akiev is. 6 new fir trees added Fixed bluish cast when zooming out F...
Spitzkehre +++ (ehemals Depot mit Prellbock)
Created by Grimes
This mod adds a depot, passenger and goods station without buildings to the game. Additionally this mod replaces the 'Depot with buffer stop' mod by Grimes, of course savegame compatible. You want to support me? Then send me a small donation via Paypal. ht...
Sports & Leisure pack
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. Hoy os traemos un pack con edificios deportivos y de ocio (Fútbol, tenis, baloncesto, piscina, paintball, skateboard, cinemax, burgers, bar, restaurants, grill, bowling, golf, Karts, pub. Se encuentran en la categoría Sports & Leisure. A modo ...
Created by wiye
Created by wiye
Created by wiye
Created by wiye
SS8 Lights Optimized Version
Created by zachariahlee6
This model fixed the problem of the lights of the locomotives in the SS8 model by @Crystal_小哨兵. The lights now can automatically adjust to the headlights/taillights depending on the position of the locomotive in the group。This model also modified the logic...
Station Building Asymmetry Fix (Deprecated)
Created by nary_believe
DEPRECATED: This mod is no longer necessary as Urban Games has fixed the relevant file. I am leaving this mod on the workshop so as to not break anyone's save games. Original Description: For 320 m stations with 7-8 platforms, the default passenger station...
Station Expansion 1.5
Created by lennardo_97
Version 1.5: End year option for eras (active by default!), fixed bugs and compatibility with new "German Stations" mod (work in progress) Looking for more variety in your station arrangements? Your passengers have to jump over the giant gap between train ...
Station Type-1 : Station Modules Pack
Created by angier023
Train Station Type-1 : A lot of Train Station Modules ※ I don’t know how to construct an Instant build file, so you have to build a preset station first and then change the modules inside. ※ Include a variety of accessories such as station buildings, platf...
Station Type-2 : Mini Station Pack (Elevated, Surface, Embedded & Underground stations)
Created by angier023
This is the fictional mini station pack. ※ Please subscribe to the necessary items to support this mod first !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ※ There are 4 types of stations including elevated, surface, embedded, and underground stations. ※ This is a mini station module wi...
Station with Elevated Concourse (Haijima station)
Created by nosrith
Features This is a train station MOD, modeled after the building of the Haijima station in Tokyo Japan. It has an original building structure model and two functional features below. - Overpass for residents. When you place the building on both side of the...
Steamship Ferry
Another port over from TpF1, this steamship ferry is an original design based on a number of typical cross-channel ferries, and comes complete with tinting, aging, functional propulsion and rudder, and the deck will populate with passengers as it fills. Th...
Street Slim Bus & Truck Zones
Created by webbie33
This mod adds the following 6 street types: Medium street with slim bus zone Medium street with slim truck zone Large street with slim bus zone Large street with slim truck zone Extra-large street with slim bus zone Extra-large street with slim truck zone ...
Streets and Roads for Stations
Created by JRobs3930
Requires Street Connection Module Utility to function Adds street access modules based on the base game streets. This mod exist primarily as an example of how a modder (or player with a bit of lua knowledge) can use its dependency to create street connecti...
Stonewall Asset Addon
Created by Ingo-1111
This mod adds a natural stone wall to the game. The wall comes from our mod "Greenhouse Asset 2". In this addon there is now the possibility to use the wall as a draggable fence. In addition, the wall can also be freely placed as an asset. There are also t...
Stuttgart Main Station
Created by [3.19]Icemaster
Its the 24th again? Cool! Stuttgart Main Station The old Stuttgart Main Station how it was until 2010 * terminus station with 16 tracks * optional plus local underground stations Close to former reality... IT COMES WITH 8 platforms with independent lengths...
Substation Assets
Created by Mad Hatter
This mod contains A small local substation typical to residential areas in the UK All the component parts as assets. Can be found in the madhatter category in assets (top hat) Note: updated 09/01/2025 added a lod for the fence to correct performance issue....
Sunset for TF2
Created by Popcat
Sunset on TPF2 ! Replace the default skybox with a new sunset wheater ! Huge thanks to Alkolique for his precious help for this project. And for those who doesn't want tu use it as the default skybox.. standalone Autors : Texture: Densha Weeb Co Autor : Al...
Created by toeloo77
Suo-Oshima island locate at Setonai sea in Japan. Large 1x2 map, 18 cities, 32 industries. Very few flat region, might be tough. 山口県周防大島の等倍マップです。平野が少ないのでプレイの自由度は低いです。...
Suspension Bridge Recolours
This is a very quick and rough mod that adds a couple of reskins of UG's new suspension bridge that they added. Bridge variants come in light gray, light gray and dark green, and black. I'll probably add some more recolours at some point....
Terrain Fever
Created by Haviland
Adds a temperate terrain generator written from scratch. Terrain Fever features various terrain types that you can combine using a selectable distribution type which allows for great flexibility. Create plains, hills, coast lines, islands, huge and small l...
TFMR2.0 (Transport Fever Modular Road)
Created by East Pavilion-er
This is the main modules of TFMR2.0. As a lot of mods need my road for dependency, I decided to separate the roads from the main modules as a standalone mod. WARNING! DO NOT LOAD THIS MOD TOGETHER WITH TFUR MODULES OR ROADS! WARNING!#2 THIS MOD IS INCOMPAT...
TFMR2.0 Bridge (Transport Fever Modular Road)
Created by East Pavilion-er
This is the complement bridge for TFMR2.0. It unlocks in 1920 and has max speed of 120km/h. It includes three bridges: wide pillar, narrow pillar, and no pillar. It also includes prop versions of the pillars. The prop pillars can be found in the "asset" se...
TFMR2.0 Roads (Transport Fever Modular Road)
Created by East Pavilion-er
This is the complement road for TFMR2.0. It includes three types of roads: City Road, Highway, and Urban Expressway. Each type of road has one-way road with 1-4 lanes, and two-way roads with 1-4 lanes per direction. TFMR Roads have lane width of 3.6m, and ...
The Britannia Bridge
Created by cw_315 In 1850, one of the greatest bridges the world had ever seen opened over the Menai Strait in North Wales, connecting Anglesey to the Mainland. This was a pioneer, being one of the biggest box girder bridges ever built at the t...
Created by Remi Gio
Hey there! Next installment of my venture into buildings/assets is The Bund - Shanghai Buildings Collection and a bonus Pyongyang LANDMARK in 2 versions. Altogether you are getting 14 brand NEW FUNCTIONAL buildings for your cities! Some buildings are in my...
The Humber Bridge
Created by cw_315
The Humber Bridge is a 2.2km long suspension bridge to the West of the city of Kingston upon Hull in the UK. Its construction began in 1972 and it was opened to traffic in 1981, and at the time, was the longest single span suspension bridge in the world, n...
The Mountains of East and Central Japan
Created by lilinfeng1001
General description A map for the Kanto and Chubu reigons of Japan Cities and industries not included, and planing and growing cities in the sandbox mode together with the building of railway recommended for the limited construction space between the mount...
Created by Celmi
Timetables I can proudly present my newest Project: Timetables! This mod adds timetables to the game. Timetables can be configured for each line and each station individually. There are two types of timetable constraints that can be added to a station: Arr...
Timetables 1.2 Station Fix
Created by Alex4GER
!!!Use this mod only with Timetables 1.2!!! This mod does some litte changes/improvements in the Timetable-mod by Celmi. - Vehicles wait until the next departure time without beeing stopped. - Vehicles will always use the correct departure time after loadi...
Timetables 1.3
Created by Gregory365
Timetables (1.3) I can proudly present an update to TF2s most popular mod: Timetables! This mod adds timetables to the game. Timetables can be configured for each line and each station individually. There are three types of timetable constraints that can b...
