Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Darkstorm CWRP
Darkstorm CWRP. We do not know the rights to these addons.
Items (272)
3D2D Textscreens
Created by James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
Advanced Duplicator 2
Created by WireTeam
Ground up rewrite meant to make up for some of the shortcomings of the first iteration of AdvDupe. Still considered alpha! Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord:
Black Ops 2 Tactical Insertion (Sandbox) (2025 Update)
Created by Hoff
This is the Tactical Insertion ported from Black Ops II. Before asking questions in the comments, check if it's answered in the FAQ! What it does It allows you to set your spawn point using a device. When you die, you will respawn at the tactical insertion...
CGI Star Wars Crate
Created by V This addon contains a CGI prop of an equipment crate used in the Star Wars Clone Wars series. Modeling, Texturing: Helios
Clone Wars Adventures: Lightsabers
Created by ArsenicBeast
Lightsabers ported from Clone Wars Adventures! Please give a rating as it really helps the addon grow, it takes 1 click to do so. Info In this addon there are 40(give or take 1 or 2) lightsabers that have been ported over to work in GMod. Thanks to my frie...
Custom ULX Commands
Created by SirSmokerGollum
-- Original CULX Created by;u=6288 -- This is a updated and optimised version of Custom ULX Commands, we make sure it runns as best as possible and also complies to any Gmod Rule changes like the operat...
Damage Players in Seats
MAYBE OBSOLETE ADDON Intro By default players cannot be damaged when they are sitting on seats. This addon allows bullets (and only bullets) to damage the player when they hit the chair. I know no more efficient way to do the job. This addon does not work ...
DarkRP Full Classic Advert Want to log adverts, kills, propkilling, etc. and better manage administration on your server? Check out my logging system ________________________________________________________________________________
EGM Animation SWEPs
Created by [EGM] Mattzi
With this Addon you receive some SWEPs that have nice animations: -You can cross your arms behind your back with! -You can use your Comlink! -You can use your Hololink! -You can high five -You can surrender -You can point How to get it: Q-> Weapons-> EGM A...
Easy Animation Tool
Created by Rubat
A tool that allows easy animation playback for all entities that have animations. This will not work on Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Portal 2, CS:GO models, it's a problem with Garry's Mod, not this mod. Please note that not all models have animations. This tool o...
Easy Jetpack
Created by Sgt. Orange
Are you tired of using the buggy and unreliable rocketboots? Looking for something more balanced for your server? Well my Jetpack addon has you covered!!! Features: -Fuel System -Works even when the weapon is holstered. -Hovering (bye bye fall damage) How ...
Extended Properties
Created by Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Extended Spawnmenu
Created by Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
GmodAdminSuite ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Click For Support⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (G)mod(A)dmin(S)uite or GAS is a set of admin utilities that work on top of admin mods such as ULX or SAM to provide a better experience for server owners and ...
Half-Life 2 Tools
Created by Rubat
A set of Half-Life 2 inspired/themed tools. Fully compatible with duplicator. Tool list Headcrab canister tool ( sbox_maxenv_headcrabcanisters ) Ammo crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_ammo_crates ) Item crate tool ( sbox_maxitem_item_crates ) Thumper tool ( sbox_m...
Improved Stacker
Created by Thomas
Improved Stacker Tool The Improved Stacker tool is a complete rewrite of the original Stacker tool and includes many bug fixes and new features that both clients and server owners can benefit from. Unlike the other versions of the tool, the Improved Stacke...
Local OOC Command
Created by DeadRow
: It is the Local OOC command. : Ce script permet de faire un /looc pour parler en /me mais en local. Changelogs : 12/09/2015 : Initial Version....
Mass Effect Civilian Props
Created by Cosmic
All credit for this work should go to cires992. This pack includes a few dozen props, many with bodygroups, all of which are from the Mass Effect series of video games. These props have an emphasis on civilian applications. There are no ragdolls or weapons...
Mass Effect Props - Part Five
Created by Miss K-FOX
This addon is the fifth and final package of Mass Effect props by Cire992. This addon contains 48 props from the videogame Mass Effect 3 including a custom skins for terminal props. All content of this addon is credited the following : cire992 - Porting/Co...
Media Player
Created by Sam
Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod (HTML5) ⚠️ GMod developers are working on a fix, this can't be fixed by the mod author! ⚠️ This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry'...
Created by Malboro
PermaProps 4.0 What is the PermaProps: The permaprops is a lightweight addon written to save entities on a map. This is very useful to improve servers and help builders. How use it: Saving: Aim a entity and press left mouse. Remove: Aim a entity and press ...
Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack
Created by Captain Charles
Name: Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack Version: 2 Description: Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack for Garry's mod. Contents: -Anakin Episode 2 -Anakin Episode 3 -Common Jedi (Adi Gallia, Shaak Ti, Bultar Swan, Barriss Offee,...) -Count Dooku -Darth Maul (staff) -Darth M...
Roleplay Model Pack
Created by idk
--I did not make this addon, I'm only supporting the community by adding it to the Gmod 13 workshop.-- *Original Author: Splaynirk...
Roleplay Props Extended
Created by Aldric
Here is the new version of the famous realistic object pack "Roleplay props". This version was built for and by the community, not being the original creator of this project that I have only enriched. This pack contains about 224 props. The majority of the...
SWTOR: Lightsaber Pack
Created by ArsenicBeast
121 Lightsabers from SWTOR! Please give a rating as it really helps the addon grow, it takes 1 click to do so. Info This pack is pretty much holds almost all of the unique lightsabers from SWTOR. I'll update this pack periodically over time as more and mor...
Sci-fi Props Megapack
Created by Lt_C
Over 70 Unique Sci-Fi Themed Props! Included in this release is the bulk of two years’ work on a specific visual theme. When combined with my other similar releases, this is little short of the cores assets needed to make a total conversion source mod. Eve...
Star Wars - Misc Prop Pack
Created by Lord Trilobite
A pack of props based on various things in the SW universe. Many of the models also include several skins. Contents: - Imperial computer consoles (various animated screens in different skins) - Imperial holoprojector - Imperial archways - Imperial blast do...
Star Wars - Rogue One Prop Pack
Created by Lord Trilobite
A pack of props based on those from the film Rogue One: a Star Wars Story. All the black and orange items are used by the Empire including on the base on Scarif. The small white container was used by the Rebels on Yavin IV. The white version of the Imperia...
Star Wars Flags & Banners
Created by dhkatz
Star Wars Flags & Banners: A collection of various flags or species, organizations, factions, etc. Current Banners: Galactic Republic Galactic Empire Confederacy of Independent Systems Mandalorian First Order Rebel Alliance New Republic Xeno Empire (Custom...
Star Wars Lightsabers
Created by Rubat
Star Wars Lightsabers Extension
Created by AkainuTAMAKI
This is a simple script who add 11 hilt of lightsaber for "Star Wars Lightsabers" made by Rubat. List of hilt: Kyle Saber Hilt Reborn Saber Hilt Saber 1 to 9 Hilt Thank to Captain Charles for the "Revan Dark Lightsaber Pack" addon. Work only with "Star War...
Star Wars Materials
This is a Big Pack of Materials (Textures) of Star Wars Walls. There is actually 45 Materials! Do not forget to leave a I like and putting the addon in favorites if he seems to you useful ^^ -----------------------------------------------------------------...
Star Wars Music (Extended Version) [NEW UPDATE]
Created by Caldryk
*-BIG UPDATE-* ICONS & MODELS FIX - NEW STAR WARS MOVIE = NEW SONGS HERE In this Addon you can find many music of the Star Wars Universe: - Padme & Anakin Theme (III) - The Chosen One (III) - Cantina Band (IV) - Star Wars Theme (ALL) - Imperial March (IV-V...
