Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Modular Encounters Systems
Krizi_SS 21 hours ago 
help please, I have no comparison in the world with NPCs (and other events) when I play alone, as soon as my friend connects to me everything starts working fine, what could be the problem?
Rudijuniornr1 May 24 @ 1:38pm 
thank you, a statement that will help us, it just happened since the update, I have been in contact with the support since then but we are not getting any further (unfortunately it only affects the PSN players
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] May 24 @ 1:31pm 
The CE error only seems to affect PlayStation users. The specifics of the error don’t tell annything about “why” the crash happens.

Since it only happens on PlayStation and not on other platforms, it may be related to some other similar crashes that were being reported with modded servers.

The crash itself is Client-Side, so no accessible logs are available. My current guess at this time is that the console is trying to do something with script files in the mod it shouldn’t be touching (because it’s not supposed to in the first place), but that’s just speculation on my part.

I’ve let the keen devs know to reach out to me if they have any other information I can act on, but until then, there’s no possible means for us to address that issue.
Abisius May 24 @ 1:20pm 
--- please atleast try to get the name correctly ---

without more informations like logs, exact errorcode, exampleworld and maybe some more stuff it will be very hard up to impossible to do a deeper help than whas already be given and for that the steam comment section is too limited, i recommend to join the mes discord (which is linked i nthe moddescription) and present you problem there together with an an good as posisble explanation of the problem, the errorcode, logs and an example world so that a more in depth look can be taken at it.
Rudijuniornr1 May 24 @ 1:07pm 
@Abgrund no, wrong, then the ce error would have to occur in more than one game, especially since you can play solo quite normally.
Abisius May 24 @ 10:38am 
i am not familiar with ce errors, so i did google a bit and from what i could find that they are usually console specific errors being given out by the console itself and mostly poitn towards probs with the console in question.

take the specifc ce error you get and search for it specifc to your used console to get a more detailed answer to what kind of error it is and what you can do to alleviate it.
Rudijuniornr1 May 24 @ 10:12am 
@Abgrund I know what you mean the mod is only playable on one server for console players I have a Nitrado server and everything worked before the game update now I want to go to my server and get ce
Abisius May 24 @ 9:21am 
that it is happenign while using a console client is a BIG point that needs to be taken into consideration as a world needs to be setup for consoles for them to be able to join the world.
so no mods with client side scripts, no ingame scripts . . . and many more functions need to be taken into consideration.

still the chance for file corruption exists on consoles too, but i dont know how to check on consoles for that as i never had one.

you might also want to ask on the mes discord which is linked in the moddescription as you might need to provide stuff like logs and an example world which is easier via discord than steam, atleast for the logs.
Rudijuniornr1 May 24 @ 9:03am 
@Abisius Going on the server with a PC when the mod is on it is no problem as soon as you want to go on the server with a console there is a ce error
Abisius May 24 @ 5:54am 
laut offiziellen statement wird er laufen gehalten soweit er nicht komplett zerbrochen wird mitm update.

ansonsten hab ich bisher von keiner anderen seite aus gehört das es probleme gibt, daher vermute ich mal das es möglicherweise entweder an einem modconflict oder an beschädigten dateien auf spiel oder modseite liegt was entweder bei client oder server vorhanden ist.
auch möglich ist das die welt beshcädigte dateien hat, konnte meine singleplayer welt seit dem space engineers update net mehr laden und da ich sie mit net älteren version von space engineers laden kann vermute ich da derzeit das sie einfach zu alt geworden ist.

so ganz nebenbei:
die kommunikation läuft hier eigentlich auf englisch ab da die meisten die hier helfen kennen englisch als zweitsprache können oder nur englisch können, es ist also empfehlenswert englisch zu nutzen wenn es einem möglich ist.
Rudijuniornr1 May 24 @ 4:39am 
Kommt bei der Mod jetzt noch Mal eine Aktualisierung oder eher nicht ist schade drum
Rudijuniornr1 May 18 @ 4:08pm 
Es kam vorgestern Abend ein Update leider bekomme ich immer noch einen ce Fehler wenn ich auf mein Server will
Abisius May 18 @ 11:28am 
from which mes based mod are they and on which planet?

there are some mes based mods out there which have planetary ships in it which cant handle planets above 1g and thus the ships are already crashing down on alien and pertram.
Ayduha2 May 18 @ 11:16am 
Hi! I've got a problem. In my singleplayer survival game I constantly see Patrol Trade Ships just lying on the ground. Are their AI makes them just smash into the ground or there's something destryoing them? Bc I already got a lot of those ships just chilling on the ground.
Yatta - Albino May 15 @ 6:30pm 
@Meridius : Unsure if CoreSystems refers to WeaponCore or some core SE stuff, but the stack originates from ME so it maybe on this side.

