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Items (169)
(Kci汉化)Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment CN
Created by TerrorBlade
需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment ——————————————————————————————————————————— 前言: 你招到酒吧里所有可招募NPC了吗?厌倦了为一个微不足道的工具人跑遍每一个酒吧?难道你不希望你可以付钱给NPC去寻找新兵然后把他们带到你的基地供你招募吗?有了这个Mod,这些都可以实现了! 该Mod引入了一个新的派系,叫做冒险家公会(duh),它将直接把新兵带到你的基...
(Kci汉化)Cannibals Expanded CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Cannibals Expanded ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)Hives Expanded CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: - This is a Chinese Translation Mod. - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Hives Expanded ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! - 温馨提示:本Mod可能会对原版部分地名、装备名、装备描述等进行民间汉化,可能与官方汉化不一致,请谨慎使用。 - 若无视上一条温馨提示,此版本为精翻版本,放心使用。有翻译问题可在讨论区讨论。 ——————————————————————————————————————...
(Kci汉化)New Weapons Dissemination Mod CN
Created by TerrorBlade
译者前言: 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 原Mod: New Weapons Dissemination Mod 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 重要提醒:本页面长度有限,还有重要的补丁Mod介绍在讨论区。 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 简介: - 添加了大量新武器,并发放到全世界。...
(broke) Hunger-Free Cage Mod: Prisoners don't starve
Created by glossyplane542
Important edit: I've gotten mixed messages about this mod working. If it doesn't work for you, check out the infinity food mod, which adds a cheap to make food item that keeps people from starving indefinitely. If it truly doesn't work at all, sorry, I sho...
10x Output - Input - and Storage Stacks.
Created by HeroinAction
Modifies all storage and production buildings the player can build, so they can store the 10-fold amount of items: - applies to all storage containers: e.g. the amount of storable electrical components is increased from 25 to 250; (Also modified are builda...
256 Recruitment Limit
Created by Aurelia
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS 256, PLACE THIS MOD ON THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE LOAD ORDER A mod to increase recruitment and squad limit. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 50 Increases maximum number of...
30 Hiver Start
Created by Star Cornet
A new start with 30 hivers Each Hiver possesses a baseline combat skill rating of 8, with 3 points distributed randomly, Additionally they start with randomized names as well as staffs. ...
3v1 协同作战同时攻击Cooperative operation
Created by SD
3v1 协同作战同时攻击Cooperative operation 更新日期20190126 对全局设置做出了以下调整: 1,max num attack slots 1>3 调整同时攻击角色的人数改成3人.3vs1或者1vs3 我们经常看到出现一大群人围攻一人,但是只有一个人在与之战斗, 其他人在战斗中等待. 所以同时攻击角色的人数改成3人,而不是1人。更真实,也更困难. Updated 20190126 The following adjustments have been made to the gl...
3x XP
Created by BeDravenMeCrazy
This mod just changed global xp settings to triple the usual amount....
Advanced Limb Overhaul 最好的假肢Mod,全新版本汉化! Chinese Traslation
Created by ザクリア
最经典的Kenshi假肢mod更新版来啦!原作者花了半年以上的时间准备了这个Mod,并暂时将其与原mod分离了出来,作为一个单独的全新mod,真的很棒! 2023/9/16更新:补全旧汉化,同时所有汉化全部手工校对了一遍,完全符合语言习惯 如:(新汉化) 虽然这款义肢并不以速度见长,但是其质量和重量能保证你即使是被打残废了一条腿也能够支撑你奔跑,所以买下它后你再也不用但心被时食人族扒皮生吃了! 这款义肢的足部经过修改,能够更好的适配蜂巢族人的生理特征。 ===========================...
Advanced Limbs Overhaul
Created by Atlas
Advanced Limbs Overhaul This mod was created because people complained about the changes made to the original Jewys Overhaul. This mod will likely NOT be compatible with the original mod as it IS effectively the same mod Mod Content Imgur Link to full pict...
Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment
Created by Haend
Have you recruited all the folks in the bar? Getting tired of checking every bars just for a measly recruit? Don't you wish you can just pay an NPC somewhere to find the recruits and bring them to your base? Well now you can! Adventurers Guild introduces a...
Animal Backpacks
Created by Hatsune Neko Gaming
Have you always wondered where those backpacks for your critters are? Well look no further as you now have one. This mod adds backpacks for nearly all critters. It does not add the animals themselves, you will need others mods for that. This just makes sur...
Animal Backpacks 汉化
Created by Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 简介:动物背包 这个是我玩到的动物背包mod里是最棒的动物背包mod了,会给动物加2倍移动速度,这样动物就不会掉队了,而且包也很大,特别是长颈鹿的包,特别好用,居家旅行杀人越货必备良品,农场主和背包商人都有卖 -------转自甜...
Animal Traders
Created by Hatsune Neko Gaming
Have you always wanted a pet? Well we at Nekos Wild World Pet Emporium have you covered. You wanted a nice little puppy? sure, we got you covered. Or how about a cute death dealing robotic menace Well we even have you covered there. So come on down to Neko...
Animal Traders 汉化
Created by Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 需以原mod作为前置!!! 介绍:宠物商人~他们什么动物都卖!什么动物都卖!什么动物都卖! 前面那个图标一样的宠物背包mod和这个是配套的,包特别好~! 宠物商人和游牧人队伍一样满世界走,路上很容易遇到,就是卖的都不太一样,我买了三只长颈鹿来背包,长颈鹿的包超级大~比牛好用多了--------来自甜秋的MOD归档...
Are We Friends Now?
Created by Gevurah
We'll see about that. In vanilla Kenshi, when you are allied to either the Starving Bandits or Vagrants, they will begin to approach you more often to ask for money. If you are charitable, they'll escort you as bodyguards for 500g or more. With this mod, i...
Arms, Legs, and Mat
Created by JelloCheese
Three poor souls, two arms, two legs and dream between them. Arms has no legs, Legs has no arms, and I think you can guess what Mat lacks. Start in Great Desert in one of four random cities with nothing but the pants on your ass, Good luck. No race restric...
Automated farming
Created by Bookhead
Adds cactus, bread, cotton, greenfruit, hemp, riceweed, and wheatstraw factories that use technologies from both automated mining tech and hydroponics to automatically draw water, grow, and harvest your crop. Research even further to have AI assisted deep ...
Automated farming Chinese 自动化农业 中文汉化
Created by 夏洛克姓夏
你必须先订阅 源MOD描述 添加仙人掌,面包,棉花,绿色水果,大麻,大米和麦秆工厂,使用自动化采矿技术和水培技术自动提取水,种植和收获作物。进一步研究AI帮助深度采矿收集水,无论它放在何处。 现在有了发电厂!绿色水果,水稻和大麻。在电气部分研究它们,然后建立电力。...
