833 ratings
Items (140)
招募武器/盔甲工匠 汉化 Weapon & Armour Smith Recruits
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Weapon & Armour Smith Recruits Original mod page: Weapon & Armour Smith Recruits 的中文翻译版 可招募的新增铁匠NPC 增加了几个特殊的铁匠NPC,每个种族...
野外的救助者医生 汉化 Wandering Medics Chinese Translation
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Wandering Medics Original mod page: Wandering Medics 的中文翻译版 在野外自动救助伤员的医生组织 增加了在野外看到伤员就会救的医生,不用怕被打的半死不活丢在路上没人管了 最后 请多多支...
饮食文化终极扩张 Expansion of Food Culture
Created by ザクリア
====================================== 饮食文化终极扩展 Original mod page / 元のMODリンク / 原MOD地址 半天没人汉化我直接上了 12.25 作者新添加的储具汉化已补充 加了很多食物,在游戏中期城镇发展起来之后可以考虑让你的城市变成美食城。 给每个派系增加了特色菜,自己去找 找不到去自己去翻译原版mod的文本介绍(机翻...
Advanced Camping
Created by Atlas
Advanced Camping Mod Mod Contents The mod contains the following new & reworked additions. Camping+ Blueprint -This Blueprint unlocks everything in one go. It's Sold at most (probably all) Travel Vendors. 1 New Material Type...
Advanced Camping 露营增强!汉化版!
Created by ザクリア
============================ 高级露营,全汉化,介绍自己去原版看翻译,也是我翻译的 ============================...
Advanced Limb Overhaul 最好的假肢Mod,全新版本汉化! Chinese Traslation
Created by ザクリア
最经典的Kenshi假肢mod更新版来啦!原作者花了半年以上的时间准备了这个Mod,并暂时将其与原mod分离了出来,作为一个单独的全新mod,真的很棒! 2023/9/16更新:补全旧汉化,同时所有汉化全部手工校对了一遍,完全符合语言习惯 如:(新汉化) 虽然这款义肢并不以速度见长,但是其质量和重量能保证你即使是被打残废了一条腿也能够支撑你奔跑,所以买下它后你再也不用但心被时食人族扒皮生吃了! 这款义肢的足部经过修改,能够更好的适配蜂巢族人的生理特征。 ===========================...
Advanced Limbs Overhaul
Created by Atlas
Advanced Limbs Overhaul This mod was created because people complained about the changes made to the original Jewys Overhaul. This mod will likely NOT be compatible with the original mod as it IS effectively the same mod Mod Content Imgur Link to full pict...
Auto-Hauler Wells 自动运输井!中文版! Chinese Translation
Created by ザクリア
自动运输井!一步到水箱! Original mod creator: ===================== 主页更多个人汉化作品~ =====================...
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 (Quivers added!) 背包拓展2.0(增加箭袋) 中文版!
Created by ザクリア
重新制作了一遍,之前导出时出错了中文显示不全 加了很多背包(还蛮好用的,还好看) Original Mod
Bloodrum Production 血色朗姆酒酿造
Created by ザクリア
原mod链接 Original mod page: 现在你可以自己生产血色朗姆酒来卖了! 它需要大麻和仙人掌朗姆酒,并且有自己的蒸馏器,在大麻的生产和朗姆酒蒸馏被解锁后可以进行研究。 加入了血色朗姆酒桶。 血色朗姆酒蒸馏物在联合帝国地区是非法的,比如大麻加工厂。 这是我的第一个mod,所以请给我反馈,并通知我的任何错误! 想找个地方讨论kenshi?欢迎加入Kenshi社区Di...
Recruitable Prisoners 最好的招募囚犯mod 【最新汉化】
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Recruitable Prisoners Original mod page: Recruitable Prisoners 的中文翻译版 New Update! 2022/9/5 更新缺失的部分对话~ 老牌招募mod重生 你会被想招募的...
Reactive World CN 反应世界最新汉化,补全城镇/建筑中文名称
Created by ザクリア
反应世界最新汉化 由于反应世界一直在持续更新,原汉化作者弃坑,导致现在反应世界会使大量城镇以及建筑的名字变成英文,十分影响游戏体验。在此引用原汉化作者的翻译成果,并个人对未翻译部分进行汉化文本补全。 23.9.25 补充食人族相关剧情汉化。 11.14 把原汉化mod的文本全部补全到本汉化补丁当中,现在本汉化mod可以独立于原汉化mod使用,仅需要原mod作为依赖即可 10.6: 所有缺失文本补全完毕 旧汉化mod链接我贴一个在这里 (部分文本已经过期)
Radiant Unique Recruits Dialogues CN translation (特殊招募人物特殊对话!中文版!)
Created by ザクリア
为特殊招募的人物附加对话! 原作者还在更新中!非常多有趣的黄色笑话(妈的绝了) 1.6 更新967条对话 12.7 已完成额外4个npc的对话,但是暂时没有上传,等再完成几个对话之后统一上传。 11.13 康招募对话完成(72kb的对话我麻了) 11.8 钟医生对话完成 11.7 更新2个NPC对话(散架琼恩和忍者村里的角色) Original mod page
Old Empire Enforcers 旧帝国执法者
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Old Empire Enforcers Original mod page: Old Empire Enforcers的中文翻译版 增加了全新的机器人种族,以及与科技猎人有特殊对话(关于这个种族的) =================...
