

39 ratings
将近100mod。要有难度把夸克、猫块的天灾全开了,如果还不难就打发光人,其中百循包mod,能加强堕落到acot水平让中期也难,Recalculate fleet power这个mod后期造一些船不能用会卡死,后期关闭。鸽组汉化下两mod需要自己排序
Items (125)
~~Ariphaos Unofficial Patch (3.12)
Created by Ariphaos
AI • Bugfix • Mod Support • Performance This mod corrects several hundred issues in vanilla Stellaris. The game is faster, the AI is smarter, mods are better supported, and fewer bugs will be encountered.
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Mod Compatibility & Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod ...
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Created by Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
Planetary Diversity
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.12.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server Other Planetary Diversity Mods Unique Worlds More Arcologies Exotic Worlds Ascension Worlds Vanilla...
!!Universal Modifier Patch (3.12.*)
Created by jasonpepe
Fix the modifier issue after the 2.2.6 update. With the release of 2.2.6, once again, Paradox fools buried countless of mods and modders into the abyss. This fix mod brings the missing modifiers that existed in 2.2.0 to 2.2.5 back to life. (via overweight ...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - More Tradition Categories (16)
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that increases the amount of selectable tradition categories from the default 7 to 16. (The AI will also fully fill the new slots be...
Plentiful Traditions 3.x
Created by Abominus [GER]
Welcome to Plentiful Traditions, it wasn't always easy to implement everything Birdy made for 1.9 into 2.0 and further. NOW for the 3.x Please report bugs! :) Works with: Extra perks (addon) Extra Districts (addon) Extra perk spots Civics Advanced Ascensio...
Unique Ascension Perks
Created by DrBLOOD95
◿ INTRODUCTION Hello guys, are you looking for more gameplay and unique features not seen anywhere else? Do you want more Ascension Perks granting you amazing stuff instead of only some annoying modifiers? Then you've come to the right place because that's...
Unconventional Initial Systems
Created by BrynhildrDusk
update to 3.12! Unconventional Initial Systems Unconventional Initial Systems FOR Origin , initial system This MOD add more Initial Systems. Each Initial Systems has matching settings, with a total of 8 origin themes, including the following 30 different I...
United Fleet Shipset
Created by PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 downscale patch compatibilty : 本MOD是Warship girls R and M...
The Empty Vagrant 太虚流浪
Created by 简言之
已经获得授权。本页面仅发布稳定版本,最新测试版链接 qq交流群876171817 众所周知,太虚流浪是群星中文modder协会创始人木木制作的一款群星mod,而木木又是多彩银河的总督,所以木木是多彩银河的作者,所以我发布太虚流浪也很合理吧。(笑) 《群星:太虚流浪》是一个力图进行模拟一种无需行星的舰队文明的MOD。此MOD可以让您深度体验一个生产与...
Created by Anna.Comnenus 本MOD为Mica-team云母组旗下游戏《少女前线》的延伸MOD。 欢迎加入我们的MOD反馈讨论群:1035699926 如果您喜欢这个MOD,请务必为我们收藏和点赞。 背景介绍 自北兰岛事件以来人类与人类、人类与叛乱人形间无休止的战争让...
Created by Elivicti_
本MOD为“少女前线(Girls Frontline)群星故事集(正史线:危机联合)”的扩展MOD 注意:旧的扩展内容已经完全合并至危机联合本体,现阶段扩展仅提供部分尝鲜功能 以下内容暂时留存,以作查阅使用 MOD简介: 在原本的少前MOD的基础上添加了与『遗迹』有关的考古点和科技,并且为原MOD中缺失图标的科技添加了图标 *本MOD新添加所有内容均需要玩家帝国为“联合政府”政体 E.L.I.D攻防战 近日我们在母星各地的监测站都报告了异常的E.L.I.D活动迹象,它们变得更活跃,更具攻击性,这对我们的城市...
本mod完全免费,任何途径形式的付费整合包,付费合集内的本mod都属于非认可行为。 不支持 不赞成 任何人在mod 创建,分享,内容上的盈利行为 。 设定: ·这是一个完全架空的世界,设定上人类灭绝于战争,半生物半机械的涅托在废墟上建立了新的文明。 游玩建议: ·完成EILD进攻母星事件链可以获得EILD作为附属种族。 ·歼星武器“瓦解射线”可以把天体变为黑洞,甚至包括你自己的殖民地。 ·泰坦可以装备w槽武器与h槽武器 游戏特色: ·狡猾 ·狡猾 ·狡猾 内容: 种族、事件、科技、国策、行星、建筑、区划、起...
崩坏3:银河(Honkai 3rd:The Galaxy)
这是一个崩坏三的mod 一共有两个剧本,逐梦双星和主线 36年剧本与39年剧本 逐梦双星:在二十一世纪初发生的数次大型崩坏灾害后,天命财阀,逆熵娱乐,世界蛇科技三巨头达成协议,向全球各组织与势力施压,禁止了绝大部分崩坏能相关的研究与产业,并通过第二神之键千界一乘切断了与虚数之树的联系,人类从此远离了崩坏的威胁。直到二十三世纪,在外星文明的威胁下,人类必须做出选择:是继续禁止崩坏能以远离灾害,还是重新启用崩坏能以对抗外星文明...... 以各类活动剧情为基础,大概是逐梦双星,决胜偶像这些活动。 主线:自149...
Created by Cepheus
本mod可以让你的人口在游戏中修仙,获得越来越高的特质加成,更多舰船组件,甚至让你的人口肉身进入太空作战。但随着境界升高,修炼难度也会成倍提升。 选择权力制度“宗门制”或国民理念“修仙宗门”即可让人口修炼,不绑定物种和起源,另外还有区分宗门类型的一些国民理念和5个常规修仙起源可供选择。修炼到一定境界后可以解锁修炼专属星球类型“洞天福地”的环境改造选项,修炼到最高境界后还可以选择“飞升仙界”或“组建天庭”飞升天赋。 mod提供4种修炼难度选项,灵气复苏选项修炼难度较低,可以很快碾压原版AI,可能会在一定程度上...
Varied Monster Girls
Created by Nidehogg
Original independent free R18 mod Currently, it is a demo that can satisfy the gaming experience. Bust portrait patch:
Created by Jian
①请订阅最新图文包。 ②请开新档。 ③请务必保证删除所有旧版文件,以防bug。 重要提示 如你所见,本mod为多彩银河。 本mod为游戏中增加了一系列新的种族,科技,建筑,事件等,极大地增加了游戏的趣味性。 拒绝以任何方式转载和传播本mod。如果你是创作者,请不要引用本mod及其图文包的链接。 本mod含有许多内容,所以无法简介。 仍然在更新中,并且祝您游玩愉快。 本mod将文本、图片与代码分离,此处仅会对代码进行更新,文本和图片请转到其他地方下载。 若您希望在多个大型mod环境下游玩,请订阅我们的兼容补丁...
AssaultLily In Stellaris
Created by 洛河冰 This mod is completely free. Adding this mod to a paid integration package or paid collection in any form is not recognized. We do not support or support anyone's profit-making behavior in mod creation, sharing, or content. ...
Created by 一只小松鼠
本兼容是多彩银河MOD与突击莉莉MOD的兼容补丁 前者含有R18G与BG要素,请慎重订阅,该补丁与突击莉莉mod制作组无关 单独运行会崩,必须得整多彩或者莉莉俩任意一个 多彩除了旁边那个还有个陌上花开图文包要一起订阅不然是没文本的 增加了一个法令开启年循祈祷世界树,健忘症狂怒。 多彩和突击莉莉的第一次交流(语文差劲)和多彩圣女对huge特攻研究 多彩能用莉莉科技(无条件) 莉莉能用多彩科技(得整上多彩那个禁止OO特质) 增加了一个开局就有世界树和光天神源的起源( 整了叁圣女陆军,圣斗士和光天神原科技前置na...
Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 如果您愿意支持我们的话 我们的爱发电: Starwars:UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story为是以星球大战为背景,讲述星舰舰娘们在遭遇天灾之后,重新在其他银河系重建文...
Real Gray
Created by Kalo
开了一个投诉用的QQ群:927698136 可以进群辱骂作者 一个送给灰风老婆的mod 主要特性 遥远约定起源 -你与灰风一起被关在L星团里。当然,这扇门只能从外面打开。 -这是一个独立星系开局,并且会把你的mod母星留在原地。 灰风拥有四种形态,并且进行了一定加强 -战舰形态:初始为基本母舰,提升灰风领袖等级可以进行多次改造。 -武装科学舰:恒星系探索完成后自动释放武装工程舰建造哨站。 -独特的多功能巨像武器:把外星人换成我们自己的样子! -全知全能的隐形主宰! 独特的武器科技与灰色风暴加强 -随时间进行...
The Nanites Revolution
此mod现在已可以独立运行,但不支持铁人模式 本mod现在提供的内容: · 一套新的纳米主题物种皮肤(一群白毛)(内置有机体及机械版的立绘) · 一整套纳米原版船模和纳米主题船模 以上内容开局可选,并且理论上可以兼容所有mod ------------------------------------------------------------------ 以下内容从7/7起已经全数搬迁至KDC事件包modmod中 · 新的纳米科技树 · 一个新的星团(开发中) · 新的纳米巨构,以及一个巨构超级武器 ·...
KDC Story Pack
Created by VVlolicon
目前本mod仍然在beta测试阶段,因此可能会有众多bug。如果你再游玩过程中发现bug烦请及时汇报。 此mod的灰风起源必须同时订阅另一个灰蛊种族mod:微械革命,才能正常游玩 (现在微械革命已更改为纯立绘船模mod,其它开发内容搬迁至本mod,但本mod关于灰风部分的内容依然需要订阅该mod) 该mod目前将包含一个新的起源:远星之歌,以及与此起源配对的4个全新飞升、种族特质、新建筑、武器、巨构、舰船、以及新机制:自动化巨构 并且,在这个mod里面我们将创新性地使用了类似GAL的界面模式来叙述起源里你与...
Wandering Witch: Voyagers
Created by TimLipovsik localization: (The original language of this mod is simplified Chinese and translation is not 100% accurate) English 简体中文 A fan-made Majonotabi-tabi story pack that su...
StellarRegulator Array
Created by 地砖
StellarRegulator Array 星规阵列 简介 《星规阵列》试图讲述一个拥有谜一般过去的神秘机械智能的故事,她以友好的姿态向你发起了一个“协议”,为你提供某些支援,但你似乎对将要付出的一无所知。 一个作为启动标志的国民理念“星规技术”允许你研究她提供的独特技术:基于某种奇妙材料的产业体系,以及以“最优方案”为设计理念的舰船组件,还有其他的许多东西。 你可以直接向她索取最顶端的技术,使用强大的舰船和巨型结构,又或者等待时间为你揭开科学道路的面纱。 一艘强大的旗舰同样可以靠与她交流激活的特殊项目获...
Created by Clesiram❀
Q0:Story line Two available leader story lines. The main story line is still under development. Q1:What is the positioning of this mod? A1 :Addon-like mod,suitable for use in combination with other powerful mods Q2:Content? A2:New species types, events, ar...
