Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Items (182)
Created by 露滴麦浪摇
需要“风云变幻”DLC,没有DLC可能进不去!!!!! 然后加载可能需要点时间............. 文明:天翼种 特殊能力:精灵回廊:所有种族力量的源泉,而天翼种能从中获得更多的优势。(所有槽位转化为通配符槽) 领袖:吉普莉尔 特殊能力:1、对于以弑神为目标的天翼种来说,杀戮就是本能。(没有厌战情绪,没有占领处罚) 2、年龄六千四百零七岁,能够运用十六种族的全部语言,更精通异世界语与古语等七百种以上的语言及其知识,却仍旧渴望未知。(文化产出+20%) 区域:阿邦特·赫伊姆 属性:天翼种的住所,是漂浮在...
【R-18】《In the Name of Eiko》in Civilization 6 —— Make a Succubus civilization in Civilization 6
【Civilization 6 project maiden work of Himewaka Kawano ——Succubus civilization.】 {Warning: The image material and text description used in this mod are not suitable for users under 18 years old to watch, and as the first work of the author, there may be ma...
【touhou mod】太阳花田-风见幽香
Created by 小小淡宵
本mod新增了一个太阳花田文明,包含一个领袖风见幽香。是我第一次做的mod,可能各种方面并没有太好。也是在很多人的建议之下才做好这个mod,但是很开心! 如果说有各种问题请联系我,包括但不限于改进建议,平衡性,bug等 我要把姥鲨鲨的名字标在这里,姥鲨鲨帮了我很多! 说:谢谢姥鲨鲨 当然还有千古酱,还有mod群的大家。 未来更新方向:无 我的个人主页: 文明:太阳花田 能力: 花朵的祈愿: 每位公民提...
【TOUHOU MOD】Kazami Yuuka's Garden of the Sun
Created by muyyi
My first mod as a touhou fan,hope you enjoy it.welcome your comment. support G&S and need R&F dlc. ======================================= Civiliazion ability: Jinkela Capital earth +1 appeal,Farm add +1 Food and +1 Production Plantation add +1 Food and +1...
【UPDATED】Yellow Crane Tower(w/ Building Animation!)
Created by WindFly
This mod contains a new wonder named Yellow Crane Tower. Now Compatible with 2020 NFP Expansion. New effect and a brand new building animation ! ↓ Yellow Crane Tower: NecessaryFeature: Must be built on Hi...
〔Map〕 Tamriel from Elder Scrolls
Created by ian
This is a custom map based on Tamriel in Elder Scrolls. This 82x102 map Allows 10 playes and 15 citystates.Some rivers and montains in may map are different from the game, I make a little changes,you can have a new experience in both Civilization VI and el...
〔map〕The Great Asia v2.1
Created by ian
The Great Asia Map pack 2.1 This is a 120x72 Asia Map, Based on real area scale map, so it looks litte tilted Now supporting Civilization are: Original: China, India, Japan, Scythia, Russia, Two Greeks, Arabic, Sumer DLC:Macedon, Persia,Indonesia,Cambodia ...
东方MOD TOUHOU 命莲寺 - 圣白莲 Myouren Temple - Hijiri(support GS)
Created by KCucumber
It is a Touhou Mod with civilization Myouren Temple and its leader Hijiri Byakuren. Design for Domination victory, extremely high Faith increase, can perchase all milliary unit by faith. However, training unit by the normal way will enjoy a very high produ...
东方PROJECT 比那名居天子
Created by 悸动战士
原型是东方Touhou Project系列的比那名居天子 比那名居天子——有顶天的大小姐 无法建造圣地区、娱乐中心、水上乐园,获得大预言家,或创建宗教。每击杀1个战斗单位即可获得等于其战斗力50%的信仰值。单位获得能力“绯想之剑”和“桃符「固若金汤的仙桃」” 单位能力 绯想之剑:花费50信仰对周围1格的敌方单位造成50伤害 桃符「固若金汤的仙桃」:花费50信仰回复50生命值 UD——要石阵 比那名居天子特色区域,拥有防御力,所在城市+10战斗力,完成后比那名居天子可以发动符卡削弱交战单位,但每有一个发动中的...
东方PROJECT 爱丽丝 (威震天 ver)支持G&S
Created by Sakemy
欢迎加入文明6MOD制作群 635450108 由朝日娘授权,Sakemy二次创作 已修复工业区建筑相关问题。如有个例仍存在问题请进群联系sakemy ====================================================================== 爱丽丝·玛格特罗伊德 Alice Margatroid (威震天 ver) 【领袖倾向】 喜欢和平的文明,敌视交战的文明 【领袖奖励】 「Grimore of Alice」 森林地块+5金币+3信仰+3科研 操符「广范...
亚托莉主界面背景(音乐版)(ATRI main interface background(Music version))
Created by UFO300
If this mod is enabled, the main menu will be replaced with artoli dynamic wallpaper, and the music also needs to restart the game to hear. After the music is played, it will stop for more than a minute before it can be played from the beginning. It may co...
双叶杏 - Futaba Anzu
Created by Sakemy
系列企划 偶像大师 灰姑娘女孩 欢迎加入文明6MOD制作群 635450108 Sbeam群组:文明6 MOD制作中文群 如有bug请联系我。以上 The mod supports both English and Chinese. ====================================================================== 双叶杏 - Futaba Anzu 胜利倾向:文化输出。信仰输出。萌豚化世界 文明名称:灰姑娘女孩 - CINDERELLA GIRLS...
Created by 夕墨岚
天有烘炉,地生五金,晖冶寒淬照云清。 声明: 该mod主要灵感来源于《明日方舟》同时使用的图片大部分均来自游戏,部分来自网络,如有不妥与冒犯,请联系我,我会马上进行修改 IMBA警告,这个mod没有平衡性可言,希望游玩正常难度的玩家请谨慎订阅 关联DLC方面没测试过,大抵上应该白金版能玩?我晚点看看测试后删除此条 咕咕咕了这么久,终于把年更新出来了,效果上不是特别满意,如果各位有什么好的想法欢迎留言,我会更新到模组里当然是在我看见之后,咕咕咕,有其他建议(比如bug)之类的可以在留言区提出,我看到后会回复并...
奇观效果全国化 - Wonder Nationwide
Created by Sakemy
欢迎加入文明6MOD制作群 635450108 ========================== 这里是Sakemy,第一次在创意工坊投原创文明6mod。 本次的mod效果是让大灯塔、佩特拉、奇琴伊察、鲁尔山谷的效果变成全国效果。 hello this is Sakemy and my first civ 6 mod. this mod changes the effect range of great lighthouse Petra Chichen Itza the Ruhr Valley from...
宫水三叶 - Miyamizu Mitsuha
Created by Sakemy
欢迎加入文明6MOD制作群 635450108 本人 Q群ID:Tiansi·SA·Haruna 测试中。有BUG请联系我 The English text has been updated 城市名称待补完。如有好的创意请联系我 In test. Yes, please contact me when you have BUG The name of the city to be completed. If you have a good idea, please contact me ==========...