Star Wars Pick-ups
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A set of Star Wars themed ammo, health and armor pick-ups made for the MelonServers Star Wars servers. MelonServers Webpage To use these, one must press the use button (E)...
Star Wars Prop Pack
Created by dhkatz
Star Wars Prop Pack By Doctor Jew This prop pack is a collection of Star Wars props ported from various locations, previously not found on the workshop. Still a work in progress, and will be constantly updated until I have run out of props to port, this ma...
Star Wars Props (Extended)
Created by Binary Space
Hey, Somes models of props : -Star Wars Trainer Ball -Sith Holocron -Obelisk -Mini Venator Credits to : Me for uploading this on the workshop Stefano from for create props. Doctor Jew for creating sith holocron , obelisk and venator...
Star Wars Wallpapers
Created by Absynthe
Some Star Wars backgrounds for you to enjoy within the comfort of your game. All images are full HD at 1920x1080. Last updated: Jan 2021...
Star Wars: Jedi Youngling Playermodels
Created by ✵ Cok Bhoi ✵
Jedi Youngling Playermodel This model was commisioned by Akainu and Bok Choi. Created by neomarz1 Ported by JazzMcNade If you have used and like this model, please remember to leave a thumbs up Copyright 2016 This item is not authorized for posting on Stea...
StarWars Ammo Dispensers
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Ammo Dispenser or Ammo Distributor Ammo Dispenser (Ammo) - give 750 ar2 ammo, so the same ammo as my weapons. Grenade Dispenser - give 2 grenade. Rocket Dispenser - give 3 rpg_round. Ammo Dispenser (Holding Weapon) ...
Starwars Playermodels
Created by Zim
This is a Content Pack made of Starwars: The Old Republic Models. Models: Falcon, Ferroda, Ferroda (2), X2, X2 (2), X2 (Clone Armor), X1, X1 (Clone Armor), X1 (Mandalorian Armor), Arcann Rebuilt, Sith Pureblood, Revan, Imperiuss and Darth Nox. Additional N...
Starwars: The Old Republic Playermodels
Created by Zim
This is a Content Pack made of Starwars: The Old Republic Models. Models: Imperial Droid, Republic Droid, CGI Jawa, Kage Warrior, Kaleesh, Selonian, Theron Shan, Medical Droid, Astrinech Droids, Shae Vizla, Red Honor Guard, Jace Malcom, Aric Jorgan, Klep, ...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
Created by Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
Tood's ALCS Lootboxes v3
Created by Tood ALL SUPPORT IS NOW HANDLED VIA MY NEW DISCORD: These lootboxes are specifically made for ALCS meaning you need ALCS for these lootboxes to work. If you already own an ALCS version then you are good to g...
ULX Administration Permissions
Created by AeroMatix
ULX Admin & Superadmin Perms | Set Which Ranks Can Spawn Weapons, Vehicles & Ents! ULX Admin & Superadmin permissions, make it so you don't have to be an Admin or Superadmin to spawn these necessary things in anymore! This is ULX perm based meaning of cour...
ULX NPC No Target Command
Created by Zaktak
A Simple command that lets you no-target players from NPCs. - Very simple, NPCs do not "see" the player that is no-targeted. - Even if the player attacks the NPC they will not respond. !notarg...
Created by Aaron
Restriction system for ULX. (Requires ULX and ULib),5269.0.html Please read the wiki for additional help: Please feel free to comment on my profile and add me if you need hel...
VJ Base
Created by DrVrej
VJ Base, short for Vrej Base, was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting in the development of various addons. It is popularly used to create scripted NPCs, thanks to its highly customizable and sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. For an ...
Voice Amplifier SWEP
Created by Servius
The Voice Amplifier SWEP Use this swep to speak to people in an expandable radius or even talk to you whole server with a touch of a button! For some reason this was taken down a while back and I, Servius, couldnt find it anywhere. Church had a copy on han...
[BLN] Hilt Pack 1
Created by Resh
[HFG] SWTOR Model Pack
Created by ArsenicBeast
A collection of SWTOR models for Hammerfall Gaming. This pack will contain all models that I am porting for the members of HFG. Currently contains: Zabrak Sith, 8 holocrons, 1 m...
[TFA Official] Star Wars Shared Resources [ Sounds, Icons, Shared Support Menu ]
Created by Servius
[TFA VOX] Bounty Hunters
Created by Vrag Money Bag
Voicelines for the Bounty Hunters of Star wars Not all models are supported, will finish them all later Clone Wars: Galactic Conquest
[TFA] StarWars Galactic Weapon Reworked Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Galactic reworked weapon swep Pack from Battlefront II. Bowcaster CJ-9 CR-2 CR-2c Defender Defender Sporting Dual Defender Sporting Dual Defender Dual DT-12 Dual DL-44 DL-18 DL-44 DT-12 EE-3 EE-3a IQA-11 IQA-11c K-1...
[TFA] StarWars Reworked Attachments Ressources
Created by ChanceSphere574
All informations are on the title Copyright 2020. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ChanceSphere574, at the steamid STEAM_0:1:90165449. Reuploading rules are available on ...
[TFA] StarWars Reworked Shared Resources and Assets
Created by ChanceSphere574 This This pack contain all resource needed for all my weapon pack, contains basic reload sounds, view and world models, also some icon and textures CVars Serveur Side : rw_sw_bit_amount "16" rw_sw_smoke_amount "5" rw_sw_impa...
[TFA] StarWars Rocket Launcher Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Rocket launcher pack ! The best rocket pack at all, contain 8 rockets launcher from StarWars and with 3 additionnal rocket mods, the Pointing Mod, the Tracking Mod and the Control Mod, a laser with the current color...
[TFA][HBW] StarWars Reworked Weapons Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Custom Weapons with Heat System /!\ This addon is Work In Progress /!\ Bowcaster DC-15A DC-15S DC-17 DLT-19 E-11 EE-3 IQA-11 T-21 Heat Based Weapons | Base StarWars Reworked Shared Re...
[TW] Sim's Hilts
Created by freaksim Description This pack will be a repository of all my created hilts. Each hilt in here has animations and special abilities. All hilts work with WiltOS's ALCS and robotboy655's lightsaber addon Included Hilts: Simon's Hilt - ...
[wOS] Advanced Lightsaber Combat (Content Pack)
Created by King David™
[wOS] Animation Extension - Blade Symphony
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Blade Symphony integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted I take no credit for the animations, I simply moved it over to the ...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Riddick
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! These are custom animations made by Riddick for wiltOS Technologies. All rights belong to DO NOT REUPLOAD THIS EXTENSION, AND APPROPRIATELY CREDIT THE...
wiltOS Custom Blade Materials
Created by anzati1
if you have ANY questions dm me on discord or steam. @anzati1#4262 wos/lightsabers/blades/anzati/yourbladehere For example InnerMaterial = "wos/lightsabers/blades/anzati/theswordswill", EnvelopeMaterial = "wos/lightsabers/blades/a...
Gmod Player Spawn Point Editor - Resources Only
Gmod Player Spawn Point Editor - Resources Only This is the content only of Player Spawn Point Editor can be get here : "Official Player Spawn Point Editor is a complete gmod spawn manager, ed...
Boss Battle System [wOS ALCS & PointShop Support]
Created by Haru
A tool used for making an NPC spawning system. This addon can be used without WiltOS ALCS if you just want a regular spawning system. - Killing a boss will give you XP depending on how much damage you've dealt to it before it dies and PSPoints if you are u...
Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes!
Created by FailCake
Its just a simple client side ThirdPerson. WORKS WELL WITH PAC3 :D! Note, the playermodel is a PAC Wanna help out? Check If you Don't see yourself when in thirdperson, make sure the...
