

13,642 ratings
A Collection of Steam Tools
A useful collection of great tools for Steam around the web.
This guide will provide a collection of websites that can help somehow Steam users.
I'll be separating by categories with a brief description of each one.

Some of the website's bellow will ask you to sign in through Steam. When a website offer this resource, you'll see one of these buttons.
Just make sure that you are being redirected to the official Steam address.
The Best Of
  • Augmented Steam[]
    Created by: Tomáš Fedor & Zelgaris
    Steam Group
    Description: Simply the best extension for Steam, you can check all the great features at website.

  • IsThereAnyDeal (ITAD)[]
    Created by: Tomáš Fedor & Zelgaris
    Steam Group
    Description: Compare current games prices for more than 20 stores across several regions as well as various bundles and other special deals. Also with price history, so you can see how often the game goes on sale and what are the historical lowest prices.

  • Steam Database (SteamDB)[]
    Created by: xPaw & Marlamin
    Steam Group
    Description: Database for all applications and packages on Steam, including Sales page for all items on sale across Steam, tools to check Steam Status, Broadcasts, VAC & Game Bans, Concurrent Players, Calculator, Browser extension and a lot more.

  • ArchiSteamFarm (ASF)[]
    Created by: Archi
    Steam Group
    Description: Allows you to farm steam cards and many other great features. Can use multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client.
Achievements & Rankings
  • Achievement Stats[]
    Created by: Chrissyx & m u n k y
    Description: Ranking of users based on points earned by achievements.

  • AStats[]
    Created by: Mytharox
    Description: Ranking of users based on achievements, games & country.

  • Completionist[]
    Created by: luchaos
    Description: Detailed analytics and data visualization for Steam achievements.

  • Exophase[]
    Created by: Mike Bendel
    Description: See how you rank up against other trophy and achievement hunters, plus stay updated on the latest lists.

  • MetaGamerScore[]
    Created by: Oskar Holmkratz & Linda Holmkratz & Martin Berglund
    Description: It combines the achievement in many platforms to make sure that everything you do in any game counts towards a total, persistent metascore.

  • Steam 250[]
    Created by: Bilge
    Description: impartial games rankings compiled from Steam gamer reviews.

  • Steam Hunters[]
    Created by: Rudey
    Description: Simple leaderboard to achivement hunters.

  • Steam Ladder[]
    Created by: TerryZ
    Description: Nothing difference than the other one (i think).

  • TrueSteam Achievements[]
    Created by: Rich Stone
    Description: Very detailed website.
Buy games for low prices and help charities.

Calculator (e-peen)
Oh yes! My Steam worth more than yours, wanker!

  • SteamDB Calculator[]
    Created by: xPaw & Marlamin
    Description: This one cointains a total valuer of your account and a total valuer with sales. Also there's a nice pop-up that randomly will show a game that you have to play if you're bored.

  • Steam Calc[]
    Created by: Thomas Weinmeister
    Description: Check how much you spend on Steam.

  • Steam Gauge[]
    Created by: Jon Prusik
    Description: Basically the same as the previous ones. It will show a detailed description of ever game that your own.

  • Steam Wishlist Calculator[]
    Created by: The HopelessGamer
    Steam Group
    Description: Steam Wishlist Calculator allows you to calculate the total cost of your Steam wishlist.

  • Wasted Time on Steam[]
    Created by: dedg3
    Description: A tool for easy Steam time calculation.
Compare & Bundle List
  • Steam Achievement Hunter[]
    Created by: fensoft
    Description: Report of all common achievements to do with friends/other player.

  • Game List Compare Tool[]
    Created by: thefunkygibbon
    Description: A simple copy and paste to check game list.

  • SteamPeek[]
    Created by: IsThereAnyDeal & Zoltan Wacha
    Description: Find up to 60 similar games for almost any game!

  • Steam Compare[]
    Created by: Fedexx2
    Description: Easy way to compare list of game with another user.

  • Steam Game Compare Tool[]
    Created by: aaaaaaaaa

  • Steam Game Matcher[]
    Created by: aeirola
    Description: A tool for finding games that you and you friends all own.
Wanna complete that game or have a data base of what you are playing?

  • Backloggery[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Manage your game collection and your backlog. Tool to Import your Steam games[] made by ToxicFrog.

  • Completionator[]
    Created by: moho_00
    Steam Group
    Description: Site to tracking your video game collection and the games you've played.

  • GameDeed[]
    Created by: Jens-Christian Huus
    Steam Group
    Description: A backlog, checklist and database.

  • Grouvee[]
    Created by: Peter
    Description: Keep track of your video game backlog. Use the default Played, Playing, Backlog and Wish List shelves created for you, or create your own virtual shelves to categorize your games however you want.

  • How Long To Beat[]
    Created by: ?
    Steam Group
    Description: Check how long will take to beat a game.

  • Keep Track of My Games[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Organize your video games, backlog, wishlist, and track upcoming releases in one easy-to-use tool.

  • Steam Backlog[]
    Created by: Gohrum
    Description: Steam Backlog provides easier and better way to browse our always growing steam libraries while helping decide what to play next.
  • Coupon Dumpster[]
    Created by: Yusyuriv (Site) / InCrt & Biowizard & Xsesis & Shadow_Dragon_SM (Group)
    Description: The best place to donate and request coupons. You need to be part of their group.
    Super organized and friendly people.

  • List of Every Coupon[]
    Created by: Nephrite
    Description: The title says all, is a updated list of every existing coupon.

  • Prepare Your Wallet - Steam Coupons Tool[]
    Created by: Prepare Your Wallet
    Steam Group
    Description: If your own inventory is bereft of coupons, you can use this tool to check bots' inventory to see what discounts they might be squirreling away.
Addons or Extesions is for browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera (<3).
If you're using Opera and find a extension only supported on Chrome, use this extension[] to be able to install any Chrome's extension.

  • Activate on Steam[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: jshackles
    Description: Adds a context menu to activate the selected text on Steam.

  • Ban Checker for Steam[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: Geku
    Description: Automatically check bans of people you recently played with (or your friends).

  • Better Buy Orders[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: Step7750
    Steam Group
    Description: Improves Steam market buy orders (hot-swap view different currencies and extended listings).

  • Browser & Client Skins to Remove the Clutter/Blue from Steam
    Created by: Raydell
    Description: This will apply a custom styles to your browser or client to remove the clutter/blue from Steam website.

  • Cloud Gaming Lister[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: aducad (Emre Sandikci / Demir Yasin Oruc / Arda Fidancı)
    Description: Cloud Gaming Lister is a Chrome extension used for GEFORCE NOW support for Steam games.

