Gregory Davidson
Gregory   Arizona, United States
My name is not actually Gregory.
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94 Hours played
If this is the state of the game after the years of post-launch development, I can only begin to imagine the disappointment on release.

This game is still frustratingly buggy; I have wasted so many hours bouncing between objective markers and restarting my game in an attempt to fix broken quests. The game gives you an option to restart the quest in the event that things break, but even that functionality only partially works. All of the bugginess is only amplified when trying to do anything in a multiplayer party. Me and my friends thought we would play through the game in a co-op manner, only to quickly realize that there is no actual co-op progression, just everyone in a party doing everything independently. But that is not the real issue, the problem is with parties somehow breaking every quest that anyone attempts to do, leaving us to question why multiplayer is even an option to begin with.

Technical issues aside, the gameplay itself is similarly disappointing. Every single mechanic in the game is incredibly tedious, forcing the player to interact with a painfully-slow user interface and sit through numerous loading screens just to complete the fetch quest and obtain a minute upgrade or meaningless resource. The combat is mind-numbingly easy and simple, leading to a complete lack of threats or difficulty after the first 12ish hours of "gameplay". The ceiling for upgrades and obtainable gear is pointlessly high as there is no actual challenge in the game that demands even a fraction of what is available to the player. The only true difficulty in the game is in trying to conquer the unbearable tedium and frequent bugs. "Survival" and "Hardcore" difficulties exist, but the actual gameplay is unchanged; the only difference is even more added tedium and the newly increased disappointment when dying to one of the many bugs.

The overall concept of the game is cool, but was clearly far too ambitious. The visuals for the planetary/space environments are nice, but the novelty of it all dies pretty quickly. The story was alright but had very little substance, so it kinda just repeated itself over and over in slightly different convoluted manners in order to create the illusion of any real depth.

If you want to explore a procedurally-generated universe with the effective gameplay of a mobile game, then maybe this game is worth considering when it is heavily discounted. If you want a game with a modicum of actual gameplay, I would avoid this one. I played this game for 90 hours and obtained some of the best gear all-around but had nothing to actually do with it. There were no actual mechanics with which I could utilize the fruits of my efforts, so it all just felt like a pointless grind slapped to the side of a story that could realistically be completed in like 12 hours. This game is not worth $60; there is a lot of potential with the idea of the game, but so little is actually there.
Review Showcase
0.4 Hours played
It's a garbage puzzle game with pictures of nude anime girls that was probably made in like 2 hours. 10/10
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