Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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아이템 (113)
旅行日Trip Day
제작자 TaigaAi
这是我第一次制作的地图,一开始想要自己制作一张适合对抗的地图于是就学习hammer然后做出来了。。。 这张地图可能有一些细节或者光照上的瑕疵,但本人能力有限无法尽力解决,请见谅。 由于做图初衷是为了对抗,因此战役模式会有安全室bug,也不想改了,但不会影响到游戏体验的放心吧。 本图由生还者四人从郊野到达城市,搭乘航班逃离的故事。途径火车站、农场、下水道,回到野外,进入商城到达加油站。 百度网盘下载地址:{링크가 삭제되었습니다} 最后希望大...
제작자 茉莉茶坊
替换了默认的喷漆为星空下的少女 喷漆更改方法:游戏大厅内 - 选项 - 多人联机 - 喷漆图案,然后选择更改 girl 就行 (⊙o⊙)… 感谢大家的欣赏与订阅! 流星划过,星空夜下,少女之颜,璀璨如星 ...
제작자 Aiden锋锋
V1.9 剧情: 生还者们乘坐的改装面包车被迫停在了山路上,为求生路他们必须设法寻求道路。在一路下山的探索后,他们在一个小楼中度过了晚上。隔日,当太阳升起时,他们再次出发,幸运的是他们取得了军队的联系,只要前往停机坪即可,4人历经凶猛的尸潮进攻后终于见到救援直升机,可却被意料之外的坦克摧毁。情急之下他们只得暂时另辟蹊径,从城市发达的下水系统中前往避难所。四通八达的下水系统也不安宁,一路沿着复杂的下水处理系统探索,他们找到一处水闸,然而就在水闸下降后,只听“砰”的一声,整个环境的电力系统瘫痪了!!水流不受控制...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
제작자 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
제작자 Tinai
原来在工坊发了个m1叫秘密点,觉得太土了,正好之前做过个黑迷雾,懒得起名字,所以成品直接叫白迷雾了,图中没有雾,图与图名不符,图名只是图个乐。 第二关第三关门外门内可能都有4个包,因为测试的时候有人反馈安全屋不刷包。 有bug随缘修吧,收款码也是图一乐。 地图无敌点bug很多,可能影响游玩体验 The following is the machine translation above .Casually titled,Easy map Originally, I sent an M1 called sec...
제작자 茉莉茶坊
广州增城,魅力无边,从映入我眼帘那一慕,我就深深的爱上了这张地图,它更像一个艺术品,优美的增城,独特的小巷,清澈的河畔,眼前一亮的风景,每一处都是那么的美丽,让我沉醉其中,去年依旧也是游玩了不知道多少次增城,每一次的广州增城,都是那么的美丽,那么的美不胜收,感谢作者永恒M守护。 增城2打磨截图链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3191913623 广州增城地图本体创意工坊下载链接:https://steamcommunity....
黄昏时刻2re At the gloaming Ⅱ RE
제작자 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第三部】 直升机驾驶员被感染,飞机坠毁在北方边境的城市,幸存者们跟随军方撤离的路线,一路穿过穿过城市、森林、城镇到达通往北方的大桥,赶上最后一架直升机。 建图命令 第一关:map m1_city_outpost 第二关:map m2_through_forest 第三关:map m3_fled_town 第四关:map m4_north_bridge 【已停止更新】...
黄昏时刻re At the gloaming RE
제작자 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第一部】 军队和CEDA开始撤出城市,幸存者向城市郊区出发,穿过城市街道,乘坐火车到达沙漠竞技场寻找救援。 地图代码 map watercity_re map watercityii_re map town_re map arena_re 【已停止更新】...
(coop) LostSchool 战役地图:逃离学院
제작자 Sapphire
The author is me This is my school~ map lost map lostschool_2 map lostschool_3 welcome to play~ ...
제작자 茉莉茶坊
魅力增城,美丽无边,在永恒日日夜夜辛劳之中,它成为了一张美丽的求生地图,优美的公园,让人流连忘返的街道,还有独特的小巷,每一处都是那么的优美宜人,感谢作者永恒M守护 增城2永恒也是在日日夜夜认真的打磨制作中,每一处细节,每一处景色,每一处取景,把最好的增城续作呈现给大家,感谢大家对增城第二部续作的支持与热爱,谢谢大家对增城的支持 增城2第一关地图:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2751165907 In order to pre...