Tool shop
Created by Oldkestas
Small shop, late 19 century. If you like my work, and want to support the release of new fashions, more perfect and beautiful, you can do it here:
Toronto Union Station
Created by thegametrent22
Located in Toronto, Ontario, Canda. In the heart of downtown is this main HUB for GO Transit, Via Rail and Amtrak. Built in 1927 and rebuilt in 1970's...
Tourists Boat
Created by Ingo-1111
The mod adds two fictional motor boats and various boat accessories as well as aquaculture to the game. The ships can be used to transport people. The larger boat can also be used for all goods. The small motorboat can be individually labeled after purchas...
Track Design Patterns
Created by Enzojz
This mod is a revival of the Transport Fever mod of the same name, with Compact Tunnel Entry, paraelle tracks and automatic signalling removed, due to the implementation of better mods. This mod give you possibility to create kinds of track patterns precis...
Track/Street Builder Info
Created by VacuumTube
Displays detailed information for track and street construction: Length Terrain height Slope Speed Curve radius With this, construction and planning can be done much more precisely. When hovering on the field, labels and further data is displayed. Mod with...
Tracks × Retaining Walls
Created by Enzojz
A set of bridge help you build tracks with retaining walls under it. * Shader Enhancement mod is required by this mod to make a correct rendering. Changelog: 1.2 - Support to abutment 1.1 - Skeleton support - Half bridge fix - Switch spot fix ...
Train Sound Mod
Created by jay_
Changes the sound of all vehicles/waggons to realistic ones. (Except steam locomotives.) Place it on the bottom to apply to all vehicles. FAQ: Does it override mod soundsets? No. Will mods use these sounds? If they don't have any custom sound set, yes. Saf...
Train Speed limiter
Created by mzk7
Train Speed Limiter EN= This is a mod that limits the maximum speed of the train through speed-limited invisible carriages, and is suitable for use on line vehicles where you want to limit the maximum speed. This mod provides 37 different speed limiters: 1...
Train station mod pack
Created by majuen
This modification adds new train stations with offset or identical platforms with a road link in between. Currently in the alpha phase! Available from 1990. Have fun with the modification...
Trolleybus 101
Created by berkhofsolaris
roudly presenting Trolleybus 101. Trolleybus 101 is a bus that can only drive by means of an electric motor with power supply via a double-pole overhead line and of which the chassis (BUT) and the electrical installation (EEC) (600V) are made in England. T...
Tramtrack Texture Changer
Created by WernerK
Globally replaces the light pavement textures between the tram tracks with darker cobblestones, as is still used today at many tram systems. Known issues: - The type NEW track bed is designed for use with the usual roads with a smooth gray asphalt surface....
Tunnel Type-1
Created by angier023
An oval shape tunnel entrance that usually appears on high-speed train tracks. P.S. MinTracks = 1 MaxTracks = 2 Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ Still trying to figure out the coding part for the trains. Stay tuned! Futu...
Tunnel Repainter
Created by FL0R1AN
The Tunnel Repainter adds another standard and high speed track. With these tracks the texture of the tunnel walls is changed. This now appears in a more modern concrete look. Additionally the texture of the tunnel wall is changed for the road. New: With s...
Tunnel Type-2
Created by angier023
A common concrete tunnel entrance. P.S. MinTracks = 1 MaxTracks = 2 Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ Still trying to figure out the coding part for the trains. Stay tuned! Future Plan For those who has the interest towar...
Tunnel Type-3
Created by angier023
Gotthard Base Tunnel Style entrance. P.S. No MaxTracks limit also Available for the Road. Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ Still trying to figure out the coding part for the trains. Stay tuned! Future Plan For those who ...
Tunnel Type-4
Created by angier023
An oval shape tunnel entrance. P.S. MinTracks = 1 MaxTracks = 2 Author note: ※ From now on all my mods creation will focus on Tpf2 ※ Still trying to figure out the coding part for the trains. Stay tuned! Future Plan For those who has the interest toward my...
Created by 上局沪段
Created by -
Created by 上局沪段
Created by -
UK Petrol Stations
Created by Adie Gibbs
UK Petrol Station with Scaling & Population. 21 Brands from across the UK, including a couple of older brands. Repainted and uploaded with prior permission. These maybe updated from time to time. Please do not share on other sites. Don't Forget to Gives a ...
Ultimate Station
Created by Enzojz
This mod gives you possibility to create a station with less contraint as possible. Soon after the release of Transport Fever 2, I started thinking about this mod, which should take advantage of its modular construction, combining with the technique that I...
Underground Station
Created by Enzojz
This mod gives you ability to create freely underground station with distinct and interconnected parts, and to create freely street entry at any place you like. This mod requires the following mods to work: * Shader Enhancement mod * Underpass mod To build...
Created by okeating
After popular suggestion in the forums, it is finally here: Undo! This was much harder to implement than I first thought, and there are some limitations but it works reasonably well. Features: - Button to undo up to 10 of the last "build" actions, such as ...
Urban Bus Stops
Created by EISFEUER
Modern urban looking bus stop, available from 2000. This set will be extended in future. Created by EISFEUER - License CC-BY-NC...
Created by Enzojz
This mod helps you create underpass of any topology freely. Usage: 1. Find entries in Road Construction menu 2. Place at least two entres over the map 3. Click on the finish button that apperas on the screen 4. Finished! * This mod requires "Shader enhance...
USSR & CIS Railroad
Created by <DMG>SoLaRiS
The mod adds authentic track of the USSR and CIS. Each track has its own Power pole and sleepers, according to the period of use: 1. Normal tracks - 1850-1909, speed limit = 120 km/h (wooden sleepers); 2. Tracks with PL = 1.5 kV-1910-1934, speed limit = 12...
Vanilla Plus
Created by Devilhunter
Created by Transport Games Ru community Vanilla Plus is a mod which was created for improving visual features of the vanilla vehicles. This is not the balance mod, so you can use it with any mods which change the game balance. So what this mod do? The main...
Vehicle Asset Builder
Created by VacuumTube
With this mod, assets of all vehicles (including mods) can be placed. In the category 'Vehicles' are the following types: Locomotives Wagons Multiple Units Buses Trucks Trams Ships Airplanes This is a pure script mod and does not contain any models, it acc...
Created by EISFEUER
The Vejlefjord bridge is a 1,7km long motorway bridge which spans the Vejlefjord in Denmark. The bridge was finished at 1980. The bridge is available in game from 1980 as road and railway bridge with and without wind protection. Please post bugs here: http...
Ventabren Railway Viaduct
Created by Enzojz
The high speed railway viaduct of Ventabren in south of France. Available from 1990. * The TGV Duplex in the description image is from the mod by Angier....
Vestas wind turbine assets
Created by InfinityRibbon
Small collection of Vestas wind turbines (V17 and V52, both still and rotating at different speeds available from 1990)...
Voxel Loco ‘DF’1 东风1型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 东风型电力传动内燃机车,由大连机车厂于1958年试制成功,原称巨龙型或ND型(N代内燃,D代电传),经数次改进设计后于1963年正式投入批量生产,该机车的前一级内燃机车巨龙号是是学习改进自苏联的ТЭ3型内燃机车的技术并不断发展来的。不过,因为斯大林的逝世,苏联修正主义集团的夺权上台使得中苏友好关系走向破裂,以赫鲁晓夫为首的修正主义集团撕毁了此前由斯大林领导下的社会主义苏联同社会主义中国签订的建设援助协定等友好协定,也因此时撤走了所有苏联派...
Vienna Fever: Bridge and Retaining Wall
Created by ViennaFever
This set contains bridges of different epochs from Vienna. It also contains the famous Stadtbahnbögen by Otto Wagner as track assets. Bridge types Currently this set contains 5 bridges: Vienna Light Rail Bridge (Otto-Wagner railing) Vienna Light Rail Bridg...