BURY THE DEAD - Corpse Burials and Caskets
Created by Anrhaa
REUPLOAD FROM NEXUS WITH THE AUTHOR’S EXPRESS PERMISSION Check the original upload at Nexus or report any bug here “Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.” -Haruki Murakami Due to the nature of Kenshi's world, people die a lot. Many of those ...
Created by 郑青紫
原MOD: 建议请留言 埋葬死者在你的研究树中添加了两座建筑: 1. 坟墓 在露营建筑菜单中找到,这是一个快速简便的户外埋葬地点。无需资源成本,它有一个挖满石头的坟墓,您可以将任何人形尸体放入其中。适合简单的埋葬,可能是较小的角色,也可能直接在他们死亡的位置。放置尸体后,它将被无限期地“埋”在石头下面的地下或移走时。 坟墓可以在1+级研究台上解锁 2.棺材 在室内建筑菜单中,这座...
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 (Quivers added!)
Created by Elwo Update 2.0 is LIVE! After making my own faction/armor mod I decided to get back to Backpacks Expanded and deliver some of my promises regarding it. So the main focus of this update are quivers! I've also refied some stats an...
Better Crop Fences
Created by Wunkay
FOR BEST RESULTS, IMPORT YOUR SAVE. NEW: Holy Farms should no longer have floating fences. If you find an NPC farm that has floating or strangely placed fences, let me know! Will require save import for changes to take affect on prior saves. Patch for Gene...
Blood Spider Swim Balance
Created by digital tax
Have you ever been found swimming or entered water while being chased by blood spiders? If the answer is no, lucky you, blood spiders don't care about physics, they will stick to the bottom of the river and chase your character even if he is the post-apoca...
Body Bio-Fuel Cage+ Butcher's Limb Table
Created by Howls@TheMoon
Low on POWER?? Lot's of bodies lying around?? Here ya go! This mod add a prisoner/corpse cage that will disolve the occupant and convert them into a bio-fuel. Also it adds to Generators a (Bio-generator) to produce power. You can find the blueprint in teh ...
Body Bio-fuel Cage 汉化版
Created by 澄大仙 原版mod地址 本mod需要加载原版mod排在原版mod下方。 新手汉化,谨慎使用 人抓到之后往带笼子的机器里面丢,会切除四肢,四肢放切板上切成肉片,油可以拿来发电,shift右键切肉桌小人会自己找四肢丢进去切,非常方便!...
Bread 2x
Created by Alcors
I made this mod because of a request, instead of using it I recommend that you use my other mod Food Overhaul for a more balanced gameplay. With this mod 1 sack of strawflour is used to produce 2 breads. There's also another version here More bread where 1...
Breath of Water
Created by Nosuke
This sentence uses Google Translate. This mod adds "kimetsu no yaiba" Breath of Water. First Form: Water Surface Slash       40 Second Form: Water Wheel         40 Fourth Form: Striking Tide          60 Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought   100 Sixt...
Cannibals Expanded
Created by Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands on the cannibal faction with new armors weapons and enemies! This will make the cannibals a more formidable force with several new powerful units like. The Mancatchers Tenderizers...
Clean and Speed Plus
Created by alexliyu
清除天气效果, 清除无用的多余草木.特别适合低端机器使用我的虚空入侵MOD, 注意请把这个MOD放到任何MOD之下, 包括我的虚空入侵MOD,这个MOD和其他优化MOD不一样之处在于,他减小了天气的渲染效果以及地面的杂物与植被, 但是并不影响添加的实际效果.比如酸雨等. 这个MOD主要做三件事情: 1. 清除不必要的地面随机杂物,差不多90% 2. 清除一些地面植被和覆盖物, 大约90% 3. 减少或者削弱天气的渲染效果, 但是请注意, 这并不会影响到天气带来的实际效果. 这是一个比较极端的为了节省性能的M...
Consumable Liquids
Created by FurryFailure
Have you ever been bothered by the fact you can't drink the liquids you obtained? have you ever wanted to just have a drink instead of eating? Well today I bring you this relatively simple mod to quench those thirsts! I modified the properties of the Grog,...
Copper Ore Drills
Created by Erei
Did it never bothered you that you could unlock iron drills, but apparently you had to keep mining copper with a pickaxe forever ? Not anymore ! Add the copper drill (1-2-3) to the game. Unlock through the same research than iron drills. They are similar t...
Copper Ore Drills CN Translation 铜矿钻机中文汉化
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Copper Ore Drills Original mod page: Copper Ore Drills 的中文翻译补丁 注:此汉化为2023/9/23汉化,为最新。目前除本mod以外有3个汉...
Dark UI
Created by Eldryn
Dark UI changes majority of the UI to a darker and cleaner look. Optimal resolution: 1920x1080, borderless window. Alternative download links Nexus mirror. Known issues Problem: Parts of the UI appear stretched or illegible. Solution: Try a different resol...
Dodge Strafe
Dodge to the side, not backwards! *Place below other combat mods. You should not use the fast dodging mod with this because I changed the dodge speed to a setting that works better for this mod. You can keep it if you want your character hopping around lik...
Dual Wield Knives
Created by Kitya
Adds 3 knife-type weapons used with Martial Arts. They're weapons that go into the BELT SLOT. They have a big penalty to attack, so don't use them with normal weapons. I did this to balance out the other bonuses added by the items. Because they go in the b...
Dual Wield Knives - Fist Protection
Created by Gevurah
You're stabbing things, not punching them. So let's add a range of fist protection to the weapons from DWK, from 60%-100%, depending on the quality....
Dual Wield Knives_CN Patch_双刀武器汉化补丁
Created by Spiderlily
This is a Chinese Translation Patch. 原mod作者 Original mod author: Kitya 原mod工坊链接 Original mod page: Dual Wield Knives 需要原版mod作为前置! 简介: 新增了三种双持武器和对应的工作台的mod,这些武器用于武术。装备在腰带槽上。 它们对攻击有很大的惩罚,所以不要把它们和普通武器一起使用。原作者这样做是为了平衡这些物品所带来的其他好处。因为它们放在腰带槽里,所以不使用攻击/防御数值,而是使用武术...
Engineering Research Made Easy
Created by Squid
THIS MOD MAY MAKE THE GAME TOO EASY ====================================== Engineering Research (like blue prints but red) may spawn in ancient labs. ====================================== Enjoy :) ...
Enhanced Shopping Economy
Created by Matvey Traveller
Mod to rebalance economy to make in-town shopkeeping more viable and more interesting. Everyone wants to run a comfy inn, right? Now you can do it without every single peasant in town going broke from buying a single rice bowl and not regenerating money, b...
