Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Items (80)
日本のパーキングチケット発給機 Parking Meter Jp01
Created by stmSantana
* Japanese asset 路上駐車場(時間制限駐車区間)用チケット発券機パーキングメーター Cities:Skylinesの一般道路にはパーキングメーターPropがあるのを知っていますか? (街路樹付き道路などには駐車禁止の標識が立っていて、パーキングメーターは出てこない) このPropは日本...
Created by koma
It's a 3-pack of Japanese shops. Kobayashi Cycle and Chuka Narimitsu are for corner lot. Move it! Please adjust the setting with. 日本の商店3種パックです。 小林サイクル、中華成光は角地用です。Move it! で調整して設置して下さい。 JP Shop kobayashi 小林サイクル JP Shop narimitsu 中華成光 JP Shop shimofusaya 下総屋...
日本の商業ビル #1
Created by Tommy V Kochiya
日本の柱 JPPe Japanese pole series
Created by Nigorilla
日本風の柱です。青看板用と信号機用の柱がモデルです。工夫次第で様々な使い方ができます。必要に応じてPOで微調整してください 門型はこちら 内容 JPPe_Brown1 JPPe_Brown2 JPPe_White1 JPPe_White2 おまけ JP_Crossingname_pole JP_Countrysign_pole 2020/5/6 Updated  以下のものを追加しました(主に青看板で多い柱)  JPPe_1  JPPe_2  すべての柱を微修正して更新 2020/7/1 Updated  ...
日本の歩道橋(japanese footbridge)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の歩道橋です。 propなので人は通りません。 tris : 1008 textures size : 512x512 (defuse,normal,specular,color,alpha) footbridge by TOKACHI269...
日本の街頭消火器 Shoukaki Jp01
Created by stmSantana
* Japanese asset 日本の街角にある消火器、街頭消火器というらしいです。 設置している自治体などによりデザインが違うようで、都内でも区によって様々みたいです。(参考:東京いろんな消火器めぐり) この赤箱一眼一本足のものは世田谷や品川、目黒で見かけます。避難先の表示シールは目黒区の中でもシンプルなデザインものにしました。 ============================================= Polygon: 26 (LOD 16 ) Texture: 512x512 px ...
Ehrengrab Müller u. Pettenkofen
Created by Don B
Hello another statue for your cities, so enjoy it. The Vienna Central Cemetery is one of the largest cemeteries in the world by number of interred, and is the most famous cemetery among Vienna's nearly 50 cemeteries. Vienna has been a city of music since t...
日本の警察署 (Japanese police station)
Created by TOKACHI269
日本の警察署です。目白警察署がモデルです。 <mesh info> main triss : 2470 texture size : 1024x1024 (defuse,normal,alfa,specurar,illumination) LOD triss : 89 texture size : 128x128 (defuse,illumination) ...
Uncle Auntie Pack 1
Created by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!
Uncle Auntie Pack 1 by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot! And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =) In Singapore, unlike the original English terms that only refer to siblings of your parents, 'Uncle' '...
[Updated]Japanese Shopping Arcade / 日本の商店街のアーケード
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
**Updated 2019/06/17** - Fixed too bright colors - Remodel and more detailed - Added 1 more entrance variant Japanese typical and common arcade in shopping street. Use PLT to connect each props. ** 2019/06/17 アップデート** - 明るすぎる色を調整しました - モデルを細かくしました - 入口にバリエ...
[GROW] 日本の雑居ビル Japanese Multi-tenants Builidings
Created by n_mosimo
L3 2x2 JPN Multi-tenants ニコイチの雑居ビルです。レベル3の高密度商業地域に建設されます。2x2です。 Multi-tenants buildings. 2 buildings 1 asset. Level 3 High-density Commercial Zone. 2x2....
[Citizen] Japanese Schoolgirls / 日本の女子高生
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Citizen of Japanese high school girls. It's time to say goodbye to vivid teenagers. They have 3 shapes + color variations. All three have different characteristics, so please find your favorite girl. Surely you won't be able to take your eyes off the stree...
