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Items (139)
イケメン種族 / IKEMEN Race
Created by (+_+)
Mod name : ep_ikemen Translation Patches  IKEMEN Race English Translation Patch  池面男汉化 IKEMEN Race Chinese Translation Patch by 翻斗花园牛图图 Animation Patches  IKEMEN + MCA EXTENDED PATCH by slY.  IKEMEN Race + Animation by Pers  Project -Ultimate Anim Patch- b...
Created by Shad
一种轻便的女式便鞋(男性也可穿着),采用经典浅口设计,用于彰显长腿。 你可以在各大装备商店里买到。 A type of ladies' shoes. warning:This mod only supports Chinese. ...
制作书和ai核心(Make ai cores and books)
Created by 冰陌
可以制作ai核心、古代科学书、工程研究、书。添加这四种道具的储具,存储上限25000。 制作台名为科研制书台,解锁制书后可解锁。同时将科技研究台的储物堆叠上限提升到100。 书:1级科技要求。 解锁:100棉花,100水稻 制作:10棉花,10水稻 工程研究:2级科技要求。 解锁:50书,50电子元件 制作:5书,10电子元件 古代科学书:3级科技要求(4级科技水平要求古代科学书,所以3级开放制作) 解锁:50书,20工程研究 制作:5工程研究,1书 ai核心:5级科技要求(6级科技水平要求ai核心,所以5...
Succubus race月姬、CF晴雅惊蛰皮肤、魅魔
Created by RO RO RO RO RO RO
This is a revised version of the Succubus 3-in-1 mod. Originally, I collaborated with RO RO RO RO RO RO, who helped me complete the FCS part. This time, I have added two new characters, Moon Princess and Seiya, with materials from Lineage 2 and CF Mobile. ...
囚犯产奶MOD CN
Created by toBee
It is a simple mod to let your prisoners produce milk. But it is for only Chinese now. I am badly sorry for my poor English. 一款给让你可以挤囚犯的奶的mod。需要三级科技的医药工作台和相关研究来制作催乳药和挤奶器。 在拿着催乳药的情况下与笼子中的囚犯第一次对话施加药剂,而以后挤奶则只需要挤奶器。 挤奶会让囚犯消耗大量体力而长时间昏迷,囚犯会在被挤的过程中逐渐被驯服,对话会发生变化,同...
新增套装 more suits
Created by HolyLight
新增一些套装 获取方式 : 研究suit科技->建造suit工作台->制造suit 注:人物是另外一个种族mod how to acquire : suit tech->build suit creater->craft suit ...
Created by AshBalrog
重要 重要 重要:应为模型面数问题所以穿上盔甲不显示的玩家请多加载几次存档,实在是抱歉。 新加入了4套盔甲与2把武器。 护甲 乌木护甲套装(需要六级科技与“乌木合金锻钢技术”才可以研究) 秘银护甲套装(需要六级科技与“秘银合金锻钢技术”才可以研究) PS:这两个护甲需要的特殊科技书请在虫之主那里的两个新加入敌对NPC那里拿。敌人是两个属性80的猛男加一堆蜘 蛛,难度略大请做好准备再去打。 灰白护甲套装(五级科技研究需要Ai核心X2和“古代盔甲图纸”才可以研究) 灰烬回家套装(五级科技研究需要Ai核心X2和“...
甘雨 原神
Created by Carambola Bella
早上好kenshi!我现在有Genshin Impact!但比起Genshin Impact,我更喜欢Genshin Impact的角色甘雨!所以我制作了这个mod,模型源自网络,如果侵权我会删除这个mod .甘雨会出现在The Hub 枢纽城,招募不需要开币 .如果遇到模型变黑,只需要招募后将丝袜脱下再穿上 .存在穿模现象,后续也许会修改 所有模型附带的readme均已放入mod文件夹内 模型网站 Only Chinese, sorry 中国...
申鹤 原神
Created by Carambola Bella
你说的对,但《原神》是由上海米哈游网络科技股份有限公司制作发行的一款开放世界冒险游戏...难蚌 Genshin Impact的角色申鹤mod,如果侵权我会删除这个mod .申鹤会出现在Admagb(阿德马克),招募需要400开币 所有模型附带的readme均已放入mod文件夹内 模型网 Only Chin...
雷电将军 原神
Created by Carambola Bella
雷电将军的刀法,足以撼动整个稻妻,给愚人众一点小小的稻妻震撼,这就是稻妻,听心海说 Genshin Impact的角色雷电将军mod,如果侵权我会删除这个mod .雷电将军会出现在Heng(恒城) .所有模型附带的readme均已放入mod文件夹内 模型网站 Only Chinese, sorry 中国語のみ、ごめんなさい...
Created by AGO
Here is the link for the English patch このMODはユニークキャラ7人とそれぞれにアーマーを追加します。 アーマーのブループリントは各ユニークキャラが持っています。 ユニークキャラにはそれぞれ専用雇用ダイアログを持たせ、それぞれにバックボーンが語られます。 ダイアログは初めての試みなので粗があるかもしれませんが悪しからず。 ダイアログパッケ...
(Kci汉化)Cannibals Expanded CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Cannibals Expanded ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Legendary Weapons CN
Created by TerrorBlade
需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: Legendary Weapons ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: 这个mod增加了9个独特的,高质量的后期武器,以及9个附带有趣且独特的个性和互动的NPC,1个可招募NPC,6个独特遗迹位置,与精心设计的内部结构,还有成吨的对话让这些新增内容完美融入原版Kenshi世界。 没有一种武器的威力太变态,每件武器的质量都与铭刃(明东/Meitou)武器大致相同,但在某些方面有一些额外的优点(...
10x Output - Input - and Storage Stacks.
Created by HeroinAction
Modifies all storage and production buildings the player can build, so they can store the 10-fold amount of items: - applies to all storage containers: e.g. the amount of storable electrical components is increased from 25 to 250; (Also modified are builda...
Advanced Camping
Created by Atlas
Advanced Camping Mod Mod Contents The mod contains the following new & reworked additions. Camping+ Blueprint -This Blueprint unlocks everything in one go. It's Sold at most (probably all) Travel Vendors. 1 New Material Type...
Advanced Camping 露营增强!汉化版!
Created by ザクリア
============================ 高级露营,全汉化,介绍自己去原版看翻译,也是我翻译的 ============================...
Advanced CN fix
Created by Rayforward
This is a chinese fix mod 这是什么? 这是一个针对官方中文有如机翻般的系统、物品名称、物品介绍文本进行巨大量修复的汉化mod 你做了什么? 我通过学习游戏的运行及汉化机制,在最大程度上保留官中译名的基础上自行修正了汉化文件中的main、gamedata等文件中巨量的描述不明、机翻、一词多译名等问题,希望大家喜欢 这东西怎么用? 这个汉化完全是配合官方中文使用的,请不要配合其他的汉化mod一同使用,支持不开新档起效 PS:所有NPC的名字、建筑名称、家具名称、地图上显示的地名在生成(...
Created by 2417074333
(Kci汉化)New Weapons Dissemination Mod CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: New Weapons Dissemination Mod 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: - 添加了大量新武器,并发放到全世界。...
256 Recruitment Limit
Created by Aurelia
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS 256 A mod to increase recruitment and squad limit. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 50 Increases maximum number of squads from 10 to 20 Instructions: Simply subscribe ...
Advanced Outpost Buildings Plus
Created by Hoser
This mod adds a variant of the Outpost s-III and Outpost s-IV buildings, both taller and containing an extra floor. The mod also fixes up some sections of the vanilla meshes for the Outpost s-III and Outpost s-IV. They will unlock along with the regular ou...
Advanced training dummies高级训练假人汉化
Created by SD
Advanced training dummies高级训练假人汉化 汉化版更新日期2019年2月17日 原作者更新日期2018年12月21日 修正翻译 这个原始的英文mod地址 修改至50级,70级太正义了! -增加训练假人(至50级,正常速度) 暗杀 隐身 盔甲史密斯 武器史密斯 十字弓 开锁 攻击 防守 强度 灵巧的 韧性 炮塔 武术 道奇 友...
Animal Backpacks
Created by Hatsune Neko Gaming
Have you always wondered where those backpacks for your critters are? Well look no further as you now have one. This mod adds backpacks for nearly all critters. It does not add the animals themselves, you will need others mods for that. This just makes sur...
Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting
Created by Blubb
06.07.2019: I made my custom race support mod (only jrpg_race for now) public. Feel free to test it, hope it works for everyone (make sure to test with a new game first!): 22.02.2019: No upd...
Armor; Nomad Cape
Created by Acord
uppdate: 2019-07-30 Nomad Cape exist as an chest piece now, Nomad faction will now be using it as well. ____________________ this is the Nomad Cape, my first armor for the kenshi workshop. there are some cliping issues, it was very hard to paint weight the...
Ashen Hive
Created by dfgrews
Oops I made another hive mod.... "What few adventurers lucky enough to return from the Ashlands often come back traumatized, babbling incoherently about horrors of metal and flesh. Some forsaken souls speak of stickmen stalking them from behind ash clouds,...
Attack Slots x3
Created by Hatsune Neko Gaming
Enables Attack Slots x3 A simple mod that changes the base attack slots. Vanilla game has it set to 1, so only one on one combat is possible. This version is set to three. so three NPCs or players can attack the same target. Load order should be at the bot...
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 (Quivers added!)
Created by Elwo Update 2.0 is LIVE! After making my own faction/armor mod I decided to get back to Backpacks Expanded and deliver some of my promises regarding it. So the main focus of this update are quivers! I've also refied some stats an...
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 (Quivers added!) 背包拓展2.0(增加箭袋) 中文版!
Created by ザクリア
重新制作了一遍,之前导出时出错了中文显示不全 加了很多背包(还蛮好用的,还好看) Original Mod
Better Crop Fences
Created by Wunkay
FOR BEST RESULTS, IMPORT YOUR SAVE. NEW: Holy Farms should no longer have floating fences. If you find an NPC farm that has floating or strangely placed fences, let me know! Will require save import for changes to take affect on prior saves. Patch for Gene...
Beautify For Storage(food)
Created by CopperSSheen
!!!!!!PS!!!!!!! For your convenience, here is the language mechanical translation module of this MOD for your reference and use: EN: JP:
Created by Ponshu
<日本語> Greenlanderの女性用顔スキンを追加します。 デフォルトの「HumanFemale03」をベースとし、瞳のハイライト追加など、目を中心に改良しました。 ほかに眉間のしわを薄くする、シミを消す、口角を上げるなどの調整もしています。 瞳の色が異なる10種類のスキンを含みます。 <English> Greenlander female's eyes are improved with 10 color variation. In addition, some face-lifts are do...
Birthright - A Tier 3 Armour Mod CN
Created by 卡祖的吹笛人
一款来自手机游戏《无尽之剑3》的盔甲,老实说,这在kenshi中看起来真是太棒了。 在研究了板甲和先进武器之后,你可以在第三层研究盔甲。增加了两个新的开局。...
Birthright - A Tier 3 Armour Mod
Created by Teirdalin Hey there everyone, so this is mod #97 introducing Birthright. An armour from a random mobile game called Infinity Blade III which honestly looks pretty fantastic in Kenshi. You can research the armour at Tier 3 after gettin...
Created by curo
google translate We will add armor that includes a bodysuit, gloves and socks, and research that will allow you to make it. After completing the research, you will be able to make 4 colors and 4 types of body suits on the leather armor workbench. (16 types...