F's Weapon collection II - Tools of the revolution
Created by Effe
UPDATE: New game start and unique Meitou versions Added! Collaboration with Mezla. Game start: The farmers. Meitou versions: scroll down for spoilers. ------------ So, you decided to free the slaves from their oppressors, either from the theocratic Holy Na...
F's Weapon collection II - Tools of the revolution_CN Patch_F武器集II—革命工具汉化补丁
Created by Spiderlily
This is a Chinese Translation Patch. 原mod作者 Original mod authors: Effe | Mezla 原mod工坊链接 Original mod page: F's Weapon collection II - Tools of the revolution 需要原版mod作为前置! 简介: 所以,你决定要将奴隶们从压迫者手下解放出来,圣国的或暴虐的联合城的,又或者两边都是? 那你打算怎么做呢?可能是用武士刀、军刀或者超巨型剑。 好吧……你错了。 因为...
Fast Healing Beds
Created by ( * )
Beds heal you 5X faster. Tired of waiting, each time your squad is wounded? This mod will quicken the bed healing process. Modified values : "ouput rate". - Bed : from 8 to 40. - Camp bed : from 4 to 20. - Skeleton repair bed : from 8 to 40. If you want to...
Fishing MOD
Created by Kote.C
LV1 Fishing Rod Fish Drying Stand LV2 Fishing Rod: High LV3 Fixed Net Fixed Net: High Fish Drying Rack: High LV4 Fish Dryer Machine LV5 Aquaculture: Thinfish Aquaculture: Grand Fish Japanese language
Fishing MOD CN 中文
Created by 郑青紫
原MOD: 建议请留言 技术等级 1 将建造钓鱼竿,鱼晾晒架。 您可以用钓鱼竿钓到精美的鱼。 在鱼干台上,细鱼变成鱼干。 鱼干台不需要任何工人。 技术等级 2 钓鱼竿:将建造高质量的鱼竿,您将能够钓到大鱼。 技术等级 3 为小鱼设置网,为大鱼设置网:将建造高质量。 不需要人力,但鱼需要一些时间才能钓到。 此外,鱼干架:还可以建造高质量的鱼,干鱼可以比普通鱼更快地制作。 技术等级...
Created by Exodus
Installed a Fishing Mod? Unsatisfied with the lack of recipes involving fish? Worry no more! This mod adds; - Fishwich, made from 2 Dried Fish, 1 Grand Fish and 1 Bread - Fishwich Basket, which can hold up to 50 Fishwiches. Everything is avaiable through r...
Fishwich CN 鱼明治 中文
Created by 郑青紫
原MOD: 这个mod添加: - 鱼明治,由2干鱼,1大鱼和1面包 - 鱼明治篮子,最多可容纳50个鱼明治。 一切都可以通过研究高级烹饪,不需要任何其他模式。...
Flashier Fight
Created by BLKCandy
Make flashier fight by making AI use more varied moves and attack faster. - Enabled all weapon moves for all weapon types, including martial art moves for armed combat. - Changed a lot of attack animation min and max trigger range. They should use more var...
Godsend Research
Created by Mitchell Godsend
Check me out on YouTube! ___*DESCRIPTION*___________________________ Removes All Research Requirements (Books, Items, Plants, etc...) Decreases All Research Times To ~1hr ___________________________...
Great Sword
Created by ikahurula
Add Great Sword To avoid overwriting, the name in the game is "Great Zweihaender". The image shows how to grip the pole arm, but it is Heavy Weapon. The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Mongrel, World's End and ScrapHouse. Meitou does not exist. The we...
Created by ♫~~~~~
Can be found at any vendor that sells polearm, blueprint can be found at any vendor that sells polearm blueprint. 中文︰ Version that replaces the original polearm mesh: https://steamcommunity.c...
Healing Pod
Created by Red Cloud
Good News Everybody! Here is yet again another healing mod! What makes this different is that it adds late game advanced healing tech, in the form of a Bacta Tank (think Star Wars). Using this tank will heal your fleshy characters incredibly fast, around 1...
Healing Pod CN 汉化 治疗仓
Created by 郑青紫
原MOD: 有建议请留言 使用这个水箱会以令人难以置信的速度治愈你的肉体角色,大约 10000%。虽然这看起来很作弊,但运行起来非常耗电,构建起来很复杂(需要几个只有在清理时才能找到的物品),而且在找到蓝图之前无法构建它(这种情况很少见)。 多亏了Hugo the Dwarf,这个模组现在有了自定义动画来配合仓室。有 3 个版本的治疗和机械仓,每个动画一个,assertive,...
Created by Nosuke
This sentence uses Google Translate. This mod adds "kimetsu no yaiba" Breath of Thunder First Style Thunderclap Flash. Fixed so that all races can be used with Katana Skill 100....
Hives Expanded
Created by Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands the 3 major hive factions in the game with unique armors, weapons, races and characters! brought down to more acceptable levels, Reimport is recommended to make sure changes take ...
Hives Expanded Praetorians / More Combat Animation compatibility patch
Created by The Red
Should allow all Praetorians from Hives Expanded use attacks from More Combat Animation. There is no picture for martial arts, but it should work too. And yes, More Combat Animation works with Military Craft and both compatibility patches too. Probably. Al...
Kick master animations
Created by flyal31
Cloth of different world 2のキャラ用アニメーションを別MODにしました。 This mod is animation mod for the woman character of Cloth of different world 2. 人間・シェクにて使用可能。。 Only human female and shek use. ***************************** 蹴り技 5種追加 Five kick techniques Continuous kick Ma...
Kitchen Weapons
Created by Fran :)
Have you ever wanted to clover your enemies to dead with a Pan? If you have this mod is for you! This mod adds 6 new weapons to the game: - Kitchen Knife - Kitchen Cleaver - Meat Mace - Pan - Spatula - Spoon All of'em can be bought in The Hub's Bar, there ...
Kitchen Weapons CN汉化
Created by 幺羽人三
厨房武器汉化 原作者:An Enby Folk 原址机翻: 你有没有想过用平底锅杀死你的敌人? 如果你有这个模块是为你! 这个mod为游戏添加了6种新武器: -菜刀 -菜刀 -肉棒 -平底锅 -抹刀 -勺子 所有这些都可以在Hub's酒吧买到,我们还有机会(10%)让饥饿的强盗拥有一个...
Created by Nosuke
You will be able to use three "Limit Breaks". ・Braver ・CrossSlash ・Climhazzard Heavy Weapons, Hacker and Sabre will be available from skill 90....
Better More Combat Animations
Created by lds_101
Simply better experience with More Combat Animations. Mod allows high level fighter to take more initiative and not to be caught in constant block animation cycle when outnumbered in 3+ attack slots. --- no attack interruption for block if fighter started ...
