jello   British Columbia, Canada
so sleepy... zzz
Featured Artwork Showcase
Sleepwalker nap
i like gummies so much... pls kiss me and give me fruit gummies please.

anyways whatever. if you recognize my artist name, yeah this is jello. idk when or where ill post again...
Favorite Game
Hours played
Favorite Game
Hours played
Review Showcase
4,274 Hours played
indie-game devs making money while actual troglodytes host spam and aimbots to ruin public matchmaking. there are also lots of players that cheat too, so keep a look out for players that auto-detonate stickies when you go near them. auto strafing (it looks really cursed and once you see it you cant unsee it), trigger bots (you manually aim, and you automatically shoot once the crosshair is over the desired position), and whatever packet stuffing people you see that very conveniently 'teleport' around a corner to shoot before you can even see them on your screen. public matchmaking for this game is 98% unplayable, for it is ruined by weird people that are willing to pay money to ruin other peoples experiences. why would someone pay for: internet, an account with premium, electricity, and systems to do this all day and night? good question. dont give these rat devs a dime
Favorite Guide
Created by - CamonMae
410 ratings
step:1 dont eat vegeable and no muslte a step:2 take out tomato and lettle of sanvich fix step 3 eat 1000 sanvich take out tomato and lettle and boom now you are FATTES