Nobody from Nowhere
Singleplayer : Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, Dead Island 2,
Frostpunk 2, Jurassic World Evolution 2, Mad Games Tycoon 2,
State of Decay 2, Subnautica: Below Zero, This War of Mine.
Multiplayer : PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS, Rocket League.
Понастоящем извън линия
Любима игра
1 477
Изиграни часа
100 опит
Игрален колекционер
All about coupons, cards, games...
:XenoT: Taran`s Coupons
- You can get my coupons when I didn`t use them...
- I always give them away for FREE!
:XenoA: Taran`s Cards
- I trade 1:1...but sometimes I didn`t trade my last card when I still collect a set...
- And 1:1 means same set or the same value!
:R: Taran´s Games
- Games I trade for other games
- And sometimes I accept CS: GO keys/ skins...
:XenoA: Taran´s CS: GO skins
- You can take a look but you can`t get them...
- Because I only trade skins at the store or directly with really good friends!
:N: Taran´s Friends
- Fair trader, gamer and nice people are welcomed to be my friends!
- But your profile needs level 25 or higher and/ or you have bought more than 50 games...
- When your profile is on private...no chance!
- And when I think you are a ♥♥♥♥♥, scammer or you annoying me...you know what comes...

:tradingcard: I only trade on Steam...no exceptions...never => So...feel free to make an offer... :tradingcard:
Изложение на „Перфекционист“
Изложение на снимки
Cyberpunk 2077
6 4
Артикули за търгуване
10 323
Притежавани артикули
4 554
Извършени търговии
51 147
Пазарни транзакции
Любима група
1:1 Trading - Публична група
Where fair trading is done, and greedy traders are cast out!
10 306
В игра
2 606
На линия
В чата
Изложение на худ. творби
space.out by vashperado
40 9 3
Любима игра
Изиграни часа
100 опит
Изложение на най-редките постижения
Изложение на снимки
13 4 2
Любимо ръководство
Създадено от — modair
27 оценки
Here you learn how you can create a custom airline (a airline mod). from 01/2019 You need a few programs at first 1. Sim Airport (Game) 2. notepad ++ (a editor for the config) Link: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/ 3. paint.net (a grafic program) (
Изложение от работилницата
Here you can support me with a donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=DC7G42ENYALGG&source=url Thank you for supporting me :)
13 оценки
Създадено от — modair