Make Holy Nation Great Again
Created by Azazellz
Brothers of the Holy Nation! Rejoice! Our blacksmiths, led by St. Lord Phoenix, inspired by Our Father Okran, have provided you with new equipment! Now your arms, legs and heads will be well protected! Let heretics and skeletons tremble, now they cannot es...
Make Holy Nation Great Again CN
Created by Ludiniea
圣国的兄弟们!很高兴告诉你们,我们的铁匠在圣主菲尼克斯的引导下受到奥克兰的启示,已锻造出全新的护甲!现在,你们的头部和四肢都会得到更好的防护!让异端和骨人们颤抖吧,他们再也无处逃避圣国的愤怒! Mod信息 为圣国的高级圣骑士增加新的重型护甲。 改变圣骑士的护甲,现在他们的四肢被更好的防护。 圣国战士也拥有新的护甲,不算好,但仍比旧护甲的防护高。 包括雇佣兵仿制的“非神圣”护甲。 你可以在圣国,浪人、沙克王国、科技猎人、沼泽居民和蒙格勒的铠甲商店内购买到护甲和制作蓝图。 2个新的开局可用于查看新的护甲。 需要...
Martial Arts : Always Attack
Created by ( * )
Martial Artists' attacking moves depend on the distance, between you and your enemy. In Vanilla, there are ranges where your character has No attack assigned, so he'll just wait there or slowly move towards an attacking enemy. Not anymore. Jump Knee (obtai...
Martial Arts Fast Dodger
Created by ( * )
Martial Artists dodge animations are 40% faster, so he won't dodge dance during the whole fight. The dodge move animations, compared to a blade block, take forever to be executed. This mod makes your character dodge faster, so he'll be able to attack in la...
MegaKick Animation Fix
Created by wickylinn
This mod fixes one martial arts animation (megakick). Here's an example: Этот мод исправляет одну анимацию боевых искусств (megakick). Вот пример: Vanilla megakick (Visually he kicks twice, but the damage comes only once and too early) Ванильный мегапинок ...
Minor Faction Pacifiers
Created by Shidan
This mod adds a fully functional global pacifier to the game. He is capable of resetting any of your faction relations to 0, for a price of course. He can be found in nearly any bar in the game (if you think I missed one, say something and I can add him ea...
Minor Faction Pacifiers CN小派系调停人
须订阅原mod!!! 原mod:Minor Faction Pacifiers 原作者:Shidan 原mod地址: 添加了可以调停所有派系的调停人...
More Combat Animation
Created by AGO
このMODをマージしないでください。した場合は削除を求める場合があります。 MCAの互換性が失われるためマージしないでください。 マージしたい場合は許可を求めて下さい。 マージした場合はMCAと互換性がない事と、不具合報告を私の所へお送らない事を明記してください。 Do not merge this mod. If you do, we may ask you to delete it. Do not merge this mod as it will result in MCA incompatibili...
More Combat Animation Extended Edition
Created by AGO
MCAを無断でマージした場合は、削除を求める場合があります。 Unauthorised merging of MCAs may result in a request for removal. Несанкционированное объединение MCA может привести к запросу на удаление. 未经授权的合并MCA可能会导致要求删除它们。 -----------注意 ATTENTION ----------- このMODはサブスクライブしただけでは動作しません ...
More Stacks
Created by ♿Gowlbag♿
This mod increases the following items ability to stack to 5 without the use of a backpack: AI Core Animal Skin Bread Building Material Cactus Chainmail Sheets Copper Copper Alloy Plates Cotton CPU Unit Dried Fish Dried Gristle Flaps Dried Meat Dustwich El...
More slavers-奴隶种类增强
Created by 一天の梦
In the slave shop You can have more choices。 south hive、deadhive、fishman、more skeleton、cannibal.... ————————————————————————————— 奴隶商店种类增多,杀币绿源占90%是吧,绿源焦土全都滚犊子,其他所有能塞进去的人型都塞进去。 就是鱼人王老招募失败,其他的阿帕奇鱼人都能轻松入队。...
NPC enjoys more shopping
Created by love-tea
*Required import* In vanilla setting, NPCs who are shopping buy foods, alcohols and first aid kits. They never buy weapons, armors, books and so on. This mod adds drifting NPC who can buy many items. Their races are random, and sometimes have a hiring dial...
NPCs With Robotic Limbs
Created by Mad Scientist
Some of the characters you encounter in the world can have robotic limbs....
NPCs actually use their Splint Kits
Created by FrankieWuzHere
Currently NPCs will not use their Splint Kits no matter what. Which is a pretty big weakness. The Phoenix, Wandering Assassins, Doctors for the holy nation to name a few. This mod adds the AI Goal to actually splint their own/allies to every NPC's squad wh...
NWDM Remodeling
Created by ikahurula
This MOD is Addon of New Weapons Dissemination Mod. Because this is a research to make a new weapon New weapons Dissemination Mod Add a modified version of the weapon. The original weapon re...
NWDM Remodeling CN/汉化
Created by 新人N哥001
该mod是NWDM的拓展mod,添加了一个名为的4级研究,研究解锁之后便可以学习一系列改装武器的研究,其蓝图很少见…… 武器研究项目前置武器蓝图(目前以汉化拼音排序): 破壳桩(劈刀):桥墩斧,军用农具锻造,陨星锤 大名卷(武士刀):大太刀,薙刀制造,大头刀(兵库锁太刀) 折叠镰刀(长柄刀):新月镰,巨型砍刀,碎背刀,分段圆刃斧,刺股 巴迪什(重型武器):薙刀制造,长柄武器制造 弧刃大太刀(武士刀):大太刀,太刀 齿轮锤(重型武器):桥墩斧,铁甲权杖,分段圆刃斧 撕裂者重斧(重型武器):利维坦撕裂者 十字长...
NWDM Remove Hiver Weapon
Created by ikahurula
Make NWDM compatible with Hives Expanded. Please note that hive will not have the weapon if you put only this....
NWDM Remove Triangle Bandit
Created by ikahurula
This MOD is a MOD that removes Triangle Bandit from New Weapons Dissemination Mod. Triangle Weapons will not disappear. In order to erase as if nothing happened, it may be necessary to import it. I'm sorry for the mishap. ...
Created by Nosuke
"Nanto Houou Ken" can be used. Seven martial arts movements have been added, and they will be available from martial arts skill 85. If you want to use it in additional races, adjust it yourself....
Created by Nosuke
"Nanto Suicho Ken" can be used. All races are now available in Martial Arts. 10 different movements are added. If you want to use it in another race, adapt it yourself....
New Weapons Dissemination Mod
Created by ikahurula
Sorry weird may be English. I will add new weapons and distribute them to the world. I mixed the weapons used in Japan, and I made it with a focus on being lore friendly. New weapons are added to many NPC's belongings. Some people possess Meitou. There are...