Radiant Dog Mod : White Fang [白牙,与纯白色狗狗展开的冒险] Chinese Translation
Created by ザクリア
带着狗的人总得有点充满奇迹的故事对吧? 增加新的开局: 白牙 (White Fang) 你越来越离不开它了,那条毛色在全世界独一无二的狗狗。而它的名字叫做白牙,你亲自为他取的。 关于狗是黑色的问题,目前暂时未得到原作者答复,不过我查看mod文件后猜测大概能这么解决: 在创意工坊原mod的文件夹(SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\233860\2538021712) 下面,里面有6种狗模型可以选择。分别是原色+红色图腾,原色狗+蓝色图腾,原色狗+无图腾,以及白色狗...
Radiant Primordial Hive【Chinese Translation】原始蜂巢族!中文汉化版
Created by ザクリア
Chinese Translation For Radiant Primordial Hive Radiant Primordial Hive 中文翻译版 ============================================== 2023.10.1【最新】经kele大佬补充更新的部分缺失汉化,这部分均由kele完成,我来用原汉化代为上传 11.7 全汉化完成,尽情享受吧 9.26 目前基本对话翻译率大概有90%,可以使用了,一些日常对话太多太杂之后慢慢更新,各位好好享受~ 9.25 我草...
Simple Camping Extras(Chinese Translation)简易露营床!超方便!汉化!
Created by ザクリア
【介绍为机翻,mod内容为个人精翻】 Origin Author (原作者链接) 所有这些物品都是免费建造的,因为它们是由回收材料制成的,而且它们是临时的。 至少从角色扮演的角度来看,它们是暂时的,结构不会腐烂。 新项目列在“露营附加品”类别中的露营下。 此模组包括对现有家具的这些更改: 营火:营火的最大操作员更改为 1。现在必须有人使用营火来煮肉。 这现在可以提高角色的烹饪技能...
SimpleDresses 素裙
Created by ザクリア
Simple translations for Simple Dresses 素裙,建议配合原作者的素裙随机生成在NPC身上的mod配合 以下为链接:
Unique Companions #1: Xavage 独特同伴#1 萨维奇
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Unique Companions #1: Xavage 这是修改后的版本,之前的应该是导出时出现了问题导致汉化没有生效,下载了之前旧版汉化mod的朋友请更换此版本并将旧版取消订阅删除 Original mod page: Unique...
TrueVanilla Food and Farming Tweaks v.1.3.1食品和农业调整
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of TrueVanilla Food and Farming Tweaks Original mod page: TrueVanilla Food and Farming Tweaks 的中文翻译版 调整了农作物和食物的数值,为仙人掌...
Training Weapons Vendor (Chinese Translation) CN 训练武器供应商 汉化
Created by ザクリア
Origin(原mod下载地址) 添加了一个新的供应商,出售: - 练习弓箭 - 练习各种类型的武器 - 练习武术包裹武器,100% 拳头保护 全部造成 0 伤害。 装备他们接受囚犯训练。 还增加了一件加权训练长袍。 佩戴后,无论您装备什么武器,都会造成 0 伤害,同时仍会在受人尊敬的技能中获得 XP。 它也很重,所以你可以用它训练力量。 这个项目是为那些想要跳过使用不同练习武器...
The Throne Chinese Translation 宝座!中文版!
Created by ザクリア
真正的国王和酋长的宝座! 研究1级核心/研究。一本书->研究和成本->4建筑材料。 您可以将宝座放置在内部和外部。玩得高兴 This is The Chinese TRANSLATION Original mod page: A Throne for real Kings and Chiefs! Research lvl 1 Core / Interior Menu. 1 Boo...
The Famished King 饥饿土匪之王
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of The Famished King Original mod page: The Famished King的中文翻译版 作者的第一个Kenshi mod,加入了一个很有趣的独特NPC 在边境之地的奇怪悬赏,*他值2 000开币* ,以...
The Dawnguard 黎明守护者 汉化!
Created by ザクリア
============================================== 具体翻译请自行机翻原帖介绍(因为有图,我不会加) 原mod地址 Original mod page: 新的阵营:黎明守护者 加入了4个全新的特殊NPC 干翻雾人,黎明守护者有责 加入他们,带领全副武装的喙嘴猩猩和骨狗,把雾人脆弱的身躯踩烂 带回雾人王子的头颅 =============...
The Argoril Sword Family (Chinese Translation) 亚格里尔的传承 汉化
Created by ザクリア
【介绍为机翻,内容为个人精翻】 【 The description is translated by computer, But the Mod in the game is translated by myself word by word XD】 “我失去了血,也失去了最亲爱的朋友,在我最黑暗的日子里饱受折磨,但让我只讲一个故事,它永远不会结束; 家族Argoril,,,,' 一个讲故事的人Argoril家族的七把刀在荒凉寂静的荒野中等待着......在那里! 每个都由 LEVIATHAN PEARL ...
Table with Foods 有食物的桌子 中文版!