Star Wars Weapons
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A pack of Star Wars weapons with both first person and third person models. This pack contains the following weapons: Bowcaster DC-15A DC-15S DC-15 Side Arm DC-17m Anti-Ar...
Ultimate Star Wars Sound Pack
Created by Seven DISCLAIMER: I have recently quit Garry's Mod and thus have halted all support/updates for this addon. This means I will not be fulfilling any requests for additions to the pack. If I ever return to Garry's Mod, I will go thr...
[TFA] StarWars Reworked Grenade Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Grenade pack ! Ping Launcher Grenade Bacta Grenade Dioxis Grenade Flash Grenade Impact Grenade Incendiary Grenade Smoke Grenade Stun Grenade Thermal Grenade Training StarWars Reworked...
The taxi teleporter content
Created by OX$Y
Nameless King SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Nameless King _________________________________________________...
StarWarsRP Helios Jedi Playermodel Collection
Created by V This addon contains a bunch of jedi playermodels used by me on StarWars roleplay. I do not allow any modifications and reuploads. All rights go to their respective owners. Will remove if asked to by proprietary model owners....
Grey Force Wardens Playermodels (V3)
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
(THE BUGGED PROPORTIONS AND VIEWMODEL HAVE BOTH BEEN FIXED! THIS MODEL IS NOW FULLY FUNCTIONAL!) The Force Wardens were a group of outcast Jedi during the The Old Republic era in approximately 3500 BBY. Their leader was originally a Grand Master of the Jed...
Star Wars - Grey Jedi Master V1.0
Created by sexsex
This addon includes the following: Model: Jedi Grey Master Thanks for subscribing!...
Hit Numbers
Created by ief~☆
Adds damage indicators whenever you hurt something. This is a serverside (or singleplayer) addon. The server must have this addon installed in order to work in multiplayer. Console Commands: Click here for a full list of commands and settings to customize ...
NPC Health Bar
Created by Dobbi
THANK YOU FOR THE MEGA UPLOAD! This addon is based off of the Original Health Bar addon made by and Yarr I did NOT make this addon from the ground up, I just modified the original addon. Current Version: Version 2.21 This add-on is supported. Me ...
anzatis lightsaber pack
Created by anzati1
93 lightsabers I've collected over time and rigged and textured credits - Star Wars: The Old Republic Me - Rigging/Modeling/Texturing Various list of people sending me meshes to rig for them I did not post every lightsaber in a picture of this addon becaus...
Jedi Temple Guard (playermodels)
Contains Temple Guard playermodel with robe and belt bodygroups 28.02.2020 update -Tweaks (check changelog) -Uploaded optimized version of this model ...
Revan : SWTOR
Created by Acrow "Revan, renowned as "The Revanchist" and dreaded as the Sith Lord Darth Revan, was an eminent Jedi Knight turned conquering Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona...
SWTOR PROPS PACK Information Props Pack Swtor Copyright Créateur du pack : THE ALUGALUG CAT : Protected content herein is managed and maintained by their respective owners. Altering content is proh...
TFA Base
Created by YuRaNnNzZZ
Frequently Asked Questions Documentation for Developers Community Translations (and how to make one yourself) (all links dubbed in changelog tab above) For users: -A rich, thoroughly tested feature set including: Holographic HUD, reminiscent of FA:S2 Viewb...
[] rp_anaxes_defcon_v2
Created by Sour All credit goes to the following: Patrick - Map Creation Jimbo - Original Anaxes Creation Sour - because This map is to be used in singleplayer or on our server only. If you wish to use this on your own server, go right ahea...
[LVS] - Framework
Created by Jinxit
This is Luna's Vehicle System. It's purpose is to get all the different vehicle systems running on one and the same base so you don't have to code all the basic things over and over again such as seat switcher, damage system, exit scripts, weapon systems, ...
[LVS] - Star Wars
Created by Jinxit
YOU NEED - Framework FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK Vehicles can be found in your "Entities" tab under " - Star Wars" This Pack is a direct replacement to - Star Wars. It offers improvements in all areas. Controls (Default) For Base...
[LVS] Star Wars Misc. Pack
Created by Nashatok
A small little collection of misc. ships that do not immediately fit into the four standard Star Wars factions. Included: - Alligator Starfighter - Dynamic-class Freighter (Ebon Hawk) - Kom'rk-class Fighter/Transport (Gauntlet-class) - H-6 Scurrg Prototype...
[TFA] StarWars Republic Weapon Reworked Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars Republic reworked weapon Pack from Battlefront II. DC-15S DC-15A DC-15A (Original) DC-15LE DC-15LE (Original) DC-15X DC-15S DC-15SE Valken x38 DC-17 DP-23 DP-24 DC-19 DC-19LE Stun DC-15S Stun DC-17 Dual DC-15s Dual ...
[LVS] HMP Droid Gunship
Created by Salty™
Requires LVS-Framework and LVS-Star Wars This is NOT a port of the LFS HMP Gunship, this is an entirely new addon The HMP droid gunship, otherwise known as the HMP Predator gunship, was one of the deadlier autonomous vehicles ...
[LVS] Star Wars Republic Frigates
Created by Salty™
Requires LVS-Framework and LVS-Star Wars This Addon Contains: 3 Republic Frigates/Cruisers -Retrofitted Charger Consular Class Cruiser -1 Turbolaser Gun Driver Seat -2 Side Gunner Seats -1 Rear Gunner Seat -30 Seats in total -...
SW Modelpack : Venator
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                                         ...
[RDV] SWRP Medical Pack
Created by |< Nicolas >| Our Discord Discord Included - Wall Mounted Bacta Injector - Bacta Injector that doesn't reset Event Characters Health and actually works. - Bacta Grenade that doesn't...
[LVS] Barc-speeder (Fixed)
Created by CodexxX
Hello everyone, this is my first addon translated to LVS. I 'm checking its operability _____________________________________________________ My Contact Discord - MsCoDeX#8347...
Star Wars: Clone Cadet Collection
Created by Grady
Star Wars: Clone Cadet Collection By Grady, Grave and Slick Playermodels Green Clone Cadet Red Clone Cadet Yellow Clone Cadet Bodygroups Helmet removable different numbers (1 - 4) Grady - Impo...
Vanilla's Ship Destruction Tool
Created by mellowcholy
Features - Customizable explosion length - Easy to use - Works on entities and props...
Squad Shield Swep
Created by 16 bears
Star Wars Squad Shield DISCLAIMER: I did not make this, with that being said I can only make small edits to the original code due to my knowledge with LUA, if any issues or bugs occur with the addon please feel free to contact me. Features: -Will stop any ...
CGI Phase 2: 10th Leviathan Legion
Created by Garith
Give the addon a thumbs up if you like it! I beg of thee NOT to rip/edit anything from this addon. This addon is my personal creation that I use on a server that I play on. I play on a server called "Burst Link Networks" for those who are interested. Pleas...
Better Cloaking
Created by Temporary Solutions
This is supposed to replace all of the other cloaking addons and their multitude of problems. If you like it please rate it as it makes it more noticable to people who would like to use it. If you find any bugs or ideas put them in the discussion. So, What...
[LVS] Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter Pack
Created by Durian
Important Notes Please do not repack without my permission. Support me by rating or giving me a thumbs up. Please give suggestions and Report, bugs and issues Credits: ϟLightning Boltϟ for the sounds, textures, materials and models Blu-x92 for the vehicle ...
Star Wars - Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter
Created by Lord Trilobite
Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter A model and working vehicle of the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor. Also known as the Jedi starfighter. This includes several different versions of the ship as well as a hyperspace ring. All models have 11 different sk...
