Kiba Snowpaw
Ronnie Angel Snowpaw   Skibby, Frederiksborg, Denmark
It's been a tough decision, but I've finally come to the conclusion that it's time for me to take a break from gaming or maybe even quit altogether.
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Kiba Snowpaw the Alpha Wolf who is me.

Scootaloo a Pony i been training as a hardcore gamer since foal.

Yoki Angel Snowpaw My sister

Hiro Blazeheart

Story Written by me. "Whispers of the Frostbound"
you can buy my book here

check out my free audiobooks on youtube

I had carefully crafted my story long ago, only recently reawakening it from its slumber. After pouring over the piece with a fine-toothed comb to catch any missteps in spelling or grammar, I was determined to share it with the world. Although English is my second language and I had no formal education in it, I was undeterred; any errors that may remain are a testament to my self-taught knowledge. If you spot any mistakes along the way let me know so I can give them the proper attention they deserve.

My name is Kiba Snowpaw, and I have been transformed into a mighty creature that stands tall in the howling wind. I am an Ice Blue/White Wolf with eyes like burning coals, and my stature of 193 cm towers over all around me. It might seem unfathomable to some, but this is my true tale; I was once a human, but now I am something far more powerful.Tonight the full moon looms ominously in the pitch-black sky like a specter of some unknown power. I recall one year ago standing here, helplessly captivated by its ancient beauty as it bathed me in an eerie white light. Now as the moon begins to dip below the horizon, I mourn its descent as if it were taking away my only chance of being understood again. My hand trembles with emotion and exhaustion; will anyone ever be able to comprehend my transformation? For months I have been rejected every time I tried to explain what had happened to me—but perhaps there is still hope for someone out there who believes without prejudice.

With that thought, I am filled with a newfound determination to tell my story whatever the consequences may be.On my way to visit my mother in Baltimore, I decided to take a rest stop in the woods at dawn. As I continued walking, I stumbled across a fork in the road. The path to the left would take me three days on foot to get to Baltimore, while the one to the right led into a beautiful field of flowers and butterflies. Although I had been through this forest countless times before, I never knew that there was a castle nearby. Tired from trudging along for days, I chose the short journey towards it. The fields were full of flowers, and each flower bloomed with an intricate design unique from any other. Butterflies fluttered amongst them like little fish swimming around coral reefs. If this had looked familiar before, it was because every image anyone ever draws of a castle is just like this.As I approached the castle, its wide-open gates gave off a foreboding feeling. My heart pounded in my chest as I shouted into the silent air of the inner courtyard. "Hello?! Is anyone here?" Craning my neck to get a better view, I noticed each torch was burning brightly, almost as though someone had just lit them moments ago. "What kind of person would be here at this hour?" I thought to myself as my feet nervously shuffled across the entrance threshold.

My heart raced as I stumbled up the jagged stone steps, only to find a wooden gate blocking my way. Peeking out from the right side of the entrance was an unblinking face that uttered just one word: "Welcome." My body froze in fear at the sound and when I turned my head towards it, a colossal dragon emerged out of nowhere. Its emerald eyes sparkled more vividly than any plant's leaves ever could; its scales were like shimmering gold, and they shone like no other material had before. This beast was not a figment of my imagination - it was real. The thing that instilled terror deep within me was not its towering height or razor-sharp claws; rather, it was what adorned its snout - three horns crafted from rare gems each more exquisite than the last. As I gaped at this massive creature, it crept closer until I felt its heated breath on my skin. That was all I remembered before unconsciousness overwhelmed me.

After I woke up, I thought I was back at home. But then memories of the dragon came flooding back and I sat up too quickly. My head spun, making it hard to focus on my surroundings. Once my vision returned, I saw the dragon in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. Stunned, all I could do was stammer, "A... a...dragon..." Fear began to take over as I gasped out desperately, "Don't...don' me..." while scurrying away from the bed to press myself against the wall.
For what felt like hours, I sat there, watching the dragon. The dragon looked as though it were carved out of stone; it had no features or detail to its face and it was leaning against a smooth pillar. Then, the dragon laughed and said, "Why would I eat you? You're my first guest in a very long time." All I could do was stutter in response, "Y... yo... you can talk." The dragon simply smiled and said, "Of course, I can talk." As I began to relax, the dragon invited me to join it for dinner, insisting that I must be hungry after my long journey despite its lack of concern for me. Unsure whether or not it was safe to trust this creature yet, I hesitated to accept the dragon's offer. The air grew thick with awkward silence as the dragon waited for an answer. It didn't seem perturbed by my stall tactic. Suddenly snapping out of my trancelike state, I heard the dragon say, "I insist you join me; I won't take no for an answer," before disappearing through the doorway.