Bodysuit_Separate_add CN 分体式紧身衣汉化中文版
Created by 卡祖的吹笛人
需要前置mod ------------------------------------------------------ 添加护甲,包括紧身衣、手套和袜子,使你能够通过研究来制作护甲。 完成研究后,您将能够在皮铠甲锻造台上制作4种颜色和4种类型的紧身衣。(共16种) 装备位置为“衬衫”。 ・ 橡胶般的黑色 ・ 橡胶般的红色 ・ 橡胶般的白色 ・ 橡胶般的海军 ・ 仅有紧身衣...
Bouncing Boobs
Created by ComplexRobot
Make the boobs bounce for maximum immersion. 😉...
Created by Pharrell Williams
This mod will allow the cannibal to perform "Cannibalism". There have been various cannibalism mods, but none of them were in Japanese, and I wanted to make it as simple as possible. This mod is created in English. Japanese mod is prepared separately. Addi...
Cannibals Expanded
Created by Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands on the cannibal faction with new armors weapons and enemies! This will make the cannibals a more formidable force with several new powerful units like. The Mancatchers Tenderizers...
Clean and Speed
Created by alexliyu
清除天气效果, 清除无用的多余草木.特别适合低端机器使用我的虚空入侵MOD, 注意请把这个MOD放到任何MOD之下, 包括我的虚空入侵MOD,这个MOD和其他优化MOD不一样之处在于,他减小了天气的渲染效果以及地面的杂物与植被, 但是并不影响添加的实际效果.比如酸雨等. 这个MOD主要做三件事情: 1. 清除不必要的地面随机杂物,差不多50% 2. 清除一些地面植被和覆盖物, 大约40%-60% 3. 减少或者削弱天气的渲染效果, 但是请注意, 这并不会影响到天气带来的实际效果. 如果您仍旧觉得优化力度的不...
Created by KOZ
!!このMODは残虐な表現やグロテスクな表現が含まれれています!! !!This MOD contains atrocious and grotesque expressions.!! 苦手な方は使用を控えてください Please refrain from using it if you don't like it. == Notes == *建築するには「基本的な家具」が必要になります "Basic Furniture" is required for creation *追加設備はカテゴリ「killin...
Created by KOZ
!!このMODは残虐な表現やグロテスクな表現が含まれれています!! !!This MOD contains atrocious and grotesque expressions.!! 苦手な方は使用を控えてください Please refrain from using it if you don't like it. == Notes == *建築するには「基本的な家具」が必要になります "Basic Furniture" is required for creation *追加設備はカテゴリ「killin...
Combat Boots
Created by ONJOY
Add 3 kinds (light, medium, heavy) boots. Leather Combatr Boots (Leather Armor Crafting) Plated Leather Boots (Plate Armour Crafting) Iron Greaves (Plate Armour Crafting) The boots and the blue prints will be sold in the major city. Importing is unnecessar...
Combat Boots CN 战斗靴子汉化
Created by 月羽狐
为CombatBoots提供了人工汉化 并且为三种靴子都增加了说明 非常优质的数据,非常精美的贴图,强烈推荐 成品与蓝图在各个势力的服装店内均有销售...
Community Part Map
Created by Arkhiel
WARNING : Incompatibility with Yet another kenshi nude mod, or any mod editing the part maps This mod is a ressource for modders, and I hope it will help people to get into 3d modeling. I need your feedback so we might adjust the used zones. So, what is a ...
Craftable Shackles 可制造脚铐 汉化版
Created by SD
Craftable Shackles 可制造脚铐 汉化版 汉化版更新日期2019年1月4日 原作者更新日期2017年6月14日 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 制造囚犯的镣铐。 更新-添加蜂箱兼容的锁链 注意事项。有几个好的插件,使一种形式的奴隶制,其中人民是你的奴隶。 这没有任何功能,...
Dark Soul Weapon Remake 黑暗之魂武器重置版
顾名思义,这个mod是黑暗之魂武器的重置版 As the name suggests, this mod is a reset version of the Dark Soul weapon(From translation software) 更新内容: 1.所有的武器均由新加入的NPC持有,不再与其他mod冲突; 2.删除了一些模型存在问题的武器,改为其他; 3.所有的武器都有了合理的物品图标,不再是纯白色或者什么都没有; 需要导入。如果发现BUG可以告诉我。 Update content: 1. Al...
Displayable GREATER DAINTIER food
Created by CopperSSheen
銅酱的mod第二弹:摆盘上桌 那些原版的食物看上去真的很没食欲,于是我将食物美化得更具有生活气息。 同时你可以通过学习“摆盘上桌”科技来在你的厨房或餐厅中建造这些食物。希望他们能让你的餐厅充满生机! 注意事项: 1.mod会持续更新,所以若有bug请您汇报给我! 2.请在不盗用的情况下享受游戏,祝您玩得愉快! 3.模组可能需要配合一个碰撞修改mod使用,请您自己选择是否安装 ---------------------------------------------------------- 2023.12....
Drifter's Leather Hot Pants
Created by tasaba
I use google translation There may be strange sentences It seems that there was someone interested in the pants in the image of the weapon mod I released I understand the feeling because I also like I made an effort, but depending on the motion there are p...
Dodge Strafe
Dodge to the side, not backwards! *Place below other combat mods. You should not use the fast dodging mod with this because I changed the dodge speed to a setting that works better for this mod. You can keep it if you want your character hopping around lik...
Drifter's Leather Hot Pants_CN Patch_流浪者的皮热裤汉化补丁
Created by Spiderlily
This is a Chinese Translation Patch. 原mod作者 Original mod author: tasaba 様 原mod工坊链接 Original mod page: Drifter's Leather Hot Pants 需要原版mod作为前置! 简介: 新增了一件护腿装备,可在防具商店购买。 工坊上挺火的一个迷你mod,原mod已被整合进虚空入侵mod中,但不知道为什么没有在工坊上没找到单独的汉化补丁,所以就做个补丁上传了。 如果你很喜欢原作者做的mod,欢迎到原mo...