Zoom It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to change min and max zoom level in-game. NEW IN 1.4 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.3 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs &...
日本の路側式標識 Japanese Traffic Sign Pack
Created by Krakow131
サブスクライブ非推奨 本アセットは移行しました、これよりサブスクライブされる方は下記のアセットを推奨します
日本の近郊小学校 Japanese Suburban Elementary School
Created by n_mosimo
After Dark 対応版はこちら/For After Dark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 480人の子供が学習可能。プールはありません。 480 ppls of children can study. ...
CNL Japanese Blank Road Name
Created by stmSantana
「CNL Japanes Localization Name Lists」とほぼ同じです。 違いは、こちらのMODは道路の名前を空欄に置き換えます。 ------------------------------ 2018/10/28更新……外部接続名を日本の名前にしました。 2020/04/05更新……v1.3 下記のエラーがoutput_logに溜まるのを解消しました。 -( StringUtils.SafeFormat(): System.ArgumentNullException: '' with 1...
A park in Japan. 日本の公園(4x3)
Created by touubou
It is a park that is common in residential areas in Japan. There are a lot of props. The size is 4 × 3. The effect is a standard effect. 日本の住宅街によくある公園です。 プロップが非常にたくさんあります。 大きさは4x3になります。 効果は標準的な効果です。...
Basic Nursing Home - (2 Star) (Requires Related Mod)
Created by BoostHungry
This functional Nursing Home requires the SeniorCitizenCenterMod by BoostHungry to function properly. This is a basic 2 star nursing home with 40 rooms for Senior Citizens. Only Senior Citizen...
Air ducts - Random variations
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings This is one prop that randomly picks one of 5 air ducts - air ducts 1 or air ducts 5-8 (found in this pack). I added this as I'd like both the option to use the specific prop...
All 25 Areas purchasable
Created by tomdotio
What it does: All 25 areas can be purchased (in Vanilla only 9 can be purchased). The last Milestone (number 13) allows you to buy area 10 to 25. Milestones 1-12 remain unchanged. Installation: To install just subscribe to the mod and activate it in the Mo...
Basic Nursing Home - (4 Star) (Requires Related Mod)
Created by BoostHungry
This functional Nursing Home requires the SeniorCitizenCenterMod by BoostHungry to function properly. This is a basic 4 star nursing home with 45 rooms for Senior Citizens. Only Senior Citizen...
City Vitals Watch
Created by Rob
Adds a configurable panel to display vital city stats at a glance. Features - Displays real-time stats on service usage, citizen safety, and more (see full stat list below) - Select the stats you want to watch with the settings panel (click the gear button...
Enhanced Garbage Truck AI [Fixed for v1.4+]
Created by Akira Ishizaki
Compatible with patch 1.4.0-f3 (SnowFall). I fixed Skylines Overwatch for SnowFall. Note: To use this version you need to unsubscribe original version first, and then subscribe to my version. Note: I have changed the code, so this may conflict with other m...
Enhanced Hearse AI [Fixed for v1.4+]
Created by Akira Ishizaki
Compatible with patch 1.4.0-f3 (SnowFall). I fixed Skylines Overwatch for SnowFall. Note: To use this version you need to unsubscribe original version first, and then subscribe to my version. Note: I changed the code, so this may conflict with other mods' ...
Extended Error Reporting
Created by Strad
This mod replaces generic error messages in the game and helps you find broken assets Still in beta! Features: - Error messages are now more elaborate. They always provide error stack trace and, if possible, asset name, mod name and other details. - Mod er...
Extended Public Transport UI (Obsolete)
Created by AcidF!re
Obsolete With the newest Patch/DLC EPTUI has become obsolete. All functionality has been integrated into the base game by Colossal Order - and some! The mod will stay up, as it might be useful for reference; finally a thanks to all subscribers for their tr...
