[WOTC] Universal Enemy Compatibility Patch
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List of Supported Mods
For any mod with multiple versions (Sectoid Commander vs Alien Elite vs LWOTC standalone), it doesn't matter which version you have. It's supported.

This mod should be fully compatible with Choose Your Aliens.


ADVENT Divisions:

ADVENT Forces:




Other Aliens:


Psuedo Base-Game Units: There are exactly 4 mods on the workshop that I couldn't support. and They use basegame enemies that aren't present in the normal campaign, and there is no way for me to support them without forcing them upon every user of the mod. As such they will not be supported by this mod by default and will not spawn in normal missions if you run this mod. I have included commented out entries with instructions on how to implement those enemies. To turn on the following mods, here are the instructions:
  • Neonate Vipers Ctrl+F XComELR_groups.ini for "Neonate" and follow the instructions. You will only need to enable one line.
  • Derelict MECs Ctrl+F XComELR_groups.ini for "Derelict" and follow the instructions. You will only need to enable one line.
  • Advent Hunters Ctrl+F XComELR_groups.ini for "AdvCounterOp" and follow the instructions. You will need to enable three lines.
  • (Advent Hunters Revamped). Perform the above steps for Advent Hunters. Then, Ctrl+F XComELR_overrides.ini for "AdvCounterOp" and follow the instructions. You will need to enable nine lines total, in three different sections (TerrorLeaders, AvengerDefenseRNFLeaders, and CovertEscape_InitialRNFLeaders)

A note about custom configs: Sadly all config edits done to change what team an alien is on, ie Resident Evil mods being edited to Lost teams, are incompatible with my mod as that cannot be supported at the same time as base functionality. Those configs will need to be redone via a local version of the UECP.

I don't believe it's possible for me to support Raider Relations without breaking Raider Factions for everyone who doesn't run that mod.

Mass Effect Conversion Mods That Don't Quite Work Right:

'Supported mods,' but commented out as they are most often used as Raiders:

I've seen issues with the Mass Effect, Synthoid, and Combine mods appearing as followers in SITREPs and mission types that they shouldn't be capable of by my mod or their own base encounter lists. My best is that they include some sort of script to put them in every list as part of an intention for use as a total conversion.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Rather Incoherent; júl. 5., 14:35
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115/22 megjegyzés mutatása
Will the Nemesis, Birkin and Halo Elite enemy mods be supported soon?
Rather Incoherent  [Fejlesztő] 2023. szept. 11., 6:42 
Robertman2 eredeti hozzászólása:
Will the Nemesis, Birkin and Halo Elite enemy mods be supported soon?
Nemesis and Sanghelli Spec Ops are already supported but I forgot them in the list. I'll add support for G-Virus in an update late tody.
Rather Incoherent  [Fejlesztő] 2023. szept. 11., 14:36 
It uses the same enemy names as the original Combine mod, but with different Force Level progressions, so I'll only be able to properly support one.

Having said that, it looks like the old one is marked as deprecated, so I should support the new one. I'd say I'll fix that in the next version BUT I can only support them as Advent units or Raider units, not both. Since 3/4s of the users of the new version also use them as raiders, I'll be including commented-out support for them as ADVENT units, and leaving them untouched so that they continue to function as 3rd party raiders.

Unless they use story gating like vanilla codex to accomplish that, in which case I'll be able to do both. I expect that's not the case and that it's just removed from the old encounter lists, but I'll have to look into that for raider mod that could double as standard units.
Got a few you might have missed, ableit not 100% sure if all of these are applicable so apologies if this post is a waste of time.

Enemy Showdown: Sundowner https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2815437180
Corrupt Avatar - Elder's Corruption (Sitrep comes with its own special enemy, not sure if it needs specific support or if already supported) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1857370380
Muton Centurion Standalone https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1972274071 (States it is different than the Long war pack version, not 100% sure)
Plague Outbreak https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2972461246 (Has three mission type specific enemies, not sure if they need specific support)
I'm having problems with getting the mod to subscribe and download. Does anyone have a direct download link?
Same with this one : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3013744547
Legutóbb szerkesztette: OtoshiGami; 2023. szept. 13., 4:56
Rather Incoherent  [Fejlesztő] 2023. szept. 13., 13:11 
@Haxray 3 of those aren't done via encounter lists, meaning they should continue to function normally. In the future I'll need to make a list of mods like that, but not today.

Muton Centurion Standalone should have support. I'll add it to the notes and put it in with the next update. Thank you.

@OtoshiGami No idea why steam's being weird with you. Hope it sorts itself out :(
I have a question with the Viper Advent diversity Initiative
since in it's vanilla version it get's rid of the vanilla viper, ABA Boas, Armored/PSI Armored vipers does this mod do the same if I have it installed? I would like to keep them like the armored vipers so I can have their autopsy's ^^;;
the link to sangheili spec ops redirects to nemesis instead
Seems that Advent Hunter Restoration is missed
Awesome mod, a labour of love. Even better than the excellent ECP mods.

- Just flagging the Requiem Legion has new units for Floater, Heavy Floater and Cyberdisc.


Units[59]=(Template="AHWCyberdisc", MinForceLevel=17, MaxForceLevel=99, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=4), \\
Units[60]=(Template="AHWFloater", MinForceLevel=5, MaxForceLevel=10, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=2), \\
Units[61]=(Template="AHWFloater", MinForceLevel=11, MaxForceLevel=14, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=4), \\
Units[62]=(Template="AHWFloater", MinForceLevel=15, MaxForceLevel=99, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=8), \\
Units[63]=(Template="AHWHeavyFloater", MinForceLevel=10, MaxForceLevel=14, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=4), \\
Units[64]=(Template="AHWHeavyFloater", MinForceLevel=15, MaxForceLevel=99, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=8), \\

and Group="RequieumFollowers"

Units[23]=(Template="AHWCyberdisc", MinForceLevel=19, MaxForceLevel=99, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=4), \\
Units[24]=(Template="AHWFloater", MinForceLevel=14, MaxForceLevel=99, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=8), \\
Units[25]=(Template="AHWHeavyFloater", MinForceLevel=15, MaxForceLevel=99, MaxCharactersPerGroup=4, SpawnWeight=8), \\

do those values feel about right?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: jonboy; jan. 22., 2:57
Also wondering if the CryoPriest should be in the Purifier group rather than the Priest group despite the lore and name?

Also if it is intentional that the ExaltedPurgePriest appears at FL21 as a Leader but FL19 as a Follower? Should this be reversed?
we got a new enemy mod (Kind of) though I'm not sure how it will work with UECP, the Derelict Mec, and the Neonate Viper mods
It seems that Requiem Legion add a new unit. Anyone know how should I add it into the encounter list?
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