Nice Map [Zones + Zone names + Roads] CN
Created by RadarTruck
Many thanks to Djeeshka, the original author of Nice Map ....
OraOraOraOraOra (Rush Beatdown Attack Animation)
Created by WindFly
  Added an new Unarmed type attack that resembles iconic rush attacks like ones in Fist of north Star and Jojo.   The attack required at least 75 Unarmed skill to use it, very long wind up and very punishing damage.   The mod shouldn't be conflicted with a...
Created by ikahurula
Add Osoraku The weapon and Blueprint will be sold at Catun, Heng and ScrapHouse(not Bp). Meitou does not exist. The weapon of this mod is in
Placeable Iron & Copper Resource
Created by Howls@TheMoon
This mod adds a blueprint to any stores that sell construction vendor goods that will unlock 2 Buildable resource nodes, one for Iron and one for Copper. They take 2 BM and one Iron or copper plate to build, only 1 worker required for 100% production and i...
Placeable Iron & Copper Resource 可建造铁矿和铜矿汉化
Created by 方长生
需订阅原mod: 在您的游戏中添加可建造的铁资源和铜资源 建造需要蓝图,蓝图能在综合商店与机械商店买到(大概率都是在机械商店,我都是在斯塔克的机械商店买) 虽说这个mod基本只有短短几个字,不太需要汉化,但是作为我第一次上传创意工坊拿来熟练一下流程还是蛮好的...
Plant Trees
Created by Stilldoll
This MOD adds plants. Additional buildings Apple Tree Orange Tree Grape Tree Banana Tree Berry Tree Tree for logging (11 kinds) Wood Processor I-III Biofuel Distillery (Wood) Storage: Apple Storage: Orange Storage: Grape Storage: Banana Storage: Berry Stor...
Plant Trees CN/种树mod汉化
Created by 1842853696
原mod:Plant Trees 由于这个mod的汉化不知什么时候消失了,最近学会kenshi汉化的我决定自作主张补充汉化 作者简介: 这个mod增加了植物。 附加建筑物 苹果树 桔树 葡萄树 香蕉树 浆果树 伐木树木(11种) 木材加工工I-III 生物燃料蒸馏厂(木材) 储存:苹果 储存:橙色 贮藏:葡萄 贮藏:香蕉 贮藏:浆果 贮藏:苹果干 贮藏:干橙 贮藏:干葡萄 贮藏:干浆果 储存:香蕉片 储存:苹果酱面包 储存:橘子酱面包 贮藏:葡萄酱面包 贮藏:浆果酱面包 储存:木桶 储存:木桶 储存:木桶 ...
Profitable Slavery
Created by Cretin
Makes Slavery now profitable. Selling kidnapped or unconscious people to the slave shop, slave caravan, Holy mines, or rebirth slaver nets you 1500 cats instead of the vanilla 400. All slave selling vendors now actually carry enough cats to purchase slaves...
Project -Ultimate Anim Patch-
Created by love-tea
No more many patches about animations compatible with races. All need is... this. I hate anything troublesome ==================== Caution ==================== Please set this mod at the top of the mods list. Ex *wrong race mods animation mods THIS mod *ri...
Race Blood
Created by Flakk Gun
A simple mod I made that gives each of the races thier own blood color. Update: I took a walk down south to see the Southern Hive. Due to their eunique coloring and the fact that the Construction Set has them as their own race I decided to make their blood...
Random Enemies Squads' Numbers
Created by ( * )
Enemies squads' numbers is much more random now. The overall game balance is still the same. Example : - Vanilla : a Dust Bandit Squad is composed of 9 or 10 members (so 9.5 members on average). - Modded : a Dust Bandit Squad is composed of 1 to 19 members...
Resource Abundance
Created by Nadlug
Just a quick and simple mod that should bring Soil fertility, stone and water values up to equal levels in every biome without cranking them up to absurdly high levels....
Robotics addon
Created by LoneSoldier
Made as a companion to my book restoration mod. makes robotics bench use robotics skill, and adds some research to allow crafting of: CPU unit, Power Core, Generator Core and yes... AI CORE (also allows robotics storage to hold these items) again good for ...
Robotics addon汉化 可制造的ai核心
Created by 方长生
需订阅原mod: 增加了一些研究,以允许制作: CPU,ai核心,动力核心等等 ...
Shop in Shem: Rebirth
Remake. Added things that I could not implement in the original. _______________________________________________________________ A small shop in Shem . Food, water, a few first aid kits, a couple of repair kits, and some little things. And most importantly...
Shop in Shem: Rebirth[Chinese Translation]闪的小商店-重制版 中文汉化附属
Created by ザクリア
=============================================== The Chinese Translation of Shop in Shem: Rebirth Original mod page:(原mod链接) Shop in Shem: Rebirth 的中文翻译附属 ---闪的小商店-重制版--- 小巧可爱的温馨小店! 在危险的闪增加了一...
Shops have more items (Lite)
Created by Dryhand
This a lighter version of my mod (Shops have more items+). original mod For the most part, the vendors have 2 - 5 times more items and 3 -7 times more money. the shop counters have also been ...
Shops have more money
Created by Dryhand
this mod increases the amount of money a shop has by 15 - 22 times the normal amount. the amount should be between 375000 - 550000 cats, but sometimes goes way beyond that to 700000 or below to 300000, not sure what's causing it but that shoudn't be a prob...
Side smash
Created by Nosuke
Add new motion "Side smash". Available from Heavy Weapon Skill 75. Be sure to accumulate to the limit. →A...
Skeleton Mercenaries 汉化
Created by Qiancheng
原mod: 重要的是说三遍: 需以原版作为前置!!! 需以原版作为前置!!! 需以原版作为前置!!! 介绍:更多骨人队友,骨人不要吃喝还能打能修,这么好的东西当然要多来点,这个mod在 - 黑色沙漠城市 - 中心 - 世界尽头 - 平底湖泻湖 - 技术猎人路线 - 斯昆 都增加了一些可以招募的骨人队友,有免费的和花钱的...
Skeleton NPC Hires (Out of Date)
Created by Madd Llama
For a world full of mad, broken, violent, and lonely skeleton robots, there is a huge lack of them in the game. I personally wanted to see more Skeletons myself as they are one of my favorite races in the game. This mod adds a squad of skeletons to the fol...
Storage quantity x1000 一千倍储存箱
Created by Newbot-01
修改各种材料储存箱上限 是原有的1000倍 修改食物储存箱堆叠上限 ——— 只修改了各生产材料堆叠上限,未修改水井产水和发电机储存,未修改装备武器的堆叠 —————— 修改目的:让你休息的农名忙碌起来!白吃饭不干活的日子一去不复返了,也让你少造点储存箱 ...