  • Community Market Search[] (Chrome & Firefox & Opera)
    Created by: Yusyuriv
    Description: Allows you to easily search things on the Community Market with just two clicks.

  • Fair Steam[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: Dbalz3
    Steam Group
    Description: Adds real gameplay video for games on Steam.

  • Gamepass info for Steam[]
    Created by: alike03
    Description: See on Steam Store Page if the game is currently available on Xbox Game Pass.

  • Game Times Chrome & Chromium based[] & Firefox[]
    Created by: Syphen
    Description: See 'HowLongToBeat' gameplay times within various gaming web stores.

  • Grapher for Steam[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: Smankusors
    Description: A browser extension to graph your steam wallet balance.

  • IsThereAnyDeal Everywhere[]
    Created by: Tomáš Fedor & Zelgaris
    Description: Adds a quick price overview for each link to Steam store it can find on a page.

  • ProtonDB Community Extension[]
    Created by: Trsnaqe
    Description: This extension provides an intuitive way to access game compatibility information right from the Steam store, search bar, and app pages.

  • ProtonDB for Steam[]
    Created by: Tryton Van Meer
    Description: Shows ratings from on Steam.

  • ProtonDB Peek[]
    Created by: Black Rabbit
    Description: A protonDB extension that displays the tier status of a title without leaving the Steam website.

  • SARA • Steam Account Robotic Assistant[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: Pandiora
    Description: Enhancing and automating your Steam Experience with focus on managing multiple Steam-Accounts.

  • Show Great on Deck on Steam[]
    Created by: cptpiepmatz
    Description: See what games are verified for the Steam Deck and which medal they got on ProtonDB in the Steam Store.

  • Sliwipi[] (Chrome & Firefox)
    Created by: Yusyuriv
    Description: A browser extension that makes large Steam game libraries and wishlists fast.

  • Steam: Game Finder[]
    Created by: Nebukam
    Description: Allows you to find which multiplayer games are shared within a group of steam users.

  • Steam Activity Filter Chrome & Chromium based[] & Opera[] & Firefox[] & UserScript[]
    Created by: ZeroUnderscoreOu
    Steam Group
    Description: Filter for friends' activity in Steam. Allows to load activity for selected days and display needed part of it.

  • Steam Anti-Scam Project[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: Forced2Kill
    Description: The Steam Anti-Scam Project tries to prevent Fraud/"Scamming" on the Platform Steam.

  • Steam Context Menu Chrome & Chromium based[] & Firefox[]
    Created by: Skylark95
    Description: Search for games on Steam, SteamDB, or IsThereAnyDeal using the context menu.

  • Steam Database Extension[]
    Created by: xPaw & Marlamin
    Description: Adds Steam Database links on various pages in the Steam Community and Store. Also highlights owned and wished products on

  • Steam Database Extension[]
    Created by: domidodo
    Description: It integrate the Steam-Covers on the Steam-Page.

  • Steam item search between friends[] & in groups[] (Chrome & Chromium version)
    Createdy by: forever14k
    Description: This extension allows to find items you looking for in all friends & Steam group members inventories on the same time.

  • Steam Market Item Price Tracker[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: ~destructor
    Description: Steam Market Item Price Tracker allows you to track Steam Community Market item buy/sell orders.
Extensions (Pt. 2)
Part 2 due to the characters limit.

Extensions (UserScripts)
This require to install the extension Violentmonkey (Best option) for Firefox[] or Chrome[]. Other options are Tampermonkey[] or Greasemonkey[] (Firefox only).
  • Add extra buttons to the Steam Community Market item details page[]
    Created by: guchenfeng
    Description: Add extra buttons to the Steam Community Market item details page when check history prices.

  • Add SteamDB Sale Item Into Steam Chart[]
    Created by: jklujklu666
    Description: Add a one-click option to add to Steam Cart on SteamDB.

  • Better Buy Orders[] (Firefox only - other browsers on the Extension list above)
    Created by: Step7750
    Steam Group
    Description: Improves Steam market buy orders (hot-swap view different currencies and extended listings).

  • Bundle Helper[]
    Created by: 7-elephant
    Description: Add tools for many bundle sites.

  • Enhanced Steam Dropdown Mover[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: Moves the Enhanced Steam dropdown into the steam profile dropdown (and simultaneously makes it compatible with custom Steam skins).

  • Enhanced Workshop Unsubscriber[]
    Created by: Ozzymand
    Description: Adds a button to help you unsub from workshop items by page.

  • ExtendedSteamOnlineStatus[]
    Created by: NetroScript
    Description: A userscript to add back the "Busy", "Looking to Play", "Looking to Trade" user statuses to Steam.

  • Fade Owned Items[]
    Created by: vhs
    Description: It fades items on Store that you already have.

  • Fast Add Cart[]
    Created by: chr233
    Description: Add to cart without redirect to cart page, also provide import/export cart feature.

  • Flat Steam UI[]
    Created by: creo318
    Steam Group
    Description: Flat, clean and simply Steam Store and Community redesign.

  • Gaben let me see my emotes![]
    Created by: Cerberus814
    Description: Improved steam activity emoticon container.

  • Giveaway Helper[]
    Created by: Citrinate
    Description: Enhances Steam Key giveaway sites.

  • Group List Sorter[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: Sort your group list by group name, creation date or total members.

  • Hide all screenshots behind a black square[]
    Created by: Greended
    Description: Hides all screenshots from the steam friend activity and shows them back when you hover over them.

  • Hide Sensitive Data[]
    Created by: Black_Yuzia
    Description: Will hide (blur) sensitive data. Remove blur effect on hover.

  • Humble Bundle Extra[]
    Created by: MrMarble
    Description: User script for humble bundle. Adds steam store links to all games and marks already owned games.

  • Import/Export Steam Ignore List[]
    Created by: Rudokhvist
    Description: Adds Import, Export and Clear buttons to the page with games excluded from Steam discovery queue.

  • IsThereCouponForThis[]
    Created by: Ryzhehvost
    Description: Show coupons available on game steam store page, on wishlist and on widgets embe

  • Link to "friends who play" on the deleted games' pages[]
    Created by: Roman Davydov
    Description: Adds a link to "friends who play" page on the deleted games' pages. Works only when your Steam is in English.

  • Redirect Removed Steam ID to steamdb[]
    Created by: Ryzhehvost
    Description: Redirects links to removed AppID's on to

  • Profile Showcase Tools[]
    Created by: encumber
    Description: Steam Profile Showcase Changer.

  • ProtonDB Integration for Steam[]
    Created by: guihkx
    Description: Adds game ratings from ProtonDB to the Steam Store.

  • ProtonDB SteamPlay Integration[]
    Created by: Phlebiac
    Description: Adds game ratings from ProtonDB to the Steam Store.

  • ProtonDB Status Badge[]
    Created by: eggplants
    Description: Add a badge of ProtonDB Status to Steam store page with

  • Send gifts to friends who already own them[]
    Created by: vacuum
    Description: Allows you to send Steam gifts to friends even if they already own it.

  • SteamPTP[]
    Created by: octoman90
    Description: Displays total playtime and playtime percentage for each game in Steam profiles.

  • SteamTracker[]
    Created by: MalikAQayum
    Description: SteamTracker Userscript, adds features to the steam profile / community app hub / steam store page etc.

  • Steam: Auto-submit Family View PIN[]
    Created by: vacuum
    Description: Remembers and automatically submits your Family View PIN

  • Steam - Default language[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: Make sure you always see the steam page in your preferred language. You can configure the language in the language variable.

  • Steam, Booster Pack Price List[]
    Created by: Bunnelby
    Description: Display price list.

  • Steam, navigate inventory pages[]
    Created by: WhiteG00se
    Description: Adds event listeners to the arrows keys to navigate inventory pages.

  • Steam Activation Button[]
    Created by: DEMENT0R
    Description: Adds steam activation button on sites like Steam Gifts, Reddit and others.
Extensions (UserScripts) (Pt. 2)
Part 2 due to the characters limit.

  • Steam Archive Menu[]
    Created by: kau
    Description: This script adds a new drop-down menu on all Steam Community pages to let you archive pages to the Wayback Machine with just one click.

  • Steam Auto Mass Craft Cards Badges in Bulk[]
    Created by: 黑山東雲光圈研究所
    Description: It will automatically use up your gamecard sets for crafting badges. You can control the which card sets and how many sets to craft by using it.

  • Steam Badge Assistant[]
    Created by: notderw
    Description: Allows you to buy all Steam trading cards for a badge with a click or two.

  • Steam Badges Info[]
    Created by: MrMarble
    Description: Shows number of badges ready to craft in current page.

  • Steam BBCodes[]
    Created by: ZeroUnderscoreOu
    Description: Userscript that injects a simple BBCodes editor into Steam site's interface. Depends on some of Steam's scripts.

  • Steam Booster Opener[]
    Created by: madjoki
    Description: Mass open booster packs from your Steam's Inventory.

  • Steam Bundle Sites Extension[]
    Created by: clancy-chao
    Description: A simple extension for bundles sites selling Steam games.

  • Steam Cards[]
    Created by: ZeroUnderscoreOu
    Description: Simple userscript that makes navigating on Steam Market bit easier.

  • Steam Collection Manager[]
    Created by: pointfeev
    Description: Adds buttons to collections related to the mass removal, addition, and sorting of items.

  • Steam Chinese Checker[]
    Created by: sffxzzp
    Description: Displays if a game has 3rd party Chinese patch.

  • Steam Community Profile SteamID Viewer[]
    Created by: DoctorMcKay
    Description: Quick and easy SteamID viewing from Steam Community profiles.

  • Steam complimentary product remover[]
    Created by: Bennett Johnson
    Description: Automatically removes complimentary products from your Steam account, edit "allowedDates" to tell the script which dates are allowed to be removed from.

  • Steam Curator[] (Chrome & Chromium based)
    Created by: MalikAQayum
    Description: Provides some data/stats, about your curator, on it is own "livestat"page.

  • Steam Custom Tag[]
    Created by: Rexedead
    Description: Organize your wishlist collection by adding custom tag.

  • Steam Discovery Queue Auto-Skipper[]
    Created by: PotcFdk
    Description: Auto-clicks the "Next in Queue" button in Steam Discovery Queues.

  • Steam Economy Enhancer[]
    Created by: Nuklon
    Description: Enhances the Steam Inventory and Steam Market.

  • Steam Enhanced[]
    Created by: sergiosusa
    Description: Adds game activation option to register key page, chart of balance evolution and portfolio movements to purchase history page, option to extract all booster packs prices in gems from booster pack creator page, extra button in all menu across the site to link games activations page.

  • Steam Error Widget Helper[]
    Created by: Ryzhehvost
    Description: For error widgets shows link and game name (if possible).

  • Steam Game Review Summary Show[]
    Created by: wsz987
    Description: Steam game list show review summary.

  • Steam Game Selector for Uploading Videos[]
    Created by: ANI
    Description: When uploading a YouTube video on the Steam platform, you can quickly find the corresponding game by using the filtering option.

  • Steam Game Server Account Management Enhancer[]
    Created by: DoctorMcKay
    Description: Enhances the "Steam Game Server Account Management" page.

  • Steam Guide Subscribe All[]
    Created by: popiazaza
    Description: Subscribe all guides in the page from Steam workshop in 1 click.

  • Steam Inventory - Booster to badge shortcut[]
    Created by: iBreakEverything
    Description: Go to badge from inventory.

  • Steam Inventory Augmentor[]
    Created by: DoctorMcKay
    Description: Adds a "Duplicate" tag to inventory filters to show only items you have more than one of (does not show the first copy of the item).

  • Steam Key Ninjas[]
    Created by: mahadi22
    Description: It will automatically redeem your steam key.

  • Steam level badge changer[]
    Created by: EikelFlo
    Description: Preview Steam level badges.

  • Steam Link Filter Bypasser[]
    Created by: ZeroUnderscoreOu
    Description: Bypasser of Steam's link filter.

  • Steam Link App Opener[]
    Created by: jaxellis
    Description: Open's Steam link's in your installed Steam application.

  • Steam Mass Ignore[]
    Created by: maddingue
    Description: Userscript for ignoring Steam apps en masse.

  • Steam Market Linker[]
    Created by: OM E
    Description: Adds a button to the bottom right corner of the page when you visit a Steam store page for a game. When you click the button, it opens the Steam Market page for that game in a new tab.

  • Steam open current page in client[]
    Created by: romebake
    Description: Add a button to open the current page using steam client.

  • Steam Profile Artwork Tool[]
    Created by: Darkharden
    Description: A tool to make it easier to upload custom artwork for your profile.

  • Steam Profile Showcase Organizer[]
    Created by: sergiosusa
    Description: Add an option to organize the showcases movind up and down.
Extensions (UserScripts) (Pt. 3)
Part 3 due to the characters limit.

  • Steam Profile Showcase Organizer[]
    Created by: sergiosusa
    Description: Add an option to organize the showcases movind up and down.

  • Steam Replay total hours[]
    Created by: Wilzzu
    Description: Displays total playing hours in Steam Replay 2022.

  • Steam Review Filter[]
    Created by: ImJezze
    Description: It allows you to filter the list of ratings by a keyword.

  • Steam Show Purchase History by Type[]
    Created by: lyzlyslyc
    Description: Show purchases of checked types on Steam account purchase history site.

