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1 person found this review helpful
142.0 hrs on record (40.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Still deserves the overwhelmingly positive that it originally garnered.

A fantastic game with a few minor issues and bugs (and maybe a major one or two), but it seems it's going to have a great amount of replayability and the devs are definitely working on it.

The only reasons reviews dropped are from butthurt people that don't want to wait another week or two to have a polished update. If they realized how many annoying mini-patches (they aren't even mini) that the supporter branch had to fix stuff like audio errors and animations, then they probably wouldn't complain as much when they get the much more finished updates.

Personally, I love it, and would recommend it to just about every friend I have.

Knock knock, it's time for door-kicking.
Posted January 28, 2022.
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380.0 hrs on record (93.1 hrs at review time)
It has a gun that makes the M1 Garand noise.
Posted May 15, 2020.
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2,446.1 hrs on record (221.8 hrs at review time)
New Light made the game 80% less rewarding for your time spent. Capped players that like to grind levels, to never getting any more eververse items. Basically neutered your ability to get cool cosmetics for free, when it was already RNG and relatively slow. 2 weeks for 1 item out of like 100? Sure. Rainbow 6 levels of grind for stuff.

As a long time player with like 2000+ hours.... It's honestly not worth it to start off as a New Light player, and I doubt it ever will be again.

It retains some mild entertainment, and I feel obligated to keep up with content drops because it's just a part of my life and I like the world... But as a game, it's killing itself slowly.
Posted December 2, 2019.
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495.1 hrs on record (312.8 hrs at review time)
Dying to stuff that hasn't even peeked a corner is always a fun game mechanic.
Aiming at head-level, prefiring a corner where someone is repeatedly peeking, and having them walk in front of an 1,100 RPM bullet hose without dying when their head is directly within the crosshairs for 8+ bullets is also great. Having this all happen with 11 ping is the most entertaining of all.

In general the only 2 options in the game are just corridor camping in the darkest or most cluttered corner of a room, or spawn-peeking.

Moving around is so loud that you sound like Godzilla even when you're crouched.... But it's a good thing the soundscape is horrific and you sound like you're above people when you're right behind a wall on their left. Was that an explosion on the upper floor? Good thing it sounds like it happened in the shadow realm somewhere behind you.

No idea why it got popular again, cuz it should have died way back when it didn't even have DLC and everyone rightfully hated it.

Never delivered on the promises of the dev blogs and pre-release videos... And it's definitely not the game it was meant to be. In the current direction they are taking it, it strays further and further from a real rainbow six game.

The most egregious crime though, is the currency system. You can play for an entire week and barely make enough to buy one skin for one weapon for one operator. I like my games to respect the time you put into it or the achievements therein. This game does not, and treats you like you're playing a free-to-play Korean game. I'll keep my money, AND my time. Thanks.
Posted July 12, 2019.
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82.4 hrs on record
Excellent graphics and immersion.

Bad everything else.

If you like spaceships like... A super-duper lot, go ahead and give it a try, but as a standalone game it's pretty weak in the gameplay department for all job types.
Posted July 12, 2019.
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38.8 hrs on record
If you like buying a full price game and then paying for like 200 DLC to get a complete experience in an RTS game, this is the game for you.

The gameplay is decent, but the microtransactions are so invasive, it almost feels like a free-to-play...

If you want a game that actually has content worth the money you spend. Go ahead and skip it.
Posted July 12, 2019.
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354.6 hrs on record (27.4 hrs at review time)
Lets you play as a lizard. I like lizards.
Everyone hates you but you don't care cuz you are a lizard.
Good game.
Posted June 29, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
64.8 hrs on record (52.5 hrs at review time)
Was perfectly fine, stable, snappy and fun to play before they updated to the new engine. Now it's absolute trash and crashes every single match. Runs about as stable as a 1 legged bar stool on saint patrick's day. Can't recommend after they ruined a perfectly fine game.

Might be playable in 2 years. Until then I could never recommend it compared to the first.
Posted April 14, 2019.
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100.4 hrs on record (80.9 hrs at review time)
Block block block, slash slash.

Block block block, slash slash.

Block block block, jump, slash slash.

Highly recommended. Ez. Very relaxed and casual gameplay.
Posted April 11, 2019.
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1,103.5 hrs on record (152.3 hrs at review time)
Currently a buggy, terribly optimized, half-baked port.
Recommended waiting for confirmed patches if you want to enjoy anything other than single player.

Gameplay is decent. Feels like a very unresponsive dark souls clone with awkwardly mapped controls and 3x the item management. Reminds me of The Surge's slower gameplay, but somehow even slower than that. If you can get used to feeling like the buttons are reversed from every kind of action game ever (almost like you're playing southpaw, with normal sticks) then you'll find enjoyment in the fighting though.

The combat is very deliberate and every button press can either be very satisfying, or usually lead to instant death.
The main draw is that almost every fight is a boss fight. You'll feel accomplished after every engagement. However, certain enemies are definitely very recycled... The 4 rathian\rathalos variants... Water fish and fire fish... Dodogama and great jagras.. diablos and black diablos... all use the same animations from their class or have almost exactly cloned moves, and basically have the same model. A lot of people say to ignore it... But if you choose to pay attention, it gets really noticable.

Armor customization looks HORRIBLE and for being a relatively late game unlock, it's super disappointing unless you want to look like a fruit yogurt with spikes.

As a first timer to the series, I would give it a 9\10 overall at full functionality simply because i love boss fights. However, in its current state of broken BS... I think it deserves nothing more than a 5 or 6.

I'll update when patched.

::: UPDATE :::

Instead of adding new content, they just add the same monsters console has had for almost a year, and then normal monsters with increased HP.

Lazy development, with no incentive to ever return.
Posted August 22, 2018. Last edited April 6, 2019.
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