Dual Wield Knives_CN Patch_双刀武器汉化补丁
Created by Spiderlily
This is a Chinese Translation Patch. 原mod作者 Original mod author: Kitya 原mod工坊链接 Original mod page: Dual Wield Knives 需要原版mod作为前置! 简介: 新增了三种双持武器和对应的工作台的mod,这些武器用于武术。装备在腰带槽上。 它们对攻击有很大的惩罚,所以不要把它们和普通武器一起使用。原作者这样做是为了平衡这些物品所带来的其他好处。因为它们放在腰带槽里,所以不使用攻击/防御数值,而是使用武术...
Enhanced Shopping Economy
Created by Matvey Traveller
Mod to rebalance economy to make in-town shopkeeping more viable and more interesting. Everyone wants to run a comfy inn, right? Now you can do it without every single peasant in town going broke from buying a single rice bowl and not regenerating money, b...
Escort Mission
Created by Stilldoll
I will add a Escort Mission to deliver the merchants and the wanderers traveling in various places to the town. NPC that can provide a Escort Mission Traders Guild Caravan Hiver Merchant caravan Slaver caravan Merchant Nomads Mercenary wanderers Drifter so...
Expanded Lighting
Created by Wunkay
This mod adds several new light sources suitable for early base building. I will be adding to this mod periodically with new lights and other furniture. Research and build categories may change in the future. Items located in the LIGHTS build category. New...
Fixing Clipping Issues
Created by timor1234
Fixing Clipping Issues What this mod does: The mod attempts to remove/reduce clipping in game in two ways: 1)By introducing slimmed down meshes for pants, skirts and some headgear that the game uses when you put a cloak on in combination with them. The mod...
Food Storage Fix!
Created by SimonTheSkink
Have a mod that needs a food item in the recipe in order to make it but your team won't go to the food storage as a resource and withdraw from it? Not anymore! This mod will allow your players to use the Food Storage container both to add and withdrawal re...
Dual Wield Knives
Created by Kitya
Adds 3 knife-type weapons used with Martial Arts. They're weapons that go into the BELT SLOT. They have a big penalty to attack, so don't use them with normal weapons. I did this to balance out the other bonuses added by the items. Because they go in the b...
Forgotten Buildings
Created by Mechanica
The largest collection of buildings and furniture from older versions of Kenshi and non-player towns. Over 400 new buildings and furniture pieces to construct, plus another 300 copies of buildings, walls and furniture using alternative textures. Forgotten ...
Forgotten Buildings CN
Created by 启奥
原mod Forgotten Buildings 原作者 Mechanica 遗忘的建筑 汉化补丁(需要导入才能直接看到效果,不过不导入也不影响游戏) 因为这个mod内容太多了,会导致原版部分建筑翻译错误。请随后订阅原版中文修正mod,原版中文修正一定要放在所有mod最下面
Godsend EXP 5x
Created by Mitchell Godsend
Check me out on YouTube! ___*DESCRIPTION*___________________________ Global Experience Rate Is Quintupled ___________________________________________ ___*FAQ*___________________________________ Q. D...
Guardpost 汉化
Created by Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:加了一块垫子,可以安排你的小人在门口站岗,自己会回去拿吃的,很方便 注意!!! 注意!!! 注意!!! 本mod历史久远可能会有bug 有问题请加群:696654735...
Guards for the Hub
Created by nidaren
Gate Guards for Hub Township Mod adds Guards to the Gates in the Hub location. They belong to the Trade Ninjas faction - the same one that provides protection for the local Bar in the unmodded version. As of version 3, guards belong to the Holy Nation Outl...
Heavy weapon combat stance
Created by UnCheat
Adds heavy weapon shoulder resting combat stance for vanilla races If you want to use it with More Combat Stance mod then INSTALL COMPATIBILITY PATCH below order I do recommend to use it with More Combat Stance mod (adds other combat stances without changi...
High Heels
Created by Arkhiel
REQUIRES COMMUNITY PART MAP (because that's why I made it anyway ;) ) If "The higher the heels, the better I feel" suits you (or your in game waifu), then this mod is for you. Of course, ken...
Hydraulic Knight Equipment
Created by KEM26
日本語化パッチ : 油圧式の騎士に独自の装備を配布します。 Log-Head MKII専用のベルトスロット装備と、バックパック装備の大盾です。 盾はバランス調整がイマイチ納得できてないので、アクセサリーみたいなものと考えてください。修理キットを収納する程度は出来ます。 それぞれの装備は、ボロ小屋が新品・アーマーキングが錆びた物を売っています。 ソルジャーボットには残念ながら装備...
Idle Stands
Created by Lhamabomb
Give your characters something to do when they aren't doing anything! Idle Stands is a standalone expansion of the Guardpost Mod by Winsenkiller. I would use it to keep characters in designated positions, both for aesthetic and worker control. This mod fuf...
Created by Winsenkiller
*Since I've lost the interest for Kenshi for now I won't update this mod anymore. Maybe I will continue it again in the future but if anyone is willing to do this he/she has the permission to do it.* Thank you Lhamabomb for keeping this mod alive, if I pla...
IKEMEN Race Chinese Translation Patch
Mod name : ep_ikemen_CN This is Chinese translation patch for IKEMEN Race You can find the version of Japanese or English in the original mod if you need. Put this below IKEMEN Race (ep_ikemen) please....
IKEMEN Race RORO More female hairs patch
Created by RO RO RO RO RO RO
IKEMEN Race RORO More female hairs patch Must subscribe to both mods for this mod to work! RORO More female hairs イケメン種族 / IKEMEN Race
Iron cuffs
Created by EgorMotor
Add ability to craft iron cuffs. "Handcuffs and legcuffs. They stop you from running and doing a lot of things. They will trip you up in combat." - goes into the belt slot - prevents ability to fight and run You can use the prisoner as a punching bag. Can ...