Created by ザクリア
因为通常的桌子没有什么生活感,所以我做了一张放食物和饮料的桌子。 属于内部装饰类别,可以同时制作基础家具。 圆桌2种,桌子2种,架子5种。 架子上也有物品。 Original Mod page:
Radiant Sentry Bags 侦察员背包 中文汉化
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Radiant Sentry Bags Original mod page: Radiant Sentry Bags 的中文翻译版 顶级Mod制作者Shirohô制作的背包扩展 9/14 更新 9/15 更新,漏了描述,我的.. 增加了...
光溜溜的阿飞(Naked Fei)
Created by NOVA
光溜溜的阿飞,董事长同款,斯昆20W招募,很多骚话,特殊互动。装了虚空mod的这个就不用装了,那个带了阿飞。(需要导入) Add the Elder Gods in Squin,You need to spend 200, to recruit him (need import) 増えました“飛ぶ” 位置はSquin,費用がかかる200, (インポートが必要です)...
Created by subai
圣国在KENSHI背景故事里是一个武德充沛的国家,但在实际游戏中却成了三大势力最好欺负的存在。 这个MOD将圣国拔高到三大国最强大的存在。 兄弟,爱与忠诚! —————————————————————— 【增加城市】 :奥克兰之湾,斯塔克的隔壁,由奥克兰意志守护的城市。也是圣国附属势力的大本营。 主要人物:神谕审判者,神谕守护者,审判者死亡后奥克兰之剑会归属蒙格勒。 神谕代表奥克兰在人间执行他的意志,也是圣国最强大的打手。 :水泡山的隔壁,培育圣国骑士的摇篮。 主要人物:灰之骑士,灰之骑士和菲尼克斯死亡后奥...
Created by subai
为蒙格勒添加了两个强力角色:【雾行者】、【雾之血】(目之血数据) 添加了两队强力的【雾都佣兵】和一队在酒吧里的商人【雾都科技商人】 添加了一把雾人专攻太刀【hivekiller】,可以在【雾行者】和【雾都科技商人】那里买到,【哔噗】现在开局自带一把骨人工匠级别的【hivekiller】 增加了一个可招募角色【雾中翼王】(神装翼王) 添加了一个特殊npc【一】,可以三倍价格销赃,可以雇佣(很贵,但是特别强) 加强了原版城主阿尔克,并添加了对话 现在可以在【雾都科技商人】和【雾行者】那里买到蟹甲及其蓝图...
Nice Map [Zones + Zone names + Roads] CN
Created by RadarTruck
Many thanks to Djeeshka, the original author of Nice Map ....
(汉化)土匪扩张Bandits Expansion
Created by 他是金刚腿
- 本MOD为汉化补丁 - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** ***使用该汉化必须打原版MOD*** - 原Mod地址: - 该Mod已获得原作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! ----------------------------------------------------...
(Kci汉化)Crossbow Expansion CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Crossbow Expansion ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Legendary Weapons CN
Created by TerrorBlade
需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: Legendary Weapons ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: 这个mod增加了9个独特的,高质量的后期武器,以及9个附带有趣且独特的个性和互动的NPC,1个可招募NPC,6个独特遗迹位置,与精心设计的内部结构,还有成吨的对话让这些新增内容完美融入原版Kenshi世界。 没有一种武器的威力太变态,每件武器的质量都与铭刃(明东/Meitou)武器大致相同,但在某些方面有一些额外的优点(...
(Kci汉化)New Weapons Dissemination Mod CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: New Weapons Dissemination Mod 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: - 添加了大量新武器,并发放到全世界。...
(Kci汉化)Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 —————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Swish Mods East Coast Expansion CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion ,已获原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。若能接受,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。 ——————————————————————————————————————...
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Primordial Hive X Biosteel Silk Armors
Created by Shiroho A simple patch that will make your primordial hivers 100% ready to embrace the biosteel silk armors ! Should always be up to date since i own both of these mods. Last updated on 23/01/2022 htt...
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Primordial Hive X More Combat Animation
Created by Shiroho A simple patch that will make your primordial hivers 100% ready to embrace MCA mod's moves (More Combat Animations) ! Another patch mod made by someone else already exists but i decided to make one by myself in case i add or...
256 Recruitment Limit
Created by Aurelia
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS 256 A mod to increase recruitment and squad limit. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 50 Increases maximum number of squads from 10 to 20 Instructions: Simply subscribe ...
ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles for Kenshi
Created by ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, this is the second on the series of female hairstyles convertions. Full credit for the meshes and textures to their creators, converted and up...
Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting
Created by Blubb
06.07.2019: I made my custom race support mod (only jrpg_race for now) public. Feel free to test it, hope it works for everyone (make sure to test with a new game first!): 22.02.2019: No upd...
Armor; Nomad CapeCN汉化
也算是霸榜挺久的mod了把 增加了几件小斗篷,游牧人派系的人会穿,有蓝图 具体看原 需要原mod前置 需要原mod前置 需要原mod前置 需要原mod前置 如果有那种武器盔甲包的mod可以找我 单独的就不要了感觉挺容易让mod太乱...
Armor; Nomad Cape
Created by Acord
uppdate: 2019-07-30 Nomad Cape exist as an chest piece now, Nomad faction will now be using it as well. ____________________ this is the Nomad Cape, my first armor for the kenshi workshop. there are some cliping issues, it was very hard to paint weight the...