[HN] Unassigned Phase 2 Model/NPC Pack
Created by Cally
They may be shiny, but don't underestimate these regimentless soldiers of the Republic. This addon is a retexture of Gonzo's 41st and green company phase 2 models. I recommend checking out some of his stuff.
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Tri Droid SNPC
Created by zhing
Made for Accelerant Servers open for community use. Please consider joining their server. They plan on going through the legends lore and provide fun events. they have massive respect to the source material so if you want a more authentic star wars experie...
Vindictus Bosses
Created by Sculp
What is this? A bunch of ragdoll bosses from mabinogi heroes. Some models can be animated using Animated Prop Tool Vindictus Bosses 2 Recommended Mods for easy use Joint Tool Animated Tool SNPC Problems you may encounter: Undesirable reflection on some map...
Star Wars - LM-432 Crab Droid SNPC
Created by zhing
Made for Accelerant Servers open for community use. Please consider joining their server. They plan on going through the legends lore and provide fun events. they have massive respect to the source material so if you want a more authentic star wars experie...
Confederacy of Independent Systems NPCs
Created by kev675243
The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), also known as the Separatist Alliance, the Separatist State, and commonly referred to as the Separatists, was an unrecognized, galactic, democratic, and confederate government that existed during the Clone Wars...
Enhanced Star Wars NPC Weapons
Created by kev675243
What is this? This addon contains lots of npc star wars weapons. Whats special about these weapons is that they have the ability to attack targets at infinite range, allowing for the recreation of large scale star wars battles. These also have reworked sta...
EA Star Wars Battlefront II - CIS Playermodels Pack (Materials Pt.2) YOU NEED TO SUSCRIBE TO THE REQUIRED FILES IN ORDER TO SEE THE MODELS As the Workshop is lack of HD CIS Playermodels, I decided to make my own ones. This Pack Contains: Assault B1 Battledroid Heavy B1 Battledroid Officer B1 ...
EA Star Wars Battlefront II - CIS Playermodels Pack (Materials Pt.1) YOU NEED TO SUSCRIBE TO THE REQUIRED FILES IN ORDER TO SEE THE MODELS As the Workshop is lack of HD CIS Playermodels, I decided to make my own ones. This Pack Contains: Assault B1 Battledroid Heavy B1 Battledroid Officer B1 ...
Star Wars EA Battlefront II : BX Droid Commando Playermodel This addon contains BX Droid Commando HD PM from Star Wars Battlefront II. Credits: EA DICE, Motive Studios - for creating the originals models, textures and sounds. platina - for porting and rigging parts of the model. Tkar...
Star Wars Grenades
Created by OG Zeus
Created for Multiverse Gaming. Currently includes: Thermal Detonator (as an explosive) Fragmentation Grenade (as a smoke). Dioxis Grenade (as a flashbang). All grenades include 2 versions: primed and unprimed. All the models have LODs. Weapon names: zeus_s...
[VJ]Vindictus Boss SNPC : Season1
Created by Lawrence
Welcome to my Vindictus BOSS Npc, you need vj base to make it work. ====================================================================== if the addon isn't working please read this
General Kalani Playermodel
Created by Cody Evans General Kalani was a super tactical droid in service to the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) in the show Star Wars : The Clone Wars. He served in numerous operations during the war and was one of the remaining dro...
Star wars Battlefront 2 Props V3
Created by MegaRex-04
I was able to rip models and textures from the Game, Star Wars Battlefront II Classics and was able to make 2 versions of the acclamator and the Venator. Join the Addon group for announcements: Join the Discor...
Star Wars Clone Wars Ships Prop Pack
Created by Salty™ The Venator and Victory Ships have working Hangar Bays This Addon contains 14 Star Wars Ships, 5Republic Ships, and 9 CIS Ships. All of them are scaled to GMOD Size so that they will fit in a large map. The larger ships might ...
Sith & Jedi Playermodel Pack
Created by Joekr
Note: I Just Want To Let Everyone Know That I did Not Make All The Playermodels In This. Some Were Made By Other People, Which I Will Give Credit Below. This Pack Includes: Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda Darth Sidious Mace Windu General G...
✪🆂🅾U🆃🅷✪ Star Wars Models Part 2
If you enjoyed this model, press that rate up button! Pack Includes: models/player/valley/ackbar.mdl models/player/valley/bith.mdl models/player/valley/gotal.mdl models/player/valley/karkarodon.mdl models/player/valley/kingyoskolina.mdl models/player/valle...
Super's Waypoints
Created by Super
This addon allows you to create waypoints all players on the server can see through walls. Features: - Activating and deactivating waypoints with ulx commands or with c+right click on the entity. Deactivated waypoints can only be seen by noclipped players....
Supers Content
Created by Super
Content for servers I am working on / for....
Muted Toolgun
Created by Ward
Simple addon that removes the laser effect from the toolgun and mutes the sound. Useful for not breaking immersion when admins are running an RP event or for film makers....
Star Wars: Supreme Chancellor Playermodel
Created by ✵ Cok Bhoi ✵
Created by JKHub Ported by JazzMcNade This model was made for Synthetic Gaming AU however is public and can be used by anyone or any server. If you have used and like this model, please remember to leave a thumbs up ...
TFA Base [Fixed Scopes]
Created by Colt
Frequently Asked Questions Discord Server For Support Documentation for Developers For users: -A rich, thoroughly tested feature set including: Holographic HUD, reminiscent of FA:S2 Viewbob, with tweakable sensitivity. Ironsights, nearwall, sprinting, hols...
STAR WARS The Clone Wars: CIS B1 & B2 Battle Droids
Created by AussiWozzi
Description CIS B1 & B2 Battle Droids The Separatist Droid Army, otherwise referred to as the CIS droid army, Separatist Army, or the droid army, served as the ground forces for the Confederacy of Independent Systems' military during the course of the Clon...
[TFA] StarWars CIS Weapon Reworked Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
StarWars CIS reworked weapon from Battlefront II. E-5 E-5c E-5s E-5s (Automatic) RG-4D SE-14 SE-14c Dual E-5 Dual RG-4D Dual SE-14c B2-RP Hand-Blaster B2-RP Hand-Rocket Droideka Twin Blasters Droideka Sniper Blaster E-5 BX D...
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
[NCS] Defcon System
Created by |< Nicolas >| This is the Defcon System, meant to be used with roleplay servers- especially StarWarsRP. You can access the config by accessing !defconconfig. This will be used for e...
[wOS] DynaBase - Dynamic Animation Manager
Created by King David™
The beauty of the ValveBiped form at your fingertips This is a wiltOS Week "Back to 2022" Item: Description The DynaBase is an animation base that gives full animation control to the player, the server, and the developers ...
[wOS] DynaBase Legacy Extensions
Created by King David™
This addon requires the DynaBase to work! Description This adds support for the existing animation addons on the workshop that have not added integrated support for the DynaBase. It will allow you to appropriately mount and manage the animations within the...
[EVENT] Mygeeto
Created by CringeLord123
Mygeeto was located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, in grid square K-5 on the Standard Galactic Grid, in the same sector as the Anthan system and Son-tuul. TAGS: Mygeeto , Classic SWRP , Star Wars , Droid , Clone , Snow , Event , Battle . Made for C...
Created by Kota
This map is very large. It contains a floating city and one board-able ship. This is not my work, I give full credit to its original owner....
Star Wars Z6 Rotary Blaster Cannon (Original SWEP)
DO NOT RE-UPLOAD. All of this content was created by the contributors on the bottom right and by no one else. Do not steal this in anyway or edit it. Please respect our wishes. Thank you. "A big gun doesn't make a big man." ―Fives This laser Mini gun was c...