Uncertainty gnawed at me as I hesitated in the doorway, my heart beating like an overworked piston. The grandeur of the castle was breathtaking, a stunning testament to centuries-old craftsmanship. I got up to follow the dragon, remembering my bag in the corner of the room. We went down a long hallway that led to a massive staircase, every step echoing with our presence. Finally, we arrived back in the main hall with three possible exits. The double doors on my right beckoned me into a dining area filled with food that would have made even kings envious. The aromas of exotic spices and savory meats wafted around me in a seductive embrace. The dragon gestured for me to sit wherever I liked, so I chose somewhere not too close yet not too far away. The creature told me to eat whatever I wanted, and despite my initial hesitance, I decided to join it for dinner. As we ate, we spoke and shared stories - some light, others dark - but all revealing more about ourselves than either one of us ever thought possible. Little did I know that our encounter would alter my life forever: I couldn't help but feel a connection with this magical creature that would change everything.
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[h1]A Scathing Critique of CLEARRAVE ブランドインデックス and Its Anti-Consumer Behavior[/h1]

⚠️ Hey there, fellow furries and gamers! I'm Kiba Snowpaw, the alpha male Ice Wolf from the frostbitten world of HowlStrom. Today, I'm here to unleash my icy wrath upon CLEARRAVE ブランドインデックス and its deplorable owner, Kumashiro Seiichi (Clearrave Co.). Buckle up, because this review is going to be as harsh as a winter storm!

Basic Plot Summary
CLEARRAVE ブランドインデックス is a game that promises an immersive experience but falls flat due to its company's heinous practices. The game's plot, centered around a post-apocalyptic world, initially intrigued me. However, the narrative's potential is buried under a mountain of anti-consumer actions and shady behavior.

The game attempts to stand out with its unique storyline and dynamic gameplay mechanics, but originality means nothing when the company behind it stifles the community that breathes life into their creation. Striking YouTubers for sharing gameplay is a blatant attack on our beloved gaming culture.

The Studio: Clearrave Co.
Clearrave Co. might as well be the villain of this tale. Known for their aggressive copyright enforcement, they've alienated their player base and content creators alike. This isn't just a one-off incident; it's a pattern of behavior that's anti-gamer and anti-community.

Mechanics and Gameplay
CLEARRAVE ブランドインデックス boasts intricate mechanics and a vast world, but it's marred by the developer's restrictive policies. The gameplay, while engaging, can't compensate for the hostile environment the studio fosters.

Character Development
Main Characters: The protagonists are well-crafted, with deep backstories and complex personalities. However, their development is overshadowed by the game's external controversies.

Supporting Characters: These characters add richness to the story, but again, it's hard to appreciate their nuances when the company's actions leave a sour taste.

Character Arcs and Relatability: The arcs are well-designed, but the real-world actions of the studio make it hard to remain invested in their journeys.

The game's structure is solid, with a well-paced narrative and balanced progression. However, this structure crumbles under the weight of anti-consumer practices.

The impact of CLEARRAVE ブランドインデックス could have been profound, but Clearrave Co.'s behavior significantly diminishes its potential.

Hook and Thesis
The game's initial hook is strong, drawing players into its world with promise and intrigue. Yet, the thesis of this review is clear: no game, no matter how captivating, is worth supporting if the company behind it disrespects its community.

Praise and Critique
[*]Engaging storyline
[*]Innovative gameplay mechanics
[*]Rich character development

[*]Anti-consumer behavior
[*]Aggressive copyright enforcement
[*]Poor community relations

Personal Opinion
Enjoyment: My enjoyment of the game was severely dampened by the studio's actions. Even though the gameplay itself was intriguing, the external factors made it impossible to fully immerse myself.

Highlights and Drawbacks: The game's highlights include its detailed world-building and engaging mechanics. However, these are overshadowed by the significant drawbacks of the studio's behavior.

CLEARRAVE ブランドインデックス might have been a fantastic game if not for the toxic practices of Clearrave Co. Their aggressive copyright enforcement and poor community relations ruin an otherwise promising game.

Similar Games
Games like Final Fantasy XV and Persona 5 manage to balance intricate gameplay mechanics with respectful community relations. CLEARRAVE ブランドインデックス could learn a lot from these titles about maintaining a healthy relationship with their player base.

In conclusion, while CLEARRAVE ブランドインデックス might have the bones of a good game, its potential is completely undermined by the anti-consumer actions of its developers. As an alpha male Ice Wolf who values the spirit of the gaming community, I cannot recommend this game to anyone. Clearrave Co. has earned a spot on my blacklist, and I urge all gamers to consider their practices before supporting them.

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[quote=Kiba Snowpaw] "I've watched over 5000 games played in my lifetime, and this one stands out as a prime example of how not to treat your community." [/quote]

This review is a testament to the importance of community respect and ethical practices in the gaming industry.
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843 Hours played
Paws up, everyone!
This is Kiba Snowpaw, your friendly neighborhood Ice Wolf, and today we're going to talk about a little game that's taken the furry fandom by storm: Amorous.

As a passionate gamer, anime enthusiast, and book connoisseur since the '80s, it's been fascinating to see the evolution of these art forms, particularly in the context of the furry community. Amorous puts you in a world where you can create your own fursona and explore a nightclub teeming with fellow anthropomorphic party-goers. But does it succeed in creating an enticing, immersive world? Let's find out!

Each character boasts voice acting, and the game allows you to customize your own fursona's appearance. There are nine romance options, with unique personality and backstory.

Simple but intriguing, the mini-games are a fun way to bond with your potential mates. The dialogue choices and actions play a crucial role in developing your relationships.

Graphics & Sound
The art style is vibrant, and the soundtrack is catchy, well-suited to the mood.

A delightful sense of humor pervades the game, striking the right balance between wittiness and absurdity.

Amorous has its flaws. The game can be quite buggy, and there are inconsistencies in the narrative tone. Gameplay-wise, it doesn't push any boundaries.

"It's like every other visual novel out there." Yet it does have a unique furry flair.

The game's potential, charm, and vibrant world are appreciable, but it falls short in providing a polished, complete experience.

6.5/10. A fun, charming experience but falls short of greatness.

Final Thoughts
Whether you're a fan of the furry community or casual dating simulators, you might find a lot to like here. But if you're looking for something deeper, it may leave you out in the cold.

Stay frosty, my friends.
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Created by - Kiba Snowpaw and shilka
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As I, Kiba Snowpaw, the lone alpha Ice Wolf from the frosty world of HowlStrom, descended into the realm of Counter-Strike 2, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, like a blizzard lurking on the horizon, ready to bury all hopes of an enjoyable gaming experience. You see, dear reader, I've weathered countless storms in the gaming world, but this one, this CS2, felt like a bitter, icy gust straight to the heart.

First, let's talk about the supposed "improvements" that CS2 brought to the table. They touted better graphics, but in this day and age, that's like bragging about having ice in an arctic world. Graphics, while important, should be the least of our worries. I've spent my fair share of time in RPGs, action-packed adventures, and first-person shooters, and what truly matters is gameplay. But alas, CS2's gameplay was about as smooth as a glacier moving uphill.

The promise of Premier matchmaking sounded enticing, but it was like offering a cup of lukewarm tea to someone stranded in a blizzard. The issues that plagued Counter-Strike for years, the rampant cheaters and trolls, still roamed free. It was as if VAC, Valve's supposed anti-cheat, was a guardian who had fallen asleep on duty. I'd rather trust my survival in a snowstorm to a blindfolded squirrel than to the matchmaking in CS2.

Now, let's journey into the realm of skepticism, where changes left me scratching my furry head. MR12, a system that Counter-Strike once embraced, was brought back, but with no apparent rhyme or reason. It felt like someone decided to put square wheels on a perfectly functional sleigh – it simply didn't make sense. MR15 games had a sense of completeness that MR12 couldn't replicate.

The buy menu was tinkered with, and while the new design had potential, it was like trying to eat a frozen fish without thawing it first. The refund process was about as intuitive as trying to teach a snowflake to dance. I appreciated the ability to buy both M4 variants, but such additions couldn't save CS2 from its overall frosty reception.

Brightness was adjusted, and here, it felt like Valve couldn't decide whether they wanted to brighten up a dark cave or plunge us into a blinding snowstorm. Some maps were too bright, while others remained shrouded in darkness. It was like trying to navigate through a maze with a blindfold on – disorienting and frustrating.

