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A Better ADVENT: War of the Chosen
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1.045 GB
Sep 2, 2017 @ 2:51pm
Dec 27, 2019 @ 8:17pm
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A Better ADVENT: War of the Chosen

In 2 collections by DerBK
A Better Everything
13 items
Remember the Ayylmao
81 items
-- A Better ADVENT --
-- Enemy Overhaul for War of the Chosen --
-- by DerBK --

Requires XCOM2 version: War of the Chosen
Requires DLC: none
Requires other mods: none

FAQ, General Info and Troubleshooting for my mods can be found here:

A Better FAQ


More detailed info on the mod's content here:




(Note that i do not speak these languages myself, so i can't guarantee them being accurate. These are from other people who gave those files to me)

Traditional Chinese by seisyuku: Dropbox link[www.dropbox.com]

Korean by Brain_is_Back: Google Drive Link[drive.google.com]


Since this is a question that is asked several times per week, i wil give this one a special spotlight right here:

Q: The mod laucher shows "Conflict found for 'X2Action_MoveClimbWall'", is this an issue?
A: It isn't. The ClimbWall override is a method that several mods (ABA, MOCX, WWL, ...) use to enable wall climbing animations for units that previously didn't have any. All those mods do exactly the same thing here, so it's not a conflict, it's just redundancy. Ignore it.

A Better ADVENT is an ambitious enemy and AI overhaul for XCOM2: War of the Chosen, introducing new enemies with their own abilities, behavior and equipment.

The goal of the mod is making the tactical layer of the game more exciting. This is done through enemy variants and by completely overhauling the AI. This mod’s goal is not just to add more enemies to the game. It adds “better” enemies that open up new lines of gameplay with their impact on combat tactics. To that end, a high priority has been put on making AI changes and improvements, both global (Mimic beacon behaviour, engagement ranges, …) and local (Snipers stay back, Shotgunners flank, …).

With the combination of smarter AI, more resourceful enemies and new endgame challenges like the Prime Enemies, the game gains a lot of extra challenge that can’t just be neutered by one or two dominant strategies. All the things in A Better ADVENT are designed to work together. The mod doesn’t just add a bunch of unconnected random stuff, it directly improves the core gameplay of XCOM2.

Fair Warning: A Better ADVENT is considerably harder than the vanilla game.I suggest playing at least one difficulty setting lower than you are used to for the first ABA campaign, as there is a lot of new things to learn.


Any modder is allowed to pilfer, re-use or re-upload any of ABAs assets, scripts, doodads and thingamajigs in any way or form that he wants to. This of course doesn't extend to the assets that i took myself from other people like Kobazco's Elite Viper or Long War Studio's Muton Centurion and Drones. When in doubt, just ask.
Popular Discussions View All (48)
Sep 17, 2023 @ 7:31am
PINNED: Using ABA with other AI mods
Jul 12, 2021 @ 3:34am
Dealing With Primes
Jan 15, 2020 @ 7:22am
PINNED: Legend + Beta Strike + ABA : What it's like
william09703 Feb 9 @ 10:07am 
alright, thx
DerBK  [author] Feb 9 @ 10:03am 
Prime Units aren't necessarily in Bosses, that's just for the Sectopod and Gatekeeper Prime. The others are with their other variants.

As for the numbers... just look at what numbers are there and modify them. If you see that the MutonM4 has a spawnweight of 25 and you want to see fewer of them, try 20, 15, 10... whatever you feel is more to your tastes. I can't know what you want.

Be careful not to accidentally delete any semicolon or brackets or whatever. If you mess up the formatting in the ini files, that can lead to crashes during pod generation when you enter a mission.
william09703 Feb 9 @ 9:41am 
I think it's the one in the folder named "Bosses"? well. what values should I change to for SpawnWeight if I like some of prime units spawn lesser?
DerBK  [author] Feb 9 @ 8:43am 
In the folder Config of my mod you can find subfolders for the various enemy types. In them, an EncounterLists.ini. That's the file that has the spawnweights the enemies. The Primes are usually called something "M4" in those lists, for example "MutonM4" is the Prime Muton.
william09703 Feb 8 @ 8:29pm 
is there a way to tone down prime unit's appearance? I like them being strong, but it rather jarring to see 2 or even 3 of them appear in just one mission for me
DerBK  [author] Feb 3 @ 9:27am 
Oh, i am also seeing right now that Shezagoroth's comment is already a month old. Not sure why Steam displayed it to me as a new comment only now...
DerBK  [author] Feb 3 @ 9:26am 
A Better Campaign: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1143033221
A Better Campaign PLUS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1143032623

The Plus version also increased pod sizes.
DerBK  [author] Feb 3 @ 9:24am 
There are a couple missions in the game that relate to the main quest that have fixed pods instead of the regular random ones. That's why ABA doesn't replace those. Examples are Gatecrasher, the Psi-Gate and also the final mission.

However, i also made a mod called A Better Campaign that you can use together with ABA to include ABA enemies on those main quest missions.
Shezagorath Jan 3 @ 9:13am 
I'll never play without this mod ever again. Many thanks to the creator. I will just say that although it absolutely saved the Late Game for me, I was surprised that in the final battle I had no spawns from this mod, no primes or anything, so those Avatars just got slaughtered. Not sure if intentional but the final fight definitely needs some of this mod's primes.

Also to note that I didn't need to adjust my difficulty from Ironman Commander either but I did almost entirely wipe against the second Chosen due to the primes spawning in to support him. Other than that one near wipe there were no close calls. The mod kept me on my toes the entire play-through but wasn't unbalanced at all.
DerBK  [author] Dec 30, 2024 @ 4:29pm 