Iron Fortress Armour Set - Lore Friendly Armor Set
Created by Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Kantanas&Firelocks 剑与铳 武器/火枪模组(CN)
Created by Cokonov
更新日志 24/5/30:修复炮塔俯仰角问题。 24/5/12:添加两个炮塔,机枪炮塔与加农炮塔。 24/5/10:所有手持位置问题已经得到基本修复。 Update log 24/5/30: Fix turret pitch angle issue. 24/5/12: Add two turrets, machine gun turrets and cannon turrets. 24/5/10:All handheld position issues have been basically fixed. ...
Iron Will Faction
Created by HidariKiKi
Welcome to my mod page This mod adds a game based (or play based) faction called "Iron Will" with its own city and new armor, weapons and prosthetics to the Black Desert What this mod brings: New Faction New Town and camp Few quests New limb prosthetics wi...
Katana Daishou
Created by seina
Katana Daishou MOD This mod adds the Daishou. It looks Katana and Wakizashi are equipped at the once. The stats is the same as a Katana. There are also skewer that can be equipped on the belt. The skewer is just an appearance, no'n stats. This MOD adds one...
Created by DioSanSan
With the update 0.98.0+ the icons are officially included in the game. The mod will stay in the workshop for people who want to use previous versions HAND PAINTED ICONS PACK A pack of hand painted icons, RAW MATERIALS, FOOD, BOOKS and ITEMS. The mod replac...
Kuero CN
Created by 卡祖的吹笛人
带来了一套新的盔甲和武器装备,就像手机游戏《无尽之剑3》中的库罗装备一样,还有一个新的阵营和两个新的开局。 装备是不可研究的,需要从他们镇上的商店那里购买,或者在商店里以较低的几率从他们那里获得蓝图。 你有较低的几率能在酒吧里找到库罗忍者来招募他们,他们也有中等数据和装备。...
Kuero Ninja Clan - A Minor Faction Mod
Created by Teirdalin Hello Kenshi people, so I have another mod here. #98 The Kuero Ninja Clan. It brings a new armour and weapon set as the Kuero set from the random phone game Infinity Blade III as well as a new faction and two new starts. The...
Legendary of Kenshi - World of Unique CN
Created by 启奥
原mod名称 Legendary of Kenshi - World of Unique 原mod作者 Johnson 和 old dog 需要原mod作为前置,本mod放在原mod下面 因为翻译内容太多,可能造成部分原版内容被改变,建议下载一个 原版中文覆盖 mod解决此问题。 补充说明,本mod是为了那些觉得原版过于简单的玩家准备的 传奇kenshi 汉化 mod主要内容介绍 大幅提高原版npc的战斗力。(超难mod) 但是在早期,譬如土匪之类的npc战斗力并不会提升太过明显。 随着玩家逐渐接触到一个阵...
Legendary of Kenshi - World of Unique
Created by Johnson
What does this mod do? This mod is for people whose vanilla Kenshi has become too easy. This mod increases Kenshi's difficulty. It reinforces the stats of the factions and makes them use better armor and weapons. Most NPCs if not all, have become much stro...
Legendary Weapons
Created by Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds 9 unique, high quality end-g...
Lively Bars
Created by rxwr
I wanted the bars in the game to feel a bit more lively and like actual bars, so this mod adds 4 variants for basic furniture pieces (Stool, Sitting Box and Bench) that have different drinking animations. This furniture is placed in the bars of the main fa...
Lively Bars CN
添加了一些酒吧家具,让你的人物可以坐在座位上喝酒,让你的酒吧多了一些生活气息,以下内容来自机翻: 我想让游戏中的酒吧感觉更活泼,更像真正的酒吧,所以这个mod为基本家具(凳子、坐箱和长椅)添加了4个变体,它们有不同的饮酒动画。 这件家具被放置在主要派系城市的酒吧里,NPC会像其他椅子一样使用。 除此之外,它可以通过获取基本家具蓝图来解锁建筑,并且可以在Lively Bars类别下的建筑菜单中找到。 此外,这个mod还包括来自伟大mod CMKillingTime(https://steamcommunity...
Make Holy Nation Great Again
Created by Azazellz
Brothers of the Holy Nation! Rejoice! Our blacksmiths, led by St. Lord Phoenix, inspired by Our Father Okran, have provided you with new equipment! Now your arms, legs and heads will be well protected! Let heretics and skeletons tremble, now they cannot es...
Many More Mercenaries!CN更多雇佣兵!汉化
须订阅原mod!!! 原mod:Many More Mercenaries! 原作者:Pix 更多佣兵,原工坊高分mod.原版游戏中佣兵没什么存在感...而且种类少得可怜,该mod为各个派系增添了共计二十五个全新的佣兵小队 -4个联合城市小组 -3个中立团体(正规雇佣军) -3个神圣王国小队 -2个沙克王国集团 -2个浪忍团小队 -2个蒙格勒群体 -1个死猫小组 -1个农民反叛...
Mesh Vest for Female
Created by haltra
I changed the icon to be automatically generated so that the dyed color can be seen. The mesh added for icon generation is inside the chest, so I don't think it affects the appearance. This mod adds two vests. ・Mesh Vest for Female 1 ・Mesh Vest for Female ...
Minor Mesh Fixes
Created by oi__io
UPDATE FEB 15 Change: - Armoured Hood M/F - Bucket Zukin M/F - Haircut15-roughpony2 F UPDATE FEB 9 Change: - Paladin's Heavy Hachigane M - Swamp Ninja Mask M - Turban M/F UPDATE FEB 8 Removed hammer mesh and revert all the changes made to crafting benches ...
