Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (738)
Created by 红米先生
人民日报社总部大楼可谓自2008年北京奥运会之后北京最重要的建筑物之一,于2010年完成施工图设计,同年大楼开始建造,并于2015年建造完成,建筑高度:179.7米、首先,人民日报社是中国级别最高、影响力最大的报社媒体,其次大楼位于北京核心区,是未来北京发展最主要的区域 人民日报社总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区金台西路2号,用地面积:88 856 m~2建筑面积:13.84万m~2建筑层数:地上33层,地下3层建筑结构 ...
北京国贸三期A座,Beijing CWTC Tower III A
Created by RAY
北京国贸三期A座 『han823zhi』 独资订制,红米制作。 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入“都市天际线交流群!” 群内 1.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 2.资产拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.提早体验免费资产。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Beijing International Trade Center Phase III Tower A 『 Han823zhi』 Custom made, made by 红米 . Interested...
北京国贸三期B座,Beijing CWTC Tower III B
Created by RAY
北京国贸三期B座 『han823zhi』 独资订制,红米制作。 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入“都市天际线交流群!” 群内 1.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 2.资产拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.提早体验免费资产。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Beijing International Trade Center Phase III Tower B 『 Han823zhi』 Custom made, made by 红米 . Interested...
Created by 752811818
南京青奥双子塔(南京国际青年文化中心) by 752811818 Nanjing International Youth Cultural Centre 314米/290米 314m/290m 必须订阅additive shader,否则无法显示霓虹灯效果 Additive shader is needed....
Created by 红米先生
厦门世茂海峡大厦(Xiamen Shimao Strait Tower),位于福建省厦门市思明区演武西路180-188号 ,是集酒店、写字楼、SOHO办公,以及观光旅游、购物、休闲、娱乐、餐饮等于一体的城市综合体 厦门世茂海峡大厦占地面积约为3万平方米,地上建筑面积27万平方米,总建筑面积约为33万平方米 ;其中A塔地上64层,B塔地上55层,高度均为300米;裙房6层,地下3 。 本资产共计2个,一个底商+一个高层写字楼,因为是双子塔,所有玩家可在游戏中复制一个即可。最后三个资产需要自己拼接,具体如何拼接...
城市管理局大楼City Authority building
Created by 红米先生
城市管理局大楼 by 红米 可执行城管执法功能,最好订阅执法功能MOD,或者不订阅也行...
天津之眼 The Tientsin Eye
Created by HooHeeHaa
Briefing Tianjin Eye, the official name The Tientsin Eye, is a 120-meter (394 ft)-tall giant ferris wheel built above the Yongle Bridge over the Hai River in Tianjin, China. Construction started in 2007, with completion of the main body on 18 December 2007...
宁波中心大厦A座,Ningbo Center A
Created by RAY
宁波中心大厦A座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
广州国际金融中心/International Finance Center GuangZhou
Created by UNFU 广州IFC国金中心,即大家熟知的西塔。为了体现此楼“通透水晶”的特性,使用了真实玻璃并制作了内部结构以达到更好的视觉效果喔!注册为RICO办公。 广州国际金融中心位于中国广东省广州市天河区珠江新城西南部,毗邻花城大道和珠江西路,是珠江新城七大地标建筑之一。它由套间式办公楼、裙楼和主塔楼三部分组成,建筑总面积约44.8万平方米,是集办公、酒店、休闲娱乐为一体的综合性商务中心。 广州国际金融中心有437.51米高,103层,在建成当年成为仅次于上海...
東京タワー tokyo tower 东京铁塔
Created by CM.
你可以在第三级别建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 东京塔(日语:东京タワー;英文:Tokyo Tower),正式名称为日本电波塔,又称东京铁塔,位于日本东京都港区芝公园,是一座是以巴黎埃菲尔铁塔为范本而建造的红白色铁塔,但其高332.6米,比埃菲尔铁塔高出8.6米。1958年10月竣工,此后一直为东京第一高建筑物,直至2012年2月东京天空树(634米)建成而退居第二位。 Tokyo Tower (Japanese: ; 东京タワー;E...
武汉绿地中心V1.0 Wuhan Greenland Center
Created by Aurouscia
武汉绿地中心没阉割之前的版本,高度不太准确请用魔物调整,有问题请在贴吧或者评论区反应,谢谢订阅。做资产不易,喜欢请点个赞。 如果游戏里找不到资产,这是常见的bug,可以试试点那些显示“已经建造”的图标,肯定可以找到...
港府总部大楼 Central Government Offices
Created by Milgram
政府总部(英语:Central Government Offices),是香港特别行政区政府总部的所在地,位于香港岛金钟添马添美道2号,分为东翼及西翼两座,而东翼前地是政府总部的正门。政府总部是添马舰发展工程的三组建筑之一,其东北为立法会综合大楼,其西北则为行政长官办公室,亦是香港行政会议举行的所在地,三组建筑之间的绿化带辟作添马公园,让公众举行活动及集会,亦不时会摆放艺术品作展出用途,如2018年的“天问”作品。 The Central Government Complex has been the he...
Created by 红米先生
凯虹广场于2011年12月1日开张营业,隶属于浙江舟山凯虹集团,是浙江省舟山市东港街道一个集百货、餐饮、娱乐、休闲文化、观光于一体的大型购物中心,是高档次、高品位商业旗舰。凯虹广场经营理念深化购物中心核心的主题:时尚、休闲、人性化。 此资产为独特建筑大型商场,占地16X16,高度相当于5层楼高, 贴图分辨率2k, LOD:2000.配带LED彩色夜景 ,可PO放大缩小。...
苏州中南中心 Suzhou South Central Center
Created by CM.
可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 Can be found in Level 6 Special Buildings 苏州中南中心位于苏州金鸡湖湖西CBD核心区,是湖西CBD城市天际线的中心和制高点,与东方之门、苏州中心广场组成一个整体,形成风格统一的面向金鸡湖的城市建筑群形象。项目总建筑面积约50万平方米,地上138层,地下5层,檐口高度598米,塔冠最高点729米,成为全国在建第一高楼。项目以打造绿色、生态、智慧、高效、多功能复合的超高层综合体为理念,建成集观光、七星级酒店、顶级公寓、国际5A级写字楼、世界顶...
黃鶴樓 | 黄鹤楼 | Yellow Crane Tower
Created by Emperor Li
斷斷續續的做了好幾個月終於完成了... 断断续续的做了好几个月终于完成了... After several months of off and on works it's finally finished... (english description at the bottom) 黃鶴樓 位於中國湖北省武漢市武昌蛇山上,江南四大名樓之一,共5層,高50.4米。始建於三國時代吳黃武二年(公元223年),歷代屢修屢毀,現在的黃鶴樓是於1985年重建的。更多資訊請參見: 維基百科 如果您喜歡,請參觀我的工作坊物...
111W57 Tower - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
111W57 Tower - New York The Steinway Tower is an American skyscraper built at 111 West 57th Street in New York. Construction begins in July 2015 and is scheduled to end in 2019. With a total height of 438 meters, the building will become one of the highest...
雷峰塔 Leifeng Pagoda
Created by Emperor Li
雷峰塔(english description at the bottom) 西湖十景之一(「雷峰夕照」)。建於975年,傳說是吳越王錢弘俶為慶祝寵妃黃氏得子而建,昔日亦稱黃妃塔,因為塔建於西湖南岸夕照山的雷峰之上,民間稱之為雷峰塔。明嘉靖年間,倭寇放火燒掉了雷峰塔木質結構,只留下了磚體塔身,後來,由於傳說雷峰塔的塔磚可以用來驅病強身或安胎,許多人就從塔磚上磨取粉末、挖取磚塊。1924年9月25日下午,幾乎挖空的塔基再也不堪重負,突然全部崩塌。2002年新雷峰塔重建於舊雷峰塔的原址之上,塔座部分成為遺址的展...
35 Hudson Yards
Created by _luminou_
35 Hudson Yards 35 Hudson Yards (also Tower E or Equinox Tower) is a mixed-use building in Manhattan's West Side and is slated to be composed of apartment units and a hotel. Located near Hell's Kitchen, Chelsea, and the Penn Station area, the building is a...
432 Park Avenue - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
432 Park Avenue - New York The building possesses a height about 426 mètres, 1.147 apartments in co-ownership and is this day one of the highest buildings of the United States, the highest residential skyscraper of the world, as well as the highest buildin...
50 Hudson Yards
Created by _luminou_
50 Hudson Yards 50 Hudson Yards is a 58-story and 1,011 ft tall building being planned as part of the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. The planned building is to be located to the north of 30 Hudson Yards, and on the east si...
55 Hudson Yards
Created by _luminou_
55 Hudson Yards 55 Hudson Yards (originally known as One Hudson Yards or One Hudson Boulevard) is a skyscraper being built in the neighborhood of Hudson Yards, Manhattan, New York City, just outside the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project. It and 50 Hudson ...
AIA Central 香港友邦经融中心 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
AIA Central 友邦金融中心 No LED AIA Central located at No. 1 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong, AIA Central is 185 meters high and looks like a traditional Chinese sailing boat. AIA Centr...
Space Needle
Created by Alvin
UPDATED FOR SNOWFALL: I've finally had time to update the LOD on the model, it should now be compatible with Snowfall! Thanks for all your patience and understanding! ============================================= Space Needle by x3 The iconic observation t...
Silverwind Casino
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Sorry I haven't posted anything new in a while, been taking a break for a little bit. Here's something that I hope you will enjoy using in your cities and bring a little bit of color to your night life. I wanted to make a casino after seeing others upload ...
Marina Bay Sands 金沙酒店
Created by 752811818
Marina Bay Sands Singapore Floors 57 Roof 207m Level 6 Unique building The problem of unconnected roads can be solved by using pavements to cross the tall buildings in the middle.
Strip club CL4x3 Lv2
Created by stmSantana
Strip club CL4x3 Lv2 by stmSantana ================================================== * Shop asset : commercial low, 4x3, lv2 * RECOMMEND Prop - Strip neon sign B 5m (Prop) - ↑のアセット(Prop)を利用した...
International Commerce Centre HK 香港环球贸易广场 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
International Commerce Centre HK 香港环球贸易广场 环球贸易广场,简称ICC。 Global Trade Plaza, referred to as ICC. It is the last development of Kowloon Station. 位于香港西九龙柯士甸道西1号,是一座118层高的综合式大楼, Located at 1 West Austin Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong, 拥有先进的设计及高智能设施,为九龙站的最后一期发展项...
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版
Created by XDBX
Shanghai WFC HD 上海环球金融中心高清版 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
XCAEC hotel 娱乐会所酒店
Created by XDBX
XCAEC hotel 都市天际线娱乐会所酒店 hotel of XDBX‘s Cities:skyline Asset and entertainment club hotel XCAEC大酒店,让您宾至如归。 本酒店由都市天际线娱乐会所所长亲自设计,裙楼共三层,为综合餐饮区,在裙楼顶部的天台上设有游泳池,其余楼层为客房和办公室,顶楼设有停机坪,并开通直升机接送服务(骗人的没开通)。 本酒店天台游泳池每周举办无上装派对,小朋友不能参加哟(游泳池区以被停业整改) 本酒楼开业大酬宾,所有顾客一律免费(编不下去...
CITIC Tower 北京中信大厦
Created by XDBX
2022全新版本: CITIC Tower Beijing 北京中信大厦 你可以在第六集特殊建筑中找到哟 You can find it in the special building of the 6 level.
Big Ben, London
Created by Armesto Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London and is usually extended to refer to both the clo...
Kinky's Pole Dancing Bar
Created by Kinkster
Pole Dancing Bar by KinkyPervyMind I thought I would have a go at building a pole dancing bar, with the focus on being able to see inside of it, and hence doing away with windows for the time being. It's my first real attempt at a model and I used a combin...
Burj Al Arab
Created by Fly54
Designed by Tom Wright of WKK Architects, the Burj Al Arab is the pinnacle of luxury, boasting 202 suites, with a top price of a little over $18,000 per night. Catering to the rich and powerful, and touted as the worlds only 7 star hotel, this masterpiece ...
Palms Casino Resort (RICO) Unique
Created by Crazyglueit
UPDATED MODEL - TEXTURES - LOD (4/30/18) Features UV Animation Palms Casino Resort, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Scale - 1:1 Plot Size - 12x6 Main - Tris 1,542 / Texture 1024 / Weight 5.94 LOD - Tris 242 / Texture 256 / Weight 0.94 RICO CategoryTourist (A...
Canton Tower广州塔(1:1比例)
Created by 红米先生
广州塔高楼LED版本,总高度600米。杆子高度146米,塔楼454米,夜晚带LED,另外附加底商(底座还原显示底盘,占地30格左右,由于广州塔占地面积大,需要后期配合道路无碰撞模组,在塔或者底座内部穿擦一条道路即可实现正常运营。 真实还原度为:95%,楼顶和底商(底座)可带行人站台观光。 Led version of Guangzhou tower tower, with a total height of 600 meters. The height of the pole is 146 meters, ...
ADI Rollercoaster 2 - The Twister [AD]
Created by AllDangerInc
After a long time here is my second rollercoaster :3 Sorry that it took so long :c Now you have more rollercoasters for your park, plus improved the details. ************************************************************************* Twitch:
The World Trade Center
Created by BoldlyBuilding If you'd like to support and motivate me in my work, please contribute via PayPal or Ko-Fi! My World Trade Center asset for C...
Perth Council Building (RICO) Australia
Created by Crazyglueit
As requested the Perth Council Building on St Georges Terrace in Perth, Western Australia. Completed in 1963 and opened by The Queen. This 13-storey office building, 47.9-metre (157 ft), was designed by Howlett and Bailey Architects and mostly serves as th...
DUBAI-Park Place 迪拜-普莱斯酒店
Created by 752811818 Park Place -Dubai Floor Count 56 Heights 235 m Level Six Unique Building Tris 1800+ 普莱斯酒店-迪拜 楼层 56 高度 235米 第六级特殊建筑 模型三角面 1800+ https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4...
Dubai-Almas Tower 迪拜 钻石大厦
Created by 752811818 迪拜-钻石大厦 高度-360米 楼层-68层 第六级特殊建筑 模型三角面 5500+ Dubai-Almas Tower Spire-360m Floor Count 68 Level six unique building Tris 5500+
DUBAI-Paramount Tower Hotel 迪拜-派拉蒙酒店
Created by 752811818
DUBAI-Paramount Tower Hotel & Residenc 迪拜 派拉蒙酒店及住宅大厦 250 m 65 Floors level six unique building 4000+ tris 1800+ tris for LOD 250米 65层 第六级特殊建筑 4000+ 三角形面数 1800+ ...
ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin
Created by SvenBerlin
ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin by SvenBerlin I named it ferris wheel Spreepark Berlin, but its a mix with also the Giant Wheel from Cedar Point in Ohio a lot of tris : 22.305 LOD: 232 You can change the colour of the steel beams, including the bottom part o...
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 香港会议展览中心 HK
Created by XDBX
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC) 香港会议展览中心 1:1scale version1:1比例 中文名称Chinese name 香港会议展览中心 外文名称English name Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 简称abbreviation HKCEC 开幕 1988年11月 You can find it in the special building of the fifth le...
CITIC Tower with LED Hong Kong HK
Created by XDBX
CITIC Tower(Additiv shader) 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version :htt...
Revenue Tower 香港税务大楼 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
税务大楼 Revenue Tower 税务大楼是一栋位于香港湾仔的摩天大楼。该建筑于1990年落成。 The Revenue Tower is a skyscraper located in Wan Chai, Hong Kong. It was built in 1990. You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心
Created by XDBX
One Island East Centre 港岛东中心 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到
Island Shangri-La 港岛香格里拉大酒店 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
ShangrilaHK by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Conrad Hong Kong 香港港丽酒店 HK
Created by XDBX
ConradHK 香港港丽酒店 You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Sun Hung Kai Centre 香港新鸿基中心 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
新鸿基中心 Sun Hung Kai Centre 新鸿基中心于1981年落成,为湾仔北最早期发展的甲级商厦之一. Sun Hung Kai Centre is an office skyscraper in Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island。 It was built in 1981. You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Cheung Kong Center Remastered长江集团中心:重制版Hong kong HK
Created by XDBX
Cheung Kong Center is located at the junction of Garden Road and Queen's Road Central.,and it was built in December 1995 and completed in 1999. 长江集团中心位处花园道及皇后大道中交界,于1995年12月兴建,1999年落成 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
Far East Finance Center:Remastered远东金融中心:重制版 hong kong hk
Created by XDBX
The Far East Financial Center is a commercial building in Admiralty, Hong Kong. It was completed in 1982 and has a golden glass curtain wall. 远东金融中心是一座位于香港金钟的商业大厦,完工于1982年,外形是金色的玻璃幕墙。 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the ...
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered香港中银大厦重制版hong kong HK
Created by XDBX
Bank Of China Tower:Remastered 香港中银大厦重制版 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制作了玻璃 Recreated glass 重新制作了灯光 Recreated the lights 重新制作了底座 Recreated the model You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Bank of China Tower With LED
Created by XDBX
注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无“Additive Shader”版本由此去 No "Additive Shader" version : 香港中银大厦 Bank of China Tower HK Hong Kong 重新制作了贴图 Recreated texture 重新制...
HK Macau Ferry Terminal & Shun Tak Centre V1.1 香港澳门客运码头与信德中心V1.1 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
HK Macau Ferry Terminal & Shun Tak Centre V1.1 香港澳门客运码头与信德中心 Hong Kong !!!!Only with two-way two-lane connection will there be a boat !!!!只能用双向两车道连接才会有船来 it is actually a pasenger boat terminal,theFerry Terminal just its name. 如果提示没有道路连接,在此建筑前修一条平行的公路即可。 I...
HK Macau Ferry Terminal & Shun Tak Centre 香港澳门客运码头与信德中心 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
HK Macau Ferry Terminal & Shun Tak Centre by XDBX 这只是一个邮轮码头,客运码头只是它的名字。 it is actually a pasenger boat terminal,theFerry Terminal just its name. 如果提示没有道路连接,在此建筑前修一条平行的公路即可。 If there is no road connection, build a parallel road in front of the building....
ShunTakCentre(1:1)香港信德中心 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
ShunTakCentre(1:1) by XDBX...
Night Club
Created by The Sinking Sun
Night strip club for your city, where each night hot girls brings a bit of love to lonely mans in the city and it's neighborhood ;) Unique building lvl 1, 300k$ cost, more info one last image. 1007 tris, 1k textures LOD model included After dark supported,...
Nero's Palace Casino & Hotel
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
After a month of modelling and far too many custom made textures, a roman themed casino for your tourist cities! I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to download the extras so you can build the sign and plaza! (NOW WITH AFTER DARK LIGHTING) Can't be bothered ...
Club Alpha
Created by funker
Club Alpha is coming to your town. Drink, dance and party all night long. Works best in your leisure quarters with it's fancy neons. If you like the Club Alpha, you might like the Green Man Crew, too.
Breakwater Hotel (Tourism)
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
Click Here for High Commercial Version! My First Building Release! Based on the Art Deco Miami South Beach Breakwater Hotel. Check out reference photo shots of the real thing here. Original Building Great flower assets by Breeze & Cypress tree by ryanjames...
Club Anastasia
Created by funker
Club Anastasia is in town. Dance all night long in Club Anastasia. Works best in your leisure quarters with it's fancy neons. Located under unique leisure buildings. Growable version may be uploaded some day. Tris: about 6500 YOU CAN DONATE ME SOME BUCKS T...
Club XXX
Created by stmSantana
Club XXX ======================================== The Rural club & Liquor store with neon sign props(blink). ストリップクラブと酒屋が一体化したユニーク施設です。別途ネオンのプロップが必要です。 カクテルグラスのProp、アルファマスクの黒をグレーに変えたら遠距離で見えづらくなるのが解消されました。 逆に遠くからも太い線で表示されるので違和感が出たかも?バランスが難しい。 Type: Unique b...
Jeneric Center
Created by Jerenable
Jeneric Center by Jerenable This is a pretty jeneric (hAhAA get it) pretty tall building, At 453m (thats about 25000ft :3) it will tower over most cities. This building is fully my own design and doesnt excist in real life. The other 2 tall buildins in the...
Goldin Finance 117 - 596m (Tianjin, China)
Created by Jerenable
Goldin Finance 117 by Jerenable ITS BIG MAN. updated entrance to be more pretty! Goldin Finance 117, also known as China 117 Tower, (Chinese: 中国117大厦) is a skyscraper under construction in Tianjin, China. The tower is expected to be 596 m (1,959 ft) with 1...
Lucky Penny Casino
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Some of you may have seen this casino before, a few years back on the Simtropolis Forums, the first casino I had ever attempted. I never got around to releasing it for SimCity but I have resurrected the casino for Cities:Skylines. Built in 1952, and refurb...
G0 - WTC : One World Trade Center - P1
Created by Ay'
Part 1 : One World Trade Center & Plaza Building One World Trade Center, at Ground 0, New York, NY, USA. WE WILL NEVER FORGET ! Here is Part 1 of the plan, which corresponds to One World Trade Center. A map to locate you will appear soon. It's a project th...
Enterprise rent-a-car
Created by KingLeno
enterprise rent-a-car by KingLeno A rental car facility for your Cims transportation needs. This is a vanilla level 1 commercial building. I tweaked a few things, added the sign. The sign prop is included with the asset, but not used. I also included custo...
Galileo Galilei Planetarium - Buenos Aires
Created by LealMafor
The 1960s-built planetarium, resembling a UFO, is located in the Parque Tres de Febrero in Palermo Buenos Aires, Argentina. It has a main projection room with a 20-metre dome and reclineable seats for viewing projections of the stars and planets, and a sma...
One Vanderbilt - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
One Vanderbilt - New York One Vanderbilt (also One Vanderbilt Place) is a skyscraper under construction at the corner of 42nd Street and Vanderbilt Avenue in midtown Manhattan, New York City. Proposed by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and developer SL ...
[AD]Drosovilas Grand Casino
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas grand Casino unique Building -Stats based off of Opera House -2700 tris, 2048 texture res, custom LOD(500 tris)...
The White House
Created by tobse
After Dark - UPDATE The White House by Tobse The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. (Source: Origin country: USA, Washington, D.C. #Note -After Dark...
Sheraton Hotels Zhanjiang
Created by XDBX
Sheraton hotels ZJ by XDBX 湛江喜来登酒店 两个大小版本,一共十个资产。 1:1大小有5个,1:1.5大小有5个。 Two size versions(1:1,1;1.5), a total of ten assets 1:1.5 version---------------------------------28.6MB 自带夜景彩灯 This version has colored lights Sheraton ZJ A 8.2mb Sheraton ZJ B 8.7mb S...
The Museum of Ancient Arts
Created by jens
A classic museum - a must have for every large city that claims to be a center of cultural life and history. This is a close adaption of the two museum buildings at Viennas Maria-Theresien-Platz with a ve...
Palais de la Bourse (Nantes)
Created by Hafiz
Palais de la Bourse (Nantes) This is not my model but rather a converted free 3D Model that I found in CGTrader made by user Teksel so credits to him for making this amazing model. I only added Illumination, Alpha, Color and Normal map texture. The diffuse...
Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa) [HD]
Created by DubaiSkyscraper
Special thanks to Ray Fleury a.k.a. Fury from Skyscrapercity for providing some top notch data! ------------------------ Burj Dubai (Burj Khalifa), Downtown Dubai, Dubai, UAE Version 1.0 This version goes to all detail-fanatics and those who appreciate acc...
Gula's Kingdom Tower
Created by Gula
Gula's Kingdom Tower (1:1) Updated for After Dark ------------------- The winner of my Patreon supported monthly raffle for the month of May was Jack B and he chose....... "At about one kilometre, the Kingdom Towe...
Griffith Observatory
Created by Kliekie
The Griffith Observatory The Los Angeles park and landmark is perched above Mount Hollywood with a magnificent view of Downtown LA just south of Hollywood. She isn't too far from Hollywood as in addition to her commanding view; the Observatory has played h...
Salesforce Tower
Created by KingLeno
Salesforce Tower by KingLeno Based on Salesforce Tower in San Francisco, California. No idea what scale, but it's pretty tall though. 200 Office jobs with RICO mod. Yes, it probably looks like a giant penis, but let's try to all be adults about it. Texture...