제작자 爱都有罪love
增城2制作交流群 222803934...
25 To Life: A Co-Op and VS campaign.
제작자 Gaming2
After breaking into Western State Pen, the survivors are knee deep in zombies spawned from societies outcasts. Does a victim's personality affect their behavior post infection? Dig into this Co-Op and Versus campaign....
4 Sided Coin
제작자 ChimiChamo
You found your escape, an airliner right back to civilisation. But did you really think getting on a plane in a zombie apocalypse would end well? INSTALL THE ASSETS IN THE REQUIRED ITEMS SECTION BEFORE PLAYING Would not recommend playing the first map with...
absolute zero part 1
제작자 Lucy Is Very Noob
under the CC BY-NC 3.0 the creator gave me permission to re-upload this map (i really hope it work cause i never did something like that.)...
Amy Rose
제작자 Despair
Replaces Zoey with Amy Rose from Sonic 06. Comes with: -jigglebones -first person arms -HUD (no incap) OUTDATED: Here is a link to a version which replaces Nick: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxYdw_yX7g90a1hqdEtQdy1HR2M OUTDATED: Here is a link to a ve...
Back To School (Chapter 1)
제작자 envirozavr
Part 1 out of 7 This part contain: Chapter 1 - Forest Having abandoned cozy forest camp, heroes struggle out of thickets to forester house. Forester has barricaded the gorge, but infected dashed from the other side. Not much a lone sniper can do against a ...
제작자 Mashed torpedoes
Beldurra takes the survivors through three new maps, traversing the already-ruined city of Beldurra. They must fight their way to a river-side salvage yard to escape. Features multiple/alternate routes, new game mechanics (like building pipe bombs and molo...
Black And White Notifier
제작자 Hex To Max
This mod notifies the survivor in black and white state to other survivors by chat and colored outline - You can set specific options like duration, color or flash effect - All commands are host-only and detected by typing to chat box - The value of all co...
제작자 Kryogen
Inspired by Bloodborne Info: -l4d1 characters -Enable Hints -Custom Sounds -Custom Songs GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/30667 Credits: I do not own anything I used, all rights belong to the creators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...
Blackout Basement
제작자 Jackie
A trip through the underground of a city to reach a train station for evacuation. This campaign is base on the industrial side of Philadelphia, with the original survivors. There are few optional crescendos in the campaign including light generators. Eithe...
Anemoia - (backrooms)
Warning/advertencia Mandatory to activate instructions in the multiplayer menu. obligatorio activar en el menu multijugador las instrucciones. It's not a common map; attention to detail is crucial. no es un mapa común la atención a el detalle es crucial Th...
Bloody Sunday by NXN and NZN
5 maps thru the countryside, city, and up to the airfield escape. Zombie club going up, on the bloody day of rest! ...
제작자 Winiloo
This is my second campaing map, the bunker and rooftop scape maps have no relation between them, it was my attempt to make a helicopter scape, so sorry about that. My Ko-fi Link if you want to support me: ko-fi.com/winiloo...
Burning Night
제작자 JohnnyRamoneBR
Stranded in a recently infected city, the survivors must cross streets and buildings to find a way out of this burning hell of a city....
Cambalache 2
제작자 Roku
*ROKU: Level design - Custom music, props and textures *KEVKAS: Main tester - Gameplay tips *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies and props *SERGI: Tester - Custom L4D1 deadbodies *MAXI MORALES: Musician - Custom intro music (tango themed) A lot of people hel...
Candy Shotgun (CHROME Shotgun)
제작자 Yog
"Santa's little helper..." This is my entry for Gamebana's Winter Warfare contest. This is the Chrome Shotgun version of the mod. You can find a Pump (wooden) Shotgun version here! Directly from Santa's Workshop Industries, arrives this new and revolutiona...
Ceda Fever
제작자 tv/Damontvv
Ceda Fever CEDA is nowhere to be found. The survivors are forced to traverse back through the city to the next nearby evac center. The Union Tech building. They'll have to traverse over rooftops, abandoned streets and trashed apartments to get there. Will ...
Charged Survivor Screaming
제작자 Hex To Max
This addon makes survivors cry out when they get charged including more than 500 voices and some unused lines Command(Host only) - !css_onlyfallscream : Choose whether to use only falling screams or all voices !!! This addon is server-side script. It means...