Mist Ghouls
Created by Daemonic Spoder
Legend of the Mist Ghoul “ Sightings of hovering ghoulish creatures from the misty caverns west of the Holy Nation plains. The ghouls possess elongated, black frames with long fingers, glowing eyes and a mouth that stretches to the size of a full grown man...
Mist Ghouls CN
Created by 启奥
原mod Mist Ghouls 原作者 Daemonic Spoder mod内容 迷雾食尸鬼传说 “在圣国平原以西的雾岛中看到盘旋的食尸鬼。食尸鬼长着细长的黑色框架,长着长长的手指、发光的眼睛和一张大到一个成年男人大小的嘴。 深入雾中的旅行者以不再回来而闻名,除非在该地区避免进一步的探险。 -爱达德” 和我以前的格里菲斯模式一样,这个模式的目的是以一个新的有趣的敌人的形式将其中的一个传奇赋予生命。 雾人够吓人的,但你有没有想过雾中还有什么更可怕的东西?雾食尸鬼把你遮盖住了。他们不吃,不流血,不说话,速度...
Make Holy Nation Great Again CN
Created by Ludiniea
圣国的兄弟们!很高兴告诉你们,我们的铁匠在圣主菲尼克斯的引导下受到奥克兰的启示,已锻造出全新的护甲!现在,你们的头部和四肢都会得到更好的防护!让异端和骨人们颤抖吧,他们再也无处逃避圣国的愤怒! Mod信息 为圣国的高级圣骑士增加新的重型护甲。 改变圣骑士的护甲,现在他们的四肢被更好的防护。 圣国战士也拥有新的护甲,不算好,但仍比旧护甲的防护高。 包括雇佣兵仿制的“非神圣”护甲。 你可以在圣国,浪人、沙克王国、科技猎人、沼泽居民和蒙格勒的铠甲商店内购买到护甲和制作蓝图。 2个新的开局可用于查看新的护甲。 需要...
Many More Mercenaries!
Created by Pix
I've always thought that the amount of mercenaries was pretty low for a world such as Kenshi, this mod aims to fix that by adding 25 new ones with unique identities and purposes! Particularly, I wanted mercs that were part of the game's factions. People th...
More Character Making Sliders (MCMS Ver.2)
Created by AGO
このMODは更新を終了しました。 以下のMODに移行してください このMODはベースMODとなります。 This mod is no longer being updated. Please move on to the following mod This mod is the base mod. *概要* このMODはバニラの種族(スケルトン、ハイブクイーン、フィッシュマン...
More Combat Animation
Created by AGO
このMODをマージしないでください。した場合は削除を求める場合があります。 MCAの互換性が失われるためマージしないでください。 マージしたい場合は許可を求めて下さい。 マージした場合はMCAと互換性がない事と、不具合報告を私の所へお送らない事を明記してください。 Do not merge this mod. If you do, we may ask you to delete it. Do not merge this mod as it will result in MCA incompatibili...
More Idle Animation
Created by AGO
The following sentences use the translation site. Add idle animation to vanilla's race. 13 Idle animations added in this mod now move more. Replacing some idle animation with new ones. So if you are introducing this MOD before, the appearance of your chara...
New Weapons Dissemination Mod
Created by ikahurula
Sorry weird may be English. I will add new weapons and distribute them to the world. I mixed the weapons used in Japan, and I made it with a focus on being lore friendly. New weapons are added to many NPC's belongings. Some people possess Meitou. There are...
Nier Modded
Created by Don Fuego
Once again, I did not make this mod. The assets, the tweaks are made by a peculiarly talented fellow from Lover's Lab. All I did was give them unique dialogue, adjusted the areas where the characters spawn from as this mod already had spawn sites as well a...
NPC enjoys more shopping
Created by love-tea
*Required import* In vanilla setting, NPCs who are shopping buy foods, alcohols and first aid kits. They never buy weapons, armors, books and so on. This mod adds drifting NPC who can buy many items. Their races are random, and sometimes have a hiring dial...
Pantsu Pantsu Pantsu (CN)
Created by 启奥
原MOD Pantsu Pantsu Pantsu 原作者 Mauser_NATO 中文补丁 裤子 裤子 裤子(??????) 俄国作者的MOD,名字一如既往的怪,很多人没听说但是肯定都用过这个mod,这就是虚空入侵里面马甲和一些时装的原mod。喜欢这些色批服装又不想玩虚空的可以直接订阅本MOD。纯粹的服装mod可以兼容一切,还算比较方便 也是翻译这个mod,我才知道,难怪虚空命名风格是时装123456789,这个原mod衣服名字就是部位+编号。太怪了...
Pantsu Pantsu Pantsu (RUS)
Created by Mauser_NATO
Простинкий мод на нижнее бельё. 14 типов белья и с кучей расцветок. Также есть жилетка из пыльника в разных цветах. И немного всякой мелочи. Для белья есть отдельный станок , чертежи которого можно купить А также другие чертежи разной одежды. Одевать можно...
Prison House
Created by Cattrina
A Storm House with two large prison cells to hold your captives*. NOTE NOTE NOTE *The game does not consider NPCs held in these cells as prisoners. So they won't starve nor will any 'is imprisoned' world state trigger. But these are great for keeping sparr...
Prison House 新型监狱CN汉化
Created by 方长生
需订阅原mod: 一个非常实用的mod,将您的陪练俘虏放置在一个宽敞的牢房内,而不是一个又小又破的小笼子,非常的人性化XD 重要事项 一定要在牢房内设置监狱床或地链,以获得牢笼功能,即囚犯身份。就像笼子一样正常运行 如果您没有将囚犯放在地链或者床上,那将会导致囚犯消失,只有当您想要让囚犯陪练时才可允许他们在牢房内走动 不需要导入,不会与任何内容冲突,这个mod没有添加动画、对话或...
Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors
Created by Shiroho To sum things up : this mod adds the Biosteel silk, a new crafting material to the game with its related furnitures (bench, loom, container). You will have to find in Kenshi's world where that damn silk is and I won't help y...
Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors CN new 生物钢丝绸新汉化
Created by 月羽狐
补全了上一位大佬的翻译,目前除了衣着描述应该没有没汉化的地方,衣着描述实在有点太多了。而且很多都有一些英语kenshi梗的笑话实在翻译不出信达雅。 衣着的描述随缘更新。 数量: 68 迄今为止新的平衡和重新纹理的盔甲! 这些“生物钢丝绸”盔甲在其统计数据上有一个主题重复,即使它们往往以自己的方式都是独一无二的: 切割效率:仅缝制或碎布片 = 50-60%,薄生物钢 = 70%,厚生物钢或分层皮革 = 80%,生物钢和板材 = 90%。 中间值可能会发生。 抗切割性:+ 0-20%,频繁,并且与链甲统计数据竞...
Radiant Food繁體中文
Created by KUNZITE
Radiant Food繁體中文翻譯 半機翻再人工潤色 本模組只提供中文翻譯,所以需搭配Radiant Food 由於原模組有修改到原始字串 所以原始字串是基於巴哈的拉法繁中檔作翻譯 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiant Food模組內容: 更多食物種類。 ---------------------------------------------------...
Radiant Food Expansion
Created by Shiroho Here is what you'll have with that food expansion of mine : New researchs to become a better cook, a new main food crop for the Swamp biome (distribution in sellers and ability to cultivate it), handful logical or quality of...
Radiant Primordial Hive【Chinese Translation】原始蜂巢族!中文汉化版
Created by ザクリア
Chinese Translation For Radiant Primordial Hive Radiant Primordial Hive 中文翻译版 ============================================== 2023.10.1【最新】经kele大佬补充更新的部分缺失汉化,这部分均由kele完成,我来用原汉化代为上传 11.7 全汉化完成,尽情享受吧 9.26 目前基本对话翻译率大概有90%,可以使用了,一些日常对话太多太杂之后慢慢更新,各位好好享受~ 9.25 我草...
Reactive World
Created by Shidan
This mod is dedicated to filling out the areas left lacking by the dev's world reaction systems. Be it adding effects to locations and factions that got none, or adding more detail to certain vanilla ones. Now includes a world state checking character in W...
Radiant Primordial Hive
Created by Shiroho This mod adds a new Hive strain called "Primordial Hive". I took a very special care to design their new textures and colors, it did cost me some crazy time. This primordial hive and its 4 individuals kinds all have new stat...
Reactive World CN 反应世界最新汉化,补全城镇/建筑中文名称
Created by ザクリア
反应世界最新汉化 由于反应世界一直在持续更新,原汉化作者弃坑,导致现在反应世界会使大量城镇以及建筑的名字变成英文,十分影响游戏体验。在此引用原汉化作者的翻译成果,并个人对未翻译部分进行汉化文本补全。 23.9.25 补充食人族相关剧情汉化。 11.14 把原汉化mod的文本全部补全到本汉化补丁当中,现在本汉化mod可以独立于原汉化mod使用,仅需要原mod作为依赖即可 10.6: 所有缺失文本补全完毕 旧汉化mod链接我贴一个在这里 (部分文本已经过期)
Realistic Weapons Pack
Created by Clonetup
A pack of my realistic Weapon Mods Ninja Blade: Defence -2 from -4 Blood loss: 1.15x from 1.1x Cut Damage: 0.94x from 0.8x Armour Pen: -25% from -20% More expensive Nodachi: Defence: 0 from -4 Armour Pen: -15% from -20% Blunt Damage: 0.15x from 0x (Cut is ...
Recruitable Prisoners 最好的招募囚犯mod 【最新汉化】
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Recruitable Prisoners Original mod page: Recruitable Prisoners 的中文翻译版 New Update! 2022/9/5 更新缺失的部分对话~ 老牌招募mod重生 你会被想招募的...
Refuse unscrupulous businessmen
Created by 启奥
As the picture shows, when we sell weapons or equipment, we can usually only sell them for a quarter of the price. That's why we have to choose to use the shopping mod. But shopping mods don't solve the problem. First of all NPC shopping money is limited, ...
Robotics Limb Base Skeletons
Created by ikahurula
This mod adds four additional models of skeleton, each with 3 variations making for a total of twelve different character options. Each skeleton is themed after the robot limbs found in game. It is also deployed as an NPC. The following MODs are summarized...
Created by 方晨翔
增加了4款跳蛋装备,只能装备在腰带的位置,你可以在酒吧和旅店的老板那里购买到蓝图,之后在皮甲锻造台锻造出来. 1.粉色高配跳蛋,全是增益. 2.紫色低配跳蛋,有增益也有减少能力值,比较平衡. 3.人类跳蛋枷锁,上锁后人类角色将会被奴役,并且非常难解锁. 4.蜂巢族跳蛋枷锁,上锁后蜂巢族将会被奴役,很难解锁也很重. 2019/10/19 更新: 粉色高配跳蛋的武术伤害1.2→1.1 粉色高配跳蛋的弓弩加成1.4→1.2 人类跳蛋枷锁和蜂巢族跳蛋枷锁重量500kg→0kg 两种枷锁上锁后移动速度0.6→0.3 ...
Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue (pls read description)
Created by Nanogiraffe
Hi, welcome to Recruitable Prisoners! Workshop icon render kindly provided by Schris. Find his twitter here! This mod gives you the ability to recruit captured prisoners that you disarm. You can try as many times as you like...
