ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Servidores Oficiais CZSBrasil no ARK [PvE]

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✔️ O wipe ocorre após 30 dias a data que está no nome do servidor.

✔️ Mods exclusivos feitos especialmente para nossa comunidade.

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✔️ Customizações que melhoram sua experiência de jogo e prolonga a diversão.

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Items (21)
Ark Eternal (Live Version)
Created by Leutian Kane
Mod ID: 893735676 THIS VERSION OF THE MOD ONLY CONTAINS THE WINDOWS VERSION OF THE MOD FILES Ark Eternal DOES NOT SUPPORT SINGLEPLAYER OR PVP. Ark Eternal Linux Version For those that need to use it instead of windows only. NOTE: DO NOT NEED ANY OTHER MODS...
Stacks for Humans
Created by XHeadGaming
100K Stacks for everything Mod ID:1333158793 I've created this mod, because i didn't liked the others available. This mod will stack everything(Resources, Ammo, Consumables, Structures) except fertilized eggs, items that reduce durability when used and of ...
Dino Storage v2
Created by Lethal
MOD ID: 1609138312⠀⠀⠀ This mod is clean and stackable. It has no list priority whatsoever No game content is remapped or altered. I only add 5 of my own items to the game This mod should also work with modded dinos, as well as...
Structures Plus (S+)
Created by orionsun
Building Features: - Stackable foundations - Ceilings snap flush with foundations - Crop plots snap to foundations & ceilings - Sloped walls can snap to the bottom of walls & ceilings - Foundations can snap to ceilings if there is ground support (ie other ...
Awesome Teleporters!
Created by Chris
889745138 This mod adds 3 new items to the game. Teleporter - Place these around the map and Teleport between them (after a short delay) by bringing up the Teleport UI (E). - Only friendly Teleporters or ones that have been set to "Public" via the radial m...
Awesome SpyGlass!
Created by Chris
1404697612 Like a regular SpyGlass, except Awesomer! Works on... - Dinos - Players - Structures - Eggs - Loot - Supply Drops - And more - Shows a bunch of relevant information for the current target (see pics) - Has lots of player customizable options (see...
ServerBoost VIP | CZSBrasil Gaming
Created by CzS™ | Homer
ServerBoost VIP | CZSBrasil Gaming It is designed by CZSBrasil Gaming Community and is still in development. Do not use this mod as it is incomplete with known bugs. This mod/code/work is prot...
ServerBoost | CZSBrasil Gaming
Created by CzS™ | Homer
ServerBoost | CZSBrasil Gaming It is designed by CZSBrasil Gaming Community and is still in development. Do not use this mod as it is incomplete with known bugs. This mod/code/work is protecte...
Icons | CZSBrasil Gaming
Created by CzS™ | Homer
It is designed by CZSBrasil Gaming Community and is still in development. Do not use this mod as it is incomplete with known bugs....
ARK Skins | CZSBrasil Gaming
Created by CzS™ | Homer
ARK Skins | CZSBrasil Gaming It is designed by CZSBrasil Gaming Community and is still in development. Do not use this mod as it is incomplete with known bugs. This mod/code/work is protected ...
Castles, Keeps, and Forts Remastered
Created by ExileAcid
Mod ID: 1814953878 Publicly Released: 25/07/2019 This mod will work on any and all maps. Server Hosting Provided By LogicServers - Get a server today and use promo code CKF for 20% off! ht...
Created by CzS™ | Homer
Mod ID: 1657570103 If you like my Mod !! Description This mod’s fully stackable with any mod. SeedFarm lets you to having fun crafting and planting all types of resources. 5 Tiers Up to 50 types of seeds Improved Structures ...
Upgrade Station v1.8i
Created by Ghazlawl
Mod ID: 821530042 Allows you to upgrade the quality of weapons, armor, tools, and saddles from primitive all the way to ascendant. Even works with items from other mods! Can also salvage items for resources. This mod doesn't change any core files and is st...
Monte's Engram Unlocker
Created by Montegor
Mod ID = 2020317130 What Does This Mod Do? By default makes all DLC engrams learnable up to Genesis on any map at their appropriate levels. It will also auto unlock all tekgrams if the UnlockAllTekgrams INI setting is set to true at level 80 by default or ...
Death Inventory Keeper
Created by joyr
Keep your items when you die: Automatically recover your items and folders when you respawn after death. Survivor default items are not kept, they are left in the death bag (to avoid cluttering your inventory with duplicates of them). Fully stackable, no l...
Unlock Haircuts and Emotes
Created by RedDwarf
Mod ID: 942185438 Craftable "Unlock Hairstyles" and "Unlock Emotes" consumable items that unlock all hairstyles and emotes. Can be crafted easily at level 1 by default, allowing players to jump into character customization ea...
Created by Wooly
Release Version...
Editable Server UI (WBUI) Open Source
Created by Don Camillo Editable Server UI Clean and stackable The UI will be shown if you hit "F1" per default. it is adjustable via GUS.ini / ingame as admin How to configure this UI: GameUserSettingsini SUPPORT NO SUPPORT VIA THE COMMENTS SECTIO...
ARK Customizer - Settings Evolved
Created by Qowyn
Mod ID: 774413050 This version is not compatible with Primitive+. Primitive+ version: ARK Customizer Primitive+ - Settings Evolved Fix for ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts: COICC Bugfix What does this mod do? This mod allows you to customize several setting...
Simple Spawners
Created by darklore
Mod Id: 1295978823 Mod is clean and stackable. Spawn creatures, harvestable resources, loot crates, or nests anywhere! Make your own biomes! Customize ANY map however you want to! I am working on an ASA version of this mod, it is going to take a while. I m...
Created by ɳαɳҽყα
Mod is discontinued RR-AdminStuff! If you like this mods, please thumb up and share the mod with your friends Mod works with all Official DLC´s. Mod Discription Mod Id:2375754456 Items -Admin Sign -Admin Gun -Admin Wings -Admi...