Jack   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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2,728 Hours played
Destiny 2 is a hard game to review, as is the nature of Live Service. Having played since Warmind back when the game was on battle net I have played this game for awhile. Whilst I consider myself a casual it would be remiss to mention I'm very active in keeping up with the on-goings of the game.

So how is the game right now? It's good, one thing destiny has always been good at is consistency (for better and worse), if you are not a long time player you will find things to enjoy if you enjoy horizontal loot based progression, though it is hard to recommend this game to new players. The game is notorious for its on boarding issues, whilst there is a tutorial the focus to let players hop in all activities leads to it being hard to know exactly what to do next as you stumble around the various activities; that's not to mention the true price of the game. Destiny 2 is a subscription based game with a free trial, you buy the season once every 3 months to play the current content with yearly expansion, yet the free trial is rather limited having no expansion content, nor launch content. Instead whats available is a rather limited selection of activities, so I recommend keeping an eye out for sales to pick up the content expansions.

When reviewing this its almost impossible to avoid the multi headed hydra that is the live service, the game would probably have a better reputation if it just referred to it as a subscription based model. The community sentiment is pretty negative right now following a layoff of 8% of Bungie's workforce and continued perceived lack of ability to quickly integrate player feedback. It's pretty par for the course at this point, and the complaints haven't changed much since I started playing. Though in my opinion you wont find a better horizontal loot progression mmo on the market, a lot of work goes into making weapons feel unique and interesting to collect and all of which feel satisfying. Build crafting has come into the for front of the game over the past few years and is an incredibly satisfying system to engage in, the art team continues to deliver impressive destinations and armour that I want to wear.

So where does this leave us? Destiny 2, despite the live service trappings delivers a strong loot based shooter. Despite community fatigue and sentiment this has always been a consistent package. Whilst the game makes it hard for a new player to get in, existing players are playing a game which has provided a strong shooter experience for the past 10 years.
Review Showcase
3.9 Hours played
The Darkness II provides players with a fun and entertaining story. Follow Jackie on his quest of revenge to kill the men who attacked him, do this ofcourse by wielding the literal powers of a god. Take the horrific tendrils of evil and shove them down enemys throats; follow this up by devoring their hearts.

However an amazing campaign is let down by a lackluster multiplayer experience. After playing through the multiplayer twice (Once by my self and another with a friend) I found the difficulty vary throughout providing a huge spike in difficulty towards the end. However this was followed by one of the most boring and easy boss fights I have ever faced.

While I cant say the multiplayer was good I had a great deal of fun playing through the campaign twice. Some might argue the ending was lackluster, which I will agree on, however the journy was worth it. If this game is ever on sale pick it up.
Does anybody even look at steam profiles?
I mean if you scrolled down this far you really must have no life. :mug::lunar2019piginablanket:
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2,728 hrs on record
last played on May 20
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Skywaterer Dec 15, 2023 @ 11:48am 
A true genitalman and a scholar
CapKneli Jan 14, 2023 @ 7:23am 
If awesome and perfection had a child this would be the result
contrum Feb 5, 2016 @ 4:28pm 