Rozen Maiden Suigintou Leader Pack - 蔷薇少女 水银灯领袖包
Created by 沧蓝若水
当前已适配 ver: 3.12 本mod由PEACH-PIT创作的漫画《蔷薇少女》中的角色:水银灯为主题进行二次创作而来,蔷薇少女的文案设定基本依照原作,故事时间线暂定为大结局之后。不过科技侧部分参考了希灵帝国的不少设定,还缝合进了一些其他东西,各位可以在游玩过程中去留意这些东西,如果能博您一笑那就再好不过了ww。 劳烦各位点赞支持一下哦!~ 欢迎加入群星中文频道 语言: 简体中文(SC); English (Coming soon) 注意:兼...
LoturantaCofield_TheLeader 书姬洛忒兰娜·科菲尔德
Created by 格洛易斯
这是一个领袖MOD。添加了一些事件和一个领袖“洛忒兰娜”。可以在科学家和总督的状态中切换,并且能当统治者。 在特殊事件成为统治者过后可以在统治者、科学家和总督之间切换。 关于“洛忒兰娜”:这算是我看GOSICK过后产生的一个奇思妙想吧。这个人物的人设很大一部分参考了维包子,比如说爱看书,Lolita什么的……因为我不会画画,图也直接找的维包子。目前因为产能有限,只能在后续更新中实装GALGAME的部分了。希望你们能够喜欢。 领袖获取:开局5-10年内会刷一个标题叫大图书馆的时间,在做完事件链之后可以获得领袖...
AshArms Aquarius History
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 灰烬战线水瓶座の历史 时间的脚步继续向前,无尽的过去成为历史。 The steps of time continue to move forward, endless past become history. City,最后的生存之地,已成为曾经的记忆。 City, the last place to live, has become a memory. 在我们自己的战火中我们的文明得以幸存,这给予了我们无尽的机会。当我们再次展望星空.........
Created by ssssoRa
埃莉法语音助手已上线,路标: 在这个mod中,你将前所未有地扮演你自己。 · 你是否觉得群星的宏大叙事中需要一些属于个人的故事?在这个mod中,你将扮演一名转生者,与来自远方的少女邂逅,踏上旅途寻找失落的记忆。 · 作为转生者,你自然能够使用【PROPERTY】,也就是异世界动画里主角的状态栏,它将赋予你超乎常人的能力。你可以建造【勇者舰】来亲自...
Madoka Magica NEW
反馈讨论群 984121070 这里得到原作者的授权,将会对魔法少女的mod进行后续版本的更新啦~ 以及感谢ai酱@有电脑还有吧主@环伊吕波的协助 不能够通过基因改造等产生魔法少女,想要全员烧酒请选择生命之种起源(已经做了适配,请放心食用) 现在生命之种存在严重的bug,无法正常游玩,请勿选择。 MOD内容: 本mod主要为魔法少女小圆的相关内容 物种头像:添加了新的物种头像。 物种特性:添加了新的物种特性。 国家理念:添加了新的国家理念。 派系:魔法少女政体特有的新派系。 事件:以魔法少女为核心的主线事件...
Star Trek:32C shipsets
Created by 清秋
"Let's see what the future holds." Beyond the final frontier, in the distant future of the year 3069, the dilithium crystal instability disaster "The Burn" shook the destiny of the galaxy. The disaster almost destroyed all long-range interstellar travel ca...
Voyage to Eternity - Kemomimi Girl Species and More
Created by Utopia Planitia Fox The main characters and some of the settings in this mod are inspired by the illustrations drawn by Japanese Illustrator Nagishiro Mito(凪白みと). The back...
Touhou x Warship Girls Gensokyo Species Mod
Created by ChagatuAlin
■ Last Update : 3.12 - Small Update: New Portraits and Civics Added, Adapted to 3.12 Versions. - There are Three Leader Portraits Group Options: Option Contain All Characters Option is Touhou Characters Only , and Option is non-Touhou Characters Only ( In ...
东方繁星录 special touhou species
Created by Super NeinPigeon
近期更新日志: 3.12.beta9 武器特效修改,细节调整,修复多人遗珍,适配3.12,英文本地化基本完成,武器数值调整 3.11.beta8 修改了领袖复活的逻辑,现在特殊领袖复活会重置回初始状态。 3.11.beta7 单纯更新到了3.11 2.10.beta7 修复了博物志抽科技的bug 增加了一部分英语翻译 目前翻译尚在进行中 3.10.beta6 调整了战巡的数值,使得三个光环配件可以用于展讯,并且修复了遗珍没有冷却的bug 3.10.beta4&3.10.beta5 修复了义体飞升等导致领袖立...
东方繁星录 物种兼容修复
本Mod用于解决 东方繁星录 与 Touhou x Warship Girls 的兼容不完整情况,允许使用 Touhou x Warship Girls 的物种进行游玩。 请选择独立的物种来进行游戏,不要选择前置模组的物种。...
Star fantasy: Castle Scarlet 银河幻想·红魔城
Created by Super NeinPigeon
For every touhou project lover !!! warning:English is Machine translation warning:All icons and picture come from the Internet . Because time has passed for a long time, I forgot the pixiv ID of the artist, so if you know, you can tell me in the comment ar...
Fairy Empire Shipset
Created by 菲雅利女皇
家园2重制版的菲雅利帝国的船模MOD,使用它你就可以指挥菲雅利帝国的舰队逐鹿星空。 版权声明:本MOD由菲雅利女皇建模(QQ329670134),Eddy(QQ3279980942)导入完成 禁止任何方式的盗用,套取模型,任何非菲雅利女皇制作和上传的帝国MOD均属于盗版和冒用 关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道...