First Person Camera: Updated
Created by tony56a
An update of nlight's First-person camera! Also: a fix for the light flickering issue when following a vehicle/pedestrian. adjustable vehicle camera offset positioning increased field of depth options for a more "isometric camera"-y feel ( reduce field of ...
German Crossing Sign Collection
Created by Sakura
A Collection of 3 German Crossing signs. 1 - Over head crossing sign 2 - Freestanding crossing sign 3 - Rusted Freestanding crossing sign Use find it by typing in German for all 3 items to show. I hope you like them and find use for them.. I have only just...
Gravel Rural Road
Created by Ronyx69
A simple rural gravel road based on the vanilla gravel road. Includes 2 decals as well. The transitions to most other roads will look pretty bad, transitioning to the basic 2 lane road on a straight looks reasonable. Main: 4 - 128 tris 1024x1024 + 256x512 ...
Greenhope Mix (Theme Mixer Set)
Created by Palm'sTime
Greenhope Theme Mix I recommended to use with my visual settings by following the link below. (Settings will be on last picture) For map:
GUNMA - Japan 群馬県
Created by aya
This is the Gunma Prefecture map in nearly in the center of Japan . Around the sea is really all land . There northwest traditional monster of Gunma , is Gunma chan .,139.1283427,9.75z/data=!...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Created by Reverend_Lovefist
Japan by Reverend_Lovefist...
Horse Chestnut
Created by MrMaison
Horse Chestnut by MrMaison When I was in Stockholm for PDXCon 2018, I saw this big beautiful tree with large white flowers while walking in a park. I had no idea what it was but always wanted to make it. Recently I discovered it's a Horse Chestnut tree. Th...
Japan Agricultural Warehouse (No Logo)
Created by OSARUSAN
日本の農業倉庫、ロゴ無しバージョンです。 通常バージョンはこちら。 モデル 青森県弘前市大字五代前田 岩木町農協りんごセンター 仕様 幅:60 m 奥行:78 m 高さ:18 m Agricultural warehouse in Japan. This is no logo version. Here is the link for Normal Version. Specification Width: 60 m Depth: 78 m Height: 18 m 支援/Donate Paypal OFU...
Japan Book Store 利根書店
Created by OSARUSAN
北関東を代表する書店チェーン、利根書店です。 Growable、3x4です。看板propを2つ同梱しています。 モデル 群馬県前橋市石倉町 利根書店 前橋石倉店 仕様 幅:18 m 奥行:26 m 高さ:11 m Book store chain "Tone Shoten" in Japan. Growable, 3x4. 2 sign props are included. Specification Width: 18 m Depth: 26 m Height: 11 m 支援/Donate Paypa...
JAPAN-ish [9tiles ver.]
Created by YMD-Ace
***Caution*** Is processing the map, for the game. Some places can not be used, such as Okinawa. Scale is the cause. This is not a precise map of Japan. ************* - Changed the shape, so as to be 9 tiles. - To smooth mountain for development. - All map...
Japanese Bus Stop 日本のバス停
Created by Dyglone
A typical Bus stop sign prop in Japan.(Cubic style) Not include roof.Category is Industrial prop. You must allso check my Japanese Bus Stop Roof! 日本のよくある直方体型のバス停プロップです。 屋根はついていません。工業プロップの欄に追加さ...
Japanese Bus Stop Roof 日本のバス停の屋根
Created by Dyglone
A typical Bus stop roof prop in Japan. I know that there already exists in workshop, but I just want to make my own. Not include Sign.Category is Industrial prop. My Japanese Bus Stop Sign is here:
Japanese Farmer House 1 日本の農家
Created by EXYN4
Japanese rural farmer's house. The roof was thatched but repaired with tin. Low Density Residential Level1 (3x3) Tris: 743 Vertices: 558 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD: auto Tags: japan japanese jp farm rural 日本 農家 田舎...