RORO 更多女性发型 More female hairs
Created by RO RO RO RO RO RO
226 female hairstyles and 39 male hairstyles for the Greenlander and Scorchlander Races This mod does not conflict with any mods MOD patches for other races 【jrpg_race and JRPG Vanilla】RORO More female hairs patch
shops have more blueprints +
Created by Dryhand
a mod that allows shops to have most of the blueprints. each store has its own blueprint, armour shops have armour blueprints weapons shops have weapon blueprint and so on. this is a reupload of the "shops have more blueprints(old version)" as i no longer ...
Shops have more money
Created by Dryhand
this mod increases the amount of money a shop has by 15 - 22 times the normal amount. the amount should be between 375000 - 550000 cats, but sometimes goes way beyond that to 700000 or below to 300000, not sure what's causing it but that shoudn't be a prob...
shops have more items +
Created by Dryhand
This mod allows shops to hold a lot more items. This will increase the amount from 5 to 15 times depending on the shop. Bars, and construction shops are more affected than weapon or armour shops. This is a reupload from my "Shops have more items" mod since...
sideways wall ramp
Created by Lucius
Add ramps for Defensive Wall II, III, and IV. Unlocked by the research of the Defensive Wall. This mod adds a ramp for Defensive Wall V as well, but Defensive Wall V is incomplete. Therefore, I created addons for Forgotten Buildings and more buildings. For...
Silent Outfit
Created by Crv0z
Kept you waiting huh? This mod presents four armor pieces(based on a known game?) , Obtainable with the shinobi thieves trader, or as starter gear for the wanderer(for the time being). -Silent top -Silent thong -Silent eyepatch -Silent boots -Silent gear -...
Silent Outfit CN 中文翻译
Created by 寅FRI
原mod 为此mod增加了中文翻译 2022/1/9 将无声帽子 修改为 无声上衣 将迷彩无声帽子 修改为 迷彩无声上衣...
Simple Cannibalism
Created by Kjulo
Non-intrusive mod-compatible cannibalism system. TLDR: This mod intends to expand the players ability to participate in a tribal cannibalistic playstyle in a non-intrusive manner. Research “Cannibal Tradition” or choose the start “Exiled Cannibals” to acce...
Simple Cannibalism 汉化
Created by 8分熟伯爵
简单的汉化,机翻。大致进行了校对。 需要订阅原mod, 汉化放在原mod下面 流放食人族小首领开局比较难,喜欢当食人族的可以玩玩。...
Systemic Cannibalism Overhaul
This mod completely implements a profitable cannibalism in Kenshi. Almost every, if not all humanoid races ex: Humans, Sheks, Cannibals, Cannibal Skavs, and Hivers have been given the Kill Item "Humanoid Meat" which if removed, kills the character and can ...
Talkative Kenshi | An Ambient Dialogue Overhaul
Created by Milk
Talkative Kenshi is a mod aimed to make Kenshi more immersive and lively. Talkative Kenshi uses INTERACTIONS PLUS by NEO as a framework to overhaul Kenshi's ambient dialogue system. Most NPC's will now be intractable with dynamic dialogue and squad members...
The End Game - BETA
Created by toontaco
#UPDATE 12/22/19 Semester's over, here's an update for you - Righteous Adventurers, spawned from their hate of all that is foreign, have decided to take Okran's will into their own hands. You may find them running around Shek territory, sometimes by themse...
The End Game - BETA CN
Created by 启奥
原mod The End Game - BETA 原作者 toontaco This is just a Chinese patch 世界末日汉化补丁 厌倦了kenshi的平静之后,玩家可以前往枢纽城去寻找启示录开启世界末日 开启后全世界陷入混战,雾人,食人族和鱼人将达到背景故事中的强度,冲击kenshi大陆的幸存者。 各大阵营也会因为世界末日做出一些改变,诞生出新的英雄来守卫自己的国家。 同时玩家可以选择开启末日启示录,来面临更加危险的kenshi末日, 具体的改变枢纽城的那位启示录会详细介绍。我就解释到...
Tie 'em up!
Created by blot
The rope will reduce athletics as much as possible resulting in your prisoners moving at a snails pace. Goes into the footwear slot, hiver rope goes into the pants slot. Sold by slave traders and stolen clothing vendors. Cred to @Michael24 for the idea....
Translation.CN Nier Modifed
Created by DEBASER
Yet Another Kenshi Nude Mod
Created by ketz
This mods adds new normal maps and textures that remove the base underwear without decimating the muscular and skinny shape /!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\/!\ *** THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE COMMUNITY PART M...
Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Nomad Cape
Created by UCHIDA
A patch for Acord's Nomad Cape mod. New Textures + Added to the world + Fixed Icons This patch replaces the textures of the original mod with three hand painted textures that are dirtier, more worn and in a colour pallet the fits closer to the Vanilla Kens...
Created by mopsisgone
'Thus I clothe my naked villainy in old odd ends, stolen forth from holy writ, and seem a saint, when most I play the DEVIL' V It is here and I am out of time! The Mopkinster lives to bring you my V for VENDETTA mod! In celebration of November the 5th. A v...
Yet Another Kenshi Nude Mod *Dong Patch*
Created by Forks
A patch for "Yet Another Kenshi Nude Mod" made by ketz. FIX Corrects the position of the dong on male characters and adds a custom part map so that the dong is hidden when a characters wears pants. LOAD ORDER Make sure this mod is below the original "Yet K...
Yet Another Kenshi Nude Mod Females Only
Created by ketz
THIS IS THE "FEMALES ONLY VERSION" TO ADDRESS THE PART MAP BUGS. This mods adds new normal maps and textures that remove the base underwear without decimating the muscular and skinny shape Fixes: - added some mesh details from the main mod. My other mods: ...
Created by UnCheat
There is a lighting(normal maps) and textures problems in a main mod so this fix attempts to fix those . Used blender (for textures matching) and photoshop to fix next male textures issues: 1. Reverts unused colors in "male parts map" to vanilla so it'll m...