More Ship Sections
Created by Hibiki_RT
Updated for 3.7 This mod adds available Sections for all types of ships: Corvette added 3 Core Sections: Gunboat Core (S1M1), Barrage Core (P1T1) and Picket Core (P1M1) and more... Destroyer added 3 Bow Sections: Escort Bow(H1)、Barrage Bow(T2)、Picket Bow(M...
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration repeatable technology integration pack It integrates all circular technologies of physics, sociology, and engineering. To make them more balanced with each other, some adjustments were made to the correction. If you us...
Created by ToursWen
This mod is a mod prepared for the VUP Urara Empire on Bilibili, but it still has enough content designed for ordinary players passing by to play. I may not have so much time to make this mod, so I can only maintain low-frequency updates. If I am lucky eno...
Leviathan Events Xtended - Legacy
Created by Spacemike
2.0+ Update Note: there may still be bugs with this mod due to the massive changes in the latest update, please report any bugs to the bug discussion thread. Credits for everything in Leviathan Events Xtended but the port to 2.1 goes to: Forum user Bitterb...
Ancient Empire 1.9 [Stellaris 3.12]
Created by AetherGhost
Stellaris 3.12.* Compatible 1 Introduction Ancient Empire Mod is a late-game/end-game event mod that introduces the story of an ancient civilization that was once mighty but eventually fall for unknown reasons, a series of related technologies, ships, and ...
Ancient Empire - UI Overhaul Dynamic Patch
Created by AetherGhost
Compatible with ANY VERSION of Stellaris Compatibility Patch for Ancient Empire and UI Overhaul Dynamic. Ancient Empire: UI Overhaul Dynamic.:
<利用你们的知识,利用你们的财富,利用你们文明的一切,来交换超越物质的力量吧!> -本mod可能是一个简单的事件mod -有一套独立的科研树,和科研方法,不会污染科技池。 -有一套深渊系列舰船。 -巨构是本mod的核心,很多内容是建立在巨构上的。 -有一些神秘功能 -本mod完全兼容小伞的产业革命 -This mod may be a simple event mod -!!!!Numerical magic warning!!!! -There is a set of independent scient...
shroud magic girls strongershroud 玩了虚境五色梗的萌化mod= =,还有一些对魔法少女mod的补充 虚境的五个契约界面修改为了五色的画面 顺便将灵能界改回了虚境,五个契约也改了回去= = 以及对于虚境的一些强化 by 贴吧的虚境焰 【其实一般的版本更新不会导致这个mod失效的,如果出现失效,闪退等情况请在评论区反馈】 【注意!!!与魔法少女MOD一同开启时需要把本mod放在上面,魔法少女mod放在下面!】 魔法少女同盟国策来自于魔法少女mod(已经取得原作者酱油桑同意,接手...
Nirvana Empire Project
Created by StaVis
欢迎大家加入QQ群讨论MOD及汇报BUG,或提出建议~ 建了个本MOD的QQ群~166037843 MOD大概内容: 1. 新国家具备较大幅度的强化,非平衡性MOD,若玩家未扮演涅槃帝国,则涅槃帝国将由AI扮演; 2. 玩家在开局一个月时可以选择是否保留AI涅槃,除非想要挑战自我(或开启了其他玩家强度...
天体战舰 Celestial warships
Created by 小松岗 mod围绕天体战舰展开,通过巨构等方式建造特殊舰船和堡垒。 完成相关科技便可建造天体战舰和天体堡垒。 天体战舰和天体堡垒可在舰船设计器中进行设计。 提供八种战舰:小行星战舰,卫星战舰,行星战舰,巨行星战舰,恒星战舰,中子战舰,黑洞战舰,永恒天塔。 ----小行星战舰:需要星体重工飞升,在小行星上建造的特殊舰船,可设计,拥有少量的舰船三围和槽位,数值弱。 ----卫星战舰:需要星体重工飞升,在行星上建造的特殊舰船,可设计,拥有较少的舰船三围和大量...
((( NSC3 - Season 1 )))
Created by CaptainX3
May 11, 2024 - Season 1 - Update 9 (Mod Version 1.0.9) New Save Game is Not Required Fixed a bug where the Nanite swarmer sections were missing. Fixed a bug that was causing the transport ship models for the new shipsets to not show up. May 8, 2024 - Seaso...
(((-NSC3 Season 1-))) Chinese Translation
Created by Liyea
针对NSC3进行中文翻译的MOD,方便大家享受NSC3,本mod仅有文本,因此如果有文字、叙述缺失以外的问题的话请确认NSC3 mod与其他mod是否有发生冲突,如果汉化失败的话请把这个MOD放在NSC3的MOD后面 NSC2是一个增加船舰种类的mod,其中包括配套的恒星基地扩展、少量的武器以及大量的组件,增加舰队的变化性 由于本翻译发布时贴吧翻译尚未发布,因此某些名词翻译可能有所差异,如有差异欢迎提出 如果出现了只有局部汉化状况的话,请到MOD列表把这个MOD放到NSC MOD后面去 有一些玩法或使用上上...
!-Starbase - Extended-! 2.0
Created by Cave Johnson
Description This is an updated version of DrBLOOD95's mod: "!-Starbase - Extended-!" If you are using a 1080p (Full HD) 1440p, or 2160p (4k) monitor, the size of the construction menu is now increased in order to make late game construction smoother (less ...
! Casako's Framework & Modmenu
Created by Kasako'小傘
This mod will always go with the last update of Stellaris <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Current mod version for mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of Infinite System Independent function...