Republic Clearance Cards
Created by Herm
If you want to create your own cards, here are all of the files I used to create them. If you are going to use any of these assets, and upload your own versions using them, please credit me in the description of your addon In this day and age, people has u...
Vindictus Bosses 2
Created by Sculp
What is this? Second part of vindictus bosses Some models can be animated using Animated Prop Tool Recommended Mods for easy use Joint Tool Animated Tool SNPC Problems you may encounter: Undesirable reflection on some maps (can be bypass by typing mat_spec...
Vindictus Bosses 3
Created by Sculp
What is this? Third part of vindictus bosses Models can be animated using Animated Prop Tool Recommended Mods for easy use Joint Tool Animated Tool SNPC Problems you may encounter: Undesirable reflection on some maps (can be bypass by typing mat_specular 0...
Vindictus Bosses 4
Created by Sculp
What is this? Fourth part of vindictus bosses Models can be animated using Animated Prop Tool Recommended Mods for easy use Joint Tool Animated Tool SNPC Problems you may encounter: Undesirable reflection on some maps (can be bypass by typing mat_specular ...
Vindictus Bosses 5
Created by Sculp
What is this? Fifth part of vindictus bosses Models can be animated using Animated Prop Tool Recommended Mods for easy use Joint Tool Animated Tool SNPC Ragdoll Mover Problems you may encounter: Undesirable reflection on some maps (can be bypass by typing ...
[VJ] [Raid] Vindictus Boss : Suicide Battle
Created by Lawrence
This is the last npc pack of the vindictus boss. There will be no new vindictus npc pack in the future.but new vindictus npcs will be updated into these packs. This is raid boss, they are very difficult, unlike the vindictus boss you faced before. ========...
[VJ]Vindictus Boss Npc : Season3 + season2
Created by Lawrence
Welcome to my Vindictus BOSS NpcV3, you need vj base to make it work. ====================================================================== if the addon isn't working please read this
[VJ] Vindictus Boss npc 4
Created by Lawrence
Welcome to my Vindictus BOSS NpcV4, you need vj base to make it work. ====================================================================== if the addon isn't working please read this
Gm Lunar Base
Created by Doomologist
Gm Lunar Base is a scenic build map featuring a rugged lunar surface and a base with a functional underground hangar. Enjoy! Technical Stuff- The texture set mainly featured in the map is the pk02 set created by Philip Klevestav. Th...
7th Season Ahsoka HD [PM]
Created by Riggs Helldiver
The content pack has: Ahsoka model from 7th season revision from my eyes. if you want to commission anything feel free to add me through discord: Modælarion#7952 or add me through steam. shoutout to my fellow users, owners of the commission Credits: Shouto...
Roll Command
Created by DeadRow
: This addon is used to increase the level of your roleplay server. : Cette addon sert à augmenter le niveau de roleplay sur vos serveur. Changelogs : 11/09/2015 : Initial Version....
Created by Heox
Players stuck in other Players?! No longer with this addon! ...
Revival Player Defibrillator
Hello! This is my first addon in the workshop Steam. I did not do it myself. I corrected a lot of errors and uploaded this addon here. Have fun! How to use: It is necessary that your friend (with whom you play) was killed, after the task is simple: go up t...
[GG] STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Phase 2 104th Wolfpack
Created by AussiWozzi
Description 104th Wolfpack The 104th Battalion, also known as the "Wolf Pack" Battalion, or the Wolfpack Battalion, was a clone trooper military battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic. The 104th was led by Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander CC-...
Aussie's Shared CGI Content
Created by AussiWozzi
This pack is for some shared materials for my CGI Clone Trooper Models on the workshop. ...
[GG] STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Phase 2 212th Attack Battalion (CGI)
Created by AussiWozzi
Description 212th Attack Battalion The 212th Attack Battalion, also designated as the 212th Republic Battalion, was a military battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic, a clone army engineered to serve the Galactic Republic. Led by Jedi General Obi-Wan ...
[GG] STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Phase 2 41st Elite Corps (CGI)
Created by AussiWozzi
Description 41st Elite Corps The 41st Elite Corps, simply known as the Elite Corps, was a military corps of the Grand Army of the Republic. The 41st Elite Corps, which consisted of sub-units such as Green Company, was composed of clone troopers under the l...
[GG] STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Phase 2 501st Legion (CGI)
Created by AussiWozzi
Description 501st Legion The 501st was an elite military battalion of clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Under the leadership of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, and Clone Commander CT-7567 "Rex," the 501st fought a...
STAR WARS: Senate Commandos
Created by AussiWozzi
Description Commissioned by Dry_Paint Senate Commandos The Senate Commandos was an elite military and law enforcement division of the Galactic Republic's Senate Guard, tasked with protecting the Galactic Senate and the Supreme Chancellor along with other h...
STAR WARS: Clone Troopers Shared Materials
Created by AussiWozzi
These are the shared materials for my Clone Packs, you'll experience some errors in some of the packs without these!...
[GG] STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Phase 2 Coruscant Guard (CGI)
Created by AussiWozzi
Description Coruscant Guard The Coruscant Guard was a division of elite clone shock troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic, organized to serve as a military police force and protect the Galactic Republic capital planet of Coruscant. The Coruscant Guard...
[GG] STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Phase 2 Unassigned (CGI)
Created by AussiWozzi
Description Clone Troopers Clone troopers, also known as Republic troopers, Republic troops, Republic soldiers, Regs, and nicknamed the "Boys in White," were highly trained soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Representing the future of galactic war...
STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Phase 2 5th Fleet Security
Created by AussiWozzi
Description 5th Fleet Security The 5th Fleet Security were clone troopers that were in charge of keeping security on Republic cruisers. During the Clone Wars, the 5th Fleet Security utilized Phase II clone trooper armor with navy blue lines dotted all over...
CGI HD Obi-Wan Kenobi
Created by Mac C The Pimp If you liked this addon please support this page! PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION FIRST! What is included in these addons? In this addon is a CGI Obi-Wan Kenobi model later in The Clone Wars with higher res face textures straigh...
[GG] CGI Yoda Playermodel
Created by Stooge
We finally have a Starwars CGI Yoda! This model was made mainly for Starwars clonewars Gateway Gaming, But are allowed to be used on any server. Really I can't stop you from using it. I want this package to help and aid other server owners to have proper J...
Star Wars [CGI] : Jedi Order
Created by Patern Description: FR - Ce pack contient divers PlayerModels "jedis" tels que : EN - This pack contains various PlayerModels "jedis" such as : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
(LFS) STAR WARS: Coruscant Guard LAAT
Created by AussiWozzi
Description Coruscant Guard LAAT The Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (LAAT/i), also known as the Republic attack gunship, Republic Gunship or Assault Gunship, was one of the several models in the Low Altitude Assault Transport line of starships tha...
Kotor Pack : Knight of the Old Republic PlayerModels
Created by Acrow "This Contains Ancient Knowledge, The Jedi,the Sith,perhaps more......" - Me Credits: Thanks to an awesome friends of mine,"Dusty and Xman". Porting and rigging these model...
[GG] STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Republic Commandos (CGI)
Created by AussiWozzi
Description Republic Commandos Clone Commandos, also known as Republic Commandos, were elite clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Cloned from the genetic template of the famous Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, clones selected for the comm...
[Official] Precision Tool
Created by [XTT] General Wrex
IF YOU GET GETINFONUM ERRORS, DO THIS IN YOUR CONSOLE precision_defaultrestore Formerly 'Easy Precision', this tool allows exact movement of objects for accurate building. Push/pull, rotate, and snap props together at specif...
