John (Yakuza) Doe
"To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless."
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQukKYT9w8esUzF5XsDLTA
Steam DB: https://steamdb.info/calculator/76561198292275263/
Steam Hunters: https://steamhunters.com/id/Divis10n/games
Completionist.me: https://completionist.me/user/00cb1598-2ecd-4f3f-92b0-5b759efcfad6
Infinite Backlog: https://infinitebacklog.net/users/klix
BLAEO: https://www.backlog-assassins.net/users/Klix/games

Steam Replay 2022: https://store.steampowered.com/replay/76561198292275263/2022
Steam Replay 2023: https://store.steampowered.com/yearinreview/76561198292275263/2023

Status: More free-time to work on guides, however updating exiting games that have achievements added will be prevalent.

「 If you want to consider adding me consider just not below level 10s and I may accept your profile if you have that kind of reputation, additionally comment if you wish otherwise just low or high levels can let me know I would deny or accept at a conclusion. Also:
- Don't suggest me and to anyone else using SAM on any of my guides or whatever, keep it to yourself don't care if it's a troll I will delete the comment related to it on my guides.

I also accept people as long as I deem those to be acceptable I also help people depending on availability, does not matter if you have a VAC ban, SAM, or private profile (as long as it's friends only), just keep those to yourself and act normal. If you add me because of my guides I do not mind after all more people mean something else when on a friends list.

While I do enjoy playing video games, I may not have the luxury as I used to in 2016 so mostly all I can do is work and micro-manage each project of my own personal needs but once you see either 💯✅ or one of them then it will be a complete guide unless I can add some more pieces of information.

While I love to contribute to helping people, my guides can be prone to not being so user-friendly or too much that made me switch formattings which is why it's not weird to read them on PC but on a phone, luckily I have some plans to consider by other guides so I can improve my guide with those types until I am satisfied with it and lastly having maybe missing informations/tables/images and sometimes Steam would delete images even when completed so that can be considered to watch out for, feedbacks are a priority and it will be very helpful.

2023-11-22: As of now and probably my 4th time it happened, the images that keep disappearing is annoying this includes Achievement icons, detailed images something unfiltered no edits etc. so something missing will need to be considered so watch out for that, I will make sure to fix it. Also, let me know which guides misses images so I can check.

I also credited other people's works and their methods depending on the game's lifespan you can expect some links added while using those information I do not claim those methods but if it helps everyone I would consider adding it. On the other hand, checklists, shorter guides, and roadmaps are to be expected depending on the type of genre unless it's a non-achievement-related guide.

Lastly, while I do borrow and use the formattings from a few guide makers (Credit to some fellow achievement 100% related formattings and by people hence the formattings may look comparatively similar I like to give credit to their contributions make sure to read their works.
Cynic 0055 and XEALEEN
Payday 2
They make great contributions) to combine them to my guides on games that lack more quality guides I still want to try earning achievements legit and even with some legit methods used by people so you can earn them as time is valuable but if you want a normal achievement hunt you can just earn some on your own but anyways you can always earn some while referring to the roadmap on how I earn them, after all achievements are something to be proud of earning.

Keep in mind some of my guides are plagiarised by websites that I think a simple search and comparing would be the obvious part so watch out for them if you published a 100% achievement guides, I'll try to credit links of people's methods via video and guides that helped me with achievements but be wary some glitches do happen and I want to share them so you can watch out to not instantly unlock when you don't want to but that may happen during new releases of games. 」

As I have stressed enough don't forget to like and favourite for some to check on my guide or whatever give me feedback which I do take and figure out on how to improve my guides which you'd probably have done it but after all, I like to make my own personal way of playing through the game, guides are helpful in time-efficiency and checking stuff so feel free to do your best if you can.

Lastly, as always my guides are all spoiler territory so read at your own risk but never shy away from looking for help.

Have a fantastic day :mllrmask:

Achievement Games Total:
100%: 201
100% (Unattainable): 1

Hall of Guides
WIP Guides on bigger projects (yes burnout but whatever)

0. Yakuza/Like a Dragon Kiwami 1:

Completion List: 0/374

Remarks: This will be my ultimate goal to clear all the series from 1 until 6, then I will consider doing those 1 or 3 spinoffs before 7 and Gaiden but it depends if I feel like it, I will probably work on other guides before I feel burnout. Should take two years due to other guides working on it depends how long those games will take but expect those coming soon I won't be putting something exact until I play a game much.