! Dark Blue UI Remake
Created by Kasako'小傘
Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Some additional new features Legacy version of last major update Universal Patch for compatibility of mods list...
! Dark Blue UI Left Menu !
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: all instructions are machine translation> New main menu layout <All pre-mods must be installed, see the required items on the right> screenshot from mod: Main menu - Megastructure Detailed description -The main interface is changed to the button ...
! Better Performance & Utilities
Created by Kasako'小傘
Better Performance & Utilities Current version for Legacy version of Kasako's mods Up to 75% increase in game fluency in later game New pop growth control method (disabled by default) Automatic demotion function Express manual pop migration method Reduce t...
! Reworked Tactical Battlefield !
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: non native English speaker, there may be translation errors> BETA TEST 2x system scale (while RSS is 6x) Bigger solar system + smaller ship The perfect balance between beautification and gameplay Compatible with partly compatible with Better stri...
Created by Alice
3.* 5.10DLC...
! Dark Blue UI ironman
Created by Kasako'小傘
Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Complete version <UI Overhaul Dynamic is required and must be sorted above this mod.> Detailed Description A la...
! Dark Blue UI Universial Patch
Created by Kasako'小傘
Make Dark Blue UI Remake compatible with MOD: Gigastructural Engineering & More Psionic Species Expansion Sorting: Put it wherever you want. Special thanks to: RedRover72 for main UI frame tweak for 3440p. If you have any requirements for compatibility wit...
! Age of Wonder
Created by Kasako'小傘
Partial support for English 41 new megastructures added If you installed Gigastructural Engineering & More, it is best to choose one of the two mods to play, otherwise you will see conflicts such as overlapping models and partial functional failures. But i...
Tidy Tradition 3.10~3.12
Created by Laquly 零者
3.12✔️; 3.11✔️; 3.10✔️; English✔️; 日本語✔️; Italiano✔️ The author cannot speak Japanese and Italian, so the translation of these two languages needs to subscribe to the following mods: 日本語の翻訳:
255 Tradition Slots + 256 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.12 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
Classic Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Support 3.8 Added advanced ascension to all vanilla ascension The maintenance of this MOD has been taken over by 史黛拉芮丝の鼬子, no additional changes will be added If you need this MOD Remake Version Compatibility: ①Most Ascension MODs and tradition MODs are co...
Created by Alice
标识符mod 兼容任何mod...
! Dark Blue UI Kasako's Bespoke
Created by Kasako'小傘
伞の产业革命定制 伞の框架必须作为前置 添加独立快捷按钮 可直接从星球界面查看人力参数 动态领袖界面 更好的地面战图片 注意安装前置mod 星球UI 108槽 【如果这个mod有帮助的话请点赞收藏,你的认同很重要!】 排序: -暗蓝科技UI后面 兼容性: -与所有修改星球建筑槽数量(超过36)のmod不兼容 -与所有所有改动星球界面的mod -星球UI 108槽 -星球UI 55槽 -星球UI的PD版 打赏链接(点图片)/Free Donation for Chinese User https://stea...
Created by 大师.Patcher
MAKE AAR WORK WITH NSC Both mods have modified jiggernaut, and this patch integrates the features of both mods. Now you can use NSC's jiggernaut with 4 sections as well as geting enhancement from AAR's ascensions....
Origin Fallen Empire
Created by Cepheus
This mod is simply the origin mod of the fallen empire. In this mod, you can choose the origin of "Elder Race" to become one of the five fallen Empires at the beginning, and experience the fallen life close to the original. Support English, Chinese and Rus...
Origin Fallen Empire: Ship Design Extension
Created by Cepheus
This is a subsidiary mod of the Origin Fallen Empire, which allows the fallen empires to design its own ships (including FE ships and ordinary ships) instead of using fixed ship designs. This mod will not only affect you, but also the AI fallen empires, so...
Stronger Fallen Empires&The Great Khan
Created by Dr. Addiction
This mod improved Fallen&Awakened Empires and the Great Khan. ·The Fallen empire will gain the corresponding Ruined Megastructure according to their Ethics. (See below) ·The Fallen, Awakened Empire and the Great Khan will gain an adaptive Fleet and Army's ...
Created by 溯昔言
3.7更新:现在让堕落觉醒后的战力和天灾倍数挂钩,削弱了数值,改动了天堂之战。 一个简单的,加强堕落的mod,仅仅是刷舰队和数值层面进行的改造,不涉及具体的剧情。 如果你厌倦了小孩踏入了巨人的游乐场,同时怀念起萌新时期堕落带来的压迫感,欢迎使用本mod。 加强的方式如下: 1.请使用拆分8设置难度和细化设置,因为我不想再写一个菜单了。 2.为每个堕落增加一个巨型船坞,为失落帝国每年刷一次船直到达到预定的舰队实力。默认情况下堕落战力为2m,觉醒4m,天灾到来时6m。不过由于会与其他mod产生化学反应(堕落全m...
~ StarNet AI
Created by salvor
Small announcement Heavily recommend trying another AI mod, Startech. It's more science-oriented and, I believe, will provide more fun experience for most players. Description This mod intends to create an action-packed experience with AI not only being ab...
Fleet Transfer Mod
Created by Dimuch62 [RUS]
You have an outdated, extra fleet and you don’t know where to put it, and disband or modify is stingy? Your vassals suffer from internal feuds or external threats and they lack the fleet, and to solve their problems yourself - laziness? You want to covertl...
! Universial Game Rules Patch
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Repair population cannot be assembled Repair orbital bombing failure Repair the failure of the jump engine Compatible with additional information types Make capital buildings from...
