Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Colonial Expansion
Showing 1-10 of 64 entries
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Update: May 5 @ 2:07am

Fixed an exploit where using the formable decision to ask for territory wasn't analyzed correctly by the AI. This would result in for example Austria puppeting and taking territory from Germany, even when Germany had more troops.

Update: Mar 10 @ 4:51am

Fixed a critical mistake that made colonizing abroad impossible unless the coastal colonization game rule was set to off.

Update: Mar 9 @ 3:29am

Added the new countries from 1.14 into the scenarios
Added a new idea for some of the new tribes
Removed some of the new ideas added
Fixed a localisation bug with colonial focuses
Added a reload buildings button. You will still need to wait 1 hour after pressing to actually see them.
Changed how ideas are removed for a better visual experience at game start.
Fixed a game rule not working.

Update: Mar 8 @ 4:27am

Updated for 1.14

Update: Jan 4 @ 5:07am

Fixed peace deals not working

Update: Dec 29, 2023 @ 3:33am

Changed the focus tree again, with multiple different focuses being reorganized.
Fixed focus trees for some countries with multiple exclusive paths being unable to disable certain focuses for advisors (Spain notably).
Changed how the AI weighs making peace with another country. Makes the AI not want peace during certain circumstances, such as a civil war.
Added a new game rule to change Militia deployment time. This option also allows you to disable them.
Some small edits to anarchist uprisings to be more in line with how anarchism should be.
Removes a bug with countries capital states being cores of a different country. Was very noticeable with all nations start date.
Fixed the monarchist path checking if you are 40% democratic. Should now check neutrality.
Loyalist uprisings in puppets will now always accept dismantling if requested.
Set max xp to 2000.
Fixed a state in africa being counted as part of a black sea state (Middle Congo).

Update: Dec 22, 2023 @ 4:47am

Fixed some nordic advisors not being available.
Fixed some communist and nationalist china advisors not being available.
Fixed some baltics + poland advisors not being available.
Fixed integration decision not being consistant.
Fixed some more starting ideas not being removed.
Changed deploying militia war support loss to 5%

Update: Dec 17, 2023 @ 5:57am

Fixed some ideas not disappearing at game start (Italy and Bulgaria)
Changed how a few political focuses work
Added game speed optimizations
Added a new trait to certain leaders to allow inter-continental integration without the Colonial Focus (any anarchist leader, Soviets, Turkey, and Greece)

Update: Dec 17, 2023 @ 2:07am

Added a disband militia decision
Added more starting research to help balance

Update: Dec 16, 2023 @ 3:36am

Fixed Mexico
Re-added Ethiopian balance of power
Reworked the anarchism path
Made treaties last only 3 months long after a peace deal
Changed peace deals to be less infuriating
Fixed a debug decision being visible
Removed all vanilla formables
Changed when AI will accept peace deals
Fixed some focus tree events