  • Steam Store - Removed App/Sub Redirect To SteamDB[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: If the Steam Store app/sub doesn't exist, is removed or is region-locked, redirect to SteamDB instead of Steam Store.

  • Steam Store - Show Entire Wishlist[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: Shows all hidden wishlisted apps.

  • Steam Store Auto Read More[]
    Created by: Martin______X
    Description: Expand All Descriptions.

  • Steam Trade Offer Enhancer[]
    Created by: juliarose (forked from scholtzm)
    Description: Enhance Steam trade offers.

  • Steam Total Points[]
    Created by: Artzert
    Description: Displays total points rewarded to author of workshop post.

  • Steam Trading Cards Link Replacer[]
    Created by: guihkx
    Description: Replaces the "Steam Trading Cards" link in the Steam Store with a link to the actual list of trading cards in the Steam Market.

  • Steam Wishlist Price Filter[]
    Created by: Xiyng
    Description: Userscript that adds the option to filter games by price or show only discounted items in your Steam wishlist.

  • Steam Wishlist Sorter[]
    Created by: Anxeal
    Description: Sort your Steam wishlist by comparing two games at a time

  • Steam Workshop Subscription Rates[]
    Created by: ddeeddii
    Description: A simple script that adds subscription/favourite rates to a mod's page on Steam Workshop.

  • Sticky Header Steam[]
    Created by: ultimatedraq
    Description: A simple script that shrinks the Steam header and makes it sticky.

  • Use preferred language on Steam Community and Steam Store[]
    Created by: scorpi0n
    Description: When going to or from search results, they often include the l get parameter, which sets the language to something random that your search engine picked up. This script removes that, so your preferred language, which you set in the browser, is used instead.

  • When you can create Steam booster pack[]
    Created by: 黑山東雲光圈研究所
    Description: Show the time when you can create Steam booster pack at creator page.

  • Wishlist Exporter[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: Export your wishlist in a text list.
Forum / SubReddit / Wikia

  • Steam Gifts[]
    Created by: cg
    Steam Group
    Description: The biggest unofficial community about Steam and also the biggest giveaway website for Steam games only.
ID Finder
Every website do the exacly same thing, will search for the SteamID, SteamID64 or Custom URL from the players.

Be Free, Be LINUX!
  • GameHub - https :// tkashkin .tk/projects/gamehub/ (remove the spaces from the url, domain is in the Steam blacklist for some reason)
    Created by: tkashkin
    Description: Unified library for all your games.

  • LAN-Cache[]
    Created by: bntjah
    Description: Improve download speeds and reduce strain on your Internet connection at LAN parties.

  • Linux Steam Integration[]
    Createdy by: Solus Project
    Description: A helper shim to enable better Steam integration on Linux systems.

  • Luxtorpeda[]
    Created by: luxtorpeda-dev
    Description: Steam Play compatibility tool to run games using native Linux engines.

  • ProtonDB[]
    Created by: bdefore
    Description: Gather reports from other gamers as they test games with Proton on Linux and provide aggregate scores of how well games perform.

  • ProtonDB to Steam Library[]
    Created by: CorruptComputer
    Description: Pull ratings from ProtonDB and import them into your Steam library as tags.

  • Protontricks[]
    Created by: Matoking
    Description: A simple wrapper that does winetricks things for Proton enabled games, requires Winetricks.

  • Steamtricks[]
    Created by: boombatower
    Description: steamtricks provides workarounds for problems with Steam on Linux.

  • SteamOS Tools[]
    Created by: mdeguzis
    Description: Tools, scripts, and hosted packages for SteamOS.

  • SteamOS Ubuntu[]
    Created by: ShadowApex
    Description: Scripts to make an existing Ubuntu installation like SteamOS.

  • Steam On FreeBSD[]
    Created by: SteamOnFreeBSD
    Description: Script to run Steam Client on FreeBSD.

  • Steam on Linux[]
    Created by: cemasma
    Description: Shows Linux supported games in your Steam library.

  • Wal Steam[]
    Created by: kotajacob
    Description: A little script that themes the colours for Metro for steam from wal or wpg.

  • wineCheck[]
    Created by: Elmapul
    Description: Verify if the game from the steam store runs on linux via wine.
Microsoft Store (UWP)
Aplications for Windows 10.
  • Steamflix[]
    Created by: Edgars Šults
    Description: Watch Steam broadcasts of your recently played and other popular games.
Applications to use on your mobile. Remember, you can find the official Steam app for Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

  • Badger for Steam[]
    Created by: Douglas Maitelli
    Description: This app allows you to check your Steam profile level, badges, progress.

  • Best App Sale[]
    Created by: BiHSnow
    Description: All the sales of apps & games for the sales of the Steam store.

  • Better Steam - Better Browsing Experience on Steam[]
    Created by: C H Yeung
    Description: View the latest and most popular games on Steam.

  • Ice Client : Steam™ Trading[]
    Created by: aegamesi
    Description: Ice is a native Android app that functions as a client for Valve™'s Steam™ network -- enabling you to chat and trade on the go. Use for your own risk to activate keys and etc, I never tested!

  • Idle Daddy - Game Idler/Card Farmer for Steam™[]
    Created by: Steev's apps
    Description: Idle Daddy lets you easily unlock your Steam™ Trading Cards using your mobile device.

  • Server Status Info[]
    Created by: HelloWorldError
    Description: This software is simple and easy to use to monitoring the status of servers.

  • Steam Broadcast Viewer[]
    Created by: Appstronaut Studios
    Description: Watch games live and view Steam broadcasts with this easy to use live stream viewer for Steam tv.

  • Steam Materialized: REBORN[]
    Created by: FaserF
    Description: A modified version of the Steam app.

  • Steam Shuffle[]
    Created by: luckycactus
    Description: Android app to help you choose a game from your Steam library to play.

  • Tenacity - Steam Achievements[]
    Created by: Zoot apps
    Description: Steam app dedicated for Achievements.

  • Tracker for Steam Achievements[]
    Created by: Kalaiselvam G
    Description: This app will help you track all your Steam achievements.

  • Widget For Steam[]
    Created by: BiHSnow
    Description: It allows users to quickly get info about latest games, offers and friend statuses.

Windows Phone
Mobile Authenticator
I do NOT recommend the use of any software that "bypass" the Mobile Authenticator, since the whole purpose of the security is to NO ONE besides you can get access to your real phone and by using an software to get the codes goes against this purpose of security that Valve implemented.
Even if I'm not recommending the use of it, the softwares below works like they say and has no virus or anything on it.

  • Steam Desktop Authenticator[]
    Created by: Jessecar96
    Description: Desktop implementation of Steam's mobile authenticator app.