I. Max Payne 3
Will find a way to sort things out on that.
- New York Walkthroughs (Unlikely for now)
- Online
Achievements: 55/67

Remarks: This will be my next game to work on, one thing to note is although it may take a while, New York Minute Hardcore will be last. You can thank this for inspiring other permadeath modes of no checkpoints in few games. The plan goes: New York Minute Hardcore (maybe) > Online. Once I am done with the online portion I will publish the guide.

II. 4 Battlefield games
Will sort them, add informations from someone and publish it.
Single-player games, add informations from someone's works will credit them out but to help my checklisting.
Remarks: I do have a burnout so I take days of rest and do few edits on my guides. I'll try to work on my past guides if I can but meanwhile I'm gonna need to clean my library of games before moving on to bigger games.
作成者 - Division
These are all the list of my guides I've worked on in 100% for people to easily access, if you need a sorted guide then you can find various kinds in here. Otherwise, have a good day.
作成者 - Division
This is a 100% comprehensive walkthrough of all 55 achievements for new players and will cover everything about this game in details from the basic, walkthrough, and step by step. I hope achievements you miss can be replicated by such from this guide.
This group is for users with a STEAM-Level 69 and higher
This group collects user with STEAM-Level 170 or higher.
Francis just sitting in the couch w/ the Tank :)
23 13 2
Left 4 Dead 2
[Left 4 Dead 2] No Mercy Walkthrough (Advanced)
1 2
154 時間プレイ
This is a simple but realistic shooter so you just need to learn the recoil and all the objectives. Everything else is what you expect with mods to enhance or give you an advantage but this game is better as a finished game than Sandstorm which feels like it is on a pipe dream. If you want a fun hardcore shooter this is for you and it's made in Source engine.
94 時間プレイ
July 9, 2017 | 12:23 AM
Ok let's make sure we make this clear

You go and play as Morga- no actually you play as Gordon Freeman, a MiT graduate and also has received PhD as a theoretical scientist. You find and regroup with your survivo- actually you all know Morgan Freeman from "The Walking Dead" but this isn't the zombie apocalypse game, you find this mysterious dude who is named Gman in a blue casual suit and holding a briefcase, but that isn't what the main thing is. All you gotta do now is to find your way and after the catastrophe you've caused cause you released the aliens and the military wants to kill you, great job as a silent protagonist, you fight your way until you reach point B.

Overall this is the great remastered version of Half-Life 1, alternatively it has remade one of the areas and weapons also the enemies but including the models, the AI is not the best I'd say in my speculation, and it looks nice, and if you played Half-Life 1 than your good. I recommended for people to get this game who haven't played Half-Life 1, Black Mesa is one of the great source game to get.
10/10 the best remade game of Half-Life 1

March 11, 2020 | 15:37
EDIT: Since this is my old review, I must say that its a remake not a remaster and nothing has changed on this old review.

June 9, 2020 | 19:39
I must say after finishing Xen on my first playthrough couple weeks ago, I really love this game even more, the ost or bgm, enemies and the looks of Xen blew my mind, thank you Crowbar Collective for the wonderful experience since 2017.
記録時間: 3,137 時間
6月14日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 941 時間
6月14日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 305 時間
6月14日 に最後にプレイ
Division 5月12日 22時40分 
For sure VanillaVrau, I will let you know when I am active for Portal 2 coop.
CDG | VanillaVrau 5月12日 15時34分 
Hi, I saw your comment on the Portal 2 guide, do you still need help with the achievements? I'm missing some too
DayDreamer 5月7日 4時23分 
oh i would love too, please share your time zone or when do you play?
Division 5月7日 3時10分 
Hey DayDreamer, I simply had a partner to boost with so online is still active. If you want to join in the group I can invite you.
DayDreamer 5月7日 2時26分 
hey, wanted to ask you about how are you getting those online max payne 3 achievements.
I myself wanted to 100% the game but i can't find any matches.
catgenius 4月25日 17時46分 