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Planetary Diversity
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Planetary Diversity

In 1 collection by Gatekeeper
Planetary Diversity - All of Them
9 items

Stellaris: 3.14.*
Not Achievement Friendly
PD Discord Server[]

Other Planetary Diversity Mods
Unique Worlds
More Arcologies
Ascension Worlds
Vanilla Replacement Art
City Sets
Planet View
Gaia Worlds

Exotic Worlds (Coming back soon!)

PD 3.13.*
PD 3.12.*
PD 3.11.*
Other old versions are available; please check out my workshop items.

This mod adds new artwork for habitable planets to the game.

The mod uses events to change the existing planets after the game starts and does not add more planets to a game.

You can only use the Vanilla terraforming link, but you can choose the planet portrait once the process is complete. To terraform Rare Worlds, you need the World Shaper perk. Additionally, the option to change portraits without changing the planet class is thereby terraforming to the same class.

Climate Based Gaia Worlds
Requires: World Shaper Ascension Perk
PD divides Gaia worlds into three climate-specific types. Each type offers 100% habitability for its climate group and 50% for others. Terraforming between these three climates is possible. Additionally, the 'World Shaper Project' decision lets you grant non-Gaia worlds the same bonuses as Gaia worlds, enabling you to reap Gaia benefits without needing the same planetary portrait everywhere.

Uncommon, Rare, and Gaia Buildings
Uncommon, Rare, and Gaia Worlds Worlds have special bonuses and buildings. If you start on an Uncommon World, you gain nearby terraforming candidates to the type. While you can only have one active, up to three rare buildings start weaker but upgrade as you gain more tech. This applies to all the buildings. If a race cannot use said buildings, they don't get them (i.e., non-food races don't gain access to the food buildings).

Uncommon Worlds
Superhabitable Types
Wet, Dry, Cold
These worlds have more space and are ideal for life to evolve, but the high gravity makes it harder for other races to live here.
Karst Types
Wet, Dry, Cold
These planets lack district space but have high mining opportunities.
Tidally-Locked Types
Wet, Dry, Cold
These planets lack district space but have improved food and energy generation.

Rare + Regular Worlds
Although spawning for these rare planet classes is limited, the World Shaper Ascension Perk allows you to terraform any planet into a rare class. Regular worlds change the portrait of the planet and give a modifier.

Wet Worlds
Continental Types
Regular: Retinal, Forest, Lake, Tepid, Mushroom, Sakura, Moss
Rares: Megaflora, Petrified Woods
Ocean Types
Regular: Cascadian, Crag, Swamp, Fog, Kelp, Pink Algae, Columnar
Rares: Reef, Archipelago
Tropical Types
Regular: Atoll, Mangrove, Tepui, Cenote, Fungal, Aerial, Lilypad
Rares: Geothermal, Biolumen

Dry Worlds
Desert Types
Regular: Dune, Oasis, Outback, Coastal, Fungi, Ironsand, Cactus
Rares: Salt, Aquifer
Arid Types
Regular: - Mesa, Fog Desert, Mediterranean, Badlands, Succulent, Striped, Amethyst
Rares: Primal, Coral
Savannah Types
Regular: Steppe, Prairie, Veld, Semi-Arid, Aspen, Sandstone, Turquoise, Calcite
Rares: Sinkhole, Supercontinent

Cold Worlds
Arctic Types
Regular: - Frigid, Glacial, Antarctic, Aeolian, Ice Spike, Crevasse, Ice Dunes
Rares: Storm, Iceberg
Tundra Types
Regular: - Bog, Mycelium, Mud, Basalt, Tuya, Cryovolcano, Treeline
Rares: Cryoflora, Lichen
Alpine Types
Regular: - Boreal, Snow, Highland, Dune Forest, Fjord, Blossom, Taiga
Rares: Glaciovolcanic, Lanthanide

Uninhabitable Planets
These are visual only and add a deposit to the planet. Otherwise, they are the same as their parent class.
Hothouse World, Diamond World, Chthonian World, Hot Gas Giant, Cold Gas Giant, Subglacial World, Volcanic World, Ethane Ocean, Hydrocarbon World, Cloudless Gas Giant, Carbon World, Iron World

Domed Colonies
Requires: Domed Habitation Tech
Domed Colonies can only be established on vanilla or uncommon terraforming candidates to speed up their colonization. Functioning like standard colonies but with limited district size to reflect their specialized infrastructure, they are constructed through the megastructure interface or by right-clicking a planet with a construction ship. Like all terraforming candidates, they can be terraformed into any standard planet type once you have the Climate Restoration and Ecological Adaptation technologies.

Planetary Outposts
Requires: Domed Habitation Tech
Planetary Outposts are non-colonizable structures built on uninhabitable worlds that link to a planet within the same solar system and are constructed through the megastructure interface or by right-clicking a planet with a construction ship. While not complete colonies, they create jobs based on the planet's capital level through any in-system planet with an 'Intrasolar Network Hub' deposit. These bases can only be constructed on uninhabitable planets marked with a 'domed base modifier' and in systems containing habitable planets. Moon Bases allow job selection and can be changed via a decision on the moon itself.

Interplanetary Settlers - Origin
Random & Sol Versions
This origin focuses on Domed Colonies and Planetary Outputs. You begin with one of each in your starting system and have the technology to produce more from the start of the game.

Mars and Venus Artwork
Mars and Venus have five custom portraits depending on whether the planet is uncolonized, a domed colony, wet, dry, or cold.

Click this link for the PD Discord Server[]. Please go there for FAQs, questions, comments, or bug reports.
I'm no longer allowing comments on this workshop item due to the numerous rude messages and people not reading the mod description. Sorry to anyone who doesn't have access to Discord.

Do Not use Planetary Diversity's original art without permission. Do NOT put PD in a merged Mod Pack without permission (collections are encouraged). All art is done by the amazing HazPainting[]!