Boston, Massachusetts, United States

:we_yuki::saya: :totonocat:🆅🅽 , :EstelleB::yuna: 🅹🆁🅿🅶, :eiKuon::pau:🆂🆁🅿🅶, 🅶🅰🅼🅴🆁 :HangingController:
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:fd1takeru:     𝔅𝔦𝔬 :fd1sumika::loveglow::fd1meiya:
I mainly play JRPG's, SRPG's and read Visual novels. If adding as friend comment reason below.
@Steam scammers, don't even try.

:talk: 𝔖𝔬𝔠𝔦𝔞𝔩 𝔐𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔞:
:phone: Discord: Hans#0283
:ATRI_wow: vndb [vndb.org]
:SuitSaber: Myanimelist [myanimelist.net]
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Ein Phantom 320 x 180 gif
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88 Jam dimainkan
Muv-luv Alternative is an absolute masterpiece. This is by far my favorite VN and I recommend anyone to read this, you are missing out! It brought out all kinds of emotion with me and the drama that happens might be totally relatable, all the characters are very well developed from all the way back to the first game (Definitely do not listen to the copy & pasters and skip!) and it contrast the harsh reality of a peaceful world vs. one that has been in constant war against an alien invasion for half a century.

✅Amazing Story that brings out all kinds of emotions including PTSD
✅Great Music
✅Great characters
✅Mechas are very well made, all science fiction aspects of the story have an explanation behind it.
⛔️Muh censorship - It's unfortunate us westerners get to suffer like this. Get the uncensored patch.

A 💯/💯 Masterpiece I luv 💖 Muv-Luv
Game Favorit
Etalase Ulasan
This game is goated.

I wasn't expecting to play 60+ hours of a side scrolling ARPG. When I thought the game was going to end, freaking attack on titans the world expands and ♥♥♥♥ is just getting started. I would put this game up there among the all time greats like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 7 and Xenogears... I'm not sure how well this game is going to age but i'm pretty sure if it had released in the 2000's or 1990's It would have already been a timeless classic. I highly recommend this absolute masterpiece and definitely play it in hard mode so that you don't miss out on the achievement.

✅Great Story; Time paradox, vast world, amazing characters... an EPIC adventure with swords, magic, tech you name it.
✅Great Music
✅Great characters; insane growth.
✅Works on steam deck
✅Achievements aren't impossible and does not require multiple playthough like other JRPG's

After completing this game I feel like I need to take some time off to take in all this greatness.🔟 out of 🔟
Etalase Screenshot
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Etalase Screenshot
ATRI -My Dear Moments-
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Dibuat oleh - NOZAKI
19.133 rating
This guide for those who would like to purchase the best anime backgrounds
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tankanidis 1 Mei @ 3:06am 
Because if we don't unite to push out the agenda based localisers and censors of our games now, when will we ever unite
Aran 30 Apr @ 4:03am 
ty ty:steamthumbsup:
xHans 29 Apr @ 4:29pm 
@Aran Your profile is not open to comments but to answer your question Astlibra has one missable achievement in the DLC which is defeating a boss that is not required to defeat to progress the story . You have to pay attention once you start the DLC. You can just lower the difficulty in the DLC to defeat him. In the regular game start the game in hard mode, anything more difficult is unnecesary and anything lower will make you miss the hard mode achievement.
Aran 28 Apr @ 2:45am 
Hi, I was looking at playing ASTLIBRA and was wondering if there are any missable achievements I need to look out for
Haze 20 Apr @ 1:23am 
Okay, but which kiseki game is the best?
take your wholesome award

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