  • WinAuth[]
    Created by: Colin Mackie
    Description: Portable and open-source authenticator.

  • Mobile Authentication, Escrow, and How it affects
    Created by: Sudden
    Description: How the Mobile Authenticator affects the Trading System.

    Created by: Jesse Cardone & Josh Coffey (Creators of Scrap.TF & SDA - the software in this section).
    Description: A step-by-step guide that will walk you through the entire process of setting up a Steam authenticator.
Play A Game
Bored? Don't know what game to play? Why did you bought so many games on Sale? You can use one of those websites to choose randomly a game to play from your library.

There's even a official "tool" from Valve, just click here and you'll be redirect to a random game.

Sites that has a list of games on Sale.

  • Steam Rep[]
    Created by: Ðiego™
    Description: A place where you can report a bad user so he can stay with a bad reputation on the site.

  • VAC Banned[]
    Created by: Surian & AnAkIn
    Description: VACBanned check if a SteamID is VAC banned or not, if is banned and not on the list, it will be automatically added.
Servers / Scripts
  • Hidden Gems[]
    Created by: woctezuma
    Description: Ranking of Steam games to favor "hidden gems".

  • SteamAuth[]
    Created by: geel9
    Description: A C# library that provides vital Steam Mobile Authenticator functionality.

  • steamClearCache[]
    Created by: Glaived
    Description: A simple program that will flush the Steam cache before launching Steam Client.

  • Steam Achievement Lister[]
    Created by: Krakob
    Description: A Python script who converts your achievement progress to the Google Tasks list.

  • Steam Activations Status[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: Post a summary of new activated games to your Steam Friends Activity every x hours.

  • Steam Comments Cleaner[]
    Created by: Justman
    Description: This JS code deletes all deletable comments posted from this account.

  • Steam Headers Downloader[]
    Created by: dn0z
    Description: A script to download Steam header images.

  • Steam Helper[]
    Created by: BWBellairs
    Description: Grants you better control of your Steam Game Updates

  • Steam Screenshot Backup Tool[]
    Created by: Salies
    Description: A backup tool for Steam screenshots.

  • Steam Screenshot Server[]
    Created by: zorchenhimer
    Description: A simple little server to host screenshots taken from steam games.

  • Node Steam Guide (Andrew's Guide to Steam Bots)[]
    Created by: andrewda
    Description: A guide to creating Steam bots and websites using Node.js

  • Steam Free Packages[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: Application used to periodically request free packages on steam to be added to your account (50 per 30 mins).

  • Steam for Node[]
    Created by: seishun
    Description: It lets you interface with Steam without running an actual Steam client.

  • Steam Trading[]
    Created by: seishun

  • Steam WebAPI[]
    Created by: jonbo
To use on forums or similar. I don't think this category need description of every website

  • Millennium[]
    Created by: ShadowMonster99
    Description: Open source mod integrated directly into Steam® that allows the use of skins/theme's after Steam's latest UI overhaul.

  • Metro skin for new Steam chat and friends UI[]
    Created by: RoseTheFlower
    PS: It requires Metro for Steam skin.
Is Steam down? Is Steam down? Is Steam down? Is Steam down? Is Steam down?

  • PlayTracker Insight[]
    Created by: Marijan
    Description: View stats and graphs on Steam games. Find out how many people own a game, how many are actively playing it, how it has fared over the years, and more.

  • Steambase[]
    Created by: Lucas Wyland
    Description: Track anything on Steam including games, developers, bundles, sales, and more.

  • Steam Charts[]
    Created by: james4k
    Description: Measure the trends of games on Steam.

  • Steam Spy[]
    Created by: Sergey Galyonkin
    Description: Gathers all the information about Steam games.
Steam Deck
  • CheckMyDeck[]
    Created by: Ömer Faruk
    Description: Check Steam Deck compatibility of your Steam library

  • CryoUtilities[]
    Created by: CryoByte33
    Description: A utility to improve performance and help manage storage on Steam Deck.

  • EmuDeck[]
    Created by: dragoonDorise
    Description: EmuDeck is a collection of scripts that allows you to autoconfigure your Steam Deck.

  • EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE)[]
    Created by: EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE)
    Description: Emulator frontend for Unix/Linux, macOS and Windows.

  • Decky Loader[]
    Created by: SteamDeckHomebrew
    Description: A plugin loader for the Steam Deck.

  • DeckThemes[]
    Created by: DeckThemes
    Description: Hosting CSS Themes and Audio Packs for Steam Deck.

  • NiceDeck[]
    Created by: mateussouzaweb
    Description: Steam Deck customizations for a nice experience.

  • NonSteamLaunchers[]
    Created by: moraroy
    Description: Installs the latest GE-Proton and Installs Non Steam Launchers under 1 Proton prefix folder and adds them to your steam library.

  • RetroDECK[]
    Created by: XargonWan / RetroDECK
    Description: RetroDECK is a polished and beginner-friendly environment for playing your retro games on Steam Deck.

  • Steam Deck Clover[]
    Created by: ryanrudolfoba
    Description: Script to install Clover - a graphical boot manager for the Steam Deck.

  • Steam Deck Guide[]
    Created by: mikeroyal
    Description: A guide covering Steam Deck including the applications and tools that will make you a better and more efficient with your Steam Deck device.

  • Steam Deck Ultimate Windows Guide[]
    Created by: baldsealion
    Description: This guide is intended for Dual-Booting SteamOS and Windows, or optionally, getting rid of SteamOS and only using Windows on Deck.

  • SteamOS Android Waydroid Installer[]
    Created by: ryanrudolfoba
    Description: Script to easily install / uninstall Android via Waydroid on the Steam Deck running on SteamOS.
Only official resellers.

  • Achievement Watcher[]
    Created by: xan105
    Description: A sexy achievement file parser with real-time notification.

  • bnetlauncher[]
    Created by: dafzor
    Description: Launcher utility to help start games with the steam overlay.

  • Borderless Gaming[] or Steam Store version
    Created by: Codeusa
    Steam Group
    Description: Play your favorite games in a borderless window; no more time consuming alt-tabs.

  • Categories Backup Tool[]
    Created by: DanielZa2
    Description: Backup Steam categories.

  • Card Idle Remastered[]
    Created by: AlexanderSharykin
    Description: A Windows application for farming cards. Based on Idle Master (by jshackles).

  • Compactor[]
    Created by: Freaky
    Description: A friendly user interface to Windows 10 filesystem compression.

  • CompletedGamesList[]
    Created by: Rallymen007
    Description: A tool to generate a list of completed games for use in Steam descriptions.

  • Depot Downloader[]
    Created by: SteamRE
    Description: Steam depot downloader utilizing the SteamKit2 library.