Swamp Turtle FIX
Created by ikahurula
The data prepared in vanilla, which was supposed to be set in Swamp Turtle, is firmly adapted. What was once an invisible attack turns into a stomp-like attack, with a significant increase in attack power and reach. This was the data provided for vanilla, ...
TameBeasties 驯服的野兽汉化版
Created by SD
TameBeasties 驯服的野兽 汉化版更新日期2019年1月26日 原作者更新日期2018年5月21日 修改动物加入时可编辑. 此版本增加背包宽度到12,可以一排放两个建筑材料. 此版本把动物袋 机器人包和利维坦口袋改成现实不可堆桟,改大了容量. 修改减少动物饥饿度.修改机器人包妨碍战斗变为-1 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address
Tanegashima Gun
Created by SIKASUNE
Add Matchlock, Ammo, Blueprints, Free integration into yours MODS PATCHES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crossbows are Now Fun Patch for Tanegashima Gun
Tanegashima Gun 汉化
Created by Qiancheng
原mod: 需以原版mod作为前置!!! 需以原版mod作为前置!!! 需以原版mod作为前置!!! 介绍:种子岛枪 添加了蓝图、弹药、火枪...
Training swords 训练剑汉化版
Created by SD
Training swords 训练剑汉化版 汉化版更新日期2019年1月5日 原作者更新日期2018年9月23日 把武器属性全修改成-99才真正实现0伤害, 其中 训练武术绑手 一定要装备两只手!! 这个原始的英文mod地址 This original English mod address 用于训练的Craftable剑,造成0点伤害。与被俘的...
Weaklings Give XP
Created by ( * )
Fighting weak enemies gives XP, contrary to vanilla. In Vanilla, a high level character has a 90% XP malus, when fighting an enemy with 25 levels less than him. With this mod, the same 90% malus only applies, when facing an enemy 50 levels below you. Enjoy...
Weapon Smithing Expanded武器锻造扩展(可制造铭刃)
Intro Unlock Edge Type 2 and Edge Type 3 as craftable model Increase the cutting damage and value of Homemade weapons, bringing the Homemade Meitou weapons to the same quality as Cross How to craft Meitou? In the original game, the Nameless can use 4 AI co...
WithoutNWDM Cannibal and Shrieking
Created by ikahurula
This MOD is a mod that gives "New Weapons Dissemination Mod", compatible with "Cannibals Expanded" and "Shrieking Bandits Expanded". Please be careful as it will become bare hand if it is only this. Be sure to insert Cannibals Expanded and Shrieking Bandit...
Created by 启奥
kenshi官方中文覆盖,修复重量显示bug 2024.4.17:汉化已同步到官方68版本,并修复官方存在的一些缺失汉化,如设置界面的那些英文。 同时参考评论建议,将每小时每米等描述改为英里/h,米/s等,节约左下角文本空间。 此版本官方已自带111修复,因此本mod仅作为原版中文覆盖使用,可修复游戏内容被部分模组覆盖导致变为机翻或英文的BUG 1.修复物品重量错误显示的bug,即去掉物品真实重量前的111 2.订阅了太多的mod,导致游戏中大量词汇被替换英文或者错误翻译,本mod可以修正这点,保证官方内容...
maphack 地图全开
Created by Guardian_pledge
在地图上显示所有的地点,包括遗迹之类的 地图在酒吧老板那里有卖....
shops have more blueprints +
Created by Dryhand
a mod that allows shops to have most of the blueprints. each store has its own blueprint, armour shops have armour blueprints weapons shops have weapon blueprint and so on. this is a reupload of the "shops have more blueprints(old version)" as i no longer ...
人棍开局Human Stick Start
Created by END25UE
留了一脚(让你能穿鞋)的人棍开局拥有基础科技。 The human stick start with a leg left (allowing you to wear shoes) has basic technology at the beginning....
农业作物改良汉化/Farming Crops Enhanced CN
Created by 1842853696
原mod: 新增7种作物: 大麦秸秆 棕色蔬菜 沙莓 啤酒花 燕麦秸秆 罂粟 岩石胡萝卜 添加4种新的酒精: 麦芽酒 棕色素食伏特加 沙莓葡萄酒 淡啤酒 添加了一种新形式的麻醉剂: 鸦片 添加了一个户外版本的烹饪炉(Campfire w/烹饪锅)。 在相应的存储中添加所有动物死亡物品,以完全自动化掠夺动物尸体的工作。 调整市民购...
双手巨剑 汉化 & 平衡
Created by 月羽狐
双手巨剑的汉化 武器本身属于重武器,用的却是长柄武器的原版最优动作模组,很有意思。 伤害比落日低,但是长度超长。 本mod做了汉化,顺便将武器纸面数据平衡了一下,使其锐器与钝器伤害接近,总伤害相比原版没有变化。...
恐洛 Osoraku 汉化 CN
Created by 月羽狐
忍者和刺客们秘传的刀具——恐洛 在恒城出售 增加了一把副手武士刀 破甲极高,室内加成很高 基础伤害较低,长度极短...
Created by [X鐡銹X]
添加了旧世界弩Mk3,以及配套科技,可以在五级科技和解锁十字弩锻造后花费1AI核心,4古代书和20书解锁。 添加了一个全新种族,仅作为本MOD的附带开局角色,可以说是天生的狙击手,MOD开局角色自带一把mk3,但是该武器品质对属性影响巨大,且开局并没有能力使用它,不过5级十字弩就能使用。 它的弹药变成了重型弩箭,强度并不超模,只是在mk2的基础上稍微提高了部分数值,弩在面对骨人时总是有些乏力,于是我增加了20%的对机械伤害。 为了平衡,这个武器不能购买,只能手工制作,也没有商人出售蓝图,制作耗材更多,时间也...
Created by 方晨翔
在各城市的酒吧里,老板会售卖一本儿童读物<<洗脑秘诀>>,里面记载着洗脑大法的使用方法. 不爱看书的人: 将你想结盟的阵营的人打晕,关笼子,对话,可以实现以下7个功能. 1.洗脑,强制让对方加入你的阵营.(所有在游戏本体中出现的人物都可以招募,包括食人族,鱼人,错误代码骨人等,已支持jrpg种族招募,其他mod添加的人物无法招募.) 2.中度洗脑,强制和犯人啪啪啪,啊不对,强制和犯人所属阵营结盟. 3.重度洗脑,强制让犯人加入你,并给他/她更换新的身份并重新捏人. 4.让犯人行使阵营调停人的功能,略微改善关...
背包拓展 汉化 Backpacks Expanded CN
Created by 月羽狐
加入了大量背包,包括很多箭袋。功能性极强,不超模,并且拥有超赞的模型 开局就能制作的简易箭袋,简易袋子 四级科技可以研究制作的高级袋子和特化袋子,并且可以在衣物工作台子上加工(原版没有,这些是我加的)...