Japanese Localization EX Mod (日本語化拡張版MOD)
Created by Akira Ishizaki
Japanese Localization EX Mod v8.4 Compatible with patch 1.4.0-f3 (SnowFall). パッチ 1.4.0-f3 (SnowFall) に対応。 This mod will automatically install the Japanese EX locale file, v8.4. このMODは、日本語拡張版ロケールファイル v8.4 を自動でインストールします。 The Japanese EX locale file was creat...
Japanese Localization Mod (日本語化MOD)
Created by kei_em
Japanese Localization Mod Final version - 日本語 #更新# パッチ 1.17.1-f2 (Hotels and Retreats) への対応。 このMODは、日本語ロケールファイル Final 版 を自動でインストールします。 日本語ロケールファイルは、Discord - Cities: Skylines Japan サーバーの有志によって作成されました。 注意: 日本語ロケールファイルは、サブスクライブを解除しても自動では削除されません。日本語ロケールを完全に削除...
Japanese office
Created by アザラシくん
This is an office in Japan. Japanese office by アザラシくん...
Japanese Railway Crossings 日本風踏切MOD
Created by ako_ako
This mod is WORKING with Sunset Harbor update! 踏切を日本風に置き換えるMODです。 仕様 動きません!(固定式Propです。オプション画面で遮断棒の上げ下げを設定出来ます。) 点滅しません!!(電車が通る時、片方のライトは光ります。) 音も鳴りません!!! ※右側通行で使用する時は、オプション画面でチェックを入れてください。 ※おまけで道路カテゴリごとの踏切非表示機能もあります。 対応している道路 デフォルトの道路(高速道路を除く) Network Exten...
Japanese Retaining Walls Network / 日本の擁壁
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese retaining walls made with stones. "Retaining wall" means artificial angled wall. There are 2 variations: With Fences and Without Fences. With Fences version is for roads and tracks near mountains or hills, the other is for multi purpose (see examp...
Japanese Road Arrows Replacer
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
This is the first MOD I've ever created. By activating this MOD, the arrows displayed at the intersection will be replaced by Japanese style ones. I'm sure you are tired of the intellectual work of just putting arrows on the road. Of course, this is not co...
Japanese Road Markings Pack / 日本の道路標示
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
----------------------------- UPDATE: 2020/5/11 Added 1 decal. - Left and Right arrow ----------------------------- ----------------------------- UPDATE: 2019/10/27 Added 3 decals. - Orange line compatible with Konno Model's new roads - Orange turning lane...
Japanese Sea Defenses Network / 日本の堤防
Created by Ryuichi Kaminogi
Japanese angled walls(dikes) to prevent waters. We can see them around seasides in Japan. You can find this at canal tools. 2 variations are contained: with terrain / without terrain. Recommended Mods: Move it Quay Anarchy Height: 1.5m ( up tp 20m ) * Disc...
Waiting Box at a Local Station in Japan (Tanoshiri Sta.)
Created by Mu.So.
This is a station waiting box prop that looks like it could be found on a local train in rural Japan. It is modeled on Tanoshiri Station on the Kabe Line in West Japan Railway. Texture:512×1024 Polygon:518...
JP-Store_Buildings 日本のお店
Created by suudon3
JP-Store_Buildings by suudon3 These are three different color Japanese store buildings. 日本の何処かにあるかもしれない架空のお店たちです。 がんばって建物を作りました。 都会でもなく田舎でもない街にありそうな感じにしたつもりです。 色違い3種類のセットになっています。 3種の概要 JP-Building_Yakitori-Ya_YU/焼き鳥屋鵜飼 JP-Building_Hairdresser_BS/ビューティサロンシャ...
Marked Incompatible ]  Loading Screen Mod
Created by thale5
Update May 22, 2021 Support for the new DLCs. Update Oct 31, 2020 Support for the Chinese language. My thanks to @Yuuki for the translation! Update Sep 23, 2019 New Safe Mode loading options. Read here. Update Jul 28, 2019 New feature: Optimize thumbnails ...
