Space Engineers
Modular Encounters Systems
2.868 σχόλια
TK_Over50 17 ώρες πριν 
Is there a way to fix Trigger errors? I have about 77 lines worth in my log. It affects mostly NPC ships and it's troublesome to say the least. NPC ships don't shoot.Don't call for reinforcements. Once captured the drives shut off and won't turn back on (causing me to grind and replace ech one individually). Autopilot won't shutoff without grinding it. Autopilot will turn on when I attempt to capture the ship but it will only go like 25 ms. Atfer successful capture, weapons only have 0-4m range. I copied the section of log that contains the MES errors but it's 9525 characters. There's no real way to skinny it down to fit in here. Is there somewhere where I can send it? I could really use the help. Tanks in advance.
DlriumTrgger 21 Σεπ, 3:38 
@Shadow Carl, we had been using Splitsie's Assertive Mod. I finally found in the log that the dependancy mod had an issue loading. Once i removed it the server started.

Would anyone know what file has the that has the spawned entities in game?
karizmatic 20 Σεπ, 9:31 
i'm kindof a boomer when it comes to modding things, i'd like to play with this mod and add additional compatible mods from the list. how many should normally be added? like multiple npc changing mods? just looking thru and generally confused
Shadow Carl 19 Σεπ, 8:39 
@DlriumTrgger what was your problem? maybe i have the same or simular, it stops loading the world
DlriumTrgger 17 Σεπ, 16:41 
i found my loading issues, and it wasnt directly MES, but it was something i thought was related so thats why i inquired about it.
DanPlays539 17 Σεπ, 7:29 
@Meridius_lX / Lucas i didnt mean automatically when you start the game i was thinking more of a dev tool that has the options to add certain aspects of the encounter such as rarity, blueprint, and location(atmospheric or space). would be very usefull for servers.
Abisius 16 Σεπ, 23:32 
@That one Femboy
what kind of load issues?
in case it totally refused to load a world the moddownload probably did fail and in that case i would recommend checking the log for why it failed.
it coudl also be a modconflcit or file corruption that it causing it.
That one Femboy 16 Σεπ, 22:51 
wah.. me removing mes fixed my load issues.. i think.. and everyone else has been complaining about it- so it was a good assumption..
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [Δημιουργός] 16 Σεπ, 19:57 
@DanPlays - Not automatically, but its possible to create your own encounter mods using grids in your blueprint collection

@That one Femboy - Despite my retirement, the change notes section tells a different story than you claim :)
That one Femboy 16 Σεπ, 17:52 
no more MES.. its unsupported now..
DanPlays539 15 Σεπ, 18:06 
is it posible to add encounters based on blueprints?
DlriumTrgger 15 Σεπ, 7:33 
after trouble shooting, what im finding is the Assertive dependancy mod is not downloading, all the other MES stuff does. what i did was deleted the content folders for our npcs mods, then let the startup re download them. it shutsdown when that particular one fails to load. thanks for the info you were sharing, I'll prolly connect on the discord.
Abisius 15 Σεπ, 6:02 
the server itself goes into a boot loop? if that is the case take a look at the logs and you will find out why it goes into a boot loop, from experience its usually due connection problem to steam itself though it can also have other causes like running out of hardware ressources, mod conflcit, file corruption or an error on setting up the server.
DlriumTrgger 15 Σεπ, 3:18 
@Abysius I have console compat turned off. All my players are on a measure we removed all MES related mods the other day, and trying to put one back in, we get issues. its the wildest thing. even with Assertive combat systems, goes into a boot loop.
Abisius 14 Σεπ, 18:09 
"no longer supportet" is a hard choosing of words.
while there are amt no new content updates to mes it wil be kept working for the time beeing to my stand of informations.
Zerg 14 Σεπ, 16:25 
my former server removed MES / reavers etc said MES is no longer supported... so thats a huge hit to SE
Abisius 14 Σεπ, 5:07 
are you maybee try to conencto with a console to the server while atleast one mod or one of its dependencys is not console compatible?
if that is the case it would explain why you cant connect.
as far as i understand it mes itself should be console compatible while some of the mes based mods migth have a mod in theyre dependencys that is not console compatible.
any mod that runs client side scripts will not be compatible with the console version of space engineers.
DlriumTrgger 14 Σεπ, 5:00 
@Abisius Thats what i thought. we have a server, it would randomly stop letting us join, i took out all the MES related mods and dependancies, and then it would let us in, but im still convinced it had nothing to do with our connection issue.
Abisius 13 Σεπ, 23:14 
no mod by itself can hinder someone to join a world.
but if the download or update of a mod fails or it takes too long to verify the list of mods space engineer will timeout on the connection attempt to the server.
its usually better to first download the mods of a server and then join the server as it doesnt need to download them and just needs to verify it which is much faster than downloading the mods.
DlriumTrgger 13 Σεπ, 17:47 
out of curiousity, would this mod make a server refuse to let people connect?
Captain Harlock 8 Σεπ, 12:37 
Hi, can you subsequently remove individual NPC mods from an existing save game on a server without wiping the server?