Cold Front (Part 1)
제작자 JAiZ
https://i.imgur.com/k6s3QYM.png After fighting their way North through ravenous hordes, Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle abandon their boat at a nearby dock due to a collapsed bridge. With nowhere else to go, the survivors head inland in hopes of finding r...
City of the Dead Classic
제작자 KingDavid
This campaign has been remade, it is highly recommended you download the remake here instead. This version is the original, classic version of the campaign and is not as polished as the remake. The Survivors leave their hiding spot in a set of apartments a...
Cure 2 by Hitten Z Dirten
제작자 {aic}
Our survivors crash land delivering "The Cure" to the lab... but the infected find it first... and we must get it back! Follow-on to the original campaign....
Dam it 2! The Director's Cut
제작자 Anna Howell
Much longer first map with a longer walk in through the forest. Cross the bridge and enter the opposite side of the Dam complex then head back across the water and in to the main complex up the elevator and to the top of the Dam for a bespoke finale. This ...
Damned city by berger 'keldorn" and Mike_HDF port l4d1
제작자 {aic}
The survivors armored truck has ran out of fuel near I-76 in Pennsylvania. The survivors must detour to a nearby town to find help to get to Riverside. You start in a small village and you fight your way through hundreds of zombies to a military base which...
Dark Wood (Extended) Part 1/5
제작자 Phaeton
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png Update v1.8: - Added/redesigned lighting on all maps - Redesigned several areas with new geometry and/or new textures - Sewer hallways extended in order to prevent player stuck in chapter 1 - Added a couple of shortcuts - Add...
Day Break v2
제작자 Hoangzp
Re upload the light and old version map, because the newest version get drop fps when run in dedicate server...
Dead High School Fixed
제작자 {aic}
Dead High School created by Calleberg The survivors must fight their way to a local high school. Once they are there they must wait for a helicopter to arrive which will take them to safety. Version : 1.2.1 Correction of non-displayed models...
Dead Vacation (Ported from L4D)
제작자 KingDavid
Creator of the map is Markus Niklasson (Manneklint). There are two versions included in the VPK, and . The one is the finale as it was on the original campaign, the one is a modified version to be more of a standard L4D2 finale for those that may prefer it...
Deadbeat Escape (Complete)
제작자 Terminus
Just an upload of the final release on gamemaps. All credit goes to Mendaxyz. Original description as follows: 'Survivors must make their way through the rural outskirts and into the city with hopes of finding the evacuation center in time. Deadbeat Escape...
제작자 Soup Toaster
DeadWorld is a massive cooperative expansion that includes multiple campaigns, social spaces, and new game types to update Valve Software's smash hit franchise. The goal is to wrap a "living world" around L4D2. Set nine years after the events of Left 4 Dea...
Death Aboard - L4D1 Port
제작자 Cuba
In Death Aboard you start out in a prison and work your way out to the nearest docks area. From here, you board a stranded ship and finally to an island where there will be a lighthouse as a finale. The classic L4D1 map faithfully ported. G'day lads, Death...
Death destination v3.1
제작자 0元购玩家
Chinese zombie apocalypse, death is the only safe place, escape to a safe place!...
Derailed 2
제작자 treeshade
Author: Markus Niklasson ( https://www.gamemaps.com/search?q=Markus%20Niklasson ) The survivors fight their way through the woods and up alongside the river and discover a trainwreck. This leads them to a remote trainstation where their only hope for survi...
Detour Ahead
제작자 boogada
Detour Ahead campaign....
Death Sentence (Part 1/2)
제작자 PopTheseFools
Will you be able to survive through the city, the campsites, the swamps and reach the island? Creator: Neojo aka neojobabynou Original post: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2624...
Devil Mountain
제작자 Pips
The survivors find themselves trapped in the suburbs with Devil Mountain looming large in the distance, its emergency beacon activated. Is it a call for rescue, or a warning of danger? Climb the back of the beast and find out! Devil Mountain is a sprawling...
Downtown Dine (Part 1 of 3)
제작자 ~GShock~
**** REQUIRES PARTS 2 AND 3***** http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=121054321 Welcome to Downtown Dine. The neighborhood just isn't what is used to be. The good citizens of the Downtown Chamber of Commerce attempted to stave off the infecti...
Empty Clip Sound
제작자 Hex To Max
Play empty clip sound nearby teammates can hear (and vice versa) right after you fires rifle/SMG/sniper/pistol(s) to the last bullet in the magazine. !!! This addon is server-side script. It means this will work only if you host a server and not work if yo...