Pink Diamond Casino Hotel
Created by KingLeno
Pink Diamond Casino Hotel Tower by KingLeno Stand alone Pink Diamond Tower, based on the Flamingo Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. This was created for my Paradise Valley Cities Skylines series, a recreation of the Las Vegas Strip. Works well with the Rio Gran...
The Oasis Hotel & Casino Resort
Created by KingLeno
The Oasis Hotel & Casino Resort by King Leno A large unique building based on the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. It was created for Paradise Valley YouTube series. This asset includes the main building and 4 sub-buildings as well as a dummy fill...
Hotel Hilton
Created by Tomas13TO
Hotel Hilton by Tomas13TO You need to use the Ploppable RICO Mod by AJ3D to function as intended. Otherwise it's unique building (level 4). INFO - commercial-tourist - level 1 - 120 workplaces - 110 000 construction cost Model INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x102...
Eiffel Tower [Las Vegas]
Created by KingLeno
Eiffel Tower by KingLeno This is the vanilla Eiffel Tower included with the Cities Skylines Deluxe Edition which is required, but scaled down to 75%. The replica in Las Vegas is actually only 50% however. The texture on this model is also much brighter. It...
Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Created by Armesto Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile, the Triumphal Arch of Paris, is one of the most famous monuments in Paris, standing at the western end of the Champs-Élysées at the...
Spa and Hotel
Created by Tomas13TO
Spa and Hotel for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i,a (512x2048) triangles - 8352 LOD triangles - 277 It's located in unique buildings (level 3) 4x11 Screenshots are taken with - Daylight Classic by BloodyPenguin - Softer Shadows by boformer - Realistic LUT V...
Grand Hôtel Cascade, Imatra
Created by prepo
Grand Hôtel Cascade, or better known as Imatran valtionhotelli (Imatra state hotel), Imatra Finland. Art Noveau building was designed by architect Usko Nyström and it was completed in 1903. Model has 7627 polygons (custom LOD of 58 polygons), 2048 x 1024 p...
Modern Sufficiency House (Pack)
Created by Palm'sTime
Modern Sufficiency House Pack By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Type Low density residential house. Size Type 2 : 2 x 3 Type 3 : 3 x 2 Type 4 : 2 x 2 Type 6 : 2 x 2 Storey & Heights Type 2 : 2 Storey | 8.6 M. Type 3 : 1 Storey | 4.85 M. Type 4 : 2 Storey | 7...
Thai Tropical Contemporary + Modern House | Volume 1
Created by Palm'sTime
Thai Tropical Contemporary + Modern House Volume 1 By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Info: Contains 11 houses + 1 garage (for HBA620C house) Type Low density residential. Storey 1-3 Storey Tris 587 - 2,222 (Main) | 38 - 332 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 1,024 (Main) ...
West Royal 92m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Commissioned by Charlie_Zane, go check out Charlie_Zane's workshop, he's new to asset making, lets give him some love. Loosely based on Royal West Towers in West Vanco...
Modern Condo Highrise 75m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 5944 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination glass balcony 324 tris Custom LOD 76 tris 128x128 4...
Highrise Condo 93m 8x4
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Taller version of the 34m Condo, but this one has different shopfronts with glass awnings instead of canvas awnings 8x4 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse,...
Modern Condo
Created by Smilies
4x4 L2 high density residential growable 1024x512 diffuse, spec, normal, color, illumination main 12705 tris balcony submesh 2016 tris 256x128 diffuse, spec, color, alpha custom LOD 123 tris baked textures 256x256 4 different color variants Models and text...
[无名]Lotte World Tower
Created by XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
Created by XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
Created by ELVIS
The Federal Investigation Bureau Headquarters is a skyscraper in Grand Theft Auto V located on Power Street and San Andreas Avenue in Pillbox Hill, Downtown Los Santos. The building is located next to the International Affairs Agency headquarters, and is t...
Trump World Tower Rico
Created by My Tag Gone
This is a RICO version of a Unique building created by Reaper , It is in his Skyscraper_by_Reaper collection. Full creation credit to Him :) Will behave as Unique if RICO mod not installed. Will behave as High Commercial if RICO mod installed. Commercial s...
New Regal Theater
Created by MrMaison
New Regal Theater by MrMaison Updated 10/22/2015. See change notes for details. Get your Cims ready for showtime. The "New Regal Theater" aka Avalon Theater built in 1927. This landmark in Chicago hosted some of the greatest entertainers of all time Includ...
[AD]Drosovilas Chicago Spire
Created by Drosovila
The unbuilt Chicago Spire from.....Chicago. Planned to be 610m high by architect Santiago Calatrava. -Level 6 Unique Building -9x9 footprint, 600m height. -2200 tris, 1024x512 texture res, customLOD(196 tris, 512x256 texture res) - 1:2 Version here...
[AD]Drosovilas Church
Created by Drosovila
A church from my hometown Winterthur Switzerland. Made it for my full 1:1 hometown recreation and becasue I find the lack of good church assets disturbing. -Unique building level 6 (stats based off of "cathedral of plentitude") -2000 tris, 2048x1024 textur...
[AD]John Hancock Center from Chicago 1:1
Created by Drosovila
John Hancock Center. Unique building(8x11), based on the transport tower by Drosovila Size =1:1 -1337 tris, 1024 texture res., Custom LOD(250 tris) Size 1:1.6 is here:
U.S. Capitol
Created by tobse
U.S. Capitol by Tobse The United States Capitol, is the seat of the United States Congress, the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government. It sits atop Capitol Hill, at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. ( Description source: ...
European Parliament - Strasbourg
Created by _luminou_
European Parliament - Strasbourg Louis Weiss Building The European Parliament's Louise Weiss Building, in Strasbourg is opened on 14 December 1999. It houses Parliament's Debating Chamber and the offices of the MEPs This building is adapted for CS, it's co...
CCTV Headquarters 中央电视台总部
Created by HAIKUI
中央电视台总部大楼 北京最COOL的建筑 THE BIG BOXER SHORT ==== The CCTV Headquarters is a 234 m (768 ft), 44-story skyscraper on East Third Ring Road, Guanghua Road in the Beijing Central Business District (CBD). The tower serves as headquarters for China Central Televisio...
Ekaterinburg Circus
Created by Bilderbuch
Ekaterinburg Circus is a entertainment building for 2600 spectators in Russia. Circus has a lattice steel dome with a distinctive shape, which makes one of the Yekaterinburg's landmarks. It was built in 1980 on the right bank of Iset river. Сharacteristics...
Okrąglak round office building Poznań
Created by Robal
Okrąglak Round office building from Poznań, Poland. Designed by Marek Leykam in 1948, renovated in 2012. Not exact replica, bottom part is simplified. asset info growable office 4x4 3 level d,n,s,i,c,a 12 890 tris / 512/1024 custom lod Download as unique b...
Pavilion of Prince Teng(滕王阁)
Created by 言绥
滕王阁 by 飞行的荷兰人...
Hong Kong-styled commercial High 港式高密度商业区
Created by XDBX
HK commercial high by XDBX 本合集一共包括7棟樓,在高密度商業區. This collection includes a total of 7 buildings in a high-density commercial area.
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 國父紀念館
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2017-01-09*** Update for version 1.6.2-f1. Remove Sub-Buildings Enabler as dependency. 1.6.2-f1版更新 移除Sub-Buildings Enabler需求 A memorial to the Republic of China's National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall was built ...
China Resources Building 香港华润大厦 HK Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
华润大厦 China Resources Building ———————————————————————————————— 此资产有两个,一个是原版(不需要任何MOD),另一个是“Additiv shader”版(需要“Additiv shader”才能使用) There are two assets, one is the original (does not need any MOD), and the other is the "Additiv shader" version (requires "...
WDVE Radio
Created by yinzerr
WDVE Radio Office Building located in Green Tree, Pennsylvania. Home of the Pittsburgh Steelers and best damn rock on the radio 102.5 WDVE Pittsburgh! Level 3 Growable Office WDVE Logo built on to asset Tris 1895 / Custom LOD 34 Texture 1024x512 Equivalent...
Qiansimen Bridge Chongqing 重庆千厮门大桥
Created by RyanCat
Qiansimen Bridge (pronounced as"Chance men")in downtown Chongqing,with railway space under. It's 870m long and the main tower is about 182m in height. It's in the electricity menu. The twin bridge
Dongshuimen Bridge Chongqing 重庆东水门大桥
Created by RyanCat
Dongshuimen Bridge in downtown Chongqing,with railway space under. It's 1100m long with a 520 main span. It's in the electricity menu. The twin bridge
Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth
Created by Danks
Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth by Crumplesticks ツ After Dark port found here:
Cinema Cubix Berlin (Ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
Cinema Cubix Berlin . Standing close to train station at Alexanderplatz It's a unique building. With mod you can build it more than one time. 2065 tris with LOD. About 18% from original file Area 7x6 i used a 2048x2048 map because a 1024 was too small for ...
Theatro Municipal (Theater)
Created by Populous
Theatro Municipal l (Theater) by Populous The Theatro Municipal (Municipal Theater) is an opera house in the Centro district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Built in the early the twentieth century, it is considered to be one of the most beautiful and important...
high-rise apartment building 30 超高层住宅30层
Created by XDBX
high-rise apartment building 30 超高层住宅30层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
high-rise apartment building 40 超高层住宅40层
Created by XDBX
high-rise apartment building 40 超高层住宅40层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
high-rise apartment building 50 超高层住宅50层
Created by XDBX
high-rise apartment building 50 超高层住宅50层 这是一个公园,为了方便重复建造。 This is a park for repeated construction. 你可以在“公园”的“广场”一栏中找到它。 You can find it in the "Plaza" column of the "Park" 你也可以为它设置RICO,让它变成真正的住宅。 You can also set RICO for it to make it a real apartment. 因...
NTT電話局 Japanese Telephone office
Created by TOKACHI269
NTT電話局 Japanese Telephone office <Mesh info> Main triss : 5109 tex size : 1024x1024 (d, n, s, a, i) LOD triss : 117 tex size : 64x64 支援 Donate よろしければ支援のほどお願いします。 Amazon gift → NTT電話局 Japanese...
Church of Saint-Ambroise [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: The church of Saint-Ambroise is located in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. It was named after its neighborhood, the quartier Saint-Ambroise. It was built between 1863 and 1868, shortly after the construction of the new Boulevard du Prince-E...
Church of St. Ludmila
Created by Tomas13TO
Church of St. Ludmila from Prague,(Czech Republic). The Church of St. Ludmila (Czech: Kostel svaté Ludmily) is a typical neo-Gothic church at Náměstí Míru (Peace Square) in Prague's Vinohrady, built on plans of Josef Mocker in 1888–1892. It is named in hon...
Residential Building 003
Created by Valex L4 4x3 Residential Building by Valex based on Residential Complex "Botanic Garden" (Moscow, Russia). Ploppable RICO ready.
Hong Kong-styled commercial Low 港式低密度商業建築
Created by XDBX
HK commercial Low 本合集一共包括8棟樓,在低密度商業區. This collection includes a total of 8 buildings in a low-density commercial area. https://steamuserimages-a.akamai...
Hong Kong-styled Residential High part1 港式高密度住宅 第一部分
Created by XDBX
HK Residential High part1 本合集一共包括3棟樓,在高密居住業區. This collection includes a total of 3 buildings in a high-density residential area.
Hong Kong-styled Residential High part2 港式高密度住宅 第二部分
Created by XDBX
HK apartment high4 by XDBX 本合集一共包括3棟樓. This collection includes a total of 3 buildings . 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 You can find it in the special building of the first level. 大家可用move it “ctrl+c”複製建築,不需要RICO You can copy the building with move it “ctrl+c” without RIC...
The Exchange 106
Created by CM.
你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in level 6 special buildings. 106交易塔(TheExchange 106)是吉隆坡敦拉萨国际贸易中心的标志性建筑;该中心作为“1720亿大吉隆坡计划”重要部分,是纳吉布政府为马国发展的首要战略,纳吉布曾表示,要将此贸易中心打造为亚洲金融中心。 The exchange 106 is the landmark building of dunlhasa International Trade Center in K...
Ministry of Education
Created by Lichwiarz
You feel that the education system in Your city is outdated and broken? Build the Ministry of Education and show Your population what does it mean to be "enlightened"! -Shape and front of the model are based on the building of Ministry of National Educatio...
Teatro Tomas Terry - Cienfuegos
Created by PeterBar
Teatro Tomás Terry was built in the end of the 19th century in Cienfuegos, Cuba. It is named after Tomás Terry, a sugar magnat from Venezuela, who lived and died in the City. It houses more than 900 people. Until today the neoclassical building is a famous...
The Gentry - Rama IX (Type L - Modern House)
Created by Palm'sTime
The Gentry - Rama IX (Type L) (Modern House) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Low density residential house. Size 3 x 2 Storey & Heights 3 Storey | 11.8 M.* Tris 2,274 (Main) | 247 (LOD) Texture Size 1024 x 1024 (Main) | 128 x 128 (LOD) Scale ...
Green Modern Luxury
Created by BrowncoatTrekky
For NGON was awesome. 2 Modern Luxury homes made back in 2015 fit well in latest Green Cities DLC. Stats: Growable | Low Residential | 4X4 | L5 Source for Backup: NGON LR01 Modern Green Luxury NGON LR02 Modern Green Luxury ** For the unitiated, sources lis...
Tysons Center
Created by Keith3201
This building has 2,276 tris. It uses 2k diffuse, specular, normal, alpha, and illumination textures. It also comes with an LOD version. It is 1188 feet tall (362 meters) with 98 floors. It is an entirely unique building and is not based on anything else. ...
Posco Tower Songdo
Created by DSBSubhrajyoti
Posco Tower Songdo by DSBSubhrajyoti Commissioned by Rake 1K textures, 2k tris. Consider supporting me on Paypal Want to reach me for commissions? Hit me up at Discord: BaidDSB#6397...
杭州世茂智慧之门,Hangzhou Wisdom Tower
Created by CSCA
Hangzhou Shimao wisdom gate 272.6m × 2\61F × two The plot is located in the landmark position of Binjiang District government, close to the Olympic Sports Expo City, with a total construction area of 372138 square meters and a total floor area of 33857 squ...
Greenbrier Golf Resort
Created by thebigeasy66
I wasn't satisfied with the first clubhouse. ;) I present, the Greenbrier, America's resort since 1778! It's one of the most iconic venues of golf. This is what I have been working on for the past 2 months. Big thanks to Matt Crux for his help! Compatibili...
Community Center (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, for you and your cims. The Community Center. Enjoy! This asset comes without foliage (as seen in the screenshots). If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique Building panel. Have fun! You like my assets and wa...
First Skyline Bank
Created by KingLeno
First Skyline Bank by KingLeno To see this asset in-game, check out the video above or just click here! Level 2 Office with RICO settings Lot size: 6x6 Triangles: 542 Texture: 2048* d,n,s,i Custom LOD 48 triangles, 512x256 If you like my assets, consider b...
Created by Reaper
Trump_World_Tower by Reaper unique building with lod scale 1:1 compatible with After Dark 9752 highpoly tex resolution 2048 143 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below pay...
Futurium Berlin
Created by SvenBerlin
Futurium Berlin by SvenBerlin This is a replica of the Futurium located in Berlin City Center close to the main station. "Futurium is a House of Futures. Here, everything revolves around the question: how do we want to live? In the exhibition, visitors can...
Antiguo Casino de Puerto Rico
Created by Macwelshman] Antiguo Casino de Puerto Rico Antiguo Casino de Puerto Rico is an historically important building located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. History The building was the brainchild of a group of citizens, known as the Asociación del C...
Woodlog Architects (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, some cims told me about guys new in town. They call themselves "The Woodlog Architects" and they are looking for employees these days. Maybe you pay a visit on them. If you don't use Ploppable RICO, you will find this building in your Unique ...
Nike NYC
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Nike "House of Innovation" building on 5th Avenue, New York City. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 2,625 tris / 1,02...
Avalon Hotel
Created by Visu
Level-5 Unique Building - Complete w/ LoD model. Employs 375....
590 Madison_growable_offv1_154M
Created by Reaper
590 Madison_growable_offv1_154M by Reaper growable office 4x4 compatible with After Dark Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal email: ==>
Yodobashi UMEDA
Created by CityOfTokyo
Yodobashi UMEDA Yodobashi Umeda is a commercial complex in Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka (the JR Osaka station square). Including "Yodobashi Camera multimedia Umeda of the major household appliance general merchandising store," a large number of tena...
[RICO] Opera Grand - Dubai
Created by Bibel Gurra
If you like my work and want to support me; Twitter:
Foster Tower Madrid (White)
Created by BenTracker
Foster Tower Madrid (White Lights) > > > Red Lights Version Foster Tower is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors. Other names: Torre Repsol, Torre Caja Madrid, Torre Banki...
Foster Tower Madrid (Red)
Created by BenTracker
Foster Tower Madrid (Red Lights) > > > White Lights Version Foster Tower is a skyscraper located in the Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain. With a height of 248.3 m (815 ft) and 45 floors. Other names: Torre Repsol, Torre Caja Madrid, Torre Banki...
Indra Office - Badajoz
Created by BenTracker
Indra Office - BadajozUnique building L4 compatible with Ploppable RICO (Office L3) Indra Badajoz in Google Maps -------------------------------------------------------- 2807 Tris / 2048 x 2048px LOD: 126 Tris / 128 x 128px...
Crystal Tower Madrid
Created by BenTracker
The Crystal Tower (Torre de Cristal) is a skyscraper in the Cuatro Torres Business Area (CTBA) in Madrid, Spain, completed in 2008. With a final height of 249 metres. More info -------------------------------------------------------- Unique Building L6 Com...
Apple Store (High Commercial L3) [re-up]
Created by Elias
All the thanks for that object have to go to HISTOR (<-- Link) Here his original Apple Store (<-- Link) What is different: - bigger (footprint 3x4) - L3 instead of L2 - iPhone-Billboard on side and back of the Store (when you are subscribed to the prop) - ...
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER V3.0 (Growable Office)
Created by CityOfTokyo
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER V3.0 (Growable Office) Ver.3.0 RICO Supported. The size of the asset file is big now because texture is not compressed. If a patch is released, I update it. Difference with previous version ・ Made size of the texture half. ・ Add sea...
Dior Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Dior building in Ginza, Tokyo It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 2,289 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha maps Custom LOD: 26 tris / 256x256 textu...
Drosovilas Hockey Stadium
Created by Drosovila
IRL "Ingalls Rink" is the hockey stadium of the yale university, built by finnish architect Eero Saarinen in 1958. Ingame -Level 6 Unique Building -Based off of the Stadium but a bit more moderate -12x6 size The Model Main: -3133 tris -2048x512 Texture res...
Time Warner Center
Created by honker
The Time Warner Center is a mixed use twin-tower building in New York City. Opened in 2003, this 55-story building wraps around Columbus Circle at the southwest corner of Central Park. Its postmodern design reflects the city around it, both literally and f...
The Pantheon [Paris]
Created by Gèze
Informations: The Panthéon is a building in the Latin Quarter in Paris. It was originally built as a church dedicated to St. Genevieve and to house the reliquary châsse containing her relics but, after many changes, now functions as a secular mausoleum con...
H&M Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the H&M building located at the center of the busy Hongdae shopping district in Seoul. It works best as a corner building. I've tried to figure out how the roof glass canopies work 'c...
Prada Osaka
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Prada building in Osaka. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 4,160 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha, normal maps LOD: 58 tris / 25...
Louis Vuitton Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x2 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Louis Vuitton store in Ginza, Tokyo. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 485 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / Diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha, normal maps Custom LOD: 69 tris / ...
Sky Tower Auckland (AD Update)
Created by Hafiz
Sky Tower Auckland (AD Update). This is a After Dark ready version of Krodge's Sky Tower with illumination mapping and outside lighting. Credits to him. I only updated the illumination map and outside lighting. Other than that, nothing else was changed. Th...
Rauma Church
Created by Ionwind
Updated 2019-07-13 with functional clock prop. Rauma Church Clock prop is now listed as a required item. A building modeled after the Church of the Holy Cross located in Rauma, Finland. The grey granite church was completed around year 1520 and it served a...
Sydney Opera House
Created by robert
Sydney Opera House by Tauro. Size: 9x14 Construction Cost: 175000 Fire Hazard: 1 Fire Tolerance: 20 Garbage Accumulation: 8 Maintenance Cost: 15000 Electicity Electricity Consumption: 35 Turists High Wealth Turists: 150 Low Wealth Turists: 150 Medium Wealt...
Puma Osaka
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Puma store in Osaka. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. Thanks @cluskillz for the suggestion. It is part of my Flagship Store...
Sydney Opera House
Created by Robert
This is a 1:1 recreation of the Sydney Opera House, a globally recognised icon of Sydney. Along with my recreation of Sydney Tower and BadPeanut's excellent Sydney Harbour Bridge, this completes a triumvirate of Sydney icons for the contemporary Skylines c...
Muji Shibuya (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Muji building in Shibuya, Tokyo. I really like the simplistic facade and color scheme that match the aesthetics of the brand. The real building has a super massive roof structure ...
Large City Court House
Created by jens
After a long summer break with a broken computer I finally found a way to upload again. My latest work: A large court house. It has the same function as the one in the game (none, you still need to keep crime rates high to achieve it). This one is close to...
Schönborn palace
Created by AleX_BY
Schönborn palace was built by earl Buheym Schönborn in 1890 - 1895. Schönborn family came here to hunt and relax. A hunting palace of Counts Schoenborn is an excellent state of preservation. Tourists are welcome here: the entrance is free of charge, souven...
Cartier Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Cartier flagship store in Ginza, Tokyo. It is meant to be a 2x3 corner building, but to avoid potential confusion that arises when players plop the building on non-corner tiles and the buildin...
[AD]"Loss" Casino and Hotel by Drosovila
Created by Drosovila
"Loss" hotel and casino by Drosovila -Unique Building -stats based off of "cathedral of plentitude"(Level 6) -11x5 size -950 tris, 2048 texture resolution, Custom LOD(300 tris, 256 texture resolution). -Heavily inspired by the "Wynn" casino from vegas. -He...
haeundae park Hyatt Hotel
Created by ELVIS
haeundae park Hyatt Hotel by ELVIS0529 *The last building of Haeundae ipark set* -355tris 1024*2048 tex res -355tirs custom lod 512*512 tex res...
Slovak National Theater, Bratislava
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. This is the Slovak National Theater from Bratislava The building was opened in 1886 and replaced the former first theater of the city. It is located o...
Aalto Opera House
Created by GDuath
The Aalto Opera House (Aalto-Musiktheater) is a performing arts venue in Essen, Germany. Designed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, it opened in 1988 after 5 years of construction. The style is considered "organic architecture" due to its curved forms ...
Department of Archives
Created by honker
F-UCK ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a 9x12 RICO-ready office building based on one in downtown Chicago. It's over a century old, one of the oldest in the city. This is an example of the Chicago school style of architecture, with...
Cosco tower HK 香港中远大厦 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
Cosco tower 中远大厦 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 中远大厦位于香港上环皇后大道183号,建于1998年。 COSCO Tower is located at 183 Queen's Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. It was built in 1998. You can find it in the special building of the first le...
Marriott Hotel
Created by DieHardHunter
Model based on the Chattanooga Marriott Hotel next to the Chattanooga Convention Center. Stats: Tris: 4893 Textures: 2048x1024 Model info: - Unique Building - Auto-generated LOD - Model modified with Sketchup and 3DSMax. Credit: the original geomodel is by...
Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Zaha Hadid Project
Created by _luminou_
Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Zaha Hadid Project Following the news in 2012 that Zaha Hadid Architects had won a competition to design the 80,000-seat Tokyo National Stadium as a centerpiece for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Japan’s Prime Minister has announced that ...
Vice City Tower
Created by XDBX
Building Vice City Tower by XDBX The skyscraper is the tallest building in Vice City. gta vc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 这是一个公园属性的建筑,你可以在公园那一栏找到 This is a park property building, you can ...