明日方舟 幽灵鲨
Created by 悸动战士
本mod内容两个鲨鱼 幽灵鲨(归溟) 拥抱自我: 拥有军营且没有剧院广场的城市+20%生产力,该城市的深海猎人据点+2生产力,生产的海军单位+1移速和10生命恢复;拥有剧院广场且没有军营的城市+20%文化,该城市的深海猎人据点+2文化,雕塑+2文化和100%旅游业绩 血脉相连:解锁建造者建造深海猎人据点的能力 故乡歌谣:游戏开始时获得4名阿戈尔遗民,这些移民携带了幽灵鲨喜欢的阿戈尔艺术品 幽灵鲨(疯狂) 破碎思维: 每过25个回合,都会获得一个负面效果和一个正面效果,持续至200回合;每回合获得一个药剂;每...
Created by 夕墨岚
声明: 该mod主要灵感来源于《明日方舟》同时使用的图片大部分均来自游戏,部分来自网络,如有不妥,请联系我,我马上进行修改 这个mod没有平衡性可言,对平衡有要求的请谨慎订阅 再次声明这是一个用脚写数值和效果的文明,作为我的第一个精二干员,还是有特殊感情在里面的虽然做着做着效果就写偏了,有建议可以在留言区提出,我看到后会回复并第一时间进行修改 更新日志: 6 月 20 日 上传mod进行私人测试 6 月 28 日 修正部分内容后正式发布 7 月 19 日 加入一位新领袖:早露,并修正了文本错位与文明百科 1...
Created by fluo
碧蓝航线柴郡mod,猫猫担心你打不过神级电脑,所以来帮你了。 仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻,仅支持风云变幻。 !!!!!!!强度严重超模警告!!!! !!!!!!!强度严重超模警告!!!! !!!!!!!强度严重超模警告!!!! 新mod塞壬净化亲 mod地址: 新mod碧蓝航线罗马 https://...
Created by 悸动战士
因为7个村庄踩不到克苏鲁,恼羞成怒写出来的mod,背景取自影之诗的机械教,整体解锁时间提前 圣洁之核 向城邦派遣使者后解锁。城市生产单位或建筑完成后,返还生产力20%的信仰值和10%的科技值 钢铁之拳 在古典时代解锁。可以使用信仰值购买铁腕女修士,允许铁腕女修士建造机械教会 机械之躯 在中世纪解锁。机械教会+4食物,宗教单位+2移动力,2视野 莉莫涅姆的救赎 在工业时代解锁。解锁莉莫涅姆的救赎项目,完成后此城生产的宗教单位+5战斗力(不可叠加),完成5次后,帝国内每个人口+1生产力,信仰值和科技值 铁腕女修...
魔法纪录系列:玛吉斯之翼 Wings of Magius
Created by 悸动战士
魔法纪录系列:玛吉斯之翼 Wings of Magius support English 重做后的玛吉斯作为ai应该会更强大,玩家玩起来也会比以前平衡 玛吉斯之翼 真正的解放:解锁“写作”后可以建造谣,每个谣会使城市的人口增长速度-20%(只对人类玩家生效,防止ai智力不够) After unlocking "Writing", you can build rumors, each rumor will make the city's population growth rate -20%(human pl...
Created by 悸动战士
文明特性:南凪区与荣区 建立首都后常盘七夏将会出战,与海岸相邻的工业区+4生产力,+1大工程师点数,与市中心相邻的商业中心+4金币,+5旅游业绩 领袖:都雏乃 狂怒原子: 初始解锁“化学”科技尤里卡,获得75点科技值,与剧院广场相邻的学院+1宜居度,该剧院广场+2科技值 议程:喜欢宣布友谊的文明 总督 木崎衣美里 和偶一起心动吧! 所在城市+4宜居度,忠诚度+20 烦恼之类的马上解决! 拥有“艾米莉烦恼咨询室”的城市+2宜居度,城市发展速度增加10% 我的凌虐心 攻击受伤单位时所有单位+5战斗力,击败敌方单...
Created by 悸动战士
support English now, thanks to Roth 魔法纪录系列:神滨魔法联盟(西区) 文明特性 新西区与水名区 建立首都后七海八千代将会出战,每个人口提供0.2点科技值和文化值,学院区域提供2点大音乐家点数 议程 一起围成环吧 喜欢构建持久联盟,厌恶攻击盟友的文明 领袖 环妈 未来之路 每个下辖城邦提供3%的科技、文化、信仰和金币加成,首次完成文明特色区域和建筑的建造后将获得1个外交胜利点数 鸭酱 绝对之雨 所有单位都有30%概率造成双倍伤害,对正在与同盟交战的文明发动战争不会产生好战...
魔法纪录系列:调整屋与puella care
Created by 悸动战士
魔法纪录系列:调整屋与puella care 需要与神滨魔法联盟(西区)关联以获得其中的伟人点数 需要新纪元机票以启用puella care的项目 文明特性 即使花了大价钱也和我无关哦♪ 可以使用悲叹之种进行调整项目 领袖 八云御魂 特性 绝对自毁舞蹈 每回合+1悲叹之种,对抗蛮族时-5战斗力 议程 永恒与毁灭 讨厌蛮族。喜欢清除蛮族哨站所的文明。讨厌对蛮族哨站所视而不见的文明。 区域 废墟 只能建造一次,获得一个商人,提供调整项目 特色建筑 镜屋和调整屋 每回合提供一个悲叹之种 单位 十咎桃子 攻击时击退...
!Azur Lane Dragon Empery
Created by 无言Infinite
This mod is not support English...
180*108 Earth Map
Created by 悲伤的柏林
This is an Earth Map with 180*108 tiles. *NOTICE* It is still in development, you may see problems when using this mod. 6G Memory or above is recommend when using this mod. Right now there's no flood, no river names, I hope they could be added in future ve...
Alice Margatroid (Touhou Project)
Created by AmekiKyou
Alice Margatroid (Touhou Project) Pixiv えと ID 7810112...
Asia(and East Europe) City States Pack
Created by Isukaci☭
This pack include 19 Asia and 2 East Europe City States. We just added this mod to The Great Asia Map 2.0 All TSL City States List: Lhasa Type: religious Your Tundra and Snow tiles provide +1 Faith. Half time to build potala palace. Pyongyang Type: militar...
Created by UFO300
The work of mod rookie, which is a civilization with the theme of ocean. I hope you like it. The mod picture comes from the game 《ATRI -MY DEAR MOMENTS》and the Internet. If there is infringement, I will delete it immediately. Civilization:Eden Leader:Atri ...
Azur Lane · Sakura Empire - [Ayanami, Yukikaze, Yuudachi, Shigure]
Created by Kevin Liu
This Mod brings you the Sakura Empire (Juuyo) from Azur Lane, and its four leaders: Ayanami, Yuudachi, Shigure, and Yukikaze. All characters are fully voiced ☆ The unique infrastructure of Sakura Empire is the Cerise Imperial Dockyard (replaces Shipyard), ...
Better Builder Charges Tracking
Created by wltk This mod can help displaying Builder's current build charges on the side of unit flag for easier tracking, so you don't have to select each Builder to check. ...
Builder Remove Features
Created by Sakemy
Builder Remove Features....