Dr Robotnik / Eggman
제작자 Despair
Replaces Coach with Dr Robotnik / Eggman using his model from Sonic 06 Comes with: -facial flexes -eyeposing/tracking -jigglebones in hair -first person arms -HUD (with incap!) ...
Explosive Cars
제작자 Hex To Max
This mod makes some cars explosive - You can set specific options like outline, stagger, auto explosion, etc - Melee weapons can explode cars (if you don't like it use this command !excar_w_melee 0.0) - Tank also can explode cars (If you don't like it use ...
Fatal Freight: Remastered (1/7)
제작자 Tamari
PART 1 of 7 https://i.imgur.com/ck3dCCR.png "They're on a one way trip.... to HELL!! VERSION: 1.7 (Final) (Changelog) SUPPORTED GAMETYPES: Campaign, Versus, Scavenge, Survival, Mutation CHAPTERS: 5 (Campaign & Versus), 3 (Survival), 4 (Scavenge) SURVIVORS:...
Freezing Point: Director's Cut (Campaign + Survival)
제작자 Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Explore the Frozen Wilderness Again! (1.1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heading northwest seemed like a good idea to the Survivors, but the Minnesota winter has strained their supplies, and they ca...
GoldenEye 4 Dead - Fixed
제작자 Thunder _Germany~*
This file was downloaded from GameMaps.com Uploader: Herbius Author: David 'marshmallow' Gibbons GoldenEye 4 Dead - Fixed This map had no stringtable.dct file in map one. Anyone who would join a game in progress on that first map would crash the server = A...
Free Passage 2.0
From : https://www.gamemaps.com/details/18152 Consol: cfreepassagem 1~3 This map supports coop, versus, scavenge, survival...
Gunkanjima (survival)
제작자 Zaeryn
Hashima, commonly known as "Gunkanjima" (meaning Battleship Island) is an abandoned coal mining town located on an island about 9 miles from Nagasaki, Japan. In operation from 1887 to 1974, it has since been abandoned and fallen into disrepair thanks to th...
Hard Rain: Downpour
제작자 Azuki
A re-make of Hard Rain. This is my first time using hammer editor, so a few of the areas of the map are unoriginal while I was just trying out random things, in the end I just went with what I had done during the map editing and improved it while I learned...
Hiking Trails
제작자 aSoggyCrouton91
Survivors must escape a short mountain trail which passes through campgrounds and a logging plant and await the helicopter that periodically comes to pick up stranded individuals. This is a fast paced, short campaign designed to be played on higher difficu...
Haunted Forest (classic 2010 version)
제작자 Trunten
Version 4 RELEASED! Survivors are stranded in Transylvania. Go through the forest and the mansion to reach the escape boat! This campaign is still a beta so updates will follow. It features: - Coop and Versus - 4 Maps - GHOSTS! Have fun! Happy Halloween! N...
제작자 Sirius
"huichuang" is a four chapters of the campaign map by a chinese author "SuperHui". Each chapter does not have any relation, but it shows the author's attempts in different directions when making the map. The first chapter is in a city's streets, survivors ...
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Zombies
https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2613 Chapter number : 3 (+1 bouns map you can load it with type "map indiana_adventure_whole" at console It just connects all 3 maps) ...
제작자 R0LIAS
Hopeless (Version 2.3) In an abandoned city, four survivors will make their way to find an escape route, but they still don't know what awaits them… WARNING! I recommend removing all addons to play without problems. * Campaign Features * I state: for this ...
Journey to Splash Mountain - Part 1
제작자 [DCC] Dives
The Survivors head to Disneyland after hearing it is a military evacuation zone, only to find it completely overrun by zombies. Might as well have some fun while we're here. You MUST download all 5 parts for the campaign to work. FInd all 5 parts here: htt...
Inferno City: Part 1
제작자 Mr.T
Version 1.2 for Inferno City has been released. YOU MUST DOWNLOAD BOTH PARTS TO PLAY THIS CAMPAIGN: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2843834647 This campaign is UP-TO-DATE, check the discussion "Upcoming - Campaign Updates" This campa...