Created by Ionwind
Värtaterminalen is a new ferry and cruise ship terminal in Stockholm, Sweden. Unfortunately some cases where the harbor doesn't function and I don't have the resources to fix it, sorry. Background The terminal building was designed by C.F. Møller architect...
Created by 红米先生
北京三里屯太古里 by 红米 想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129...
Ancient Chinese Palace,the Main Hall(Qin Dynasty,Han Dynasty style)中国秦汉风格宫殿主殿中式古建筑国风
Created by VQVQ
主殿palace by VQVQ 中国秦汉风格宫殿主殿 park 约占20*10格 Park, the main palace of Chinese Qin and Han style, takes about 20 * 10 spaces 你可以在公园列表里找到它 名字为 1 You can find it in the park list ,name is 1 注:主殿底座高台应有汉白玉护栏,类似故宫,但考虑到模型大小,未导入汉白玉护栏,工坊已有人制作汉白玉石护栏,建议订阅后在游戏内根据个人喜好布置护栏...
Ancient Chinese Palace,side palace(Qin Dynasty,Han Dynasty style)中国秦汉风格宫殿偏殿中式古建筑国风
Created by VQVQ
side palace 未央宫偏殿 by VQVQ 资产在你的独特建筑里 You can find it in the special building. 这是秦汉风格宫殿系列的第二部分,偏殿,偏殿是中国古代皇帝休息和游玩的宫殿,体积比主殿要小,通常紧挨着主殿。 同样,本次没有布置护栏,我已添加必须的护栏资产,您可以在游戏内布置木质护栏和汉白玉护栏。 This is the second part of the Qin and Han Dynasty style palace series. The sid...
正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color to grey with green edge 改屋頂成灰筒瓦綠琉璃剪邊 ****************************** 正陽門箭樓 This is a new version of the gate with new wall texture. It's compatible with the draggable Beijing Inner City Wall. I recommand to use this...
正陽門箭樓 | 正阳门箭楼 | Zhengyangmen Archery Tower
Created by Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a new version available in the workshop. This one is compatible with the modular city wall . The newer one has new wall texture and compatible with the draggable city wall . I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can...
正陽門城樓 | 正阳门城楼 | Zhengyangmen Gate Tower
Created by Emperor Li
******2018-04-18****** There is a new version available in the workshop. This one is compatible with the modular city wall . The newer one has new wall texture and compatible with the draggable city wall . I recommand to use the newer one, because cims can...
Gate of the Zenith Sun 正陽門城樓
Created by Emperor Li
***UPDATE 2021-09-14*** Change roof color to grey with green edge 改屋頂成灰筒瓦綠琉璃剪邊 ****************************** Gate of the Zenith Sun (Zhengyangmen Gate Tower) This is a new version of the gate with new wall texture. It's compatible with the draggable Beiji...
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW
Created by TAEMIN B
北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 北京 天安門 Beijing Tiananmen NEW 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #紫禁城 #故宮博物院...
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package
Created by TAEMIN B
北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 北京 天安門包 Beijing Tiananmen Package 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. Tiananmen is most popular landmark building in P.R. China, and for Chinese. It is in Beijing, China and it's a main gate of imperial palace, Forbidden city. #天安門 #...
Foxiangge Beijing PR China 佛香阁
Created by TAEMIN B
Foxiangge Beijing PR China 佛香阁 Foxiangge, 佛香阁 Foxiangge is an one of popular landmark buildings in P.R. China, and for Chinese. This unique building is in a mountain called Wanshoushan of Beijing, China and it's a imperial sacred palace for buddhism. 佛香阁, ...
國民革命忠烈祠 National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine
Created by Emperor Li
國民革命忠烈祠 位於臺北市圓山的一座忠烈祠,是中華民國全國崇祀國殤位階最高的場所。於1969年完工,建築型式仿北京故宮太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 歡迎使用First Person Camera: Updated 進來參觀。:) 感謝您的訂閱! 国民革命忠烈祠 位于台北市圆山的一座忠烈祠,是中华民国全国崇祀国殇位阶最高的场所。于1969年完工,建筑型式仿北京故宫太和殿。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 预览图片中的牌楼在这里。 欢迎使用First Person Camera: Update...
Quanjude Peking Roast Duck
Created by Emperor Li Your cims want some Peking roast duck? Build the Quanjude in your city. Quanjude is a Chinese restaurant in Beijing, China established in 1864 during the Qing Dynasty and is known for its Peking roast duck. (from Wikipedia )...
江南民居Folk House of Jiangnan
Created by MC100
江南风格的传统民居,硬山顶,适合古风造景。2X2大小,高度为10米。别忘记点赞哦! 模型制作:leon_sun 模型优化导入:MC100 This is a traditional Chinese folk house in Jiangnan area(regions south of the Yangtze River,"江jiang" means "big river" in Chinese, here it refers to "the Yangtze River"; "南nan" means "so...
[RICO]古风建筑 Antique Chinese Building
Created by hikke
大家好 这次继续推出我的第二个古风建筑 也是参照了古镇里常见的建筑类型。 这个是木结构的,我还会制作一个同款的砖结构 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks fgjz-2 951 252 1024x1024 512x512 building hi everyone~~ This is Antique Chinese Building enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~ ...
组合式古风建筑套装 Antique Chinese Building(modular)
Created by hikke
大家好 这次推出的是组合式套装 一共三种宽度规格的房子+一个配套的马头墙 可以组合出多种形式,比如我预览图那种 还有就是我把占地调整了一下,移到河边应该不会影响地形 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 注:可以使用find it 单独调出来放置 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Remarks fgjz-3 577 216 1024x1024 512x512 building fgjz-4 633 184 1024x1024 512x512 building fgjz...
大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda
Created by hikke
大家好 这次制作的是西安的大雁塔 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 资产背景介绍: 大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔,最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。 Background introduction: Great Wild Goose Pagoda or Big Wild Goose Pago...
古风建筑 06-08 Antique Chinese Building
Created by hikke
大家好 这次继续推出古风建筑 也是参照了古镇里常见的建筑类型。 一共三种式样 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- hi everyone~~ This is Antique Chinese Building enjoy~~ have fun~~ if you like please rate~~ 模型信息: Name Tris LOD Texture LODTexture Re...
Fragrant Isle 香洲
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Pavilion of Lotus 芙蓉榭
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Pavilion of Fragrant Snow and Azure Cloud 雪香雲蔚亭
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
Peony suffruiticosa Pavilion 繡綺亭
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
[The Humble Administrator's Garden] Main Gate 拙政園大門
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
The Secluded Pavilion of Firmiana Simplex and Bamboo 梧竹幽居
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (from: wikipedia ) Cities: Skyline...
The Hall of Distant Fragrance 遠香堂
Created by Emperor Li The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and one of the famous Chinese garden in Suzhou, China. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Hall of Distant Fragrance is t...
Peking Union Medical College 北京協和醫學院老樓
Created by Emperor Li Peking Union Medical College is located in Beijing Dongcheng District. Construction finished in 1921, it is a architectural complex combining Chinese and Western architectural style, designed by American architect Charles Co...
乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha
Created by MC100
大明宫宣政殿Hall of Xuanzheng, Daming Palace
Created by MC100
大明宫宣政殿Hall of Xuanzheng, Daming Palace by MC100 不要忘记点赞哟~ 宣政殿,是唐代长安城大明宫中的第二大殿,是常朝殿堂,地位仅次于其南的外朝正衙含元殿,其北是内朝紫宸殿。 宣政殿是唐长安大明宫第二大殿。建于高宗龙朔二年(公元662年),规模与含元殿基本相同。宣政殿是皇帝在大明宫举行中朝常日听政之处。 含元殿一般用作庆典的场所,而宣政殿才是真正日常上朝的地方。 宣政殿位于含元殿正北300米,两殿之间有宣政门。据钻探得知,宣政殿殿基东西长约70米,南北宽40余米。 ...
Dragon Gate Inn (Beijing Commercial Type 0 Lv1-3)
Created by Emperor Li fictional building inspired by Xingchengjiu Hotel Pingyao and New Dragon Gate Guest House in Pingyao, China. Find it keywords: BCom, Beijing Tris: 4966, 5478, 5910 LOD tris: 224,232 Texture: 1...
南禅寺大殿Main Hall of Nanchan Temple
Created by MC100
南禅寺大殿Main Hall of Nanchan Temple by MC100 南禅寺大殿,中国现存最早的木结构建筑。位于山西省五台县城西南22千米的李家庄。始建年代不详,重建于唐建中三年(782)。南禅寺大殿是我国现存三个半唐代木构中的一个,是正宗的唐代建筑。大殿面阔、进深各3间,平面近方形,单檐歇山灰色筒板瓦顶。檐柱12根,其中3根抹棱方柱当是始建时遗物。殿前有宽敞的月台,殿内无柱。殿内有泥塑佛像17尊,安置在凹形的砖砌佛坛上,佛坛上后部正中为释迦牟尼塑像,庄严肃穆,总高近4米,基本保存了原有风貌,...
洛阳永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda, Luoyang
Created by MC100
永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda by MC100 永宁寺塔,北魏洛阳城内佛寺建筑,始建于孝明帝熙平元年(公元516年),由笃信佛法的灵太后胡氏主持修建,规模之宏大为洛阳千寺之冠。修建成的永宁寺塔是一座以佛塔为中心的佛寺,是专供皇帝、太后礼佛的场所。关于塔的高度,文献记载不一,有说塔高九层,一百丈,百里外都可看见,也有说塔高四十九丈或四十余丈,合今约 136.71米,加上塔刹通高约为147米,是我国古代最高的佛塔。这次资产采用的高度为147米(不含基座), 基座边长38.2米,高2.2米...
四川蓬溪金仙寺大殿 Main Hall of Jinxian Temple
Created by 硬施德Ngenschde
明清风格城楼Ming Dynasty Gate
Created by MC100
一座明清风格的小城楼,高度28米,适合小型古城。不要忘记点赞哦 An ancient Chinese gate (Ming Dynasty Style) Don't forget to give it a 👍 ...
Ancient Chinese Architecture Water viewing platform 观水台
Created by VQVQ
观水台 by VQVQ Ancient Chinese Architecture Water viewing platform 2*2 If you want to give the craftsmen a platform to see the lake, subscribe to it! You can find it in your list of unique buildings! 一个小亭子,。在独特建筑列表里,名字叫观水台,最好另外订阅建筑不怕水的那个mod,另外没有放置入口的楼梯和走廊,玩家可...
应县木塔The Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong Temple
Created by MC100
"今天正式的去拜见佛宫寺塔, 绝对的Overwhelming, 好到令人叫绝, 喘不出一口气来半天!这个塔真是个独一无二的伟大作品. 不见此塔, 不知木构建筑的可能性达到了什么程度. 我佩服极了. 佩服建造这塔的时代, 和那时代里不知名的大建筑师, 不知名的匠人。" -----------梁思成 "Today I officially went to visit the Sakyamuni pagoda of Fogong temple. It's absolutely Overwhelming and s...
北京鼓楼 Beijing Drum Tower
Created by MC100
北京鼓楼是坐落在北京市南北中轴线北端的一组古代建筑,位于北京东城区地安门外大街北端。是全国重点文物保护单位。在原有现存的鼓楼中,北京鼓楼是体量最大的(考虑到凤阳鼓楼城楼部分是现代修建的)气势雄伟,巍峨壮观,高度的技术水平和不朽的艺术价值,充分显示出了古代汉族劳动人民的智慧和力量 。北京鼓楼坐北朝南,为重檐三滴水木结构楼阁建筑,通高46.7米。楼身坐落在4米高的砖砌城台之上,东西长约56米,南北宽约33米,体量与法国凯旋门相当。台上四周围以宇墙。钟鼓楼作为元、明、清代都城的报时中心,是古都北京的标志性建筑之一...
Historical Chinese residence Pack
Created by RyanCat
Historical Chinese residence Pack Contains 7 traditional Chinese style residence buildings,which share the textures.Use Loading screen mod to save RAM. Tris: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Main 1429 317 514 2595 2497 1746 1682 LOD 22 22 ...
Chinese veranda 1
Created by RyanCat
The waterside building I used in Contains a main building,a lotus vat prop,a wooden stand prop and a wooden lamp prop which uses the custom effect loader mod that make it lit up at night. The building has inside structures on t...
Historical Chinese Buildings Pack (Offices)
Created by RyanCat
Historical Chinese Buildings Pack by RyanCat Contains 8 different buildings,which function as offices. They all share one texture so you can use Loading screen mod to save RAM. Use repaint to change roof color. Tris: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Main 3913 4051 ...
奉国寺大殿Main Hall of Fengguo Temple
Created by MC100
奉国寺大殿Main Hall of Fengguo Temple by MC100 "千年国宝,无上国宝,无上的宝物。" -----------梁思成 "Millennium national treasure, supreme national treasure, paramount treasure." -----------Liang Sicheng(the father of modern Chinese architecture) 奉国寺位于辽宁锦州义县 奉国寺大雄宝殿,又称七佛殿、奉国寺大雄殿以...
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂 (building)
Created by victor86520
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is one of the most famous sites in Taiwan. it located in Taipei city and build in 1980. Please give me five star if you like it, thanks! you can find it form Lv.1 building or RICO "cks Memorial Hall" 中正紀念堂是台灣最有名的建築之一,位於台灣台北市,並...
宣德门完整版Gate of Xuande completed
Created by MC100
宣德门完整版Gate of Xuande completed by CSL.Studio 北宋汴京宫城正门,宋初叫明德门,太平兴国三年改丹凤门,雍熙元年改今乾元门,大中祥符八年改正阳门,明道二年改宣德门。该门由主城门、两朵楼及两阙组成,平面呈"凹"字形,五凤楼形制,上承洛阳应天门,下启大都崇天门,为中国古代都城城门形制演变中的重要一环,对以后金中都、元大都,直至明清北京城的皇宫城门形制均有影响。 这个版本的宣德门更像是宣德门跟应天门的合体版本,因为现实里的宣德门是单向三出阙,而这里改成了双向三出阙。五凤楼形...
China's super project Three Gorges Dam中国之超级工程三峡大坝
Created by 红米先生
使用方法很简单:由于大坝巨大且按1:1比例制作,所有我将模型分成三部分,用字母标注,分别为zhong.zuo,you,中文意思是中间部分,另外两部分分别放置在中间部分的两侧一边是左(zuo) ,另一边是右(you),可用moit it调节位置和高度,大坝可以发电,中间部分发电量为20万瓦。 如果发现订阅显示不了,请重新订阅两个MOD支持超大建筑 Larger Footprints (Snowfall) Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED) 三峡大坝,位于中国湖北省宜昌市三斗坪...
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre, HK 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre 1:1, Hong Kong SAR HK A office complex with shopping centre and public car park in Wan Chai. Location: 23 Harbour Road Architekt: Paliburg Development Consultants Limited Completed: 1983 Hight: 146 m ----In game Info---- Uniq...
[RICO] 圓山大飯店 Grand Hotel
Created by Emperor Li
圓山大飯店 位於臺北市中山區劍潭山的中國風飯店,於1973年落成,是臺北市的著名地標之一。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 位於 Ploppable RICO 選單下Tourist裡,無RICO Mod在等級5特殊建築選單內。 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 漢白玉欄杆在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! 圆山大饭店 位于台北市中山区剑潭山的中国风饭店,于1973年落成,是台北市的著名地标之一(摘自: 维基百科 ) 位於 Ploppable RICO 选单下Tourist里,无RICO Mod在等级5特殊建筑选单内。 预览图片中的牌楼...
人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People
Created by MC100
中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东,南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。这个资产和现实中比较起来因为一些原因它的长度和宽度可能要短一些,但是不影响使用。请不要在评论区谈论有关政治的话题,就把它当作城市的一栋建筑就好了。最后不要忘记点个赞哦! First of all, I made this asset just for fun and entertainment, not for any...
Xiamen International Center (501 Lujiang Ave.)
Created by Vincent
Today I would like to present you with my first Asset in Steam Workshop (and, obviously, first asset for Cities: Skylines). This 340 meters tall skyscraper is the tallest building in my Hometown, the city of Xiamen (or, more widely known as Amoy), and it's...
Guangxi Investment Center
Created by Apiem
This is a 1:1 scale version of the Guangxi Financial Investment Center. This building is 88 floors and a total of 352 meters tall. If you like my work, please take a moment and give a positive rating or post a comment. This is also by no means my last uplo...
中国国家游泳中心-水立方China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube
Created by 六六
中国国家游泳中心-水立方 China National Aquatics Center - Water Cube 资产介绍: 国家游泳中心又称"水立方"(Water Cube)位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为2008年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。 国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米,长宽高分别为 177m ×177m ×30m。 国家游泳中心是北京2008年奥运会主要比赛场馆之...
宁波中心大厦B座,Ningbo Center B
Created by RAY
宁波中心大厦B座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
CNPC building Beijing
Created by abuchou
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is an integrated international energy company. The CNPC Building of China is contained four L-shaped office buildings with 22 floors,90m height. In side of these buildings,the two buildings is connected. The main...
Created by UNFU
广州大剧院是广州新中轴线上的标志性建筑之一,是目前华南地区最先进、最完善和最大的综合性表演艺术中心。坐落于珠江新城花城广场旁,以璀璨的文化地标身份,为中国大胆探索着剧院经营管理新模式和改革发展道路。 广州大剧院由第一位获得“普利兹克建筑奖”的女性、英籍伊拉克设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计,是她进入中国的处女作和成名作 。广州大剧院宛如两块被珠江水冲刷过的灵石,奇特的外形充满奇思妙想。全球顶级声学大师哈罗德·马歇尔博士,为广州大剧院精心打造的声学系统,达到世界一流水平,使其传递出近乎完美的视听效果,获得全球建筑界及艺...
Hwl tower HK 和记黄埔大厦 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
Hwl tower by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到 1:1.5versions
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦
Created by XDBX
China Resources Headquarters 深圳华润大厦 华润春笋 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 ...
Sunshine's Shopping Heaven by BumpaNiggl (growable H3)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Sunshine's Shopping Heaven - "The Superman Skyscraper" ^^ by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (growable) A tribute to my sunshine. :] Custom made. Cosmetics and shopping for the well situated ladies and everbody else that feels they need a treatment for their well being or just...
Bank of America Tower HK 香港美银中心 Hong Kong
Created by XDBX
bankofAmerica by XDBX You can find it in the special building of the first level. 你可以在第1级特殊建筑中找到...
Mercedes-Benz Arena - Berlin
Created by _luminou_
Mercedes-Benz Arena - Berlin The Mercedes-Benz Arena (formerly O2 World) is an omni-sports venue located in the Berlin district of Friedrichshain (Bezirk de Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg). It is mainly used for ice hockey, basketball, concerts and other events....
The center with LED
Created by XDBX
The center with LED by XDBX 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 由于游戏本身原因,使LED灯的颜色无法变幻。 the color of the LED light cannot be changed due to the game itself. You can find it in the special building of the third level. 你可以在第三级特殊...
Fish Trade Center
Created by Nobiau
Hi! This is my first asset for cities skyline, a fictionnal Fish Trade Center. You will need the Sunset Harbour DLC to find it. The snow DLC is just required for the tables of the terrace. The facade reminds Japanese culture by the Shou Sugi Ban technique ...
Leningradskaya Hotel (Seven Sisters), Moscow
Created by kostas667
About the building The Leningradskaya Hotel (Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya) is one of Moscow's Seven Sisters, skyscrapers built in the early 1950s in the Stalinist neoclassical style. Stalinist neoclassical architecture mixes the Russian neoclassical style ...
星海音乐厅 Xinghai Concert Hall
Created by HooHeeHaa
星海音乐厅位于广东省广州市越秀区二沙岛,造型奇特的外观,富于现代感,犹如江边欲飞的一只天鹅,与蓝天碧水浑然一体,形成一道瑰丽的风景线。 这座以人民音乐家冼星海的名字命名的音乐厅,占地1.4万平方米,建筑面积1. 8万平方米。整体建筑为双曲抛物面钢筋混凝土壳体,室内不吊天花板,做到建筑空间与声学空间融为一体。星海音乐厅总投资达2.5亿元,是我国目前规模最大,设备最先进,功能完备,具有国际水平的音乐厅。 你可以在第五级独特建筑页面下面找到该建筑,也可以用Find it! 占地:7x6 贴图大小:2048x204...
One California Plaza - Los Angeles [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
One California Plaza - Los Angeles One California Plaza is a 176 m (577 ft) skyscraper located in the Bunker Hill District of downtown Los Angeles, California. With a second skyscraper, Two California Plaza, it comprises the California Plaza project. The P...
Sears Tower by Drosovila
Created by Drosovila
This is a 100% remake of my old Sears Tower. This REQUIRES the Sub-building enabler mod ! -Level 6 Unique Building -1:1 Scale -RICO support. You dont need it but I still recommend it -About the model: -Main: (1800 tris / 2048x512 texture) + (132 tris / 512...
Uniqlo Kichijoji (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner, although it looks best when you plop it at a corner) L1 building based on the Uniqlo flagship store in Kichijoji, Tokyo. It is equipped with animated scrolling LED display in the store interior. If you are not using zoni...
Lexus Buenos Aires
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 building based on the Lexus "Takumi" showroom in Buenos Aires. I don't know why I keep doing the interiors of buildings. I guess stores just look nicer with real interiors, but I should try to quit this habit before i...
Data Mining Agency
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, we catch every single byte and create trends and statistics from this data. From your favourite homemade hot dog chili sauce to your neighbours secret rocket construction materials, nothing can escape the critical eyes of our high-quality dat...
[RICO] Drosovilas U.S. Bank Tower from Los Angeles
Created by Drosovila
Drosovilas U.S. Bank tower -Unique Building level 6, 8x8 size -1:1 Scale, 310m height. -Based off of this tower. -3200 tris, 1024 texture res, CustomLOD(350 tris, 512x texture res) -1:1.6 version will follow soon. ...
Victoria's Secret Dublin
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Victoria's Secret store on Grafton Street, Dublin. The real building is longer and goes deeper into the block -- I needed to make it shorter otherwise it will go over 4 tiles. It is part of my F...
Grimaldi Forum
Created by Cristolisto
Made for PugGaming's amazing Project Monaco YouTube Series. Grimaldi Forum is a multilevel conference/convention center in Monaco's scenic shoreside. Inside the Forum are four exhibition areas, three auditoriums, and eleven small meeting rooms. The forum w...
Alicante & Chassagne - La Défense / Paris [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Alicante & Chassagne - La Défense / Paris Built in 1995 on behalf of Société Générale Bank, by architects Michel Andrault, Pierre Parat and Nicolas Ayoub, they are both 167 metres high. The south tower is called Chassagne and the north tower Alicante, the ...
The Gray Whale-Quarium
Created by jens
I did this a while ago and finally decided to share it. This large aquarium will unlocked along with the default CS one. It features a mosaic windowed facade with pictures of sea life headed by a large gray whale upfront and crowned by a very large poseido...
Created by 听风说雨
大阪市役所 by 听风说雨 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! tip: 由于面数很大,加上贴图大小为3K左右,所以源文件比较大,请酌情订阅,见谅! Due to the large number of faces and the map size of about 3k, the source file is relatively large. Please subscribe as appropriate. We apologize! 面数が大きい上に、貼る図の大きさが3 Kぐらいなので、ソースが大きいので、適宜...
Drosos Digital Beijing Building
Created by Drosovila
IRL The digital beijing building was used as a datacentre during the olympia 2008 and now serves as a museum about technology and stuff. Ingame -Based off of the "Science Center" so its a Level 5 unique building. -16x8 size The Model Main: -1600 tris -1024...
VCN Building
Created by XDBX
VCN Building by XDBX vice city news building A building from gta vice city vc...
Quad's Guardian
Created by Quad Rioters
Shield up. - Size: 3x4 - Type: Residential High Level 5 - Main Tri: 1,136, 2048x1024 - LOD Tri: 113, 512x256 - Description: Guardian condominium (large). Updates - v7: Overhauled the asset (again). - Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you...
Burger King (Growable, 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Burger King (Growable commercial, 4x4) Description: Growable, larger version of my, for the workshop created Burger King. I do not own any rights on Burger King and have only made this for free, non-commercial public use. If you would like to have the smal...