Created by WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
Clone wars "Propaganda"
Star wars Clone Wars "Propaganda" Addon. Inspired from : Half-Life 2 Propaganda Posters from f2f Only Props. Tags: Star wars, Starwars , Propaganda , Posters, Clone ,Clone Wars Important things: All Credits for the artwork in this addon goes to creator him...
Fading door tool
Created by Panthera Tigris
A tool that makes anything into a fadable door. Features - Can select material. - Can select sounds. - Wire support. - Can make NPC's, vehicles and props into a fadable door. Authors: Conna, Lexi and Panthera Tigris ID: 115753588...
[CGI] Sons of Dathomir
Created by Plo Cool
What does this pack include? Darth Maul Savage Opress Darth Maul A deadly, agile Sith Lord trained by the evil Darth Sidious, Darth Maul was a formidable warrior and scheming mastermind. He wielded an intimidating double-bladed lightsaber and fought with a...
Created by niksacokica
All Terrain Recon Transport The All Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT), also known as the Republic scout walker, was a model of recon walker used mainly during the Clone Wars by Advanced Recon Force Scout Troopers. More:
[LFS] Ground Vehicle Base
Created by Heracles421
Heracles' LFS Ground Vehicle Base This is the base which all LFS vehicles I create will use. This allows rapid deployment of changes that affect all vehicles, instead of having to update every single one to add new things. Feel free to use this on your ser...
Created by Lord Trilobite
Rp Naboo City Version 2.3 rp_naboo_city_v2_3 A generic city on Naboo from Star Wars. It's not supposed to be any specific location from the movies, just the same theme and style. Role Play _____________________ Features: - large city area - housing areas -...
Star Wars Sentinel Landingcraft
Created by Lord Trilobite
An Imperial Sentinel Class Landingcraft from Star Wars. This vessel was featured in the Special Edition of A New Hope, even though it was only a couple of seconds on screen. Contents: This includes three versions of the ship. Two full sized ones, one with ...
Ryloth - Event Map
Created by Akiran | SWFS
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Ryloth Ryloth was a planet in the Ryloth system of the Outer Rim Territories, and the homeworld of the Twi'lek species. Its terrain varied, filled with jungles, mesas, valleys, and volcanoes, and had an atmosphere breathable for Twi'leks a...
Created by 122jimbo
Do what you want with all my maps.You can upload your own version on the workshop as long as you give me credit in the description! _______________________________________________________________ Map takes place in the Hive area of Geonosis. The map is a m...
SW Map : Kamino (Extended)
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                                          ...
Star Wars Battledroids
Created by Captain Charles
Name: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players Version: 1 Description: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players for Garry's mod. Contents: Battledroid Battledroid Commander Battledroid Geonosis Battledroid Pilot Battledroid Security BAW E-5 Blaster Features: Phong shaders Bum...
Star Wars Fusion Cutter
Created by Alydus
Star Wars Fusion Cutter Repairer This addon adds a new utility weapon (class: alydus_fusioncutter), which allows you to repair and perform operations on numerous entities created by different authors. It is a multitool, and I'm constantly trying to make it...
General ALCS Content Pack
Created by anzati1
Updated with swtor icons anzati/icons/anzati_icons_swtor_1060056178_0175057471_1408274749.png theres a cool hook hilt in this pack, hilt3 works best. anzati/planets/cave.png anzati/planets/kashyyyk.png anzati/planets/korriban.png anzati/planets/lvl.png anz...
CloneWars NPC Weapons Reworked Pack
Created by ChanceSphere574
NPC Weapons pack for Republic and CIS. My reworked weapons have been converted for NPCs, have the same models, sounds, stats, effects, only damage is divided by 5 compared to the originals, compatible with my cvars for parti...
NPC Weapons - Base
Created by xyzzy
My NPC Weapon base from NPC Weapons, uploaded in separate form for use such as expansion packs, one-off weapons, or addons made by other people which require my weapon base. This addon doesn't do anything by itself! Download one of the below addons to get ...
Alydus's Destructible Fortifications Extension
Created by Alydus
Alydus's Destructible Fortifications Extension This addon REQUIRES the fortification builder tablet, and will not function whatsoever without it. Subscribe to it here. After developing the original fortification builder tablet, a highly requested feature w...
Alydus's Fortification Builder Tablet
Created by Alydus
Alydus's Fortification Builder Tablet Want to make your fortifications destructible? Download the destructible fortifications extension! Alydus's Fortification Builder Tablet adds a convenient, simple to use serverside tablet weapon that allows users to de...
Star Wars EMP Grenade
Created by Lonli
Currently includes: Electro Magnetic Pulse grenade (as a EMP). Weapon name: t3m4_empgrenade In the explosion of EMP grenades: Players will be stunned for 5 seconds, lose all armor and receive 15-30 damage. All NPCs except antlion, headcrabs and zombies wil...
Fortification Tool for SWRP
Created by TheJoe
Description This is a fortification tool that is mainly aimed at a Star-Wars-RP Audience. It features two sweps: A Admin Swep that lets players modify your current ressource pool and A "Trooper" Swep that allows players to spawn in preconfigured props and ...
Sparks' Shared Materials Pack
Created by hisui This addon contains materials that may be shared requirements across several of my other addons. If one of my addons requires these materials, it will be listed as 'Required Content' on the right side and you will need to su...
Created by bear Heads up if anyone needs quick support, you'll reach me faster here as I am pretty much always online. @me if you need any help or have any suggestions. mCompass adds a clean and minimalistic compass to the players HUD. Features:...
SW Vehicle: AT-RT
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                        All Terrain Recon...
SW Shared : LFS Vehicles
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                           LFS Shared Con...
STAR WARS The Clone Wars: Phase 2 Kamino Guard (CGI)
Created by AussiWozzi
Description Kamino Guard During the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic maintained a security force on the clone trooper homeworld of Kamino by the time of the Battle of Ringo Vinda. The security force remained active during the proclamation of the New Order...
[EVENT] Christophsis
Created by Star
"The only Jedi we can spare are Skywalker and Kenobi. They just captured the planet Christophsis." Mace Windu, to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine Christophsis was a planet located in the Christoph system of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories where the B...
Created by Vlashen
My second Star Wars themed roleplaying map. After several months of work I finally release my second map. It's a heavily updatred version of Nar_Shaddaa with many new buildings, a Republic base, better club, and new textures. The map includes custom sounds...
Created by Jota
My best interpretation of The Citadel from the Clone wars - Long hallways, prisons, and big canyons. This is a rather small map, and requires some movement abilities to get out of spawn - it was created as an event/special ops map for Multiverse Gaming to ...
Polis Massa - Event Map
Created by Akiran | SWFS
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Polis Massa Polis Massa was once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-known Eellayin civilization, which dwelt in underground cities such as Wiyentaah. Polis Massa was later struck b...
MSD UI Content only
Created by MacTavish
Content for MSD UI base...
Ragdoll Mover
Created by Winded
What is it? Ragdoll Mover is a tool that allows you to move ragdolls in a similar way to 3D programs. This also includes IK chains. Why should I use it? If you are fine with physgun, then maybe you don't need to use this. But here's a few key features of w...
Standing Pose Tool
Created by Winded
This small tool can pose a ragdoll to it's model pose, which usually is a standing pose for ragdolls. It does not work properly with all ragdolls, but for most of them it does....
Star Wars - Materials
Created by LastLeopard
-This materials created by LastLeopard. -This addon includes 15 material, the materials can found in materials. -Material pack name is starwarslastleopard. -You can use that addon for the Roleplay servers and hammer. -This addon will be updated soon. -FAQ ...
[NSN] CGI CIS Leaders
Created by Nekuro This addon was created as part of No Sleep Network's "12 Days of Christmas" event. We, the NSN dev team, will be releasing one addon every day from December 12th to December 23rd. NSN or No Sleep Network is a CGI themed Clon...
