MartyG   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
The UK's premier biker, gamer, writer, photographer and cook all rolled into one.

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Night City across the water.
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The Witcher III Wild Hunt
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130 Hours played
This recommendation comes with a caveat - you have a reasonably capable PC and are looking for an RPG, not a sandbox.

After spending 62 hours in the game and completing the main story and a majority of the side quests, if you're looking for an RPG set in the Cyberpunk universe, 2077 will meet your needs, but there are issues.

Outside of the graphical glitches, the RPG systems don't have a massive influence on how you can play the game - they'll help, but there's no min-maxing here. Choosing to max rifles won't prevent you from hacking and sneaking for example, so those 0.07 increases in stats don't really count for much.

For those looking for a sandbox, look elsewhere. This game needs another six months work or more to make the world alive. Whilst Night City is busy, it's also empty - most doors are locked, most NPC are eye candy only, most of the world isn't destructable, the AI is stupid, the police are stupid, the cars are stupid. It isn't a sandbox game.

TLDR; It's a decent RPG set in a beautiful world and from that point of view it's an 8/10.
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152 Hours played
This is the greatest game ever created. It's super well optimised for an early access game (it'll even run on my work laptop - installed just for testing purposes you understand, boss).

I haven't had a game keep me up till the early hours of the morning without even realising it in years - hours evaporate in the game without noticing it, it's just that absorbing.

Everything hangs well together in the UI, although some things like raw resources reserves could use better information panels and sometimes it's not obvious why factories and other buildings have stopped producing - but given it's early access these minor gripes are forgivable.

This would be my desert island game without a doubt.
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Don't accept buggy, sloppy PC ports!!
Mark Sep 12, 2017 @ 3:28pm 
Well you're getting amazing value out of it but I'm not sure I could risk playing something so addictive :-)
MartyPG13 Sep 12, 2017 @ 2:58pm 
Factorio is fantastic and well worth the £15
Mark Sep 12, 2017 @ 2:51pm 
Wow, Factorio appears to be dangerously addictive! :mush: