Taku   Japan
Review Showcase
33 Hours played
if (you->getJob() == 'programmer') {

print 'This game is amazing.';

} else if (you->like('math')) {

print 'This game is enjoyable.';

} else {

print 'This game isn't a game.';

Review Showcase
140 Hours played
If you like logistic game like Factorio, Satisfactory, or DSP, buy this game.
This game provides tons of fun of logical thinking.

If you're hesitate to buy this game only because it's early access, buy this game.
There're tons of contents in current state. Around 100h contents included that devs mentioned is not a lie.

If you like challenging resource management game, buy this game.
There're 3 difficulties and hardest one is quite challenging.

If you worry about game ui or complexity, buy this game.
Tutorial document is very detailed and easy to understand. UI is easy to use and some QoL mechanics are already implemented.

Buy this game if you're interested. You won't regret.
Favorite Game
Hours played