

646 ratings
Touhou x Warship Girls Gensokyo Species Mod
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Jan 21, 2019 @ 10:26pm
Feb 7 @ 3:40am
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Touhou x Warship Girls Gensokyo Species Mod

In 1 collection by ChagatuAlin
Stellaris自用联机模组 / Self-Use Multiplayer Mods Group
30 items
■ Last Updated: 3.14
- Namelist packs been completely revamped, adding a large number of leader traits and their Gestalt texts, New Origins, replaced and optimized part of portraits. Adjusted some overpowered or unreasonable traits.
- This mod only adds content around the vanilla stuff of Stellaris, suitable for players who like anime moe stuff and Touhou things but do not want overpowered or other crazy things.
It maintains good balance and compatibility. The added content like trait origin civics, their art and text style are close and compatible with vanilla. If you prefer many new settings or OP options and items, it is recommended to combined with other mods to modification.
- I have worked on it, but found that the system for manually selecting/assigning leaders group in the start of the game is hard to balance and has many concerns (such as the issue of auto-changing portraits after got ascension, which is quite troublesome to handle), so it is recommended to use powerful tools like VScode and 7-Zip to edit the save file modification to customize the opening details for your own special RP experience. Actually that is very simple.
# This is a self-use sharing mod.

= About character portrait codes: match the file names, for example: "D2" → Ibuki Suika =

Will you consider adding more gameplay-related elements? Such as technologies, equipment, and character events, etc.?
I'm tired. Although I got many ideas before, as the saying goes, it's easy to dig a hole but hard to fill it. I also have a certain degree of balance obsession and don't want to waste time cleaning up after Paradonks' done in every version. I'll_try_harder_in_next_life.jpg

Compared to similar or like mods, what are the special features of this thing?
* This mod strives to maintain the character portraits display ratio, making it look more sizable, appropriate and coordinated, without the situation like forcibly stuffing the entire portrait into the avatar frame. Portrait images are mostly randomly selected, and most character portraits are of good quality, but style differences are inevitable.
* Includes high-completed namelists pack, without crude and strange character names. it got well blended the elements of fantasy and realism, the number of the names is very large.
* Retains the vanilla gameplay, balance, and compatibility. Including traits, civics and origins style and strength are close or based on vanilla Stellaris, without any numerical inflation or crazy attribute explosion.

What elements included in the character portraits?
Mainly from Touhou Project + WarshipGirls (including WSGR and Azur Lane), as well as some other miscellaneous character portraits in anime moe style, with a total of more than 500. All resources are from the internet. And the copyright of all artistic works belongs to their copyright holders.

What content is included for settings except the portraits and species?
4 Origins
31 Civics
34 GSKC flags and emblems with various elements
15 species traits (including Cyborg Ascension modify traits)
140+ leader traits (Paladoks standard)
20+ Council Positions
They are unique, balanced, well-looked, and versatile.
All added content fits vanilla Stellaris well. You can do many customized RP settings around them.
The text of them are very broad, and even using in random countries, they are still not out of place.

* The overall attribute intensity of civics and origins is between T0 and T2.

Why mix Touhou with other heretical elements together?
Well, aside from the well-known few, we definitely need some generic faces(Aren't we all generic faces?), right? By a stroke of luck and considering the quality, I chose those, but just their appearance, to fill the Gensokyo Clans Members.
And it's not like we only need those few minorities to carry all the show. Sometimes, we can also exercise our imagination and try out new settings, new choices.
(You certainly understand what I mean, don't beat me for this...)

I understood those reasons, but why still mix with other heretical elements?
Because Touhou is Confucianism, and that was a Mandate of Heaven to absorb and integrate others...!

I understood all above, but I still can't accept what you said.
How terrible.

Other Notes
* Random AIs will not use the species portrait group from this mod. Unless you chose to spawn one.
* Major version update may cause character portraits become disordered, and there is currently no perfect solution about this.
* May file-conflict with the humanoid race mods, but can be easy solve by adjusting the mod loading sequence in your playlist.

That is all.
If you find this thing helpful to you, please leave a favorite or like.

Wish us luck and peace.

Other stuff : <Touhou Project Epic Fantasy Pure Music Collection
<url id="cu3r5aqebk4b5logh180" type="url" status="failed" title="" wc="0"></url>
ChagatuAlin  [author] Jan 19 @ 8:30am 
ChagatuAlin  [author] Dec 10, 2024 @ 2:53am 
@雪中行 能用,但没有实际的内容补充更新,懒了,也许以后会有想法吧,谁知道呢,也许会先翻新一下名称包吧,一些东西不是很满意
雪中行 Dec 8, 2024 @ 6:09am 
ChagatuAlin  [author] Aug 20, 2024 @ 4:46am 
@ZQX114 全加进去作为预设国家设定版面会太乱了.. 所以就只作为自定义国家设定的例子咯..
ZQX114 Jun 1, 2024 @ 2:55pm 
斯卡文硕鼠 May 18, 2024 @ 10:56am 
ChagatuAlin  [author] May 18, 2024 @ 7:36am 
@斯卡文硕鼠 发现好像是有几条代码导致的潜在问题,已经删掉了,应该不会出现这种情况了
ChagatuAlin  [author] May 17, 2024 @ 8:28pm 
@斯卡文硕鼠 呃... 没有替代,只是新添进去的,一个放在人类组目内,一个放在普通智械组目类
斯卡文硕鼠 May 17, 2024 @ 10:50am 
ChagatuAlin  [author] May 17, 2024 @ 5:34am 