And if so, is there anything you should watch out for?
What problems could arise afterwards?
†Holy Father† 8 Σεπ, 6:18 
Is there a way to config the spawndistance of all ai ships and not just random encounters/cargo ships? Playing with modded weapons that have 6-8 km range and having enemies spawn 6-10 km away from my base then immediatly start bombarding it ain't fun.
flashfireball 7 Σεπ, 15:29 
is there a way to filter spawns by faction? say I dont want a faction to spawn on a certain planet.
Dwarvindoor 6 Σεπ, 13:50 
does this work with the planet system spawner?
tonone 3 Σεπ, 8:37 
someone knows mod MES- Modular encounter systems?
few thing spawn in air and don't move and sometimes crash game
Vargali 25 Αυγ, 10:40 
@Pristinemender, this has been asked for before, atm the blocks have to be captured intact, no way to get speciallized parts for repair or building of inhibitors.... no clue IF ever for us to see more MP utility....
Pristinemender 23 Αυγ, 20:51 
Does anyone know if its possible to get inhibitor chips in the game? the purpose of course is to hack the inhibitor blocks for personal use. obviously in PVE this has no benefit, but in a multiplayer server this would be fun.
Abisius 14 Αυγ, 13:14 
just from experience i would say if on the discord no one could answer it with the amount of information given its far more unlikely that someone is able to answer the same stuff inside the steam comments.

its allways possible that it just got mssed o nthe discrod due to other stuff happening in the same channel.
Abisius 14 Αυγ, 13:12 
@[B.A.C.M] jason_goodrich200
its named the same as its named on the workshoppage.
[B.A.C.M] jason_goodrich2001 14 Αυγ, 12:11 
what the f is the mod called in the mod list hate this s
FiN_MSK 14 Αυγ, 0:58 
I originally wrote in your Discord, in troubleshooting, but I didn’t receive a response from you, so I decided to come here
FiN_MSK 14 Αυγ, 0:56 
Hello everyone guys. In general, straight to the point. After some recent MES updates, something broke. Now I will try to explain to you in as much detail as possible.
There are the following parameters in autopilot:
Previously, this worked as the distance from point 'A' to point 'B' in the interval during which the grid begins to sway

Now the NPC grid flies up to 700 meters, if specified
and just stops, he doesn’t push, doesn’t mance, doesn’t do anything.
It seemed to me as strange as possible and I suspect that there is an error on your part. Thank you
Please MES Authors answer if you will correct this problem. To understand, rewrite behavior regarding new introductions, or wait for a fix
CaptainArthur  [Δημιουργός] 7 Αυγ, 0:28 
MES will be fine :)
HS_DRAGON ✞ 3 Αυγ, 17:02 
The new Space Engineers update, which will arrive soon, will be the "Exploration Update", so said the Developers. Please update this wonderful Mod for years have been keeping our game alive!
See what will be added new that doesn't affect this Mod, don't let it break! :selike:
Abisius 3 Αυγ, 3:28 
@Alexis The Calico Yokai
which modded respawn pods are you using?
Alexis The Calico Yokai 2 Αυγ, 18:07 
For some reason, MES breaks modded respawn pods, the steering wheels themselves stop working, idk if there is a fix for it.
Abisius 1 Αυγ, 11:58 
jep it still works.
Abisius 1 Αυγ, 11:58 
some mods got renamed over time.
and there are no compatibility packs as far as i know for mes as a compatibility pack would fix an incompatibility which mes would from my klnowledge only have with something that does the same stuff.
Ripley 1 Αυγ, 4:56 
I'm not seeing the suggested compatible packs Custom Encounters, Air Traffic, Surface Occupation in the collections how do i find these?
jetpackdan1 27 Ιουλ, 12:37 
does this mod still work?
xdevourx 24 Ιουλ, 9:49 
I actually came here to ask about quite the opposite. I have a couple MES mods that im finding quite annoying as they spawn and make a b-line straight for me regardless of my threat score or distance from them/whether broadcasting or not and im wondering if its safe to remove those mods form my list or if it could potentially cause issues later on.
xdevourx 24 Ιουλ, 9:47 
@Johnnyhawkeye ive had no problem with reavers, orks, cult or any other faction spawning recently. Are you sure that you meet the criteria for them to spawn?
Jonnyhawkeye 24 Ιουλ, 5:42 
the encounters are having a spawning problem. reavers, Orks etc are not spawning at all.
CaptainArthur  [Δημιουργός] 24 Ιουλ, 1:22 
gamma 24 Ιουλ, 1:18 
can I add this mod to an existing save? will it function okay?
Mwsbr 21 Ιουλ, 10:23 
Um dos melhores
Mog 6 Ιουλ, 12:52 
I know that, when I load then game after adding them to the blacklist, those added lines are deleted and those weapons spawn. Not sure why it is doing that.
Rizzo 5 Ιουλ, 19:31 
@mog, if you add weapons to the blacklist in the config file you are telling MES that weaponreplacer should not use those weapons at all on the spawned ship and it will swap them for other weapons that are not blacklisted when they are spawned. If you want those guns to be on the spawned ship, then they should not be in the blacklist.
Mog 4 Ιουλ, 12:51 
MES keeps removing the weapons I have added to the blacklist in the the config file. any way to fix this?
Rgnti 3 Ιουλ, 16:09 
Fixed the mod, steam side issue its a supposed common error due to keen fucking the code, I needed to both purge my mods and reinstall the game, then restart my pc twice. It was quite the experience. The error btw is this.

2024-07-02 17:19:49.725 - Thread: 1 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2024-07-02 17:19:49.725 - Thread: 11 -> Mod failed: Id = 1521905890, title = 'Modular Encounters Systems'
2024-07-02 17:19:49.727 - Thread: 11 -> Failed to download mod: Id = 1521905890, title = 'Modular Encounters Systems'
2024-07-02 17:19:49.727 - Thread: 11 -> Downloading mods failed
2024-07-02 17:19:49.727 - Thread: 11 -> Downloading world mods - END