Attack Slots x3
Created by Hatsune Neko Gaming
Enables Attack Slots x3 A simple mod that changes the base attack slots. Vanilla game has it set to 1, so only one on one combat is possible. This version is set to three. so three NPCs or players can attack the same target. Load order should be at the bot...
Auto-Hauler Wells [ aka Wells with Larger Water storage ]
Created by Muggins
If your like me and your tired of Transporting / Hauling water from wells to water Tanks Then I got good news for you, Farm boy Русский перевод описания by comrade GRIZLIMEN ДОБРЫЙ First of all I would like to thank @SnugSnug for all the help/tips/bug-fix...
Automated farming
Created by Bookhead
Adds cactus, bread, cotton, greenfruit, hemp, riceweed, and wheatstraw factories that use technologies from both automated mining tech and hydroponics to automatically draw water, grow, and harvest your crop. Research even further to have AI assisted deep ...
Automated farming Chinese 自动化农业 中文汉化
Created by 夏洛克姓夏
你必须先订阅 源MOD描述 添加仙人掌,面包,棉花,绿色水果,大麻,大米和麦秆工厂,使用自动化采矿技术和水培技术自动提取水,种植和收获作物。进一步研究AI帮助深度采矿收集水,无论它放在何处。 现在有了发电厂!绿色水果,水稻和大麻。在电气部分研究它们,然后建立电力。...
Backpack Crafting 可制造背包汉化版
Created by SD
汉化版更新日期2019年1月5日 原作者更新日期2018年10月26日 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 这个模块允许你研究,并开始制作背包。 请报告任何问题 Backpack Crafting This mod allows you to research, and begin crafting backpacks....
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 (Quivers added!)
Created by Elwo Update 2.0 is LIVE! After making my own faction/armor mod I decided to get back to Backpacks Expanded and deliver some of my promises regarding it. So the main focus of this update are quivers! I've also refied some stats an...
Bandits Expansion
Created by TreadLightly77
¡OUTDATED/NO LONGER BEING DEVELOPED OR SUPPORTED! This mod is no longer being updated or supported... for a more updated version of this mod's assets and a more immersive experience with said assets, check out my mod:Universal Wasteland Expansion^Which is ...
Better Crop Fences
Created by Wunkay
FOR BEST RESULTS, IMPORT YOUR SAVE. NEW: Holy Farms should no longer have floating fences. If you find an NPC farm that has floating or strangely placed fences, let me know! Will require save import for changes to take affect on prior saves. Patch for Gene...
Bloodrum Production
Created by RustledJimm
Now you can produce Bloodrum yourself to sell! It requires Hasish and Cactus Rum and has it's own still which is researchable after Hashish Production and Rum Distilling have been unlocked. Bloodrum barrels added. Bloodrum Distills are illegal in UC territ...
Copper Ore Drills
Created by Erei
Did it never bothered you that you could unlock iron drills, but apparently you had to keep mining copper with a pickaxe forever ? Not anymore ! Add the copper drill (1-2-3) to the game. Unlock through the same research than iron drills. They are similar t...
Copper Ore Drills 铜矿钻头 汉化版
Created by SD
Copper Ore Drills 铜矿钻头 汉化版更新日期2019年1月4日 原作者更新日期2017年9月19日 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 你能解开铁钻,但显然你必须永远用镐来开采铜矿,这难道没有让你烦恼吗?不再了! 在游戏中加入铜钻(1-2-3)。通过同样的研究解锁比铁钻。 它们类似于铁钻(电力、资源、外观…...
Crossbow Expansion
Created by Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus An expansion to the available crossbows that adds 6 new ranged weapons with new original models made by me. It is intended to be as lore friendly and balanced as possible. Crossbows have been adde...
Dark Hive
Created by Johnson
Dark Hive is a secret race hidden in the veil. They completely lost their production capacity for unknown reasons a long time ago, and the Hive collapsed. But the Queen and some other hivers survived. The Queen, who lost most of her production capacity and...
Dark Hive CN
Created by 启奥
原mod Dark Hive 原作者 Johnson 黑暗蜂巢mod汉化补丁 这个添加了新的阵营 黑暗蜂巢族。 这群黑蜂巢族有着独特的黑色铠甲 新的武器以及铭刃 玩家可以从一个新的开局直接使用黑暗蜂巢族,也可以在某个地方遭遇他们(需要导入) -黑暗蜂巢猎人被发现是一个非常罕见的招募NPC的可能性。 -如果你想积极招募他们,就去每个区域的酒吧转转。 增加了新的武器碎片波利尔姆和碎片斧,新的盔甲黑暗武士套装。 -蓝图可以从传说中漫游在铁之径上一个偏远岛屿的角落里买到。 一些城市的商店里出售黑暗武器和盔甲。 增加...
Bolts : 5X more charges
Created by ( * )
All Bolt ammo packs have 5X more charges. Tired of micro managing your 255 crossbow users, checking every fight if they still have ammo? Worry no more, with this mod, every bolt pack contains 5X more ammo, so they'll deplete 5X slower. To balance this, the...
Build all the Buildings
Created by Badgerhands
This mod adds in new, faction themed building blueprints to various vendors around the world. A few, select shops sell them all, and some are designed to be rarer than others. Currently available - ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE (Currently all recipes and constructi...
