If you're reading this then you probably shouldn't be
Sobre me
Hiya, it's me, s1csty9! I wrote this because I decided that I'm gonna introduce myself here to make my profile nice and pretty. I consider myself to be a rather hardcore gamer and I play a lot of video games from different genres, though my favorites are competitive FPS games. Some of my favorite and most played games are Cyberpunk 2077, CS:GO and Payday 2. I also program random and idiotic junk, which you can find on my github [github.com]. I'm pretty chill and nice outside of CS:GO lobbies.

Top ways to get removed from my friends list! :undeadcool::steamhappy::Khappy:

- Be inactive for a long time
- Never talk to me
- Change your username without letting me know (big no no :pinballskull:)
- Not reading this list

Top ways to get in my friends list!

- Be nice
- Don't scam
- That's simple huh :aushrug:
- Shame how I have to specify basic human decency here :aunope:
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Read below for details

Aww crap me in 2020 was so damn cringe and I haven't even bothered updating until December 2021. Well here's an update. First things first no lowballing, if I want to be nice to you I would so don't fvcking ask. Second, stattraks are off limit unless if you offer to overpay (around $5-20 minimum depending on how attached I am to the skins). Third, I personally send scammers and spammers to hell, no I am not joking I will find you and make your life a misery in you're being a nuisance. Fourth, I'm willing to trade with cash involved if either 1, I receive my end of the deal first or 2, we use a middleman I personally trust. Love you all guys, have a nice day.

Edit: This still stands, but 2022 me needs to chill.
Recent Activity
254 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
6.9 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
37 hrs on record
last played on Jun 7
Magnus Jun 6 @ 1:25pm 
-rep racist bigot, who is now registered on the anti-hate crime forums
PalePoetess May 30 @ 10:26am 
+rep pretty good player <3
diunu May 23 @ 2:38pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
laihe May 23 @ 8:40am 
+rep pretty good player <3
s1csty9 May 7 @ 11:06am 
Stfu gay ass nerds
SkibidiPoopNut27 May 5 @ 6:27am 
You were unadded due to violation of my terms of friendship. Please refer to my profile description for more information.