Voxel Loco ‘RedStar’ 红星型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 红星型液力传动内燃机车,由四方厂在1962年开始设计并在1964年生产成功。是中国第一代液力传动内燃机车,该车一共生产了18台。但因为牵引力不够等的问题后期均用于工矿调车作业中。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 The RedStar hydraulic transmission diesel locomotive was designed by China's Sifang Locomotive Factory in 1962 an...
Voxel Loco 'Construction' 建设型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 建设型内燃机车,由长辛店机车厂于1958年根据从匈牙利进口的ND1型内燃机车进行技术仿制学习并制造,在1958年8月13日成功制成,当时称呼为600马力内燃机车;该车随后于当年的9月9日下线测试。该车生产了两台并进行了测试,后因该车性能存在不足和问题,并没有量产。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 The CONSTRUCTION type electric drive diesel locomotive was manufacture...
Voxel Loco ‘Forerunner’ 先行型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 先行型内燃机车,有戚墅堰厂联合了上海交通大学、无锡柴油机厂、上海柴油机厂、上海电机厂、上海铁路局及大连机车厂等十多个生产单位的协助从而设计制造而成,该车在1958年试制了一台,采用双柴油机设计。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 The ‘Forerunner’ diesel locomotive was designed and manufactured by the Qishuyan locomotive Factory of so...
Voxel Loco 'DF'2 东风2型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 东风2型电力传动内燃机车,由戚墅堰机车厂于1964年试制成功,该车在早期称为 ND2 型(N代内燃,D代电传动)后再1966年下旬改称为DF2型。而该车也正是大跃进运动时期工业飞速发展中多个型号铁道机车中的其中一个产品。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 The 'DongFeng' 2 electric transmission diesel locomotive was successfully developed by the Q...
Voxel Loco 'DF'2 Turbocharged 东风2增压型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 东风2增压型电力传动内燃机车,由戚墅堰机车厂和多家兄弟单位协助下,于1965年设计,1967年试制成功的干线客运、货运两用内燃机车。它是在东风2型内燃机车的基础上,将6L270E型柴油机进行增压改进,使得功率由1200马力提升到1800马力,该车作为试验改进型只制造了一台。得益于无产阶级文化大革命的号召下社会主义中国的科技飞速发展,该车设计制造的技术得到很大改进,如不再仿制苏联TE3型内燃机车的转向架、增压机、传动系统、电控系统等都为后来...
Voxel Loco 'DF'3 东风3型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 东风3型电力传动内燃机车,由大连机车厂在东风型内燃机车的基础上,于1972年调整了牵引齿轮传动比,由4.41改为3.38;另外也有1970年戚墅堰厂生产的东风3型。该型号机车除了此前提到的传动齿比外,其余各部参数均与东风型一致,最高时速也由100KM/H提高到120KM/H。而该型机车在1974年停产前一共生产了906台;有趣的是,至今还能在现在的工厂专用铁道线上找到还能使用或者封存着的该型机车。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 Th...
Voxel Loco 'DFH'2 东方红2型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 东方红2型液力传动内燃机车,由资阳厂基于DFH1型(无偿援助坦赞铁路的米轨调车)的技术改进制造而成,首台机车于1973年9月27日试制成功。但因为这台机车的吨位轻,轨道粘着力不够,所以在现实中他并不适合用于干线铁路列车牵引。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 The ‘DongFangHong’ 2 hydraulic transmission diesel locomotive was manufactured by the Ziya...
Voxel Loco 'DFH'1 东方红1型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 东方红1型液力传动内燃机车,由四方厂在1966年后根据卫星型改进而来(1966年前共有4台NY1型即卫星型后改称东方红1型),东方红1型,是社会主义中国的第一代液力传动内燃机车。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 The 'DongFangHong' 1(Oriental Red Type 1) hydraulic transmission diesel locomotive was improved by Sifang Factory...
Voxel Loco 'DFH'3 东方红3型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 东方红3型液力传动内燃机车,由四方厂在1970年根据无偿援助坦赞铁路的DFH2型米轨内燃机车为基础改进升级而来,并在次年11月完成试制。目前我通过解密资料能确定的是,东方红3型分为早期型(车号0001~0005)和两种改进型(车号0006后),主要的区别是外观、车辆高度、部分外观构件等。东方红3型机车是在社会主义时期最后几年所诞生的众多独立自主的内燃机车之一,直到1979年6月,该车一共生产了60台。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 ...
Voxel Loco 'FlyingDragon' 飞龙型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 飞龙型液力传动内燃机车,由大连机车厂于1960年成功试制,称为飞龙号,其代号为 'NY 2',期间一直在厂内断断续续测试改进直到1966年9月时才移交给北京内燃机务段进行机车运用测试,并在此时改名为 东方红2型。在随后测试的不到两年时间内,其转向架的轴承就损坏了;测试的司乘评价这台车是'跑三天修俩天',也使得机务处对该车的反馈很差 。而后,在针对机车行走部的长距离可靠性的一次夜间测试中,该机车在 廊坊-北京 的测试区间测试时,其转向架的万...
Voxel Loco 'GiantDragon' 巨龙型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: 巨龙号电力传动内燃机车,由大连厂在1956-1957年派往社会主义苏联学习内燃机车技术的技术人员的前提下,经过苏联专家的悉心指导,在1957~1958年完成了该车的全部设计工作,并在1958年9月底制造出2台试制机车。这款机车是学习苏联的TE3型电力传动内燃机车而制造的,但后来因为机车性能达不到要求未能量产。 -提示:模型非精确测绘,仅供参考。 The Julong(GiantDragon) electric transmission d...
Voxel Loco 'Satellite' 卫星型内燃机车
Created by 0ran9e
历史信息介绍Introduction to R&D History: ‘卫星’型液力传动内燃机车,1958年10月,四方机车工厂在“东风”型内燃机车试制的基础上,开始研制‘卫星’型液力传动内燃机车。经过革命工人们一年的艰苦努力,于1959年9月试制成功,它是社会主义中国的第一台由独立自主设计并制造的液力传动内燃机车,也象征着中国走上社会主义后,仅用时十年时间就从落后农业国一跃发展到大部分基础工业都已建成的国家的标志性代产物表之一;而也正是这种几乎一天一变化的时代,使得这台机车被赋予具有美好、先进寓意的名称—...
VW Transporter T5
Created by Jones
The van will also appear in traffic from year 2003 Top speed: 100 km/h Power: 103kW Capacity: 8 Lifespan: 15 Available: 2003 Price and running costs are defined by the game automatically....
Warehouse Asset (Forklift and Electric Stacker Truck)
Created by nicnac80
Forklift and Electric Stacker Trucks assets. - The models can be found under Landscaping > Assets > Warehouse - 2x Configurable Electric pallet Stacker Trucks - 1x Configurable Forklift Truck - 10x Different attachments for the Forklift - 01. Fork - 02. Pa...
Water All Around: Tropical Generator
Created by Everyone
Tropical island generator that does not have land at the edges of the map and has few other options to improve the land. Have you ever found yourself in the editor, removing cropped land all around these beautiful islands? Regardless, this map generator ca...
Water pumping station
Created by Vitaro
Created by TGR Studio Water pumping station 60s-70s from USSR. Authors: 3D models and textures: Vitaro Conversion: Vitaro Model features: Realistic model PBR textures 4 lods lvl DDS textures 10 workplace for Industrial Mod creators are not responsible for ...
Water Textures Blue
Created by Relozu
Here you can find terrain materials from the workshop entry Water Textures - Natural Water Surfaces from version 1.0. Please note! Please use the initial mod. In the meantime, the water textures there can be enabled and disabled using mod settings. Previou...
Water Textures Foam
Created by Relozu
Here you can find terrain materials from the workshop entry Water Textures - Natural Water Surfaces from version 1.0. Please note! Please use the initial mod. In the meantime, the water textures there can be enabled and disabled using mod settings. Previou...
