已遊玩 453 小時
400 Hours Later, Waste of time...........

(Original Review)

Apologies if this is a bit long, but I just want to get my point across.

A lot of people are writing negative opinions with very little clarity. Please let me explain my situation as someone that has played all the versions of Bless that have been released so far (Online, Unleashed, Mobile). I have very little issues with the current state of Unleashed. It is a competent free-to-play Korean MMORPG. However, the business practices of the parent company mean you need to avoid this game.

From my understanding, Bless was originally announced in 2011 as a Unreal 3 RPG. When it eventually got released in regions Korea, Russia, Japan, and the West (NA/EU) it failed immensely. So much so that it got repeated re-releases in some regions and was shut down on Steam in under 18 months.

This company only cares about one thing, Making as much money as quickly as possible. This should not be a surprise since Neowiz in mainly a mobile developer. Somehow in the early 2010s they obtained about $50m million to make a PC MMORPG. That project failed immensely and since then they have been whoring out the assets as much as possible to try make a return:

Firstly. - the main versions of Bless Online - Korea, Japan, Russia, then the West
Secondly - Bless Mobile - the first mobile game that is about to shut in Korea after 18 months (outsourced to Joycity
Thirdly - The console version of Bless Unleashed (published by Bandai Namco) which served as an inferior Beta version that will be released on PC.
Fourthly - THE PC Version of Bless Unleashed (self published by Neowiz similar to Bless Online after it was dropped by Aeria Games in 2017) which is a cheap port that they couldn't even be bothered to fix the UI/UX problems brought over from console.
Fifthly - A SECOND mobile game is being developed in China by a company called Dragon Quest Games that will launch soon after this game.

Neowiz are only in this for a return on investment i.e. to make money for a stupid investment a decade ago that is still costing them. MMO players put money into games expecting that they are a worthwhile investment. Bless is the antithesis of this and will probably shut down in the next 1-2 years.

I have not even mentioned the aggressive cashshop, the tons of assets reused from Bless Online, or the even more content that is missing that they will push through in future "as part of future updates".

Do not give this company a cent, they are scam artists that probably bribed Park Geun-hye and that's the only reason they were never brought to court.
總時數 8,926 小時
最後執行於 5 月 31 日
總時數 236 小時
最後執行於 5 月 30 日
總時數 520 小時
最後執行於 5 月 30 日