Clone Death Trooper NPC and Playermodel Pack
Created by Zatomus
Clone Death Trooper NPC and Playermodel Pack By Zatomus These are non-cannon clone troopers that I made based off of the Blackwing virus Death Troopers. Check out my Imperial Death Troopers Here:
CGI Trandoshan NPC/Playermodels
Created by Stooge We are proud to announce our new Package, CGI Trandoshan NPC/Playermodels Package! Trandoshans Backstory Trandoshans were sentient humanoids with smooth, scaly skin. Trandoshans ranged from being tall and fairly gaunt, to bei...
ZIP - Spawn Entities Wireframe Effect
Created by YohSambre
the loading of the entities is done with an add effect which adds a stylized effect, this concerns all the entities so NPC/PROPS/ENTITIES/GUN/VEHICLE...
[LFS] Star Wars AI/Seated Turbo Laser
Created by Painite
This is a Star Wars themed Turbo Laser turret that will go with most star wars themed maps especially made for SWRP communities to create more atmospheric events and a new level of game play. AI/Seated Inf Turbo Laser: This turbo-laser is designed focused ...
Star Wars Mortar
Created by DolUnity
Star Wars Mortar Newest Update Luiggi33 was so nice and added two new shell types to the mortar. So you now can select between three grenade types. HE | High Explosive | Same as before SE | Smoke | Smoke grenades to provide cover for troops IN | Incendiary...
Ulx Set Utime [ UTIME REQUIRE ] !
Created by Yoshi
Not by me :P Just reupload Utime Hour Changer Introducing a plugin to change your Total Playing Hours, made by Mr. Apple and help from Shoop Da Whoop. This plugin is simple to use, doesn't have any bugs what so ever(99.8% Guaranteed). It's as simple to use...
Created by Yoshi
Reupload of UTime up to date ! Patch bug...
Combine Overwatch Airstrike
Created by AwesomeGraczGie47
About Do you need an Overwatch Airstrike? Do you need to protect your base from a remote and safe location? If so, then this addon is for you. It's a Combine Console you can use to guide the prefered airstrike. Whether it's a zombie attack or Combine onsla...
SW Vehicle : Patrol Transport
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                                 Patrol T...
[LVS] CIS Protodeka Tank
Created by Salty™
Requires LVS-Framework and LVS-Star Wars The Protodeka was a gigantic repulsorlift weapons platform with rapid-firing heavy turbolasers and deadly seeker missile launchers with rapid-fire ability. Manufactured by the Geonosian...
[LVS] Star Wars Turrets
Created by Nashatok
A simple pack of three (for now) turrets in two variations each, meant for use with other LVS Star Wars ships. Enjoy! Contents Anti-Fighter Turret - Twin-linked rapid-fire laser cannons will make mincemeat of any fighter that gets too close. Just be wary; ...
[LVS] BTL-B Y-Wing
Created by Kurt
Requires LVS-Framework and LVS-Star Wars BTL-B Y-Wing Starfighter / Bomber Was a model of starfighter-bomber produced by Koensayr Manufacturing, the first of the BTL-series Y-wing line. A mainstay of the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars, BTL-Bs were ado...
[LFS] LAAT/i Gunship
Created by Fisher
Lore : “The Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (LAAT/i), also known as the Republic attack gunship, Republic Gunship or Assault Gunship, was one of the several models in the Low Altitude Assault Transport line of starships that mainly served as gunshi...
Supply Drops: Vehicles
Created by Luiggi33
Second installment in my Supply Drops List. Using the Flare Gun, you can call in a LAAT/c that drops an ATTE in. Pay attention, it could squish your soldiers or fall of a cliff. You need the LFS Star Wars Prequels Pack to have a working ATTE....
Supply Drops: Ammunition
Created by Luiggi33
It seems that the original addon is gone, so I will stop supporting this. If you want to edit it, go ahead, you can find it on GitHub. A simple Addon to make, getting more Ammunition more realistic. The F...
Navy Clones: Class Pack Playermodels (V2)
Created by Kralich/Gonzo
Retextures of the navy clone from this pack, by The Guy, This comes in red, green, dark grey, dark orange, purple, dark yellow and light grey adaptations of the Navy Clone model. ...
CGI Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Playermodel
Created by |⁧⁧Riddick
Say hello to Garry's mod's first and only CGI Palpatine model. Original uploader - Riddick Description: Sidious, born Sheev Palpatine, was trained in the dark side of the Force by Darth Plagueis. Eventually, he took on his own apprentice, Darth Maul, and k...
Created by [TSF] Mason 1290
rp_venator_advanced is a personal build of rp_venator_vfinal that goes offtrack from the original venator formula to what other venators have in mind that people desire. This venator has, ontop of everything vFinal has: -An open 2nd floor lobby area -Sligh...
Created by CapsAdm¡n
ABOUT: Gives you the ability to personalize your player model's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from putting just a hat on your head to creating an entire new player model. PAC can also work on vehicles or props. You can wear yo...
[CGI] Animated Astromech Pack
Created by Plo Cool Astromech droids are a series of versatile utility robots generally used for the maintenance and repair of starships and related technology. These small droids are often equipped with a variety of tool-tipped appendages that...
Junglestorm - V2
Created by Cassius
Junglestorm - V2 The original Junglestorm was in need of some revisions and updates. This was originally made for a community, but as the community moved on I’ve decided to give this to everyone instead. Hope you enjoy all of these new additions! Features ...
Created by GTR Boy
Content for PermaWeapons. Available on GModStore. Link:
Created by 122jimbo
- I no longer have time to keep my maps up to date. Do what you want with them.You can upload your own version on the workshop as long as you give me credit! ________________________________________________________________________________ Map takes place o...
Star Scoreboard Content
Created by Extra
Buzz Droid NPC
Created by FallenLogic
I was pretty surprised that nobody had done this before (or at least, that nobody had released something like this publicly), so I decided to make one myself. It's a very simple NPC, it uses a manhack as a base (but doesn't replace the manhack). NPC is in ...
[TFA] StarWars DC-17m
Created by ChanceSphere574 The StarWars DC-17m with each separated mods : Rifle, Launcher, Shotgun and Sniper, with dynamic ammo and HD custom models. DC-17m DC-17m Launcher DC-17m Shotgun DC-17m Sniper https://i.imgur....
CGI Deathwatch Pack
Created by Stooge We are proud to announce our new Pack, The Deathwatch!. If you like all these addons, Why don't you take the time and rate and favourite Or even follow us! It really does show the modders appreciation for the work. Plus The m...
DrGBase | Nextbot Base
Created by Dragoteryx DrGBase is built on top of the default nextbot base to add stuff that you usually have to code yourself when creating a nextbot, such as AI behaviour or a relationship system. It also comes with a built-in possession system ...
Aura's Capital Ships Pack CIS [SWRP][LFS]
Created by Aura
----------------------------------------------- --- LFS Capital Ships Pack --- ----------------------------------------------- Important: None of these ships can actually be flown, they are just compatible with LFS vehicles for targeting and other properti...
Aura's Capital Ships Pack Republic [SWRP][LFS]
Created by Aura
------------------------------------------------------ --- LFS Capital Ships Pack --- ------------------------------------------------------ Important: None of these ships can actually be flown, they are just compatible with LFS vehicles for targeting and ...
Created by (FPtje) Falco
This is an experimental, yet offical addon version of DarkRP. You can modify DarkRP with the DarkRPMod, which can be found here:
[Shado] Ultimate CWRP Comms Command
Created by Shado
These are comms Commands that are best suited for Clone Wars RP servers. Having many different battalions and other commands that help with RP. ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Battalion Comms Commands: 41st Elite Corps - /41...