Water Textures Temperate/Dry
Created by Relozu
Here you can find terrain materials from the workshop entry Water Textures - Natural Water Surfaces from version 1.0. Please note! Please use the initial mod. In the meantime, the water textures there can be enabled and disabled using mod settings. Previou...
Waypoint Railway China
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: China Railway's common signs currently. =What's in? -18 new waypoints. =Known issues? -Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important savegames. This can make it safer though I've already tested them and nothing ev...
Water tower
Created by Oldkestas
Water intake tower. It was designed for construction at the Likhobory station MOZHD (Moscow District Railway), in 1905-07. The game serves as an industrial building, jobs 4....
Waypoint Railway China Expansion 1
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: China Railway's common signs currently. =What's in? -6 new waypoints. =Known issues? -Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important savegames. This can make it safer though I've already tested them and nothing eve...
Waypoint Railway China Expansion 2
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: China Railway's common signs currently. =What's in? -4 new waypoints. =Known issues? -Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important savegames. This can make it safer though I've already tested them and nothing eve...
Well Turntable
Created by Rob
Fixed Missing mesh files: Author is dumb A representation of a UK Standard Gauge Well turntable, found in under the depot menu the turntable can accommodate large steam locomotives and features 23 fully configurable approaches, meaning it can suit almost a...
Winter tree assets
Created by Mad Hatter
So this mod has some winter trees. There are some issues from my view point. Close up they're fine. From a distance they start to look like snowballs on sticks. In attempt to reduce this affect I've increased the detail a bit but this may cause issues with...
Woodhead Tunnel
Created by cw_315
Woodhead Tunnel 3 was completed in 1953 to replace the two existing single track bores through the pennines between Woodhead and Dunford Bridge in Derbyshire on the Woodhead route between Manchester and Sheffield. The tunnel sported a spacious bore with en...
Wisconsin Map
Created by Heinekn
Map of Wisconsin made with a height the elevations are fairly correct. Yes...Wisconsin is quite flat. I did leave a Canal along the side and top margin to allow sea-going traffic. None of the cities or industries are connected yet. That's all your...
World Monuments Collection N.12: Himeji Castle
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. El Castillo Himeji (姫 路 城) Es un castillo japonés construido en 1346 localizado en la ciudad costera de Himeji en la prefectura de Hyōgo, a unos 47 km al oeste de Kōbe. Es una de las estructuras más antiguas del Japón medieval que aún sobreviv...
World Monuments Collection N.20: Buckingham Palace
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. El palacio, originalmente conocido como Buckingham House, era en un principio un petit hôtel construido para John Sheffield, el primer duque de Buckingham. Fue adquirido por el rey Jorge III en 1762 para convertirlo en residencia pública. Con ...
World Monuments Collection N.32: Tokyo Imperial Palace (皇居, Kōkyo)
Created by Lmgordocano
Hola amigos. El Kōkyo (皇居), literalmente, Residencia Imperial o Palacio Imperial de Tokio es la residencia permanente del Emperador del Japón. Es un gran complejo de jardines en Chiyoda, el distrito especial 23 de Tokio, e incluye edificios como el palacio...
Wuhan 2nd Yangtze River Bridge
Created by East Pavilion-er
Wuhan 2nd Yangtze River Bridge is a bridge across the Yangtze River in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. It is located northeast (downstream) of the historic central area of the city's Hankou District and is the northern crossing for the Inner Ring Road. It is...
Created by KTYGC
YXLL's QingChuan Bridge
Created by 樱雪流岚
晴川桥是武汉市建造的第三座城区汉江公路桥,又称江汉三桥。因红色桥拱,亦称“彩虹桥”。位于汉口集家嘴与汉阳南岸嘴之间,紧邻汉江入长江口处。 游戏内参数:基准长度110m,0.7-1.3倍可调。红蓝两种配色。 人行道暂时仅为装饰,无实际作用,因为还没想到妥善的连接到地面的方式。 请在您重要的存档加载本mod之前先开档进行测试,确保可以正常使用。 祝大家玩得开心。...
YXLL's Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge
Created by 樱雪流岚
杨泗港长江大桥(Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge)是中国湖北省武汉市境内连接汉阳区与武昌区的过江通道,是武汉市第十座长江大桥。采用双层公路悬索桥设计方案,主桥为单跨悬吊钢桁梁悬索桥,其中,下层设置非机动车道及检修道。 游戏内参数:基准长度680m(主跨),0.7-1.3倍可调。上层为80km/h双向六车道,下层为60km/h双向四车道,两侧人行道仅为装饰,无实际作用。 请在您重要的存档加载本mod之前先开档进行测试,确保可以正常使用。 祝大家玩得开心。...
Created by 樱雪流岚
一种为轻轨使用制作的桥梁,包含有桥墩和无桥墩两种形式。限速为300km/h。 请在您重要的存档加载本mod之前先开档进行测试,确保可以正常使用。 祝大家玩得开心。...
Created by 樱雪流岚
一种支持最多三层站台,每层可旋转的高架轻轨站。 分为两种样式。 多出站口,每个出站口可单独开关/调节位置。 具有完整的行人进出站路径。 某些情况下跨站台天桥会穿模,建议在穿模情况下关闭跨站台天桥。 仅有80米站台一种长度,建议配合NS SNG: 使用。建议仅适用于市内轨道交通,不建议在长途客运情景中使用。 请在您重要的存档加载本mod之前先开档进行测试,确保可以正常使用。 祝大家...
JP Style Vending Machine
Created by 3ak
自動販売機 (jidōhanbaiki) Vending machines are a common sight in Japan. There are more than 5.5 million throughout the nation. It is the highest ratio for any country with one machine for every twenty-three people. Regarding the de...
Zero Height Bridge
Created by Enzojz
This mod helps you building bridges everywhere, both for rail and road. Usage: 1. With mod loaded, there is an "H0 Bridge" label at the bottom bar of the screen, after it the state "On" or "Off" is indicated. 2. Toggle to state to "On" to enable the functi...
Znaki - road signs
Created by AV
road signs: waypoints and assets. дорожные знаки: вейпоинты и ассеты. ------------------------ my other road mods: - extended ROADS 1.3 - megapack of roads. - extended ROADS 1.1 with signs -...
[BETA]ReS+No.1 Pillarless Canopy
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Railway Station Plus Remake Edition No.+1 Still developing. New roof modules. The way to use this roof is the same as the required mod. It's just this mod's code inspired me a lot so actually it's not a real "required mod", u can use this mod without...
[BETA]ReS+No.4 Platform no platform
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
--EN: Railway Station Plus Remake Edition No.+4 The platform mod provides a new platform, an invisible platform with no platform model to make it a 0 height platform. Easy Platform! -Suggest using with all Re:CRS+ mods. (like pic3) =What's in? -New platfor...
[CNL_2] Fuxing Dian 2B electric locomotive
Created by 彬伐
Important notes: After verifying with some players, I learned one thing, that is, many people who like to plagiarize the module and use it in other games with a little modification are coveting the module about this type of locomotive. So I deliberately ma...
[CRF_C_1] China Railway All Steel Universal Gondola
Created by 彬伐
More than half of China's railways are gondola, and there are so many different types of gondola that only representative all-steel gondola that are used on a certain scale are selected here. -------------------------------------------------- -------------...
[CRF_C_3]China Railway Unit Train Coal Transport Special Gondola
Created by 彬伐
China Railway's special gondola for coal transportation. In order to achieve the requirement of continuous unloading of coal without disassembling the train, the distance between the couplers is strictly limited to 12 meters. ------------------------------...
[CRF_C_2]Three pivot gondola
Created by 彬伐
The development of heavy load freight trains in the world can be divided into the direction of heavy axle weights and the direction of multiple axle numbers. For both directions, Chinese railway engineers have carried out relevant research. For the multi-a...