Kimchi Zombie 2
제작자 dls3369
Kimchi zombie is back with better convenience, graphics and new maps!!! This is Extended Version of Kimchi Zombie1. This is 5-maps Co-op Campaign. ( Improvement of the original 3 maps + New 2 maps ) It's a little difficult and there are many events, so I r...
Left or Right by ShaunMAD (ORIGINAL RELEASE SEPT 2013)
제작자 ShaunMAD
Hi everybody. Since a time (2012) I´ve been interested on how valve´s engine works, I have made a campaign to improve my skills and also to show my abilities for fun purposes. The idea came´s to my head from “choose your Own Adventure” book´s and also insp...
Lockdown: Chapter Two
제작자 a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/8cXSiCC.png I recommend that you play LockdownDLC first to get the full Lockdown campaign experience. This is a sequel and the story continues from where chapter 1 left off. 5 maps Story continues where LockdownDLC left off Several maps...
Last Breath
제작자 tv/Damontvv
Last Breath The survivors find themselves stranded, again. They have no choice but to push forward and fight until their very last breath. Question is will there be anyone left to save them? If so, will they even make it to the very end? Throughout this ca...
Lockdown DLC
제작자 a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/I0Ar14U.png 5 maps Chapter 1 has a hidden room with loot Combination of daytime and nighttime maps Players can choose to play chapter 4 in either bright or dark mode Supports survival mode The virus outbreak holds a death grip on the Un...
Knuckles The Echidna
제작자 Despair
Replaces Francis with Knuckles from Sonic 06 Comes with: -facial flexes -eyeposing/tracking -jigglebones -first person arms -HUD (no incap) ...
Lost and Damned [v1.4b]
Merry Christmas ! Here is my 3rd campaign. built from the vmfs of Black Widow Game's They Hunger: Lost Souls (06-08 build) It was a cancelled zombie game made for the Source Engine. This was made in about a month or so, not having to build everything from ...
https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2625 6 maps When you get crash error Try this Manually type "stringtabledictionary" in the server console (but you need to restart the map after this), Add "-stringtables" in the server's launch parameters, or; Set "stringt...
Mickey Mouse [Tank]
I'm gonna buy you, HOHO! ~Mickey Mouse ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Tank Model - Sacrifice Tank Model - Concrete Model - Concrete Projectile Hit Sound - Tank Voices - Tank and Taank Music _____________________...
Miles "Tails" Prower
제작자 Despair
Replaces Louis with Tails from Sonic 06 Comes with: -facial flexes -eye tracking/posing -jigglebones -first person arms -HUD (no incap) ...
NanningCity V1.12
제작자 HerobrineAce
-Introduce A four-person team led by Nick boards a helicopter, and the story begins with Bill's team not far from the helicopter. They learn that the final evacuation point is set at the city center square. -Supported modes Campaign and Versus mode map ava...
제작자 iambogu
Description Our survivors' chance to escape from the deadly city is by listening to a guy... or else... Navigation is a 4 chapters campaign sets in a city without any hopes, however our survivors' gonna hear from someone, who tries to help them through the...
제작자 H.U.N.K
Are you TOO LAZY to ALWAYS open the console and type "sv_consistency 0" so your friends can join your server FULL of scripts? USE THIS!!! this will ALWAYS enable "sv_consistency 0" in YOUR server without having to type it in the console :D Tags: no consist...
No Continuity
제작자 Gutatto
10/14/2021 - Major Update Added new finale map "Datacenter" Removed Mall finale -note: You cannot escape until ALL terminals are green. Do not use the music as a cue. 8/14/2021 - Major update Added custom car visual adjustments fixed navigation issues fixe...
Open Road
제작자 ICS
The chopper where our 4 survivors escaped in The Parish campaign, has fallen into harms way. Co-pilot of the chopper was not immune and started to turn into infected. The other pilot got bitten by the infected one but managed to land the chopper. However. ...
Pitch Dark Mesa
제작자 Remort
Another day another chopper crash, this time the survivors find them selfs trapped at an abandoned research facility. And the only way out is down to the core. Survivors must escape from half life's black mesa complex. This campaign uses five maps on each ...
제작자 Systane
The survivors start at the elementary school Anna Frank in Pesaro and they have to reach the Fiorenzuola shore where a fishboat awaits them to escape. This is my first campaign. After having played many campaigns set in USA, UK, Spain, Argentina, Japan, Ch...