超爽建造 Yse Build!!!
Created by
I am very sorry that the text is too long and I need some time to translate it into English. Machine translation: It was hard to come up with a proper title, and there were a lot of details changed Awesome building experience unlocked some of the original ...
Farming Crops Enhanced
Created by TreadLightly77
¡OUTDATED/NO LONGER BEING DEVELOPED OR SUPPORTED! This mod is no longer being updated or supported... for a more updated version of this mod's assets and a more immersive experience with said assets, check out my mod:Universal Wasteland Expansion^Which is ...
Created by Popbaobao
制作书和ai核心(Make ai cores and books)
Created by 冰陌
可以制作ai核心、古代科学书、工程研究、书。添加这四种道具的储具,存储上限25000。 制作台名为科研制书台,解锁制书后可解锁。同时将科技研究台的储物堆叠上限提升到100。 书:1级科技要求。 解锁:100棉花,100水稻 制作:10棉花,10水稻 工程研究:2级科技要求。 解锁:50书,50电子元件 制作:5书,10电子元件 古代科学书:3级科技要求(4级科技水平要求古代科学书,所以3级开放制作) 解锁:50书,20工程研究 制作:5工程研究,1书 ai核心:5级科技要求(6级科技水平要求ai核心,所以5...
Created by Popbaobao
战国铠甲包 Sengoku Armor Pack
Created by Morning Welder
添加22件头盔 21件盔甲 12个面具(占用衬衫槽) 5条裤子 21双鞋子 4件披风(背包) 共计21套装备 所有装备需要在忍者商人处购买蓝图 解锁战国铠甲锻造台后方可制造 Add 22 helmets 21 armors 12 masks (use shirt slots) 5 trousers 21 boots 4 Capes (backpack) Total 21 sets of equipment All equipment can be made after you buy blueprints ...
Created by 杂兵大人
Created by 启奥
一个很酷的MOD,功能是将你战斗时迸溅的火花放大4倍,并且持续时间加到0.5秒。让你的每次攻击都像燃起烟火 注意,这个MOD可以与优化MOD一起使用(譬如clean and speed等优化),但是本mod排序必须放在优化mod下面。 A cool mod that functions to magnify the sparks that burst when you fight by 4 times and increase the duration to 0.5 seconds. Make every ...
Additional Gear for Dust Bandits
Created by Hoser
This mod adds some custom variations of the vanilla games Heart Protector to the members of the Dust Bandits faction. The different variations are the Chest Protector, the Protecter Half-Plate and the Protector Plate. Each variation offers different levels...
Another Stealth Run
Created by UnCheat
Another stealth run animation. Only hands animation changed, the rest animation is vanilla (legs, body, head). Please let me know if you like it or it does need any tweaks. Rate it to help other people find his mod. Compatibility: Can be used with any mods...
Antiquity Sheks
Created by Ninya
Our deeds will be remembered for a thousand years! The blood shed, forever! ------ This pack is an extension of my disappointment of the sheks mostly using recycled assets in the base game, and the result of a little over a month of making weapons and armo...
Blunt Book[The Holy Flame]殴打用聖火の教典
Created by tasaba
Are you compelled to live in the Holy Nation territory with book ? I gave the ability to physically drive them back. Please use this to pull off the paladin as much as you want. The sale is bar shop of the Hub and Holy Nation weapon shop The icon is strang...
Craftable Faction Armor for Hives Expanded
Created by Pico
Allows you to research and craft the unique armors from Hives Expanded belonging to the Western Hive and the Southern Hive. Hives Expanded allows you to craft its new Hiver armor, but not with the same textures as those used by the factions. This mod adds ...
Craftable Weapons for Hives Expanded
Created by Pico
A haphazard addon that allows you to research and craft the weapons from Hives Expanded belonging to the Western Hive and Southern Hive, with the unique textures applied. No bones, though. Getting custom weapon textures to work in Kenshi is hard, and I had...
Fabric Fix
Created by Haethei
This mod fixes the value relationships between cotton, fabric and hemp. In vanilla, processing cotton into fabric makes you lose money because the price of 6 cotton was far more valuable than the price of 1 fabric, due to the fabric value being tied to the...
Faction Shields
Created by Acord
If you like the work is do, i have a patreon if you like to support the continue cuase for my work. together we make the kenshi univurse a better place. _____________________________________________ this is my third in...
Faction Shields CN
Created by 寅FRI
原作者为Acord,感谢原作者制作此mod,原mod地址 翻译了物品文本: Assassins Wrist Blade 为 刺客腕刃 Okran Holy Shield 为 奥克兰圣盾 Shek Brut Plank 为 沙克石板 shek shield 为 沙克护盾 United Cities Crest 为联合城市徽章...
Heavy weapon combat stance
Created by UnCheat
Adds heavy weapon shoulder resting combat stance for vanilla races If you want to use it with More Combat Stance mod then INSTALL COMPATIBILITY PATCH below order I do recommend to use it with More Combat Stance mod (adds other combat stances without changi...
Hungry Bandit Start
Created by Salty Oreos
Adds two starts, one as a single hungry bandit, and another as an entire hungry bandit squad. Uses the hungry bandit characters for the squads so mods that change bandits will change these as well. However it will not be effected by changes from mods that ...
IKA's Various Weapons
Created by ikahurula
This is a mod that brings together the various weapons that I made at a whim. It may increase in the future. Please check the sale location of weapons and Blueprint from the following URL. Metal Bat
Impaler Armor Set
Created by 3DConductor The second set of armor that I have managed to create for this game, it's a plated medium type, I tried at the best of my ability to translate kenshi's current raider style, a little bit of the drifter's and some metal plating...
IKA's Various Weapons CN/IKA系列武器汉化
Created by 新人N哥001
该mod需要前置mod。 这个mod是作者 IKAHURULA 所制作的IKA's Various Weapons武器整合包的汉化包,需要原mod作为前置。 看这mod没人做我就做了,顺带一提,我为这个mod里的每一个没有介绍的武器都添加了介绍。 翻译质量可能不太好,而且这当中还有很多奇怪的武器超离了我的知识范围,所以……请诸位玩家多多关照!(土下座)...
Impaler Armor Set_CN
Created by Bamboo
原作者:3DConductor 为游戏添加了一套符合原版风格的“穿刺者”中型装甲,为远程职业设计。 获得方法: 4级工作台研究: -3铁板 -5皮革 -3钢材 -4普通研究书 需要订阅原版mod并将本汉化补丁排序在其下:
Created by Billyro
New masks for Humans, Sheks, Hive Workers, Hive Soldiers and Hive Princes. There are 3 variants of mask: white, black, leather. Masks use the belt slot and can be worn with other headgear. Masks and the blueprint can be bought in United Cities Clothing Sho...