Chinese Unique Units 0.9
Created by WindFly
Chinese Unique Units 0.9 This mod contains lots of Chinese unique units and SUPPORT R&F DLC Now it only contains Melee,Cavalry,Ranged,Siege,Naval and Air units, further update incoming -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
Civilization 5 Version Isabella - Spain(support RF and GS)
Created by KCucumber
This MOD is created based on Civilization V. Another leader of Spain. With the same Trait in Civilization V. Support MOD Natural Wonder Leader Trait Seven Cities of Gold Gold bonus for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced if first to discover it). ...
Created by Kotomi
A small town, a family, life is too short, memories are too long, translate into classics, write CL, read as life This is a personal mod, because I am Kotomi fans, so I made this and the civilization and leader of the old animation (game) who have been mor...
Crazy Barbarians (support GS)
Created by KCucumber
Crazy Barbarians NEW verison barbarian will not leave their camp, and camp will provides 10 combat strength to unit in camp ===================================== more barbarians more barbarian camps This is Barbarian VI!!! Increased the generate rate of ba...
Crest of the Wandering Star Altera
Created by Caibai
Leader Altera and Civilization the Huns There is a very good Altera mod in workshop but it always breaks my game, so I just try to make my first mod during these days. Need GS As a destroyer of civilizations, Altera has a huge buff when she tries to defeat...
Dark Souls - FireKeeper (Dark Souls MOD) support R&F and GS
Created by KCucumber
The Dark Souls Civilization with its Leader Firekeeper. Finally, it completed after a few month work. I hope you guys like it. Basically the background setting is based on Dark Souls 1, BUT because the data for DS 1 is too little so this MOD also have some...
Date.A.Live-Sonogami Rinne, Rio Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Foul Playground City +15% food. Farms and plantations +1 food. Cities with granaries +2 satisfaction. Whenever you are not at war with any civilization, the maintenance cost is reduced. When your military units die, all remaining units regain...
Date.A.Live-TokisakiKurumi Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Carved Emperor Unlock time for special strategic resources, and a series of special items that use the time. One's bullet: +1 movement for military units currently located in the city's territory. Second bullet: -1 movement for enemy military...
Date.A.Live-YatogamiTohka/Tenka Reloaded
Created by IthildinX
Civilization: Fierce Killing of the Public Cities will not become war-weary. Conquered cities do not lose population, each Academy opens Eureka, and each Theater Square brings the Apocalypse. Cities with garrison units gain additional loyalty. Defeating an...
Earth 2020
Created by Stephen
A scenario of earth at the present time. Take command of a modern nation and lead it to glory, or destruction. Will you awe the globe with your culture, achieve the impossible by bringing harmony through diplomacy, indulge your bloodlust and conquer an emp...
Enhanced Camera
Created by DahakaMVl
Increases camera zoom ranges and adjust tilt and fog curves. Changes Significantly increases zoom ranges at min and max Adjusts tilt curves to have a more perpendicular camera angle in the middle and flatter at the most zoomed in for screenshots Adjusts fo...
Enhanced Mod Manager
Created by FinalFreak16
Enhanced Mod Manager This mod overhauls the mod manager screen primarily by splitting the single default mod list into two. Now mods are displayed either on the left (disabled) or right (enabled) making it easy to see which mods are active. It also include...
Entarogan's Animation City States Vol.1
Created by Entarogan
This mod add 8 city states into the game. Some of them are rather powerful which can influence your disicion. English and Simplfied Chinese supported. If there is any bug, please reply to me. We will appreciate it. Halloween Town :Cultural Enemies next to ...
Extended Diplomacy Ribbon
Created by Aristos UP TO DATE WITH APRIL 2021 "NOTHING" PATCH! COMPATIBLE WITH VANILLA, RISE & FALL AND GATHERING STORM ! WORKS IN MULTIPLAYER. Do you want to up your Diplomatic Game to the next level without getting an Accountant degree? Woul...
Extended Policy Cards
Created by Kotomi
That once burned away is truth, and eternity. This is the Leithanien civilization led by Eyjafjalla, who is an amine character in Arknights. The skill design is the result of my mind to restore 3 skills, 2 basic skills, and 2 talents of Eyjafjalla I hope y...
Fate/Apocrypha Astolfo-Rider
Mod Introduction Support language:English,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese. Note: This character comes from TYPE-MOON's Fate/Apocrypha, which has nothing to do with Astolfo in history. If you find any bugs or errors, please let me know in time, I wil...
Fate/Grand Order Jeanne d'Arc(Alter)
Support language:English,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese. Note: This character comes from TYPE-MOON's Fate/Grand Order, which has nothing to do with Jeanne d'Arc in history. If you find any bugs or errors, please let me know in time, I will fix it, ...
Fate/Grand Order Minamoto no Raikō
Warning: In the ESRB rating, "Civilization VI" is suitable for people over 10 years old, and "Destiny/Grand Order" is suitable for people over 13 years old, which means that the content may contain some inappropriate content (E.g. image, text, sound). Supp...
Genshin Impact · Mondstadt - [Fischl, Barbara, Noelle]
Created by Kevin Liu
This Mod brings you Mondstadt civilization from Genshin Impact and 3 leaders: Fischl, Barbara, and Noelle. Unique District: Knights of Favonius Headquater, which replaces Government Plaza and has outer defence. It provides you bonus amenities during peacet...
Genshin Impact Mod - Keqing of Liyue & Ningguang v2
The mod REQUIRES at least one of the R&F or GS DLCs. This mod contains a Civilization and 2 Leaders from Genshin Impact. Supported Languages:简体中文, 繁体中文, English Want to help translating to your language? Send Pull requests on GitHub:
Genshin Impact: Inazuma Civilization Pack - Yae Miko, Yoimiya
Created by C1sen
---- How to Play ---- Inazuma's unique ability allows it to found coastal cities and build districts with high adjacency bonus. Inazuma's unique districts, buildings, and units provide various choices for different victories. Yae Miko's leader ability focu...
Golden Age-Infinity Pinnacle
Created by Gold GoldenAge - Infinity Pinnacle Top rated and the most comprehensive gameplay mod in Civilization VI! Adds multiple new game modes, overhauls, and fixes most irrationalities in Vanilla. Makes ...
GoldenAge - Brave New World
Created by Gold GoldenAge - Brave New World Top rated and the most comprehensive gameplay mod in Civilization VI! Adds multiple new game modes, overhauls, and fixes most irrationalities in Vanilla. Makes Ci...
GreatWall Triggers Culturebomb + Build outside of territory
Created by WindFly
The GreatWall now trigger culturebomb. Also can be built outside of territory. Now compatible with Gathering Storm....
HF District
Created by muyyi
Basic Distric bonus * Commercial hub +4 Gold * Harbor +4 Food * Campus +2 science * Theater +2 culture * Holy site +2 faith * Industrial zone +2 production Extra Distric bonus * +10% growth if the city t have Commercial hub or Harbor * +10% culture bolder ...
Higurashi When They Cry - Furude Rika [Voiced Leader]
Created by PhantomJ_M
Furude Rika, a character from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. First thing, this mod doesn't depend on any DLC but you will need loyalty system so she can show up in leader roster. And RnF or GS provides loyalty system. know... Rika is a cute, mysteriou...
Holo - Wolf and Spices
Created by AmekiKyou
This mod add Holo, the wolf and the civilisation of Wolf and Spices to the game....