Community Part Map
Created by Arkhiel
WARNING : Incompatibility with Yet another kenshi nude mod, or any mod editing the part maps This mod is a ressource for modders, and I hope it will help people to get into 3d modeling. I need your feedback so we might adjust the used zones. So, what is a ...
Compressed Textures Project
Created by FG
This mod replace textures with "compressed ones". Textures compressed to DXT5 and resize down: for landscape from 2048 to 1024 for some other stuff from 4096 to 2048 Those changes will help to reduce loading time, will reduce stuttering and save some VRAM,...
Dark Hive MCA patch
Created by Johnson
Dark Hive - More Combat Animation compatibility patch ...
DialoguePlus CN(对话+汉化)
Created by lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原mod作为前置,将汉化放在原mod后加载。 如有错漏,请及时通知我修改。 和dialogue expended(对话扩展mod)兼容。 和dialogue expended(对话扩展mod)兼容。 和dialogue expended(对话扩展mod)兼容。 注意:原mod在圣国方面有一定常识性错误,为了保证汉化质量我是原样翻译的。所以如果对相关对话不满请去原mod下反馈。 原mod链接:https://steamcommun...
Created by Sae
Notice of current status of mod development Development of this mod is currently on hold, and I've given permission to RustledJimm to incorporate whatever parts of DialoguePlus he likes into Dialogue Expansion Project, so check his mod out here! Hi, welcom...
Enhanced Shopping Economy
Created by Matvey Traveller
Mod to rebalance economy to make in-town shopkeeping more viable and more interesting. Everyone wants to run a comfy inn, right? Now you can do it without every single peasant in town going broke from buying a single rice bowl and not regenerating money, b...
Expansion of Food Culture
Created by Missile
MOD name: New Food Import: No required 日本語パッチはこちら I thought people in the Kenshi world should be more interested in eating. This mod adds new dishes, ingredients and storage. Regional food culture (Research) Five recipe books and outdoor cooking studies ha...
Fast Healing Beds
Created by ( * )
Beds heal you 5X faster. Tired of waiting, each time your squad is wounded? This mod will quicken the bed healing process. Modified values : "ouput rate". - Bed : from 8 to 40. - Camp bed : from 4 to 20. - Skeleton repair bed : from 8 to 40. If you want to...
Fixing Clipping Issues
Created by timor1234
Fixing Clipping Issues What this mod does: The mod attempts to remove/reduce clipping in game in two ways: 1)By introducing slimmed down meshes for pants, skirts and some headgear that the game uses when you put a cloak on in combination with them. The mod...
Free the Hair
Created by minusthedrifter
A simple mod that "frees" the hair from hats and helmets that otherwise gives you a visible buzz cut. This does introduce some clipping, depending on what hair style your character has, but ignoring that it goes a long way towards making sure each characte...
Godsend EXP 5x
Created by Mitchell Godsend
Check me out on YouTube! ___*DESCRIPTION*___________________________ Global Experience Rate Is Quintupled ___________________________________________ ___*FAQ*___________________________________ Q. D...
Goodlooking Unique Companions
Created by 🍔
This mod replace unique companions face --THIS MOD REQUIRES-- 1. ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles for Kenshi 2. Yundao HDT Hairstyles for Kenshi 3. Radiant Better Faces & Eyes 4. JRPG Vanilla =change companions face= Shryke Digna Headshot Izumi Lumi Miu Pia Ruka ...
StepJoe's Limbs Overhaul
Created by StepJoe
Mod Details -Adds over 30 new limbs into the game with custom icons, stats and descriptions. -Changes the icons for both vanilla and modded limbs to face a certain direction if its a left or right oriented. -Low tier Robotics Shops have a low chance of sel...
Jewy's Limbs Overhaul CN (Jewy的机械臂扩展 汉化)
Created by lchinove
已弃坑,不再进行更新。该mod汉化内容可自行引用修改以制作新的汉化。 重要:需要原mod作为前置,汉化放在原mod下方加载。 如有错漏,请及时通知我修改。 mod介绍: 1.整体来说是对假肢比较平衡的扩展,数值还算可以。 2.我的汉化mod间没有下面的问题,都抄的官中 由于修正了没有稳固之手(右)和小偷的手臂(左)的bug,所以如果和同样修正了的mod(汉化过的)同时加载,可能会出现两种不同汉化的手臂(我用的官中),但数值还是一样的,可以自己用编辑器删掉其中一个的修正; 3.虚空mod已经包含了这个mod,...
JRPG Vanilla
Created by willplus
Extends the character making so that you can create a character that Japanese people like. (This is a renewal mod of JRPGRace) The supported races are Greenlander and Scorchlander. If you start character making in the initial state, you will become a ghost...
Created by 启奥
kenshi官方中文覆盖,修复重量显示bug 2024.4.17:汉化已同步到官方68版本,并修复官方存在的一些缺失汉化,如设置界面的那些英文。 同时参考评论建议,将每小时每米等描述改为英里/h,米/s等,节约左下角文本空间。 此版本官方已自带111修复,因此本mod仅作为原版中文覆盖使用,可修复游戏内容被部分模组覆盖导致变为机翻或英文的BUG 1.修复物品重量错误显示的bug,即去掉物品真实重量前的111 2.订阅了太多的mod,导致游戏中大量词汇被替换英文或者错误翻译,本mod可以修正这点,保证官方内容...
Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue (pls read description)
Created by Nanogiraffe
Hi, welcome to Recruitable Prisoners! Workshop icon render kindly provided by Schris. Find his twitter here! This mod gives you the ability to recruit captured prisoners that you disarm. You can try as many times as you like...
Sandbox Adv. Training CN
Created by Asuka Yabane
本Mod是Sandbox Adv. Training mod (lvl 100)的汉化子mod,需要以原mod为前置: 原mod地址: 本汉化mod已取得原作者授权...
Sandbox Adv. Training mod (lvl 100)
Created by HeroinAction
-Adds Training dummies (to lvl 100, normal speed) for Assassination Stealth Armor-smith Weapon-smith Lockpicking Attack Defense Strength Dexterity Toughness Turret Martial Arts Dodge Precision Shooting (Friendly Fire) Crossbow Perception Thievery Dummies i...
Security Plus - Guards & Patrols
Created by Crovvv
Credit This is simply a compiled version with minor tweaks of Lord Lurk's Patrol Waypoints Plus and Winsenkiller's Guardpost. All I did was compile them together neatly and added a dedicated category with proper research so they work well together. This wo...
Radiant Sentry Bags
Created by Shiroho There are plenty mods for bags already, but I've never found one that really gathers everything I wanted. So here is my take : This mod adds two new kind of rare bags. They both share the exact same container stats, differen...
Radiant Reshade Preset for Kenshi
Created by Shiroho This mod is a personal custom Reshade preset i made especially for Kenshi. It took hours of testing to get exactly what i wanted (see the further description). Screenshots don't really do it justice, i tried but trust me it'...
Radiant Primordial Hive
Created by Shiroho This mod adds a new Hive strain called "Primordial Hive". I took a very special care to design their new textures and colors, it did cost me some crazy time. This primordial hive and its 4 individuals kinds all have new stat...
[Shopping] Let the Cats out of the Bag
Created by BLKCandy
Let the cats out of the bag! Most people will have basic income to buy stuff. More AI types will go shopping. They will buy food, then first-aid/drinks, then splint/repair kit/bolts/tools/materials/misc items in that order. Most NPCs now have income based ...
Yundao HDT Hairstyles for Kenshi
Created by ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, starting with Yundao_HDT Hair. For obvious reasons the whole HDT part is not in the port. Full credit for the meshes and textures to their cre...
Weight Bench - Strength Training 汉化
Created by Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:哑铃mod,让你变得更强壮~...
Weight Bench - Strength Training
Created by Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: Well, I finally got tired of training ever...
Weapon & Armour Smith Recruits
Created by bear_samu
A quick mod I threw together to add weapon & armour smith recruits to the game, to save time spent grinding levels. The mod adds 5 new recruits covering all races Forj - SHEK - Located at ADMAG Pal - GREENLANDER - Located at THE HUB Psy - SCORCHLANDER - Lo...
Weaklings Give XP
Created by ( * )
Fighting weak enemies gives XP, contrary to vanilla. In Vanilla, a high level character has a 90% XP malus, when fighting an enemy with 25 levels less than him. With this mod, the same 90% malus only applies, when facing an enemy 50 levels below you. Enjoy...
Legendary Weapons
Created by Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds 9 unique, high quality end-g...
Less Buggy Bughouse
Created by Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description What it Changes New building colliders! Should fix ...
Loading Screens
Created by CloudsInTheSky
24 nicely crafted loading screen that have been uploaded separately as a request from the original mod: UI Beautify - If you want to remove the Loading Screen Tips to see the entire backgrou...
Metal Framework for Construction
Created by RadarTruck
Everything in this world looks real, but the architectural blueprints are so strange. Does the wasteland have holographic projection or nano-robot technology? Obviously it's quite unreasonable. After subscribing to this mod, the architectural blueprint wil...
mike's pathfinding edits - road preference 0.2
Created by Dr. Stupid Retard
the vanilla road preference value is 0.3; the road preference value is placed on a 0-1 scale, with 0 meaning roads are completely ignored, and 1 meaning roads are relied on completely. roads are incredibly important for kenshi pathing, so choose wisely fro...
More Combat Animation Extended Edition
Created by AGO
MCAを無断でマージした場合は、削除を求める場合があります。 Unauthorised merging of MCAs may result in a request for removal. Несанкционированное объединение MCA может привести к запросу на удаление. 未经授权的合并MCA可能会导致要求删除它们。 -----------注意 ATTENTION ----------- このMODはサブスクライブしただけでは動作しません ...
Portrait Enlargement (for Animals)
Created by Missile
No import required インポート不要 I created this mod because I got sick of animal portraits that only show half or not at all. Mod to enlarge and tweak animal portraits. The mod for humans is here. 人間用MODはこちら。 The only problem Portraits of spiders, blood spiders,...
Radiant Better Faces & Eyes
Created by Shiroho This mod reworks most of base eyes and faces in the game with a realistic take and adds few other custom cool faces. Don't judge too fast by the screenshots, those are randomized characters, too lazy to make an army of hands...
Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors
Created by Shiroho To sum things up : this mod adds the Biosteel silk, a new crafting material to the game with its related furnitures (bench, loom, container). You will have to find in Kenshi's world where that damn silk is and I won't help y...
Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors CN
Created by AMN
A chinese patch for Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors. Source mod on the right side. 需要置于原mod下方才能生效 添加了一种新的护甲材料生物钢丝绸, 有着独立的生产制造建筑(织机, 锻造台, 储具). 你可以在kenshi大陆中找到这他吗的丝绸, 但我就不告诉你在哪! 获得这种材料之后你就可以解锁研究并制作一系列的新装备, 肯定不会让你失望. 新的装备仍然使用原有的装备模型, 但是有着全新的材质和平衡不超模且比原版装备更强的属性. ...
Radiant Dog Mod : White Fang
Created by Shiroho I know … I KNOW ! There are already tons of dog mods. I'm just putting mine make me a room ! So what am i bringing ? A hard custom start with a white dog, already seen, again … i know, but this time *in my humble opinion* wi...
More Combat Stance MIABC+
Created by AGO
このMODは 「戦闘状態時のダッシュ」 「戦闘状態時の小走り」 「戦闘状態時の立ち姿」 「戦闘状態時、足の負傷による立ち姿の変化」 を各武器種ごと追加し、More Idle Animationと「揺れる」要素を追加したものです。 ※最新のMIABCの編集データが消失していたので、以前のものと多少違うかもしれません。悪しからず。 おまけで隠密のナルト走りを天誅参OP風に変えるデータを入れています。 「run upper stealth」と「run lower stelth」のanim nameを「ninjar...
New Weapons Dissemination Mod
Created by ikahurula
Sorry weird may be English. I will add new weapons and distribute them to the world. I mixed the weapons used in Japan, and I made it with a focus on being lore friendly. New weapons are added to many NPC's belongings. Some people possess Meitou. There are...
NWDM Remove Triangle Bandit
Created by ikahurula
This MOD is a MOD that removes Triangle Bandit from New Weapons Dissemination Mod. Triangle Weapons will not disappear. In order to erase as if nothing happened, it may be necessary to import it. I'm sorry for the mishap. ...
Old Empire Enforcers
Created by Hugo the Dwarf
Adds a rough draft of a new Robot (as an ANIMAL not a character like say a greenlander) This Enforcer can be found in the same places Iron Spiders spawn in the wild so you should find them out and about in the world (be wary they are much stronger than Iro...
Reactive World
Created by Shidan
This mod is dedicated to filling out the areas left lacking by the dev's world reaction systems. Be it adding effects to locations and factions that got none, or adding more detail to certain vanilla ones. Now includes a world state checking character in W...
Radiant Unique Recruits New Stats
Created by Shiroho This mod alter the unique recruits stats tables in order to make them more special and more unique. Just for your info, vanilla game just tosses each of them in one of the twelve generic stat box. Sometimes 3 or 4 recruits f...
Created by Petrus.91
This mod lets you recruit Beasties after capturing them. Also available on the nexus! Chinese version here: 这是 驯服的野兽 中文翻译版本地址 Supports most if not all the vanilla critters. 1. Find unconscio...
Taxman/Tribute/Prayer Relations+
Created by Howls@TheMoon
You would think that co-operation with the locals would improve your relationship right? Well now it does! This mod adds a small relations increase to Shek, TradersGuild, UnitedCities and HolyNation visits that involve the player having a base in their ter...
The Argoril Sword Family
Created by mopsisgone
'Blood have I lost and also dearest friends, of darkest days I've had my fill, But let me tell just one tale, that never ends; of family Argoril,,,' A Storyteller The seven blades of Family Argoril await..out there in the desolate, silent wastes! Each craf...
The Dawnguard
Created by Horatio
This mod adds a new start and a new faction : The Dawnguard. The history of the Dawnguard is vague and long since forgotten. What little is known, however, is that the group was formed by the Holy Nation to help against anything that could pose a threat to...
Unique Companions #1: Xavage (MCA Patch)
Created by Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Wandering Medics
Created by SpaceDog
Adds a new faction of wandering medics called the Menders. The Menders wander from town to town patching up wounded people because there are good people out there and not everyone wants to kill you. Even in Kenshi. The Menders will heal you if you need it ...
Waste Fiends - Creature mod CN
Created by 启奥
原模组 Waste Fiends - Creature mod 荒废的恶魔--生物模组 汉化补丁 (明明就是恐龙mod) 原模组 Waste Fiends - Creature mod 原mod作者 LordHapless 原mod作者赞助链接 原模组介绍 该模型添加的内容。 骨魔 恐怖的大块头,在大多数名字里有 "骨 "的地方游荡。 雾魔: 丑陋的小家伙,喜欢吃东西,特别是喜欢啃咬雾人...
Storage quantity x1000 一千倍储存箱
Created by Newbot-01
修改各种材料储存箱上限 是原有的1000倍 修改食物储存箱堆叠上限 ——— 只修改了各生产材料堆叠上限,未修改水井产水和发电机储存,未修改装备武器的堆叠 —————— 修改目的:让你休息的农名忙碌起来!白吃饭不干活的日子一去不复返了,也让你少造点储存箱 ...
Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion
Created by Swishos
The East Coast Expansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After spending endless hours writing like a pirate its finally in a state im happy to release, my idea for this mod mainly stemmed from the fact that the map has port cities already which would say that naval tra...
