Arma 3
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Task Force Hornet
Items (31)
Blastcore Edited (standalone version)
Created by Paladin
*The original author of the Blastcore mod is Opticalsnare. He didn't update Blastcore more than a year. I could not find information about Blastcore license, I tried and could not contact Opticalsnare via Bohemia Interactive forum to ask for permission to ...
Created by Xorberax
"The most badass mod you've ever used." Adds various elements of gore to ArmA3 such as blood splatters, blood sprays, blood pooling, bleeding, gibbing, and other misc details. For Multiplayer: Servers and clients must run the addon. Please consider support...
Created by CBATeam
CBA: Community Based Addons for Arma 3 What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that: Offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission designers. Aims to have community wide acceptance and to be used as much as possible by commu...
CUP Terrains - CWA
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the CWA TERRAINS pack. It contains 5 maps from Arma: Cold War Assault and the expansion: - Everon - Malden - Kolgujev - Nogova - Desert Island For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: terrains from previous a...
CUP Terrains - Core
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS - CORE pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains all the core data for maps from Arma1, Arma 2, expansions and DLC's. This pack contains: all terrains core data like models and configs...
CUP Terrains - Maps
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains 16 maps from Arma: Arma: Armed Assault and the expansion, Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. For credits and other information, see our web p...
Enhanced Movement
Created by AppleCalypsoNow
________________________________________ Enhanced Movement - BETA ________________________________________ DONATE: ________________________________________ TO LEARN HOW TO B...
NIArms All in One
Created by Nam
This was made possible by the generosity of the people who're backing this through Patreon. If you'd like to see more of this stuff, why not pitch in a couple of bucks? Through Patreon If you can't or don't want to, no hard feelings. This is the offical re...
Project OPFOR
Created by Keeway
The Project OPFOR brings you new factions and armies, which were/are involved in recent military events in past few yearrs. For now to use this mod you only need three mods made by Red Hammer Studio - Armed Forces of Russian Federation, United States Armed...
Created by Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation changelog available here - # DISCLAIMER & LICENSE # RE-UPLOADS Re-uploads of any RHS content (in part or in full) on Steam ...
Created by Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: GREen Forces changelog available here - # REQUIREMENTS RHS: GREF requires 2 mods to run * RHS: AFRF - * RHS: USAF - https://steamc...
Created by Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: Serbian Armed Forces changelog available here - # REQUIREMENTS RHS: SAF requires 2 mods to run * RHS: AFRF - * RHS: USAF - https://...
Created by Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: United States Armed Forces changelog available here - # DISCLAIMER & LICENSE # RE-UPLOADS Re-uploads of any RHS content (in part or in full) on Steam Workshop is ...
Created by acemod
Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) ACE3 is the collaborative efforts of the former AGM and CSE teams, along with many of the developers from Arma 2's ACE2 project. This mod is entirely open-source (we are hosted on GitHub), and ev...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - Reloading Sounds
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD A additional mod for JSRS Soundmod. With this small addon you can enable the JSRS Soundmod reload and handling sounds for all weapons. My JSRS compat files...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Pack Sound Support
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Support A sound mod for RHS USAF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful...
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD A sound mod for ArmA3 . My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful and new sound experience, fr...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Support A sound mod for RHS AFRF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful...
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS GREF Mod Pack Sound Support
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS GREF Mod Support A sound mod for RHS GREF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful...
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS SAF Mod Support A sound mod for RHS SAF Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a powerful a...
CUP Weapons
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the WEAPONS pack. It contains all the weapons, assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns, grenade launchers, pistols, sniper rifles, and whatever else goes "boom" in Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. All weapons are stripped of their attachm...
CUP Vehicles
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the VEHICLE pack. It contains all the vehicles from Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. All vehicles are ported with Arma 3 standarts and features. For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: almost all vehicles...
CUP Units
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the Units pack. It contains all the units of the original Arma 2 and Arrowhead as well as the DLC. Right now, there are a lot of placeholder units that do not look like the original ones but are instead stand-ins using default Arma 3 unifor...
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP Weapons Mod Support A sound mod for CUP Weapons Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a po...
Created by LordJarhead
JSRS Studios presents: JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP Vehicles Mod Suppport A sound mod for CUP Vehicles Mod. My personal creation of a new audiovisual direction. With more than a few thousand new sound effects JSRS SOUNDMOD provides a...
NIArms All in One- ACE Compatibility
Created by Still Trans Rights
Enables compatibility between NIArms All in One and ACE3. This is the offical release of the NIArms All in One pack, it is the complete library of NIArms weaponry as well as all previous releases as HLCMods....
Zeus Enhanced
Created by mharis001
Zeus Enhanced Zeus Enhanced, also known as ZEN, is an Arma 3 mod aimed at improving and expanding the functionality of the Zeus real-time editor. Zeus Enhanced is built with communities who use Zeus as their primary mission making tool in mind by enabling ...
Virolahti - Valtatie 7
Created by furean
After years of working on and off with this terrain, I'm pleased to finally be able to tell you: Welcome to Virolahti! This is a fictionalized version of the municipality of Virolahti; which is the southeastern-most municipality of Finland and thus right o...
CUP Terrains - Maps 2.0
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the Maps 2.0 pack, the successor of "CUP Terrains - Maps". It will contain all upgraded CUP Terrains. For credits and other information, see our web page. This pack contains: Chernarus 2020 ISSUES THIS WORKSHOP PAGE IS NOT MONITORED BY THE ...
Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!)
Created by Dedmen Miller
This is the ONLY official upload of the TFAR 1.0 beta builds on Steam workshop. Discord server for latest updates and support: This is a beta release! Please keep in mind that Bugs might be more frequent here than on the Stable r...
Gruppe Adler Trenches
Created by Salbei
Gruppe Adler Trenches (short: GRAD Trenches) retextures ACE trenches based on the ground texture. Consequently, the trenches seem more natural and blend in with the environment. Features: - Camouflage your trench with small bushes - Place trenches in 3DEN ...