The minimap's newfound feature, showing where sounds could be heard, left me conflicted. It was as if someone handed me a map to a place I'd been exploring on my own for years. Learning where your steps echoed was part of the skill, and now, they were spoon-feeding players like it was baby's first snowfall.

But now, dear reader, we must tread on treacherous ground – the glaring issues that froze my furry heart. The blinding white screen at the start of each round was like staring into an endless snowstorm. It served no purpose other than to irritate players. The performance, like a snowmobile in a snowdrift, was inconsistent, with some games running smoothly and others as choppy as a glacier's path.

Servers, tickrates, and the absence of a proper anti-cheat system were like gaping chasms in CS2's icy landscape. A 128 tickrate system still felt superior, and VAC, the so-called guardian, was about as effective as an ice pick in a snowball fight. We were left with the bitter taste of unfulfilled promises.

Deathmatch, a staple of the CS series, was handled with all the grace of a penguin trying to dance on thin ice. Community servers provided a better experience, leaving Valve's official servers feeling as deserted as a snow-covered ghost town.

The movement, my dear friends, was as clunky as a polar bear on roller skates. It felt like Valve had turned the agile wolves of Counter-Strike into lumbering bears. The fluid, precise movement of its predecessor was replaced by a rigid, awkward shuffle.

Gunplay, the heart and soul of Counter-Strike, had been tampered with. Headshots were now as common as snowflakes in a blizzard. It was like aiming at an elephant and hitting the bullseye on a mouse. SMGs had become run-and-gun machines, erasing the distinction between weapon classes like a blizzard erasing footprints.

Lag, the ever-elusive phantom, haunted the game. Players died behind cover, and enemies seemed to sprint and shoot simultaneously. It was like trying to predict the path of a snowflake caught in a whirlwind – utterly unpredictable.

In conclusion, Valve seemed to be on a quest to make CS2 more noob-friendly, but they lost sight of what made Counter-Strike great – its steep learning curve and high skill ceiling. It was as if they were trying to turn our beloved frozen tundra into a tropical paradise. CS2 left me feeling like a lone wolf, howling into the icy winds of disappointment. I longed for the days of Counter-Strike's glory, when the game was a snowstorm of excitement and not a slushy mess of missed opportunities.

As I, Kiba Snowpaw, return to my frosty abode on HowlStrom, I can only hope that one day, the blizzard of disappointment will lift, and Counter-Strike will once again shine as brightly as a winter's moon. Until then, stay frosty, my friends, and remember that in the world of gaming, just like in the frozen wilderness, winter is always coming.
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Kiba Snowpaw Feb 6 @ 2:41pm 
I gave you an award for that one; you deserved it.
BigDickMcCree Feb 6 @ 1:00pm 
Where lesser men (or fur-kind) would turn their back, Kiba Angel Snowpaw will face the snowstorm head on, unmoved, undaunted.
Warrior, poet, yet crucially, a weaver of the steam review section.
Web Feb 6 @ 12:53pm 
A warrior, a poet, most importantly, a pillar of the steam review section.
Fuerst☤des☤Friedens Jan 10 @ 10:08pm 
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     ⠀ ⢀⣾⡇⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⠀⣰⣿⡿⠃ ⢠⣿
⋆。𖦹 °✩ Godt Nytår! ✩° 𖦹。⋆
Kiba Snowpaw Dec 16, 2023 @ 9:49am 
( ( `´︶´¯`︶´`´︶︶´*★  ^v^  ┊❅  °☆ .   ☆ :. ☆   
  ) )  ⦅‖ ͇͇ ͇͇▃▇͇͇͌̿̿⌂͇͇▌..* ★  ☆ .   ★ ^v^  ° ❅  ☆ .   ★ ^v^  ° 
__̅̏̏̏̏̋̋̏̏▅̅̏̏̏̋̏_ ╱◥███████╲ ˆ...^v^ ˆˆ︵.︵...^v^︵¸ ❅  ° ╱◥◣  ☆ . * ★ * 
╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓∩║   MERRY CHRISTMAS & │∩ │◥███◣ ╱◥███◣
│╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║╲◥███╲   HAPPY NEW YEAR ╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓│∩
││∩│ ▓ ║∏ 田║▓ 田田 ▓ ∩║ ii--ii--ii ⏃☃⏃ ii--ii--ii--ii │╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║◥█▓ ▓█