Happened when a Reaver ship crashed into the ground.

2024-05-16 03:26:32.244 - Thread: 1 -> var exception = System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CoreSystems.Session.TerminalMonitor.HandleInputUpdate(CoreComponent comp)
at CoreSystems.Platform.Weapon.ShootManager.RequestShootSync(Int64 playerId, RequestType request, Signals signal)
at CoreSystems.Api.ApiBackend.FireWeaponBurst(MyEntity weaponBlock, Boolean allWeapons, Int32 weaponId)
at ModularEncountersSystems.API.WcApi.FireWeaponOnce(MyEntity weapon, Boolean allWeapons, Int32 weaponId)
at ModularEncountersSystems.Behavior.Subsystems.Weapons.CoreWeapon.FireOnce()
at ModularEncountersSystems.Behavior.Subsystems.Weapons.WeaponSystem.FireBarrageWeapons()
Rudijuniornr1 May 15 @ 4:16am 
hello the mod causes a CE-108255-1 error on ps5 console
Ice.T.Mirrow May 14 @ 2:08am 
Hello Lucas, looks like your mod is producing a CE-Error on the playstation and they no longer can join servers with your Mod. Please take a look, they love your NPCs
Come and See May 13 @ 1:54pm 
Thanks mate.
dskpnk May 13 @ 11:34am 
Thx a lot dude for at least checking if things still work ! Have fun !
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] May 13 @ 11:14am 
Hey folks, just popped in to see if there were any issues after the new SE update. Ran the workshop mod + some encounter mods briefly on my end, and stuff seems to be working from my short test (stuff spawned / moved / etc).

Going back into hibernation now :)
Come and See May 9 @ 4:18pm 
I was able to fix this myself. I went into WeaponRandomizer.cs and on the line for if (weaponBlock == null) I just changed it to this: if (weaponBlock == null || !isWeaponCore)

After making this change the non-WC turrets stop spawning.:steamthumbsup:

Unfortunately some of the dumb "armor packs" I have or things like Azimuth Remastered come with turrets/weapons built in.
Abisius May 8 @ 2:03pm 
@Come and See
as far as i know not.

though i wonder why you would go against the recommendation of not mixing wc and nonwc stuff and thus avoiding the problem an many others resulting from mixing wc and nonwc stuff.

just thw two most mayor compatibility based problems resulting from mixing wc and nonwc stuff:
- nonwc stuff wont have functioning ai
- nonwc stuff cant intercept wc munitions and vise versa
Come and See May 8 @ 1:34pm 
So with weapon randomization is it possible to setup a flag by default to prevent vanilla weapons from spawning if weaponcore is enabled?
MistakingManx May 5 @ 10:45am 
I saw the post by Vargali and nunzia, regarding disabling inhibitors not being an option.
Is there a way to specifically stop the disabling of inertia?

Locking the dampeners with a grid keeps everyone's movement stable.
MistakingManx May 5 @ 10:37am 
Is there a way to disable the inhibitors?
The inertia inhibitor causes my friends to lag out my ship.
Vargali Apr 27 @ 5:21pm 
first try a new world using MES without the Imber mod... if that don't work, you may have to uninstall MES then reinstall... failing that, you may have to locate your mods folder in the %appdata% folder for SE and delete entire mods folder,.. steam will auto reinstall as needed, just make sure you have Imber un-subbed first ... if it still persists then someone else will have to suggest a fix
KGB_Vitkor Apr 27 @ 7:45am 
Hi! MES is trying to create NPS factions from mods that I have removed from the game. For example, I deleted the IMBER mod, but the faction remains, and MES is constantly trying to create an NPC. How can I fix this? Is it possible to clear the list of factions?
Abisius Apr 26 @ 11:13am 
as far as my knowledge goes you can add and remove mes mods as you want as long as the compatibility between the rest of the modlist is not broken.
the only exception to that if the mod adds economy stations as these are are positioned upon worldgeneration, atleast to my kowledge.
Cona6789 Apr 26 @ 11:09am 
Will adding more MES mods to a world that has already been created work or will the new mods not spawn anything because the world isnt new
Abisius Apr 26 @ 10:24am 
as mes supercedes the vanila system i nregards to npc spawning in while having its own spawn categories i would say that it depends on how the mod in quesiton is set up and that question would be better placed on that end of the compatibility line.
BASTIAN Apr 26 @ 9:28am 
okay i have othe mods that need these options on so they will work or i cant use them because of this mod?
Cargo Ships
Random Encounters
Enable Wolves (If Planet Creature Spawner Option or Addon is used)
Enable Spiders (If Planet Creature Spawner Option or Addon is used)
Happy Apr 25 @ 2:21am 
Thanks Abisius
Abisius Apr 25 @ 2:09am 
information on that is easily found inside the github based mes wiki linked in the moddescription, basically information on all settings is found there.
Happy Apr 25 @ 2:07am 
Amazing answer Abisus thankyou, where can I look to find out how to enable weapon randomisation?
Abisius Apr 25 @ 1:35am 
it is.
i have build a whole basic modlist around mes, wc and ds.

