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Created by - katti|01:15
418 ratings
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黒い太陽 - Public Group
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0.2 Hours played
as a person who has lots of sex all the time, i can say that this game is 100% accurate to having sex with sexy women. like i do. everyday. this game did not make me horny however. I am not gay. I just have too much sex with real women to spend more than 400 hours in this game. on the other hand i would recommend this game to people who do not have sex (unlike me because i have lots of sex with women a lot) as there is a naked woman in it and she is naked, she kinda looks like one of my many girlfriends who i have sex with a lot. I have lots of sex. I also an very handsome and women ALWAYS want to have sex with me because I am very muscular and handsome and very good at video games, all my girlfriends say im very good at sex and playing video games and being handsome, have sex with her. i have sex with women, not men. I am not gay. i am very cool and handsome so girls always have sex with me because I am very cool and sexy. my penis is very big. all my girlfriends like my penis because it is very big and I am very good at sex with my women. every woman ive had sex with is very sexy and so am i. i have lots of sex. i am also very handsome and sexy and i have lots of sex.
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fuze May 23 @ 12:13pm 
eermm... that's a personal question ma'am... :steamfacepalm: so like ermm... ya i frick a lot, ya i got b1tches.. so what? umm... yea :steammocking:
gothic lobotomy May 23 @ 8:28am 
uh huh.. are u a person who has lots of sex all the time?
fuze May 23 @ 7:58am 
vro its like.. squid games but... the woman have jiggly butt and breAst and it go boingoiooioboingbiong bazoinoiniongg
gothic lobotomy May 20 @ 6:23pm 
bro what the ♥♥♥♥ is squid girls.
fuze May 20 @ 2:25am 
imma sick f*ck i like a quick f*ck
Ragemaster_TTV May 10 @ 5:17pm 
you lasted 10 mins on squid girls... weak