I'd slap you but I don't condone animal abuse
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 149 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.5.
yhteensä 292 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.5.
yhteensä 304 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.5.
200 pistettä
loom 29.6.2019 klo 0.59 
Hi, I am an albanian virus but because of poor technology in my country unfortunately I am not able to harm your computer. Please be so kind to delete one of your important files yourself and then forward me other users. Many thanks for your cooperation!
Best regards,
Albanian virus
The Drunken Vocalist 26.11.2017 klo 16.43 
99666999999666999999666999666 69996699999996699666996699 996699999999699999999666699669 9666699666996699666996699 996669999999999999996666669999 6666699666996699666996699 996666699999999999966666666996 6666699666996699666996699 996666666999999996666666666996 6666699666996699666996699 996666666669999666666666666996 6666699666996699666996666 996666666666996666666666666996 6666699999996699999996699

1. Highlight the text^

2. Press Ctrl+F

3. Press 9 ( without holding the Ctrl and F)

4. :DDD
minicuervoッ 23.10.2017 klo 11.36 
party rockers in the hou
Fluff.Master 14.6.2016 klo 6.41 
comrade dog
this is mosin
it is good rifle
you will kill the germans with it
it is your duty
Cpl. Kat 13.6.2016 klo 10.36 
Best pic ever :D
Cpl. Kat 12.6.2016 klo 0.12 
add me bby :insurgent: