lvl 999 EP fan   Padova, Veneto, Italy
Abandon all hope — Ye Who Enter Here.

you're a lil B I T C H

yes I did get airshot headshot by b4nny
and yes I got him back

cool music

meme of a lifetime

trade me

NOTE: The only reason I don't have 11 years on steam (on steam since 2011) is because my first account got hijacked! (note as of 6/5/2018) I just got that account back, I'll just link it in case anyone gives a ♥♥♥♥ My first account

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB [steamdb.info])

[*] Worth: $4395 ($1301 with sales)
[*] Games owned: 440
[*] Games played: 283 (64%)
[*] Hours on record: 11,349.9h

HUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE whalecum 3 m3 prefil. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

People I hate to trade with:
1.People who add you and don't answer even tough their online/playing.
2.Young kids that dont know ♥♥♥♥ but act like I have to bow to them.
3.People who think im an idiot and ask 146 keys for a 98 key aussy.pablo -.-
4.People who sweat their ass to find a reason to pay less.
5.Scammers, duh.

people who i really enjoy trading with:
1.mature, respectful and polite persons.(I DO ENJOY SOME SPICY MEMES EVERY NOW AND THEN OK?)
2.people who have a reasonable price and always see your prospective
3.people who just whant my items and not making profit out of every trade
4.people who have patients to give me a second to finish what im doing
5.whoever leaves a +rep :D
please dont push me to make an offer, just let me think of an offer instead of expecting an offer the second you ask for one.

hey! your reading my summary! heres some things about me,ellen page used to be my shiz. Also as you may tell im a pretty active trader and better, I'm pretty friendly but i have a low amount of tolerance. I have lots of games that i like but i just cant play them they feel so boring even though i like them :P I mostly play tf2 csgo or whatever, somethimes gta SA or some old games (big fan of old games), I like memes, occasionally, pretty serious guy most of the time doe, dont worry.
(^^^^ this ♥♥♥♥ is from like 2013 or some ♥♥♥♥ lol, cringe but ♥♥♥♥ me nostalgia hits hard its staying up.^^^^)

if any ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gives a ♥♥♥♥ heres some specs for you to touch yourself to
CPU: i9-10900k 5.1hz oc
GPU: Gygabyte turbo 1080ti
RAM: 32gb corsair 3600hz
CASE: The nzxt case everyone and their mother uses.
MOBO: z490-e asus strix
STORAGE: Hitachi 2tb 7200rpm HDD, 250gb samsung evo SSD, 2tb 970 evo m.2 nvme ssd
PSU : Corsair 750w modular
MOUSE : Gpro wireless ultralight
KEYBOARD : Keykron k4 with glorious switches
MIC : hyperx quadcast s (mounted on arm)
MONITOR: Asus 1080p 280hz 24"
NUTS : deez

anime's watched (in chronological order) :compa::compa::compa:
all of the dbz series (many many years ago)
elfen lied
future diaries
lucky star
angel beats
plastic memories
fruit of grisia
kill la kill
serial experiments lain
Koe no katachi/the shape of voice
Kiss x sis
Eromanga sensei
tsurezure children
stein gate
darling in the franxx
I don't watch anime anymore sorry weebs.
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does the scout say chucklenuts or chucklehead?
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ayy its EPicat - Public Group
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nice knife...
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LMAO first day i get unbanned and KABAM id like to thank csgo shuffle for my first try 1653$ win with 13% chance
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Review Showcase
I hate how much I love Mirrors edge because this game is a really sad ending to a series with insane potential, the first mirrors edge was revolutionary anyone that played it has nostalgia over it, this is just a pathetic attempt to cash into it.
First of all:
- No new story, basically a re-run of mirrors edge (WHY?????)
- The campaign starts off very strong and had a lot of potential, but it leads to running all over the same open map over and over doing the same tasks over and over, you'll feel like you're running the same path like a hundred times it gets very stale.
- The steam version is literally a shortcut to origin's release which deleted my save file halfway though the game and does not have double buffer save system so I had no chance of getting back in the game and no intention on restarting, and as someone that does not use origin I had no idea I should have went in my game settings on the origin launcher to enable cloud saves which might of prevented my file getting completely removed for no reason.
- People complain that the combat is atrocious but I did kinda enjoy it... for the first 10 minutes, after that it felt like fights were shoved down your throat, AI is nothing to write home about, feels like sparring with a wooden dummy.
I think a decent price point for this game would be $5.00, I wouldn't pay for any more than that after what I've played.
Shame because it could have been a game to go down as one of the best ever but ended up just being pandering and fan service, devs didn't do anything new, kind of like a battle royal game, felt like everything was there just because it was what was popular at the time and what would guarantee profits in the eyes of a business.
Workshop Showcase
Doomer VS Bloomer by Prince of Zimbabwe on youtube, I like its message so making it a backround.
18 ratings
Created by - EPicat
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1,495 hrs on record
last played on May 12
256 hrs on record
last played on May 12
EPicat May 4 @ 5:43pm 
hey everybody i just wanted to let you guys know that im open to suggestions if you want a profile reate just dm me "hey im interested in the orginal copy of the ten commandments" abd ill know whaty you mean buy my book on amazon about sucking the fish off the bone new york times #4 worst seller. if you can hear this please send help their coming for me sonaaa
EPicat Mar 2 @ 10:32am 
Ok I was going through it im good now
EPicat Mar 2 @ 10:00am 
bro get off my computer no seriously it was funny back when I was high off dat fent but not anymore man seriously imma call you rmom dude i dont like this its really beyond the line (unles you got dyat fent) but you dont and i told you stop coming round here no more or less you have the fent and I for a real man ♥♥♥♥ man i cna k o wher e am i uh hoh ohhh oh ghodd OHH GODDDCD BRO GO HOME
Democracy Officer Feb 15 @ 6:58pm 
+rep A non-toxic high tour is a nice breath of fresh air. c: Also cracked on MvM.
DiiizyTheFool Feb 7 @ 8:47pm 
( ºωº )つ━☆・*。
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 しーJ   °。+ *´¨)
         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆ 兄弟加我好友 ☆
DiiizyTheFool Feb 7 @ 7:04pm 
-rep worst balls ever on this guy
0/10 gamespy