Placeable Particle Effects
Created by The Lawnmower Man
READTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHISREADTHIS ======== What is this addon about? ======== Placeable Particle Effects is an addon that lets you place or attach (weld) various effects to spice up your work, like screenshots, artwork, anima...
Created by Robert F.
'This addon aims to replace fecal Half Life: 2 effects with custom particles.' said Harry. It's not compatible with "Explosion Effect" addon. There are three new explosion effects for grenades, RPGS and dynamite tool. In addition, AR2's combine balls now p...
gExplo Universal Tweak
Created by Robert F.
This extra mod now replaces all explosion effects including the ones that barrels, slams and other explosive produces. This addon requires gExplo to work. Not made by me. Just uploading. Author This addon is covered by User Generated Content License, pleas...
Stryker's StarWars RP Information Panels
Created by Stryker Stryker's Information Panels This Addon Contains: • DEFCON Information Panel • Faces Information Panel • Formations Information Panel Features Include: • Switch between Republic and Imperial Styles • Easily Change the Colour...
StarWars Aube-Sanglante
Created by Trurix
Map Edit by Trurix The creator of the map are Statua ( ) and Lord Tyler ( ) Modifications : -Expanded neighborhoods -Hangar create -Reactor room creates -Fitness center created -Cre...
Aura's LFS Repair Droid [SWRP]
Created by Aura
This addon adds one single droid that will sit in it's spot waiting for a ship with less ammo, or health than maximum, and go top off all it's stats! Pretty simple. For the AI to actually work, and the droid to be able to move, the map must have a navmesh ...
Star Wars - Astromech Droids Playermodel Pack v1.4
Created by Grady
Astromech Droids By Grady & Cooky Hey! This is our Astromech Droid Pack. We hope you like it. A Feedback would be nice :) Whats in that pack? - Astromech Red - Astromech Green - Astromech Yellow - Astromech Black - Astromech Purple - Astromech Blue (R2-D2)...
[ EVENT ] RP Mining Station
Created by Servius
MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU! USAGE DISCLAIMER This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under my steam account (Servius) If you decide to ignore the warning above, I will report to Rubat any uploads containing ...
PK01 & PK02 - PhilipK SciFi Texture Packs
Created by Shy
These are the famous sci fi texture sets made by the amazingly talented Philip Klevestav ( 100% unmodified originals. I am uploading these to the workshop as a courtesy for the gmod community. Right now there are hundreds of maps using the...
ShyStudios SciFi Texture Set v1
Created by Shy
Here are over 130 fully custom world textures that I've produced for my map rp_republic_base! These textures are mostly intended for a star wars clone wars art style so some of them may be more matte than others. However this pack has plenty of high qualit...
Star Wars - Imperial Materials
Created by Lord Trilobite
This is a selection of materials I have made over the years for some of my maps. This addon includes two folders with materials. One folder automatically adds the materials to the ingame material tool so that these can be used for any build ingame. The oth...
SW Modelpack : Deathstar
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                                         ...
SW Modelpack : Emperors Tower
Created by Jakob | KingPommes >>Protect your maps against decompiling here<<                                           Made for the f...
Star Wars the Clone Wars - Geonosis & Venator Map
Created by Lord Tyler
This addon features over a well crafted map that suits the roleplay needs of a semi serious star wars server. This map provides you with geonosis and a venator that will allow you to have quick - lag free events! LucasFilm and Didney for Star Wars You may ...
Created by ScurvyLegs
Geonosis from Star Wars ------------------ ==Features== ------------------ This map features the planet of Geonosis from Star Wars. There is a CIS core ship docked on the planet, cargo bay with docking station, geonosis fighter hangar, control room, and a ...
[Event Map] Outpost-B1
Created by An Enemy
NOTE: This map is part of a series of "" Purpose: 1. This map shall function as a relief to on-ship maps by providing bunking areas, tr...
rp_alderaan [Reupload]
Created by Icarus
Reupload of an old community map from around 2019. I am just uploading lost content to the workshop & have nothing to do with this map. All credits go to those who created it. If you are the owner and wish for this to be taken down, please leave a comment ...
[EVENT] Felucia
Created by Star
I have spoken with the tribal leaders on Felucia. They use a very ancient dialect which is hard to understand ―Obi-Wan Kenobi Felucia, known as Galush prior to the formation of the Galactic Republic, was a colorful, humid jungle planet located in the Feluc...
[LFS] The Millennium Falcon
Created by ϟLightning Boltϟ
"Never tell me the odds!" Don't underestimate its aged appearance. The belied numerous advanced modifications to this ship's speed, weapons, and shielding is outstanding. Not to mention a hyperdrive engine among the fastest in the entire galaxy. __________...
Star Wars - Lambda Class Shuttle
Created by Lord Trilobite
A model of a Lambda class Imperial Shuttle. This vessel was featured in Return of the Jedi. The ship features an interior as seen in the film. A cockpit with 4 chairs, a back room with space for 14 passengers on the sides and a boarding ramp. The ship is e...
[LFS] Star Wars Mega Pack
Created by Nashatok
An assortment of miscellaneous Star Wars ships from nimble interceptors to versatile corvettes, mostly from Legends, brought to LFS for the enjoyment of anyone and everyone, representing nearly every major era of Star Wars. This pack can also be found spli...
[LFS] LAAT/i Republic Gunship
Created by ϟLightning Boltϟ
"Pilot! Land in that assembly area!" Provide transportation for your troops while also providing Gunship fire support! ____________________________________________ Vehicles as of now: LAAT/i (Red, Blue, and Green varients). ARC LAAT/i (Red, Blue, and Green...
Created by onexev
[RDV] Library (v2)
Created by |< Nicolas >| Mysqloo Configuration This Library uses the Mysql lib by Alex, if you wish to have all of my addons use Mysqloo instead of sqlite saving- follow the link below! Mysqlo...
ShardHud Content
Created by mana0303
Content for Shardhud....
Alt + Tab Labels
Created by prynncesslua
Labels appear over the heads of players whose Garry's Mod window does not have focus. You can change these labels with the following console commands: game_focus_esc <0|1> Whether to show the labels when players are in the escape menu as well. game_focus_m...
Battle Droid Combine Voice Replacement
Created by AussiWozzi
This addon is designed to replace all the voice clips from the Combine Soldier with Battledroid Voices/Noises for you SWRP fans. This is completly client-side so only those with this mod will hear the droid dialogue, meaning its friendly for any server! Th...
STAR WARS: General Grievous
Created by AussiWozzi
Description General Grievous Supreme Commander of the Droid Army, General Grievous was a cyborg Kaleesh Warrior who acted as the leader of the Separatist's Military forces. Grievous was considered to be a brutal and horrific warrior, being trained in Light...
anzatis lightsaber pack 2
Created by anzati1
What is this? Lightsaber hilts of course. These are lightsaber hilts I've been commissioned to make by ANYONE, these are 100% from scratch and there will be absolutely 0 meme hilts (unless commissioned obviously). How to use? The umbrella hilt, commissione...
Aura's LVS Fight Radar [SWRP]
Created by Aura
NEW UPDATE FOR LVS BEFORE YOU COMPLAIN / ASK If you are going to complain about the new update with the map feature, do not bother, I'm going to try to answer all of your questions here and now: First, you can disable the map feature entirely in the entity...
Star Wars Sound SWEP Pack
Created by AkainuTAMAKI
Created by Ukushino, Servius, Norchan, Bok Choi, sav, Xela, and myself This addon is a pack of all Star Wars Sound SWEP create by Ukushino, Servius, Norchan, Bok Choi, sav, Xela,Benni, Exodus, Redac, Flash, Luke, Brgmry, Slothy and myself. If you like it, ...
Linked collections (1)