Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
:Light: PSN: Krystof_Kage :Light: Xbox: Krystof Kage
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“The maitre said, ‘Oh, I hear you’re working with Tommy Lee Jones. He’s over in the corner having dinner.’ I went over and I said, ‘Hey Tommy, how are you doing?’ and the blood just drained from his face,” Carrey said. “And he got up shaking — he must have been in mid kill me fantasy or something like that. And he went to hug me and he said, ‘I hate you. I really don’t like you.’ And I said, ‘What’s the problem?’ and pulled up a chair, which probably wasn’t smart. And he said, ‘I cannot sanction your buffoonery.'”
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Review Showcase
86 Hours played
80 hours in. If there was a shoulder shrug option for reviews, I would have chosen that. But I picked thumbs down because honestly there's better options for free.

Main story was fun, but the side quests are boring and you rarely have a need to do them.

Loot is broken. You get so much that eventually you start leaving legendaries on the ground. What you do pick up you need a calculator and a masters degree is mathimatics to understand wtf all the stats mean.

Art design is amazing, and the open map was a fun addition. Unfortunately it's pretty empty with meaningless dungeons where you'll just use waypoints everywhere you go.

Instead of fixing these issues, they add seasons filled with more currency and useless items that barely change your build, adding a ton of transmorphs that you won't look at after collecting it.

When PoE2 is released, there will be no reason to keep playing this game.
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26 hrs on record
last played on May 20
39 hrs on record
last played on May 20
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last played on May 19
Ultimoore Mar 10, 2015 @ 4:22pm 
lmao, love the new name.
Where's my goat? Aug 16, 2012 @ 1:56pm 