Prague PART 1/5
제작자 perfect_buddy
This campaign takes place in Prague, Czech Republic during the onset of the apocalypse. Players will have to travel across the city through 4 different districts in order to reach the last remaining evacuation point. REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALL 5 PARTS, O...
Precinct 84 | 4-Map Campaign ( 2018 Edition )
제작자 Payne☣
This is a L4D1 campaign I created in 2011. This version is for Left 4 Dead 2 and has updated visuals, same map layout and fun gameplay but better looking. This campaign contains 4 maps starting at high noon and slowly changes to the last minute of dusk in ...
Questionable Ethics Remake
제작자 Nihilanth
(v1.1) Since Questionable Ethics is my first campaign, it is kind of sloppy. So I decided to remake it. This campaign is a 6-map campaign, a remake of 'Questionable Ethics'. I recommend playing the original 'Questionable Ethics' first. (!) This campaign is...
Prison Break
The company is based on the American TV series (Prison Break)"Escape". The company has 4 chapters. 1. Fox River. (The beginning of the company, you will find yourself in the famous Fox River prison) 2. "Prison yard."- (After he found a way out of the priso...
RedemptionII - Part1
제작자 Morloc
Redemption takes place midway through the L4D comic strip, it continues the story after the survivors flee the military base they were taken to after blood harvest and that leads to the Sacrifice campaign. The campaign includes: * 5 large maps that travers...
제작자 Sethms
Shoot your way through the city, into an aquarium, and down the pier in what may be the wettest campaign since Hard Rain! Campaign Features: Four Maps Unique Overlays and Textures Balanced Panic Events/Finale No Sewers! Clever Use of Dialogue (L4D2 Survivo...
Rouge The Bat
제작자 Despair
Replaces Rochelle with Rouge the Bat from Sonic 06. Comes with: -facial flexes -eyetracking/posing -jigglebones -first person arms -HUD (no incap) ...
SaltHell Park (Part 1 of 4)
제작자 Wyld Stallyns
Set in the victorian Saltwell Park (a real park in Gateshead, UK), survivors need to navigate through it and reach the safety of the rescue vehicle. The park has been used by the military as a secure evacuation centre before being overrun by the zombie hor...
Salvation Falls
A 4 map campaign set in the foggy mountain town of Salvation Falls. This campaign supports Co--op and Versus modes and includes several new survival maps... Credit to Dulvesi for the character poses used in the new poster!...
Shadow The Hedgehog
제작자 Despair
Replaces Nick with Shadow from Sonic 06 Comes with: -bodygroup rng, possibility for no limiters -facial flexes -eye posing/tracking -jigglebones -first person arms -HUD (no incap) Voice mod available for download here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Lqy...
Silver The Hedgehog
제작자 Despair
Replaces Ellis with Silver the Hedgehog from Sonic 06. Comes with: -bodygroup rng, chance for bracelet items -facial flexes -eyeposing/tracking -jigglebones -first person arms -HUD (no incap) Minor voice mod available for download here: https://drive.googl...
제작자 wyte_eagle
Welcome back to the Synergenic Technologies Testing Chambers in this spiritual successor to the "Prototype Mk2" and Prototype Mk3" Campaigns. Fight your way through a strange, minimalist world to escape. This campaign relies on heavily tiled, small size te...
Snow Den 2.0
제작자 Snow
From the maker of Haunted Forest, a new campaign set in a snowy landscape. The L4D2 survivors somehow managed to end up somewhere in a Northern European area. The only way to get out alive, is to reach the harbor but there are some obstacles in the way... ...
Sonic the Hedgehog
제작자 Despair
This addon replaces Bill with the perfect Sonic model, from the clinically underated Sonic 06. Comes with: -bodygroup rng, possibility for hi-speed/custom shoes, possibility for bounce bracelet. -facial flexes -eye posing -jigglebones -first person arms -H...
제작자 H.U.N.K
THIS WORKS FOR EVERY SINGLE SPECIAL INFECTED! ////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// *WARNING* If you have ONLY 10% of Health YOU WILL DIE! This ONLY works on "Local Servers" YOU MUST BE THE HOST!!! Please leave a 👍 it helps ALOT! Just hold down the...
Tanks Playground
제작자 obez
Version 3.0 Campaign My tribute to the Tank Fever series by Lain. Survive the tanks for 10 minutes until rescue arrives! 13 to 15 tanks at most in Normal, Advanced and Expert modes (all are beatable). Less tanks in Easy. 3 possible rescue points. A player ...
