Joseph   Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium
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Betty Moore
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146 Hours played
What can I say except that I absolutely love this game. You won't find any other shooter set in such a unique and unexplored period. There's so much to love about this game, the amazing level of detail, the level of polish, the excellent graphics, the amazing gun play, the historical value, the amazing gameplay, the emotional war stories, hell this is the game that made me love WW1 history.

Let's start with the war stories:
Overall they are amazing, nothing I can critique them about except some questionable AI at some rare points. The soundtrack, atmosphere, setting, visuals they all just click together and it all blends into this amazing experience. The characters feel real, they have their motivations and you can really relate with them, this really just goes to show that there really weren't any villains in the first war, that's all the reason why there are only a few games set in that era. They all tell completely different stories all around the World, set in unique and beautiful environments. It's actually surprising how good these war stories are considering Battlefield's past with their singleplayers. I would honestly buy bf1 just for the war stories.

Let's talk Multiplayer:
I am in love with this Multiplayer. I have never really been a fan of Battlefield's multiplayer but oh boy is this one really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good. There are literally thousands of things you can do like drive a tank, motor bike, armored car, pilot a plane, drive a boat, control behemoths and so much more, it's what makes battlefield 1's multiplayer so fun. The gun play is superb, guns feel powerful and authentic and there's so many of them (like 100+ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥), they also all feel useful and are really fun to use. To be fair most of them barely saw any use during the war some even were scrapped or never even used, but that's what makes bf1 feel unique and fun. You are bound to find a gun you like and enjoy playing with, but in my opinion this game's all about experimenting with different guns so don't be that guy that camps on the other side of the map with a 10k kills sniper rifle. Maps are also really good if you get the game on steam you get all dlcs and it's so worth it cause you'll be able to play all 24+ of them. I don't know what else to say Multiplayer's great the best Battlefield Multiplayer experience out there imo.

Okay finally, let's talk about the Operations:
They are pretty much what I mainly play but for a very good reason, the concept is awesome, a large scale battle set in an authentic fight that actually happened, giving us the backstories and also plans for all the operations fully voice acted for all the factions. Some of them even have this unique feature where you are restricted to using certain weapons accurate to the battle itself, it all feels balanced and well thought out, there's ship battles, large scale infantry battles. All the famous battles are here: Verdun, Brusilov offensive, Gallipoli and so many more, it's all great stuff really, the only one missing is Tannenberg. You really gotta try these.

Overall Battlefield 1 is an amazing experience, offering a wide variety of maps set in a unique locations all around the world. The war stories are really good and do a good job at making you emotional and immersed and also paying respect to all the fallen. The multiplayer is fun as ♥♥♥♥ offering a 100+ guns to play around with, all maps are fun to play and offer something unique. Operations are a great side mode or main mode depends on how you look at it, it's great stuff and definitely more Battlefield games should do this in the future. It offers historical value by showing off actual events and giving us backstory and planning. This game is definitely a must play if you are a fan of games set in WW1 or just shooters in general. I am giving this game a 10/10, this game is still on my top 10 favorite games of all time list. If you still haven't played the game give it a try, cause you are gonna be missing out on so much.
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Nybbe Jul 26, 2023 @ 6:25am 
+rep. best teammate. thanks for the game
sign bot petition on Mar 31, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
ʜᴏᴘᴇ Mar 31, 2022 @ 1:05pm 
sup brah Mar 20, 2022 @ 10:57am 
gg wp
deviousMensch Mar 20, 2022 @ 10:31am 
well played :steamthumbsup:
Offline Mar 20, 2022 @ 9:58am 
gg good fights on the bayou!