Isukaci's Manchuria
Created by Isukaci☭
Isukaci's Manchuria version 1.13 Warning: This mod is incompatible with any other mod with military UD. Manchuria is a land on the south of Russian far east(outer manchuria), east of Mongolia and west of Korea. Manchuria is the homeland of Manchu people, w...
Kizuna AI - Artificial Idiot Civilization
Created by AmekiKyou
This adds civilization Kizuna Ai to the game...
Created by Kotomi
Sangonomiya Kokomi is a playable Hydro character in Genshin Impact. The young Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island and a descendant of the Sangonomiya Clan, Kokomi is in charge of most of Watatsumi's affairs, shouldering heavy responsibilities alone in hop...
L4D2 Zombie MOD support GS
Created by KCucumber
Zombie Unit added into the game with special generate rule. Every time when a Barbarian Unit kill a nuit, 2 zombines will generated, one of them could be a sepcial infected. After a Barbarian Camp is removed from map, 3 zombines will generated, one of them...
Make Liyue Great Again!
For Keqing: New unique unit. Civilian units ignore all Movement penalties for crossing rivers, and +2 Movement. Builders can accelerate progress of districts and projects. For Ningguang: Buy Traders for free, Units, Buildings, Districts cost 20% less Gold....
Map of Northeast Asia (Broken version, please subscribe "Map of Northeast Asia 03")
Created by bottlep
This MOD has been broken due to a BUG of Steam Workshop. Please subscribe the new version in the MOD named "Map of Northeast Asia 03" Saved games stared in old versions (2.41 and older ones)...
Misaka Mikoto - Campus Metropolitan Civilization
Created by AmekiKyou
This is a mod which adds Misaka Mikoto and her Campus Metropolis to the game. Mikasa Mikoto UA: +10% science bonus. every city +1 science and +1 gold yield. LA: range units gain +1 range. UU: Mikasa Sisters (Cheap Infantry) and Lv.5 Judgement (Rangers movi...
MOD of "A Song of Ice and Fire": BalonGreyjoy Leads the Ironborn
Created by furion1986
!IMPORTANT: Please go to: for the 9 leader pack that is compatible with R&F. There will be no more support/update for this one. IF YOU APPRECIATE THIS CONTENT, PLEASE SUPPORT ME AND GET EXCL...
MOD of "A Song of Ice and Fire": Eddard Stark Leads the North
Created by furion1986
!IMPORTANT: Please go to: for the 9 leader pack that is compatible with R&F. There will be no more support/update for this one. IF YOU APPRECIATE THIS CONTENT, PLEASE SUPPORT ME AND GET EXCL...
MOD of "A Song of Ice and Fire": Rise and Fall of Usurper
Created by furion1986
IF YOU APPRECIATE THIS CONTENT, PLEASE SUPPORT ME HERE: ========== NOW SUPPORTS GATHERING STORM! ========== This Mod adds Leaders Rhaegar Targaryen of the Crownlands, Eddard Stark of the North, Tywin Lannister of the West...
More Barbarian EXP
Created by Josh Mate
What? Increases the Cap on Barbarian EXP by halfing the rate you stop getting full EXP from Barbarians. How? - Increases the Level Cap to recieve full EXP from Barbarians from: Level 2 to Level 4 - Increases the Minimum EXP gained from killing Barbarians a...
More Natural Disaster (No Mercy Version)
Created by KCucumber
a mod make the natural world more dangerous I know you guys are not feel enough about the game Level 4 disaster rate. so Let it break in all its fury! This mod will Mandatory case some natural Disasters at every player's turn (start from turn 10). And they...
Music patch for TOUHOU-MOD Palace of Earth Spirits
Created by 姥鲨
The music patch for TOUHOU-MOD Palace of Earth Spirits. 借用BGM列表: ----地灵殿通用BGM---- 1.仄暗い穴ぐらの底から 编曲:ハム 社团:Foxtail-Grass Studio 专辑:ほしくずアテリア 原曲:地霊達の起床 2.空中庭園 编曲:Toshimasa,さわら 社团:Floating Cloud 专辑:FlowerVillage 原曲:廃獄ララバイ 3.ハートフェルトファンシー 编曲:ZUN 社团:上海アリス幻樂団 专辑:伊弉諾...
No Game No Life - Sora, Shiro, Stephanie Dola's Imanity Civilization
Created by Liberty
THIS MOD REQUIRE ALL EXPANSION PACK Imanity UA : Cadre of 177 Peoples +33% Production toward Settlers and Recon units. Settler and Recon unit gain Sentry and Camouflage promotion effect. Imanity UU : Ghost Imanity unique Ancient era unit that replace Scout...
Created by evin
OVERLRD mod. It contains an OVERLORD civilization, plus 8 leaders, including the protagonist and the seven full-level guardians with more detailed information.For unknown reasons, they crossed again, and this time they traversed at the same time. Although ...
Project Metropolis - A Civilization 6 District & Building Extension Mod
Created by furion1986
Project Metropolis - A Civilization 6 District & Building Extension Mod Overview: This Mod adds a game mode that introduces 9 new minor districts (named Quarters) that function similarly to specialty districts, but doesn't require population and can build ...
Quick Deals
Created by wltk Introduction Are you tired of asking each AI's price for your items to see who pays the most? This mod provides you an interface to see all AI's offers for the items you want to trade, in sorted order. Now you only need to c...
Raiden Shogun
Created by 榊野木乃实
Inazuma led by Raiden Shogun (with background music and diplomatic voices) Update on Feb 18, 2023 : Adds unique district "Grand Shrine". In addition, the civilization will show new features if apocalypse mode is activated. Update on Aug 11, 2023 : Replacin...
Rainforests can build lumber fields
Created by Sakemy
====================================================================== Rainforests can build lumber fields...
Reimu Hakurei 博丽灵梦
Created by 悸动战士
原型是东方Touhou系列的勃♂力灵梦 博丽灵梦——乐园的可爱巫女 单位无穿越林地和河流移动力惩罚,其他文明对你+5外交关系,如博丽灵梦在游戏中,将邀请所有文明参加她举办的祭典和宴会。 Reimu Hakurei——Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise Unit has no penalty for moving through forest land and rivers, other civilizations +5 diplomatic relations with ...
Sekka Of Shadowverse
Created by
Sekka,What is suitable for One City Challenge(occ),My first Mod.I apologize for any inconvenience caused. About SEKKA,One City Challenge recommends that you have a good experience in HD(harmony in diversity MOD)or GA(golden Age MOD) environment (you can pu...
Created by Kotomi
In solitude, where we are least alone... New animation leader: Sora Kasugano from a new Civilization Yosuga no Sora, with voice acting and leader animation. Requires Gathering Storm expansion. Game Features A living, emotional Sora "Why should Murasame be ...
Steady Relics
Created by Kunsmendon
This mod adds a project to get relics. Cost 250 production and get a relic. City needs a holy site. Another version ...
Tanuki Random Trait 8 Players pack
Created by KCucumber
Random Trait 8 Players pack 7 Same Civs with random trait. Support multiplayer Game and Single Player Every CIv will Random gets: One Civ Trait, one Leader Trait, one Unique Building or District, one Unique Improvement and two Unique Units from existing Ci...
Temple of Heaven
Created by Isukaci☭
This mod adds the Temple of Heaven as a new Wonder. Unlocked by civic divine right. +3 Faith, +1 Culture. +1 Great Engineer point. +1 Housing and +1 Amenity to all Cities. +1 Food to all Farms. Must be built on flat land adjacent to the City Center. Author...