  • Depressurizer[] / Theo47 version outdated[] / Original version (no longer receive updates)[]
    Created by: mvegter / Theo47 (outdated version) / rallion (original version)
    Steam Group
    Description: Easily manage Steam game categories.

  • FireSave[]
    Created by: Ciberusps
    Description: A saves management app that helps you to make saves, name them, tag, sort, filter, and load of course.

  • Fix My Steam Library[]
    Created by: 2PPL Interactive
    Description: Application that fix the covers and other files in the Steam library to the original.

  • GKeyBank
    Created by: Alfred Wallace
    Description: Tool to manage collections of steam keys/link.

  • Global SteamController[]
    Created by: Peter Repukat
    Description: Tool for using the SteamController as systemwide XInput controller alongside a global overlay.

  • GameSave Manager[]
    Created by: InsaneMatt
    Description: Back up & restore game saves.

  • GOGWrapper[]
    Created by: tkashkin
    Description: Launch GOG games with GOG Galaxy using shortcuts and add shortcuts for GOG games into Steam Library.

  • HourBoostr[]
    Created by: Ezzpify
    Description: This will allow you to boost the hours played of multiple Steam games on multiple accounts at the same time, without even having steam open!.

  • Idle Master Extended[]
    Created by: JonasNilson
    Description: Get your Steam Trading Cards the Fast Way (Fast Mode Extension).

  • LauncherGen[]
    Created by: bmcclure
    Description: Create beautifully-simple .exe launchers for almost any game to make it work well with Steam.

  • Ludusavi[]
    Created by: mtkennerly
    Description: Ludusavi is a tool for backing up your PC video game save data, written in Rust. It is cross-platform and supports multiple game stores.

  • Mercury[]
    Created by: sp0ok3r
    Description: Mercury is a Ultimate Steam Tool, written in C# for the purpose of interacting with general steam stuff.

  • Open Cloud Saves[]
    Created by: DavidDeSimone
    Description: A tool used for syncing your save games across Windows, MacOS, and Linux (including SteamOS).

  • OSOL[]
    Created by: WombatFromHell
    Description: An executable wrapper for Steam to make third-party launchers more convenient to use with a Steam Controller.

  • Playnite[]
    Created by: Josef Nemec
    Description: Open source video game library manager and launcher with support for 3rd party libraries like Steam, GOG and Origin, providing one unified interface for your games.

  • Punk[]
    Created by: scholtzm
    Description: Alternative cross-platform Steam client for desktop.

  • Redeem Steam Key[]
    Created by: yotamHak (Lynx)
    Description: Auto register a steam key and send the result to your desired Discord channel using Discord WebHook.

  • Remote Play Detached (RPD)[]
    Created by: smaTc
    Description: A simple launcher that is able to launch any external game or application with Steam Remote Play Together Support (Steam Overlay works as soon as the Fullscreen is available).

  • SAM - Steam Account Manager[]
    Created by: rex706
    Description: Easily switch between steam accounts.

  • SCOPHE - Steam COpy Paste History Exporter[]
    Created by: Dreamspace President
    Description: Exports your "Purchase History" and "Licenses and product key activations" as CSV files, also calculates the amount of money you have actually spent on Steam.

  • Screenhive[]
    Created by: Brian Mock
    Description: Screenhive is an organizer for Steam PNG screenshot folders, available for Windows and Mac.
Softwares (Pt. 2)
Part 2 due to the characters limit.

  • Screenshot Tools[]
    Created by: LucasOe
    Description: A small tool to make uploading screenshots to Steam easier.

  • SGDBoop[]
    Created by: SteamGridDB
    Description: SGDBoop is a tool that automatically applies assets from SteamGridDB directly to your Steam library with a click of a button, removing the need to download and set them manually.

  • SlaloM - Steam launcher and library organizer Messiah[]
    Created by: Dreamspace President
    Description: One frontend for all game clients (and manually installed games) with special Steam support. Rename games, show screenshots immediately on game selection (incl. fullscreen&slideshow), browse games by screenshot gallery, create/group/assign TAGS (filtering and/or/not), can automatically add games based on root folders you define (Unique feature!), filter by app type (DLC, game, ..., owned, installed, ...), text filter (and/not), 30+ optional columns, 4 level sort (e.g. first by drive, then by installation size, then by name or purchase date or even random), filter by Steam store tags (e.g. "Multi-player"), can take screenshots in some cases where Steam doesn't, review system, etc.

  • SRC Repair[]
    Created by: xvitaly
    Description: Open source tool that can be used for tuning and cleaning up Steam and Source engine games.

  • StarCategorizer[]
    Created by: Mastercorp
    Description: Autocategorizes your games in your Steam library.

  • SteamCompanion[]
    Created by: Knudow
    Description: Do you have hundreds of games and you don't know what half of them even look like? SteamCompanion can help you.

  • SteamEdit[]
    Created by: Tim Green
    Description: SteamEdit is a small tool for editing some information about your game collection in Steam. You can only change information stored locally – changes you make will not be visible elsewhere.

  • SteamFlix[]
    Created by: dshenkle
    Description: A launcher for steam big picture users that brings up Netflix in full screen mode.

  • SteamGameLauncher[]
    Created by: Gabisonfire
    Description: Creates a launch pad for your installed games.

  • SteamGrid[]
    Created by: boppreh
    Description: SteamGrid is a small standalone program to enhance Steam's grid view and Big Picture.

  • SteamRoller / Steam Quick Launcher[]
    Created by: CyrisXD
    Description: Quick Launch for your Steam library.

  • SteamServerBrowser[]
    Created by: PredatH0r
    Description: Browse game servers and details for games using Valve's master servers.

  • SteamShortcutCreator[]
    Created by: Revadike
    Description: Create shortcuts for your Steam games.

  • SteamShutdown[]
    Created by: akorb
    Description: Automatic shutdown after Steam downloads have finished.

  • SteaScree[]
    Created by: Foyl
    Description: Steam Cloud Screenshot Uploader.

  • Steam Account Switcher[]
    Created by: danielchalmers
    Description: An easy interface for quickly switching between multiple Steam accounts.

  • Steam Account Switcher[]
    Created by: sw2719
    Description: Lightweight, fast account switcher for Steam.

  • Steam Account Switcher[]
    Created by: sahin-a
    Description: It lets you seamlessly switch between your steam accounts. No Credentials are required, it works off remembered logins from the steam client.

  • Steam Achievement Notifier[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Steam Achievement Notifier is a Powershell application that shows a Windows 10 Toast Notification when you unlock any Steam Achievement.

  • Steam Acolyte[]
    Created by: coldfix
    Description: Steam account switcher - lightweight program to switch between steam accounts without having to reenter password/2FA.

