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[WOTC] Dual Wielded Pistols 2.0
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26. srp. 2018 v 12.27
27. led. 2023 v 23.47
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[WOTC] Dual Wielded Pistols 2.0

This mod contains animations and critical code that allow soldiers equipping and using two pistols at the same time. Out of the box, the mod allows Dual Pistols to be used by:
  • 5 base game classes: Ranger, Grenadier, Sharpshooter, Specialist, Psi Operative.
  • 3 hero classes: Reaper, Skirmisher, Templar.
The mod now supports vast majority of shooting abilities, such as Rapid Fire, Chain Shot, KillZone, Fan Fire, Faceoff, etc. These kinds of abilities will visualize as Dual Pistol Shot and apply damage from both pistols. Note that attacks from the offhand pistol have a global -20 Aim penalty.



In order to equip weapon upgrades (e.g. Scope) on the Secondary Pistol, you will require at least one of these mods:
  • [WotC] Weapon Fixes is highly recommended to fix Shredder perk not working with Primary Pistols.
  • (WOTC) Utility Slot Sidearms Extended is highly recommended. It would allow soldiers to use Dual Pistols, and still equip their intended Secondary Weapon in a Utility Slot.
  • [WOTC] Open Class Weapon Restrictions will allow mod-added soldier classes equipping Dual Pistols if they were capable of using a Pistol or an Autopistol in any slot.
  • Akimbo Class - this soldier class uses animations from this mod and features many distinctive abilities.


  • Some soldier abilities do not work correctly with Dual Pistols. Please consult the Ability Compatibility List.
  • There are no Armory Animations for new soldier attitudes added by Tactical Legacy Pack. The soldier will act as if they are holding a rifle. Making armory animations is super annoying and takes way too much effort. Don't expect me to fix this any time soon.
  • Dual Pistol Animations don't work in Character Pool.
  • Some animations look awkward when using Utility Slot Secondary Weapons, especially those related to swords.
  • If you use a pistol with some sort of special active ability, it may not work correctly. Shadowkeeper's Shadowfall works correctly, though.
  • The Secondary Weapon Pistol has infinite ammo. Equipping it with Extended Magazine or Auto Loader does nothing.


This mod allows soldiers to equip pistols from Primary Secondaries into the Primary Weapon slot, and XCOM's "normal" pistols into Secondary Weapon slot. When you do equip two pistols on a soldier, this mod will automatically load Dual Pistol animations.

Then, when you enter Tactical Combat, the mod will take a look at soldier's equipment. If the soldier has a Utility Slot Secondary Weapon equipped, this mod will automatically transfer relevant abilities to that weapon.
For example, you can equip Dual Pistols on a Skirmisher, and a Utility Slot Ripjack, and the mod will automatically make the Ripjack-related abilities activate using that Utility Slot Ripjack. Yes, this is something that the mod needs to do, it will not happen naturally.

Some abilities from mod-added soldier classes may not be treated correctly, as the mod needs to be specifically configured to know what to do with each ability.

Then, when you engage in combat and shoot enemies, the mod will automatically try to figure out if it should activate Secondary Pistol Shot after each ability.


The mod is highly configurable through:


This mod features nearly 200 custom animations, including full suite of Photobooth poses, all of which are created by Iridar.
Critical code provided by Musashi and robojumper.
Sincere gratitude towards MrNice for their infinite patience and their help in creating correct ability visualization for this mod.
Thanks to PZ, the author of Utility Slot Sidearms Extended, for their help and consultation in making this mod compatible with theirs.
Big thank you to CX Mod Team as a whole for providing valuable feedback, advice and a warm place to call home.

Please support me on Patreon[www.patreon.com] if you require tech support, have a suggestion for a feature, or simply wish to help me create more awesome mods.
Populární diskuze Zobrazit vše (7)
24. lis. 2020 v 6.57
Compatibility with Long War of the Chosen
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PŘILEPENO: Ability Compatibility List
22. čvn. 2023 v 10.44
Русский перевод
Počet komentářů: 515
Alastor The Puppet 14. kvě. v 9.01 
I find it quite odd. I don't think dual wield it self is that powerful. Maybe with the akimbo class mod but I don't use the skills from them. Lightning hands and Return Fire also only shoots once. Anyway thanks for the heads up.
Iridar  [autor] 14. kvě. v 8.45 
It is by design, a balancing measure. If you don't like it, you can reduce it to 0 in the config.
Alastor The Puppet 14. kvě. v 8.38 
Well that's it then. Pretty annoying tho.
Iridar  [autor] 14. kvě. v 8.35 
> Note that attacks from the offhand pistol have a global -20 Aim penalty.
Alastor The Puppet 14. kvě. v 8.30 
I don't know what causes this but the second shot has -20% aim chance (example: first shot 95% second 75%). Maybe it does not receive the right buffs from weapon range but idk.
fR0ZzZEn 23. bře. v 7.45 
Привет, установил все как полагается, все необходимые моды включены. Но почему то после первой миссии, у солдата с Классом Акимбо, у которого и основное и вторичное оружие в оснащении выбраны пистолеты, пистолеты в руках не появляются. Вместо этого солдат держит в руках невидимую винтовку.
DdaY 31. pro. 2023 v 3.08 
I see
truly unfortunate because im using your autopistol overhaul and would love to be able to use two of them. Thanks for your reply i highly appreciate it!
Iridar  [autor] 31. pro. 2023 v 3.03 
I don't know what is Dualwield Autopistol. This mod doesn't support dual autopistols because there are no firing animations for them, and if I'm gonna make new akimbo animations, I'd rather redo the entire dual pistols animation set, because I'm not really happy with them. But that's gonna take a long time, so it's not gonna happen soon. Considering autopistols are just cosmetic alternatives to pistols, it's not a high priority for me.
DdaY 31. pro. 2023 v 3.00 
Do you consider looking itno the unsupported Dualwield Autopistol? This would round out this mod perfectly in my opinion and i cant seem to find other mods that would support this kind of playstyle besides akimbo class, but i would prefer not having another class in the game
Iridar  [autor] 21. říj. 2023 v 12.49 
То что AML не подсвечивает конфликты - не значит что их нет, он обнаруживает только пару типов. Я не знаю как сколько народу ухитряется что-то делать не так, но мод работает нормально, это точно.