The Agore Skadi (Arknights)
Created by Penguin
MOD is set in the Agore region in the Arknights. The leader is the game character Skadi. Leader - Skadi Tidal Bore Elegy, Skadi has additional advantages in confrontation with the barbarians (Haisi), and the navy can also accumulate experience faster and e...
Theater's Natural Wonders bonus
Created by Isukaci☭
Added Standard Culture bonus(+1) for adjacent Natural Wonders on Theater or Acropolis District. Do you wondered why they do not give a bonus culture for Theater next to a Natural Wonder? Sometimes you think it should but when you built a theater there ----...
Touhou Mod - Kirisame Marisa: Be My Friend
Created by muyyi
This mod support GS. Do you want keep peace with AI? Do you want benifit from diplomacy? Do you not want bear endless yellow face and denounced anymore? although we have lose diplomacy victory like civ 5, but we also can enjoy diplomacy by this mod. Kirisa...
Touhou MOD Eientei - Houraisan Kaguya (support R&F and GS)
Created by KCucumber
This is an civilization called Eientei led by Houraisan Kguya. Civilization Eientei Civilization characteristics Forbidden Elixir "Hourai Elixir" - city population growth increased by 10%.Forest of the lost provide +1 adjencent for Campus and Theater. Lead...
TOUHOU MOD Remilia Scarlet - Koumakan 红魔馆 - 蕾米莉亚·斯卡雷特 support GS
Created by KCucumber
It is a Touhou Mod with civilization Koumakan and its leader Remilia Scarlet. TOUHOU Characters are added as new Great Person Class, can hired by the Great TOUHOU point provided by Koumakan's unique District. Different Character has different 「Spell Card」....
Touhou Project - Moriya Shrine
Created by AmekiKyou
Patchnote: 2018/3/12 Applied changes for DLC Special Thanks to Civ6 Chinese MODers ========================== 东风谷早苗 - 守矢神社 Kochiya Sanae - Moriya Shrine 【领袖倾向】 信仰是为了虚无的人类 喜欢信仰产出高的文明,敌视信仰产出低的文明 【领袖奖励】 1.秘术「灰色奇术」 所有单位休息时回复量增加5 2.风祝巫女 可以执行圣地特殊项目:(要求拥有1单位特殊奢侈「...
TouHou Project MOD: The Yakumos
Created by Necrosa
The Yakumos Important: The Remake Version of this Mod has been released. To ensure your gaming experience, please move to the remake version. Link: 【Civilization traits】 Fantasy "Perpetual M...
Touhou's Empire of China
Created by WindFly
Adds a new civilization and leader——Touhou's Empire of China and Jiong-Xian. Queen of the Nile: Likes civilizations with powerful militaries, and will try to ally with them to avoid damaging military conflicts. Dislikes civilizations with weak militaries. ...
TOUHOU-MOD Scarlet Devil Empire lead by Flandre
Created by 小小淡宵
Note: The mod is better to won the game by conquest. A Civilization of Scarlet Devil Empire, lead by Flandre Scarlet, includes a unique District, a unique Building, two unique Units, pleasant music and more. If there are various problems please contact me,...
Wonder “Ayakashi Saigyou” - support GS
Created by KCucumber
Wonder "Saigyou Ayakashi" MOD Wonder "Saigyou Ayakashi" On the time of completion of construction, Eliminate All Military units that don't belong to the owner with the chance of (2/the number of alive civilizations), then provide “the number of eliminated ...
Yet (not) Another Maps Pack
Created by Gedemon
WARNING: MAP SIZES > ENORMOUS = LATE GAME CRASHES WITH GS PATCH Since the Gathering Storm patch, the game doesn't work with map sizes larger than "Enormous". You will get random crashes and crashes on water level change in late game on Giant & Ludicrous si...
[不支持R&F]偶像企划社长 - IdolM@ster President
Created by minimipool
该mod现在只支持中文 This mod only supports Chinese,now....
[Aladdin]Jasmine of Arabia
Created by Entarogan
If there is any bug, please reply to me. We will appreciate it. Support English and Simplified Chinese. Leader: Jasmine LA:The Whole New World: Get a large discount (1/6 time cost) while building the first speciality district of a city. Cities which have H...
[All Edition Supported]Can Harvest Luxury and Strategic resources
Created by Sakemy
This mod is Can Harvest All Luxury and Strategic resources. ...
[Animated & Voiced Leader] Murasame from Senren*Banka
Created by Kevin Liu
This Mod contains fully animated and voiced anime leader Murasame (ムラサメ) from civilization Senren Banka. As the guardian of Hoori, Murasame can protect her people through the power of faith. She maintains the harmony of humans and nature on the common land...
[Atlantis]Kidagadash of Atlantis
Created by Entarogan
Caution:This is the beta version which means some of the functions are not guarantede to work. Please disable this mod when you do not play it in order to avoid mod-conflict.Apologies about all the incompatibility. This mod is kind of demanding for players...
[Azur Lane] Nagato - Burst Mode
Created by 八云寺幽幽紫
This is an imba patch for Nagato Now her ability has been greatly improved. Be careful when you set her as your opponent!...
[Azur Lane] Nagato Leader and Sakura Empire Civilization
Created by 八云寺幽幽紫
New Civilization: Sakura Empire And Leader: Nagato From Azur Lane If there are any bugs or balance related content please leave a comment, thanks I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. ======================================== 2021.8.4 Fix a series of...
[Brave]Merida of Dun Broch
Created by Entarogan
Caution:This is the beta version which means some of the functions are not guarantede to work.In order to make everything work well, We recommend you to disable other civilization mods which has Encampment unique district. Please disable this mod when you ...
[Cartoon Saloon]Aisling and Saorise of Ireland
Created by Entarogan
Agenda:Selkie: Likes civilization which has a high faith and exploration rate. Dislike civlization which has a low faith and exploration rate UB:Mac Lir Lighthouse: Replace lighthouse. Coast yields +2 Faith. Bonus and Luxury resourse on the coast yields +1...
[Deprecated, No R&F Support]Hatsune Miku - Vocaloid Empire
Created by AmekiKyou
Add Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid Empire to the game....
[Fate]Arturia Pendragon of Britain
Created by Entarogan
English and Simplfied Chinese supported. If there is any bug, please reply to me. We will appreciate it. Civilization :Britain UA:Garden of Avalon: All units can heal after move . All units +10 strength against barbarians. All cities can train relative uni...
[Fate]Ereshkigal of Sumeria
Created by Entarogan
Caution:This is the beta version. Ereshkigal is a fictional animation character created by Type-Moon, who is inspired by but totally not relevant to Ereshkigal in Mesopotamia Epic. English and Simplified Chinese included. If there is any bug, please reply ...
[Fate]Gilgamesh of Sumeria
Created by Entarogan
LA:Stronghold Metropolis: Every city can build one extra district, get 15% production, get +3 identity per turn for every ter of defensive building it possesses. If a city has a governer, every district will get a standard bonus for being adjacent to anoth...