[CRF_era_1]Cargo waggon in the early days of New China
Created by 彬伐
China's early railroad freight cars, this phase of the vehicles mainly from the war captured, even if the own production of carriages, drawings are mainly from the captured. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C...
[CRF_era_3]Freight waggon in the mature stage of China Railway
Created by 彬伐
China Railway's 60-ton freight vehicles have created a dynasty of China's railway freight transportation. Until today, these types of vehicles have not been completely eliminated, and they are still active on various railway lines on the Chinese land. ----...
[CRF_era_2]China Railway cargo vehicles during the industrialization of China
Created by 彬伐
China's railroad industrialization construction stage freight cars, at this time the country's steel production is still very little, the car body continues the characteristics of the previous steel and wood used in combination. ---------------------------...
[CRF_era_4]China Railway New Century Freight Vehicles
Created by 彬伐
The 70-ton freight vehicle of China Railway is the main freight vehicle model of China Railway Freight since the 21st century. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ B10 1995- Type of goods Food Lifespan 30 years ...
[CRF_K_1] Grain hopper wagon
Created by 彬伐
Grain in China is usually billed by weight, so using boxcar to transport grain is a good economical option. But boxcar loading of grain requires a lot of human labour in addition to a lot of woven bags, so there is a need to develop special grain hopper wa...
[CRF_NX_1] SQ1 special vehicle for transportation vehicles
Created by 彬伐
This is a special double-deck flat car for transporting cars. It was not equipped with a protective shed during the initial trial production, and a protective shed was added at the request of the user. The vehicle is equipped with a car reinforcement devic...
[CRF_era_5] China Railway Large Axle Weight Universal Vehicle
Created by 彬伐
This includes a range of 27T axle weight freight wagons developed in line with China's national railway development plans, with the C80E and P80 currently being the relatively well established models. -------------------------------------------------------...
[CRF_NX_2]China Railway Third Generation Car Transporting Special Vehicle
Created by 彬伐
With the development of the Chinese economy, the old specialized transportation vehicles can no longer meet the needs. Therefore, Erqi Vehicle Factory has developed a third-generation specialized transportation vehicle, which continues the double-layer des...
[CRF_NX_3] DL1 large precast beam transport waggon
Created by 彬伐
The 32-meter precast beam that can support trains running at 200km/h weighs 147 tons. No carriage can meet the transportation requirements in the past. Therefore, CRRC has developed a new transport vehicle to transport extremely heavy precast beams. This w...
[CRF_NX_4] Container Flat Car
Created by 彬伐
The predecessor of NX70 is NX17B. The development goal of NX17B is to be able to load six 10-ton containers. Therefore, the length of NX70 is too long and it has poor adaptability to various facilities. Therefore, CRRC Erqi subsequently developed the NX70A...
[CRF_P_2] China Railway xl25t parcel train
Created by 彬伐
Although CRRC has developed some boxcars that can run at 160km/h, the China National Railway Corporation still uses chartered carriages based on the 25T series passenger carriages to run 160km/h fast freight trains. ----------------------------------------...
[CRF_P_1] China Railway movable side wall boxcar
Created by 彬伐
China Railway's movable side wall boxcars are extremely fast to load and unload, but they are not widely used. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ P66K 2002- Types of goods: grain, plastic, tools, machinery, go...
[CRF_P_3] General Box Cars for China Railways
Created by 彬伐
The 60-ton boxcar has undergone various models of improvement before finally forming the mature design of P64GK This module expands the Chinese railway boxcars. -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------...
[CRF_S_1] China Railway S23 caboose
Created by 彬伐
Some of the two-axle boxcars captured by the Chinese people during the war which drive out foreign invaders and traitors to their own country and establish a centralized government for their own happiness, some were scrapped, and some were transformed into...
[CRF_S_2] China Railway Main Type Caboose
Created by 彬伐
To solve the problems of poor running quality, insufficient body strength, and small observation windows of the donated old cabooses, Chinese engineers independently designed a type of caboose that runs smoothly, is safe and reliable, has clear observation...
[CRI_S_2]China Railway daiyue Station
Created by 彬伐
With the station's railroad being converted into a heavy-duty railroad, and the district having other stations better suited for passenger operations, the station is now nearly devoid of passenger trains. The menu in the game is only available in Chinese. ...
[CRI_S_3]China Railway Xinkou Station
Created by 彬伐
Note: It has recently come to my attention that the Dior brand has maliciously plundered ancient Chinese clothing and floral designs in its new products, an event comparable in severity to the burning of the Yuanmingyuan.In order not to affect the game exp...
[CRF_universal]Universal cargo and parts
Created by 彬伐
This module mainly includes various general models for reference by various models. There are several categories of content including containers, LTL cargo, railway couplers and bogies. Container: 40ftx9.6ftChina-Europe Express Container 40ftx9.6ftZhengzho...
[CRI_S_1]China Railway Shuozhou Station
Created by 彬伐
Some railways did not belong to heavy haul railways at the initial stage of operation, but gradually transformed into heavy haul railways with the development of later times. The result is that although the station retains the passenger service, there are ...
[CRI_S_4]China Railway Ningwu Station
Created by 彬伐
The translation method of "Lunar New Year" represents anti-Chinese doctrine.The lunar calendar cannot be used to guide agricultural production, and more than 3/4 of your Chinese neighbors or classmates can grow vegetables on the balcony. Therefore, the Chi...
[CRI_S_5]China Railway Yuanping Station
Created by 彬伐
In addition to the passenger station yard, Yuanping Station also has a Classification yard serving the local factory and the train marshalling of each branch line. Due to its location as a railway hub, the scale of Yuanping Station is very large. The in-ga...
[CRI_T_2] Replacement of original track
Created by 彬伐
Replace the track provided by the game with the standard track in China. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace standard--------station_widesleeper Top speed: 80km/h -----------------------------------...
[CRI_T_1]China Railway Standard Track
Created by 彬伐
These tracks are used for mixed operation of passenger and freight trains, and their construction is spread all over the country, including four styles of 43kg/m, 50kg/m, 60kg/m and 75kg/m. Precautions: 1. The radius of the curve cannot be less than 145m 2...
[CRL_3] KF1 steam locomotive
Created by 彬伐
In order to complete the railway from Chenzhou to Shaoguan, the Nanjing National Government borrowed money from the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom also obtained the priority to provide the necessary railway vehicles. This section of the railway req...
[CRM_L_1]ShaoShan 5 Electric Locomotive
Created by 彬伐
This is the first fast electric locomotive developed in China. In 1989, two locomotives were taken offline and put into operation for assessment. Only two years later, in 1991, the Ministry of Railways issued a task book for the development of Shaoshan 8 e...
[CRM_L_4]0-6-0 Electric Locomotive
Created by 彬伐
Considering that in 1960 mother China encountered certain difficulties in the development of single-phase AC electric locomotives, and the development of internal combustion engines also encountered certain difficulties, Qi Shuyan tried to develop this hyd...
[CRM_L_5]China Railway HXD2 Series Electric Locomotives
Created by 彬伐
In April 2004, the implementation plan for the modernization of railway locomotive and rolling stock equipment approved by the State Council Executive Meeting clearly stated that "to accelerate the modernization of China's railway transport equipment, we m...
[CRM_L_6]China Railway BJ6001 Diesel Locomotive
Created by 彬伐
This is the world's most powerful hydraulic transmission diesel locomotive, equipped with two 3000 horsepower internal combustion engines, but now there is no remains of this locomotive. The reason why old industrial countries such as the Soviet Union, the...
[CUP_1]Xi'an Metro
Created by 彬伐
China was the only superpower in ancient East Asia. Xi'an was the political and cultural center of China from 221 BC to 907 AD. Therefore, there are rich cultural relics underground in Xi'an. Therefore, every time Xi'an plans to build a subway, archaeologi...