Masks CN/面罩汉化
Created by EnVnullmissing
This is a Chinese translation mod,you won’t need it if you don’t speak Chinese. Original mod : 感谢Billyro为我们带来这么优质的服装mod。这个面罩mod前段时间也算是一直霸榜久居不下热门位了,结果等了好久都没有看到汉化mod,索性自己做一个。 这是我在steam创意工坊上传的第一个m...
Created by Ichirou Kawashima
MASS BLADE (Armored Core Verdict Day) 83800kg(184700lb) You can buy this in each Bar....
Military craft (New attacking moves)
Created by SprendiX
DONATE If you want to add my mod to another race, watch the video above! To use it on custom races C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\ 1. Find the Military Craft Mod and the...
Minor Faction Overhaul - Crab Raiders
Created by The Mr Shears
This mod improves the Crab Raiders, making them more of a kingdom worthy of the crabs! Compilation of every MFO mod: Contents: New 'Crabavans' will act as the forbidden zones' traders, visit...
Minor Faction Overhaul - Crab Raiders CN
郑重声明 须订阅原mod!!!须导入!!! 原mod:Minor Faction Overhaul - Crab Raiders 原作者: The Mr Shears 原mod地址: 说明 事件:新增了螃蟹帮的商队来访事件crabavan visit,我个人水平有限不能翻译出其中的英文谐音所以暂译为“登门拜蟹” 小队:新增多个巡逻队/商队,东南野外可以遇到 背包:新增驼运螃蟹以及...
More Combat Stance MIABC+
Created by AGO
このMODは 「戦闘状態時のダッシュ」 「戦闘状態時の小走り」 「戦闘状態時の立ち姿」 「戦闘状態時、足の負傷による立ち姿の変化」 を各武器種ごと追加し、More Idle Animationと「揺れる」要素を追加したものです。 ※最新のMIABCの編集データが消失していたので、以前のものと多少違うかもしれません。悪しからず。 おまけで隠密のナルト走りを天誅参OP風に変えるデータを入れています。 「run upper stealth」と「run lower stelth」のanim nameを「ninjar...
Created by Nosuke
This sentence uses Google Translate. "Mumyou_Sakanagare" can be used. All eaces can be used with Katana skill 80....
Power up battle by skill (add battle animations)
Created by love-tea
This mod adds new combat motions, change the speed of battle motion and characterize weapons by the skill level. If you wanna know in detail, please watch at a movie and "
Prisoner Food
Created by love-tea
Prisoners are no longer alive without food. However, give them food is a troublesome task This mod resolves this problem. You need Research "Imprisonment" to buid Dip Barrel. Sloppy Strawflour Juice is made of 10 Strawflours and 40 Greenfruits, or Cactuses...
Prisoner Food CN(牢饭汉化)
Created by 昏闇
前言: - 需订阅原Mod,本Mod排序在原Mod之后。 - 原Mod: Prisoner Food ,已获得原Mod作者授权,感谢其为我们带来这么优质的作品! 囚犯们没有食物就活不下去了。 然而,给他们食物是一项麻烦的任务 这个模组解决了这个问题。 你需要研究“监禁”来解锁发酵桶。 恶心面糊是由10份面粉和40份绿色水果或仙人掌制成的。 它有5000营养,但非常重(100kg...
Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors
Created by Shirohô
To sum things up : this mod adds the Biosteel silk, a new crafting material to the game with its related furnitures (bench, loom, container). You will have to find in Kenshi's world where that damn silk is and I won't help you ! With that material in hand ...
Radiant Biosteel Silk Armors CN new 生物钢丝绸新汉化
Created by 月羽狐
补全了上一位大佬的翻译,目前除了衣着描述应该没有没汉化的地方,衣着描述实在有点太多了。而且很多都有一些英语kenshi梗的笑话实在翻译不出信达雅。 衣着的描述随缘更新。 数量: 68 迄今为止新的平衡和重新纹理的盔甲! 这些“生物钢丝绸”盔甲在其统计数据上有一个主题重复,即使它们往往以自己的方式都是独一无二的: 切割效率:仅缝制或碎布片 = 50-60%,薄生物钢 = 70%,厚生物钢或分层皮革 = 80%,生物钢和板材 = 90%。 中间值可能会发生。 抗切割性:+ 0-20%,频繁,并且与链甲统计数据竞...
Samurai Armor Expanded (Chinese Translation) - 武士装甲扩展
Created by The Subarashii One
“在巴斯特的血腥土地上,许多联合城武士在那片土地上死亡并腐烂,来自各地的拾荒者前来收集他们的盔甲并分享战利品。” 大家好,Suba 这里有一个新的模组! 这个模组引入了 25 种新的盔甲,灵感来自游戏中现有的武士盔甲。这个模组也受到了@Spong 的剑客破布的启发。 这个模组包括: - 4 件新衬衫 - 4 款新靴子 - 8 个新头饰。 - 4 个新的胸甲。 - 5条新裤子 - 衣衫褴褛的武士盔甲 - 中型武士盔甲 - 所有这些盔甲套装的生锈变体。 - 这些盔甲的属性低于标准武士盔甲,但重量更轻,惩罚也更少...
Security Spider Arm Limbs
Created by ikahurula
Add The arm of Security Spider. It is remodeling for human beings to use. There is no function other than terrible power. This is sold at various Robotics shops. To those who want to hold weapons that are too heavy. With Boost Pack MOD, this Arm will be in...
Skeleton Bandits+
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -DETAILS: - Adds a custom Heavy armor called "Skeleton Plate" made from the remains of seized/perished skeleton remains (basically the same stats as mercena...
Created by cat
PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING AN ARTIST I do all of my work for free and from scratch. These models take a lot of time and effort, if you like them, please consider donating if you can to my patreon to show support. It would be greatly appreciated and show me...
Wakigawa's Animation Overhaul
Created by VOLIN RABAR
Hello! I'm very happy to present to you this mod. Currently this mod changes the animations played when your character gets hurt, and adds a unused sleeping animation found in kenshi files who was borked, so i fixed it, and also did minor posing fixes on s...
Weapon - NineTailVixen
Created by LunaticFox
This weapon is in this mod. If you subscribe to this modset, you don't need to subscribe to the mod of the weapon alone. *Caution * We do not accept requests for weapons or equipment. (espec...
Weapon - Steel frame
Created by LunaticFox
This weapon is in this mod. If you subscribe to this modset, you don't need to subscribe to the mod of the weapon alone. As long as you like how it looks, I will accept your opinion about th...
Weapon | Scythe of The Reaper
Created by Trinity
happy Halo2ween - Adds ScreamingHomie's Scythe of Reaper model as a new, Polearm-Class weapon. A scythe is an agricultural hand tool for mowing grass or harvesting crops. It is historically used to cut down or reap edible grains, before the process of thre...