[Fate]Jeanne d'Arc of France
Created by Entarogan
Jeanne d'Arc is a fictional animation character created by Type-Moon, who is inspired by but totally not relevant to HISTORICAL Jeanne d'Arc. English and Simplfied Chinese supported. If there is any bug, please reply to me. We will appreciate it. Civilizat...
[Fate]Nero of Rome
Created by Entarogan
Caution:This is the beta version which means some of the functions are not guarantede to work.In order to make everything work well. Nero is a fictional animation character created by Type-Moon, who is inspired by but totally not relevant to HISTORICAL Ner...
[Fate]Okita Souji of Japan (Single player/Hot seat Only)
Created by Entarogan
Caution:This is the beta version. Okita Souji is a fictional animation character created by Type-Moon, who is inspired by but totally not relevant to Okita Souji in History. English and Simplified Chinese included. If there is any bug, please reply to me. ...
[Fate]Ramesses II of Egypt (Multiple player compatibility unknown)
Created by Entarogan
Caution:This is the beta version. Ramesses II (Ozymandias) is a fictional animation character created by Type-Moon, who is inspired by but totally not relevant to HISTORICAL Ramesses II. English and Simplfied Chinese supported. If there is any bug, please ...
[Frozen]Elsa and Anna of Arendelle
Created by Entarogan
Now French is supported Capital culture fixed. Huge gameplay bug fixed. New Model is avaliable! New Anna Color and start-terrain-bias Fixed. English(US) and Chinese are supported. Code/Art/Design/Text:Entarogan Model:Furion1986 Instruction:Kcucumber, SA Te...
[Fate]Solomon of Israel (Multiplayer Compatibility Unknown)
Created by Entarogan
Civilization :Israel UA:Exodus: +100% Production towards Holy Site, Campus and Commercial Hub. University and temple (Grand Temple of Time) provide a trade route. +2 age points once a trade route is completed or a city is converted to your own religion the...
[Genshin Impact] Sun and Moon of Teyvat Pack (Klee, Nahida)
↑ Give us a positive rate to prevent this mod from leaving mod lists early and help us to decide what to come next. Community Awards are also welcome. You need either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use this mod. All gameplay balancing is set to fit Ga...
[GOT] map of the Sunset Kingdoms--Westeros
Created by ian
This is a custom map pack made as westeros in Game of Thrones&A Song Of Ice And Fire.The maps size is 96x126,you can have a new experience in Both Civilization VI and GOT. There are four maps in this pack 1.The classic map is 96x126 huge map.Allows 12 play...
[GOT]Winter of Westeros
Created by ian
Winter is coming! This is a custom map made as westeros in Game of Thrones&A Song Of Ice And Fire.In the winter version,a lot of place will covered by snow and ice.Therefore,your resources become more difficult to earn and the population is hard to increas...
[GS2023]Better Pantheons
Created by 神羅大帝
2024清明更新,修复一些错误,对原版宗教信条进行增强。 相关模组 本模组参考吸收了其他万神殿信条相关的模组: Diverse Beliefs 移植了此MOD中的信条,进行了内容汉化,并对其中部分信条做出调整。 天音雅乐(Heavenly Muse):剧院广场 中的 罗马剧院,艺术博物馆 和 广播电台 分别额外+1 大作家,+1 大艺术家,和 +1 大音乐家 点数。 天工开物(Ingenuity):为拥有1级区域建筑的 学院区, 商业中心 和 工业区 分别额外+1 大科学家, +1 大商人,+1 大工程师 ...
[GS] A Certain Scientific Railgun - Mikoto Misaka and Misaki Shokuhou
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. Campus Metropolis - Tree Diagram: Cities with at least 2 specialty districts can gain +15% Science. Cities with at least 3 specialty districts can provide +1 Science, +1 Gold from each population. Lv.5 Judgement: Spe...
[GS] Age of Empires III - Amelia's America and Huang's China
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm DLC. Unload the previous version of this mod before you use it. Amelia Black - Railroad Worker: Replace Military Engineer. Have more charges, and can build more kinds of Improvements. Huang Jian - Fuchuan: Replace Frigate. Can ...
[GS] CNC General - Tsing Shi Tao's China
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. Unload the previous version of this mod before you use it. Nuke Cannon: Unique unit for Tsing Shi Tao. Replace Rocket Artillery. More Attacking Range and can launch Nuclear Weapon. Advanced Nuclear Reactor: Unique bu...
[GS] Grand Theft Auto - Carl and Franklin's Grove Street
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. Grove Street Families - Gang War: Open Borders with all city-states, +2 Influence per turn, and +20% Gold per city-state Grove Street is the Suzerain of. Every Military Slot in the government provide +1 Favor per tur...
[GS] Idol M@ster - 765 Production
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. Unload or Unsubscribe the previous version of this mod before you use it. Idol M@ster - M@STERS OF IDOL WORLD!!: Cities with govenors can provide +1 Culture, +1 Gold from each Citizen. Sheriff: Replace field cannon. ...
[GS] Idol M@ster Cinderella Girls- 346 Production
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion and Idol M@ster - 765 Production. Unload or Unsubscribe the previous version of this mod before you use it. Idol M@ster Cinderella Girls - M@STERS OF IDOL WORLD!!: Cities with govenors can provide +1 Culture, +1 Gold ...
[GS] Kantai Collection - Shimakaze, Yamato and Naka
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion and Viking & Australia DLC. Kantai Collection - Large Ship Construction: Can see Oil, Niter, Iron, Coal, Alumium resource from the start. Canals are unlocked with the Shipbuilding technology. Gain a unique Governor - ...
[GS] LoveLive! - Honoka, Kotori, Umi, Nozomi and Nico
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm DLC. Unload the previous version of this mod before you use it. It is recommended to use Sukritact's Civ Selection Screen mod to select specific Jerseys in single player. LoveLive! - School Idol Festival: Campus district can pr...
[GS] LoveLive! Sunshine!! - Chika, Hanamaru, Mari and Yoshiko
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm DLC and LoveLive! - μ's. Unload the previous version of this mod before you use it. LoveLive! Sunshine!! - School Idol Festival: Campus district can provides +4 Faith and +4 Culture. Kadota Tsurugi: Replace Swordsman. Earns 50%...
[GS] Minecraft - Steve and Alex
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion and Poland DLC. Unload the previous version of this mod before you use it. Minecraft - Mining And Crafting: You can see the Iron and Coal resources from the beginning of the game. Quarry's and Mines on resources provi...
[GS] TOUHOU MOD Hutatsuiwa - Tanuki Empire
Created by KCucumber
It is an Touhou Mod with civilization Tanuki Empire and its leader Futatsuiwa Mamizou. A Civ with random trait. Can get random trait from other existing Civ and Leader every time you start a game. Are you ready for restart? hope you like it~ PS. probably h...
[GS] TOUHOU MOD Saigyouji - Hakugokurou
Created by KCucumber
It is a Touhou Mod with civilization Hakugyokurou and its leader Saigyouji Yuyuko. Leader - Saigyouji Yuyuko Leader Trait Ghostly Elegance "Light Trap of Passing Away" - All Units (including your Units) -4 Combat Strength when defending. Get a Gardener Uni...