[High Quality] The Netherlands - 1850
Created by Sirion
Hiya! Here's my Christmas present to you lot! A very, highly detailed and utmost accurate version of the Netherlands, around 1850. This map has been in the works for around a week, with a total of about 40 hours, of which 25+ hours spent editing and fine-t...
[CUP_T] 4.5m catenary height metro track
Created by 彬伐
The track that matches the metro vehicle with a height of 4.5m in the pantograph...
[ja_1]Vending Machines
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Vending Machines, Tokyo, Japan....
[ja_2]Anime Billboards
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Have u ever heard of Akiba (Akihabara, Tokyo)? Those anime billboards may impress you a lot. Now with this mod you can build your own Akiba, full of anime boys and girls! All images were found in Baidu and Google....
[ja_4]Pillars 1
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Pillars for and other bridges. Will be better if u r using this:
[jb_11]Railway Viaduct 3
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Railway viaduct, Imitating Tokaido Shinkansen....
[jb_10]Girder Bridge 6
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Girder bridge, Imitating JR style. If u r using Abutment script support then: if your bridge is not too long then u'll get an effect like pic1 automatically....
[jb_13]Bridge 7
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Railway viaduct, Imitating Tōhoku Shinkansen and Keihin-tōhoku sen....
[jb_12]Railway Viaduct 4
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Railway viaduct, Imitating Tohoku Shinkansen....
[ja_5]Catenaries 1
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Some of the poles have not been adjusted and are using real size which means they may not be suitable for some situations. If you are the type of player who tries to copy a real world in his savegame, this mod is recommended. Also, you can use this mod to ...
[jb_14]Truss Bridge 8
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Truss Bridge....
[jb_15]Railway Viaduct 5
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Railway viaduct....
[jb_16]Bridge 8
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Railway Bridges....
[jb_1]Railway Viaduct 1
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Railway viaduct, Imitating JR style. 25/6/2022 update: -针对部分模型的尺寸进行了调整。 15/8/2021 update: -修复无桥墩版名字显示错误的问题。 12/6/2021 update: -新增无桥墩版; -针对部分模型的尺寸进行了调整。...
[jb_2]Railway Viaduct 2
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Railway viaduct, Imitating JR style....
[jb_3]Stone Arch Viaduct 1
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Viaduct, Imitating JR style. ==For this bridge is only designed to be used in horizontal and straight sections with low height, here're some DON'Ts: -DO NOT use this bridge when the height might be more than 13m. -DO NOT use this bridge when you need to ma...
[jb_5]Girder Bridge 1
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Girder bridge, Imitating JR style. =Designed to cross rivers, roads or railway in a short distance and never tested for long distance or curves....
[jb_6]Girder Bridge 2
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Girder bridge, Imitating JR style....
[jb_7]Girder Bridge 3
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Girder bridge, Imitating JR style....
[jb_8]Girder Bridge 4
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Girder bridge, trying to imitate Japanese style. 【Version 1.20】18/06/2021 update: =为适配制作中的1067mm窄轨而调整了桥体边缘至轨道中心的距离。...
[jb_9]Girder Bridge 5
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Girder bridge, trying to imitate Japanese style. 【Version 1.20】18/06/2021 update: =为适配制作中的1067mm窄轨而调整了桥体边缘至轨道中心的距离。...
[je_4]Modular Station & Elevated Modular Station 3
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Asset and track and station module mod which's looks like JR East. Under "Station"→"Construction" you will find: -Buildings for platforms on ground x3(3 Modules 4 Appearences) -Elevated buildings for platforms on ground x2(2 Modules 1 Appearences) -Buildin...
[js_1]Streets 1
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
It is recommended to use this product with All the features I can change are following Road Structure Ordinance(Japan). You can use them in your city whatever the style you ...
[js_4]Bus Stop 1
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
New bus stops. =What's in? -6 Bus stops. =Known issues? --Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important savegames. This can make it safer though I've already tested them and nothing ever happened....
[jt_4]Track 1067mm 2
Created by QQxiaoshui-2
Track with PC3 sleeper. =What's in? -Tracks using new or old sleepers and different types of catenaries (or no catenary). Speed limit: 45/110/130 =Known issues? --Just try and confirm you can use this safely then you can use it in your important savegames....
[Map] Hokkaido and Aomori
Created by Vostok Saporovskii
Precautions This mod requires to set "experimentalMapSizes = true" in "(Steam root)\userdata\(Your ID)\1066780\local\settings.lua". Overview This map is based on Hokkaido(北海道) and Aomori(青森県), Japan. Specification Scale: 1/25Map Size: Megalomaniac 1:1East-...
[TGR] Ikarus 250, 255, 256
Created by AleX_BY
Created by TGR Studio This pack contains large amount of legenday Ikarus buses: city and suburban versions of Ikarus 250 and 256. Ikarus 250.09 (1969-1977) Ikarus 250.12 (1976-1980) Ikarus 250.58 (1980-2025) Ikarus 250.59 (1988-...) Ikarus 255 (1974-1985) ...
[TGR] Motor tanker Type 558 Volgoneft
Created by AleX_BY
Created by TGR Studio This mod presents Soviet motor tanker type 558. This is the most mass produced type of Soviet tanker ships. Motor tanker type 558 (1963-...) There's no bonus content for patrons, but on our Patreon and Boosty you can support TGR Studi...
[UEP2] _13_New_Underground_Garage ( Road Depot )
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _13_New_Underground_Garage ( Road Depot ) Available time: 1985 ---------------------------- Introduction: Used to buy / sell vehicles. Can attract AI citizens / vehicles. --- ---------中文------------ 城...
Created by hugedragonyk
VIDEO: -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _10B_<jiefang_J6H_Oversized_transport_series> - ( Truck + Asset ) V1.1 ------------------------...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _00B_<Topgear_HOVERVAN> - ( Ship + Truck + Asset ) V1.1 ---------------------------- This MOD is the second part of the UEP2-00 series (Old Topgear series) Available time: 2010. SHIP: Maximum speed 35...
[uep2]_00f_<This_is_Tuk_Tuk>_( Truck + Asset )
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _00f_<This_is_Tuk_Tuk>_( Truck + Asset ) V1.1 ---------------------------- This MOD adds three unique Tuk-tuk to the game. (Truck + Asset) They are: 1. Scammell_Mechanical_Horse ----(GRE \ LMS \ Defau...
[TGR] TVZ waggons pack
Created by AleX_BY
Created by TGR Studio TVZ is a main Soviet and Russian plant which built numerous of railway vehicles. This pack include 5 types of passenger wagons, which available in game from 1964. Labels plate shows actual line name. Fo...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _00h_<Schnabel_Railcar_series> MOD available time: 1985 -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Introduction: "Schnabel Railcar" is a railway freight car specially designed for ...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _00i_PJ165_and_Railway_Construction_site_(7-in-1) MOD available time: 1990 -------------------- Before using the mod, please read the instructions carefully: -------------------- Gentlemen, it's time ...
[uep2]_00m_Mr. Bean and the MINI
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _00m_<Mr. Bean and the MINI> MOD available time: 1976 -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Introduction: Time to add a fun mod to the game. This mod will add Mr. Bean and the...
[uep2]_00r_C2/Kch4 locomotive and wagon
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _00r_narrow gauge locomotive and wagon ------------------------------------- Availability: 1949-1958. -------------------- .------- This mod will added narrow gauge steam locomotive and wagon to your ...
[uep2]_016A_<New parking building> - V1.1 -
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _016A_<New parking building> - ( Garage + Station ) V1.1 - yearFrom = 1985 Current version: v1.1 ------------------------------ V2.0 new version preview: This MOD V2.0 will cooperate with ENZOJZ to in...