Fairy Empire:City and Flag
Created by PSIONIC海豹 This mod provides a new city appearance and the flag of the Fairy Empire 这个MOD提供了一个新的城市外观和菲雅利帝国的旗帜。 BTW, this MOD can run independently, the ship set M...
Created by 可爱小妹膜
你是否因为漫长的10年和平协议而苦恼? 你是否因为漫长的10年政策冷却而苦恼? 你是否因为漫长的10年物种权力冷却而苦恼? 或者嫌特使200的评价上限太少? 那还等什么,赶紧订阅我吧 要自定义年限的话去 SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\281990\2390627893 最里面,修改DD_defines.txt POLICY_YEARS 政策修改冷却 SPECIES_POLICY_YEARS 物种政策修改冷却 TRUCE_YEARS 强制休战时间 MIN_RI...
Dynamic Difficulty - Ultimate Customization
Created by Gratak
Ever had the problem that early game was way to hard and either you die early, or the game becomes boring very soon afterwards? Or do you think the game is too hard/easy in general and the player would deserve some bonuses/penalties? Or do you want stronge...
Created by 天亮了
Main Contents 1.Add 52 origins and enhance 7 vanilla origins. 2.The initial fixed formation of four special black hole systems, and the event chain "The Worm-in-Waiting: Signals" can only be triggered by these four special systems(one of them is OK). 3.Add...
时与空-UI大修 兼容模组
Created by 天亮了
本模组为免费模组,并反对任何模组收费与合集收费 在同时使用时与空和UI Overhaul Dynamic时,使时空黑洞、无尽奇点、白洞、洪水星球的星球图片正确显示,并调节界旅者对话框的选项大小 应置于时与空模组下方...
011_Supremacy Juggernaut
Created by Zhao_sj
Write in front: The author's English level is poor, so it is difficult to communicate fluently in English, and translation software is needed. Supremacy Juggernaut Describe: 1.Modified the related data of the juggernaut and enhanced it. Effect: 1.Modified ...
More Emperor & Custodian Resolutions, and Galactic Unification
Created by Chihaya Anon
This is a mod provides more resolutions for the Custodian and Emperor, to make their jobs not so boring. Any bug feedback, comments and suggestions are welcome! ] Custodian Reforms Science Cooperation Initiative Assist The Developing Countries Pioneering M...
Created by anaki猫猫
(以下所有改动对ai无效也不会影响ai的游戏策略,仅对玩家生效) 修改了新版的四大飞升以及附带的传统树、理事会决议的使用条件,删除了他们的互斥效果(以及修复了一个潜在的bug:如果打了更多飞升槽的mod在7个之后无法点出一些原版飞升),为普政添加了机飞之后可以点出智械的专属飞升合成时代的效果 。非常轻量的改动,没变动任何数值,有bug请反馈。 普政的飞升对于蜂巢和智械同样生效,并且为新版智械合成时代飞升后的三条路线添加不互斥效果(在嬗变局势中还是只能选择一种,但是局势完成后想要另外两种可以在传统里点)。 写...
36 Building Slots
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ Just increases the buildings slots to 36, and that's pretty much it. Mod does not modify the branch office slots anymore. If you want to change the buildings slot amount: Goto: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\...
Extra Ship Components NEXT
Created by NHunter
Extra Ship Components: NEXT WARNING: this mod is NOT compatible with existing ESC 3.0 saves. You need to start a new game. Other mod versions: Stellaris 3.3 -- Stellaris 3.4 -- Stellaris 3.6 -- Stellaris 3.7 Stellaris 3.9 -- Stellaris 3.10 -- Stellaris 3.1...
Ultimate Technologies
Created by breloom1994
Have you ever felt constrained by military advances and economic growth? Inalterable planets and negative modifiers. Insecure borders, pirates plunder and angry populations. Or do you just feel like the graphics could be taken up a notch and the weapons co...
Ultimate Weaponry (Restriction Break)
Created by breloom1994
This is an expand pack of Ultimate Technologies. This weapon pack contains ship weapons and components which basically as same as the other two Ultimate weaponry packs except for the weapon firepower. The damage values of the weapons in this mod are way hi...
可建造堕落帝国建筑-2.0/ Buildable Fallen Empire Buildings - 2.0
Created by 152783536
本mod是“可造堕落帝国建筑”的修正版,原版本链接地址如下: 一、使用方式: 解锁这些建筑需要使用一个飞升槽,名称为“文物中继”飞升槽。使用“文物中继”飞升槽需要两个条件,一是已经开启并使用了两个飞升槽之后才能用;二是需要“奥术解密”科技。“奥术解密”科技由自动送星门科技事件360天后在社会学研究选项里面出现,并保持一直可选状态。 二、本mod所包含的内容: 1. 建筑 1.1 ...
Great resource silo
Created by Alice
3.8.*✔️; English✔️ Are you still tired of having to build Resource Silos all over the place because the resource limit is always full and the capacity is overflowing? This mod adds a Great resource silo which has 3 levels, the first level increases the res...
Additional Vanilla Ultimate
Created by Cadsives
Additional Vanilla Ultimate Version Updated for 3.12.1 Origin This mod is an updated standalone version of Sam's Additional Vanilla Components & Additional Vanilla Weapons Mod. You do not need the original mods to use this mod. This mod contains content ma...
更多舰船组件终极版汉化-Additional Vanilla Ultimate(Chinese)
Created by 南镇 原mod 更多舰船组件终极版的汉化 如有侵权请立即联系我进行删除...