Swish Mods : The Hook Expansion
Created by Swishos
Started work on this a few weeks ago as a mod for me and my friends and now have it at a stage where i'm happy to release it to the public and start getting feedback and suggestions on how to improve, so lets get started. This mod adds a large amount of ne...
Table with Foods
Created by ancforest
通常のテーブルでは生活感があまりないので、食べ物や飲み物がのったテーブルを作りました。 内装カテゴリにあり、基礎的な家具と同時に作成可能になります。 丸テーブル2種類、テーブル2種類、棚5種類。 棚にはアイテムも入ります。 This mod add some interior with foods and drinks. Transration mod is here↓
Created by Gyropilot
This simple mod allows you to level buildings without development tools or having to carefully drag it. Buildings have a natural and realistic look and play very well. Doesn't take anything off from the vanilla game flow, balance or difficulty. It's intend...
Unique Companions #1: Xavage
Created by Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
NewVanilla LEGACY Food and Farming Tweaks v.1.4.1
Created by Seven
In this mod I did a variety of tweaking to various aspects of farming. While hemp is intended to be incredibly efficient/versatile/good, it's so good that it overshadows many other crops. Greenfruit for whatever reason have a very (annoyingly) small output...
Waste Fiends: Creature Mod
Created by Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Simple Dresses World Spawns
Created by Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description A companion patch to my simple dress mod. This simp...
Simple Dresses
Created by Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description A simple mod made on request that addresses a lacki...
Simple Camping Extras
Created by vampirecosmonaut
This mod adds more structures that you can use to make camping easier. All of these items are built without cost because they are made of scavenged materials and they are meant to be temporary. At least they are temporary fr...
Shops have more money
Created by Dryhand
this mod increases the amount of money a shop has by 15 - 22 times the normal amount. the amount should be between 375000 - 550000 cats, but sometimes goes way beyond that to 700000 or below to 300000, not sure what's causing it but that shoudn't be a prob...
Sensible Spider Range
in the base game, blood spiders have a weapon reach of SEVENTY. for comparison, a naginata has 28, and a MUCH BIGGER skin spider has only 35. if that sounds like some ridiculous nonsense to you, good, you are sane. this mod lowers the blood spider weapon r...
Thicc Foliage
Created by Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other regular mods here. Description This mod alters how Kenshi renders distant foliage and alpha clipped objects allowing them to be seen further...
Training Weapons Vendor
Created by Owen
Adds a new vendor that sells: -Practice bow and bolts -Practice weapons of every type -Practice martial art wraps weapon with 100% fist protection All do 0 damage. Equip them for training on prisoners. Also adds a Weighted Training Robe. When worn you do 0...
The Famished King
Created by Mrdude
Hey hey people, I decided to make a small mod to see how modding Kenshi worked before I try making anything too grand. I created a unique NPC you can find in the Border Zone. He has some fun dialogue, a bounty on his head and a unique katana. I've also inc...
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Radiant Better Faces & Eyes X Animation Overhaul Mod
Created by Shiroho A simple patch that will make Burn, Agnu and Sadneil exclusive skeleton races ready to execute the crafting moves of Animation Overhaul Mod! Last updated on 7/12/2021
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Primordial Hive X Animation Overhaul Mod
Created by Shiroho A simple patch that will make your primordial hivers 100% ready to execute the crafting moves of Animation Overhaul Mod! Last updated on 5/01/2023 Allows Primor...
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Radiant Better Faces X More Combat Animation
Created by Shiroho A simple patch that will make Burn, Agnu and Sadneil exclusive skeleton races ready to execute MCA moves ! (More Combat Animations Mod). Last updated on 7/12/2021
Radiant Food Expansion
Created by Shiroho Here is what you'll have with that food expansion of mine : New researchs to become a better cook, a new main food crop for the Swamp biome (distribution in sellers and ability to cultivate it), handful logical or quality of...
Recruit Named Citizens
Created by 村田春彦
このMODはUCの名前付きの市民と酒場で世間話をしている放浪者を雇用できるようにします。 ハブの名前付きのホームレスやスワンパーやモングレルの酒場にも対応させました。 ホーリーネーションの市民は名前がついてないので除外してます。 ついでに賞金稼ぎと町のヒーローを用心棒みたいに雇えるようにします。 全言語対応 All languages ​​supported....
Shinobi Armor
Created by Daemonic Spoder
Decently strong medium stealth armor that provides good protection, lots of buffs but kinda heavy and difficult to find. Includes: - Shinobi Hood - Shinobi Gi - Shinobi Clothpants - Shinobi Sandals Best place to buy the set would probably be either the Shi...
Samurai Captain Armor
Created by Daemonic Spoder
An rich variant of your traditional samurai plate. Something the nobles would probably wear if they were ever forced onto a battlefield. Has stronger stats than the regular version and the chest piece provides some acid protection. Downside is that the set...
Samurai Captain Armor 汉化 武士警长护甲套装
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Samurai Captain Armor Original mod page: Samurai Captain Armor 的中文翻译版 武士警长套装! 增加了一套好看的衣服,能够在商店买到! 最后 请多多支持Mod原作者,在原...
Shinobi Armor 汉化 忍者护甲
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Shinobi Armor Original mod page: Shinobi Armor 的中文翻译版 增加了几套忍者衣服 好像还有忍者开局 最后 请多多支持Mod原作者,在原mod下面留个言留个like~ ============...