[uep2]_01_New gas station series v2.1
Created by hugedragonyk
V2.1 version update instructions: (2023/03/18) -------------- (Compatible with TPF2-35300 and later versions) ------------------- Notice: After the MOD is updated, loading the game through the archive will prompt that the model file is missing and unavaila...
[uep2]_023b_Small rest area_(3_in_1)
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _023b_Small rest area_(3_in_1) ------------------------------------- Availability: 1925 -------------------------------------- .------------------- (1). The "Sandbox" MOD that comes with the game need...
[uep2]_027_<Small wood processing plant>_(5_in_1)
Created by hugedragonyk
----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD instructions first :__!! ----------------------------- ----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _027_<Small wood processing plant>_(5_in_1) MOD available time: 1925 ----------------------...
[uep2]_02_ End of Catenary terminal V2.1
Created by hugedragonyk
V2.1 version update instructions: 2023/03/18 --------------- (Compatible with TPF2-35300 and later versions) --------------- -1. Optimized the modeling details, adjusted the LODs distance of the model, and fixed the model collision size range. When the pla...
[uep2]_03_Truck Sales Shop Series v2.1
Created by hugedragonyk
V2.1 version update instructions: (2023/03/18) -------------- (Compatible with TPF2-35300 and later versions) ------------------- Notice: After the MOD is updated, loading the game through the archive will prompt that the model file is missing and unavaila...
[uep2]_040a_Food processing plant_(5_in_1) v2.1
Created by hugedragonyk
--------------- V2.1 version update instructions: (2023/03/18) -------------- (Compatible with TPF2-35300 and later versions) ------------------- Note 1: After the MOD is updated, loading the game through the archive will prompt that the model file is miss...
[uep2]_040b_ Chemical plant_(5_in_1) v2.1
Created by hugedragonyk
-------------- V2.1 version update instructions: (2023/03/18) -------------- (Compatible with TPF2-35300 and later versions) ------------------- Note 1: After the MOD is updated, loading the game through the archive will prompt that the model file is missi...
[uep2]_040c_Tools factory_(5_in_1) v2.1
Created by hugedragonyk
-------------- V2.1 version update instructions: (2023/03/18) -------------- (Compatible with TPF2-35300 and later versions) ------------------- Note 1: After the MOD is updated, loading the game through the archive will prompt that the model file is missi...
[uep2]_040e_Custom Mine_(5_in_1) v2.1
Created by hugedragonyk
-------------- V2.1 version update instructions: (2023/03/18) -------------- (Compatible with TPF2-35300 and later versions) ------------------- Note 1: After the MOD is updated, loading the game through the archive will prompt that the model file is missi...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _040f_Circus_(2_in_1) ------------------------------------- Availability: 1925 -------------------------------------- 1. MOD contains 2 bus stations and 1 depot. 2. You can find the mod in the "road/s...
[uep2]_040g_New Farm_(9_in_1)
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _040g_New Farm_(9_in_1) Industry + Road Station + Train Station + Airport + Depot + Heliport + Asset (9-in-1) ------------------------------ Availability: 1850 -------------------------------------- ....
[uep2]_04a_<Shipyard_5_in_1_(Depot_Station)> - V1.0
Created by hugedragonyk
----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD instructions first :__!! ------------------- MOD supplementary reminder: 1 - The road interface of the MOD is a one-way street, please use a one-way road to connect the entrance and exit of the MOD. 2 -...
[uep2]_04b_Tram and Bus termina v1.1
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _04b_Tram and Bus termina v1.1 ------------------------------------- Availability: 1850. -------------------- .-------Before loading the MOD.----------- (1). Make sure your TransportFever2 version is ...
[uep2]_04c_Modern tram and bus terminals
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _04c_Modern tram and bus terminals ------------------------------------- Availability: 1998. -------------------- Notice: ----Stops 1, 2 for buses and trams use only. ----Stops 3, 4 for taxis use only...
[uep2]_07a_<CRH_EMU_Depot> - V1.0 -
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _07a_<CRH_EMU_Depot> - V1.0 - ---------------------------- available time: 2003. ----------------------------- Introduction: 1. The MOD contains two lengths: 170 meters / 330 meters. 2. The MOD comes ...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _07b_<Locomotive_Depot_Series>_(Rail_Depot)> - V1.1 - ---------------------------- available time: 1850. ----------------------------- 1. This MOD contains: -(1). Train Wash Machine (When you approach...
[uep2]_04d_<BRT_station_and_Tram_station> - beta1.0 -
Created by hugedragonyk
----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD instructions first :__!! ----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _04d_<BRT_station_and_Tram_station> - beta1.0 - ---------------------------- available time: 1990. ----------------------...
[uep2]_05_Soundproof Wall Series ( Track_Asset )
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _05_<Soundproof Wall> - ( Track_Asset ) V1.0 - ---------------------------- Introduction: Contains six types of soundproof walls & a cement roadbed With light on / off option and height / length optio...
[uep2]_08b_ Toll gate (2_in_1)
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _08b_ Toll gate (2_in_1) Available time: 1925 ---------------------------- Introduction: 1. This mod adds a new toll gate to your game. 2. You can find the mod in the road options. Also find traffic i...
[uep2]_08- Small Toll Gate _(One-way)+(truck station)
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- Available time: 1925 urban_expansion_package_II _08_< Small Toll Gate_(One-way version)> - ( truck station ) V1.0 - ---------------------------- Introduction: Small toll gate (One-way version)+(Truck station). Includes two type...
Created by hugedragonyk
-----------2020 - 01 - 30 ---Update beta1.2------------------- Some players reported that an error occurred when using V1.1MOD under the German Windows operating system. Currently EN, zh_CN, RU systems do not have this problem. This temporary update restor...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _09b_<Neoplan_Bus_series> - ( BUS + ASSET ) V1.1 - Availability : 1990, Maximum speed: 100km/h, Capacity: 28 - 65 units (1:4) ---------------------------- Introduction: -(1)-. Re-modeled the Neoplan b...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _09a_<Yutong_E12DD_Double-decker_electric_bus> - ( BUS + ASSET ) V1.1 - yearFrom = 2014, Maximum speed: 120km/h, Capacity: 64 units (1:4) ---------------------------- Introduction: 1. This MOD contain...
[uep2]_12c_<Fire_brigade_series> - 1.1 -
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _12c_<Fire_brigade_series> - 1.1 - ---------------------------- available time: 1850 - 2010 ----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD instructions first :__!! -----------------------------...
[uep2]_12d_ Fire station (1850-2000) v1.1
Created by hugedragonyk
---------------------------- This year's "Adventskalender" gift for _12d_Fire station (1850-2000) v1.1 MOD Today this MOD has been released by the forum activity management team in date order. I am now synchronously publishing the MOD i...
[uep2]_12d_1_<Water_rescue>_(3_in_1) -
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _12d1_<Water_rescue>_(3_in_1) - ---------------------------- available time: 1990 - 1996 ----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD instructions first :__!! ----------------------------- OK...
[uep2]_12h_ Hospital and Rescue (1850-2000)
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _12h_ Hospital and Rescue (1850-2000) ---------------------------- Years when different hospitals appeared: 1850, 1910, 1950, 1975, 1985, 1990, 2000. (station + Helipad + depot) ----------------------...
[uep2]_12i_ Ambulance series _(1850-2000)
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _12i__12i_Ambulance (1850-2000) ---------------------------- Periods when ambulances appeared: 1850, 1910, 1950, 1970, 1985, 1990, 2000. (Truck + BUS + Assets) ----------------------------- !!__Please...
[uep2]_14a_Helicopter & Heliport_(8-in-1) v2.3
Created by hugedragonyk
Version update: V2.3 (important update) 2022/11/22 1. Fix the problem that the fuselage of the helicopter disappears instantly at a certain height when the helicopter lands. 2. Increase the simulation effect of helicopter flight dynamics: -(1) When the hel...