Created by 诗语鸿荼
自从我打上萌化星河mod之后,这个游戏的性质就发生了变化 该mod更新自Anime galaxy(萌化星河) 此处附上本模组另一个版本,选择性亲缘特化·《萌化星河·仅限人型》,有助于玩家在和美少女种族贴贴时保留攻击性: 比较推荐,占用空间较少,几乎每一个人型物种都经过了可爱筛选,基因飞升大幅增强。 排序建议 我只是一个修改外观的模组,理论上放在哪里都可以 可以消除内阁的全息投影效...
Gray with animated portrait
Created by Clesiram❀
如图所示,本mod提供了小灰的立绘替换。 As shown in thumbnail, this mod replaces the original portrait of Gray with AI generated illustration. 立绘来源: Pixiv 107157087 Author: earth aeolian...
Unlimited Megastructure Projects
Created by 苏白@夢璃花 Description Megastructures were, well, they were awful at the initial release of Utopia, they were just some fancy toys that looks good, and still kind mediocre after several buffs. Every one of them should be a mega project p...
超级工程 Mega Engineering[3.*]
Created by JIUGER
添加了如下几个法令: "超级工程:建筑奇迹": "该法令用于提高星港、星球建筑和巨构建筑的建筑、升级速度,并且可以额外同时建造十个巨构。" "超级工程:星球改造": "该法令用于提高星球改造的速度。 " "超级工程:星港繁荣": "该法令用于星港的升级速度和防御平台的建造速度,星港的模块的建造速度。 " "超级工程:雄伟军队":"该法令用于舰船的升级以及建造速度,陆军的建造速度。 " "和谐社会:人口增长": "该法令用于人口的快速增长。 " 这些法令启用没有任何条件 Add some edits: "Me...
No Titan Limit
Created by 月羽狐
It is so cool to have a full-titan-fleet, just like paradox showed us in the trailer. Considering its cost, Titian is very under-powered and it is meaningless to set a limit. This mod only changes two parameters in one game file, it should be pretty stable...
Created by ACOTSAE
请尽可能的后置本mod Please post this mod as much as possible 概述 Summary 这个mod移除了某人在数值溢出修复mod里加的私货,并提供了一个私货移除脚本 This mod removes the advertisement foisted by someone in the value overflow repair mod, and provides an advertisement removal script 出于某些我不了解的规则,如果本mod被放...
Created by karokaron
現在は2.3対応です。 プレイに問題は発生しませんがやっつけ作業なので一部オリジナル音声になっている可能性があります。 ゲームのボイスが琴葉姉妹双子、琴葉茜と葵の音声に変更されるMODです。 Reinhardさんの支援によってボイスのカスタム設定から茜ちゃんか葵ちゃんを選択できるようになりました。 DLC未導入でも利用可能です。 2.2対応しています。何か不具合等あった場合はお手数ですがコメントより報告お願いします。 琴葉茜→ Akane Voice 琴葉茜(関西弁)→ Akane Voice2 琴葉葵→ ...
Girls Frontline Voice Pack
Created by Alice
3.4.*✔️; English✔️ compatibility Does not conflict with other mods 【sortord】 You can put it anywhere in the mod list Elaborate Girls Frontline voice pack Contains the following voice packets C93 G36 PPK KP31 MP41 HK416 M1873 M1931 Makarov PPSh-41 Mosin-Nag...
少女前线 - HK416顾问语音
Created by 丨囧呆丨
整合了三个HK416语音的mod ==================分割线================== 改动日志: 1.0.3 改动小部分内容 1.0.2 增加HK416mod语音 1.0.1 增加HK416儿童节语音 1.0.0 雏形...
Elaina Advisor Voice
Created by CLH_V
AI voice synthesis based on VITS, character from Majo no Tabitabi. Model source:
Ayachi Nene Voice Pack
Yuzu-Soft Voice Pack(Ayachi Nene) Voice source: Line source:Translation software such as Youdao Dictionary and deepl Demo ...
hololive advisors
Created by aplog
hololive Adviors' voice comes from the joint activity of Hololive and Azur Lane! *mod voice content cannot correspond to the original voice content statement: 1. This mod's picture material and audio material are all from the Internet, not the author's ori...
Azur Lane - Kawakaze Advisor
Created by Utopia Planitia Fox
Add "kawakaze" and "Kawakaze - Unsullied White Fox" Advisor voice type, audio are from Azur Lane....
[JP localize patch]Yukari Voice Fix 3.12
Created by Dryus
3.12.4対応、実績対応、全訳済み(2024/05/31更新) Mod『Yukari voice』(2021/07/13版)の3.12.4対応化&バグ修正の日本語版です。 『VOICEROID2 結月ゆかり』にて、一部の日本語音声を新規に作り直しました。 下記の「Mod『Yukari Voice Fix』の日本語音声一覧」スレッドをご確認ください。 全訳済みです。 音質以外のエラーログが出ないように修正するModですので、 他の日本語音声Mod(エラーログが出る)との互換性はあえて外しています。 「結月ゆ...
Warship Girls Advisor
Created by Amatsukaze 本顾问语音mod为幻萌公司旗下游戏 战舰少女 中游戏角色 列克星敦(cv:@Sakula小舞)、赤城(cv:@紫苏九月)、维内托(cv:萝卜Cheddar)、长春(cv:@林簌SUSU)的角色语音包。 本语音mod中收录的台词均为氪金特别定制,以贴合游戏提供更好的体验。 本语音mod收录321句台词,...
♫ [Re:stEAlaRS] Hiroyuki Sawano Selection Vol.2
All From Re:CREATORS I made some Re:Mastering with every selected tracks by myself. Such as Vinyl Lo-fi Cutoff, High Frequency Roll-off and Bass Transients Control. So these is not Orginal Sound. I hope this changing can let them be more suitable to Stella...