[GS] TOUHOU MOD Watatsuki - TsukiMiyako
Created by KCucumber
It is a Touhou Mod with civilization LUNATIC KINGDOM and its leader WATATSUKI YORIHIME. Leader – Watatsuki Yorihime Leader Trait Summon The Power Of The Gods - Can switch her Leader Traits by Summon different Gods. Can enjoy more God's traits with Era incr...
[GS] VOCALOID - Miku and Nemu
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm DLC. Unload the previous version of this mod before you use it. VOCALOID - Project Diva: When enter a new era, earn 2 random Inspiration and 2 random Eureka from that era. Earn Great Scientist Points and Great Musician Points a...
[GS]Kekeya's Cleveland class Civilization Pack [Reforged]---[AzurLane]
Created by Kekeya
↑We need more praise to make this mod not disappear from the list prematurely. If you subscribe to this mod, please click the Like button. Thank you. This mod requires GS DLC to run. The balance is subject to the values in the ever-changing information fil...
[GS]Murasa Minamitsu [Touhou Project]
Created by Kunsmendon
Now it only includes Chinese Text. 目前仅支持简中文本...
[GS]TOUHOU-MOD Ayaka Kougei
Created by 姥鲨
A civilization lead by Ayaka Kougei. DLC "Gathering Storm" is needed. I translate it into English by myself with Google. If you find any problems, please contact me. You can choose English or Chinese to play this MOD and English is the default language. Ot...
[GS]TOUHOU-MOD Hata no Kokoro
Created by 姥鲨
A civilization lead by Hata no Kokoro. DLC "Gathering Storm" and "Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack" is needed. I translate it into English by myself with Google. If you find any problems, please contact me. You can choose English or Chinese ...
[GS]TOUHOU-MOD Palace of Earth Spirits
Created by 姥鲨
A civilization of Earth Spirits Palace. Include three leaders: Satori Komeiji, Koishi Komeiji and Utsuho Reiuji. DLC "Gathering Storm" is needed. You can choose English or Chinese to play this MOD and English is the default language. The Korean translation...
[GS]TOUHOU-MOD Suwako Moriya
Created by 姥鲨
Moriya Kingdom and Moriya Shrine lead by Suwako Moriya. DLC "Gathering Storm" is needed. I translate it into English by myself with Google. If you find any problems, please contact me. You can choose English or Chinese to play this MOD and English is the d...
[map] China and surrounding area
Created by ian
This is a 96x60 size Chinese map.It also has the surrounding area .There are two version of the map,The mod edition need some mod,but it has the TSL of some mod civs.The other one don't need mod. UPDATE:Support Gathering storm now MOD require: 1.Antagonise...
[Map] World of Warhammer V1.2
Created by ian
This is a custom map based on the world of Warhammer . There are two maps in this map pack, The 92x72 map is Old World,and the 106x60 map is Ulthuan .Some rivers and montains in my map are different from the game, I make a little changes,you can have a new...
[Moana]Moana of Polynesia
Created by Entarogan
Moana of Polynesia If there is any bug, please reply to me. We will appreciate it. Support English and Simplified Chinese. Civilization : Polynesia UA:The Great Triangle: All units can go into ocean after obtaining "Sailing". Increase production by 125% wh...
[Mulan]Mulan of China
Created by Entarogan
If there is any bug, please reply to me. We will appreciate it. Support English and Simplified Chinese. Leader: Mulan LA:Concealed Heroine: Get +100% General, Great Scientist, Great Writer points when at war against at least one major civilization. Get +2 ...
[Princess Connect] 4.5 Years Anniversary of Landosol Leader Pack (Ameth, Explorer Maho, Summer Kyoka)
↑ Positive rates can be easily given by simply clicking the thumbs up button. Click it and you can encourage us to do better! Community Awards are also welcome~ You need the Little Lead-rical Leader Pack and either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use t...
[Princess Connect] Landosol Little Lead-rical Pack (Yuni, Kokkoro, Kyoka)
↑ Positive rates can be easily given by simply clicking the thumbs up button. Click it and you can encourage us to do better! Community Awards are also welcome~ You need either Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm to use this mod. All gameplay balancing is set...
[PR] A.I.Channel - Kizuna AI
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Civilization Trait A.I.Channel - World's first virtual Youtuber: Each Art Museum can hold 6 Great works instead of 3 and automatically theme...
[PR] Land of the Lustrous - Phos and Bort
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion and Persia & Macedon DLC. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Civilization Trait Land of the Lustrous - Bone: Hills terrain provide +1 adjacency bonus for land districts (+2 adj...
[PR] Powder Toy - Stickman
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Civilization Trait Powder Toy - Element Cloner: Capital's and City with Government Plaza district's all yields +50% (Won't superposition). A...
[PR] Spice and Wolf - Holo
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Civilization Trait Wise Wolf - Futures Transaction: +2 Trade Route capacity. Enjoy 35% off discount when purchasing units, buildings, plots,...
[PR] Tsuki ni Yorisou Otome no Sahou - Asahi Kokura
Created by Flactine
You need the Gathering Storm Expansion. With Project Rush: Stirring, you can get the best experience from this mod. Civilization Trait Lunar Maiden - Aristocratic Family: All Tiles, Districts and Trade Routes +1 Gold yield per turn. Unique District Sakura ...
Better Great Wall
Created by Sakemy
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct the Great Wall, unique to China. Provides an increase to Defense. Bonus to Food、Gold、Science、Culture、Faith and Production if adjacent to other segments. Additional Tourism as you advance through the Technology Tree ...
[Support G&S] 东方PROJECT 东风谷早苗 (苗日天 ver)
Created by Sakemy
欢迎加入文明6MOD制作群 635450108 由朝日娘授权,Sakemy二次创作 注意!!!未区别特征码。不可和原版共存。请单独订阅本mod 已修复工业区建筑相关问题。如有个例仍存在问题请进群联系sakemy ====================================================================== 东风谷早苗 (苗日天 ver) 【领袖倾向】 信仰是为了虚无的人类 喜欢信仰产出高的文明,敌视信仰产出低的文明 【领袖奖励】 秘术「灰色奇术」 所有单位休息时...
[Support G&S] Akashi - Kancollect Leader Pack
Created by Sakemy
If you have bug, please contact me. Currently supports both Chinese and English ====================================================================== Leader name : Akashi Victory Agenda : Archipelago Deplomatic Agenda : Peacekeeper Prefers high production...
[Support G&S] Amphitheater Add 2 extra slot
Created by Sakemy
Add 2 extra slot for the ancient Rome Theatre...
[Support G&S] Kaga - Kancollect Leader Pack
Created by Sakemy
If you have bug, please contact me. Currently supports both Chinese and English ====================================================================== Leader Name : Kaga Victory Agenda : Islands Plates Agenda : Tries to build up air force, and like leaders...
[Support G&S] Kashima - Kancollect Leader Pack
Created by Sakemy
If you have bug, please contact me. Currently supports both Chinese and English ====================================================================== Leader Name : Kashima Victory Agenda : Islands Diplomatic Agenda : Peace Keeper Leader Agenda : A hardwor...
[Support G&S] Miyamizu Mitsuha ver2.0
Created by Sakemy
Welcome to join Civ6Modder QQ Group: 635450108 Steam Group: CIV6 MCPT Still debugging. Please contact if you discover any. Now has both English and Chinese localized text. ====================================================================== Religious/Eco...