Created by hugedragonyk
-------------------- Before subscribing to use this MOD, please read the following MOD instructions carefully! ! ! -------------------- V1.2 Update: 2022.07.08 - Some modules have been optimized, and the DHC-6 aircraft driver's perspective and passenger's ...
[uep2]_14b_Offshore oil Rigs_(5-in-1)
Created by hugedragonyk
-------------------- This MOD has a helipad, it is recommended to subscribe to the helicopter MOD to use together, otherwise you can only use ships to transport materials. -------------------- Helicopter MOD link:
[uep2]_14e_Santa claus on sleigh
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _14e_Santa claus on sleigh ------------------------------------- 1. Santa Claus in a sleigh may randomly appear near any city on your game map. Whether you can see him or not depends on whether you ar...
[uep2]_15_<New Drive-thru> - ( Station ) V1.1 -
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _15_<New Drive-thru> - ( Station ) V1.1 - yearFrom = 1985 ------------------------------ Contains food and beverage brands from multiple countries. contain: 1 = "Burger_King", 2 = "Chinese_fast_food",...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _18b_<MAN_8X8_Conqueror_F_RV> - V1.0 - ---------------------------- Man 8X8 Conqueror RV, available time: 2010. (Bus + truck + assets) ----------- --About <urban expansion project package II> series ,...
[uep2]_200a_James!! Your train's on fire!!!
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _200a_James!!Your train's on fire!!! ------------------------------------- Availability: 1995 -------------------------------------- Gentlemen, it's time to reproduce the classic scenes from TopGear_S...
[uep2]_20b_<Zoomlion_Concrete_pump_truck> - V1.0 -
Created by hugedragonyk
---- 版权声明:本人所有原创模型作品,未经许可,严禁转载及用于商业销售! Copyright declaration: original model works, without permission, no reprint and commercial sale! ------ ----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _20b_<Zoomlion_Concrete_pump_truck> - V1.0 - ------------...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _18a_<Camping_time> - ( RV_&_bus_station ) V1.0 - Available time: 1978. ---------------------------- This MOD includes a camp& RV park (bus station) And two RVs (BUS+ASSET) (RVs appeared in 1978 and 2...
[uep2]_20a_<Scania_concrete_mixer_and_dump truck>
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _20a_<Scania_concrete_mixer_and_dump truck> - V1.0 - ---------------------------- available time: 2008. Some players left me a message before, hoping that I would bring the concrete mixer truck to TPF...
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _21a_<Scania_8x4_Heavy_transport_series> - ( Truck + Asset ) V1.1 ---------------------------- This MOD is the second expansion package of the UEP2-Heavy transport series. Trucks / Assets Availability...
[uep2]_30_<vehicle_recycling>_(3-in-1 )_[Industry + depot + station]
Created by hugedragonyk
----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD instructions first :__!! ------------------------- ----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _30_<vehicle_recycling_(3-in-1 )> Available time: 1960 ---------------------------- MOD introdu...
[uep2]_23_<Expressway_Service_Area>_(3-in-1 )_[Industry + depot + station]
Created by hugedragonyk
----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD instructions first :__!! ------------------------- ----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _23_<Expressway_Service_Area_(3-in-1 )> Available time: 1960 ---------------------------- Tips:...
[uep2]_36a_road-rail bridge
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- urban_expansion_package_II _36a_road-rail bridge ------------------------------ available time: 1925 ----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD description first!! In order to understand the function of the MOD and u...
[uep2]_40d <international port> (8_in_1)-
Created by hugedragonyk
----------ENGLISH----------- ----------------------------- !!__Please read the MOD description first!! In order to understand the function of the MOD and use it correctly :__!! ----------------------------- urban_expansion_package_II _40d_international_por...
[YXLL_B]400km/h Track Bridge
Created by 樱雪流岚
Since the SQKS under the "China high speed railway 350 km / h box girder railway bridge (900 tons box girder)" mod, I always feel some missing regret. So I made this object to comfort myself. Because this mod violates the SQKS‘s pursuit of "reducing real d...
[YXLL_B]Bridge for Metro
Created by 樱雪流岚
A group of light rail bridges with speed limit of 400km / h have ten forms. In-game parameters: Speed limit 400km / h; Available since 1990; Railway only; There are three kinds of bridge pillar asset that can be adsorbed on the track. Please open the file ...
Created by 樱雪流岚
The following translation comes from Google Translate. A set of standardized roads, including: Three groups of City Roads(CR) with speed limits of 40km / h, 50km / h and 60km / h respectively;; Three groups of Urban Expressways(UE) with speed limits of 60k...
[YXLL_S]Hankou Railway Station.
Created by 樱雪流岚
The following translation comes from Google Translate. Hankou Station, located in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, is under the jurisdiction of China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd. It is the largest European-style railway station in China and one o...
[YXLL_S]Metro Station
Created by 樱雪流岚
The following translation comes from Google Translate. Metro station version 2.0 is coming! Three different lengths of platforms are supported. A brand new platform and canopy, as well as a brand new style of entrance and exit. The layout of corridors on e...
[YXLL_S]Wuchang Railway Station.
Created by 樱雪流岚
The following translation comes from Google Translate. Wuchang Railway Station, located in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, is a special-class station under the jurisdiction of China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd. It is one of the "four mains" in t...
[YXLL_S]Wuhan Railway Station
Created by 樱雪流岚
The following translation comes from Google Translate. Wuhan railway station, located in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, is under the jurisdiction of China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and forms a "meter" shaped Wuhan railway hub together with s...
[YXLL_S]Wuhan Tianhe International Airport
Created by 樱雪流岚
The following translation comes from Google Translate. Wuhan Tianhe International Airport (IATA: WUH, ICAO: ZHHH), located in Huangpi District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, is 25 kilometers away from the center of Wuhan. It is the first 4f class inte...
[YXLL_T]Metro Track
Created by 樱雪流岚
A kind of light rail with a speed limit of 200km / h adopts concrete monolithic track bed, separated short sleeper and type III elastic bar fastener system, retains the original game catenary, and makes a rough rail end bumper. Please open the file for tes...
[YXLL_T]Suspended Monorail
Created by 樱雪流岚
In 1893, German Eugen Langen invented the suspended monorail transit, and built a 13.3km suspended monorail railway in Wuppertal, Ruhr district, Germany from 1898 to 1901. This is the earliest and oldest suspended monorail transit in the world. At present,...
[YXLL_V]Wuhan Metro
Created by 樱雪流岚
The following translation comes from Google Translate. Wuhan Metro is an urban rail transit serving Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. Its first line, Wuhan Metro Line 1 (formerly known as Wuhan Light Rail Line 1), was officially opened on July 28, 2004, a...
【CNCT】Wuhan Bus Station Collection Package
Created by HXD1D0246
This module provides 41 types of bus stop signs and 3 different styles of selectable canopies to enrich bus stops ...
Created by HXD1D0246
"China Petrochemical Guangming" refers to a Chinese Health Express donated by China Petrochemical and named after China Petrochemical. "Health Express" is a specially designed and well-equipped eye train hospital sponsored by some entrepreneurs and ordinar...
【Chinese Railway Vehicle Series】[CRF_NX_5] Chinese Railway D22 Series Long and Large Flatcar
Created by 彬伐
Chinese long and large freight transport cars can be classified into five types based on their structure: concave-bottom flatcars, long and large flatcars, drop-through flatcars, double-bogie flatcars, and clamp cars. Long and large flatcars are typically ...
Created by 【PLUS】DRUNK
Angier Track Type-3
Created by angier023
Taiwan 3rd rail track for Metro ※ This is the track mod to match my other mods. ※ Available: 1990 ※ High polygon count be aware of the computer performance Support Hey everyone! As you all know, making train mods are difficu...