Japanese Traffic Lights (LHT) 日本風信号機MOD (左側通行用)
Created by ako_ako
This mod is WORKING with Sunset Harbor update! 信号機を日本風に置き換えるMODです。 BloodyPenguin/Matt Crux氏のAmerican Traffic LightsからPropを置き換えたものになります。 このMODは左側通行用となります。右側通行用はこちら。 仕様 ディフューズ色が発光するので、現実だと黒である部分にも色が入っているように見えます。順光だと特に顕著です。 極端に鋭角/鈍角な交差点だとそっぽを向くかもしれません。 赤から青に戻...
Japanese strange park (日本の奇妙な公園)
Created by condo43
not exist in Japan. (日本には実在しません.) 2015.5.9 Update...
Kanazawa Loop Bus: Green (城下まち金沢周遊バス)
Created by Chitoge
北陸鉄道バス 城下まち金沢周遊バス 緑色 Hokutetsu Bus -Kanazawa Loop Bus--Green HINO QDG-KV290N1 Category: Bus Capacity: 75 Repaint from jaijai's ISUZU ERGA LV290 Original Model by jaijai ↓↓
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Kanrokuen Shuttle Bus (兼六園シャトルバス)
Created by Chitoge
北陸鉄道バス 兼六園シャトル Hokutetsu Bus -Kanrokuen Shuttle HINO QDG-KV290N1 Category: Bus Capacity: 75 Repaint from jaijai's ISUZU ERGA LV290 Original Model by jaijai ↓↓
Created by 「Mori 森」
Vent prop 3 - Medium chimney/vent
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings Inspired from one of the vanilla factories, though the model and texture are my own creation. It sticks through the roof a bit, so it looks just fine on sloped roofs. Note: I...
Vent prop 2 - Small chimney/vent
Created by Avanya
Another little prop for roofs. It's very simple but makes roofs look a little bit less naked. As the other chimneys it sticks through the roof and works well on most, if not all, types of roofs. Note: It can be found in the same prop category as the defaul...
Thai Giant Billboard (Pack)
Created by marconok19
Here is the Thai giant billboard pack! It may not seem to be a top notch thing but i hope you'll like it Created by Marconok...
Kanazawa Loop Bus: Red (城下まち金沢周遊バス)
Created by Chitoge
北陸鉄道バス 城下まち金沢周遊バス 赤色 Hokutetsu Bus -Kanazawa Loop Bus--Red HINO QDG-KV290N1 Category: Bus Capacity: 75 Repaint from jaijai's ISUZU ERGA LV290 Original Model by jaijai ↓↓
Marked Incompatible ]  Randomize Age Cims Move in
Created by Akira Ishizaki
Compatible with patch 1.4.0-f3 (SnowFall). This increases the randomization of incoming cims' initial ages. This may reduce death waves. 定期的な大量死サイクルに困ってませんか? その主な原因は、一気に開発した際に転入してくる市民達の初期年齢と彼らの寿命が、バニラではランダム性が小さくほぼ同じで、死亡時期が重なるからといわれています。 このMODはその原因の一つである、転入...
Realistic Population 2 2.2.4
Created by algernon Formerly Realistic Population Revisited Key features: Provides a more realistic simulation and gameplay experience Realistic calculatrion of building populations - no more single suburban houses with half-a-dozen families an...
Realistic Vehicle Speed
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.9.0-f5 (Green Cities) This is the realistic speed feature removed from AVO. Each vehicles will have a slight (+/-10%) variation of their speed. Also on highways, vehicles will go faster in the inside lane and slower in the...
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms
Created by Zuben
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms by Zuben Height : 6.5 ~ 8.5m Tris : 2920 나무 벚나무 벚꽃 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you like. plaese rate up. Thank you. 마음에 드시면 평가하기 눌러주세요. ...
Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
Created by algernon Check out the wiki page for additional information, descriptions, guides and FAQ. New in 2.4: Configurable cost overrides. Option to automatically lock the building level of plopped growables (requires Advanced Building Leve...