its recommended to turn weapon randomisation on if you use more than just the vanila replaced weapons if you combine mes with wc due to range and firepower differences occuring otherwise.
Happy Apr 25 @ 1:26am 
Anyone know if MES is compatible with weaponcore?
timothycovenant Apr 21 @ 8:12pm 
Thanx for the 8 years. It has been a rocky ride but you were always there, innovating. We'll miss you, but wish you luck on your future endeavers
Lamer Apr 19 @ 7:54pm 
MES + EEM = ok
MES + CrewEnabled = ok
but CrewEnabled require AiEnabled and:
AiEnabled + EEM = NOT ok

So, you have to use:
1) MES + EEM
- OR -
2) MES + AiEnabled + CrewEnabled
Vargali Apr 17 @ 5:24am 
@nunzia, that's been suggested before, not likely to happen ANY time soon if ever...
nunzia Apr 16 @ 10:01am 
Add an option to enable/disable inhibitors.
Abisius Apr 10 @ 7:17pm 
crew enabled is a submod for mes, so it is compatible with mes.
but crew enabled requires ai enabled which itself is not compatible with eem.

eem itself is compatible with mes,.

so if eem can be used depends on which submods you want to use, there is no known way to me to make eem compatible with ai enabled without fuly reqwriting the fation stuff in eem if it is even possible without gutting eem

eem isnt compatible with ai enabled cause ai enabled has its own factions to deal with the botstuff and eem modifies factionstuff which in turn makes ai enable unable to function. there are also other mods and plugins out there that do the same stuff and also dotn work together wie ai enabled.
Joew Apr 10 @ 9:38am 
@Abisius u told on a few post before:
as long as you dotn use the "crew enabled" submod which requires "ai enabled" which in turn is incompatible with eem because of the factionhandling of eem it is compatible with eem.

Can you tell me the steps to disable all the things to make it compatible with MES, please?
I really do not understand much about mods so i am really confusing. Idk what mods i need to disable or the mod priority order to make all working.

DavecrazySTI Apr 9 @ 2:35pm 
@Abisius Thank you !
Abisius Apr 9 @ 1:57pm 
then you either just skimmed the moddescription and missed it or you have probs undertanding it.

"This new single framework was designed to be backwards compatible with all existing NPC encounter mods that were using the older frameworks. Because this framework replaces the limited functionality of some in-game spawning systems, the following world options will be Automatically Turned Off when using this framework:
Cargo Ships
Random Encounters
Enable Wolves (If Planet Creature Spawner Option or Addon is used)
Enable Spiders (If Planet Creature Spawner Option or Addon is used)"

that part of the moddescription tells you that the worldsettings for creatures, cargoships and encounters will be automatically deactivated by mes cause its fully replacing it.
thus as long and you use mes the worldoptions for these settings basically will not function.
DavecrazySTI Apr 9 @ 1:01pm 

Can't find anything about the box getting untick everytime on autorestart.

Do i need to enter a command everytime to enable it back in-game ?
Abisius Apr 9 @ 10:33am 
the answer to that question is inside the moddescription
DavecrazySTI Apr 9 @ 10:31am 
Is it possible to make a dedicated server auto restart with encounter/cargo ship on?

When ever I do an auto restart it does'nt rember those settings.
Abisius Apr 9 @ 9:34am 
just testet the link and it works on my end.
if you press it from the steam programm itself it will go over to your browser and you might need to do it again if you arent logged in to steam when the lin kgets thrown to the browser.

besides that it might be possible that some stuff is interfering if not properly configured.
for example i had it on another discord that someone was not able to join via the ivnitelink cause the addblocker he used did block the link, once that was put into the allowed stuff he could join.
Spectral_Ace Apr 9 @ 8:02am 
@Abisius Do you have a functional link for the discord? The one posted is not longer valid. Been trying to find a fix for something with the trader faction.
Abisius Apr 7 @ 5:16am 
as long as you dotn use the "crew enabled" submod which requires "ai enabled" which in turn is incompatible with eem because of the factionhandling of eem it is compatible with eem.