The Bloody Moors (Part 1)
제작자 keved
Survivors have fled the USA to seek safety in England, but crash land on the bleak wind-swept Yorkshire moors and must fight through isolated old cottages and stables, a filthy canal and apartment building, an old cemetery and ruined church, a quarantined ...
The Evil Within
제작자 Kryogen
Inspired By The Evil Within GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/27683 Info: Enable Hints L4D2 Characters 5 Maps Custom Music Boss Fight 4 Easter Eggs Console Code: Map1 w4e1_basement Map2 w4e2_asylum Map3 w4e3_keeper Map4 w4e4_mansion Map5 w4e5_evil...
The Seal of Asrahmat
제작자 Imaculata
A one-map Halloween campaign with a unique finale and a lot of custom content. New textures, models, items, sounds, music and an all new terrifying enemy! This campaign will require some puzzling and searching for key items, so enable Instructor Hints in t...
Tour of Terror
제작자 novalin
Tour of Terror is a 5 level custom campaign for L4D2 Four American tourists in Eastern Europe are holding up in a large hostel after the zombie apocalypse has plagued the Earth. Their food and water supplies are running thin, and the hostel, which was once...
True FangShi
제작자 Thunder _Germany~*
This file was downloaded from GameMaps.com Uploader: mixmedia Author: Mixmedia After the crash survivors must find their way through doomed locations of China. ...
Urban Flight
제작자 The Rabbit
The city is burning. As ash falls, the survivors attempt to flee to a small military airfield on the other side of the river. It's a straight path down the main boulevard, but nothing is ever simple. Crashed cars, blazing fires, police barricades, and the ...
Undead Smackdown
제작자 KILLER 9639
My first attempt at a campaign! be nice. Undead Smackdown is a campaign based on the journey to an arena where a wrestling match between the wrestling legends Ric Flair and Randy Savage was going to take place. However the infection spread forcing the matc...
Wan li
제작자 CastorJudo
Coach, Nick, Rochelle and Ellis are in an airliner in distress. They ditch the airliner in mid-flight over China... Many areas of this campaign are based on the real Great Wall of China. 3 maps campaign map 1 : Great Plane map 2 : Great Wall map 3 : Great ...
제작자 Calango Aceso
Parte Unica...
Wishlist my next Horror game on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1340640/HORROR_TALES_The_Wine/ Buy my previous game on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/896750/Koral/ MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE COLLECTION, or you will get pink textur...
Wednesday Frog-medkit
제작자 Someone
This is wednesday my dudes! Wednesday frog replace medkit. This frog will save you from any damage. Becuse its wednesday my dudes!!! Source: click here Hope you will like this mod:) You can try to request something and i propably will do it. ...
Wild Ride - (Map 1 of 3)
제작자 ~Yak~
If you enjoy it - please give it a thumbs up :) Notes: ALL PARTS ARE REQUIRED** - There are many parts because steam limits the file size upload. Because of this - music, materials, models, etc are all split up into different downloads. YOU NEED THEM ALL. ...
Z-PTZ v2.0 (Fixed)
제작자 treeshade
Author: DarthDed ( https://www.gamemaps.com/search?q=DarthDed ) Added stringtable to all maps. Vehicle glowing, music, poster and outro title fixed....
Zero Warning: Survival pack
제작자 JAiZ
https://i.imgur.com/BpAZzzE.gifhttps://i.imgur.com/s30fknW.gifhttps://i.imgur.com/ek3pL4Y.gif The following add-on features the survival maps included in the original Zero Warning campaign: The Ravine, The Swamp, The Cafe, and The Tower. This only includes...
[Improved] Active Talker
This add-on changes survivor characters to actively speak their lines. - When another survivor is caught by a special infected, that person's name is called. - When someone hits by the Boomer's vomit, Other survivors call that person's name. - If everyone ...
[Improved] Headshot Feedback Effect
This add-on adds SOUND and BLOOD EFFECTS when killing zombies with headshots. When a bullet hits a zombie's head, you want feedback that tells you it's a headshot just by hearing the sound? This add-on makes a blunt sound when you kill a zombie with a head...
[Support] GIve N Take (share throws)
If your teammate misses the items because they haven't seen that, but you can pick that up and pass it over. 1. If you shove the other player while holding a throws, you can leave the throws to the other player. If your teammate is incapacitated, you can t...