♫ Hiroyuki Sawano Selection
Include: Die Neue These - Binary Star Die Neue These - dust Die Neue These - CRY M.S. Gundam NT - Cage M.S. Gundam UC - EGO M.S. Gundam Hathaway - EARth Attack on Titan - Vogel im Kafig SymphonicSuitePart2-6th: ThanksAT Seraph of the End - 1hundredknight:M...
为多彩银河魅魔物种制作的BGM补充包。风格为纯音乐爵士。 音乐鉴赏水平有限,欢迎提供新曲目意见,smooth jazz和萨克斯优先。 曲目列表: Al Williams - Heart Song Ben Tankard - Ribbon in the Sky Bob James - Take Me There Bobby Lyle - Sweetest Taboo Brian Bromberg - Tears Brian Simpson - I Remember When Brian Simpson - I...
A personal anime music pack
Created by Kasako'小傘
A purely personally directed anime music play list of a friend, I just post it on his behalf, and I don’t know why he must listen to these songs when playing Stellaris. playlist: Air Race Fanfare for Future! Make debut! Special Record! unbreakable ぴょいっと♪はれ...
Warship Girls BGM
Created by PSIONIC海豹 This MOD is a collection of BGM from the game "Warship Girls R", created by Moefantasy. Currently, we have included 104 songs from official sources and ...
Into The Breach OST
Created by McLenny
Contains most of the soundtrack from the game Into The Breach. A quality sci-fi soundtrack from a quality game. I'd say it fits rather well into Stellaris. Compatibility -made for the 3.8.* version of Stellaris, though it should work on every version becau...
Touhou Epic Music Sound Track
Created by ChagatuAlin
3.12: No longer replace the main menu music. Amazing Light Symphony, Jazz, and Waltz Musics from 狐の工作室 , A Second-Creation Band of Touhou Project, These Tunes Been Very Choosy, Pretty Suits for Stellaris, Hope You will Enjoy it. Don't Forget to Click "Like...
Created by 贴贴
这是红色警戒2心灵终结的mod。 有一些相应的武器科技以及超级武器建筑。并添加了支援技能(需要建造巨构解锁)和特有陆军单位工程师。 警告:请不要将超级武器向某些特殊星系发射(比如说天灾的母星),可能会导致事件卡死! 兼容绝大多数mod,特殊的国民理念没有任何限制;特殊特质只要求使用特定起源,在游戏开始一段时间后选择,政体是为了代入感而设置。 为什么有些东西没写效果?造一个试试是红警的特色,不得不品尝。我们可爱的天秤酱又能有什么坏心眼呢? 建筑科技需要星球上具有相应前置建筑才能刷出来(详见建筑描述)。 之后还...
Madoka Magica Soundtrack 3.0
Created by Sicanus
TV Anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica Sondtrack (for Stellaris 3.0.x) Track list: 1. Once we were (The music of the opening of Rebellion) 2. Amicae carae meae (My best friends) 3. Scaena felix (Brave scene) 4. Clementia 5. Postmeridie (Afternoon) 6. Conturbat...
心灵终结 焚风阵营BGM Mental Omega---The Foehn Revolt BGM
Created by Akatosh
红色警戒2 心灵终结 焚风阵营BGM Command & Conquer: Red Alert2 Mental Omega The Foehn Revolt BGM BGM: Aftershock Alter the Future Beyond Breakdown ctOS_Calibration Destiny Downfall Edge of the Razor Ex Machina Heroic On the Shoulders of Giants One Final Chance Remnant o...
Azurlane portraits
Created by rimu
this mod let your Azur lane waifus be with you in stellaris too. アズールレーンのポートレイト(外見)集。 碧蓝航线立绘头像 ironman support ver. ->Azurlane Universe (ironman) compatible with 3.8.2 Azur lane ver.追撃 シュペーちゃん(2022/10/13) Features: - new 1000+ portraits for all species 新增了...
Recalculate fleet power
Created by zero
Recalculate fleet power. How to use: when some fleet become "1" power, you can use this mod....
Created by 楚迷是我
本模组为缤纷多彩の银河(2.0.9) 「良夜永眠」(Colorful Galaxy,以下简称cg)的附属mod。 首先鸣谢坚持更新的简小姐,以及小伞(毕竟抄的伞兼容) 模组内容: 1、提供以Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib、伞の泛用规则兼容为主,最优先保证CG次优先保证其余适配模组规则生效的game_rules文件。已完成SUGL与伞规则的兼容. 2、提供已适配模组对原版内容除game_rules以外修改的兼容,包括但不限于建筑、飞升等。 3、提供已适配种族模组的种族能启用多...
Technology Tree (for Chinese Language)
Created by Sakuya Minagami
为原版拥有后置科技的科技显示它的科技树,稀有科技和危险科技分别用紫色和红色标出。 本mod可选择游戏语言为英语或中文启动,游戏中的科技树会显示为中文。 下面的全语言通用版mod同样有中文科技树,但不支持选择游戏语言英语来启动。 for English, Brazilian Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean : Technology Tree 支持铁人成就。 为了更好的阅读体验,你可能...
! Immersive Beautiful Stellaris !
Created by Kasako'小傘
117 New Sky Box Galaxy position affects skybox Beautify the Milky Way map Optimize the lens Simplify the map UI 100 new wallpapers New room background New flag Other new materials original mod Change the appearance of the sky box according to the position ...
鸽组汉化 Flora Edition
Created by 月都旅人
简介 主要翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化,比如绿宝石 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 内置汉化:列表 /...