Never Ending Journeys   Poland
How far can we reach, before we turn into dust?
Fight with all that you have, breath as much as you can.
Enjoy the golden hour until story ends, before everyone forgets.
Last dance, last move before lifeless husk drops on the floor.
Only then we can call ourselves free.
Kirumi Tojo
178 11 2
AnimeTiddiesConnoisseur - Öffentliche Gruppe
Lewd anime games about lewd anime girls!
Im Spiel
Im Chat
To point out why Umineko is great we will need much more words. It is a classic VN without a doubt. A definitive must buy for all mystery lovers. Story is dimensional, twisted, outstanding, and it cannot be predicted. It is a duel between reality and phantasy. Care about details is magnificent. Only one title reminds me of such exact craft and gruesome sights, it is “House in Fata Morgana”.

How far can we deny truth?
Do we believe in miracle?
Can we overcome fate?

Umineko after voice patch is deeply fun. It is satisfying experience in all long run, even considering some small annoyances there and there – options menu, lack of volume sliders, almost endless game. Anyway, what you need for a perfect mystery mansion tale? Memorable characters, oh and let me add in red “voice acting is top tier”.

To feel their humanity.
To feel their desires.
To feel their sins.

“When the music plays”, everything is coming into place, and the scenes are set by mind into motion. Beato displayed how to make games interesting for each one of the 4 chapters. Surpassing my level of imagination, with only very few effects. That’s the power of writing style. Now all what’s left is to wait for another show, in the Answer Arc. ~~Without love it cannot be seen.
Night Loops
Kürzliche Aktivitäten
56 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 22. Juni
2.222 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 21. Juni
1.092 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 21. Juni
Finley 11. Apr. um 6:30 
wszystko tylko nie ta szmata Alice, troche klasy kolego :D
*^SaoSin^* 25. März um 0:37 
ah alright sorry
Slavi 24. März um 19:03 
Hello mate, mind accepting my friend request? I want to talk to you about Raging Loop :cozycrashfish:
Iri 27. Feb. um 7:04 
Man, there really is a world of difference between knowing that a move is punishable, and being actually able to react and remember the punish quickly enough to do it, huh...
Deathwish Derrick 20. Feb. um 8:27 
ahh yes Poland, the country well renowned for its internet infrastructure. As you can tell when you accepted the match i play on ethernet. Your internet sucks brother on top of BN servers being garbage, you do your part and sort out your donkey ♥♥♥♥ net thanks.
*^SaoSin^* 20. Feb. um 7:20 
I have no idea were you on wifi? with king?
I accept most things but sometimes the connection is just like that.
I had no fun either with that usually the first matches run smooth.