  • Steam Auto Shutdown[]
    Created by: bruxo00
    Description: Shutdown your PC automatically when steam downloads finish.

  • Steam Bulk Activator[]
    Created by: Ezzpify
    Description: Activates multiple steam keys at once.

  • Steam Bulk Key Activator[]
    Created by: colingg
    Description: Activate more than one key at once.

  • Steam Chat Bot[]
    Created by: Efreak & dragonbanshee
    Description: A simplified interface for a Steam chat bot. Node version can be found in the Servers / Scripts section.

  • Steam Chat Offline Archiver[]
    Created by: ScienceDiscoverer
    Description: Safely back up your favourite Steam chats with your friends.

  • Steam Cleaner[]
    Created by: Codeusa
    Description: A PC utility for restoring disk space from various game clients like Origin, Steam, Uplay,, GoG and Nexon.

  • Steam Cloud File Manager Lite[]
    Created by: GMMan
    Description: This program allow you to list files stored in Steam Cloud, and to download and delete them.

  • Steam Download Watcher[]
    Created by: HellGate
    Description: This tool will observe the Steam downloads and detect and execute an action, you can select, when all downloads are finished.

  • Steam Event Notification Blocker[]
    Created by: nandee95
    Description: This small app blocks Steam's annoying event notifications.

  • Steam Friends Tagger[]
    Created by: lucianopeixoto
    Description: A simple tool to manually tag steam profiles on your screenshots.

  • Steam Game Installer[]
    Created by: linspatz
    Description: A macro program that allows you to install all your games.

  • Steam Invite Spam Filter[]
    Created by: jshackles
    Steam Group
    Description: A spam filter for your Steam community invites.
Softwares (Pt. 3)
Part 3 due to the characters limit.

  • Steam Metadata Editor[]
    Created by: tralph3
    Description: An easy to use GUI that edits the metadata of your Steam Apps.

  • Steam Notifications Tray App[]
    Created by: GMMan
    Description: This program displays your Steam notifications count in your notifications area.

  • Steam Notifier[]
    Created by: Avinch
    Description: Lightweight background program to notify you when Steam has started downloading something.

  • Steam ROM Manager[]
    Created by: FrogTheFrog
    Description: An app for managing ROMs in Steam.

  • Steam Scanner[]
    Created by: nj-neer
    Description: Get all you games on Steam! Steam Scanner run as a background process, grab games from others launchers and add them to your Steam library.

  • Steam Shutdown[]
    Created by: benjibobs
    Description: A simple and lightweight program that will shutdown your PC after Steam has finished all of its downloads.

  • Steam Superheater[]
    Created by: fgsfds
    Description: An app that can fix and improve games on Steam that are broken or have troubles running on modern systems.

  • Steam Tools NG[]
    Created by: ShyPixie
    Description: Some tools to use to farm cards and others to related steam websites.

  • UWPHook[]
    Created by: brianlima
    Description: Add Windows Store games and apps as non-Steam games on Steam with a single click.

  • Win10 FPS Fix for Steam[]
    Created by: lightfork
    Description: Users experiencing low FPS or FPS loss after upgrading to Windows 10 may resolve the issue by disabling the Xbox DVR feature.

  • Windowless Executable[]
    Created by: BytewaveMLP
    Steam Group
    Description: A Win32 executable that does nothing. No windows, no operations, nothing. Just perpetually sleeps.

Move Games Installation:
    Steam itself now has a official option in the Client, but these tools are still useful with different features.
    • Game Pipe[]
      Created by: DjScribbles
      Description: Automates the movement of Steam games from drive to drive or pc to pc.

    • Steam Apps Manager[]
      Created by: danielchalmers
      Description: Windows software to move Steam apps between disks.

    • Steam Library Explorer[]
      Created by: rpaquay
      Description: Explorer for your Steam game libraries.

    • Steam Library Manager[]
      Created by: RevoLand
      Description: SLM is a tool created to help you with managing Steam libraries. SLM lets you easily copy, move or backup your games between Steam and SLM (backup) libraries.

    • Steam Tunnel[]
      Createdy by: rittbys
      Description: Steam Tunnel is a real steam game mover, symlinks are not used.

    • Steam Mover[]
      Created by: traynier
      Description: Move your games to another partition (Windows only).

    • Virtual Game Shelf[]
      Created by: Stevoisiak
      Description: Virtual Game Shelf is a desktop Java application to organize your game library in a single convenient location.
  • ASF STM[]
    Created by: Archi
    Description: Useful list for trading cards. Used as a public service for both ASF[] users that make use of MatchActively, as well as ASF and non-ASF users for manual matching.

  • Barter - Game Trading Made Easy[]
    Created by: BarterVG
    Description: You wanna trade or make a list of all your leftover games? This website will help you.

  • Dispenser[]
    Created by: J oto
    Description: A safe place to trade TF2 items for games.

  • Lestrade's[]
    Created by: Nao & devotee
    Description: This club allows you to acquire and trade digital game keys, such as bundle duplicates, with other users.

  • Marketplace[]
    Created by: Jesse Cardone & Josh Coffey
    Description: Site that sell TF2 items. Accept Credit Card, Bitcoin or Paypal.

  • ScrapTF[]
    Created by: Jesse Cardone & Josh Coffey
    Description: Another place to trade TF2 items.

  • Steam Game Swap
    Created by: blueshiftlabs
    Description: The biggest Reddit group for trades.

  • SteamTrade Matcher[]
    Created by: Robou
    Description: Easy tool to trade cards with other users.

  • Steam Trades[]
    Created by: cg
    Description: One of the biggest trade place for games.
Trading Cards / Emoticons / Backgrounds
  • Steam AP Background Cropper[]
    Created by: TrueCarry
    Description: Crop background to do montage with showcases.

  • Steam Backgrounds[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Show all Steam backgrounds.

  • Steam Card Exchange[]
    Created by: GermanDarkness & Chris Kaiser
    Description: Awesome site to trade cards with bots and check every collection of badges.

  • Steam Tools[]
    Created by: Ehsan Kia
    Description: A awesome collection of tools for Cards, Emoticons, Backgrounds. Includes a Mosaticon, Games Filter and Item Value Sorter too.

    Emoticons Tools:

  • Steam Emoticon Art Editor[]
    Created by: Max Krieger
    Description: Another simple tool to do your art with emoticons.

  • Steam Emoticon Converter[]
    Created by: Chaz Schlarp
    Description: Convert images into emoticons.

  • Text Pastebin[]
    Created by: Mattie
    Description: Turn text into emoticons.
  • Awesome Reconnect[]
    Created by: goncalomb
    Description: Insert your SteamID, the site will ping your Steam profile every minute, keeping track of the last game/server that you were playing on, allowing you to rejoin if the connection is lost.

