Chronos   Salzburg, Austria
Currently interested in buying an offshore, remote oil rig in the Seychelles international waters.
Artwork Showcase
Review Showcase
1,086 Hours played
My experience of this game is restricted to several dozen hours of exclusively providing medical support to my squadron of fellow autistic chimpanzees, who have better chances of curing an unnoticed husk infection naturally by pulverizing their internal organs by accidentally consuming every single drug known to man while trying to bandage a papercut.
I'm not even qualified to review this game.
Thoroughly recommend.
Workshop Showcase
A lil' handy collection centered around enhancing the core Barotrauma experience, which only cost >200 hours of my life accomplishing, Features a highly advanced, borderline over-engineered yet simple, straightforward, automated and comfortable veteran war
0 ratings
Created by - Cig
PH|Dr.Paranoik May 22 @ 7:19am 
Hello, Alcotrauma will be updating after last patch or nobody work with it?
Herr Brechmann Feb 6 @ 6:05am 
+rep I saw how he smoked a ♥♥♥♥ @Königswusterhausen Transitstation, mad lad :dos2dagger:
Roth Aug 30, 2023 @ 4:32am 
-rep trash
Yesaja Aug 16, 2022 @ 11:47am 
If Big Boss smears cocaine over his face, will he be a Spec Ops on The Line?
『Krøne Nov 18, 2021 @ 9:30pm 
Herr Brechmann May 3, 2021 @ 11:59am 
+rep Went into the desert, turned into a tree, died of thirst, became dirt, flew as dust around the world into your eye, to give you a stroke.