Daniel   United States
"If you lose credibility for admitting fault, you never had any in the first place."

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll atleast be off this f*cking planet.

"Stand behind me and I will protect you. Stand beside me and I will respect you. Stand against me and I will show you no mercy."

"A Strong Man Stands Up For Himself. A Stronger Man Stands Up For Others."

Never do anything you wouldn't want to explain to a nurse.

Currently Offline
Just a man who lives in Kansas (currently). FPS games are my primary thing at the moment, but I love games like Diablo (Not Diablo 3, I think that one is trash). Ex-MOBA Diamond ranker, MOBAs make me ragey. When it comes to most games, I consider myself a solo-ist but ironically crave people to play co-op games with. Come game with me some time!

Zero tolerance to griefing, sore losers, or gloating winners. All about having fun and not being a d*ck when you win.
Favorite Game
Hours played
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Review Showcase
4,023 Hours played
I have more hours than actually listed because I played this game prior to it being listed on Steam.

I don't have a helpful review to give you, but I can tell you that this game is worth a try, its free. This game has been out for a few years now, graphics are still kickin. The Devs still support this game whole heartedly, and I do as well. I take long breaks at times to wait for more content... But its all free in its own way.

I can't really say that I got this game for free even though I did, but thats because I have supported this game since its early days. I bought things I knew were a bad choice, etc.. This game has kept me going back even as an adult.
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Recent Activity
317 hrs on record
last played on Jun 2
4,023 hrs on record
last played on Jun 2
118 hrs on record
last played on Jun 2
choso's side piece Dec 18, 2023 @ 12:47pm 
+rep the cutest nea in the fog, had a snowball fight w them as huntress <3 ily cutie
霧mist霧 Dec 24, 2021 @ 10:14pm 
▒▒█████──────────▐███▌🎄Merry Christmas 🎄
霧mist霧 Dec 22, 2020 @ 8:46pm 
Happy new year