  • Buy All Steam Games[]
    Created by: cwang22
    Description: Ever wonder how much does it costs to buy all games from Steam?.

  • CYROGENiX Steam Tools[]
    Created by: Asamak
    Description: Browse your Steam Library by tags and choose games by screenshots.

  • Cu Steam[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Custom home page for your Steam Overlay browser, which automatically adapts to the game you’re playing.

  • EA Play (Add all EA Play games to your Steam library)[]
    Created by: TechNobo
    Description: Add all EA Play games to your Steam library [Requires EA Play].

  • Friend Since[]
    Created by: Jesse Cardone
    Description: Shows a list of a user's steam friends, sorted by time they have been friends.

  • Game Pass Compare[]
    Created by: Eli Ezra
    Description: Easily compare all the different gaming subscriptions out there, and find the best one for you. You can easily compare your entire steam wishlist, or browse all games and search across all platforms.

  • Greenlight Updates[]
    Created by: dgc1980
    Description: A awesome website that show every Greenlight game status.

  • How Long To Beat Steam[]
    Created by: ohadschn
    Description: Statistical website that show the time of games from your account.

  • Humble Games[]
    Created by: Calvein
    Description: You can check every game of Humble Store there (widgets format).

  • Keys DB[]
    Created by: yotamHak (Lynx)
    Description: A completely free and private database for managing your collection of game keys, with features that appeal for regular gamers, traders and collectors.

  • Overwhelmingly Positive[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Show all Overwhelmingly Positive games on Steam.

  • Pepeizq's apps[]
    Created by: Pepe
    Description: Apps (to Windows 10) and shortcuts.

  • Review Reader[]
    Created by: Playables / Mario von Rickenbach
    Description: It read Steam games reviews for you.

  • SteamGM[]
    Created by: go9
    Description: Information about your library, inventory, purchases and more.

  • SteamHype[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: List of upcoming games and DLCs with its number of Steam followers on their respective game hub. This metric gives an indication of the hypeness of a title

  • SteamLevels[]
    Created by: Nacho
    Steam Group
    Description: Calculate how much XP and Cards you'll need to level up to a specific level.

  • Steamosaic[]
    Created by: skhaz
    Description: Generate a mosaic of your steam account

  • Steam Achievements for Facebook[]
    Createdy by: jrummell
    Description: Steam Achievements is a Facebook app that displays and publishes achievements for Steam games.

  • Steam Blower[]
    Created by: rodrigorichter
    Description: A tool to easily get the direct URL for your steam screenshots.

  • Steam Error Codes[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Listing and description of EResult values

  • Steam Game Matcher[]
    Created by: avi12
    Description: Discover what games both you and your friends own on Steam.

  • Steam Left[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Funny site that show how long will take to beat every game from your game.

  • Steam Library Filters[]
    Created by: Lorenzo Stanco
    Description: Search your games by their tags.

  • Steam Profile Minifier[]
    Created by: Doctor McKay
    Description: A Steam Profile URL shortening service.

  • Steam Tools[]
    Created by: Madjoki
    Description: List of Steam bundles, Banned Apps, Free Apps and more useful stuff.

  • Steam Tools - Utility in gaming[]
    Created by: MisteriosM
    Description: Account Informations and Achievement Stats. Emoticon converter and Steam Roulette.

  • Steam Tracker[]
    Created by: Cae
    Description: Keep track for delisted Steam apps.

  • Steam Workshop Downloader[]
    Created by: fgblomqvist
    Description: Download files from Steam Workshop.

  • Steam Workshop Stats[]
    Created by: thejaviertc
    Description: This project is made for make people able to see all the stats from addons of Steam Workshop.

  • Stickerbook[]
    Created by: Caralynx
    Description: Save your sticker album which will expire 08/05/17.

  • TrashDump
    Created by: [FP] Dr. McKay
    Description: Give me your trash, or take something you want.

  • Video Game Insights[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Market insights and analysis.

  • What Should I Steam[]
    Created by: Kolten
    Description: Search through steam's massive library of games to quickly deliver content that you might actually interest you!
Others (Pt. 2)
Part 2 due to the characters limit.

Valve Games
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

  • CSGO Trader Extension[]
    Created by: Gergely Szabo
    Description: CSGO Trader Browser Extension to help with CS:GO item trading, marketing and much more.

  • Montuga[]
    Created by: Waffle
    Description: Explore, filter, and uncover the total value of your Steam inventory.
    Steam Group

  • SteamAssets[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: View all in-game items on Steam with prices in all currencies

  • SteamFolio[]
    Created by: Wolf
    Description: Tracks your steam/skin related investments.
    Steam Group

  • VAC Error Insta Fixer[]
    Created by: brokenw1nter
    Description: A very simple batch file which helps fix the Valve Anti-Cheat error message.

DotA 2

  • Dota Buff[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: A place where millions of Dota 2 players get in depth statistics.

  • YASP[]
    Created by: ?
    Description: Another stats page.
You know any other site? Comment bellow so i can edit.

If you own any of these sites and do not want it to have shared in this guide, please let me know so I can remove.

Verification for possible dead links/tools in the whole guide will be done once per year, exceptions will occur for individual links/tools know to be dead.

PS: DO NOT copy my guide just to translate to your native language.

This guide helped you? So please share!

DKA  [author] Jun 23 @ 7:36am 
@Ilvin Thanks, removed.

6/23/24 UPDATE

Steam Game Covers to Extensions section
Steam Market History Cataloger to Extensions section
Steam Review Filter to Extensions (UserScripts) section
NonSteamLaunchers to Steam Deck section
Ilvin Jun 23 @ 1:27am 
"Bundled In" under Sales is no longer up
Jezze Jun 10 @ 2:43pm 
Maybe someone finds this useful. A few years ago I wrote a UserScript to filter Steam reviews by keywords.

DKA  [author] Jun 2 @ 8:11am 
I don't think so, and thanks, removed from the list since it no longer works.
Hawsi Jun 1 @ 4:15pm 
Any steamfriendsdotinfo alternative?
DKA  [author] Apr 20 @ 10:10pm 
Thank you, removed both.
JayD Apr 17 @ 7:19am 
I don't believe either of the chat logger applications linked in this guide still work.
DKA  [author] Mar 7 @ 5:18am 
@Heruka Thanks, I didn't added to the list because it promotes grey market, so it's just a personal decision.
Heruka Mar 6 @ 10:57pm 
Thanks for compiling such a large list. I actually found this page through another huge list, the FreeMediaHeckyeah guide.

The only thing that seems missing is I use that site now instead of IsthereAnyDeal.
Tri Feb 25 @ 4:01pm 
ok thanks for answer