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED
Created by CM.
苏州东方之门LED版 The Gate of the Orient LED 你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到它。 You can find it in the third level special building. 东方之门是位于中国江苏省苏州市的一座301.8米高的摩天大楼。苏州工业区双塔规划的核心建筑,它不仅代表着苏州的新大门,而且也是世界看中国的新大门。这座伟岸而优雅的标志性建筑位于苏州工业园区CBD轴线的末端,东临星港街及波光粼粼的金鸡湖,西面为国际大厦及世纪金融大厦。 The Gate Of t...
Areva Tower - La Defense / Paris [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Areva Tower - La Defense / Paris The Areva tower (formerly Fiat tower until 1995, then Framatome tower) is an office skyscraper located in the business district of La Défense, in France (Place Jean Millier, in Courbevoie), built by American architects Skid...
Residential building 2345 住宅楼2345
Created by XDBX
一共四个建筑 A total of four buildings 住宅楼20层,30 层,40层,50层 这个在第六级特殊建筑里能找到。 没有住宅属性 用move it 按ctrl+c可以复制很多个 --------------------------------- Residential building 20, 30, 40, 50 This can be found in the sixth-level special building. No residential properties Use m...
London Aquatic Centre by Zaha Hadid
Created by Macwelshman] London Aquatic Centre by Zaha Hadid The London Aquatics Centre was originally designed by world-renowned, award winning architect Zaha Hadid in 2004. The concept of the centre was inspired by moving water, creating a space to...
St. Pierre De Rennes Cathedral
Created by Gèze
Informations: Rennes Cathedral (French: Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Rennes) is a Roman Catholic church located in the town of Rennes, France. Some facts: 1.It is a historical monument since 1906. 2.There were 3 different churches before this one in it's spo...
Reynholm Industries
Created by Crazyglueit
1800 billion billion in annual revenue Reynholm Industries is as their ad says: "a big hard business in a big hard building." You'll feel like you're on top of the world all the way down in the basement. On the bright side t...
Dubai-Fountain views
Created by 752811818
The Address Residence - Fountain Views 迪拜喷泉景观综合体 The Address Residence - Fountain Views I & II 279.9 m 71 floors The Address Residence - Fountain Views...
MAC Cosmetics
Created by KingLeno
MAC Cosmetics by King Leno Huge thanks to Ronyx69 and sharing his Apple store which was used to create the glass windows. Model Triangles 831 Texture 512x512 d,n,I,s Lot size 2 x 3 RICO Low d...
Apple Store San Francisco
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Apple Store at Union Square, San Francisco. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 6,984 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / diff...
Created by 红米先生
招商局广场 CHINA MERCHANTS TOWER 位于深圳南山蛇口保税区,由著名的设计事务所SOM设计,于2012年竣工。建筑高度为211米,其中地上37层,全部用于办公。 This building located at ShenZhen China, designed by SOM. The height of this building is 692 ft, and all 37 floors are used for office....
Created by Reaper
First_Canadian_Place_offv1_182M by Reaper growable office compatible with After Dark 7920 highpoly tex resolution 1024 343 lowpoly tex resolution 1024 Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below paypal e...
Mandalay Bay曼德勒海湾酒店
Created by 红米先生
曼德勒海湾酒店(Mandalay Bay)充分体现了热带风光。酒店大堂中心是一个水族馆,里面有2,000种海洋动物,供它们游动的海水达150万加仑。总台的后方则以热带植物为装饰背景。在干旱的拉斯维加斯,曼德勒海湾酒店的泳池边有着难以置信的沙滩,由造波机产生的冲浪,令游客忘记了身在何处。值得一提的是酒店还设了一座钱币博物馆,有丰富酒店的文化内涵. Mandalay Bay Hotel fully embodies the tropical scenery. In the center of the hotel...
IKEA Mannheim (ploppable RICO)
Created by SvenBerlin
IKEA Mannheim by SvenBerlin tris count 2935 LOD tris 156 commercial low level 3 200 workers cost 1200000 600 ...
IKEA by Ozo
Created by Ozoft
IKEA by Ozo Landmark Building Level: 3 Cost: 45.000 Maintenance cost: 320 Custom model Tris: 2745 Textures: 2048x2048, Diffuse, Specular...
Home plus
Created by Memories
The Homeplus is large discount mart in Korea Level6 Unique Building Plop Cost 60,000 Upkeep 192/Week Size 7x11 Model Tris 5499 Lod Tris 230 Model Texture 2048x2048 Lod Textrue 256x256 After Dark Update! Enjoy!...
Columbia Center
Created by ExtraNoise
This is the updated asset with optimized textures and night lights enabled! If you have a moment, please rate this asset! About The Columbia Center is Seattle’s most iconic building. Constructed between 1982 and 1985, it still claims the title of tallest b...
Apollo theater
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a leisure commercial building (2x4). It has been quite a while since I made an asset for Cities Skylines. This one I wanted to make for quite a while, it is the famous Harlem Apollo Theater...
OLD ASSET !!! (Disneyland Park) Sleeping Beauty Castle
Created by DModels NEW SLEEPING BEAUTY CASTLE ! -----> EN/US The Parisian complex located 30 minutes east of Paris has 2 theme parks, the Walt Di...
Marina Bay Resort
Created by GDuath
Beautfy your city's shoreline with the Marina Bay Resort, inspired by the Marina Barrage in Singapore: ASSET INFO ---------- 11x14 Level 6 unique buiding placeable on shoreline. Custom model (3.920 tris, ...
Pizza Hut
Created by Waffledog
Pizza Hut by Waffledog "These beautiful structures, most likely now devoid of the table-top Pac Man machines, dot the American landscape. Some provide ethnic food, some, used cars, and a rare few are now municipal buildings. Whatever their current purpose,...
Havana Marina Building, Cuba
Created by NameInvalid
Commission work for Bastet69 --- Havana Marina Building, Edificio de la Marina de Guerra Revolucionaria, at the harbor entrance, Cuba. Google Map. ✅ if you don't want to have the Cuba flag, simply don't subscribe to the required flag prop. Building is monu...
Palacio de los López
Created by Macwelshman] Palacio de los López Palacio de los López is a palace and the official workplace of the President of Paraguay, located in the capital city of the Republic of Paraguay, Asunción. Also, Palacio de los López is the official seat...
Freyberg Pool & Fitness Centre
Created by mayorwont Freyberg Pool & Fitness Centre is a public indoor swimming pool located on Wellingon Harbour, New Zealand. It was completed in 1963 and named after Bernard Freyberg, a former Governor General of New Zealand, who was also a s...
Gateway Plaza
Created by Robert
Tower completed in 1989, refurbished in 2016. Occupies the centre of the waterfront towers at Circular Quay, a massive squashed diamond maximising north-east facing office space with views of the harbour and Opera House. A large food court complex is built...
Modern Beach Cafe
Created by mayorwont
Modern beach cafe asset based on the ice cream and restroom block at Freyberg Beach in Wellington, New Zealand, built for my 1:1 Wellington recreation. Requires the Parklife DLC, this functions as a cafe within your park area. Stay up to date in the Cities...
Catedral Metropolitana de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
Created by Darf
Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! This is a Cathedral located in the capital of Paraguay, Asuncion. Kindly comissioned by Bastet for his project. Make sure to thank him as well! Become a Patron and support my work! https://i.imgur....
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Triangles: 2,600 Vertices: 1,400 Textures: 1024 x 1024 (diffuse, illumination, normal) Sports and entertainment club where you can enjoy with all your family and friends, exc...
AFL Stadium
Created by BadPeanut This is an AFL Stadium that uses the free Match Day DLC mechanics. With a capacity of 2000, the stadium is well suited to large cities. As a plop and go asset all you need to do is connect paths to the colonnades to allow pe...
Rockfeller - News Corp. Building [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Rockfeller - News Corp. Building 1211 Avenue of the Americas, also known as News Corp. Building, is a building located in the Midtown neighborhood of New York City.It is located on Sixth Avenue, which is also known as Avenue of the Americas. Completed in 1...
Created by 言绥
南昌之星摩天轮 by 飞行的荷兰人...
NZ Sky Stadium
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. This building was made at the request of DirtyH This stadium requires the "Campus DLC" and is in the sports facility category. Google maps: 105 Waterloo Quay, Pip...
Suzhou Guojin center, China中国苏州国际金融中心
Created by 红米先生
苏州国际金融中心于2010年3月2日正式奠基。该项目将建成包含一栋92层,楼高450米的超高层建筑,预计在2013年落成,届时将成为江苏第一高楼。 2010年3月2日上午,苏州九龙仓开发的苏州国际金融中心超高层项目正 式奠基,该项目将建成包含一栋92层,楼高450米的超高层建筑,这也再次刷新了苏州城市的高度,成为苏州城市新地标,同时与南京紫峰大厦并列成为江苏第一高楼世界第七大高楼。苏州国际金融中心超高层项目预计在2013年落成。 苏州国际金融中心位于苏州工业园区湖东CBD商圈核心区域,西面正对金鸡湖,地块面...
Created by 红米先生
高速服务区 by 红米 有服务区建筑+高杆灯两件资产,为商业型建筑,占地8X3格子,贴图1024X1024...
诺德金融中心Nord financial center
Created by 红米先生
天津诺德金融中心Nord financial center by Redmi(红米) 位于天津滨海新区核心CBD,楼房高220米,占地13x13格 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑类型...
Created by 红米先生
长兴县博物馆即长兴太湖博物馆,成立于1976年7月19日。原馆址在长兴县雉城镇县前西街99号,现址位于浙江省长兴县太湖新城中央大道与滨湖大道交叉口南侧,由美国建筑师马歇尔·斯特拉巴拉设计。 2000年长兴县政府投资6000万元在雉城镇人民广场新建长兴会展中心,其中博物馆拥有馆室3500平方米,于2002年元旦正式对外开放。2003年博物馆又在浙江省县级博物馆中率先对外免费开放。 资产贴图:2K LOD:1500, 占地:10X8 高度:8层楼高...
Canton Tower with animated LED
Created by HooHeeHaa
Can be found at panel: Unique Building Level 2 The Tower consists of two separate assets: Canton Tower without lights + LED lights of the tower, given the incompatibility between Additive Shader (which automatically controls when the light should be on) an...
Created by 红米先生
仿 深圳润府三期住宅楼 深圳华润城润府坐落于南山科技园,此次带来的是60层高的住宅楼版本。每层6户,RICO建议设置150人容积,可搭配工坊其他万象城资产使用。...
Created by 听风说雨
桑園自動車学校(SOEN DRIVING SCHOOL) by 听风说雨 这次制作的是位于日本札幌桑園駅旁边的一座带有楼顶驾校的大型超商,同样的,为了让它更适合于天际线,我对原建筑进行了一定的简化修改,本次建筑的主体部分并没有用到submesh或者sub building,所以你可以对他进行PO修改等操作,当然,透明玻璃部分依旧只能使用sub来实现,建筑总面数约为30000面,贴图大小约为2K多一点,我之后估计也会发布一个低分辨率的版本,若您需要的话请关注我,能实时获取相关动态,如果您有任何关于日本建筑的有...
Created by 听风说雨
関電ビルディング by 听风说雨 制作不易,帮忙点点赞吧! 这个建筑是位于日本大阪市的关西电力总部大楼,我对资产几乎所有的部分都进行了细致的建模以及贴图的制作,对屋顶部分的刻画较为精细,但由于资料以及面数的限制,在大楼左侧部分的位于二楼的平台我就没有进行制作,取而代之的是一面带侧窗的墙,为此稍有遗憾,整栋建筑带有一个sub mesh以及一个sub building,所以整栋楼没有办法转化为PO,顶层部分的夜灯需要additive shader这个mod支持,请务必订阅这个mod。 该建筑在游戏中占地7×8格...
Created by 听风说雨
这是我的第一个建筑 这个建筑是位于大阪梅田的一座高层写字楼,对楼顶的刻画比较写实。但由于不知道楼顶的具体情况,所以有一部分通过自己的想象进行建模。如果有人能指出真实样貌,这里可以进行改进。 感谢curr66所作的模型和贴图给我提供的帮助! 该建筑在游戏中占地7×7格,高度约为130m,贴图大小为1024×5120,希望大家多多支持! English: This is my first building This building is a high-rise office building located ...
Created by 听风说雨
北京银泰中心(BEIJING YINTAI CENTRE) by 听风说雨 tips: 该资产是为了尽可能完整的表现出原建筑外貌而做的,因此尽可能使用了大面数以及高分辨率贴图,最终文件也很大,如果对您造成了困扰了的话在此我感到很抱歉,目前没有很好的方式进行优化,但如果您喜欢我做的建筑资产的话,不妨给我留下一个小小的赞,非常感谢!如果您认可我的作品的话,也可以给我提供一点小小的赞助,您的支持是我继续的动力! tips: This asset was made to show the appearance of...
Kentucky Fried Chicken (growable H2 4x4) by BumpaNiggl
Created by BumpaNiggl
Kentucky Fried Chicken (growable H2 4x4) by BumpaNiggl A tribute to a beautiful person. :] This is a makeover of a modern type KFC in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. I do not own any rights on Kentucky Fried Chicken and have only made this for free, non-commerci...
Havana Marina Building, v1.1
Created by NameInvalid
Commission work for Bastet69 --- ✅ version 1.1 changes: - scaled down the building size by about 20% as per request by Bastet69, now is 8x7 instead of 10x8 - fixes and improvement to texture, adding a bit of dirt and blemishes around walls so building don'...
Audi Expo & Sale [RICO]
Created by hikke
大家好 这次的作品是奥迪4s店 特点是透明玻璃+可旋转展台 店内我只做了基础内容。植物啊 桌椅啊 奥迪车子等等记得自己摆,包括地砖 希望大家喜欢 奥迪车子链接 模型信息: 见最后一张图 ====================================== hi everyone~~ This is Audi exhibition hall ...
Volgograd State Pedagogical University - Russia
Created by PeterBar
Hey folks, The Volgograd State Pedagogical University was established by decree of the Council of the People's Commissars of the USSR in 1931. While the original Building was completely ruined and its library burnt out during the battle of Stalingrad, it w...
[Milgram]Shenzhen Bay Sports Center 深圳湾体育中心
Created by XDBX
ShenzhenBaySportsCenter 深圳湾体育中心 深圳湾体育中心位于中国广东省深圳市南山区后海湾畔,占地30.774公顷,是深圳湾绵延15公里海滨休闲带上的一个地标性建筑,因主体使用白色巨型钢结构网架将“一场两馆”及其他商业设施整合为一体而被称为“春茧”,与称为春笋的中国华润大厦互相呼应。 2011年第26届世界大学生运动会开幕式在这里举行。 Shenzhen Bay Sports Center (Simplified Chinese: 深圳湾体育中心), nicknamed Spring C...
三井住友銀行横浜支店 / JP Mitsui Sumitomo Bank
Created by koma
"Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation", Yokohama Branch. This building was constructed in 1931 and is still used as a bank branch. Unique Building 6×4 cell. Support / Donate If you can support us, please consider it. Ofuse Amaz...
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building
Created by TAEMIN B
国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 国会議事堂 Japan Natl Diet Building 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Kokkai gijidō'. It is a house of councillors, National diet building of Japan. It is in tokyo, Around of imperial(royal) palace. And it's popular landma...
Finnish Parliament
Created by Hafiz
Finnish Parliament. This is a bigger scaled + illuminated version of Ray's Parliament of Finland which was ported from Cities In Motion. Other than the size and illumination, nothing else was changed. The size is now quite realistic I'd say (look at the co...
Taco Bell Restaurant
Created by Hafiz
Taco Bell Restaurant Taco Bell is an American chain of fast food restaurants based out of Irvine, California and a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc. The restaurants serve a variety of Mexican inspired foods that include tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, ...
Nissan Dealership (RICO)
Created by Hafiz
Nissan Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram CDship ( ploppable RICO ) . Credits to him. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., usually shortened to Nissan, is a Japanese multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Nishi-ku, Yoko...
Jaguar Land Rover Dealership (RICO)
Created by Hafiz
Jaguar Land Rover Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's Ford car dealership (Ploppable RICO ready) . Credits to him. Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC is the holding company of Jaguar Land Rover Limited, a British multinational automotive company wit...
Hyundai Dealership (RICO)
Created by Hafiz
Hyundai Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's Audi car dealership(Ploppable RICO ready) . Credits to him. The Hyundai Motor Company, commonly known as Hyundai Motors, is a South Korean multinational automotive manufacturer headquartered in Seoul. RI...
Kia Dealership (RICO)
Created by Hafiz
Kia Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's Honda car dealership ( ploppable RICO ready ) . Credits to him. Kia Motors Corporation, commonly known as Kia Motors., headquartered in Seoul, is South Korea's second-largest automobile manufacturer, followi...
Volkswagen Dealership (RICO)
Created by Hafiz
Volkswagen Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's Toyota car dealership no cars(Ploppable RICO ready) . Credits to him. Volkswagen is a German automaker founded on 28 May 1937 by the German Labour Front and headquartered in Wolfsburg. It is the flags...
Tesla Dealership (RICO)
Created by Hafiz
Tesla Dealership (RICO). Retexture of SvenBerlin's VOLVO car dealership (ploppable RICO) . Credits to him. Tesla, Inc. is an American automotive and energy company based in Palo Alto, California. The company specializes in electric car manufacturing and, t...
Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心 HK
Created by XDBX
Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心 注意:本资产需要Additive Shader This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 中文名: 香港文化中心 name: Hong Kong Cultural Centre 位 置:九龙尖沙咀 Location: Tsim Sha Tsui 香港文化中心于1979年奠基,1984年开始兴建,并于1989年11月8日启用。香港文化中心的揭幕仪式,邀请到当时的英国王储查理斯王子及戴安娜王妃主持揭幕,...
China Resources Building HD
Created by XDBX
China Resources Building HD 華潤大廈高清版 加入高清材質 加入透明玻璃 加入更多的細節 You can find it in the special building of the sixth level. 你可以在第六级特殊建筑中找到 我還是做了很久的, 別噴我炒冷飯 最近學校活動比較多,又臨近期末考試,我暫時先不做資產了,等到放假了俺再回來做資產。 对了,我创了个组,要是想和我唠唠嗑,拉拉家常,开开荤段子可以加入,关于我的资产的一些问题可以来跟我反映。 XDBX’都市天际线资...
CITIC Tower 2022
Created by XDBX
CITIC Tower 2022 by XDBX 北京中信大厦 中国尊 高度:528m 全新重制,remake。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入 !更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
[无名]Three World Trade Center
Created by XDBX
这个资产是我的朋友(无名)建模,然后我打包上传的。他和我的建筑风格有些不同,我喜欢写实一点,他喜欢卡通一点,希望大家喜欢。 This asset is modeled by my friend (Wuming) and then I package it for uploading. He and my architectural style are somewhat different. I like to be realistic. He likes cartoons and hopes that ev...
Created by Milgram
Hyundai Global Business Center (Korean: 현대차 글로벌 비즈니스 센터) is a 105-floor, 569-metre (1,867 ft) supertall skyscraper scheduled to begin construction in June 2019 in Samseong-dong, Gangnam District, Seoul. History Construction has begun in 2016 with the demol...
Seoul SOM diagonal tower
Created by Milgram
‘diagonal tower’ by SOM, seoul, koreaimage © SOM/crystal CG international firm SOM (skidmore, owings + merril) have sent us images of ‘diagonal tower’ a development proposal for the yongsan international business district in seoul, korea. the 343-meter hig...
Created by Milgram
huarunbuild by Milgram...
MESSI Mansion House
Created by _luminou_
MESSI Mansion House We know that Messi likes his football, but he seems to be taking it so far as to build his house in the shape of one. If we had a big pile of money and could make our house in the shape of anything we wanted, we'd probably choose to hav...
200 Greenwich Street - New York [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
200 Greenwich Street - New York WTC2 - New York Designed by British architect Lord Norman Foster, Tower Two will rise 78 stories (1,254 feet), and stand out for its distinct cruciform core and diagonal roof that slopes toward the WTC Memorial plaza. The to...
Architect 012 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 (RICO)
Created by _luminou_
Architect 012 HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha and Illumination (no color mask) Triangles: 2.386 / 71 Weight : 43.57 / 1.33 Texture: 1024x512 / 512²...
Architect 012c HDR 4x4 lvl 5 - [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Architect 012c HDR 4x4 lvl 5 by luminou RICO COMPATIBLE Contain LOD, Diffuse, Normal map, Specular, Alpha, Illumination and color mask Triangles: 2.386 / 71 Weight : 43.57 / 1.33 Texture: 1024x512 / 512²...
City Hall - Londres [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
City Hall - Londres City Hall is the headquarters of the Greater London Authority (GLA), which comprises the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. It is located in Southwark, on the south bank of the River Thames near Tower Bridge. It was designed by No...
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA)
Created by _luminou_
Galaxy Soho - Beijing (CHINA) Create by the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, Galaxy Soho is an architectural exploit characterized by its complexity and its fluidity. Unique Building Level 6 Over size: 30x18 - 1 main building - 1 sub-building (glass: fenc...
HHHR Blue Tower - Dubai [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
HHHR Blue Tower - Dubai HHHR Tower, also known as the Blue Tower, is a supertall skyscraper on Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The construction of the 72-floor, 317 metres was completed in 2010. Designed by architect Al Hashemi, the buildin...
Hudson Yards' Retail And Restaurant Spaces [RICO]
Created by _luminou_
Hudson Yards' Retail And Restaurant Spaces Specially created for the "Hudson yards" area, this asset can be used alone or insert between the two tower "10 Hudson yards" and "30 hudson yards" The Shops and Restaurants building will total one million square ...
Hospital Complex (12x12)
Created by _luminou_
Hospital Complex (12x12) by luminou Hospital complex with direct access by the road Surrounded with a big park for the rest of the patients Must be installed on a road with 3 or 4 ways (After installation, roads can be changed) Contain _d _i _s _c and LOD ...
Phaeno Science Center [RICO] - Wolfsbourg / Deutschland
Created by _luminou_
Phaeno Science Center - Wolfsbourg / Deutschland Replica of the museum "Phaeno" adapted for the game "Cities Skylines" The Phaeno is a science extension museum located in Wolfsburg, Germany. It was built by architect Zaha Hadid between 2000 and 2005. It me...
CJ Nickel Department Store
Created by KingLeno
C.J. Nickel by KingLeno C.J. Nickel was founded as a small dry goods store outside of Chugwater, WY in 1906 by Cash Jimmy Nickel. By 1931 Nickel owned over 150 stores in the Mountain West region. The department store primarily focused on locations in downt...
Barnes and Noble Booksellers
Created by KingLeno
Barnes and Noble Booksellers is an american bookstore chain, by KingLeno, all of my buildings support RICO unless otherwise noted.
Toyota car dealership(Ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
Toyota car dealership by Svenpotsdam Inspiration of cardealership Koons Baltimore USA Tris: 1635 Lod: 163 Unique Building 8x9 If you dont like the car props go to the other version without custom props
Ford car dealership (Ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
Ford car dealership by Svenpotsdam normal unique building, but you can build more than one time with " not so unique building" mod or you can use Ploppable RICO mod. Size 9x9 tris 1050 lod 160 AUDI car dealership :
ELVIS Two Times square
Created by ELVIS
Asset Description This building called Two Times Square is located in 714 7th Ave, New York, NY 10036 The majority of this building is occupied by the Hotel Renaissance, which offers a view of Times Square. It is also connected to the metro station nearby ...
IFC Two, HK 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Two international Finance Center, Hong Kong SAR HK Hong Kong's second tallest building. A multi tenant office building on the Victoria Harbour front. Location: 8 Finance Street Architekt: Cesar Pelli Completed: 2003 Hight: 412 m ----In game Info---- Unique...
BMW Dealership
Created by Tomas13TO
It is located in unique buildings (level 5) 5x6 cells maps - d,n,s,i (1024x1024) triangles - 1257 LOD triangles - 98...
McRonald's with Drive-In and Cafe (Growable Shop H1 4x4)
Created by BumpaNiggl
McRonald's with Drive-In and Cafe (Growable Shop H1 4x4) by BumpaNiggl Mc Donald's makeover. This is the growable version with darker windows and changed illumination map, scaled down to fit a 4x4 high density zone. The object has all maps. Placed ingame t...
Donkin' Donuts by BumpaNiggl (growable H1)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Donkin' Donuts by BumpaNiggl (growable, working) Because one or two or three donut dealers in town are not enough. Placed ingame to check if it works; and it dunkin does. :] Description: Type: Commercial Level: H1 Size 4x4 Construction time: 30 Ground offs...
Created by Jerenable
Pontsteiger by Jerenable The Pontsteiger is a currently under construction building on the waterfront of Amsterdam in the Houthaven area. Its a 90m tall residential tower with 318 appartments and an underground parking garage. Stats building: main tri: 219...
Gula's Emilie Arena
Created by Gula
Gula's Emilie Arena (based on the real life version: Amalie Arena) Updated for After Dark The building was originally known as the Ice Palace. In 2002, the building's naming rights were sold to the St. Petersburg Times which became the Tampa Bay Times in 2...
Aspin tower
Created by Bibel Gurra
If you like my work and want to support me; Twitter:
Suzhou global 188苏州环球188
Created by 红米先生
苏州环球188,位于苏州园区CBD核心地段是苏州地标性建筑 此资产是商住综合体,分别为一座底商两座写字楼组成,占地长200米左右,宽50米左右,写字楼一栋高度385米,另一栋285米,底商高度15米左右。 LOD(SUB):2500 贴图分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑购物商城 Suzhou global 188 The asset is a commercial and residential complex, which is composed of two office buildings at th...
Busan International Finance Center (BIFC) _korea _yunseul
Created by yunseul
--------------------------------------- -translucency glass .ver -no building logo -low quality exterior Glass texture -Unique Building...
Dnepr Circus
Created by targa
The circus building was built in 1980 by the architect Pavel Nirinberg. It has an original construction made of precast concrete. At different times, Igor Kio, Yuri Kuklachev, Yuri Nikulin, Oleg Popov, Walter Zapashny, Vladimir Shevchenko, Lyudmila Shevche...
Marc Jacobs Hong Kong
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building loosely based on the Marc Jacobs store in Hong Kong. The real building is part of a shopping complex but I think the facade is so nice it deserves its own building (and extension by a couple of stories!). ...
Gap Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Gap store in Ginza, Tokyo. It can be placed on straight tiles but works better as a corner building, which the real building is. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the ...
Hugo Boss Barcelona
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Hugo Boss store in Barcelona. It works best as a wall-to-wall building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection. Please support the collection by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 3,549 tr...
Burberry Chicago
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Burberry building in Chicago. It works best as a corner building though with two sides facing the streets. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection...
Salvatore Ferragamo Ginza (Tokyo)
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Salvatore Ferragamo building in Ginza,Tokyo. It works best as a corner building, and comes with a video projection on one side of its facade. It is part of my Flagship Store colle...
Zara Brisbane
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Zara flagship store in Brisbane. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumbs up! Main Model: 3,514 tris / 1,024x1...
Givenchy Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x2 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Givenchy building in Seoul. It works best as a corner building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumbs up! M...
Benetton Foggia
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x4 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the United Colors of Benetton building in Foggia, Italy. It works best as a wall-to-wall building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this as...
Lego Bordeaux
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Lego building in Bordeaux, France. It can also work as a wall to wall building if you use Move It! to fine tune its exact placement, otherwise it works as a stand-alone building. ...
Chloe Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x3 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Chloe building in Seoul. It works best as a wall to wall building. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and this asset by giving it a thumbs up...
Hermes Seoul
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 3x3 straight (non-corner) L1 Commercial High building based on the Maison Hermes building in Seoul. It is a stand-alone building, but it can also work as a wall-to-wall. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the collection and...
Leica Los Angeles
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 2x4 straight (non-corner) L1 high density commercial building based on the Leica Gallery / Store in Los Angeles. I have no idea why I keep making the interiors of buildings, maybe I should go outside to the beach or something. It is part of my Fl...
Created by DawiD
My own-ish design. I was inspired by some random building render, and made this thing. Pls help me out :C Info Model: 616 tris Texture: 1024 x 1024 LOD: 98 tris LOD texture: 256 x 256 Size: 4 ...
São Paulo Museum of Art
Created by Othercakes
Special thanks to my patron: Joshua Lan for the support! If you like my assets, thumbs up and subscribe for more! Please consider to join my patreon if you like my work or want some exclusive content, this will help me ...
Yacht Club de Monaco
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, as you can see in the 7. episode of PugGamings Project: Monaco, a Cities: Skylines Community Series, it's a great pleasure for me to publish the Yacht Club de Monaco Clubhouse. Yacht Club de Monaco The Clubhouse is the venue of the Yacht Club...
アトレ川越 atre building (RICO)
Created by TOKACHI269
川越駅前にあるatre川越です。ペデストリアンデッキはついていません。 <mesh info> main triss : 4731 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 59 texture size : 256x256 (defuse,illumination) atre building by TOKACHI269...
Australia Square tower
Created by Robert
Not sure what happened to the description on this one :( Anyway I have updated it to fix the auto-baked LOD with my own. Also seems like I lost the concrete and the light props at some point.. these have been restored....
US Air Force Academy Chapel
Created by nilepereiraa
Integrity first, Service before self, Excellence in all we do The United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel, completed in 1962, is the distinguishing feature of the Cadet Area at the United States Air Force Academy north of Colorado Springs. It was desi...
广汽中心 GAC center
Created by HooHeeHaa
广州汽车集团股份有限公司位于珠江新城兴国路23号广汽中心。 广州汽车集团股份有限公司(简称广汽集团,证券代码:601238)创立于2005年6月28日,由广州汽车集团有限公司整体变更成立,是由广州汽车工业集团有限公司、万向集团公司、中国机械工业集团公司、广州钢铁企业集团有限公司、广州市长隆酒店有限公司作为共同发起人,以发起方式设立的大型国有控股股份制企业集团。 集团旗下拥有广汽乘用车、广汽本田、广汽丰田、广汽三菱、广汽吉奥、本田(中国)、广汽客车、广汽日野、广汽部件、广汽丰田发动机、广汽商贸、广爱公司、同方...
Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building
Created by NameInvalid
The New Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building houses the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly, where state assemblymen from all over Sarawak meet and preside over debates and passing of laws. The complex is at the north bank of the Sarawak River in bet...
[Rep]Modern Green SOHO
Created by -ReputationUh-
RepSOHO: a green architecture design referred to the architectural movement that fused ideas about architectural megastructures with those of organic biological growth in Japan.Support me on:
Istiqlal Jakarta Grand Mosque
Created by fayeddd
Welcome Hello! We are back with another Jakarta's stuff. This is special because this building is very well known as national landmark. So please enjoy. About The Asset The asset is a single grand mosque building. The asset is inspired from real-life Istiq...
21 Victoria Street
Created by eligios⚡
21 Victoria Street made by me according to the project Terodesign Studio: "Let us kindly introduce another project that we created for the Arctic Mirage studio in January 2019. This particular build...
Riverside Museum (Glasgow, Scotland)
Created by Lemire
Riverside Museum by Zaha Hadid Architects If you like this asset, please rate it up, it literally takes you 1 click! :) The Riverside Museum is the location of the Glasgow Museum of Transport, at Pointhouse Quay in the Glasgow Harbour regeneration district...
Dominion Tower (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Created by Lemire
Dominion Tower by Zaha Hadid Architects If you like this asset, please rate it up, it literally takes you 1 click! :) Located in Moscow’s Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street, next to tram and trolleybus stops and near Dubrovka Station on the Lyublinskaya Line ...
UN United Nations Creative HQ
Created by TAEMIN B UN United Nations Creative Headquarters 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 국제연합 창작 본부입니다. 실내에 안전보장이사회를 모티브로한 회의장이 구현되어 있으며, 실제 본부와는 차이가 있습니다. 이 건물은 높이 약 180m의 마천루입니다. 이 건물은 내부 모습이 구현되어 있습니다. This building is a created headquarters o...
Monaco: Café de Paris Monté Carlo
Created by Macwelshman] Project Monaco This is one of a number of assets created for 'Project Monaco', a Cities: Skylines community YouTube project by PugGaming recreating the principality of Monaco with accurate recreations of the buildings and lan...
McDonald's restaurant
Created by Gruny
McDonald's restaurant The architecture presented here corresponds to the end of the 2000s (repercussion of the new identity on a green background used mainly in Europe). Specs Ploppable RICO commercial low level 2 18 workers cost 10000 — Tris 5199 / 93 (lo...
The Guggenheim New York by Frank Lloyd Wright
Created by Macwelshman] The Guggenheim New York by Frank Lloyd Wright ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IMPORTANT Please read the whole description before commenting on issues. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––...
Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright
Created by Macwelshman] Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IMPORTANT Please read the whole description and follow the instructions before commenting on issues. –––––––––––––...
National Assembly of Korea [Excluding Dome]
Created by TDB National Assembly of Korea 2020 Legislative Election Commemoration. 국회의사당 2020년 총선 기념. 서울특별시 영등포구 의사당대로 1. 용량 최적화를 위해 텍스처 표현에서 일부 손해를 본 점 양해바랍니다. 1, Uisadang-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Excluding Copper...
Supreme Court of Korea 대법원
Created by NARU
Supreme Court of Korea The Capital of jurisdiction in Korea This building is the Supreme Court of Korea in Seocho, Seoul. 대법원 대한민국 사법 중심지 이 건물은 서울특별시 서초구에 있는 대법원입니다. File name SuprCourKr ...
Madison Square Garden (Pack)
Created by Jetengine@2049
Hi everyone, I'm so glad to present to you the Madison Square Garden Arena. This has taken me tons of hours to do it. So please enjoy !! However, there's still much left to do, such as the Penn Station entrance. That could probably take a while tbh, but ma...
Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano - Covid-19 Donation Project
Created by Zarrix
LAST UPDATE: I have donated all the funds! Here is the letter from the Hospital. Hello fellow Cities Skyliners, today I present you the Hospital of San Raffaele of Milano This is a non profit project to make donations to the...
Vikingskipet, Hamar Olympic Hall
Created by Armesto Vikingskipet ("The Viking Ship"), officially known as Hamar Olympic Hall, is an indoor multi-use sport and event venue in Hamar, Norway. It was built as the spe...
Auditorium of the Dominican Republic Central Bank
Created by Macwelshman] Auditorium of the Dominican Republic Central Bank This is the auditorium created for the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic in Santo Domingo. Designed by achitect Rafael Calventi, it was completed in 1978 and is considere...
KPF Forum 66 沈阳恒隆广场
Created by Railgun
Building Level:Unique building lv5 独特建筑5级 This is the second-generation asset of Shenyang Forum 66, which mainly fixes the problems of fuzzy mapping and night scene of the first 沈阳恒隆广场的二代资产,修复了第一代贴图过黑和顶部夜景缺失的问题 Forum 66 is a multi-phase development that cr...
Cultural Center of the Philippines - Tanghalang Pambansa (National Theater)
Created by kimoz17
Cultural Center of the Philippines: Tanghalang Pambansa (National Theater) by kimoz17 The Tanghalang Pambansa (National Theater) is the flagship venue and primary offices of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP). Designed by late National Artist of ...
덕수궁 중화전 Korean Palace
Created by TAEMIN B
덕수궁 중화전 Korean Palace 덕수궁 중화전 Korean Palace 본 애셋은 네이버 카페 '심아트'를 거부합니다. 조선, 그리고 대한제국의 궁궐인 덕수궁에서 가장 중요한 건물, 중화전입니다. 중화전은 본디 경복궁의 근정전과 같이 2층으로 되어 있었지만 화재로 중화전을 잃은 고종은 자금의 부담으로 중화전을 중건하되 1층으로 중건하였습니다. 중화전은 비록 조선왕조 500년 멸망의 순간에 태어났지만 중화전은 오늘날에 이르러 서울의 문화 유산으로 당...
松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle
Created by TAEMIN B
松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle 松本城 まつもとじょう Matsumoto Castle 본 에셋은 네이버 카페 심아트를 거부합니다. it is called by 'Matsumoto Castle'. It is in Japan and it was a fort, and now it is popular landmark building to Japanese for real. and it was built in 16 century. So it's a...
Jackson county courthouse, Scottsboro, Alabama
Created by Evangeline
We'll meet again. This is the Jackson county courthouse that sits in the town of Scottsboro in the state of Alabama. this courthouse was built in 1912, and is made as it was back then. it got an expansion in the late 1950's making it as it is today. This c...
Belfry of Tournai
Created by Shibuya
Asset Details This is an asset of the Belfry of Tournai, Belgium. This is part of a bigger belgian collection. This asset was encouraged by the generation city community, french-speaking community of city builder: . There are some...
First Church of Springfield
Created by DieHardHunter
First Church of Springfield The First Church of Springfield is the Protestant church featured in many episodes of The Simpson's TV show. This asset was made in collaboration with two dollars twenty for his Springfield YouTube series. Building Tris: 2248 Te...
Created by PeeKyboo
上一个模型出现了一些奇怪的bug,我重新发布了新的版本。 首先感谢@听风说雨 大佬的教学!!!!!!!!!!!!听雨YYDS!!!!!! 天际线怎么能少了专业的建筑设计院呢!于是他来了!!!中国建筑西南设计研究院。 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司始建于1950年,是中国同行业中成立时间最早的大型综合甲级建筑设计院之一,隶属世界500强企业中国建筑工程总公司。该院设计完成了近万项工程设计任务,项目遍及我国各省、市、自治区及全球10多个国家和地区,是我国拥有独立涉外经营权并参与众多国外设计任务经营的大型建筑设计...
HanJing Financial Center [Real Glass]
Created by amamIya
HanJing Financial Center ,Shenzhen , CHINA Tris:5700 Texture:2048p Lod Tris: 2058 Lod Tex: 64p Height:350m(1:1)...
Magna Plaza
Created by Epic Lurker
The old post office building has been converted into a luxury shopping mall. No less than 3 towers with pear shaped crowns will add to your skyline. In the interior, visible through the sunroof, atriums are ringed by 3 floors with galleries, walkways and a...
Museo storico dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - Rome (Police Station)
Created by Zarrix
Information The Historical Museum of the Carabinieri is located in Piazza 46 of Rome, in the Prati region, just across the Vatican. This is one of these post war Italian buildings, in the style called rationalist (similar to the Russian brutalist. In game ...
Wako Department Store
Created by Ronyx69
Wako Department Store featuring a Seiko clock. Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.,139.7650966,88a,35y,356.2h,44.4t/data=!3m1!1e3 The building has been slightly simplified. The real one is not a perfect 90° angle and has an additional ...
Wackerbarth Palace, Radebeul (Set)
Created by Titan
Wackerbarth Palace from Radebeul, Germany Wackerbarth Palace is a baroque palace and and winery with surrounding baroque garden in Radebeul not far from Dresden. The palace was built in 1730 as retirement home of its name giver Count Wackerbarth. Using TPB...
SoCal Laguna Homes
Created by Leeijo
This is a pack of hillside houses based on those in Laguna Beach, California. These are Rico assets that are made to sit on relatively steep terrain with their entrances being on the top floor. There are seven base models with a secondary mirrored and slig...
SoCal LowRes Slope Houses
Created by Leeijo
This is a pack of slope versions of my SoCal LowRes assets. They have been re-textured and modified to be able to sit on sloped terrain. This pack contains five versions for up slopes and five for down slopes. One of the buildings is a double house so six ...
Minimalistic Modern House-A-L3
Created by Pixel_monster
Minimalistic Modern House-A-L3 by Pixel_monster A Minimalistic modern house, with Aluminium, recycled wood, and glass facade. the backside has glass sliding doors to access the backyard along with big planter boxes on the terrace. Give your cims a much-nee...
Hollywood Studios Pack
Created by Polygon Welcome to Hollywood Studios This pack contains several unique buildings to build your own film studio. I have been inspired by different film studios in LA like Paramount, Warner Brothers as well as Fox studios and mixed their...
Luxury Shopping Center
Created by KingLeno
Luxury Shopping Center Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Generic bay of shopping center store fronts without signage or branding. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Custom LOD Level 2 Low D...
Love's Travel Center
Created by KingLeno
Love's Travel Center by KingLeno Includes 4 assets: Main building/store - Level 2 commercial with RICO settings Gas Pumps - Level 2 commercial with RICO settings Truck Gas Pumps - for decoration; no parking, no stats, can be placed anywhere Love's Travel C...
TravelCenters of America [RICO]
Created by conno
"The One Stop Shop For All Your Travel Needs" TravelCenters of America is a chain of 240 travel stops with locations across American and (some) Canadian highways. This was based of the TravelCenters of America in Florence, SC. This is a pack, it includes; ...
Pilot Travel Center [RICO]
Created by conno
"The Driver Driven Company" Pilot Travel Centers is a chain of 550 travel stops with locations across American and Canadian highways and is owned by the Pilot Flying J Company. I decided to completely re-do my old Pilot Travel Center since it had terrible ...
California Pizza Kitchen
Created by KingLeno California Pizza Kitchen by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your sup...
Buffalo Wild Wings
Created by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by making a small donation via P...
Shake Shack
Created by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by making a small donation via P...
Created by KingLeno Culver's by KingLeno Culver's is a privately owned and operated American casual fast food restaurant chain that operates primarily in the Midwestern United States. The chain is mostly known for its "Butterburgers" and frozen...
Strictoaster Cafe
Created by KingLeno
Strictoaster Cafe by KingLeno You can see this asset in-game by clicking here. Or just watch the video above. Please rate and Subscribe!!! Strictoaster Cafe is the newest and coolest diner for Cims to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner 24/7. Triangles - 93...
Panda Express
Created by KingLeno
Panda Express is a fast casual restaurant chain which serves American Chinese cuisine. It is the largest Asian segment restaurant chain in the United States, where it was founded and is mainly located. (wikipedia) Level 2 Low Density Commercial with RICO s...
Black Angus Steakhouse
Created by KingLeno
Black Angus Steakhouse by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Black Angus Steakhouse is an American restaurant chain, specializing in steaks, that is based in Los Altos, Calif...
Created by KingLeno
McDonald's by KingLeno Texture size: 1024x1024 Custom LOD and textures Level 1 with 20 workplaces with RICO Mod Please rate and subscribe! And subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Fac...
The Cheesecake Factory
Created by KingLeno
The Cheesecake Factory by KingLeno The Cheesecake Factory is an American restaurant founded. in Beverly Hills, California, in 1978, notable for featuring an eclectic menu, large portions, and signature cheesecakes. Triangles 4237 Texture 1024 x 512 d,n,s,i...
Dunkin' Donuts
Created by KingLeno
Dunkin Donuts by KingLeno Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your support by making a small donation via PayPal ...
Burger King
Created by KingLeno
Burger King by KingLeno This is basically a Burger King prop pack that includes: Burger King pole, logo, and circle sign. The building used is from University City Content Creator Pack, which is required if you want the building. If you just want the props...
Olive Garden
Created by KingLeno
Olive Garden by KingLeno Redecorated building from University City content creator pack with Olive Garden signs....
Created by KingLeno
KFC by KingLeno American fast food restaurant chain headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, that specializes in fried chicken. Also includes trees: Road Tree and Regular Bush but feel free to use whatever tree you want. Subsc...
Mansion Pack
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, These are mansions I released a time ago but now you can find them without fences, pools and other stuff around there. Enjoy. INFO maps - d,n,s,i,a (2048x1024) triangles - each of them has about 5000 LOD triangles - each of them has about ...
The Unicorn Lounge
Created by KingLeno
The Unicorn Lounge by KingLeno LGBT friendly lounge and nightclub. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, consider showing your suppo...
Smoothie King
Created by KingLeno
Smoothie King by KingLeno Low Density Commercial Level 1 Lot size 3 x4 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my...
Created by KingLeno Wendy's by KingLeno Wendy's is an American international fast food restaurant chain founded by Dave Thomas. Low Density Commercial Level 1 Lot size 4 x 4 Sign included in asset as sub-mesh. Also includes trees road tree and ...
Texas Roadhouse
Created by KingLeno Texas Roadhouse by King Leno Low Density Commercial Level 3 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter If you like my assets, co...
Pottery Barn (Beverly Hills)
Created by KingLeno
Pottery Barn Beverly Hills by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Pottery Barn is a United States-based upscale home furnishing store chain with retail stores in the United St...
Las Colinas Residences
Created by KingLeno
Las Colinas Residences by KingLeno If you would like to see more of these types assets on the workshop, please subscribe to me on YouTube to see what I'm working on by clicking here! 6 assets (3 models x2 for mirrors), some slight color variations so no ne...
Ocean City Commons
Created by KingLeno
Ocean City Commons by KingLeno Low rise medium-density apartment building. Textured specifically for a southwestern look. High Density Level 3 Residential with 60 homes with RICO mod. *********************************** If you like my assets, consider buyi...
The Vista at Paradise Valley
Created by KingLeno
The Vista at Paradise Valley by King Leno You can see this asset in-game by clicking here. Or just watch the video above. Please rate and Subscribe! Triangles - 2351 Texture (1024 x 512) d,n,i LOD Triangles (115) And subscribe to my YouTube Channel and fol...
Valentino Luxury Boutique
Created by KingLeno
Valentino by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. High end boutique retail based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 1x4 Level 2 Gro...
Crate & Barrel
Created by KingLeno
Crate & Barrel by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Crate & Barrel is a chain of retail stores in US and Canada, based in Northbrook, Illinois, specializing in housewares, f...
Emporio Armani
Created by KingLeno
Emporio Armani by KingLeno...
Bottega Veneta
Created by KingLeno
Bottega Veneta by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. High end boutique retail based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 1x4 Level ...
Dolce & Gabbana
Created by KingLeno
Dolce and Gabbana by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. High end boutique retail based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 2x4 Lev...
Giorgio Armani
Created by KingLeno
Giorgio Armani by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. High end boutique retail based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles Texture 1024x1024 Lot size: 2x4 Level ...
Ocean City Pedestrian Mall
Created by KingLeno
Ocean City Mall by KingLeno A posh modern pedestrian outdoors mall with upscale retail shopping, clothing, dining, and entertainment. Asset is one ploppable building. No mods are required but it should be placed on completely flat terrain. Includes 9 build...
Sleeping Beauty Castle V2.1
Created by DModels Sleeping Beauty Castle 1 building for DLC Parklife Features Area : Disneyland Park size : 12 X 11 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Mesh Tris Texture size Sub-mesh 1/2/3/4 42017 2048 X 2048 Lod Mesh soon 512 X 512 Warning This asset has a l...
Spanish Oaks Apartments
Created by KingLeno
Spanish Oaks Apartments by KingLeno...
Created by KingLeno
Bally by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! Bally is a Swiss luxury fashion company founded as "Bally & Co" in 1851 by Carl Franz Bally and his brother Fritz. Based on store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Triangles 864 Texture 1024x102...
Saint Laurent
Created by KingLeno
Saint Laurent by KingLeno If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee to show support and appreciation by making a small donation via PayPal or Patreon. PayPal Patreon And subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook an...
Ocean City Apartments
Created by KingLeno
Ocean City Apartments by KingLeno Also subscribed to Ocean City Commons for even more variety. 3 modern apartments/loft/condo buildings. Level 3 low density residential. 1x2; 2x2; 2x2 lot sizes Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and ...
NZ Ryde Airport Hotel
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. After being inspired by the release of a new expansion. I decided to quickly make this hotel in two evenings. :) Type of buildings: airport hotel, Size Google map...
Onehungabay terraces D
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a Onehungabay terraces D. It will be complex of few buildings. Blocks - A,B,C,D. Type of building: Growable - residential low, level 5. Color varitions: no -----------------------------------------------...
Porirua_coffee kiosk
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a Porirua coffee kiosk. Type of building: Growable - commercial low. level 3. Color varitions: no I fixed LOD texture sizes --------------------------------------------------- Porirua_coffee kiosk Model ...
The McLennen House
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a The McLennen House. Type of building: Growable - residential low, level 5. A small residential building located in the suburb of Auckland, New Zealand. For the convenient construction of buildings, I m...
Jennie house.Terrace
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a Jennie house.Terrace. It will be complex of 5-6 buildings. Type of building: Growable - residential low, level 5. Color varitions: no --------------------------------------------------- Jennie house.Te...
NZ commercial low L1 pack1
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. I will upload in the workshop only level 1 buildings for commercial zones. Type of buildings: Growable - commercial low, level 1. A small commercial buildings loc...
NZ commercial low L1 pack2
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. I will upload in the workshop only level 1 buildings for commercial zones. Type of buildings: Growable - commercial low, level 1. A small commercial buildings loc...
NZ commercial low L1 pack3
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. I will upload in the workshop only level 1 buildings for commercial zones. Type of buildings: Growable - commercial low, level 1. A small commercial buildings loc...
NZ commercial low L1 pack4
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. I will upload in the workshop only level 1 buildings for commercial zones. Type of buildings: Growable - commercial low, level 1. A small commercial buildings loc...
Beach Bar Custom Gardened 2x4 DLC REQUIRED
Created by MrMiyagi
Commercial Tourism, spawns when there is sand (beaches) on the lot and Tourism district is assigned This was the vanilla 2x2 beach restaurant The Wave. What's different? A lot! * Lushly gardened: custom landscaping by Miyagi * Expanded to 2x4 (gardens!) wh...
Paradise Homes 4x4 Spanish Villa Level 5
Created by MrMiyagi
Paradise Homes 4x4 Spanish Villa Level 5 by MrMiyagi...
Paradise Homes 4x3 Villa L5
Created by MrMiyagi
Update: May 12 2017 - removed poorly performing lamp prop and a few extra items to improve performance The goal of this housing series is to make your tropical city look more... well, tropical! Lush tropical landscape gardening, soft landscape lighting, la...
Hang Seng Bank, HK 1:1
Created by Pirazel
Hang Seng Bank 1:1, Hong Kong, SAR HK This middle sized Skyscraper hosts the headquarters of the Hang Seng Bank. The Hang Seng Bank is best known for creating the Hang Seng Index in 1969. Footbridges (Not included in the model!) connect this building with ...
The Plaza Hotel Seoul
Created by TDB The Plaza Hotel Seoul 87m 이 에셋은 한국 창작자 커뮤니티 PLAY CITY와 함께합니다. 바로가기 Level 3 Unique Building Tris: 14K (for Details) Texture: 2048 X 2048 (2K) / LOD 512 X 512 LOD Ready After Dark Ready Update: July 7, 2018. P.M.12:15 (GMT) #O...
TDB Glass Tower Office
Created by TDB TDB Glass Tower 172m Level 3 Unique Building Tris: Less than 1K Texture: 2048 X 2048 (2K) / LOD 512 X 512 LOD Ready Illumination Ready After Dark Ready Update: March 15, 2018. P.M.10:03 (GMT) #Office #Unique #Building #Tower...
Paradise Tropical Home 4x4 Modern1 L5
Created by MrMiyagi
Paradise Homes 4x4 Modern1 L5 by MrMiyagi The goal of this housing series is to make your tropical city look more... well, tropical! Lush tropical landscape gardening, soft landscape lighting, larger lots and more! These share a lot of the same trees and p...
Paradise Terrace Tiki Bar 1x1 A/D DLC
Created by MrMiyagi
Update May 12 2017: Removed poorly-optimized props to improve performance, added nice shopfront planters prop. Commercial Tourism! It's been over a year that After Dark DLC has been out, and there are still only 21 Tourism items on the Workshop, so.. I dec...
Paradise Terrace Luxury 3x3 DLC REQUIRED
Created by MrMiyagi
DLC and TREES REQUIRED! LIST HERE ON PAGE TO THE RIGHT ----> Update May 12 2017: Removed poorly-optimized props to improve performance Commercial Tourism! It's been over a year that After Dark DLC has been out, and there are still only 21 Tourism items on ...
Paradise Surf n Snack 2x2 DLC REQUIRED
Created by MrMiyagi
DLC and PROPS REQUIRED! LIST HERE ON PAGE TO THE RIGHT ----> UPDATE May 12 2017 - removed poor performing props Commercial Tourism! It's been over a year that After Dark DLC has been out, and there are still only 21 Tourism items on the Workshop, so.. I de...
Paradise Seafood Cafe DLC REQUIRED
Created by MrMiyagi
After Dark Required - Paradise Seafood Cafe AD by MrMiyagi...
Paradise Seafood Restaurant DLC REQUIRED
Created by MrMiyagi
Requires After Dark- Paradise Seafood Restaurant AD by MrMiyagi May 12 2017 Removed a few extra items for improved performance...
Paradise Homes Craftsman 4x3 L1
Created by MrMiyagi
The goal of this housing series is to make your tropical city look more... well, tropical! Lush tropical landscape gardening, soft landscape lighting, tasteful soft tropical house colors, larger lots for some, and more! These share a lot of the same trees ...
Colonial House: Hotel Torre Del Reloj - Cartagena, Colombia
Created by MarleEvans
Info: The city of Cartagena (/ˌkɑːrtəˈdʒiːnə/ KAR-tə-JEE-nə, also US: /-ˈheɪnə/ -⁠HAY-nə), known in the colonial era as Cartagena de Indias (Spanish: ), named after Cartagena, Spain—was founded on 1 June 1533; but settlement by various indigenous people in...
Catedral de Cienfuegos
Created by PeterBar
The Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción, also called Cienfuegos Cathedral is located opposite the Parque Martí in the city of Cienfuegos, Cuba. The original building was opened in 1833 at the time of the Spanish colonization. Over the year...
The Russian/Soviet Embassy in Havana, Cuba
Created by Thomek
Another Brutalist Endevaour! Functions the same as Tax Office. Sketchfab: Tags: Embassy, Havana, Soviet, Russian, state, Tax Office, Brutalism, Communism, Communist...
Casa moderna - 4x4 lvl4 LRes
Created by tony_r_68 (Zed68)
"Let there be light"... Here's an update to an old modern house, the author never updated it but now I did. The old pre-AD version is here : Some stats... This is a level 4 4x4 Low Residential...
Mediterranean Urba Pack 1
A pack of spanish inspired mediterranean semi-detached houses. It has been designed as a modular set that can be placed as an urbanization surrounding a private communal garden pool (in the images I use Pirazel's Rectangular Pool:
Mediterranean Castle
A spanish inspired mediterranean castle. It is based on multiple castles and fortresses from the spanish Levant coast. Goes well with the other buildings from the Mediterranean Series. It's created using sub-meshes. All custom LODs included! Size:4x6 Elect...
Mediterranean Castle Wall Pack
A spanish inspired mediterranean wall (and asset) pack. It has been designed to complement the Mediterranean Castle: or BUILD YOUR OWN! The pack contains 7 assets: Tower Building Gate Corner...
Mediterranean Church 2
Another spanish inspired mediterranean church. Inspired by different churches from the Levant coast in Spain. Size:3x4 Made with submeshes. Custom LODs included! Model Tris: 3987 (all meshes combined) LOD Tris: 177 (all meshes combined) Looks best with Arm...
Mediterranean Houses PACK
14 spanish inspired mediterranean houses created as Low Residential buildings. They are inspired by Ibiza and Peñiscola houses in the spanish mediterranean. They dont have any props so you can customize them the way you want! These assets are intended to b...
Colonial House: Cartagena House Pack 1 - Cartagena, Colombia
Created by MarleEvans
Info: The city of Cartagena (/ˌkɑːrtəˈdʒiːnə/ KAR-tə-JEE-nə, also US: /-ˈheɪnə/ -⁠HAY-nə), known in the colonial era as Cartagena de Indias (Spanish: ), named after Cartagena, Spain—was founded on 1 June 1533; but settlement by various indigenous people in...
Colonial House: Corner House Pack - Cienfuegos, Cuba
Created by MarleEvans
Info: Cienfuegos (American Spanish: ), capital of Cienfuegos Province, is a city on the southern coast of Cuba. It is located about 250 km (160 mi) from Havana and has a population of 150,000. Since the late 1960s, Cienfuegos has become one of Cuba's main ...
Royal Summer Palace
Created by Tomas13TO
Royal Summer Palace from Prague,(Czech Republic). Royal Summer PalaceThe Royal Summer Palace, also called Queen Anne's Summer Palace, was built to the order of Ferdinand I from 1538 to 1560 on the eastern edge of the Royal Garden. The gallery, provided wit...
Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence
Created by Armesto The Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore is the main church of Florence, Italy. Il Duomo di Firenze, as it is ordinarily called, was begun in 1296 in the Gothic ...
Created by bak90
This is the Konzerthaus (Concert Hall) on the Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin. Built from 1818 to 1821 as a theatre by the famous architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel, it was severely damaged during World War 2 and rebuilt from 1977 to 1984 as a concert hall. In-gam...
Jesuit church - Vienna, Austria
Created by Raccoon
Jesuit church - Vienna, Austria Information: The Jesuit Church (German: Jesuitenkirche), also known as the University Church (German: Universitätskirche), is a two-floor, double-tower church in Vienna, Austria. Influenced by early Baroque principles, the c...
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store (Growable Lv2 3x2)
Created by Emperor Li
Akiba☆Sofmap 1st Store アキバ☆ソフマップ1号店 Akiba Sofmap 1st store in Akibahara, Tokyo. This was made more than a year ago, when I started to model for Cities Skylines but never published it because the tris count was way too high. I optimized it recently and deci...
Lynoious Luxury Boutique
Created by KingLeno
Lynoious Luxury Boutique by KingLeno A Luxury Boutique that sells...Luxury. You can find anything you want to find here, but only at extreme mark-up prices. Lynoious translates to "Luxury"...maybe, in some language, somewhere. Credit check and tax statemen...
Walker&Hayes Mall
Created by 4pairsofpants
"Excuse me sir, I asked for a 'decaffinated' tall skim latte, I can still pallet the taste of caffeine. Is there a manager I can speak to?" Walker & Hayes High Market Mall. I have used the fantastic Robusta palm by Shroomblaze, you can subsrcibe to this as...
Lux Plaza Shoppes by Vexcarius
Created by KingLeno
Lux Plaza Shoppes A retextured/remodeled version of Luxerion Shopping Center by Vexcarius, an amazing asset. Other luxury brand logos aren't included in the asset. Preview this asset in-game by clicking here. Triangles: 3024 Texture 1024x1024 Custom LOD 50...
Created by conno
"The style of your life" Dillard's is a chain of department stores with almost 300 locations founded in 1938 in Arkansas. Dillard's are mostly located in suburban shopping centers. Find the rest of the Skylines Mall Here! This asset was based off this loca...
Mall Center
Created by vilgard92
Mall Center by vilgard92 Upgraded version of the Giper-Mall by borg2003. Credits to him The building was handed to the right scale. the original had very large doors compared to the cims. All textures have been reworked especially to get a nice effect at n...
Commercial Retail Buildings
Created by KingLeno
Commercial Retail Buildings by KingLeno Minor update of an old asset, Express with logos and signs removed, minimal texture update, added color map for use with Painter mod. Consists of 3 buildings, original size and taller version (with low commercial RIC...
The Spring Shopping Mall
Created by NameInvalid
After 6 years, finally found a sliver of motivation to roll out my first Cities Skylines asset... //-- Alternate version without parking space: //-- Col...
The Spring Shopping Mall - building only, no parking
Created by NameInvalid
this is a version without the front and back parking, only the main building. //-- Following description is same with the previous release which complete with parking areas. //-- The Spring Shopping Mall is a shopping ...
Jack's Shoe Company
Created by Senfkorn
Hi community, let me tell you something briefly about Jack. He makes shoes and he loves it. He's a nice guy. Last year he asked me to make a new shoe factory. But when it was ready, Jack was disappointed. He did not like the modern look. So I made another ...
Indiana Cotton Mill (Cannelton) Clothing factory by ChiliadSun
Created by ChiliadSun
Cannelton Cotton Mill, also known as Indiana Cotton Mill, is a National Historic Landmark of the United States located in Cannelton, Indiana, United States. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1991. Technical info: Main model: 3679 tris, 2048x1...
CHINA FOXCONN factory building中国富士康工厂厂房
Created by 红米先生
富士康工厂厂房 by 白米...
Alcoa modular factory
Created by Evangeline
The rattle and the clatter of that old fast freight. This is the Alcoa modular factory created way back in 2016 by five tons of flax: Reworked to be more up to date to today's quality standar...
Teatro Massimo di Palermo - Italian Opera House
Created by Zarrix
The Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele is an opera house and opera company located on the Piazza Verdi in Palermo, Sicily. It was dedicated to King Victor Emanuel II. It is the biggest in Italy, and one of the largest of Europe (the third after the Opéra Nat...
City Palace, Eisenach
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for background information and guides on how to use the building. This is the City Palace from Eisenach Eisenach's City Palace was finished in 1748. It's Rokoko styled facade marking the heart of the city. It is one of the more impo...
Bellevue Theater
Created by Accapulco
Art Deco style Theater from Amsterdam. Sorry to the 33 people subbed to the first version, I've made it LowCom RICO, change to leisure if you have AD. Main/LOD 1770 - 256*2048 180 - 256*256...
Berlin Reichstag
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk There are 3 structures in Berlin that I absolutely love -- Brandenburger Tor, the Fernsehturm, and the Reichstagsgebäude. The latter best represents Berlin's tumultuous history. The Reichstag was constructed in 1894, burned ...
Grand Theatre(The Bolshoi)
Created by The_Ping
Информация / information Grand Theatre Textures: objects 5 -_d,_i _n,_s,_a + lod_d Assembly objects 5/1/2/4/5 _d,_n,_s+ lod_d 3d Part 5/1 objects_1 tri 7.400 tex 2048x2048 lod 1950 tex 512x512 Part 5/2 objects_2 tri 153 tex 512x512 lod 153 tex 128x128 Part...
Theatro Municipal (Rio de Janeiro)
Created by Bad Tempered Raven
The Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro is one of the most important Brazilian theaters. It is located in Cinelandia, Downtown. ...
Betliar Manor House
Created by Tomas13TO
Betliar Manor House from Roznava,(Slovakia). Betliar is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia, known for its manor house. It belongs to the most beautiful manor houses in the country. The village of Bet...
The Pantheon [AD]
Created by sukritact
Adds the Pantheon of Rome to the game. Functionally identical to the Arc de Triomphe, without the build requirements....
Grassalkovich Palace
Created by Tomas13TO
Grassalkovich Palace from Bratislava,(Slovakia). The Grassalkovich Palace (Slovak: Grasalkovičov palác) is a palace in Bratislava and the residence of the president of Slovakia. It is situated on Hodžovo námestie, near the Summer Archbishop's Palace. The b...
Rio Grande Casino & Hotel
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A great example of late 1970's Las Vegas architecture, the Rio Grande Casino & Hotel. A staple of any casino city. Can't be bothered to download all the props? Subscribe to my PROP COLLECTION and you'll never have to download my props again! http://steamco...
Green Man Crew
Created by funker
Green Man Crew The new show sensation from Las Vegas is in town. The famous GREEN MAN CREW. Watch a fantastic show and get wet. Any resemblance to a living person or an existing show is purely coincidental. ;-) Located under unique leisure buildings. Tris:...
Nero's Palace Imperial Mall
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
Nero's Palace has been very successful since it's opening! A new upscale mall, named 'Imperial Mall' has been constructed to please it's patrons. Don't forget to download the extras so you can build the plaza! Imperial Plaza Download Can't be bothered to d...
The High Roller Casino
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
The lights are always on at the High Roller Casino! Built in 1983 and refurbished in 2003, this casino is a must have addition to your casino and leisure district. Can't be bothered to download all the props? Subscribe to my PROP COLLECTION and you'll neve...
Prism Hotel & Casino
Created by funker
Prism Hotel & Casino The newest Casino in your beautiful city. Gamble, drink, dance and lose all of your money. It costs 45000 bucks to build. Looks best in your entertainment and leisure quarters with it's colorful neons and lights. Yes, you are right. It...
Night Spire Casino
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
The next installment of the Casinos I'm doing. This one I created by taking a basic cylinder shape and altering it with some modifiers. I wanted to create something that felt like a swirling spire and I think I achieved that. I decided to make this one a r...
Luxor Las Vegas Hotel (RICO)
Created by Crazyglueit
Luxor Las Vegas Hotel, located on the south end of the Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada. Completed in 1993 and named after the city of Luxor (ancient Thebes) in Egypt. Owned by MGM Resorts Internation, this Hotel is the 5th largest Hotel in Las Vegas and the 7th...
Centrum Casino
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A stylish, compact skyscraper casino, for smaller footprints or urban settings. The Centrum Casino will pull in tourists from across the county. Can't be bothered to download all the props? Subscribe to my PROP COLLECTION and you'll never have to download ...
Pyongyang Ice Rink
Created by Brammered
What’s this?: The Pyongyang Ice Rink (Korean: 평양빙상관) is an indoor ice hockey venue on the bank of Pothong River in Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Built in 1982, it has 6,000 seats making it the biggest indoor ice rink in North Korea. It ...
Villa Giorgi
Created by Mons
This asset was inspired by Villa Giorgi, an early XX century mansion located in Chiavari (Genoa), Italy. The building combines elements of neo classical, liberty and eclectic styles, typical of the villas built in XIX and XX centuries in the Ligurian Rivie...
Casino Sign (Light Animations)
Created by Crazyglueit
Casino Sign by Crazyglueit This asset is an experiment of mine in testing the UV-Scrolling feature provided with the Afterdark DLC which will be required. The Lights around the edge will change colors and rotate. Most of the propertes are at 0. With electr...
Holland Casino (ploppable RICO ready)
Created by SvenBerlin
Holland Casino by Svenpotsdam inspiration= Holland Casino Scheveningen, The Netherlands size 9x11 triangles 6485 LOD 180 cost 85000 workers 120 commercial leisure level 2 ...
Night club (Krasnodar, Russia)
Created by furious
Hello. New asset by me ;) The basis of the restaurant is MOST mad, adjacent to the Admiral residential complex, which you all know. In the game the building is made as entertaining and noisy. Used own lanterns, as well as made balconies made of glass. In g...
"7 Bets" Casino Resort
Created by Stanley
"7 Bets" Casino Resort by Stanley Hello everybody! I'm happy to present the first item of "Luxury and Pleasure" collection. This building design was made under the inspiration of casino buildings design in Las Vegas, but I didn't want just copy one of them...
LINQ Casino Theater
Created by KingLeno
LINQ Casino Theater by KingLeno...
LINQ Main Casino
Created by KingLeno
LINQ Main Casino by KingLeno The LINQ is a 2,640-room hotel, casino and shopping promenade on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. It is owned and operated by Caesars Entertainment Corporation. As of 2012, the casino is 32,890 sq ft with 830 slot machi...
The Pony
Created by KingLeno
The Pony by KingLeno If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token of appreciation.
Colours Nightclub
Created by KingLeno
Colours Nightclub by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook...
The Cosmopolitan
Created by KingLeno
The Cosmopolitan by KingLeno Please a like on this asset if you enjoy this building, and the many...many that I've posted, and follow some of the links below to show support! Asset includes 2 separate Towers: Triangles 3,924 (Tower 1 + Tower 2) 2,242 (Lobb...
Monaco: Casino de Monté Carlo & Opera House
Created by Macwelshman] Project Monaco This is one of a number of assets created for 'Project Monaco', a Cities: Skylines community YouTube project by PugGaming recreating the principality of Monaco with accurate recreations of the buildings and lan...
Academy Sports + Outdoors
Created by KingLeno
Academy Sports by KingLeno American sports good store. 60 work places with RICO mod. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. KingLeno's YouTube Channel KingLeno on Facebook KingLeno on Twitter ...
Created by KingLeno
lenoTech-a place were people go and pretend to work while making game assets. Generic suburban office building, could be a manufacturing plant, could be a technical college, you decide! Functions in-game as a Level 2 office w/ 80 jobs with RICO mod. Triang...
lenoTech Annex Building
Created by KingLeno
Annex building to lenoTech main building includes Skybridge, park, memorial plaza, and a starbucks. Triangles - 3020 Texture - 1024 x 512 Level 2 Office with RICO mod Lot size 4 x 11 If you li...
The Grand Hotel
Created by dabaofu
The Grand Hotel by dabaofu unique Space:12*10 Cost:100000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000...
Pine Motel
Created by Simulant
Pine Motel by Simulant (My first ever asset!) Plot 5 x 6 Monument Level 1 2430 Tris 1024 x1024 Texture custom LOD 62 Tris 512 x 512 Texture 1.70MB I recommend to use the more beautification mod to add custom props and trees! Update: ploppable RICO enabled,...
King's Motel
Created by KingLeno
King's Motel by KingLeno Triangles - 5387 Texture - 512 x 512 d,n,i,s Size - 7 x 5 If you like my assets, please consider buying me a beer or a cup of coffee (too keep me awake to make more assets!) by making small donation as a token of appreciation. http...
Grand Hyatt Hotel - RICO
Created by stevieb
If you like the asset, please give the thumbs up! GRAND HYATT - RICO Great 5 star hotels are a must-have for any great city. For high-end tourists, for celebrities, heads of state, executives and politicians travelling on business, flight crews, and for ba...
SpringHill Suites [RICO]
Created by conno
"A Little Extra. A Lot Less Ordinary" SpringHill suites is a chain of all suite hotels owned my Marriot International. They currently have over 350 locations in North America. I decided to completely re-do my old SpringHill Suites asset since it no longer ...
Paradise Homes 3x4 Beach Home L4
Created by MrMiyagi
Paradise Homes 3x4 Beach Home L4 by MrMiyagi...
Camping De La Sunshine Extension by BumpaNiggl (working, ploppable, votes appreciated)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Camping De La Sunshine Extension by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (working, ploppable) Camping lot held in an italian flair like you find them near Lake Garda or Venice. Custom made by me as a tribute to my sunshine. :] Double checked and placed ingame to make sure it works;...
Camping De La Sunshine with hotel by BumpaNiggl (updated, color corrected, working, ploppable, votes appreciated)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Camping De La Sunshine with hotel by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (updated, color corrected, working, ploppable) Camping lot held in an italian flair like you find them near Lake Garda or Venice. Custom made by me as a tribute to my sunshine. :] Double checked and placed in...
Paradise Souvenirs {NEW] DLC REQUIRED
Created by MrMiyagi
2 Trees required. ONLY FOR AFTER DARK DLC OWNERS This item replaces the now broken building Paradise Souvenirs 2x2 Building is extracted and customized from the DLC, so I cannot publish it as non-dlc version....
Small Houses Cuba Pack
Created by Modocero
Small Houses Cuba Pack (Five Houses) Residential Low Asset Info Main Tris: 1594 The biggest Faces: 663 Textures: 1024 x 1024 Diffuse, Ilumination, Specular, Alpha, Normal, Color Special Thanks To @PeterBar for the photos. You can visita his workshop here: ...
Cine Yara
Created by Smilies
Thanks to PeterBar and Bastet for the screenshots Cinema in Havana, Cuba 4x6 RICO high density commercial 1k diffuse, normal, spec, illumination, color Main mesh: 7154 tris, LOD 364 tris 128x128 Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded wi...
Tropical Resort - Main Building (Color variation)
Created by marconok19
Hi, this is the main building of the tropical resort that is my own design and i'll try creating another building further and gathering as a collection. It's a commercial low. So, you may need Plop the growable to let this build exists in game. You can als...
Created by 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
Twin Dolphins
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Twin Dolphins condo from Naples, FL is another assets from Plam Beach series. You can find it under unique buildings. Enjoy Tris count - about 13500 Custom LOD A special thanks to this month's patrons Jens Rolle,...
Greene Complex
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Greene complex for sports and recreation from West Palm Beach, FL is another assets from Plam Beach series. You can find it under unique buildings. Enjoy Tris count - about 4800 Custom LOD A special thanks to thi...
Andrella condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Andrella condos is another asset from Palm Beach Series. You can find it unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 6.5k Custom LODs A special thanks to this month's patrons Jens Rolle, D'Andre Flow...
Luxury Condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, This is a pack of two luxury condos. I have been inspired by two condos from Boca Raton, FL. You can find them under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 10k per each Custom LODs A special tha...
Country club
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is here. It is a Country Club this time. You can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - 5.4k Custom LODs A special thanks to this month's patrons Jen...
Dania Condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another assets from Palm Beach Series are Dania condos. It is a pack of two buildings. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. With Repaint mod by algernon...
Beach Inn
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is Beach Inn. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a hotel otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 3.5k Custom LOD
Crystal Rivera Condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is Crystal Rivera Condos. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. With Repaint mod by algernon you can change the colo...
Beach Hotel
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Another asset from Palm Beach Series is a Beach Hotel. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a hotel otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 5k Custom LOD
三井住友信託銀行 / JP Mitsui Sumitomo Trust Bank
Created by koma
3 / 6, the building was updated with a unique building version without signage. This is the Fu ku i Branch of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Fu ku i City, Fu ku i Prefecture. The building was constructed in 1934 and is still in use as an active bank. Growable...
Hon Kwok City Center
Created by Apiem
This is a modified version of the Hon Kwok City Center. I took a bit of liberty with the design of this building but it still is mostly true to the real buildings shape. This asset is roughly 1:1 scale based on the renders and info I could gather on the bu...
Marella Condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Marella condos is a pack of three condos from my Palm Beach Series. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. With Repaint mod by algernon you can chan...
Sam Condos
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Here is another beach condos published from my Palm Beach Series. It is based on condos from Huntington beach in LA. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - l...
Palm Beach house #1
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Here is first mansion published from my Palm Beach Series. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 6k Custom LOD https://i.i...
Beach Condos #1
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Here is another beach condos published from my Palm Beach Series. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make it as a residential otherwise you can find it under unique buildings tab - level 3. Enjoy Tris count - about 11k Custom LOD htt...
Beach Resort (Palm Beach Series)
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello everybody, Here is first building published from my Palm beach Series. It is a beach resort. This asset contains two buildings (main building and condos). Both you can find under Unique Buildings level 3. You can use RICO settings by algernon to make...
Ryde Tower
Created by Blue Thunder
Ryde Headquarters Ryde is a fictional transport company designed to create a generic brand across all of the transport options in the game and beyond This upload contains a Ryde version of the...
Otaku Shop / トレーダー秋葉原3号店
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Otaku shop inspired from TRADER3 in Akihabara, Tokyo. This shop accepts all kind of otaku. Waya, the great asset creator said, "I can stay at that store all day long". Floor Guide: 1F: Consumer Games / Anime 2F: Trading Card Games 3F: For Sellers 4F: Henta...
Game Center / タイトーステーション秋葉原
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese game center inspired by "Taito Station Akihabara" in AKIBA, Tokyo. Since the game center has ATM, visitors can play games without worrying about money( at that time). Grow-able Buildings: Commercial High-density, Level 3 Tris: 1954 ( LOD: 39) Text...
[RICO] Japanese Department Store / 駅前ファッションビル・デパート
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----- 26 Oct 2019 UPDATED Fixed brightness and normal map. ----- Building of Japanese department store. This is very typical shape so please decorate with props and make it your own department store. Recommended Prop Japanese Department Store Signs / 日本のデパ...
JP Restaurant “GUSTO”
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Gusto is a famous “family restaurant” in Japan owned by SKYLARK GROUP. “Family restaurant” is a Japanese word which means casual and family-style restaurant. Gusto is my most visited restaurant. Thanks to waya, I retextured and remodelled from his Denny’s ...
Gwanghwamun KT
Created by YOGURT
리코모드 사용 시 자동 적용됩니다.
SC Tower
Created by Palm'sTime
SC Tower By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Office building. Size 4 x 6 Storey & Heights 24 Storey | 104 M. Tris 6,547 (Main) | 294 (LOD) Texture Size 1,024 x 2,048 (Main) | 512 x 1,024 (LOD) Scale 1:1 RICO Ready Yes (Office Building) Filename &...
International Trade Center
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
The Berlin "Internationales Handelszentrum" (IHZ) was erected in 1978. At 93,5 meters, it is the only relatively tall building between Potsdamer Platz in the West, and the Fernsehturm (TV Tower) in the East. This boxy, reflective tower, sits right next to ...
sk building
Created by YOGURT
군더더기 없는 설계미학...오래될수록 빛 발하는 '클래식의 멋' ‘오래 보아야 예쁜’ 건축물 ‘곡선 없이 꼿꼿’ 오피스 건축의 전형 준공 19년 지나도 세련된 매력 여전 서울경제 신문 중 - 종로에 위치한 sk 서린빌딩을 모티브로 제작하였습니다....
Japan Book Store 利根書店
Created by OSARUSAN
北関東を代表する書店チェーン、利根書店です。 Growable、3x4です。看板propを2つ同梱しています。 モデル 群馬県前橋市石倉町 利根書店 前橋石倉店 仕様 幅:18 m 奥行:26 m 高さ:11 m Book store chain "Tone Shoten" in Japan. Growable, 3x4. 2 sign props are included. Specification Width: 18 m Depth: 26 m Height: 11 m 支援/Donate Paypa...
Japanese Shopping Mall
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Station-front Shopping mall named "Green Plaza Takatsuki" in Osaka. 3 variants included. Variant B is good to connect with my pedestrian deck. Do not forget to subscribe the necessary assets! Specification Variants: A: decorated, without pedestrian deck B:...
川窪書店 / JP Kawakubo Bookstore
Created by koma
山梨県南巨摩郡身延町にある「川窪書店」です。 某ドラマで主人公がアルバイトをしていた書店です。 Growable Commercial Low 3×2 ※注 建物の裏側は想像で制作しています。    実在の建物と異なる部分が多々あります、ご了承ください 支援 / Donate 愛のご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 アマゾンギフト券 アマゾン欲しいものリスト
Philippine International Convention Center (PICC)
Created by Shredra
Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) As seen on my youtube series "Isla Ivatan (ep25)" PICC is a convention center located in the Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex in Pasay, Metro Manila. In 1974, then President Ferdinand Marcos signe...
Paul Smith Los Angeles
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 4x4 corner L1 Commercial High building based on the Paul Smith store on Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Model: 2,562 tris / 1,024x1,024 texture / diffuse, illumination, specular, alpha maps Custom LOD: 120 ...
Hublot New York
Created by Stringer Bell
This is a 1x2 straight L1 Commercial High building based on the Hublot store on Fifth Avenue, New York City. It works best as a wall-to-wall building. Thanks @cluskillz for the suggestion. It is part of my Flagship Store collection Please support the colle...
Minimalistic Modern House-B-L5
Created by Pixel_monster
Minimalistic Modern House-B-L5 by Pixel_monster A Minimalistic modern house , with exotic wood, transparent glass railings and glass facade. the backside has glass sliding doors to access the backyard along with garden on the terrace. Give your cims a much...
The Fresh Market
Created by KingLeno
The Fresh Market is a chain of gourmet supermarkets based in Greensboro, North Carolina. The company operates 178 stores in 27 states, located in the Southeast, Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, with plans for continued expansion throughout the country....
A.T.U. Werkstatt (growable)
Created by bennymedia
A.T.U. Werkstatt (growable) by bennymedia (Updated V 1.1, ready for After Dark) Commercial Low 4x4 plots Level 2 - no color variations 1024x1024 texture map, 220 Tris, LOD Feel free to check out the rest of my workshop:
at home
Created by KingLeno
Thanks for helping me make 2,100 subscribers on YouTube! I making a different furniture/home decor store (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel including at home, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Pier 1, and IK...
Shoe Carnival
Created by infinitesworld
Shoe Carnival is an American retailer of family footwear. The company operates over 555 stores throughout the midwest, south, and southeast regions. It was founded by David Russell in 1978 and is headquartered in Evansville, Indiana. This is a level 2, 3x3...
Ashley HomeStore
Created by KingLeno
Thanks for helping me make 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I making a different furniture/home decor store (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel including at home, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Pier 1, and IK...
First Skyline Bank
Created by KingLeno
Help me get to 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I was doing a series of American shopping center commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel. I'm going to finish off this series of shopping cent...
Shoe Carnival
Created by KingLeno
Help me get to 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I was doing a series of American shopping center commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel, but got kinda bored and got busy making Mega Casinos...
T-Mobile Store
Created by KingLeno
Help me get to 2,000 subscribers on YouTube! I was doing a series of American shopping center commercial buildings (some new, some updates) to reward and encourage more subscribers to my YouTube channel. I'm going to finish off this series of shopping cent...
The Art Center
Created by KingLeno
The Art Center by KingLeno A local art supply and custom frame store for your more creative Cims. Triangles 1448 Texture 1024 x 512 d,n,i,s,a Lot size 4x4 Custom LOD and textures Level 2 Low density commercial with 10 jobs with RICO mod. Click here to see ...
Created by Kliekie
Aubergine Nestled in funky Fernwood, Aubergine Specialty Foods is dedicated to inspiring one’s culinary imagination. From the frequent local shoppers to the just-dropped-by browser, everyone is sure to be tempted by the bountiful local produce, internation...
Buffalo Wild Wings
Created by infinitesworld
Buffalo Wild Wings (originally, Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck, thus the numeronym "BW3") is an American casual dining restaurant and sports bar franchise in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates, which specializes in ...
The Shops at Town Centre
Created by KingLeno
includes 3 assets: Town Centre Shops Unit 1 - 2x4 - 15 workplaces Town Centre Shops Unit 2 - 1x4 - 5 workplaces Town Centre Shops Unit 3 - 2x4 - 20 workplaces Rico settings included, custom LOD. If you like my assets, consider buying me a beer or a cup of ...
Food and Stuff
Created by KingLeno
Parks and Recreation If you are planning for a bbq with your workplace proximity associates, come down to Food and Stuff. They sell food and stuff. End of commercial. Level 1 low density commercial with custom RICO settings Triangles - 1271 Texture - 512x5...
SuperCheap Auto
Created by TimmyBuckets
SuperCheap Auto by Chackson MAKE SURE: You have Plop the growables and the right settings enabled if you want to plop it Supercheap Auto is an Australian automotive parts and accessories retailer. It was founded in 1972 It now has 300 stores across Austral...
Repurposed Bookstore
Created by KingLeno
Repurposed Bookstore by KingLeno Show some luv by hitting the Thumbs Up icon! See this asset in-game in the video above or by Clicking here. This is a modified/repurposed generic version of Barnes & Noble building that I used for my build of the Monte Carl...
Sheik's Pawn Shop
Created by KingLeno
Please a like on this asset if you enjoy this building, and the many...many that I've posted, and follow some of the links below to show support! Sheik's Pawn Shop by KingLeno 2x4 Low density commercial building with 10 workplaces w/ RICO mod. Subscribe to...
Aurora Cinema (Krasnodar, Russia)
Created by furious
Large theater Aurora put into operation 13 May, 1967. Author of the project - Sochi Design Institute "Giprokommunstroy", the chief architect of the project Serdyukov Yevgeny. Construction is the architectural monument city of Krasnodar. This is the largest...
Luxury Billiards Club
Created by infinitesworld
Luxury Billiards Club. 3x2 Leisure commercial growable building. 1769 Triangles. I went ahead used a more flexible style and added some artwork to this building so it may give your city a nice touch of character. I spent more time looking for a Billiard/Po...
Odeon Cinema Complex [ Movie Theater]
Created by Didactic
Based on the Odeon in Tunbridge Wells This asset is made up of multiple parts as listed below. The Cinema has a glass effect canopy, for full effect don’t forget to subcribe to props! Main Tris – 4293 Textures 1024 x 1024 D, N, & S. – LOD. Tris – 104 Textu...
Fun Palace Seaside Amusements
Created by Didactic
Fun Palace (Seaside) Amusement Arcade Renewcom's second amusement arcade. Main Model 6 x 4 Tiles 5199 Tris Texture 2048 x 2048 D,N,I.S.A LOD – 39 Tris Texture 512 x 512 D Loosely based on the Fun Palace in Blackpool. Includes:- Amusement Arcade, Ice-cream ...
Eastgate Bowling Lanes
Created by DieHardHunter
This asset is a simple bowling center. One of those that can be seen in the outskirts or in a small/medium rural town. I've also created a flashing sign for this building: the pin and the bowling ball light up alternately. Stats: Building Tris: 1494 Textur...
State Public Library
Created by AliTarGz
I UPDATED this building. Now this is not unique building. It is Education. Also, I changed the maintenance cost. Please check it in game and sorry if this building has disappeared from your cities. :) Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a ...
Dehner garden centre and zoo
Created by SvenBerlin
Dehner garden centre and zoo by SvenBerlin This is a Dehner Garden-Centre and Zoo market. You can find these markets in Germany and Austria. This one is from Dresden. ZOO means pet shop, where you can buy domestic animals main building with 2 subbuildings ...
RaboTheater Hengelo
Created by Accapulco
Cinema from Hengelo, Netherlands. LowCom in RICO, you can change to leisure if you have AD. Screens courtesy of Portu, thanks buddy! Main/LOD 2331 512x2048 293 256x256 ...
Chirpy Music Festival -CMF
Created by Zarrix
This is the CMF, Chirpy Music Festival. Thought to be the official Electronic Dance Music festival for your Cities. This is the Mainstage, and possibly I wanna expand to at least one more smaller stage, and some different areas, and one big entry. http://i...
"Integrity" Town Museum CC
Created by CushyCrux
"Integrity" Town Museum CC -------------------------- Because Artists create Art. Some funny things will happen with your budget if you place this. The LOD is not Integer. ;0) Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal...
AMC Movie Theater
Created by Cristolisto
There's nothing like taking a trip to the movie theater. The smell of popcorn, large sodas, candy, cell phones ringing, and wallets almost empty. Yes it's a good time and now that good times can happen in your cities with this AMC Theater! AMC is an Americ...
101 Collins Street
Created by Zekiarsu
101 Collins Street is a 260 m, 57-storey office tower in Melbourne, Australia. Designed by Denton Corker Marshal and completed in 1991, it's one of the more iconic and prestigious skyscrapers on the north side of the Yarra, and looks quite impressive at ni...
Outlook Tower
Created by Keith3201
This building has 9,675 tris. It uses 2k diffuse, specular, normal, alpha, and illumination textures. It also comes with an LOD version. It is 1,394 feet tall (425 meters) with 91 floors. It is an entirely unique building and is not based on anything else....
Created by sebong
Convocation Tower
Created by N2J
The Convocation Tower was proposed in 1921 for the site of the second Madison Square Garden in New York City. This 1000 foot tall 80 story tower would have become the world's tallest building at completion. The structure was to house a church on the bottom...
Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre (reupload)
Created by Nickayz
This asset was originally created and uploaded by Solars Ou / Chisuki on May 28th, 2016: 广州(东塔)周大福金融中心 | Guangzhou(Canton) CTF Finance Centre. Since it has been broken for the past few years because of the now incompatible Larger Footprints Mod, I decided ...
2042 Tower
Created by DSBSubhrajyoti
2042 Tower by DSBSubhrajyoti Inspired by several buildings in Battlefield 2042. 1K textures, 2.5k tris. 350 m + height. Consider supporting me on Paypal Want to reach me? Hit me up at Discord: BaidDSB#6397...
Tex Mex Grill *After Dark DLC* Leisure
Created by MrMiyagi
For After Dark DLC, DLC-free version is located here: It has different building colors and difference in the tiles, so if you use both, you will have even more variety in your city...
Otherlands Coffee Bar
Created by KingLeno
Otherlands Coffee Bar by KingLeno Funky neighborhood coffee bar with a cool outdoor patio. Free wi-fi. Model Triangles 728 Texture 1024 x 1024 Lot Size 3x4 Level 1 Commercial *********************************** If you like my assets, consider buying me a b...
Bumpa's Medical Marijuana Lounge (color corrected, updated, growable, votes appreciated)
Created by BumpaNiggl
Bumpa's Medical Marijuana Lounge (color corrected, updated, working, growable, commercial) Your new weed dealer just around the corner; the nice kind; the type that you feel comfortable hanging around at. And they've got all the hemp you'd need. So stop by...
Caffe Bene(카페베네)
Created by Memories
Caffe Bene(카페베네) -Caffè Bene is a coffeehouse chain based in Seoul, South Korea- Commercial_L2 Size 3x4 Model Tris 4745 Texture 1024x1024 Lod Tris 296 Lod Texture 256x254 ...
Americana Prominade Comedy Club After Dark
Created by MrMiyagi
After Dark Required, this is part of the Americana Promenade series of Entertainment Commercial buildings with unique landscaping and attractive night lighting. See the full collection link right above to get the full details. There's a way to make distric...
Cinema Ocean
Created by AngelHeavenly
The Ocean Cinema offers its services for watching a movie in the city of Vladivostok. The first large and large cinema in the Far East. Built during Soviet times in 1969. The project of the cinema was developed at the Moscow Institute of Giproteatr by arch...
Chrysler Building - Dome Light Fix
Created by jc21539
Naskko26's Chrysler Building 1:1 - but with the dome lit up correctly Fixed both the main model and the LOD (see screenshots). Original building here:
Jakarta Tower
Created by fayeddd
Welcome to Fayeddd's Asset Hello! Please enjoy this quick-made asset. About The Asset The asset is a single tower building with 11x11 cell size. Created with 'next level' illumination maps and LOD support. The building is based on old proposed design of Ja...
Paletería La Michoacana
Created by Checo Mx Model Information Triangles: 2,000 Vertices: 1,100 Textures: 1024 x 1024 (diffuse, illumination) La Michoacana is a group of different Mexican ice cream parlors, with an estimated 8 to 15 thou...
Palm Springs Community pack
Created by Tomas13TO
Hello all, Palm Springs Community pack is a pack of five assets from Plam Beach series. Three residential buildings, community center and community pool. You can find them under unique buildings and parks tabs. Don't forget to use Loading Screen Mod by tha...
Torre De Las Americas
Created by Watermelon!
Torre De Las Americas - Asunción, Paraguay I hope you liked it as much as i did! Info: 3,572 Tris Texture size 1024x1024_px Made by Watermelon! Commisioned by Bastet69, thanks for your support! Growable: Office (LVL 3) No se como tomar fotos con la intenci...
Japanese Suburban House
Created by nob50506000
様々なサイズの戸建住宅です。 jp_re92~98...
Suncorp Place - Sydney [Rico]
Created by _luminou_
Suncorp Place - Sydney One of Sydney's landmark office towers formerly known as the AAPT Centre, it was built as the head office of Qantas, which had outgrown its building in Chifley Square. The Centre is used for commercial offices Construction began in 1...
French Colonial Palace
Created by TRXVI$ JXCOB
The palace was built in 1886–1890, It counts with Gothic, Renaissance and French colonial architecture influences. This palace was based on some Various colonial buildings and constructions in Southeast Asia countries - known as Indochina in the 19th and 2...
Alvear Tower - Buenos Aires
Created by LealMafor
The Alvear Tower is a residential and hotel skyscraper on Azucena Villaflor Avenue, east of Dock Two in the upscale Puerto Madero section of Buenos Aires. The skyscraper is the tallest building in Argentina. Screenshots by LuiskTorres, thank you so much :)...
Beropoulos Super Market
Created by notDONEyet
Var. 1 Tris Count : 130 Lod Tris Count 28 Logo Model Tris Count 2000 Var. 2 Tris Count : 130 Lod Tris Count 28 Texture Size : 1024x512 Lod Texture Size : 128x128 ...
Burger King, Telford England
Created by Sakura
I am not a pro asset maker nor do I pretend to be. I upload my assets that I have made for my own projects in the hopes that someone might like then. What is this and why do I need it: A hi-commercial Burger King Building based on the one from Telford Engl...
NZ Wellington Museum
Created by AliTarGz
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans! This is a my new great project New Zealand Pack. Type of buildings: Unique building, monument level 3. Size Google maps: 3 Jervois Quay, Wellington Central, Wellington 6011, New Zealand. Construction cost = 1200...
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Created by jens
New Version! A classic museum - a must have for every large city that claims to be a center of cultural life and history. This is a close adaption of the two museum buildings at Viennas Maria-Theresien-Platz
Basilica Santa Croce - Florence
Created by Zarrix
This assets needs Elektrix Building Variation Mod to work correctly, otherwise no walls will show up As always first things first. I want to thank Armesto for helping me out Information The Basilica di Santa Croce (Basilica of the Holy Cross) is the princi...
National Assembly of Korea [Including Dome]
Created by TDB National Assembly of Korea 2020 Legislative Election Commemoration. 국회의사당 2020년 총선 기념. 서울특별시 영등포구 의사당대로 1. 용량 최적화를 위해 텍스처 표현에서 일부 손해를 본 점 양해바랍니다. 1, Uisadang-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 3034 Tris - Main...
Ermita de Monserrate - Matanzas, Cuba
Created by PeterBar
Ermita de Monserrate was built in 1875 by a Catalan society in commemoration of the Virgin of Montserrat. This virgin was worshiped in a monastery located in the Mountain of the same name in the center of Catalonia, near Barcelona County. The members of th...
Cathedral of Light & Power
Created by tentman
Cathedral of Light & Power Modeled on La Súper Usina "Dr. Carlos Givogri", in Central Puerto Nuevo, Buenos Aires, Argentina - which opened in 1933 for the Argentine-Italian Electricity Company. The building is a thermo-electric power plant designed and bui...
Mediterranean Market
A spanish inspired mediterranean market. Based on the old market at Sagunto Port in Valencia. Uses Afterdark DLC Size: 3x4 Model Tris: 3674 LOD Tris: 54 Electricity Consumption: 40 Construction Cost: 7000 Fire Hazard: 1 Fire tolerance: 20 Garbage Accum: 20...
Santuario Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, Brazil
Created by kostas667
About the building Santuario Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, Brazil The asset was made at Bastet69's request....
Bakrie Mosque Jakarta
Created by fayeddd
Welcome Hello! I am back with another mosque. About The Asset The asset is a single mosque building. The asset is inspired from real-life Bakrie Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia. Created with 'next level' illumination maps and LOD support. Category: Unique Bui...
Hagia Sofia
Created by Lemire
Hagia Sofia (Istanbul, Turkey) by Lemire Hagia Sophia, officially the Hagia Sophia Holy Grand Mosque (Turkish: Ayasofya-i Kebir Cami-i Şerifi) and formerly the Church of Hagia Sophia, is a Late Antique place of worship in Istanbul, designed by the Greek ge...
Brazilian Church 1 - Assemblies of God
Created by Redoze
Assemblies of God (...), officially the World Assembly of God, is a group of more than 144 national groupings of autonomous but loosely associated churches, which together form the largest Protestant Pentecostal Christian evangelical denomination in the wo...
Church of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Madrid)
Created by Nouvilas
Catholic church in Madrid, Spain. Designed by Mexican architect Enrique de la Mora y Palomar and finished in 1963. It is made mainly of concrete, with eight hyperbolic paraboloids conforming the roof.
Chiesa della Trinita dei Monti
Created by Zarrix
First of all I want to thank Armesto for helping me so much in making this one, with lots of tips and support, and Neitan for taking this breathtaking screenshots for my asset. Information The church of the Santissima Trinità dei Monti, often called merely...
United Center
Created by Tomas13TO
United Center from Chicago,(Illinois,USA) United Center is an indoor sports arena located in the Near West Side neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. The United Center is home to both the Chicago Bulls of the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the Chic...
Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium
Created by ELVIS
The Seoul Olympic Stadium, also known as Jamsil Olympic Stadium (formerly romanised as Chamshil) is located in Seoul, South Korea. It is the main stadium built for the 1988 Summer Olympics and the 10th Asian Games in 1986. It is the centrepiece of the Seou...
Lotus Temple
Created by dabaofu
Lotus Temple by dabaofu unique Space:12*12 Cost: 150000 Electricity:0 Maintenance: 1000 The Lotus Temple, located in New Delhi, India, is a Bahá'í House of Worship completed in 1986. Notable for its flowerlike shape, it serves as the Mother Temple of the I...
鸟巢 Bird's Nest
Created by wings
Beijing National Stadium, or the Bird's Nest, as it has become known, is the world's largest steel structure and the most complex stadium ever constructed....
The Lotus Temple
Created by Claudius Aetius
The Lotus Temple by scaletho The Lotus Temple, located in Delhi, India, is a Bahá'í House of Worship. Notable for its flowerlike shape, it has become a prominent attraction in the city. Like all Bahá'í Houses of Worship, the Lotus Temple is open to all, re...
Aachen Cathedral
Created by juli-1905
Aachener Dom by juli-1905 The Aachen Cathedral was built from 795 to 805 AD by Charles the Great. It is the first cathedral north of the Alps and center of the Frankish Empire. From 936 to 1531 AD the cathedral was the crowning place of the Holy Roman Empi...
Armenian Cathedral of St. Elias & St. Gregory the Illuminator
Created by Lemire
Armenian Cathedral of St. Elias & St. Gregory the Illuminator by Lemire The Cathedral of Saint Elias and Saint Gregory the Illuminator (Armenian: Սուրբ Եղիա – Սուրբ Գրիգոր Լուսաւորիչ եկեղեցի) is a cathedral of the Armenian Catholic Church in Debbas Square ...
Church: St. Andrew’s, Chale
Created by Macwelshman] Church Collection This is designed to be used with the other assets in the 'Church: Collected' collection. Church: St. Andrew’s, Chale St. Andrew's Church, Chale is a Church of England parish church located in Chale, Isle of ...
St. Mary's Cathedral, Tokyo
Created by nilepereiraa
God is in his heaven. All is right with the world St. Mary's Cathedral, also known as the Sekiguchi Catholic Church, is a Catholic church located in the Sekiguchi neighbourhood of Bunkyo, Tokyo in Japan. It was designed by Kenzo Tange and was completed in ...
Drottningholm Palace
Created by YpsilonEule
Drottningholm Palace Location: Sweden Type of Building: Unique Building Effects: Tourism, Attractiveness Menu location: Unique Buildings, Monuments Costs: 250.000 once, 1.200 per Week Model: 9686 Tris Lod: 960 Tris (A bit high but I tried my best to keep t...
Castle of Celje
Created by 50keda
The Castle of Celje is an old castle ruin located on three hills to the Southeast of Celje, Slovenia. In 14th cetury it was the seat of the Counts of Celje and was the largest fortification on Slovenian territory. Nowadays the castle is in the process of r...
Large City Hall
Created by Cristolisto
Your city government has grown so much it needs to upgrade its city hall! Building onto the last city hall, the second floor was expanded and a small third floor was built. The council chambers was relocated to a new larger room and underground parking was...
Scholar's Tower Bautzen
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. !!! I had to reupload the asset because it was completely broken und I couldn't even update it. This is the Scholar's Tower from Bautzen, Germany It i...
New Town Hall_hannover (New Model)
Created by jens
This is a reupload with a new size and model. Stats:1. 5384tris Lod:239tris, tex 2048²;2. 15700tris, Los:484tris,tex:2048² FP:16x11 If you like my work any support is gratefully accepted! https://ww...
Town Hall Paderborn
Created by Titan
Watch the YouTube video for the best information and impressions - A video shows more than 1000 pictures. This is the town hall of Paderborn, Germany It is a magnificent Renaissance town hall and was built in the first years of the 17th century. ingame dat...
Pink Casino [Animated]
Created by Pirazel
Pink Casino This building is based on the Flamingo Casino in Las Vegas. Flashing lights motivates the cims to spent their money. ---Model info--- main building + animated sub building main: tris 4700 texture 1024x2048 sub tris 5200 texture 512x512 ---In ga...
Treasure Island Sign
Created by Like_Mike
Treasure Island Sign This sign does require After Dark due to the animations of the fountain included with the DLC. It was created for youtube series Paradise Valley, a recreation of the Las Vegas Strip, along with a bunch of other unreleased props that I'...
80's Nightclub
Created by Nobiau
Roar at the Cheetah nightclub, a tribute to the amazing 80's decade of music! The beginning of the popularization of Hip-Hop, electronic sounds in many genres and videos led to an amazingly cult period! Let your citizens enjoy the best Funk, New Wave and S...
Dark Modern House CC
Created by CushyCrux
Dark Modern House CC Including normal maps. Because Artists create Art. It uses the 2x2 Level 5 Slot, there are too much ugly buildings. Highly opimized Tris Account (Low End PC performace friendly). Send me a money giftcard via paypal to cushycrux@hotmail...
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Shopping Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs *!some!* Tris (2000 Tris over count). Please vote and write a comment if you like. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 3 / 4x4 8736 Polys 17354 Tri...
Twisted Apartment Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Twisted Apartment Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 4282 Polys 4282 Tris 2306 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff ht...
"Cubista" Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
"Cusbista" Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 4300 Polys 4300 Tris 2888 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff http://st...
Futuristic Apartment Tower CC
Created by CushyCrux
Futuristic Apartment Tower CC Because Artists create Art. It needs some tris. Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! Level 5 / 4x4 2158 Polys 4062 Tris 2504 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked AO and GI!) My Workshop Stuff...
Starfleet HQ CC
Created by CushyCrux
Starfleet Headquarters CC For the Fans. It has 500 Jobs and will cost something. It's a Unique Bulding Level 4 (8x13). Send me a money giftcard via paypal to, thank you! 2526 Polys 3244 Tris 1672 Verts 2048 Texture Maps (with baked Am...
Cynth's Gas Station (Growable)
Created by Cynth
Cynth's City Gas Station (4x4 Low Commercial Growable) Grows on level 2 low commercial zones and takes 4x4 fields. Every car needs fuel! :) PLOPPABLE VERSION: Update: 12.10.15 - After Dark upd...
Korea national assembly [국회의사당]
Created by ELVIS
National Assembly of Korea, located in Yeouido, Seoul is a main headquarter of korean law enaction. Korean National assembly's blue dome has become the landmark of Yeoui-do, Seoul, due to its unique color and structure Please Subscibe -3383tris 2048*2048 t...
ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대)
Created by ELVIS
머리말 청와대는 대한민국 대통령과 관계된 행정기관이자 집무공간이며 동시에 대통령 관저입니다. 위 건물은 본관건물이며 메인 게이트를 통해 들어 오면 바로 보이는 건물입니다. ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대) 입니다! 포함콘텐츠 ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대).crp 도움 ELVIS Korean President residence (청와대) 는 엘비스게임즈의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다. 에...
Rokuon-ji Kinkaku(Ver.4)
Created by ragutaro
京都にある鹿苑寺金閣です。 Rokuon-ji Kinkaku in Kyoto, Japan. *Update 2015/09/26 Ver.4 After Darkに対応した。 Recreated for After Dark. 2015/05/23 Ver.3 メニューアイコンとツールチップ画像を追加した。 Added menu icons and a tooltip image. 2015/04/03 Ver.2 池を追加した。 Added a pond. ------------------ Bu...
Yodobashi AKIBA
Created by CityOfTokyo
Yodobashi AKIBA Tokyo is Yodobashi Camera Akihabara store in Akihabara. The total sales floor area becomes the huge general electric appliance shop which there is 63,558 m². Building Info: Level: 1 Electricity Consumption: 150 Construction Cost: 45000 Main...
Brazilian Luxury Homes Pack 2
Created by Polygon Recommendations This pack contains 3 Brazilian luxury low-residential growable buildings, level 4. You do not need any mods for them to work. But I recommend using the following mods anyways: Loading Screen Mod to make use of ...
Brazilian Luxury Homes Pack 1
Created by Polygon Recommendations This pack contains 2 Brazilian luxury low-residential growable buildings, level 4. You do not need any mods for them to work. But I recommend using Loading Screen Mod to make use of shared textures. Click here ...
Residencia del Alcalde
Created by Gizmo
As an allmighty mayor, you need a private paradise to go to relax after a tough day fighting traffic all over your city. Don't froget to rate if you like it....
Massachusets state house
Created by Zhubathan
The Massachusets State House, located in Boston. A government building from the mid 19th-early 20th centuries. But Wikipedia will tell you far more about it than I possibly can. LV 4 unique building This is a quick rework from the same model I published ea...
New Zealand Victorians 1
Created by cbudd
Pack of 4 houses modeled after Victorian buildings found in New Zealand. These are the most basic and small houses you see in NZ suburbs. More buildings will follow in the upcoming weeks. These houses are very common in New Zealand and Australia and show m...
Created by DieHardHunter
Martel store Martel is a south american clothing store chain. This store is inspired by a real Martel location in Asuncion, Paraguay. Building Tris: 2818 Textures: 1024x2048 LOD Tris: 632 Textures: 256x256 Model info: - Custom LOD - No color variations - C...
American Dream
Created by Kliekie
Typical American home to support 1 family. Will show up as a lvl 1 low residential building on a 2x3 plot with an expandable backyard. 1 Parking spot included. Comes in 4 colors: beige, brown, green and blue. 1533 Polys 3039 Tris 2024 Verts 512x512 Texture...
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack
Created by TOKACHI269
日本住宅パック Japanese low residential house pack ファイルサイズが大きいですが、Loading Screen Modを使えば同じテクスチャのものはスキップしてくれるのでそこまでメモリーは消費しないと思います。 Although the file size is large, if use Loading Screen Mod, I will skip the same texture thing, so I think that memory will not be c...
Modern Japanese Houses
Created by Ronyx69
Includes 3 sets of 2+2 small modern japanese residential houses - 12 variations total. If you subscribe to the prop pack (optional) you will see a lot of variations because of random props - mailboxes, plants, solar panels, vents, clothes racks... I think ...
Futuristic House L5 4x4
Created by BenTracker
Futuristic House L5 4x4 by BenTracker -------------------------------------------------------- 1284 Tris 1024 x 1024px Texture LOD Model 395 Tris 256 x 256px Texture...
House from VIP 13 (Residential low Growable)
Created by Vip
*NEW MODEL* The new residence level 2. (second version) Many villas are abandoned because of the bankruptcy of their owners. Several families are buying houses and live in them. To your attention this house level 2, replace the boring green house on the la...
House from VIP 14 (Residential low Growable)
Created by Vip
*NEW MODEL* The new residence level 3. Villa middle class. Each brick building picked up in standard sizes in reality. Ceiling height is 2.9 meters. The width of the house - 24 meters. There is a garage for 2 cars. The living area of 168 square meters. The...
House from VIP 12 (Residential low Growable)
Created by Vip
*NEW MODEL* The new residence level 2. Many villas are abandoned because of the bankruptcy of their owners. Several families are buying houses and live in them. To your attention this house level 2, replace the boring green house on the last picture. ))) S...
Modern luxury house num1 [Re-Upload] {AD}
Created by N v K
Modern luxury house num1 by Ngon GROWABLE Level5 4x4 Low density residence. Model 1 2300 Tris LOD 120 Tris Credits: Ngon (Creator), Me (Re-Upload + Ngon's Thumbnail)...
Modern luxury house num2 [Re-Upload} {AD}
Created by N v K
Modern luxury house num2 by Ngon GROWABLE Level5 4x4 low density residence. Model 2 1400 tris LOD 80 tris Credits: Ngon (Creator), Me (Re-Upload + Ngon's Thumbnail)...
Japanese House A ( 3 Colors )/ 日本の住宅A 3色セット[GROW]
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese typical house with traditional style. Inspired from 1980s style. There are no fences for convenience: we can place them everywhere. Also, you can decorate them with various props into urban-style or country-style. There are 3 color-variations in e...
Kliekie - Sears Homes - The Castleton
Created by Kliekie
"Paint for three coats outside, your choice of color. Varnish and wood filler for inetrior finish. Chicago Design hardware." ~Sears Homes, 1921 - 1926 catalog. Level 4, 2x2 grid. Model: 621 tris 1024* texture Custom LOD: 60 tris 64* texture Enjoy! Tags: Se...
Created by BenTracker
Simply Residential Low L2 2x3 (Ploppable RICO) 2 Homes (Symmetrical) -------------------------------------------------------- 1168 Tris / 1024 x 1024px (x2) LOD: 292 Tris / 128 x 128px (x2)...
Japanese House 01 民家(growable RL L4 4x3)
泉州航空神社の付屬施設を移植したもの。 Japanese House 民家 Building Info 4x3 Category :Residential Low Level4 Texture : 1024x1024 日本民家4x3 L4 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Stupid Condos
Created by honker
Is your neighborhood a little too "working class?" Are your property values a little too "urban?" Don't you want to live among royalty, among aristocracy, among the gentry? Fear not, because the Stupid Condos are here to launch those real estate prices int...
Morgan Street Houses
Created by KingLeno
Morgan Street Houses by KingLeno Asset includes 6 houses (2 different models with 2 different roof colors and color variations, and 1 mirror of each house with color variations). 1000 Morgan Street; 1010 Morgan Street; 1030 Morgan Street; 2000 Morgan Stree...
Historic Mansions
Created by KingLeno
Historic Mansions by KingLeno 3 Model variations including: 5x6 Unique Building Smaller 4x4 Low Residential Even smaller 4x4 Low Residential Includes transparent pool. Texture size 1024x1024, triangles ~ 4,000 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me ...
Pruksa Nara - Chaiyaphruek 2 - Jomtien (Tropical Modern House Pack)
Created by Palm'sTime
Pruksa Nara - Chaiyaphruek 2 Jomtien (Tropical Modern House Pack) By Palm'sTime (armsplams) Building Info: Type Low density residential house. Size 2 x 2 Storey & Heights 2 Storey | 5.9 M.** Tris Elitio : 894 (Main) | 150 (LOD) Lvio : 848 (Main) | 132 (LOD...
Historic American House Pack
Created by Smilies
works best when placed with plop the growables or rico revisited and move it, all models have custom foundations for gentle slope tolerance This pack contains 20 houses influenced by various American styles of Victorian, Queen Anne, Stick, Colonial and Gre...
Created by 红米先生
中式28层住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
新中式高档住宅楼 by 红米 33层超高层建筑,占地5X3,住宅楼属性 分辨率:1080P LOD:2600...
Modern Townhouse Tan Brick
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above high residential 1x3 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1046 tris, LOD 64 tris 128x128 glass balcony 20 tris 4 color variations Models and t...
Created by sebong
HWAMYEONG PRUGIO apartment v1 screenshot by Deltaple screenshot by 공기구름...
[GROW] Condominio Residencial Firenze
Created by DSBSubhrajyoti
Condominio Residencial Firenze by DSBSubhrajyoti Commissioned by Bastet69 This is a Growable High Density Residential Apartment from Brazil. 1:1 Scale. Level 5. Fifth of 10 new Brazilian buildings. Consider supporting me on Paypal ...
Lily Park - Residences
Created by jorge.puerta Lily Park - Residences Main model and textures by jorge.puerta 3x4 - Level 4, high density residential building, 10 floors. texture 1024x1024 (d-c-s-n-a-i) texture LOD 1128x128 (d-c-s-n-a-i) RICO - avaliable -Type: Residenti...
Blues Point Tower
Created by Robert
Here to ruin some north shore cims' view of the Harbour Bridge. Derided as one of the ugliest buildings in Sydney, Harry Seidler's Blues Point Tower was to be the first of many proposed modernist apartment buildings filling the postcode of McMahons Point. ...
90s Korean Apartment - 18 storey
Created by ***** Architecture
90s Korean Apartment - 18 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 18층 타입 ...
Mediterranean High Residential Pack 2
A spanish inspired mediterranean high residential pack. This is the second of many packs like this. The models are based on the spanish 1950's - 1980's architectural styles you find in the levant coast and other areas of Spain. This pack contains 5 version...
Apartment 12F I (HR5 4x4)
Created by Zuben
Apartment 12F I (HR5 4x4) by Zuben Level 3 building ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you like. plaese rate up. Thank you. 마음에 드시면 평가하기 눌러주세요. 감사합니다....
90s Korean Apartment - 26 storey
Created by ***** Architecture
90s Korean Apartment - 26 storey 1990년대 대한민국 1기신도시 아파트 26층 타입 ...
[GROW] Brazillian High Res Apartment 1
Created by DSBSubhrajyoti
Brazillian High Res Apartment 1 by DSBSubhrajyoti Commissioned by Bastet69 This is a Growable High Density Residential Apartment from Brazil. 1:1 Scale. Level 5. Great to be back after my hiatus. Want to reach me? Hit me up at Discord: BaidDSB#6397 ...
JP housing complex (municipal apartment)
Created by nob50506000
団地風のアパート10セットです。 5階建て×5 3階建て×5  jp_apt25c jp_apt25d jp_apt25e jp_apt25h jp_apt25i jp_apt25jはRICO設定があります。(MODを入れてない場合はUnique Building) 都営住宅(JKK東京)を参考にしています。 80年代頃に建てられた比較的新しいタイプで、低層団地では珍しく外廊下が設置してあります。 ...
Edifício Hayat 82m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 82m version of a modern condo in Curitiba, Brazil 4x4 high density residential main mesh 7196 tris, LOD 185 tris 256x256, glass balcony 292 tris 1024x1024 diffuse, nor...
Modern Lowrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Same as my previous version with no glass covered restaurant outside 4x4 level 3 high density residential 2036 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illum...
Leucome Residential Tower R004 4x2 LVL5
Created by leucome
Leucome Residential Tower R004 (growable) LVL: 5 High: 204 meters Plot: 4x2 base expend in front up to 4x4 Only 122 tri Small 512px texture I made a new model from the scratch of the Tower 4 . The goal is to find a way to improve lod model. Even if we prov...
Leucome Residential Tower 9B 3x3 Lvl5
Created by leucome
Leucome Residential Tower 9B 3x3 Lvl5 Tower B offer different colours and by having two of the same tower the chance to get one in the map is higher. Grow-able Residential : 5 Plot: 3x3 (expand front) High: 130m Only 174 tris Small 256px texture 4 colours ...
Dubai - Jumeirah Beach Residence - v 2.0 small L5
Created by Bibel Gurra
Based of the skyscrapers in Jumeriah beach in Dubai. Download all my JBR assets to recreate the skyline in Jumeriah beach residence. This specific building is around 125 meters tall. info; Level 5 Tris: 1,826 Texture :1024x1024 Custom lod; Tris: 737 Textur...
Euro High Residential 2
Created by Zeno
Euro High Residential 2 by Zeno A modern high residential condo from somewhere in Southern Europe on the mediterranean shore. Follow me on instagram @zeno_citiesskylines --> Special thanks to Cityplannoholico ...
Vancouver Condo 84m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Based on a group of buildings in Burnaby, similar to buildings found all over greater Vancouver. Commissioned by Charlie_Zane, go check out Charlie_Zane's workshop 4x4...
Modern Townhouse Red Brick
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above high residential 1x3 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination Main mesh 1226 tris, LOD 64 tris 128x128 glass balcony 20 tris 4 color variations Models and t...
Created by 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Euro Modern High Res. 2 + Awning
Created by Zeno
Euro Modern High Res. 2 + Awning by Zeno A modern high residential condo from somewhere in Southern Europe on the mediterranean shore. Follow me on instagram @zeno_citiesskylines --> Special thanks to Cityplan...
Vancouver Condo 140m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Based on a group of buildings in Burnaby, similar to buildings found all over greater Vancouver. Commissioned by Charlie_Zane, go check out Charlie_Zane's workshop 4x4...
Created by 红米先生
住宅楼B by Redmi(红米) 普通住宅楼资产 占地8X2格 LOD(sub):3500 贴图分辨率:1080P 楼层搞14层 典型中式住宅楼 共计3个单元楼组合 ...
38m Midrise Condo 4x4
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 level 1 growable high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 38m 5133 tris, LOD 128 tris 256x256, glass awning 20 tris, ...
100m Highrise Condo
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4x4 growable high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination main mesh 13319 tris 1024x512, LOD 128 tris 256x256, submesh 3240 tris, glass...
Vancouver Condo 100m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Based on a group of buildings in Burnaby, similar to buildings found all over greater Vancouver. Commissioned by Charlie_Zane, go check out Charlie_Zane's workshop 4x4...
Modern Rowhouse 3
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 3 high density residential 891 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 4 tris Custom LOD 47 tris auto baked 128...
Condo 41m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 4x4 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 6464 tris LOD 262 tris 128x128 glass balcony 708 tris Asset shares textures wi...
Zenville Residence
Created by =D= Comrade Intense
Zenville Residence, my 2nd asset ! A nice, modern, apartment block for your happy citizens. SEARCH WORDS: Intense, Residential Intense Model info: Tris: 4259 Faces: 1634...
Urban Townhouse 1
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 1x2 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 632 tris LOD 80 tris glass balcony 24 tris Asset shares textures with Townhous...
Modular Apartment Pack
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 4 separate high density residential level 2 assets 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination Corner main mesh 4x4 2908 tris, LOD 151 tris, 128x128, glass bal...
Urban Townhouse 2
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above level 3 1x2 high density residential 1024x512 diffuse, color, spec, normal, illumination 664 tris LOD 84 tris glass balcony 16 tris Asset shares textures with Townhous...
Created by 红米先生
现代高层住宅楼27层 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
碧桂园住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
轻奢风格30层住宅楼 by 红米...
Created by 红米先生
高层住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 楼层高95米,总楼层30层,另外一座总楼层10层,高度35米,两座楼属于高密度住宅楼 贴图大小:1024X1024 LOD:1200 分辨率:2K 附带夜景 占地4X3格...
Created by 红米先生
欧式居民楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 共计三栋分别:30层一栋 17层一栋 8层一栋,属于住宅楼建筑类,风格偏向于闽南风格建筑...
Created by 红米先生
现代新式公寓楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 纯中式沙黄色外墙,楼层高92米,层高30层 ,占地2X3格...
Jianou residential building简欧住宅楼
Created by 红米先生
简欧住宅楼高层+简欧住宅楼底层共计两座,其中一座32层高,占地4X3格子,高度104米,另外一座15层,占地4X3格子,高度54米,属性为住宅类,模型均采用SUB分层子建筑方式导入,共计面数4500,LOD:2400,分辨率2k. There are two high-rise buildings and two ground floors of Jianou residential building. One of them is 32 stories high, covering an area of ...
Modern youth apartment现代青年公寓
Created by 红米先生
现代青年公寓,参考青岛五四广场周边住宅楼而模范建造,层高30层,105米,占地4X4格子,LOD:500,贴图分辨率:2K, 属性自长住宅楼。 Modern youth apartment is a model building with reference to the residential buildings around the May Fourth Square in Qingdao. It is 30 stories high and 105 meters in height. It cover...
Modern middle-level housing2
Created by 红米先生
中式现代住宅楼:两种不同颜色样式,两座住宅楼,属于住宅楼属性,层高11层,占地4X3格子 贴图分辨率1024X1024 SUB-LOD:4000左右. Chinese modern residential building: two different colors and styles, two residential buildings, belonging to the property of residential buildings, 11 stories high, covering an ar...
Modern Rowhouse 2
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 2 high density residential 891 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 16 tris Custom LOD 60 tris auto baked 12...
Modern Rowhouse 1
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 2 high density residential 824 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 28 tris Custom LOD 46 tris auto baked 12...
Modern Rowhouse 4
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above 1x4 level 3 high density residential 958 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Glass balcony submesh 24 tris Custom LOD 46 tris auto baked 12...
Modern Midrise Condo 33m
Created by Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above No skinny dipping 4x4 level 4 high density residential Main mesh 2712 tris 1024x512 diffuse, color, specularity, normal, illumination Submesh 132 tris Custom LOD 76 tr...
Tesla Sales & Service
Created by TimmyBuckets
Tesla Sales & Service by Chacks0n MAKE SURE: You have Plop the growables and the right settings enabled if you want to plop it Tesla, Inc. is an American automotive and energy company based in Palo Alto, California. The company specializes in electric car ...
PWC Tower Madrid
Created by BenTracker
PWC Tower Madrid The Torre PwC, formerly Torre Sacyr Vallehermoso, is a 52-floor, 236-metre-tall (774 ft) skyscraper, completed in 2008, located in Madrid, Spain. Torre PwC is one of four buildings in the Cuatro Torres Business Area. It was designed by Car...
Amber Arena
Created by p0ppy
Based on Stadion Energa Gdańsk , formerly known as PGE Arena Gdansk. The name Amber Arena was used during the design stage. The scale is 1:2, but IMHO this size fits rest of the buildings in CS. ...
Linked collections (1)
Contains 105 items
In 1 collection by 与喜欢撞个满怀
105 items