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In memoriam Professor Stephen Hawking 1942 - 2018
Can you hear me?
It has the been a glorious time to be alive doing research in theoretical physics.

Our picture of the universe has changed a great deal in the last 50 years and I'm happy if I have made a small contribution.

The fact that we humans who are ourselves mere collections of fundamental particles of nature have been able to come as close to an understanding of the laws governing us and our universe is a great triumph.

I want to share my excitement and enthusiasm about this quest.

So remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet,
try to make sense of what you see,
and wonder about what makes the universe exist,
be curious,
and however difficult life may seem,
there is always something you can do and succeed at.

It matters that you don't just give up.

Thank you for listening.

Review Showcase
Sekiro: Pirates Play Early.

But other than that there are quite a few design choices of this game that I hate.
Remember how you can gradually collect souls in DS series and slowly but firmly increase your character's attributes? In this game, there are only limited collectable and weapon modifications you could possibly use, at least that's what I learnt after 3hours into this game. And instead of encouraging you to try again, the more you die the higher the penalty is. For example, in this game there is a random buff that got applied, its effect is to prevent you from losing any money or exp. However the more you die the less the possibility for it to trigger, which is a stupid design I honestly dont understand why it exists.

The huge variety of boss/mini-boss designs in DS series was my favourite part of that game, Each boss fight is unique with decent BGMs that actually suit the theme, and the player is rewarded for their time and effort put in. In this game every boss feels the same, you either play MetalGearSolid to cause some damage (half of the boss's total HP, to be precise) or straight go ahead and fight the boss. Each boss's attack feels similar and it's all about pin-point evade/rolls precision. It's like For Honor with Stealth element.

Overall I rate it 6.5/10, I know most people probably won't agree with me and I admit I'm not the best ACT gamer in the world. But at the end of the day, games are supposed to be fun, which is something Sekiro at its current status fails to deliver. It almost feels like out of all the elements of DarkSouls, the developers only learnt that gamers liked hard games so they decided to make this game as tedious as possible to create an illusion of hard without providing anything interesting to back that hardcore up.
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34 Hours played
I hate writing negative reviews for this game but here we go.

- As far as I can tell some of the DLCs are free on Steam, with extra exclusive content not available on PS4. So Fxxking over existing customers by selling your game at 1/6 the price on a new platform is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
- Now let's talk about their anticheat, "XIGNCODE3", which is plain cancer, the anti-cheat program is loaded over the internet, their distribution network sucks bytedance d1ck so you got a loading screen that takes forever and as a bonus point your whole system is frozen during this process. Also, why the F_U_C_K a rhythm game would need an AntiCheat that loads code into kernel space?
- Possibly due to some weak attempt at anti-piracy DRM mechanism, the sheet data of each song is loaded over the web, what that means is that if neowiz someday decides to shutdown the server like it did with DJMax Technika Q, you can say bye-bye to your expensive (likely over 200$ by that time due to the DLCs) collection

- The game lacks a bunch of content when compared to its PS4 counterpart. I mean sure Air mode is kinda cool, but where are the other missing game modes?

Overall, it's pretty hard for me to recommend this game over its PS4 counterpart except the price, and judging by the current look of it some of the aspects that I hate is likely never gonna change. Hell, TapSonic Bold was surprising comeback for me, I do sincerely wish this is the same for Respect V. Although given the greedy history of Neowiz who tried their absolutely best to squeeze out any remaining value of this IP, I highly doubt that this would be the case
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Counter-Strike 2
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The ultimate guide to all Fire & Ice patterns for all Marble Fade knives
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Steam上的日呆背景合集 不是全部的 但是找到合适的就会放上去 持续更新 现在收集数量大概660张左右,我相信还会有更多,如果你知道有我没收集到的。请留言告诉我!谢谢啦
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Created by - 初音ミク
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レのひ刀ム丂 May 18 @ 4:25am 

:neonbl:Have a Great Weekend:neonbr:
レのひ刀ム丂 Apr 20 @ 2:23am 

:ccff7r_cactuar:Have A Great Weekend:t0cactuar:
レのひ刀ム丂 Mar 22 @ 8:12am 
⠀⠀ :summer2021horror::summer2021action::mbspark::mbspark::mbspark::summer2021action::summer2021horror:
⠀⠀⠀⠀   :summer2021rogue::OrionNorthStar::mbspark::OrionNorthStar::summer2021rogue:
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀     :BlueSphere::summer2021action::BlueSphere:
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀      :icyfaerie:

:neonbl:Have a Great weekend:neonbr:
レのひ刀ム丂 Feb 24 @ 9:37am 
D1c0_theJ3llyF1sh2006 Jan 5 @ 9:52am 
+rep He has a huge juicy banana doner kebab that comes with big chunky chips seasoned by Gold Nova II's special salty salt. No mention his meaty gigantic king-size vertical rotisserie penetrates and drills B like the way he rushes B. Yuck!
レのひ刀ム丂 Dec 31, 2023 @ 10:01am 