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A swing!
43 6
Review Showcase
6.3 Hours played
This game is so damn fantastic it's nearly impossible to describe! You are back into the 1920s in a mysterious shadow- and dreamlike world. You are playing as a pretty lady with long legs, who btw can shift into shadows, and you are helping out the girl Didi on her adventure around in this fantastic world. Her mother, Kat, is the star of Contrast's cabaret and is incredible sexy, but has a complicated relationship to her husband who always ends up in bad situations. Vincenzo, the famous Illuminist, plays a big part in the world, and has some amazing light and shadow tricks that amazes everybody.
Besides that, it's filled with a smooth and sultry jazz ambiance all around in the game. And who doesn't like jazz? Move into the shadows and join the adventure!
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I have instead made a trading thread on SG. Full list with links to steam store so it's easier for you guys:

So check my list there! =) Outdated!
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400 XP
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last played on May 18
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last played on May 12
1.6 hrs on record
last played on May 12
Morton Salt May 19 @ 5:27am 
-rep, noob
moreaboutcrows May 18 @ 9:30pm 
Totally agree: +rep pretty good player <3
Oarwei May 18 @ 7:16pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
Vzidye May 18 @ 1:25pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
Der May 18 @ 1:25pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
Suakhip May 18 @ 1:00pm 
+rep pretty good player <3