LFP Gaming
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886 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 26 Ιουλ
1,6 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 26 Ιουλ
15,6 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 24 Ιουλ
LFP Gaming 2 Ιουλ, 6:43 
@Regular, I run the game in a virtual machine, so Nexon isn't getting ANY usable data from my rig. 99.9% of players won't go through this same effort though, and it's for them that the review applies to
Regular 2 Ιουλ, 5:54 
Yet here you are actually playing a Nexon game. As of this Comment you have 0.6 hours on said game. And playing said game that has "Spyware" like bro at least take that portion of your review for The First Descendants if your just gonna contradict yourself. Clearly their "Spyware" means nothing to you, But it exists as you say. Like cut the Bs and be realistic with yourself on somethings. not to mention The First Descendants is a FTP mmo. course its gonna have boosts and other stuff like that. Gotta make money on the game somehow so Micro-transactions it is. As like 75% of the big gaming company that make FTP games are doing. No point in complaning about it.
act 2 Ιουλ, 2:24 
LFP Gaming 1 Ιουλ, 11:27 
@Regular, my good sir. I use reviews not only to review the game, but also to review the developer of the game. If a developer is scum, then it's an automatic negative review. Scum developers should not be supported. That's why EA and Nexon gets automatic downvotes. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
Regular 1 Ιουλ, 6:30 
My dude your reviews i have looked over the past like 6 pages have it linked to one video not to mention How can your DOWNVOTE NEED FOR SPEED and the OLD ones at that Feels like Rage bait? like bruh. Not to mention Kernal level anti cheats are warranted to be dangerous yes 100% agree with you BUT BUT BUTTTT. That dosen't meant their not necessary. For example Most major games, Siege, Apex, Valorant, Cod have to use that because well cheats are accessible to their games and as time goes on it gets harder to detect. Now from a game developer standpoint, would you rather have a Cheat infested popular game that would Kill your income? or a Anti cheat that monitors peoples PC to make sure their not Cheating so you don't Jeopardize Hundreds of peoples jobs as well as continued support-ability for said game? well Obviously it isn't the first one. So You create the anti cheat your don't like. When we all well know, I doubt that a company Like EA would massivley screw up and steal peoples(1/2
Regular 1 Ιουλ, 6:24 
peoples information as they have been a Monstrous pillar in gaming Development Yes their games suck we can all agree that much but my point still stands. Not to mention Down voting a game You have never even played. -1200000000000000 Gamer points to you my good sir. 2/2