[Support G&S] Sasebo Chinjufu - Kancollect Civilization Pack
Created by Sakemy
If you have bug, please contact me. Currently supports both Chinese and English ====================================================================== Civilization Name : Sasebo Naval Base UA : Chinjufu -2 maintenence gold for all units. obtain 1 extra cop...
[Support G&S] Yamakaze - Kancollect Leader Pack
Created by Sakemy
If you have bug, please contact me. Currently supports both Chinese and English ====================================================================== Leader name : Yamakaze Agenda : Peacekeeper LA : I don't want to be alone anymore Obtain great person poi...
[support G&S] [Update]remove any flood plains
Created by Sakemy
The latest version of the adaptation has been updated and any type of flood plain can be removed by workers after the study irrigation Whether to cancel the flood is not tested....
[Support G&S] [Update]Remove Reef
Created by Sakemy
Remove Reef By Sakemy After studying navigation and mining, coastal reefs can be removed by builders. Fixed to ensure full version available...
[Support RF/GS] Barbarian Breakout
Created by Flactine
Now Supported Gathering Storm DLC. Lots of Barbarian come from anywhere! Can you defend them? Recommend to play with this mod: L4D2 Zombie MOD support GS...
[Tangled]Rapunzel of Corona
Created by Entarogan
Civilization: Corona UA:Solar Land: Plots with adjacency to at least one district or wonder yield +1 Cavalry +1 sight, can reveal stealth and yield +5general points when eliminating a unit. UD:Grand Square Replace Commercial Hub.Can conduct project "Lanter...
[The Garden of Sinners]Ryougi Shiki and Ryougi Shiki of Japan
Created by Entarogan
Caution:This is the beta version which means some of the functions are not guarantede to work.In order to make everything work well. Rgouyi Shiki is a fictional animation character created by Type-Moon. English and Simplfied Chinese supported. If there is ...
[TouHou mod]bamboo_rabbit-妖怪兔-モンスターウサギ
Created by evin
TouHou mod, Branch line: the race that enters the outer world in the boom of the outside world.See the encyclopedia for background details. Support for new DLC: Gathering Storm. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------...
[Touhou Mod] Alice In Forest Of Magic
Created by muyyi
Update 190216: Support GS I love EDU and I try my best to made this mod. In this mod, you can found many diffrent unit and unique effect to unclock. It will be interesting! However, I must to admit that some of part is imbalance, So I made a IMBA PATCH, I ...
[TouHou mod]Demon-魔族-魔族
Created by evin
TouHou mod.It’s finally over. The tangible things are attributed to nothing, and the invisible meaning is turned into nothingness. Under the glory of the Lord, only those who are forgiven have to be born.See the encyclopedia for background details. Support...
[TouHou mod]fairy-妖精-ようせい
Created by evin
TouHou mod, Branch line: the race that enters the outer world in the boom of the outside world.See the encyclopedia for background details. Support for new DLC: Gathering Storm. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------...
[TouHou mod]KAPPA-河童-河童
Created by evin
TouHou mod, the third series of the series, Kappa entered the world, are they coming to find the Tengu? What influence does this have on fantasy township?See the encyclopedia for background details. Support for new DLC: Gathering Storm. -------------------...
[TouHou mod]marionette-人偶族-人形
Created by evin
TouHou Project Mod.AI Alice, Marionettes and Medicine are leaders of marionettes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※All text is provided by Google Translate.So,there may...
[TouHou mod]moon_rabbit-月兔-月のうさぎ
Created by evin
TouHou mod, in the Fantasy Township after the Kappa, has undergone tremendous changes. One of the effects of this change is that the Moon Rabbit has also joined the ranks of the outside world, although their purpose seems to be different.See the encycloped...
[TouHou mod]ShinkiAiSuper-神绮AI增强-しんきAI強化
Created by evin
Support for new DLC: Gathering Storm. Think AI is too simple? Can't feel the gas field of the gods BOSS? Want to really feel the despair of the creation god? This oracle AI enhancement is for you. Make the following adjustments when the gods are AI: Double...
[TouHou mod]tengu-天狗-天狗
Created by evin
The TouHou mod, the second in the series, after the dolls, the Tengus also entered the outside world. It seems that something happened in the fantasy township.See the encyclopedia for background details. -------------------------------------------------- -...
[TouHou mod]TheDivine-神族-プロトス
Created by evin
TouHou mod,A series of events around the outside world finally alerted the gods. They came here personally. Did they bring glory, or destruction? Where is the future of the alien and fantasy towns? Everything is about to settle.See the encyclopedia for bac...
[TouHou mod]the_oni-鬼族-鬼
Created by evin
TouHou mod, Added: race that did not appear in the story.No the encyclopedia. Support for new DLC: Gathering Storm. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ※This English Trans...
[TouHou mod]vampire-吸血鬼-吸血鬼
Created by evin
TouHou mod, Branch line: the race that enters the outer world in the boom of the outside world.See the encyclopedia for background details. Support for new DLC: Gathering Storm. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------...
[TouHou mod]Zombies-僵尸-ゾンビ
Created by evin
TouHou Project Mod.Two leaders have been added: Miyako Yoshika and Kaenbyou Rin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※All text is provided by Google Translate.So,there may ...
Created by 小小淡宵
这就是我的第五个mod了,终于是完工啦,不过这次的mod实际上我并不是很喜欢,因为自己感觉没有以前写的那么有特色,就像是全是堆砌数值一样,感觉不是全时期都有事情可以做。 合集 点击上方的合集,即可查看TOUHOU MOD列表 这次也加上了音乐,不过没有弄多少。 注:该mod非常过分 本MOD具有二设 本mod新增了文明不幸神域,包含一个领袖依神紫苑。 拥有一个特色区域,一个特色建筑,一个政策卡,以及特色物品的历史时刻插画,百科文本,还有悦耳的音乐。 如果说有各种问题请联系我,包括但不限于改进建议,平衡性,b...
[TOUHOU]东方project MOD——魂魄妖梦
Created by 小小淡宵
还是我,古明地淡宵 合集 点击上方的合集,即可查看TOUHOU MOD列表 这次做了魂魄妖梦mod 将战斗与发展能力糅合在一起的文明及其领袖,强度自然是非常的高。 也希望各位玩的快乐一点。 下一个会做一个二创角色,也是强度非常的高的角色。 特点是无尽的成长能力。 本MOD具有一定程度二设 本mod新增了幻想乡——冥界,以及领袖魂魄妖梦。 拥有一个特色区域,一个特色建筑,一个特色单位,一个政策卡,以及特色物品的历史时刻插画,百科文本。 已更新BGM 如果说有各种问题请联系我,比如bug等 附上MOD交流群群号...
[VUP Derivative work of Civilization] The Eastern Qi-Month Empire —— Zero Moon
Created by GramGao
If you like this civilization, please give this mod a positive comment. Your praise is my greatest support, inspiration and motivation. thank you!!! Tips: This mod needs to rely on Gathering Storm DLC to run normally. Tips:If there are deviations in differ...
[WALL.E]WALL.E and EVE of Buy N Large Company
Created by Entarogan
If there is any bug, please reply to me. We will appreciate it. Civilization : Buy N Large UA:Automatic Robot Cities: Besides a small discount of production, all cities can build campus and industrial zone without population under consideration. All cities...