Steve   Kent, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Welcome to SteveWinsIt, I'm.... Steve.
Dedicated to the most popular form of entertainment.
The goal is to enjoy as many gaming experiences as possible, having the maximum amount of fun along the way.
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15.2 horas jugadas
Steve on Half-Life 2
So, full disclosure here... I'm late to the party, really... very late to the party. Everyone's gone home.
But not you, you're reading this, which means you're later than me, therefore an even more useless string to the bow that is the human race. Unless, that is, you've already clocked it and are just looking for something to further concrete your beliefs. I'll address the latter group first. Yes, your beliefs are indeed justified and will indeed be concreted, reinforced with steel rods and surrounded in a titanium coating, ensuring you may never be told your view is incorrect. You have indeed identified a masterpiece, as just that. It is, in fact, difficult to come to terms with how much shade Half-Life throws upon it's competition... even now. The story for me was very much the star, it drew me in, and as events unfolded I felt compelled to see my the mission to it's end. This desire to complete, is compounded by great weapons, combat choices and environmental variations. The game experience never stagnates, it keeps moving and compels you, the player to do the same. From the moment you step off a train and choose whether you'll pick up 'the can', right through to it's dramatic... conclusion? you'll be glad of every moment spent. Now, I shall address the former group I mentioned earlier. 'Have you not listened to a word I've said... you'd better be downloading this right now, or so help me Gordon, I'll put your Pheropods in a vice and... I'm sure you'll understand about 15 hours from now.

Verdict: 9.8
"A true giant of the FPS genre, that will hang in the digital hall of fame for eternity as a credit to Valve and a testament to teamwork."
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"I have a cunning plan..."
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