Power Storage
Created by Will
Are you tired of unpredictable green energy giving your city rolling brownouts? This mod adds a new building type that can store the excess electricity produced in times of plenty, to use in times of need. Two new buildings Flow Battery Facility Compressed...
JP Local factory 日本のローカル町工場
Created by Nabezow
The model is a factory that actually exists in Oita City, Japan. Garbage bin props are not required item. Building type : Industrial generic 2x3 L1 地元の町工場がモデルです。 実際のモデルは作業場に住居を構えた構造ですが工業アセットとしました。 必要アイテムの産廃ゴミ箱Propは必須ではありません。...
Japanese Traffic Lights (RHT) 日本風信号機MOD (右側通行用)
Created by ako_ako
More information is in LHT version page. This mod will replace Traffic Lights more Japanese looking. I edit sourcecode from American Traffic Lights by BloodyPenguin/Matt Crux. This mod is for Right-hand Traffic. Left-hand Traffic version is here. 詳細な情報は左側通...
JP Apartment ② / 日本のアパート2種
Created by koma
This is a package of 2 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 2×2. 日本各地にありそうなアパート2種パックです。 JP Casa soleil カーサ・ソレイユ Growable Residentisal Low 2×2 JP Luminous ルミナス Growable Residential Low 2×3 Both roofs are random fo...
JP Apartment 4packs / 日本のアパート4種
Created by koma
This is a package of 4 kinds of apartments that seems to exist all over Japan. Growable Residential Low 2×2. Maison du Motomachi's exterior walls are random in four colors. Otherwise, the roof is random for four colors. 日本各地にありそうなアパート4種パックです。 Growable Resi...
Old-Fashioned Japanese Rural Station (日本の田舎駅)
Created by kei_em
どこかの田舎にありそうな寂れた駅です。なお、外れにあるバス停は飾りですのでお間違えなく。 この3Dモデル、および関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Pedestrian overpass _ korea _ yunseul
Created by yunseul
Search Find It : 'bds' bds100a : base stairs both sides bds100b : base stairs one side bds100c : half stairs both side bds100d : half stairs one side bds100s10 : 10m (Extension) bds100s14 : 14m (NE2 2lane road) bds100m23 : 23m (3lane) bds100l26 : 26m (4lan...
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Mod: Nursing Homes for Senior Citizens
Created by BoostHungry
Eldercare --- No longer supported, but comments claim this still works. Post your experience in the comments so others know the state of this mod --- NOTE: Don't forget to subscribe to additional Nursing Home Assets linked below Save game compatible, add/r...
More air ducts (Pack)
Created by Avanya
All screenshots were taken with Relight and Natural Color LUT - Lighting settings A pack of 4 more variations of air ducts using the same texture as my previous ones. These are larger and great for filling in large empty rooftops. These also come as a rand...
More Effective Transfer Manager
Created by pcfantasy
Optimize transfer manager in vanilla game. match the shortest transfer bettween offers 中文简单介绍: 让货物或者服务运输更有效率 举例: 1.买家会找最近的卖家买东西,卖家会找最近的买家卖东西(绕口令:)) 2.城市服务会找最近的楼(如果能服务过来的话) Give me feedback: here What is this mod`s effect There will be less situation like t...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.7 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.1 (12th June Update) New in 2.10.7: - Auto-connect roads! If you paste a copied road over the top of an existing one, Move It will automatically connect the nodes. This can be turned off by clicking on th...
River Quay Rocks
Created by Pixel_monster
River Quay Rocks by Pixel_monster Depreciated / Comments Removed. Use new Remastered Version Instead . Link below Quay Revival Stone 8m without Footpath...
St. Mary's Cathedral, Tokyo
Created by nilepereiraa
God is in his heaven. All is right with the world St. Mary's Cathedral, also known as the Sekiguchi Catholic Church, is a Catholic church located in the Sekiguchi neighbourhood of Bunkyo, Tokyo in Japan. It was designed by Kenzo Tange and was completed in ...